SMILEY - A Shane Dawson Horror That Did Not Age Well

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so i typed in naked baby first of all they were sexy oh and you see that all these murders were performed by the same guy this uh smiley who wears a mask how do i look you called smiley and he came something's been awakened like something's been born he chased me and he got me he ripped my shirt what if he comes for the people who call him have you thought about that like oh my god my child moisture [Music] affection oh [ __ ] [ __ ] monkey woman you're the best i want to tell you my secret now i started seeing black people this guy named boofab commented on one of my videos and asked me to make a review on the movie smiley and apparently this is a horror movie with a bunch of youtubers in it are you serious oh that's amazing i mean that's terrible obviously but shane dawson tobuscus and a bunch of other ones so i'm very excited to see i bet it's great because you know youtubers and movies they have a really great track record this movie was released in 2012 and it has some glowing reviews online surprisingly enough this movie stars caitlyn gerard who is a relatively successful actress she was in insidious the last key she was in a movie called the wind which was pretty good smiley is uploaded in its entirety on youtube so if you want to you can go watch it for free and a lot of people commented on the movie saying like oh shane dawson was the best part about the movie i'm only here because of shane you know a bunch of stuff like that strange how times change shane is not as beloved as he used to be it was directed by michael j gallagher the same guy who made the amazing uh the thinning movies remember those with logan paul i guess he has an affinity for casting cancelled youtubers i also want to add that he made something called i hate my selfie too so i don't want to say that michael j gallagher is the worst director in history i do remember seeing some stuff about smiley online in 2012 most notably this face like the face is pretty memorable it's kind of creepy in the movie they say he has a face like that because he uh stitched his eyes together and cut his smile open why did they call him smiling because he stitched his eyes shut and carved a smile onto his face yeah that's not how you get a face like this this is basically just like wearing someone's skin after cutting holes in it i'm not sure where they got that logic from despite the fact he looks very creepy he might be the dumbest horror movie villain in existence guess how he kills you well you go onto a site called hide and go chat which is basically like omegle but obviously they couldn't use omegle and you just talk to random people and if you want to kill one of them you write three times in the chat and i quote i did it for the lulz you write that three times in the chat and then he comes out of nowhere and kills the person that you're watching i did it for the lulz l-u-l-z you know this movie's so in with the times back in 2012 it was really cool like internet talk back then the lulls you know to do something for the lulls you type i did it for the lols i did it for the what lols oh my god the movie starts with this little girl on this site and she's talking about how guys sometimes are on there without pants on some of them even do it with their pants off okay see that's why you shouldn't be on the site so that's kind of weird to start a movie with that yeah she tells her older sister about smiley and then coincidentally right afterwards this guy pops up and he types i did it for the lulz three times in the chat and uh she's like all scared right she locks her door but yeah she dies anyway smiley comes out of nowhere and kills you and then the next scene shows caitlyn gerard's character ashley the way they filmed it makes the viewer think that this is the young girl now grown up but it's not yeah that part where the girl died from smiley that happens later they they went back in time not forward in time you know our boy michael gallagher he likes to shake things up he likes to be innovative so yeah this girl named ashley goes off to college and she meets her roommate and a roommate convinces her to go to a party so they smoke little weeds i think i'm high on your marijuana and then they go to the party and there's this guy there who loves the word [ __ ] he says it a bunch in this movie [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] so i'm just gonna call him [ __ ] he literally says is god strange or [ __ ] so is god strange or [ __ ] yeah there's a bunch of weird scenes where they try and be philosophical and that the tiniest most infinitesimal change in the weight of just one type of subatomic particle any kind of particle would mean no universe in a movie about a serial killer that'll kill you if you type i did it for the lulls three times and let's just ignore the fact that saying something or typing something three times is played out it's tired you bye-bye his name five times candy man bloody mary you gotta say my name three times stop doing this betelgeuse did it and it was interesting and unique when beetlejuice did it but now it's it's not cool so just don't do that anymore please so yeah ashley meets uh shane dawson at this party and he plays a character named bender what's up i'm bender yeah that's a strange name i've never heard that name before in my life i guess i just decided to give him a weird name because he's playing a weirdo you know like like a nerd a nerdy guy and then the other guys at the party start calling him pedobear what are you doing here pedobear you're a pedobear bear remember pito bear like the meme and to call shane dawson pitobear of all people this child was probably six years old and she shows me her instagrams which are like first of all i don't know if i'm allowed to say this but like she's like sexy what the [ __ ] is this oh willow oh i'll whip your hair back and forth oh what are you doing here pedobear good job lucy but next time shake your titties more and lucy i check my statistics and i have a lot of child molesters watching so can you please eat a cocktail weenie do it slow i'm going to jail i love little girls they make me feel good this movie didn't age well so at this party uh we get to see the same girl die from smiley from the beginning of the movie yeah like it happens again we see it from the guy's perspective who kills her the next day ashley goes to class and we meet toby turner's character his name is mark and he plays like a nobody in this movie yeah he's basically just in this movie to be in this movie he's just a random student in this class that makes comments every once in a while so then ashley starts talking to her teacher the teacher in this movie is really weird like he hits on ashley in one scene are you hitting on me what oh and then in another scene he's like hey i have some whiskey in this drawer and he starts drinking it he's like don't tell anybody it'll be our little secret and then he starts talking about how life is ultimately meaningless and people are inherently evil and yeah he's a big doomer we're rats on a ship everything's gonna end i guess that would make him a doomer boomer so ashley and her roommate are trying to figure out whether or not this smiley thing is real so they go on to this anonymous chat room find a random dude and they have him killed for the lols for the lols and then we get another scene in the classroom toby turner is just as kooky as ever now that we have this notion of what we think is true what do we do next i'll test it girl so ashley goes to the library and she runs into shane dawson uh sorry bender yeah his name is bender i'm just gonna call him shane dawson okay shane reveals to ashley that the other guys call him pito bear because he reported child porn that they posted online because he didn't think it was funny smiley's part of the reason they don't like me like when i reported the child porn they posted on b i don't know i just don't think stuff like that is ever funny so they started calling him peto when they were the ones that posted it that makes sense and what was that he doesn't think it's funny i don't know i just don't think stuff like that is ever funny i said oh this is funny and i put it on the internet here's my justification for pedophilia i can't so why is it when somebody looks at a google's like naked baby on google and jerks off to it they can get arrested i don't understand because i said oh this is funny and i put it on the internet oh i write got that chalk that we need oh it tastes so good do you like an asian like shauna i really want her to have a channel and she has a lot of fans and like she doesn't know what she's doing she doesn't know how to make a video she's black she doesn't even know how to she just slaps her keyboard it's like all the evil around the internet found one place to hide you know where it's invited i don't know i just don't think stuff like that is ever funny could have fooled me so they go to another party and ashley reveals to [ __ ] that they had someone killed using smiley so ashley starts walking home and then she gets chased by smiley and then she wakes up it was all a dream or was it or was it a dream if it wasn't a dream smiley must have picked her up and put her into her bed all snuggled up under the covers and left her there very nice of him this movie has some of the worst jump scares i've ever seen with a really obnoxious like cool and then there's some more classroom scenes because those are invigorating and have a lot to do with the plot except they don't like at all they could have cut like all of the classroom scenes and it would have ultimately been the same movie i will give it props that it's very similar to being in a real college classroom as long as it's a class that you don't care about because i couldn't help but zone out half the time we know that the physical laws that govern the universe are specific and that the tiniest most infinitesimal change in the way to be just one type of subatomic particle any kind of verb everything the teacher said but in one ear and out the other because i knew it didn't matter they talk about the purpose of mankind and everything it's like why this movie is about this creepy guy that kills you online for the lols i don't care about the purpose of mankind right now it's just empty air this movie is only an hour and a half to begin with so they're like filling it up with stuff just to make it into a feature-length film this should have been like a half hour short i must admit that this movie did something very well it reminded me how much i hated school and something that i wish that i had during these really long lectures are discreet air buds thank you raycon for sponsoring this video raycon makes some of the best earbuds on the market and they start at about half the price of other premium audio brands i use them every single day when i walk my dogs but you can use them for whatever you want whether it be working out listening to podcasts music they're great for pretty much anything i love them because there's no dangly bits you can hardly even tell that you're wearing them their everyday e25 earbuds are their best model yet with up to six hours of playtime seamless bluetooth pairing more bass and a more compact design you just can't go wrong with raycon they come in a bunch of different colors so click the link at the top of the description go to buy raycon dot com slash elvis the alien to get 15 off your order thank you so much to raycon for sponsoring this video i really appreciate it now back to your regular scheduled uh making fun of movies online thing that i'm doing later ashley goes on 4chan to find the smiley kill videos because of course they would be on 4chan where else would they be so then ashley talks to smiley online and he's like hey you want me to come over i'm sure it'll be a great time and she's like nah and then he goes too bad i'm coming over anyway this is the cheesiest horror villain ever like i preferred the drone from the drone movie yeah he was better than smiley because at least he didn't kill for the lulls so yeah then we get the scene of ashley meeting up with her weird ass teacher i don't know why i know i wouldn't want to talk to this guy they talk about a bunch of meaningless stuff that has absolutely nothing to do with the movie you were talking about in class the other day about computers being conscious do you think that's really possible yeah sure yeah why not i frankly i i think it's more likely that we'll all just kill each other before something that interesting occurs nuclear weapons or bio weapons or nano machines or just plain old resource depletion what is it that the kids say it's the perfect expression of nihilism you know what i'm talking about oh i did it for the i did it for the yeah i did it for the lulz [Laughter] are you serious is that why you are here ashley do you want to do something for the lulz [Applause] is that why you're here ashley do you want to do it for the lulz so the script is pretty great and then she sees smiley in a mirror is she hallucinating smiling in this movie is just non-stop bad dreams and hallucinations there's a bunch of them just pops up all over the place but never in real life unless he's summoned online and then you see him for like one second but that's not until the big reveal at the end and prepare yourself guys it's a pretty big reveal ashley talks to the police and um yeah they basically just make fun of her please you need to see a psychiatrist so the police tell ashley that she is one of many people that called in about smiley and she's the first one that they took seriously enough to see her in person and nobody's called in about smiling oh we've had a few calls about this smiley character but yours is the first one that we've taken seriously enough to have this talk but then they completely contradict themselves right afterwards when they show her a video of her freaking out and bashing her computer in the library over 5 million views since yesterday and they do this as a way to like dismiss her claims as crazy so why did they see her again to humiliate her by showing her this video they also tell her that there have been no bodies that have been found connected to the smiley crimes you haven't found a single body we find bodies all the time we just haven't found one to fit the description that you gave and then the cop goes i'm not gonna press charges against you for wasting our time so we're not gonna press charges against you for wasting our time but you just said that she was the first person you took seriously enough to see clearly that wasn't true you're wasting your own time at this point if you knew about this video beforehand and if you knew that there weren't any bodies to connect to the crime then why bother seeing her in the first place but yours is the first one that we've taken seriously enough to have this talk you liar so then ashley and shane hang out shane's like a loser in this movie i guess and he says the dungeon master never gets the princess this is the dungeon i am the dungeon master unfortunately the dungeon master never gets the princess oh hey being a total nerd is good for something right you're not a nerd and they kiss and it's very awkward there's zero chemistry i wish that they would stop kissing please stop so ashley her friend and [ __ ] were all supposed to have a video chat but [ __ ] didn't show up so ashley goes to retard's house instead of turning on the lights she walks around with a flashlight because they gotta keep the movie spooky somehow and apparently smiley wrote i did it for the lols on the wall god imagine if the smiley character was real everybody online would just make fun of him so then ashley finds [ __ ] dead on the floor ashley sees his gun there so she picks it up and leaves with it she calls the police in hysterics about finding a dead person and they just laugh at her ah miss brooks is this another of one of your friends from cyberspace wow so ashley goes on a computer and starts talking to her roommate and she tells a roommate to type do it for the laws three times in chat and her plan is to shoot smiley when he shows up so her friend does this and ashley shoots him right when he opens the door doesn't try verifying who it is just shoots the first person that walks in and it just happened to be shane not smiley so she shot shane he's lying there dying she walks up to him and they're talking and smiley pops up out of nowhere and cuts shane's throat right in front of ashley she didn't see him coming how is that possible she was right there so yeah smiley chases her upstairs actually the smileys chase her upstairs because there's a bunch of them they corner her in a room and she just jumps out the window i'm not sure why the smileys have spandex covering their faces they look way creepier without the spandex on them but i guess it doesn't hurt to put a mask on your mask yeah in the big twist everyone was in on it regardless of it not being a fresh idea it's also very stupid and when i mean everyone i mean everyone shane her roommate [ __ ] the people that were killed by smiley all of them were in on it and apparently their goal was to make smiley like this really popular online serial killer smile would be around longer than any of us you know he's like the pyramids or the great work of william shakespeare it's kind of crazy the lengths that they went to fake all of this like i'm pretty sure they went harder than anyone else did in history the people that try and fake bigfoot or anything else nothing on these people they planned this so meticulously that they gave shane a fake neck and a bulletproof vest that will like have blood spurt out or this gun has rubber bullets in it and when shame was shot he just like put some blood there and he chewed on a blood pill in his mouth you know to make it look like he was shot and dying very convincing and he had the rubber neck for for one smiley slits his throat so much effort for so little reward i don't understand why do they want to terrorize this girl so bad i don't get it and what if she didn't pick up the gun i guess he had the bulletproof vest and blood and all that just in case they did all of this just to convince one person that smiley is real what a waste of time and effort wouldn't they want to do something more grand you know and why aren't they like really upset that ashley just jumped out of a window and killed herself it was an accident but we're still calling it a win for anonymous one they want her to stay alive so she spreads the rumor of smiley and if it was an accident like they claim then what were they planning on doing if she didn't jump out the window were they just gonna leave because it looks like they were about to kill her or maybe they would just magically put her to sleep like they did in that other scene ashley's friend says to [ __ ] are we bad people are we bad people um what of course you are you're like some of the worst people out there you are tormenting this girl for ultimately no reason other than your own sick perverted enjoyment and what if she hadn't died and she was able to spread the message of smiley their friends were killed by smiley in front of this girl so they would have to keep the act up right if she wasn't dead would these people just have to hide away forever from ashley in order to keep up the story and what if ashley told other people and you wanted them to believe it too then these people would have to remain dead to like this entire area of people that know about smiley and well if you did become a legend then these people are ultimately dead you know permanently i just don't understand their logic it makes no sense if you knew the plan then why would you ever decide to be one of the victims of smiley because then anybody could like find you and take a picture of you with their cell phone and be like yeah it's all hoax and apparently the girl from the beginning of the movie was in on it too so are you telling me that she locked her door and looked all frightened for no reason was she acting apparently she was acting i mean i get acting in front of the computer where ashley can see you because you want to make it look real but then why lock her door if she had nothing to fear it makes no sense shane was in on it this whole time and these people are his friends the same people that called him a pito bear at a party with a bunch of people around your pedobear and they weren't whispering it they made it very well known this guy he's a pedo i'm not sure that was necessary if their goal was to get ashley closer to shane calling him a pedo in front of her yeah i'm not sure that's the best method there aren't a lot of people that would want to befriend a pedo but apparently ashley is an exception so they got lucky this whole thing was a very unnecessarily elaborate and stupid plan while talking to ashley's roommate [ __ ] puts in the chat i did it for the lulls three times as like a joke and smiley pops up out of nowhere and kills her yeah that was really stupid because you just spent this whole time trying to convince me that it was all a hoax that smiley was entirely made up but now you're telling me that that's not true and that smiley is real oh okay now i'm very confused so yeah smiley i guess is real then and we get no answers why does he kill people when you type i did it for the lulls three times i guess we will never know how does he get summoned anyway he pops up within seconds after someone types it three times so he must be supernatural cool so there's like a random smiley ghost thing i can't believe i'm trying to make sense of this movie because it's so stupid and how did she see smiley in a mirror in that one scene was that the real smiley because they show a window as if this is where smiley escaped from but if you watch it back clearly smiley disappears so i'm not really sure what they were trying to make you think here oh yeah and after the credits it appears that ashley isn't dead after all cool as if that makes the movie any better were they trying to hint at a sequel wow it's kind of a shame too because i think the design of the smiley character is actually kind of creepy it's just what they decide to do with him it's so stupid because i mean there's only one reason to troll [Applause] foreign i quickly want to update you on the crazy stuff that's been going on with my clothing line alien clothing we've been picked up by zoomies canada i know it's kind of insane so yeah our stuff is live up on their website and we're working with the new printing company that they recommended to us which is a huge upgrade from what we were doing before and there's free shipping on all canadian and us orders over a hundred dollars there's limited stock so if you're interested you might want to go pick up something quickly i'm so excited about this new chapter of alien clothing and i hope you guys are too and i gotta thank you guys so much for all the support over the years it means so much to me without you guys this definitely would have never happened so thank you so much so yeah guys i guess that'll do it thank you so much for watching let me know what you want me to review in the next video in the comments down below i promise that people ruin everything is not dead i'm just procrastinating because wouldn't you procrastinate if these were videos that you had to make but yeah people ruined undertale will be made eventually so keep an eye out for that and thank you so much to raycon for sponsoring this video subscribe to my second channel called alienbacon if you want to see me react to a bunch of internet stuff like i used to and i'll see you guys in the next video in the meantime don't forget to do it for the lols [Music] oh
Channel: Elvis The Alien
Views: 1,563,285
Rating: 4.9581995 out of 5
Keywords: smiley, shane dawson, shanedawson, elvis the alien, elvisthealien, movie review
Id: ZmSvefqTqmc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 55sec (1555 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 03 2020
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