The Season That Killed American Horror Story

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Can we get a TL;DW? Iā€™m not watching a 40 minute video lol

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 11 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/curiousrut šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Dec 06 2019 šŸ—«︎ replies

I never really get the whole "I didn't like this one season so I'll probably never like the show again" thing... I mean it's still an anthology at the end of the day. And I totally disagree with him on Freak Show, but to each their own.

Can't deny though, I agree with a lot of what he said about the connections and the number of characters wasted or shoe horned in.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 10 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/MonicaBe šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Dec 07 2019 šŸ—«︎ replies

I didn't even get halfway through it. A lot of the stuff he's complaining about happening for no reason was explained in the show. He's talking about he doesn't understand why cordelia asked to bring queenie back but she didn't. Michael did that of his own volition to prove he could take the seven wonders test. Why did a robot randomly kill stu? That's explained.

He'd know what was going on if he actually paid attention. He may not like it still, but most, if not all of his confusion was explained in the show.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 6 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/ella_strange šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Dec 08 2019 šŸ—«︎ replies

Is this your channel. I'm not watching a full 40 minute video of an unfunny and boring sounding guy. If I wanted to do that I'd make my own channel.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 4 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/rolly_the_holy šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Dec 07 2019 šŸ—«︎ replies

I loved this season but I had to agree that quite a few parts didn't make sense (which I just chalked up to shoddy writing)... Elvis did bring up a good question: does anyone know where those apples came from? Or why/how Michael orchestrated the mass murder? Maybe I'm just really dense but I didn't get it at all...

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 1 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/sad_riot šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Dec 09 2019 šŸ—«︎ replies
today we are going to be looking at American Horror Story more like American horrible story got'em this is kind of like my Game of Thrones video because I really liked Game of Thrones I really sucked making that video and I also really liked American Horror Story this one season though it's awful oh my god it's so it's so bad American Horror Story is legitimately terrible now and this is coming from someone who once enjoyed the show I didn't think it was the greatest thing on earth but it was fun you know the acting was good the twists were fun it was just a fun show before and now it's a stupid show I will probably make some hardcore fans really mad at me in this video so I'm sorry but just hear me out okay before we get into the main course here's some little appetizers for you this is what I thought of all the seasons prior to this one just to be clear it's been a while since I've seen some of these seasons so I might not be remembering them all correctly and feel free to let me know your opinions of these seasons in the comments down below because I know you're going to do that anyway and I'm probably wrong about something in this video so please let me know what I'm wrong about hey Elvis your opinion suck this is why yeah opinion time no but for real it's fine I think it's fun seeing all these people tell me what they think about a certain thing because ultimately that's why I'm doing this you know it's a discussion if the discussion was me saying something you replying and then me never saying anything back I liked Murder House I thought it was fun I loved Asylum I don't know why I just remember really liking it for whatever reason I thought it had an interesting story the characters were good the acting was good kept me engaged the entire time I thought coven was pretty good I started to get bored about halfway through but I think it's still a solid season freakshow is excellent at least for like the first five episodes and then it plummets drastically I'm not sure which episode it is but once twisty the clown died the season died with him they introduced a new bad guy and it's just like why you could have just kept twisty till the end because he was literally the only interesting thing about that season I guess the writers didn't know that so hotel starts out pretty good but then the third act is extremely boring and I felt like there were a lot of moments in that season that were just kind of dumb I'm not sure if this is an unpopular opinion or anything but I kind of liked Roanoke I thought it was a clever take on the whole reality show thing thought it was pretty good cult I thought was a little bit too heavy-handed with its politics and then it becomes super predictable it's basically the tale of like a modern-day Charles Manson if he had blue hair and he really likes Trump and as for Apocalypse Wow the show had its up and downs you know but this season went so far down that it went to visit Satan and I'm not even joking this season is about Satan let me get the one thing that I liked about apocalypse out of the way the acting for the most part was pretty decent for the most part there are some scenes that make me want to drag my teeth across concrete but you know for the most part I haven't seen this newest season 1984 yet but if it's anything like apocalypse I just don't care about this show anymore and it's a damn shame because they had some pretty creative ideas in the past Apocalypse is so weird because it comes across like a love letter to all the American Horror Story fanatics out there if the letter just had a bunch of references to better of seasons and it was covered in [ __ ] then yeah that's what you get that's what apocalypse is if you haven't seen any of the other seasons and apocalypse is definitely not the season to start watching or to watch at all in my opinion but and it's not even like the Star Wars thing you know how like the force awakens was basically a new hope but just a new version for the new generation well apocalypse didn't really copy any of its previous work instead they take the characters from previous seasons and they tried desperately to kind of like piece some of them together in order to form this new season and it doesn't work at all because all of the previous seasons you can watch them by themselves and they all make sense by themselves they're all standalone yes some of them have little Easter eggs here and there being like oh hey remember this season that that was a pretty good season remember this one like the clown doll from cult but they never really did like a full crossover until now and I definitely think they shouldn't have done that the first episode is called the end which is kind of ironic because it probably should have ended here I don't care enough to remember these characters names and it's kind of funny because the show doesn't care about these characters either and they proved that like three episodes in but I'm getting ahead of myself so I'll be giving these characters my own names so starts with this woman getting a haircut I'm just gonna call it barb that's a shortened version of Barbara by the way I just feel like she looks like a barb I don't know and she's getting her haircut done by a Fieri a warning comes up on Barb's phone telling her that there's an inbound missile crisis what the [ __ ] it's [ __ ] barb says oh it's probably just a hoax but then her dad facetimes her and tells her it's real and when she's talking to her family she holds her phone out at arm's length which doesn't look very comfortable hey mom yeah okay yep who holds their phone like this no one that's who her dad says your mother and I love you very much but then this guy comes into frame he just kind of came out of nowhere and he doesn't look very concerned about his imminent death instead he looks like he has a stomachache so her dad tells her that there are four spots available for them in this underground bunker somewhere that he paid for just in case of a disaster thanks dad and he's giving them all to her because it's too late for them then you hear the bomb go off and they die barb doesn't really seem to care that she just watched her family get eviscerated which is I don't know that's kind of strange I think most people like even Hitler would care if they watched their family get blown up but not barb so then barb her assistant gay Fieri and his grandma all go to the airport you would assume that the airport would be mobbed with people right now that the traffic would be absolutely insane if he will found out that there were bombs heading towards them most people will be trying to fly out of there but they get there just fine so that's kind of weird I mean yeah they do run into someone but the cracked windshield didn't seem to impede their driving at all and apparently people are just killing each other on the streets because that's what people would do if they had like five minutes left to live Barb's random boyfriend was left behind and she has no soul so she calls him up and she's like yeah well I'm just gonna break up with you sorry let's go and they all fly away and then we get this random scene of like these men in black snatching up this guy because he has a good genetic makeup for survival whatever that means and they know about this because he gave his DNA to an ancestry website okay that I guess that works and apparently the men in black could only snatch up two people I'm just gonna call them Jeff and Jess it seems to me this whole scheme wasn't all that worth it if you just got two people out of it so they bring Jeff and Jess to this underground bunker where all the other people are so then they meet this woman named William Ben about em all will have been a minimal will have been a minimal I will I mean available welcome to outpost three what is it Russian Asgardian what is what a nightmare her life must be when she has to give her name to like a customer service representative somewhere hello my computer isn't working I'm calling because I need to get it fixed yeah sure can I get your name yeah it's a will I mean a bit of all what so this underground bunker is called outpost 3 it's a bomb shelter that was once a subterranean boy school so right away that doesn't make any goddamn sense we find out later that was actually an underground school for warlocks cooperative to whom we owe our eternal gratitude took ownership and converted it once they realized what was coming you would assume that if this whole operation was funded by the 1% that they would just build their own bomb shelters instead of relying on a random underground school but that doesn't matter let's keep going so there's this group called the co-operative basically it's just a group of the world's elites the smartest people on earth and the richest people on earth co-operative is not made up of Nations or armies it's a collection of the dozen greatest minds mankind has to offer it's basically just the Illuminati and they only managed to salvage like ten people in this outpost I guess that's all it can hold I don't know it looks pretty big to me most of whom are narcissistic and stupid one of which is an elderly woman I guess these people got in because they could pay for it and it was really expensive so ultimately what you get is a bunch of really entitled people because they're all rich and then Jeff and Jess and I don't use electricity now post three because technology bad technology is what destroyed the world social media gave people the illusion they were equal but that's all been swept away will it be NAB in a ball says that social media tricks people into thinking that they're all equal when they're not [Music] when in fact social media does the opposite social media gives people a glimpse into the lives of thousands of strangers a lot of them being very talented and better than you social media is very good at making people feel inadequate not equal in this outpost there are three levels of hierarchy the greys or the worker bees / slaves the Purple's or the nobility and then there's the cooperative and they wear black but they don't call themselves the blacks because I'm guessing that would not be appropriate but then Jeff sees the number 666 written out on a mirror I guess this is foreshadowing the satanic [ __ ] that is about to happen to this series this cooperative lady I'm just gonna call her grumpy because she almost always plays the grumpy one in this show the group's sitting down having dinner and she tells them that there has been a radiation spike in the room that they're sitting in whatever the [ __ ] that means radioactive contamination grave risk to our entire community so she takes gay fierie and this other random gay dude hoses them down and then kills this random gay guy it turns out that she killed him not because he's radioactive but because she's evil how did you manage it it's due in the Geiger counter easy set the sensitivity to 10 you could make anyone sound like Chernobyl and then we find out later that she's a robot so why did she kill him is it an evil robot was this the Terminator I can understand a human killing another human randomly you know they can be crazy maybe they have like this lust for power or something I don't know but this is a robot she's just like I feel like it human bad turns out that Willy and grumpy aren't abiding by the rules that the co-operative had set for them they're just doing their own thing and apparently will emit a mini-mall is power-hungry and she doesn't like men and what I'm just doing my best with the mess men made of things so then for shits and giggles or whatever will let me know Mehta mall and grumpy feed stew in a stew to the rest of the group this random gay guy yeah his name was Stu they they cooked him and put him in a stew I'm guessing just because they're both called stew the stew is stew they also find these random snakes they kill them and serve them for dinner then they come to life again oh it's boogie no explanation why I'm guessing just because Satan likes snakes for some reason snakes make an appearance in this show here and there I guess wherever Satan's involved there snakes but I don't get why you kill a snake it'll just come back maybe Satan doesn't like when snakes die so he's like okay they're alive again so 18 months pass and they all start bickering about how they're running out of food but somehow they still have makeup and lip gloss the co-operative had weird priorities it looks like so this random man from the cooperative shows up outside about post three speak to visible in a horse-drawn carriage that's kind of weird how are these horses alive they stated earlier that this nuclear winter came and finished off everything that was alive nuclear winter came and it finished off anything the bombs had left a lot they must have kept the horses in another outpost with them do they have an underground farm look at this dude he's very cute he even made sure that put some makeup on before going to outpost three you know you got to look good for the apocalypse he kind of looks like a bicurious like rock singer from the 80s or something it kind of looks like Axl Rose not fat Axl Rose young Axl Rose he kind of reminds heard the lead singer from the darkness the only difference says this guy doesn't believe in a thing called love his real name is Michael Langdon but that's kind of boring so I'm just gonna call him The Darkness cuz in this show he's he's like the spawn of Satan or something so darkness tells the occupants of outpost 3 that he's there to bring someone back to this place called the sanctuary this one's completely impregnable and stocked with enough supplies to last a decade you are here to take us there I've been assigned to evaluate the people here and select the ones most worthy of survival because all the other outposts are being overrun and he's going around trying to find people to save but how are these outposts getting overrun if there's nothing left on the surface then darkness starts to interview all the occupants we get to learn about their lives before the apocalypse but it doesn't matter gay fierie bones some random guy in a leather suit he has no idea who it is but I guess he's horny or something Jeff and Jeff sneak into the darkness room when he's not there and they find his laptop and apparently he's able to send emails to the other people of the co-operative with this laptop underground when there's no electricity after the apocalypse okay then I guess he can control the internet with his Wizarding powers what I'm struggling here dude like help me out here writers help me out here please this scene would have worked so much better if they just found a notebook that he's been writing in because then it would kind of make sense and apparently the mysterious man the leather suit is spider-man [Music] Neph ingest find out through the darkness 'as laptop that grumpy and will limit a minimal haven't been following the rules so then we get a scene of Wilhemina minimal and the darkness talking in a room the darkness is like we know what you're doing you're not that special blah blah blah and then we find out she has a [ __ ] up spine part of your cooperation includes a physical examination you can read my file your file won't show me what I need to see yeah she has scoliosis for literally no reason in the show one of the rules that grumpy and Wilhemina minimum all set was no sex under punishment of death so if you bone someone they're killing you sounds like a great place spending the rest of your life so then Jeff and Jess are caught sleeping in the same bed together they did have sex but grumpy and Wilhemina met them all have no way of knowing this so I guess they just kind of assumed is cuddling against the rules too do you get killed for cuddling they don't have any proof so it's kind of messed up and they definitely don't have security cameras so the darkness is really mean to gafieira and gay Fieri thought that the guy in the leather suit was the darkness and the darkness that it wasn't him then gay Fieri finds the guy in the leather suit they're about to have sex and he thinks it's the darkness so he stabs him to death only to woke up out of nowhere and find out that it's his grandma oh oh but they told us like a hundred times that he hates his grandma and his grandma hates him like they literally hate each other it's guts I mean yeah it sucks killing her like this but who cares there's no police you're not going to jail and she was really old anyway I guess it's just for like the shock factor Jess and Jeff are about to be executed for cuddling but then they fight back Jeff shoots grumpy and that's when we find out that she's a machine and that's when she finds out that she's a machine as well darkness interviews the rest of the occupants learn more and more about them and their desires and their flaws we find out that Barb's random assistant girl with boner hair has superpowers let me go don't be afraid Mallory I'm offering you a chance to live he's like a witch or something then we learned that the darkness also has superpowers and it has something to do with Satan he's a Satan worshiper warlock the show then tries to make us sympathize with grumpy the cyborgs by showing us her implanted memories of her fake childhood in the most detail but literally no one cares no one asked for that but show us anyway I guess remember Barb's boyfriend from the first episode yeah you probably don't but he's back now now he looks like this he survived this whole time he's been outside he's just survived well I'm just trying to find my girlfriend we got separated back in LA when everything went to hell I've been on her trail for about a year now he's been out there for more than a year even though he was in the same area that his girlfriend was in when the blast went off you could even see the bomb so I'm pretty sure he would definitely be dead by now with the cooperative's send a carriage with apples and then a box full of apples is delivered to outpost 3 via another horse-drawn carriage and there's no driver it just got there magically I mean yeah the darkness probably did it with his magic powers but it's still so dumb Barbie's boyfriend somehow got underneath this carriage and wrote it to the destination I mean at first I thought he killed the rider but if he didn't kill the rider how'd he get underneath the carriage one of the blacks go outside he kills one of them and gets inside I don't know who that person was probably one of the guards that we just never got introduced to will let me in a mini-mall and grumpy baked up this plan to kill everyone including the darkness by poisoning the apples and holding a Halloween party so all these people will eat the apples and and kill themselves we will have a Halloween soiree and later on we're supposed to believe that the darkness had all this planned out that he knew that William grumpy would want to do this so he had the apples delivered and then he made them poison everyone did you enjoy executing the poison apples plan as much as I enjoyed coming up with it you wouldn't everyone dead I've never been a fan of getting my hands dirty it shows him as this like demigod almost he's so powerful that he can do anything to anyone he can kill witches like in an instant so why would he have any trouble killing these people himself was he just like trolling them was this fun for him well he's just like oh I'm gonna do all this random stuff for fun like I'm gonna use my magic to have apples delivered to this outpost because I know that these two people are poison everyone instead of just killing them all myself in an instant like why would he go through all the trouble he's probably just really bored sir Barb's boyfriend infiltrates this party with the mask barb thinks it's the darkness for whatever reason so they go into this room oh my god Brock [ __ ] did you get in here what happened to your face radioactive fallout the guy takes off the mask he's like hey it's me you dumb [ __ ] I'm here to kill you stab stab stab now you're dead so he kills barb and then all the other occupants that we spent this entire time learning about die by eating out there and then Wilhemina minimal dives because darkness forces grumpy with his superpowers to shoot would have been a minimal so then everyone's dead except for grumpy Threepio and darkness grumpy and darkness have this connection because when the darkness was growing up his guardian looked like this grumpy robot thing so he wanted her to live so then three witches from the coven come out of nowhere and resurrect three of the occupants and the rest of the show no joke is about what leads up to this point they go all the way back in time to Murder House the first season remember when the Satan's spawn child was born and he killed someone and that's when the season ended it was like oh my god that's so crazy that a child would kill someone well they just had to expand on that and they did in the worst way by combining all these different seasons we find out that Michael Langdon or The Darkness or whatever is a Satan spawn and he did all this evil stuff when he was growing up he went to this warlock school and they taught him stuff and then there's this whole thing with the witches from the coven and then he becomes the new supreme because he's super powerful and that witches are like aw but we're more powerful than warlocks and the Warlocks were like but not not this not this guy he's more powerful than you he's gonna be the new supreme and then the witches are like ah no way he's gonna go through this test they put him through a test and hope he's the new supreme now then they slowly find out that he's a Satan spawn and he does evil things they don't want to put Satan in a position of power but they already did so they're all screwed and then the show just kind of like fumbles around trying to make sense of what they're doing like they even have a call back to hotel because they have to do something with this this random wish that died there who the hell are you my name is Michael Langdon and I'm here to do for you what your supreme couldn't I don't even know why they did that because she doesn't really serve her purpose in the show aside from just being there like oh she's here why who knows I guess the supreme witch lady wanted to get as many wishes as she could to help fight against the darkness but didn't end up working the darkness just like goes in and kills them all anyway so that's a lot of lead up to nothing now don't get me wrong I appreciate that the writers are trying to expand on the lore of the show and I kind of like that all the seasons take place in the same universe but they linked them up in the worst way and in a show like this when every single season can stand alone when randomly you make it so you have to had watch a previous season to understand this currency's and it kind of throws off the whole groove of the show and it makes it super messy because the seasons that were not supposed to make sense together are now randomly supposed to so then you have these writers trying their best to be like so this happens to this and then this happens to this because of this and then from this season you can take this character and then put in this and it becomes a huge [ __ ] omelet they're trying to make an omelet but oh [ __ ] who put the poop in the omelet it was the writers the writers [ __ ] in the omelet I liked the idea of using Michael Langdon in the show I do I think it's creative but the way that they did it is just awful they start this show by establishing all these characters and as someone who has watched the previous seasons you're getting ready to invest yourself in these characters you're expecting them to grow and learn things over time you're expecting things to happen to them over the course of the show I was expecting to see the sanctuary I was expecting to see other outposts what was the outside world like that would be kind of cool you know what actually did happen instead of telling us one thing and showing us another but instead they introduced these characters show the apocalypse and then kill off all the characters and then go back in time and then try and get us invested in this new character that comes out of nowhere I was already interested in what was happening to these other characters but now they're all dead so why do I care about this new character give me a reason why because he does some spooky thing in a room with his face oh we find out he's from a previous season oh now I care huh remember remember that one time wouldn't that thing happen to this character and this you can't establish a bunch of characters and then kill them all off three episodes later and expect me to be just as invested in the show as it was before it's not only confusing because some of these characters have the same actor and I know that this is a reoccurring thing that happens in American Horror Story an actor will play multiple roles and it works most of the time but now imagine a new season that's combining other seasons when this new season has those same actors and actresses so now you're pulling other characters that these other actors have already played and you're plopping them into this new season when they're playing another character you have Sarah Paulsen playing three roles Evan Peters then plays a fourth role later on in the season so much these people are good at acting but the writers are [ __ ] it they are [ __ ] the series I just found it so weird that they made it absolutely necessary for you to watch three previous seasons in order to understand this new one when none of the other seasons were like that that would be like if black mirror made a new episode and they were like alright let's take the two guys from striking Vipers and put them in the USS Callister and see how they would survive you know in the computer world you know if they were stuck there forever doing their sex thing and let's not explain at all where these characters are from so if you if you watch this new one and you haven't seen the other ones you'll be completely confused it's brilliant if they absolutely had to introduce all these characters and then kill them off right away they should have done it in the first episode they should have introduced them all had them do all this stuff don't even bother with their backstories just have them all die off right away and then go ahead with your haul which is in warlock shenanigans because if you killed them off right away then you have the viewer being like whoa so we're doing that all these people that you just showed me are dead okay what's gonna happen next because then you're not really invested in these characters yet and it's not that big a deal you know to go to episode to get introduced to new characters and have the story keep going and then you can kind of like roll back into the first one later on don't bother teaching me about the relationship between this gay kid and his self-serving homophobic grandma if you're just gonna kill them both off and then they randomly put in Stevie Nicks as like this witch that comes on nowhere and sings a song and then she leaves for the rest of the show there was absolutely no reason for her to be in the show but she is first on reason and the song is so awkward and it's not even a good song and then they do this thing when they're trying to piece together all these different seasons by telling us that Michael Langdon aged 10 years overnight just because he's the spawn of Satan as if he was in hurry to get somewhere age-wise they don't explain why it just happens because magic she wakes up the next morning and he's like a full-grown adult it's it's very very dumb and it's just a way for them to like piece together the actresses and their ages and why why go through all the effort to try and make this work when it doesn't work it doesn't work they even say it perfectly in the show if something isn't working it's supposed to just cut the cord more than half of this entire season is just backstory and Exposition and just explaining a bunch of [ __ ] to the audience to try and connect these previous seasons it's it's so dumb and they included the word douchenozzle in the script I'm not joking the word douchenozzle was included in this script just because we have a president who's a total douche nozzle and he script with the word douche nozzle in it is automatically a failure I'm sorry in episode 9 they send a witch back in time but they're afraid that she might die but early in the show the main witch brought back to life these other witches so if she died you could just bring her back so here's where we get to the meat and the potatoes of the show the apocalypse how did it happen the big question well here's how it happened the darkness or Michael Langdon was somehow able to convince the elites of the world to just send the nukes just shoot nukes all over the world and the world he convinced them to do this he is apparently in this illogical universe all the elites of the world are Satanists so they all automatically just agree with him because he says that he's a spawn of Satan what they just agree with them they're like okay when they do this whole thing where Michael Langdon like meets up with all these Satanist people in this church this Satanist Church and they all accept that he's the Antichrist you know he's the one that's gonna bring about the end times just because he has like a scar like a 666 scar behind his ear what in this day and age anybody can fake anything there's no [ __ ] way that's what I'm trying to say there's no [ __ ] way that these people would just agree to destroy the world because of this guy I'm sorry it's not like he like burned one of them alive in front of the others or anything it's not like he forced them to do it he just kind of shows up and they're like yeah let's do it [ __ ] it I don't care destroy the world so the witches end up killing Michael Langdon in the dumbest way possible so one of the witches shoots him and he dies but then Satan is like lolno and brings him back ok so he's alive again so their trump card is to use a spell to bring one of the witches back in time in order to kill Michael Langdon before he becomes super powerful so she goes back into the past runs him over the car and then he dies but why didn't Satan bring him back this time I don't get it if Satan brought him back before why didn't he bring him back then - he's like the controller of Hell when he go to hell why wouldn't Satan just be like I thought what they were going to do you know in order to stop Satan from bringing him back I thought that woman would bring him into the murder house you know to trap his soul in there because it's like an evil house and that way Satan couldn't bring him back so he'd be trapped in the murder house forever but she didn't bring him to the house [Music] so I guess Satan just doesn't like younger version of Michael Langdon he likes the older version the older version is worth bringing back we're not the younger one so they spend this entire show wrapping up loose ends you know taking this season in this season and this season this season or wrapping them together in order to do something with this baby for a murder house because we have to do something with this baby for murder house for whatever reason so they do all that they make this [ __ ] show called apocalypse and then at the end in this new reality without Michael Langdon Satan just has Jeff and Jess make a different Satan spawn they have a baby and it's the new Satan's spawn but why though if it's this easy for Satan to get an Antichrist why didn't he just make another one why doesn't he make 50 why is it matter who they are you know why does it have to be Jeff and Jess they seem pretty random to me what because they gave their saliva to this website is that why I don't get it I don't get it this season was just unbelievably stupid and that's it I guess that's it guys I hope you enjoyed this video if I made any mistakes please make sure to correct me in the comments cuz I know that I did somewhere I always make a mistake I'm just one guy okay try and watch a show I try to absorb it best I can I write a script and everything but I'm sure that there's something that I missed they must have explained something and like the fine print they must have said something that like flew right over my head or something who is he her brother mother and brother but anyway that's gonna do a guy's thank you so much for watching we just released a new season of alien clothing season 6 6 6 hell yeah you can get shirts like this isn't it cool I really like this shirt I think it's pretty cool and there's a bunch of other shirts over there too I'm going to quickly show you guys the trailer for the new season it's only a minute long so here you go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you so much for watching I really hope that they never try and do this again in American Horror Story hopefully the next season is better hopefully and the most bizarre thing is that the reviews for Apocalypse are pretty good 75 percent on the tomato meter 78 percent audience score I know it's not perfect but Wow people just don't care if their television is flawed as [ __ ] here are some of the amazing reviews one giant celebration of the series one moment after the next giving me chills wow your expectations are staggeringly low American Horror Story apocalypse is a gift to the show's longtime fans you can say that again and it's a spit in the face to anyone that hasn't seen the other seasons even if the primary pleasures of Apocalypse turn out to be based in pure nostalgia I'm okay with that really enough I really miss loving the show okay I kind of agree with that review the humor kills the cast is game and Kathy Bates is absolutely slaying her neo-gothic yeah that's what makes her so good the neo-gothic assed is game what the hell is that even mean alright guys that will do it thank you so much for watching I'm slowly chugging through watching all of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure four people ruined Jojo the show as long as [ __ ] but I don't want to make the video until I get all the references and whatever if there are any movies or shows or whatever you guys would like me to review put them in the comment section down below go subscribe to alien bacon my new channel with Bionic Pig because we're doing daily videos over there and I know sometimes it takes a while for me to put out a video over here so that's some good filler content if you will go subscribe please and thank you so much to all my patrons because this video is probably due authorised thanks Susan but you guys are keeping this channel alive so thank you seriously thank you I'm gonna go pass out now see you later [Music]
Channel: Elvis The Alien
Views: 2,093,960
Rating: 4.7864051 out of 5
Keywords: American Horror Story, AHS, american horror story season 8, american horror story apocalypse, elvis the alien, elvisthealien, ahs, ahs 1984
Id: VjW2BwIoTkI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 40sec (2200 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 05 2019
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