SON OF THE MASK - Hollywood's Biggest Bruh Moment

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guys what the [ __ ] is this I forgot this movie existed until someone recommended it to me and now my life is ruined some of the mask is a huge bra moment in the history of film I put a poll on Twitter asking what movie I should cover and you guys chose this one so thanks not only is this movie a cringe induced nightmare it was a massive failure it had a budget of 84 million dollars and made less than 60 million worldwide and only 17 million in the States which is a huge surprise coming from the highly acclaimed director lawrence gue Turman the same guy that brought us cats and dogs remember that movie yeah that's basically it he's got a pretty good track record as far as the original movie the mask I loved it as a kid Jim Carrey is such a naturally entertaining actor he's the reason the movie is a cult classic hold me closer it did it age well that's debatable but I'm 100% confident that without Jim Carrey the mask would have been a massive flop and I'm confident in saying this because in the movie the son of the mask an actor named Jamie Kennedy tried his hand at Jim Carrey's role and dear God get ready to overdose son cringe some of the mass starts with the Bueller guy teaching people about Norse mythology you know the guy in Ferris Bueller the teacher who's like Bueller Bueller yeah well he's in this movie and he basically plays the same character this guy was in the first movie he was the author of this random mask book remember the scene where Stan Lee is talking to him in his office and he says something like oh yeah this looks to be a Scandinavian mask made by the Norse gods but they present that information in the mask as a theory you never really know where the mask came from and I like that it gives a mask some intrigue they don't do that in this movie Lawrence Gorman decided to take this one scene from the mask and expand upon it in the absolute worst way by introducing these gods as characters in the movie oh my god it takes something that's already kind of silly and dumb and amplifies the silliness and stupidity by a million percent in the original comics the mask was created by an unknown tribe that originated in Africa I like that origin story a lot more about whatever fine Norse gods it is I guess the son of the masks first scene introduces Loki and he transforms into a green skinned version of Darth Maul and it overloads the viewer with cringe and like the first five minutes of the movie maybe this was the directors way of preparing the viewer for the [ __ ] show that's to follow the [ __ ] is that supposed to be Loki what the [ __ ] Loki's hair looks like it was inspired by Miley Cyrus or Martin McGrath so Loki uses his magic to remove the Bueller guy's face like he takes the guy's face off and it's just floating in the air I don't know and then he uses two huge finger guns like comically huge cartoony finger guns to shoot a hole under a bunch of security guards so they fall into a cartoon pit it's so stupid and while the first movie was also silly and stupid at least it had an underlying tone of seriousness son of the mask just goes full-on batshit insane it's like an eight-year-old snorted coke and then wrote the scenes to this movie I swear to God so the family's dog finds the mask in a creek and brings it back to the family in the next scene we meet the protagonist Tim he gets head-butted in the balls by a random kid which is clearly foreshadowing this movie getting head-butted in the balls by terrible baby CGI on their drive home Tim is playing a Game Boy in a way that nobody would ever play it I don't know it's probably meant to be quirky and funny but just comes across weird any playing Mario Kart Super circuit but the sound effects are from a different game like why didn't they record the game audio obviously they have the game throughout the movie Tim acts like a six-year-old and it's not funny at all it's just really really obnoxious like everything his tone of voice his facial expressions it's also infantile and it honestly makes the movie really hard to watch he was balancing this movie does have one redeeming quality and that's the dog Otis at least in this one scene he does some pretty fancy tricks like he balances on a ball and then he guards a hockey net so that was pretty cool but that's pretty much all the praise I have for this movie so that's kind of sad the editing in this movie is kind of similar to who framed roger rabbit but that movie came out in 1988 and this movie came out in 2005 so the weird editing style is kind of dated they do these really cheesy cross zoom transitions like it'll zoom into an eye and then zoom out really quick it gives it this awkward cartoony feel and it's not like a one-time thing I don't know maybe some people like this stuff but it's just not for me oh and Kumar from Harold and Kumar is in this movie he's Tim's work friend so that's kind of random Tim works on animation studio as a tortoise to entertain kids and he has a dream to make a cartoon and I bet you can guess what happens at the end of the movie yep he makes his own cartoon very riveting I know obviously the script for this movie was going to be terrible but I didn't know it was gonna be this bad it's the crappiest piece of crap in cracktown was this really how people spoke back then or is this just really cheesy writing I'm not sure I hope it's the latter and I know this movie was made primarily for kids but that doesn't mean they need to dumb it down so much the original mass movie is fine for kids but it's still a legitimately entertaining movie for adults I don't think when people say it's made for kids needs to also mean it has to be a bad movie there are plenty of movies made for kids that adults can enjoy just as much so I hate when people use that argument to justify a bad movie so Tim goes to this work party but he doesn't have a costume so he brings the mask instead and this is the first time he puts it on prepare yourselves guys this is bad like really bad so he puts it on in the car the CGI is terrible but it's not a huge deal because at the time CGI wasn't the greatest anyway but yeah it's not great and how did nobody see what was happening in the GAR there's people around also how was the car driving itself what so Tim exits the car in a very cartoony fashion and oh god why did they give him hair and not just hair like a plastic red wig it looks so bad like a dollar store mold it looks more like a helmet than hair Jim Carrey had hair in the original movie but the mask made him bald shouldn't it work the same way here whatever the way Tim talks when he has the mask on is so disturbing his mouth hardly moves you better cover up young lady and you can tell he's trying to be charismatic but it just looks super uncomfortable so the bouncer at the party asks him for his ID so he very comically pulls an IV out of his pants kill me nevermind this movie slowly killing me already so remember when Jim Carrey put the mask on in the original movie and it gave him the confidence to approach the beautiful girl that had the spotlight and that helped propel the plot forward well the same thing happens in this movie except the girl that he approaches is just some random woman with zero significance to the plot they did it in the original so it must happen here too I guess so the musical number starts and it's an ear grading hip hop song tim's wearing a suit that's too big for him it looks awful it's really hard to convince yourself that everybody in the room likes this guy who looks like a complete [ __ ] I guess that's the masks magic doing its work so he magically strips a bunch of women the mask makes people really horny and that's all that matters he then randomly transforms into Elvis yes thanks movie I didn't already wanna die but now I'm gonna make sure of it then like a second later he turns into a country singer and then back to a hip-hop guy it's all over the place and the scene goes on for way too long and it doesn't help that Tim looks so [ __ ] weird and he's not singing convincingly at all his mouth can hardly move Tim's boss was at the party and he was so impressed that he invites Tim to his office the next day and he's like yo all that weird [ __ ] you were doing last night yeah let's make it into a cartoon I have no idea how you did it you must be some sort of wizard I don't care if you betrayed every single law of physics all I care about is making a cartoon so let's do a baby and Tim's like hell yeah to be fair the original movie had the same issue the people who saw Jim Carrey do insane [ __ ] with the mask on it didn't really faze them they were like oh okay well that's normal like the lady who's shooting at him with the shotgun in the hallway and he's bouncing up and down like a spring but she's just like oh wow that's annoying I can't hit him he's too fast whatever so Tim goes home after the party and impregnates his wife while he's wearing the mask so I guess he shot green magical jizz into her so there's this scene that was cut from the American release here it is [Music] so uh I guess I was kind to write that they go to the hospital and his wife pukes bubbles because she's pregnant and the doctors like oh insurance doesn't cover that the doctor just decides to ignore this bizarre Bend not to mention the wife just kind of like goes on with her life she's like oh just puke bubbles whatever throughout this movie she just completely ignores all this bizarre [ __ ] that happens around her it's very weird there's a scene where she eats a cracker with silly string on it is that what the mask jizz does so the weird mask baby is born and the dog has the mask in its doghouse the mom blows a balloon for the baby so the baby turns his head into a balloon and okay then what the baby is named Alvey Avery so Tim calls him double-a you know like the battery thanks I hate it in the next scene Loki is flying around a hospital as a Green Hornet with huge teeth like Thor yeah it's terrible he stings the receptionist so she walks away and he replaces her he looks through the computer there to find all the babies that were recently born Thea's Odin told him that there was a baby born of the mask and yeah I don't know Odin tells Loki this so he can find the baby when Odin has the ability to just like locate anybody immediately like he could just find the baby and the mask like in a split second but his excuse for not doing this is Loki this is your mess you're gonna clean it up when it's gonna take a million times longer and I could save us all the trouble but I'm your dad and I'm a douche tim is woken up by the baby's crying early in the morning so he mistakes a lamp for the baby bottle he breaks the bulb and he's about to like feed the baby with the sharp glass you know and for whatever reason the lightbulb remains on even though he broke the bulb I guess the people who made this movie don't know how lightbulbs work and how the hell would he break the lamp and still think it's a baby bottle I don't care how tired you are whatever guys I'm so I'm so done Tim's wife has to leave for like a work trip for a week even though she just gave birth to a baby this is the movies way of getting Tim alone with the baby and the dog Tim tells his boss that he can still do the work at home so he ignores the baby and puts the baby in front of a TV so it absorbs the TV and you know reenact the [ __ ] on the TV in front of Tim later on so Loki has this big list of all these babies that were born recently and he goes house to house trying to find this random baby he visits one of the houses as a vacuum salesman and he literally sucks the lady up into the vacuum and then he bullies the baby he like calls it ugly so just like in the first movie the dog in this one puts the mask on but the dog has a lot more to do in this movie than in the original in fact it becomes one of the main characters a lot of this movie revolves around a fight between the dog and the kid because the dog wants the parents attention and it's jealous of the baby and then the kid and the dog have these weird cartoon thoughts the kid dislikes the dad for ignoring him so much so he wants him locked up in like a psych ward or something and the dog wants to kill the kid so the parents will show him more attention the next day in an attempt to get Tim's attention the kid starts reenacting the cartoons he saw the night before like he plays the exact song from the cartoon with his mouth like his mouth turns into a speaker whose scene is so ridiculous what the [ __ ] dude so remember that scene in the Avengers when the Hulk obliterates Loki yeah well now I know where they got that idea from out of all the movies out there it came from this one imagine getting your ass kicked by your own infant this next scene dude oh my god so the dog entices the baby with a bomb that's disguised as a toy the baby puts out the fuse that makes a bomb noise with its mouth and burns its own clothes off somehow fooling the dog so the dog thinks that the baby was blown up then the baby does the same thing to the dog but with a bone bomb instead so then the dog starts creating a blueprint to murder the baby I'd never thought that would be a sentence I would say Loki continues looking for the baby by going to a bunch of different homes he goes to one home as a plumber with his ass showing and another as a girl-scout what I hope they paid the makeup and costume people a [ __ ] ton of money for this movie because frankly they are the only ones that deserved it Tim tries to get the baby to say Dada multiple times but each time it just says mother and Madre in like an old man's voice mother what Wow humour changed a lot since then huh Madre Jamie Kennedy's acting in this movie is atrocious there's a scene when he finally sees the dog wearing the mask and Jesus Christ just watch this it's so bad yeah I hate movies like this when the actors are encouraged to behave as dumb and outrageously animated as possible in order to make kids between the ages of five and ten laugh lawrence gu Turman really was convinced that only children would watch this movie like he was completely oblivious that the mask was also enjoyed by a bunch of adults but okay so remember the plan that the dog was setting up to murder the baby well it backfires and the dog is put through his own torture chamber by the baby and during this ridiculous charade the dog gets tangled up with a ceiling fan that flies out the window a ceiling fan that the baby is controlling with a remote [Music] what the hell is happening what there's a shop where the baby bends over to pick up the deflated dog and they didn't get a shot of the baby standing back up again so they just put the shot in Reverse in order to make a look like the baby picked up the dog I mean you God do what you got to do right then there's the baby pissing scene oh my god when I was watching it I was like oh so the baby has bought like five dicks what it's got two dicks he's got three dicks five dicks cuz there's like five different streams or maybe that's just something that his weird masca dick can do like it just can shoot a bunch of different streams out of the same hole that's a cool ability but then after that happens he obliterates Tim with this massive stream of piss Oh God so what his dick hole just like stretched open or did his entire dick like grow into like a fire hose I can't believe I'm talking about a baby's dick these are the kind of questions that lawrence goodman wants you to ask thanks dude I'm gonna go down to my self in gasoline and then light myself on fire low key finally makes his way to the Avery place he's disguised as the delivery guy and he brought a package with him Tim opens the package and he gets obliterated by a huge spring-loaded boxing glove but he immediately forgets about it and concerns himself with the baby again what the hell if that happened to anyone I'd be like what the [ __ ] just happened I'm calling the police get this guy out of my house what's going on but instead Tim's like alright got to put the baby in the car and drive him to like the hospital or something so he puts the baby in the car and the baby reenacts the exorcist scene and vomits green [ __ ] all over the place but somehow none of it gets on Tim so Loki follows Tim down a busy sidewalk in the city a policeman tries to stop Loki for parking in a handicap spot so Loki takes the policeman and buries his face in the sidewalk quite literally like he turns this dude into an ostrich and the onlookers reactions are so nonchalant like did you not just see this guy get pretty much killed right in front of you he takes out a cartoon ax that grows arms one of which is holding a gun it's so dumb and not clever at all like at least in the original mask movie when he created [ __ ] with his powers it was at least a little bit clever like when he was being chased by the gang and he was making them balloon animals and stuff not only was that scene immensely improved by a Jim Carrey's performance but the writing of the scene was actually fun he's making all these balloon animals and [ __ ] and then his final balloon creation is a tommy gun and he shoots it at these guys and they all run away the tommy gun was unexpected and was funny and it came out of nowhere there was at least like a little bit of wit when it came to the original mask movie in this movie is just so stupid it's like oh he could have used the axe cuz he was literally right in front of him but instead he had the axe grow arms with a gun oh my god this movie is honestly just pain watching this hurt so Onan takes over a random security guard and stops low-key so thanks Odin for helping the plot move forward even though you could just find the mask immediately yourself why what if Odin is already focusing on Loki and what he's doing why wouldn't he just stop all this nonsense and find the mask immediately he could at least tell Loki where the mask is instead of stopping Loki from trying to get the mask through other methods so Loki is chasing the baby and Tim and he stops their escape by dropping a huge wall in front of them that says Loki is a God in the sack and this movie is intended for kids and you know that there has had to have been at least one child who watched this move with their parents and asked their parents what this meant so Loki and the baby had this ridiculous fight scene Oh God back loki throws a massive grenade at them Nodin takes over Tim and then stops Loki then the baby uses his googly arms to pick up two garbage containers and uses them to bash Loki okay Odin doesn't like how Loki is trying to find the mask so he takes Loki's powers away because that will help right Odin that will help you get the mask you're holding the baby oh my god Odin might be the dumbest character in this entire movie especially since he ends up giving Loki's powers back in like the next scene so Loki infiltrates the Avery house the neighbor sees him so Loki turns the neighbors head into a big nose okay that's kind of funny I'm sorry [Music] so Tim turns over the baby and oh god is Loki then Tim's wife comes home and oh my god is Loki again how many different costumes did Loki have in this movie Alan [ __ ] must have dressed up like ten thousand times for this movie I can't think of a single other role in history where someone had more costumes and this guy had in this movie it must have been such a pain in the ass and then to have the movie come out and it's a pile of garbage can you imagine so Loki has a stick of TNT up his ass and it's lit and he tells Tim to meet him in an alley within the hour with the mask Loki takes the baby and blasts off through the roof with the TNT that was in his ass I don't know what to say anymore what the [ __ ] Tim knows the dog has the mask so he finds the dog on a date with the mask on and he convinces the dog to give the mask back so the dog makes out with his doggy girlfriend and then he gives Tim the mask oh [ __ ] this mask makes people so horny so I guess if you ever wanted to see dogs make out you're welcome furries in the next scene Loki and the baby have a Western standoff and then they play twister so what you got is this middle-aged man all tangled up with a toddler yeah it's kind of weird so Tim shows up in his car Loki tries to swindle Tim by taking the mask and the baby because he likes the baby now the dog bites Loki's balls so he throws the mask in the air and he gets a glimpse of Mars the mask lands on Tim's face and we are blessed with another scene of green faced ginger Tim oh good Loki runs away so Tim turns his car into a mask mobile it comes equipped with a million exhaust ports and teeth two sets of teeth I wouldn't expect anything less the wife is with Tim during all this and she kind just goes along with all this as if it's normal it's very strange like Loki's in his car and he turns the roads into a bunch of huge Hills and Tim and his wife drive up and down these massive hills and then afterwards her demeanor is completely the same like she's just sitting there calm whatever I totally accept that this is happening Tim finds Loki and they start fighting Tim farts and Loki's face because farts are funny you know that one scene in the mask when Jim Carrey takes out these two gigantic guns well Tim does the same thing here but like they turn into a bunch of missiles and [ __ ] because all they got a one-up the mask I guess even though it comes across really forced and stupid and Loki turns into a pencil and he just erases the guns and and draws in flowers this scene is giving me flashbacks to when I tortured myself with the green lantern featuring Bryan Reynolds so Tim makes himself into a big pencil sharpener and he sharpens the Loki pencil into a bunch of little bits oh my god this movie is killing me please make it stop this scene now this entire movie is what it must be like to snort coke immediately after smoking meth and then taking a hammer to your face like 400 times so Logie and Tim are evenly matched so they let the baby decide who he wants to stay with Tim takes off the mask and the baby chooses Tim the mask just kind of disappears in the scene if you watched him he takes it off but then it's just gone it's poof where did he put it is it guarding his dick did he shove it in his pants he must have done that because later on he randomly pulls it up in air again when he gives it to Odin and Loki so Loki cries and morphs into green Darth Maul and he pulls a building-sized hammer out of the ground and starts attacking them instead of putting the mask on Tim decides to defend the family just as his normal self so Loki swings the hammer down at them multiple times you know missing basically on purpose and then he's about to hit them but Tim just puts his arms up and catches it what oh he just caught the hammer mid-swing this building-sized hammer he just caught it Wow okay momentum and physics aren't a thing in this movie I guess so he's holding the hammer up but his family decides to just chill underneath the hammer instead of moving out of the way Loki makes drills come out of the hammer to kill Tim and they move super slow towards Tim and why do they move super slow you ask oh yeah they have to move slow because earlier in the movie Odin gave Loki a time limit to get the mask and oh my god it just ran out right now convenience so Odin decides to finally make an appearance the worst God on earth I guess he just really likes wasting time Odin and Loki had this really dumb father-and-son fight and then Tim walks over and gives them very surface level advice that anybody would know even if you banished him he's still gonna be your son there is nothing more important in this entire universe in your relationship with your family thanks Tim these gods don't know this information for some reason but you so Tim gives Loki and Odin the mask and they disappear the wife shrugs off all this crazy [ __ ] that has happened like she should be questioning her own sanity she should be in a mental hospital right now at the very end of the movie we get a nice shot of Tim and his wife's feet so for all you people that like feet out there here's some feet very beautiful cinematography so the family is all sitting there and they're like oh yay Tim got to create his cartoon finally and apparently the wife is pregnant again and the baby winks like oh you're probably gonna see a sequel to this and it never happened because this movie made no money this movie was batshit insane a lot of the action scenes were outlandish in a similar way to the original movie but they tried way too hard to one-up the mask and in doing so they made the movie so much worse like all we got to make it crazier Lauren's guter Minh was like alright the one thing we have to focus on is making the movie as crazy as possible I don't care what we do as long as it makes zero sense and it's insanity the entire time I want to give the viewers a headache I feel like that was his mission and they were given 80 million dollars to make this it's unreal it's unreal the original movie would have been a complete failure if it didn't start em Carrie and trying to find another actor that captures the same energy and comical spark as Jim Carrey is near impossible and not only was Jamie Kennedy insanely cringe he wasn't funny in the slightest what a horrible horrible movie this was Jesus the CGI was obviously not very good but maybe it was good for the time I don't know but still the CGI artists and the cartoonists and the costume team deserve a medal for putting so much time and effort into this pile of [ __ ] this movie should be used to torture terrorists that way it would at least serve a purpose woof this sucked thank you so much for watching so much of my video it means a lot if you made this far I really appreciate it at the end of the day I don't think this movie is the worst movie ever made there are some funny scenes it just goes way over the top and it can get really annoying like I legitimately got a headache while watching it so I don't want to end this video on a negative note so I'm gonna give you guys some quarantine movies to watch and they're all by the same director his name is your ghost lanthum OHS I have no idea if that's actually how you say it but I'm just gonna roll with it there are three movies of his that I think you should watch during this quarantine the first is the killing of a sacred deer it's about a fatherless team that gets obsessed with a surgeon and some really strange things happen along the way I think you will like it it stars Colin Farrell and Nicole Kidman the next movie is called the lobster probably my favorite movie buy your ghosts basically it's a very strange movie about people who are forced to fall in love or they get turned into an animal of their choice I know it sounds kind of stupid but it's really good it's so weird and I love it so much I think you'll like it a lot the last movie and his most recent is called the favorite it's about the relationship between this Queen and these two women a rivalry ensues between these two women for the Queen's favor it's kind of a slow burn but I thought it was really really good so yeah guys that's it thanks again so much for watching my video if there are any movies that you would like me to review then please put them in the comment section down below follow me on Twitter at Elvis Yellin TV if you want to vote for the next movie that I make a video on head over to alien clone calm for some awesome clothes and I'll see you guys in the next one bye bye [Music] I think I'll admit myself into a mental hospital
Channel: Elvis The Alien
Views: 3,769,214
Rating: 4.9019442 out of 5
Keywords: Elvis the Alien, ElvistheAlien, son of the mask, sonofthemask, son of mask, the mask, bruh moment, movie review
Id: 9xCxvtT401c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 56sec (1916 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 30 2020
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