Ultimate Will Smith Movies Pitch Meeting Compilation

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[Music] so you have a movie for me yes sir i do i found it a while back under a stack of papers on your desk and i've been reworking it for quite some time oh interesting and a little intrusive what's it called it's called jiminy man what jiminy man do you mean gemini man oh yeah that does make more sense right okay that kind of rings a bell that thing's been floating around for a while remind me of the plot though it's about this guy henry who's on the run from a younger version of himself that's trying to kill him oh yeah i think that scripts from like the 90s well this is gonna feel like it should have come out in the 90s sir wasn't there a movie called looper a couple years ago where a guy's younger self is trying to kill him yeah but i mean that was made by ryan johnson and a whole lot of people think that guy ruined star wars what was the last thing you worked on the final season of game of thrones oh okay plus this movie doesn't involve time travel you know the younger version of himself is actually a clone that was made by this bad guy and who's the bad guy clay varus isn't isn't that a venereal disease no it's a person if you say so so anyway this guy henry's like the best assassin in the world right we're gonna start the movie with him sniping a guy on a moving train from super far away wow wow wow yeah pretty cool right extremely cool but why wouldn't you just do that when the train is stopped because this is cooler oh okay gotcha and henry wants to retire because now he's in his 50s and after 70 kills he's starting to feel bad okay then henry finds out that he was tricked and some of the people he killed weren't necessarily bad guys oh okay so the government wants to take him out to cover their tracks exactly so then he and this woman danny that was spying on him go on the run oh danny huh what's her deal oh she's a badass she's gonna have this fight against the secret ops guy right right and he's gonna be like where's henry you can tell me now or you could tell me in five minutes without your teeth oh very cool line and then she's gonna pin him and be like who sent you you could tell me now or you could tell me in five minutes without your teeth oh she uno reversed them yeah and then henry walks in and she's like i know who sent him and he's like how'd you figure it out and she dropped some teeth in his hands wait so she picked up his teeth after knocking them out yeah yeah why in case henry asked i guess so so if he hadn't asked her that she just would have walked around with teeth i guess so yeah kind of weird when you put it that way a very risky punchline so anyway then they go meet henry's friend baron who's a pilot so he can fly them all over the place and what's his deal well he's a pilot so he can fly them all over the place oh very cool so then they're gonna go to columbia but this assassin shows up who looks exactly like a younger version of henry is it because he's a young version of henry it is that guy clay cloned henry then raised the clone as his own son named him junior not much effort put into that name at all so then there's going to be this big motorcycle chase and junior is going to motorcycle whip henry motorcycle with him it's like a pistol whip but with a motorcycle oh my god so then eventually the good guys are gonna figure out that this young guy that looks exactly like henry is actually a clone of henry wait how long into the movie are we at this point oh at least 45 minutes that is a crazy long time yeah well we're gonna want to hold off and tease it for a while so it'll be a big reveal won't every single person in the audience already know that it's gonna be a clone of himself i mean they'll have seen the trailers and the posters right probably so that slow burn of a reveal isn't gonna pay off for anyone at all probably not no but it'll show that the movie takes itself seriously oh i guess that is more important than people's enjoyment so what else happens well basically the good guys are gonna travel around and meet with various exposition dumps various what sorry i mean characters oh okay yeah like this russian guy wants clay vera's dead right so henry's like well why don't you just send a missile to kill him and the russian guy's like that's what we're doing you are the missile oh that's a pretty cool line but why don't they send a missile if that's an option well it doesn't matter if it's an option what matters is that it's a cool line right but like why don't they do that though i don't know well okay then so anyway eventually henry and junior are gonna team up cause they're both mad at clay oh why is junior mad at clay now well he's all like you made a person out of another person that's how all people are made right but he's mad that he's a clone oh okay right so eventually there's going to be this big showdown between the good guys and clay and his soldiers oh what's that going to be like remember at the end of the first rambo movie where they fight in a small town that has no civilians and straight up destroy the place yeah yeah so you know that pretty much exactly oh okay and then junior's gonna knock clay unconscious oh well great so it's over well no because he leaves without tying him up or restraining him in any way isn't junior supposed to be like the best in the world why wouldn't he do that because the movie's not over right okay so then clay wakes up and he sends in the ultimate weapon this guy's like a ninja he doesn't feel any pain oh sounds like he's gonna be hard to beat actually it's gonna be super easy barely an inconvenience oh really yeah see they shoot him a bunch of times with explosive rounds and uh that does the trick oh well great and then they take off this guy's mask and reveal that it's another clone of henry so how come clay didn't send this guy to kill henry in the first place so the movie can happen it seems like a lot of stuff is happening just so the movie can happen yeah yeah yeah so what's the deal are there like a bunch of henry clones will clay's gonna give a speech about like an army of henry clones oh cool yeah and then we're you know not gonna go anywhere with that idea oh okay so then junior's about to kill clay but henry's like no if you pull that trigger it's gonna mess you up for life i'll murder your dad in front of you and that'll be okay that makes a lot of sense it does and so then he does and everybody gets a happy ending junior goes to like happy college with zero ptsd oh happy endings are tight that's okay so what do you think well to be honest it feels kind of empty right yeah it totally is but i'm hoping people are gonna be distracted by the cool visual effects oh yeah fingers crossed i was also thinking we could shoot it in 4k and 120 frames per second what can any us theaters actually play that as intended i'm sure it's possible sir well okay then let's do it [Music] so you have a movie for me yes sir i do i was thinking aladdin but in live action oh i think we already have a movie called aladdin though right so i figured we could you know do it again but in a slightly different way is there something wrong with the original absolutely not everybody loves it robin williams is irreplaceable as the genie okay but you're saying we should replace him oh yeah of course so we just make it again yeah that's right i think people are just feeling nostalgic about the original you know it was so great is there a reason they can't just re-watch it no there's not it's very easy to find so so what would be the point of taking something that people love and trying to recreate it several decades later i mean best case scenario it's as good as the original and saying that we should do it because filmmaking technology has improved isn't a valid argument like should we try to repaint the mona lisa because we have better paints now i just don't see why we would do this i mean because money oh money i love money yeah yeah we make a bunch of it so you make people feel nostalgic and they give you dollars they do many of them oh wow wow wow wow i'm all in fantastic so what do we do do we do it like shot for shot or what well no i think we have to make a couple of things different you know to justify charging people like 15 for a movie they've already seen oh i have an idea you know that scene in the original where aladdin gives some kids a loaf of bread yeah well maybe in this one instead of that he gives them some dates yeah we can do that for sure great and then the rest can be shot for shot i guess well i think we need to change a little more than that you know make it a little longer too oh yeah you think so yeah i'm thinking we should slap another 30 minutes onto this thing oh kids love sitting for long periods of time that is what they're known for wow and who do you think we should get to play the genie i mean they have some big shoes to fill well i was thinking we could maybe reach out to will smith oh interesting yeah i'm thinking he could bring a couple of woos and ha-has to the table people do love those noises plus we can have him do one of those end credit raps another one another one oh actually you just gave me an idea we should get dj khaled to come yell dj khaled oh yeah people love that too people make a lot of money when that guy says his own name i was also thinking we can make the middle part of this movie an unofficial sequel to hitch oh so will smith helps a guy find love exactly i love it the one thing i'm concerned about is that it might be difficult to make will smith actually look like a genie actually it's going to be super easy barely an inconvenience oh really yeah i figured we could slap a blue cgi recreation of his face on a blue cgi bodybuilder oh that sounds like it might give people nightmares maybe but you know my one problem with the original movie is that the genie didn't have a six-pack or extremely realistic nipples what about the whole thing about him floating like his lower half was like smoke well we'll make his lower half smoke when he's the genie but when he takes the form of a human he'll give himself legs oh he's gonna take the form of a normal man oh yeah a whole lot because he has a crush on one of jasmine's handmaidens so you're saying the genie gets aroused by human women he does and i have extremely graphic sketches of how that can work right here oh definitely don't show me those okay i'll email them to you i'll ignore it and block you well okay then anyway i was thinking we could also get guy richie to direct this oh why him so he can do that speed up and slow down effect once or twice does he have experience with musicals i think he directed a madonna music video you know back at the turn of the century works for me great and what about jafar what's going on with him oh well you know how in the original he was a scary older man with a deep intimidating voice like soon i will be the sultan yeah a classic villain people love him exactly so what i'm thinking is we could you know go the opposite way with it what yeah we get a way younger guy with a soft little voice like soon i will be the sultan ah that sounds significantly less intimidating oh it will be but this way we could cast somebody young who's going to look good on a magazine cover why would we want that so we can get hot jafar trending that's free promotion oh profiting off of thirsty people is tight yeah it is and what's going on with jasmine in this one oh well we're gonna tweak her story a bit and make it so that she actually wants to be the sultan oh very progressive and empowering yeah we're gonna give her this big new song called speechless where she sings about how she won't be silenced wow how did the other characters react to that they won't she syncs it to herself in her imagination she's the only one who can hear her big song about not being silenced that's right well okay then and when is this going to happen in the movie right when jafar takes over and has her taken by the guards she has time to sing a big song well the movie's literally going to stop so she can have a little music video oh yeah i guess we need to shove it in there somehow and after her song she's gonna give a big speech to the guards and convince them not to follow jafar even though he's the new sultan and jafar just lets her do that he does he just sits there i guess he was moved by the song the one she sang alone in her head that's the one wow and so yeah there's going to be this big climax to the movie like jafar is gonna teleport aladdin over to him oh wow i can't wait to hear him do the evil reprise of that song prince ali oh he's not gonna do that is he gonna turn into a giant cobra he's not no is jasmine gonna get stuck in a big hour glass no no so what's going to happen well jafar's bird yaga was going to become a you know bigger bird is that more menacing than a giant cobra it is if you're scared of large birds i was a little freaked out by sesame street growing up same here so he's going to chase jasmine and aladdin i thought you said jafar can teleport people over to him yeah but he's gonna go with this big bird strategy instead well okay then and is iago gonna have a fun personality like in the original no not at all he's pretty much a normal parrot oh do we know anyone who can voice a bird so you have a movie for me yes sir i do and i already have will smith attached to it oh yeah yeah yeah and his son jaden oh okay oh come on sir don't react like that he's the best actor for the job we haven't auditioned anyone yeah now i know but will smith assured me he's the next big thing in hollywood sounds like a pretty intense case of nepotism well i'm pretty sure their health insurance will cover that what i just think people love will smith movies you know and with jaden there it's like two smiths for the price of one it will be nice to see that signature will smith charm on screen well actually his character's whole thing is that he's stone-faced and has no emotion whatsoever oh kind of feels like that'll take away from the fun of a will smith movie well this way we really give jaden a chance to shine can jaden shine i guess we'll find out sir okay anyway so this is going to be the story of a super successful famous guy and his son who's not as talented but the whole family wants him to follow in his dad's footsteps yeah agreed 100 no sorry that's the story of the movie oh it is it is sir it's a sci-fi movie called after earth and humans have left earth to go live on another planet okay and will smith is going to play this guy called cipher rage pretty sure i just unlocked that character in mortal kombat but then aliens are going to drop these monsters called ursas and these things are specifically bred and designed to kill humans that's not good yeah but the thing is these things are blind but they can smell the pheromones that humans release when they're afraid they were specifically bred to kill humans but the only sense they have is that they can smell fear can they smell blood no just fear so if you can manage to not be afraid you're invisible to them it's called ghosting okay but how do monsters move around in the environment without any senses i don't know but they also impale humans on trees as a way to make other humans feel fear how do they even know that the trees are there trees don't get afraid no idea sir but anyway cipher rage he's very good at ghosting so he's kind of a big deal oh so he could straight up walk around and shoot them all that's pretty cool yeah you'd think so but for some reason in the future they only use these cutlass blade weapons seems like a gun would be a whole lot more effective yeah but then these monsters wouldn't even be a threat really so why don't they so the movie can happen oh okay gotcha anyway so his kid could tie he wants to be like his dad but he's just not as good you know he can't even ghost okay and later they're gonna be on this ship and it's gonna end up crashing on earth that's where i live same here sir so cypher rage and his son they're the only ones who survived the crash out of the whole crew wow what are the odds of that oh i have no idea sir i've never been good at math to be honest or science or writing doing things is hard yeah so they both survive but cypher has two broken legs you need those to walk exactly you do so now katai he has to find an emergency beacon in the tail of the ship which is a hundred kilometers away okay big journey but also one of those monsters was in a cage on the ship so that's probably running around free that's not good and so cipher explains to his son that you know everything on earth has evolved to kill humans oh it did yeah pretty scary right when did when did that happen in the past thousand years i guess oh pretty sure evolution takes longer than that well debatable also if humans left how did things evolve to kill something that's not even there oh sir i'm gonna need you to get all the way off my back about evolution because this is the whole premise of the movie we're talking about okay let me get off of that thing thank you sir so katai takes off but his dad he's going to be able to talk to him and see him the whole time well that'll come in handy yeah so ketai is out there and almost immediately cipher detects an enemy approaching on the radar uh-oh and it turns out to be a baboon so cipher is like you know don't move at all well well thank god he has his dad in his ear yeah yeah yeah so katai throws a rock at the baboon and then the radar lights up and it turns out there are a bunch of baboons welcome those didn't show up on the radar as they were approaching like the other one unclear oh sudden baboons are tight yeah so katai's gonna have to run super fast cause the sudden baboons they're pissed very exciting and he's gonna get away but then he's gonna get a parasite on him and he's gonna turn into will smith and hitch and then he's gonna have to inject stuff into his heart and he's gonna pass out oh okay yeah no i mean i guess that can happen too it will well okay then oh also i forgot to mention that there's not enough oxygen on earth so katai needs to use these little capsules to stay alive oh cause like humans destroyed all the trees and stuff no there are just a ton of trees it's basically a jungle don't trees produce oxygen i don't know i guess they evolved to not produce a lot so humans would die and what about the animals they're okay with the lack of oxygen yeah they're fine with it because they also evolved in the past thousand years i truly feel like that's not how evolution works also the temperature drops to below freezing every single night and all the animals they're cool with that too well there are these hot spots that don't freeze every night so you know katai has to make his way to one of those every night won't those spots be crowded with wild animals somehow no they won't be well okay then oh also you know that thing where movies have like a single flashback but they break it up into little tidbits and spread it out throughout the whole movie oh we're gonna have some flashback tidbits we're gonna have some flashback tidbits it turns out that katai had a sister who was killed by a monster but he was safe because he stayed inside a little glass terrarium thing oh so if they block off the fear pheromones the monsters leave them alone that's right so do they make themselves like hazmat suits so the monsters can't detect them no that would have been a good idea but instead they make suits that turn baby blue when you're cold why would they have a suit do that well to let the person wearing it know when it's cold cold lets you know when it's cold and so will this suit i guess that's helpful anyway so at a certain point khatai ends up breaking some of his oxygen capsules and his dad finds out oh so what does he do well he's like abort mission son come back to the ship but aren't they both gonna die if he doesn't get the beacon that's right yeah so he's telling his son never mind come back and let's just you know straight up die that's right yeah interesting strategy but then ketai jumps off a frickin cliff and gets picked up by a cgi bird oh okay and then the bird tries to feed katai to the baby birds and then some big evil cats show up and katai fights them but all the baby birds they die sure you know those things may as well happen and then later katai is gonna be stuck out in the cold and the birds gonna show up and keep them warm now the bird protected him because he unsuccessfully protected the babies yeah maybe it makes sense for a bird to do that anyway then the bird dies what why well because of the extreme cold which it has not evolved to survive now you're getting it sir i truly i'm not anyway finally katai finds a beacon but then he's gonna encounter one of those fear monsters oh man could be tough to battle a blind fear monster i bet actually it's gonna be super easy barely an inconvenience oh really yep pretty much out of nowhere he decides to become completely emotionless which is maybe a nice message for this movie and you know that works like magic well well thank god the monsters have literally no other senses to go off of yet things really worked out for the rage family and so they both survive they do and then they see some whales because we mentioned mopey dick a couple of times in the movie so what do you think well i mean it sounds like he won't be doing much but if will smith believes in this movie i mean i don't think it can fail [Music] so you have a movie for me yes sir i do it's gonna be called independence day okay so like a historical drama based around the signing of the declaration of vindi no no like a sci-fi action movie based around america kicking alien butt oh and the aliens going pew pew pew pew with the spaceships with their freaking spaceship sir oh hell yeah get out of here history yeah yeah yeah so at the beginning of the movie we're gonna see this big shadow starting to cover the moon that's not good the moon is pretty close to earth it is so then down on earth humans they start to notice they're like whoa this thing is huge it's like a quarter of the size of the moon and they only discover this once it reached the moon somehow yes that's right and then we're gonna start to meet the characters of the movie okay and who are these characters we're gonna be following the president thomas whitmore the first lady marilyn the president's advisor constance her ex-husband david his father julius a pilot captain hiller his wife jasmine who is a stripper also her son also an alcoholic crop duster pilot russell and his whole family wow that's a lot of people you're gonna have enough time for character development no no no no oh okay yeah no no no we're just gonna assign them each a broad stereotype and kind of roll with that that works for me anyway so these aliens they set up a bunch of massive flying saucers directly over popular landmarks why do they do that because it's going to look cool in the trailer i'm glad that these aliens are considerate of our marketing strategies and this guy david he realizes that all these ships are communicating and coordinating using our satellites the high-tech aliens don't have better means of communication well we're gonna find out that they're telepathic but they're gonna use our satellites why so david can pick up on it and the movie can happen that works and he's gonna find out that they plan to attack in six hours six hours why the long wait so the humans have a bit of time to prepare and the movie can happen that works so then the aliens do attack and they destroy a bunch of cities and there's going to be a bunch of crazy action yeah what kind of action are we talking about a bunch of landmarks are going to blow up jasmine's going to be in an exploding tunnel and her and her dog are just barely gonna make it into a little doorway and avoid the fireball fire can't go through doorways no it can't i mean fire doesn't have eyes so it doesn't see them turn the corner and the intense heat doesn't affect them or the lack of oxygen doesn't fire use oxygen isn't that how fire works oh you said fireworks that's fun oh fireworks are tight i forgot what i asked you yeah same here all i could think of are fireworks now same here so what else happens well david and his father they're gonna end up with the president and his staff okay and david's father is gonna be like hey what about area 51 didn't you guys find aliens or something and the president's gonna be like yeah no that never happened oh bummer but then the secretary of defense he's gonna be like actually no yeah we did find some aliens there in a spaceship too if he knew about that why didn't he mention that as soon as aliens arrived i don't know fair enough so they head over to area 51 and this wacky scientist guy he's like yeah this spaceship has been acting up for the past 24 hours it's kind of crazy and nobody informed the white house they didn't now well okay then oh also we're gonna have this big battle between fighter jets and spaceships and that guy captain hiller he's gonna be right in the thick of it very very cool and his best friend's gonna be killed so he's gonna be super emotional about that for like an entire shot well yeah gotta give the guy some time to grieve for sure and then he's gonna be chased around by an alien spaceship and he's gonna manage to make it crash very exciting and then the alien ship opens up and an alien pops out and he punches it right in the exoskeleton and knocks it out for several hours somehow wow wow wow he looks at the alien and he's like welcome to earth that's a good line and then he grabs a cigar and he's like now that's what i call a close encounter this guy's got a bunch of jokes his friend just died yeah he's got a ton of jokes so then he brings the alien over to area 51 okay and so people start dissecting the alien but then it kills a bunch of people and it mind controls the main scientist guy oh interesting so it's going to attempt some kind of clever escape where it pretends to be the scientist that's gonna be cool yeah yeah yeah but no it's not gonna do that instead it's just gonna be like release me oh yeah okay different strategy he's gonna be like release me you're all gonna die and so the humans they shoot it dead i mean i don't know what the alien was expecting on that one yeah hard to say so then captain hiller he borrows a helicopter and he goes to pick up his wife who as it turns out is hanging out with the first lady well it's gonna be hard for him to find him in the midst of a destroyed city actually it's gonna be super easy barely an inconvenience oh really yeah he just he finds them oh are they signaling to him through the darkness somehow or something he just he just lands right in front of them and he finds them oh well i mean okay great so anyway then that david guy he figures out a plan for defeating the aliens oh and what's his plan he wants to give them a computer virus on their mothership oh a computer virus because as you know computers are capable of literally anything and all their operating systems are the same and they're made of magic oh i am well aware that computers can do anything isn't that right computer that is correct producer guy would you like a hamburger here is a hamburger maybe later i'm all good for now computer thanks no worries you just let me know okay so what happens next well they let all the other countries know what their plan is and all the other countries are like finally the americans have a plan all other countries are helpless i was actually surprised in my research that there are actually you know other countries i was also quite shocked when i found that out last week pretty crazy so how do they plan on getting this virus onto the alien computer well they have this old ship from the 1950s and captain hillary he saw the aliens flying once oh that's right he saw them fly once so he could totally pilot that thing obviously so he and david they head up to space with the computer virus this is all making a ton of sense it sure is sir so they head up to the mothership and they're let right in and the fact that they show up on a decades-old missing ship doesn't raise any red flags it doesn't no fantastic so then down on earth there's this massive dog fight around this big alien ship seems kind of irrelevant to the story what are the dogs fighting about no these are actually humans inside jets fighting aliens and spaceships oh okay yeah don't even show the dogs i say yeah sure okay good idea sir so then the humans they all run out of missiles except for that crop duster guy russell okay and his missile gets jammed so he flies right into the ship into a weak spot and he's like i'm back because he had been abducted by aliens like years before and they did weird stuff to his butt probably oh so you do have character development yeah i guess i do i love it so then captain hiller and david they get back down to earth and they have cigars and they have women and everything worked out so millions of people died though right yes but america that's a good point so what do you think of the movie well other than that weird dog moment you tried to squeeze in i think it sounds like a lot of fun thank you and i mean someday if we're really really desperate for ideas we could find a way to make a sequel [Music] so you have a movie for me yes sir i do it's based off a comic book series called the men in black okay and so we're gonna start with a van of illegal immigrants being stopped by the cops and then having these two men in black show up hey that's the name of the thing it sure is and so they tell the cops hey we're from division six and we need to take one of these illegal aliens and the cops let them yeah but after the men in black leave the cops are like there is no division six this is bs so why did they even let them take the guy i don't know fair enough so then it's gonna turn out that this illegal alien was actually an illegal alien disguised as an illegal alien right okay do you get it yeah yeah i get it there's a double meaning yeah yeah pretty straightforward but why would he even disguise himself as that well because he's trying to sneak into the united states then wouldn't it make more sense for him to disguise himself as an american well yeah but then i wouldn't get to make that super clever illegal alien joke okay gotcha you really like that joke so anyway then one of the cops seized the alien because the men in black only took it like 10 feet away and that sends it into a murderous rage why because i want the situation where the men in black shoot the alien and the cop gets covered in slimy goo did you say slimy goo i did oh slimy goo is tight that's the funniest thing you could cover someone with well i'm glad you said that cause we're gonna have a ton of slimy goo in this movie it's gonna be the main gag in a shocking number of scenes hell yeah that automatically makes scenes funny it sure does so we're gonna have slimy goo splashing all over the place every chance we get throughout this whole thing that's not gonna get old at all i know wow anyway so then because the older agent was slow to draw his gun he's gonna retire oh he is yeah and so the younger agent k is gonna use this neuralizer thing to wipe his memory when they get back home from the desert no right then and there that's super inconsiderate but okay and so then the main character is this new york cop james who's being considered as the replacement for that old guy why is he being considered because he chased down a bad guy who turned out to be an alien why was he chasing him we'll never find out but he turned out to be an alien did he know that he was an alien when he started chasing him no but he chased him down for a very long time so a police officer just doing his job was enough to get him considered for the men in black apparently so sir so then james enters this testing period where all the other candidates are like super serious military types oh man i imagine it's gonna be tough for a new york cop to be chosen for a secret government organization actually it's gonna be super easy barely an inconvenience oh really yeah he does two tests and shows that he can think outside the box and that's all they needed to see so what are the tests well in the first test they had to fill out these papers inside these weird egg chairs and james went and grabbed the table right okay and the second one is this shooting range thing and all the other candidates are shooting the aliens but james is the only one that shoots a little girl in the face what yeah he's like this little girl is in a bad part of town and she's holding books that are way too advanced for her so you know he shoots her in the face and that was the right thing to do yeah she has no business carrying those advanced books around it could have been her older sister's books or something well the men in black are looking for someone that would shoot a little girl in the face for something like that and those are the two tests the table and the child killing that's it wow it feels like they should definitely have their agents go through more rigorous testing than that yeah you'd think so but that's literally all they need to see well okay then so then james is gonna become one of the men in black wow yeah they show him around the office and they slowly erase every letter from his name except the first one very dramatic use of the delete key yeah and then he touches this ball that bounces around the office and destroys a bunch of stuff why would they leave a dangerous ball like that just lying out in the open so we could have some slapstick comedy sir oh the characters left that out for us that's very nice of them sure is sir and so what did j and k have to go up against in the movie well there's this bug alien that's wearing a dead farmer's skin and going on a sugar fueled rampage and what's he trying to do he's trying to get his hands on a marble that's actually a galaxy okay yeah so he goes into this diner and he easily kills these two aliens with a little stinger thing he has oh my lord yeah it turns out one of the aliens he killed was actually the emperor of this alien race called the aquilians gotcha and the emperor had this cat that had the galaxy on his collar and so obviously the cat is brought along with the alien's corpse to the morgue of course they always bring dead people's pets to the morgue along with their corpses right and so then the bug alien goes to the morgue and threatens the mortician this lady named laurel her name is yani that's kind of weird no it's laurel right yani that's what i said anyway so then the arkwillians threatened to blow up the planet if the men in black can't deliver the galaxy within an hour well so i imagine the men in black send out all their men to try to save the day nope literally just the two main characters one of which is in training oh you'd kind of think they'd put more resources on something like that yeah you'd think so so how did jay and k find out about all this stuff well they go visit the exposition pug the exposition pug yeah it's this little pug that k shakes until it shouts out all the exposition we need to move the movie forward well that pug sounds like a screenwriter's best friend it sure is so then the bug tries to escape on a ship but the men in black shoot it down okay yeah and so they're like put your hands on your head and he's like okay but then he slowly rips off the farmer's skin and reveals that he's a super big cockroach monster why hasn't he already taken off his human skin if he's trying to escape so we can have this big reveal and why didn't j and k shoot him as he was taking the skin off so we can have this big reveal well okay so then the bug swallows their guns and kay gets intentionally eaten does the bug not have teeth oh yeah it has massive teeth but apparently those are just for show cause it swallows k whole pretty lucky and so then kay shoots the bug from the inside and they save the day wow and then kate reveals that he wasn't actually training jay as a partner but as a replacement wait what yeah pretty cool right so now after like two days on the job jay has to find and train a new partner yeah yeah wouldn't it have made more sense for k to train two people instead of just jay oh yeah i guess that would have made a lot more sense whoops whoopsie so what do you think of the movie well it sounds like a lot of fun and we should totally get will smith to play in this oh yeah people really liked watching him punch aliens in independence day we could totally cash in on that yeah and plus we can get him to make like a theme song right he could literally just rap about things from the movie right he could be like here's an audio commercial for my movie if people don't realize that's just a commercial that's gonna be a number one hit definitely and will smith is gonna become synonymous with the men in black yeah we're gonna have to make sure to get him for any sequels and spin-offs moving forward for sure [Music] hey guys it's ryan here hope you enjoyed that pitch meeting if you did let me know in the comments section what other movies you'd like to see pitches for we also have a lot more of these videos on the channel also don't forget to like and subscribe and comment and share on facebook and twitter just start hitting all the buttons except hopefully dislike and as always check back soon for a new pitch meeting bye bye
Channel: Screen Rant
Views: 905,369
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TBD, screen rant, screenrant
Id: yZPBaR_Zrh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 43sec (1843 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 29 2021
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