WILLY'S WONDERLAND - FNAF but Nicolas Cage is the Janitor

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five nights at freddy's that's where i wanna be for that suffering yes billy's wonderland man after months and months of waiting willie's wonderland is here and it is not as good as i hoped it would be isn't that right nick you know you can say something you're just gonna stare at me okay yeah he doesn't say a [ __ ] word in this movie not sure how i feel about that one yeah he might be all smiles behind me but the nicholas cage in this movie he's a huge sour puss they try to make him this like badass you know he kind of reminded me of mad max from fury road but basically like that badass protagonist that doesn't say anything he's all mysterious you're not really sure of his backstory he has a cool demeanor about him so yeah basically everybody on earth asked me to make this video and i am not joking literally thousands and thousands of people asked me to make this video did i even have a choice i remember in 2020 when this movie was announced everybody lost their minds and yes dear viewer i was one of those people just the idea of an insane nicholas cage in a fanaf style movie is incredible we've all seen him freak out in movies like mandy color out of space mom and dad so collectively we just imagined how amazing this project would be this movie had a cult following before it was even released there was a guy who made a claymation of the movie someone made an animation there's a ton of fan art and did it live up to the hype well kinda i'm gonna lean more towards no but it's not a terrible movie it's kind of fun there are scenes where you're like hell yeah let's go but a lot of it you're like oh hmm oh hmm kevin lewis the director hasn't made anything i've seen before but he did a decent enough job but like i said at the end of the day i wanted to be an original movie and i was like you know just because it's about with animatronics doesn't mean it's a it's a ripoff the guy who wrote this movie and was the brains behind the whole thing is named geoparsons i watched an interview with him and he seems like a fun-loving great guy forget this and forget you i'm done i'm good i'm out of here i just asked how big your willy was and you can tell this movie has a lot of heart put into it especially for a low budget movie i don't think it's nearly as iconic as mandy or color out of space but it definitely has its place i think mandy and color out of space were pretty cool movies with memes within them whereas willy's wonderland instead of being a good movie it's just a big meme at least that's how i see it so yeah like i said before nicholas cage he's a mute it kind of sucks because as much as i like the faces that he makes and the way he moves and you know he's he's kind of a fun guy to watch his line delivery is what makes him special there's so many iconic nicholas cage moments where he's saying something that is ridiculous in a tone that is really funny that's what she was there for that was the plan to give you a boner and you got one i'm a vampire can be kill me do me a favor and get the [ __ ] out of my sight okay granted he does do quite a lot of screaming and grunting in this movie and slurping lots of slurping and i get the whole silent badass protagonist premise and it kind of worked for this movie but it wasn't really what i was expecting and in that way i was let down according to geo parsons interview with this youtuber after reading the script i guess basically like what the movie was about because he doesn't have a script let's be real he doesn't have one unless it's just like nick cage enters room nick cage makes face nick cage cleans bathroom according to geo parsons nick cage was the brains behind some of the characters in the movie like nighty knight and arty the alligator at first the knight was supposed to be a pirate but nick cage said that was too cliche so they changed it and according to geo nick was very accommodating geo sent nick the script on a friday and on monday he was like all right let's do it what a legend nicholas cage said it was like one of the nicest things anybody's has has ever done for me he said like this is the script that i want to do i want to do the script that geo wrote wow so if you guys want me involved that's what we're doing i think it's really cool that nicholas cage is giving smaller budget movies and smaller filmmakers a chance because with projects like this i don't think he's getting paid nearly as much as he would have if he took on a bigger project so it's just cool to see i like to imagine that nick is taking on roles like this because he likes doing it and it's fun for him a lot of people accuse this movie of being a five nights at freddy's rip and i definitely see their point that's a very valid argument to make finale freddies that's where i wanna go while the animatronics are definitely different they're both extremely similar in a lot of ways even the plots are very similar like people's souls inhabit these machines so they turn into killing machines they both have something to do with a serial killer yeah it's very similar he does make a fair comparison in this interview he compares his movie to fnaf like you would compare the walking dead and the living dead both have to do with zombies and both are fun in their own ways yeah i can kind of see what he means but there isn't something that has dominated the evil animatronic genre as much as fnaf like i can't think of anything else out there really that is like fnaf other than willie's wonderland i'm sure there are other things out there but i personally haven't heard of them he claims that he didn't get the idea from fnaf and a while ago when he shot his short film wally's wonderland which featured him as the main role it was an original idea according to him and it's not like there aren't establishments like chuck e cheese out there that someone could easily think up like some sort of horror movie within that setting i still like to think of it as the nic cage fanath movie but anyway it's birthday time the movie starts by showing us a couple in willy's being hunted by the animatronics the woman being hunted spots a hiding child before being killed then we're shown a badass car driving fast the color correction in this movie kind of looks like they just used the hefty instagram filter on every scene to make it look extra orange then we get to see nick cage in all his leather jacket wearing glory he's wearing cool guy shades and his facial hair is very well groomed so he's driving along the road and his tires burst from running over a spike strip he gets picked up by a mechanic who drives him back to his shop we cut to a girl named liv about to burn down willie's she's arrested by the sheriff who's played by beth grant it's interesting to see another familiar face in a small time movie like this she was in a bunch of well-known movies like donnie darko and no country for old men she's one of those actresses that you see all over the place and you're like oh hey i know that person who is that oh come on character actress margot martindale so the sheriff handcuffs live in a trailer and tells her that she'll be back in the morning that's kind of cruel your chips on the carpet table and a bucket on the floor try not to make a mess it's backstory time backstory time backstory time basically willie's was occupied by a cult of depraved evil people like serial killers rapists whatever eventually when the police caught onto them and arrived to take them all in all of them were found dead after performing a satanic ritual basically they just offered their souls to the devil so the devil was like all right uh you guys can live forever but you're gonna be in these animatronics now so these evil people are now living on through the animatronics some would say things they weren't programmed to say what did she just say others since then they terrorized the neighboring town the town not having a huge police force was unable to stop them so the sheriff and the new owners of willys made a pact with the animatronics that if they left the town alone that they'd feed them random outsiders that ventured into the town and as you can guess nick cage was one of these people okay backstory over nick cage doesn't carry cash on him because who does that anymore boomers do that oh wait the atm is broken and it's going to cost a thousand dollars to fix his car so to pay for it he agrees to clean willy's from top to bottom overnight one thousand dollars a day for janitorial work damn that's pretty good sign me up i want to be on staff please congratulations you are officially on staff nic cage silently agrees and shakes text mcadoo's hand yes the owner of willy's wonderland is named tex mcadoo you heard that correct my name is tex same as the state got the handle mcadoo and his mustache is offensively fake just grow a regular stash you don't have to buy a mustache from the dollar store when it's free tex mcadoo i think they're going for a cartoony like goofy vibe so liv has this group of friends that also know the history of willie's and they want to destroy it they find her in the trailer and they set her free for the most part these kids are terrible at acting oh well let's roll out i want to see that [ __ ] burning yeah burn baby burn some of the time it's serviceable but the rest of the time it is god-awful we return to willy's and we get to watch nick cage clean yes a lot of this movie is just us sitting there watching nick cage clean that's like 30 of the movie nick cage cleaning this room and that room and that room over there and the bathroom and the closet also he's obsessed with this purple energy drink or soda called punch he's constantly drinking them throughout the movie and i did not mind this i thought it was kind of funny and random and yeah i get okay he loves this drink called punch because he likes to punch things it gives him the energy to punch things it's very video gamey he finds a pinball table in the break room and you know our boy nick he loves pinball isn't that right nick or not the first animatronic he comes up against is ozzy the ostrich ozzy the ostrich versus nicholas cage who will win it's kind of funny they have a staring contest for a second nicholas cage like pokes it with the broom he's like hey uh are you alive or what and then it attacks nick the animation is very bad what the hell [Music] but i mean what can you really expect with a movie with this kind of budget so it's hard to blame the movie here nick then snaps the broomstick and beats the [ __ ] out of ozzy the ostrich with a broken broomstick handle there's not a lot of heft behind a broomstick handle he must have a lot of power behind those arms of his he must have his strength skill tree maxed out that's the only way and oh no his shirt it's gross now it's covered in machine feces what will he do so he changes his shirt he does this multiple times throughout the film whenever he's covered in this machine [ __ ] he just changes his shirt who wants to be dirty not me i think it probably would have been funnier if throughout the movie he just got dirtier and dirtier you know and by the end he's just completely covered head to toe in this machine gunk so nick cracks open a cold punch and continues cleaning it's bathroom time it's filthy and nick doesn't like filth do you nick don't worry you don't have to say anything i know you won't anyway so he scrub-a-dub-dubs he's cleaning the [ __ ] out of this place [ __ ] he got all that off he's a good janitor i love that they basically paid nic cage to become a janitor and that's it like he doesn't say anything he just cleans every once in a while he pretends to beat the [ __ ] out of a machine but most of the time he's just cleaning and then the animatronics start singing this creepy birthday song nicholas cage's birthday is january 7th i like to imagine that it was literally his birthday when they were filming this scene so nick goes back into the bathroom and he's taunted by a disembodied voice [Music] so he searches the stalls until he's attacked by gus the gorilla i say attacked but the gorilla doesn't do much it kind of just kicks him back into the wall and hugs him as nicolas cage just beats the [ __ ] out of its head nick is thrown into a stall and then he emerges with a gorilla's worst nightmare that's right a plunger to the mouth you get it because the plunger is shaped like a gorilla mouth so it can just suction right on there and he does this multiple times and the gorilla doesn't know what to do oh it's yucky to finish the gorilla off nicholas cage curb stomps the gorilla on a urinal so i guess he urinal stomped the gorilla i'm not sure if this is the first case of urinal stomping in existence but i like to think that it is and oh my god nick you spent all this time cleaning the bathroom and look what you did to the urinal the mirror is broken the wall is broken how you gonna explain this to the owner man who knows how much longer you'll have to spend in the bathroom cleaning it jesus christ talk about an irresponsible janitor at this point i think it's pretty clear that all the animatronics are deadly but nicholas cage he has a mission it's to clean not to kill animatronics so he ignores the rest of them as if they're not deadly and continues to clean you'd assume that after nicholas cage destroyed ozzy the ostrich and urinal stomped the gorilla that the rest of them would just gang up on nick because he's clearly not gonna die very easily but um they don't yeah they don't do that i'm assuming they've never had trouble killing people until now which is kind of hard to believe based on how they're trying to kill nick you know what i mean the final boss in this movie is willy the weasel throughout the movie nicholas and billy have staring contests it's kind of cute there's a scene of nick filing his fingernails with sandpaper and it really bothered me look at how dry and irritated his fingers look jesus why was he filing his fingernails with sandpaper i don't get it it's out of nowhere and they left in the movie you know that scene of nicholas gage filing his fingernails with sandpaper now that was necessary we gotta show that it's very important to his character development another massive defining character trait for nicholas cage's character in this movie is crushing his punch soda cans yeah he crushes them real good and he does it over and over again because that's what a badass would do you don't just throw away the can because it would take up too much space you know you got to crush it first so it takes up least amount of space in the trash bag i love how nick desperately wants the place to be spotless regardless of the fact that he's being hunted by animatronics do you think he just figured that the owner didn't know that his animatronics killed people maybe he just didn't know yeah i think it leans more towards nick just wants to do his job that he's there to do you know he's in there to clean and get out and get his car and be on his way that's it so the kids show up late at night with a bunch of gasoline to light the building on fire they pour the gas all over the side of the building only after pouring the gas does liv tell them that they can't light it because there's a guy inside that they have to save oh wouldn't that be like nice to know before getting there why wouldn't she tell these people that they have to save the guy inside the building first before lighting the building on fire she just figured that she would tell them after they already poured the gasoline on the building you know gas dries up and then you won't be able to light it right like now you're on the clock so okay so they're dumb kids makes sense the front door is locked so liv travels through a vent to get inside this is one of those scenes that is like suspiciously similar to fnaf because they regularly do things with vents in those games so it's kind of hard to believe after seeing this scene that it's not inspired at all by fnaf but whatever so yeah obviously there's an animatronic in this bend and it crawls after liv it's already the alligator yeah are you guys seeing a theme with their names if you made it this far in the video type thanks for the review alan the alien and i will make sure to heart at least one of them you get it right like alan alien they both start with a dude so arty the alligator chases live out of the vent she lands in a misty forest type room where sarah the siren is hanging out sarah starts toying with liv until she pulls her into the ceiling nick finds his way into the forest room and liv drops down on top of him it's kind of awkward like was this supposed to be sexual i hope not i hope not i hope not i don't think it was supposed to be but it's still kind of weird liv tells nick that they need to find a way to get out of there nick doesn't want to he's not done cleaning so he turns around and he's like yeah no bye i have some cleaning to do the next scene shows the rest of the kids on top of the building the night sky in the background is so fake it's laughable they debate on whether or not they should go after live two of the guys have a disagreement so one of them tackles the other and they fall through the roof into a ball pit i guess the roof is compromised now so the rest of the kids also fall through the roof into another ball pit what they crack for the roof what the heck oh it's so dumb dude what are the odds of that happening come on ugh this movie is very goofy and i don't think it was taking itself too seriously i appreciate that but it's also really stupid and i don't think being goofy is a good enough excuse for a bunch of plot contrivances so they're all in this main hall area all the animatronics are now standing up on the stage liv notices sarah up there so she runs up to stab her and then nick stops her at the last second what are you doing what the hell man what are you doing because if someone's going to destroy property in this place it's gonna be nick not you i honestly have no idea why he stopped her right here maybe he was protecting her i don't know maybe he stopped her because if he stabbed her then they would all come to life and gang up on them or something but why would you have to attack them for them to attack you that doesn't make any sense it's so funny how he stops her too he grabs her arm and then he throws her over his shoulder and brings her over to where the kids are and drops her he's like no bad girl come over here no stay maybe nick just wants to kill them all himself maybe he enjoys doing it that's probably what it is he doesn't want the property destroyed unless they attack him you know he's on staff it's his ass if the property is damaged he takes her knife from her which is weird like clearly you don't need it you literally killed this animatronic gorilla with a plunger and your boot so i don't know what a knife will do for you i think she needs it a lot more than you do man he's kind of rude two of these kids are named bob and kathy they're both absolutely moronic so they find themselves in the super happy fun time room basically this is where all those evil people killed themselves kathy thinks that's hot she's horny so she's like hey bob are you getting horny right now or is it just me and then bob's like oh so you're a freak freak oh you're a freak freak oh you're a freak so they decide to bang in the room despite the fact that there's killer animatronics just wandering around so that wasn't the smartest idea the next animatronic to attack them is nighty night he stabs one of the kids through his chest with a giant foam sword the movie regularly tries to convince us that the foam swords and the foam claws are real and they can do a lot of damage i've seen more convincing weapons at a larping event it's kind of silly that they're trying to convince me that these are real and are you telling me that this nighty night had a real ass sword this entire time when this was a place for children like before evil people came here this knight just had a big ass sword and the claws and the beaks and everything on these animatronics are real how is that not a safety concern for the children artie the alligator shows up in the room where bob and kathy are banging and she's like it's staring at us and bob goes well then let's give it a shot what you talking about it's break time for nick so he's just enjoying some pinball like really enjoying it he's got some sort of pinball fetish i'm not sure why it is pinball ain't this fun dude chill sarah the siren and tito the turtle tag team this random kid and now nick's break is done so it's back to work so he smashes the knight's head against the wall into an oily pulp and then chops its head off with its own sword he stands there all menacingly and oh [ __ ] his shirt is all dirty now again how many times does he have to change in this movie like 10 it's despicable how is a janitor around this place supposed to remain presentable come on now arty the alligator is finally done wanking in the corner so he attacks and kills bob and kathy nick and liv hear them dying in there so nick kicks the door down [Music] he just kicks it down with ease it looks like our boy artie is in trouble now i kind of like this one punch man thing this movie is doing for some unbeknownst reason this random middle-aged man that isn't even well built like he's just this random guy right but for some reason he's amazing at destroying these animatronics so yeah he just waltzes in and rips open artie's jaw and leaves he's like all right there's another one here we go all right bye and then we're introduced to cami the chameleon it convinces chris that she's not like the other animatronics obviously she's lying but he falls for it for some reason i can show you what's on the other side if you can help me get there i do kind of like how some of the animatronics have different ways of killing people the alligator hides and only kills its prey when they're caught off guard sarah the siren is nimble and hard to get your hands on cam of the chameleon has level 100 speech and the gorilla is just a dumb ape and tito the turtle no idea but you get the point and willie the weasel is just really tall and very strong chris called the cops earlier so they're on their way to willy's the sheriff tells her cop friend about liv's backstory so basically liv was the little girl that the people found in the beginning of the movie basically her parents were killed by the animatronics and she was able to hide until morning so they found her in there and saved her because apparently they only like sacrificing certain people they don't sacrifice kids i guess they have some boundaries they won't cross which is kind of hard to believe but it's basically just to give liv some sort of motive to want to destroy the place so liv finds chris in the room with cammy the chameleon the chameleon then snaps chris's neck with its tongue nick cage enters the room up yup cammy's [ __ ] oh wait his watch alarm went off it's break time sorry gonna have to sit this one out liv see ya at least it gives her knife back that's nice of him so he leaves her to fend for herself so he can go drink some more punch and play some more pinball amazing i love this it's so stupid i think this was my favorite part in the movie because it came out of nowhere and it was hilarious you gave her a knife he gave her a knife and left this scene really nailed the goofiness for me kind of a dick move but you know how it is every responsible man has to stick to a schedule be sure to take breaks always good to pace yourself i bet his character has like crazy ocd or something that would explain a lot so nick finally finishes his break and returns to destroy cammy i gotta say the use of some effects sound design and music made the fight scene so much better that is in every fight scene aside from the one with ozzy like the aussie fight scene was yeah it was it was bad nick cage drags cammy to the dumpster when he stopped in his tracks by siren sarah and tito the turtle oh no what's he gonna do oh it's no big deal you know he just nonchalantly walks past them punching them as he goes whatever the cops show up at willy's and point their guns at nick i guess the sheriff is scared of the repercussions of their arrangement with willy being broken they zip tied nick's hands and they take live outside put her in a cop car and start driving her to the station nick is now alone in a room with his hand zip tied with cami the chameleon and sarah the siren you guys think a little zip tie is going to stop nicholas cage they thought that a zip tie would stop you nick what do you say to these people of course he's speechless i mean i would be so nick stylishly kicks the jukebox behind him it starts playing heads shoulders knees and toes [Music] i do kind of love this it's such a hilarious contrast a kid's song playing as a precursor to nick beating the [ __ ] out of some machines little did liv know tito the turtle was on the cop car this entire time how they didn't notice this massive animatronic is beyond me that's what i'm goddamn gonna do you'll see [Music] you didn't notice that what how myself you drop her off in a cell come back and get me should be done by then this scene right here is right before they start driving so this turtle is pretty uh stealthy it's this giant [ __ ] mexican turtle with a sombrero and you didn't notice him on top of your car so it kills the cop liv is able to get her hands on the shotgun but oh my god tito has the shells to the shotgun so she can't use it to kill him it doesn't matter though she just beats him with it yeah she just beats tito the turtle with the shotgun and that was enough i guess tito just did not want to use his claws on this girl for some reason i'm starting to think that these animatronics aren't a huge threat if a 16 year old girl can beat the [ __ ] out of one with a shotgun and that's enough to take it down not really scared of them anymore to be honest yeah this part was dumb as hell were then shown one of the most hilarious scenes in the entire movie the camera slowly pans to the right revealing sarah the siren's legs you can see her animatronic body squirming and then you see nick cage he sat on top of her face and he squishes her head with his big juicy man thighs he just squishes her head those big meaty man dies i mean how could you possibly stop that from happening i mean i would have liked to have seen how he got on top of her that probably would have been fun to say but i like to imagine that he like bounced in the air landing perfectly on her face with his legs cammy the chameleon is awestruck i guess she's just kind of like standing there watching sarah die so nick stands up and he just snaps the zip tie like it's nothing he snaps cammy's neck and then it's back to cleaning you thought he forgot his purpose here you're so wrong nick is here to clean and that's what he's gonna do and of course he has to change his shirt it's dirty gross gotta stay fresh gotta stay clean so the only animatronic left is willie the weasel nicholas cage gets ready for their showdown by playing pinball and dancing simultaneously that's just how good he is this is definitely one of the best scenes you can tell they had a lot of fun making this movie which i can respect nicolas cage's hair is just like flopping all over the place the sheriff is kind of an insane person so she sees nick bringing another dead animatronic out to the dumpster instead of just letting him kill off the rest of the animatronics which would solve her problem right she decides to hold him at gunpoint again so willie can get his sacrifice why wouldn't she just help him try and kill willy i mean he doesn't need help she could at least try and help him i mean there's only one animatronic left and are you seriously telling me that this guy is walking around beating the [ __ ] out of these animatronics like it's nothing and these cops couldn't take care of them with guns oh my god nick is clearly not having a lot of trouble killing these things she should just wait for him to kill them but yeah she holds the gun at him and she's like willy come on out i have him come and kill him willy so surprise surprise willie pops out of nowhere and he just kills the sheriff yeah he just swipes the top half of her body off her legs like a hot knife through butter it's that easy and then the ultimate showdown begins willie gets some hits off on nick and leaves him in a ball pit but you think that was enough to take down nicholas cage and it looks like it's break time again so nick heads to the break room he gathers the remaining sodas that he hasn't drank so far he must be addicted to these things he brought like 40 with him into this place for one night and he's already had like what 15 of them he puts a bunch of these cans into a sack and he takes the two sticks that he used earlier on ozzy and he tapes them together and those are his two weapons he goes out to face willy he uses the sticks to block willy's attacks and they just beast the [ __ ] out of willy with the bag of cans of soda that's a great way to crush and destroy your favorite drink nicholas cage not sure why you would do that because clearly you have an addiction to these things this final fight is kind of underwhelming what i expected to happen was him to go into the break room and chug the remaining like 15 cans or whatever it is that he had left so he could achieve god's status right kind of like a video game i like to imagine these canned drinks as like a strength buff of some sort and drinking all these cans would give him some sort like god status and he just walks out and beats the [ __ ] out of willy with his fists that's what i would have liked to see but this works too i guess the next day tex mcadoo remembered tex mcadoo how could you forget that name he gives nick the keys to his fixed-up ride liv and nick stare at each other for a second and then they both entered the car i suppose they both silently agreed that he's like adopting her or something i'm not sure sarah the siren is still alive in the dumpster she ends up blowing up the car that tacks and the mechanic are sitting in destroying herself along with them while driving away nick cage is about to chug another can of punch but begrudgingly he shares and gives it to live he's a changed man remember when he stole the knife from her while he's repaying her with a bottle of his precious punch his precious punch tito the turtle is still in the road from the night before so nick cage runs him over it ends with a cute animation of willy ultimately this movie is bad i'm not ashamed to admit that it's bad but it's still a fun watch i don't think it's terrible i kind of see it as a big meme i would have liked nikkei to have said at least one word maybe after destroying willy he could have said like pathetic or [ __ ] or something you know like a simple one-liner to really hammer at home you know this guy he's cool it would have given it that cheesy factor that this movie was going for but whatever it's hard not to miss nicholas cage's line delivery in a movie like this you know because he says nothing yeah he don't talk much he does scream a fair bit [Music] [Applause] and i like that but i would have liked him to say something yeah i thought liv's character was kind of lame and i understand why they put the kids in this movie so they could have someone for the animatronics to kill but maybe instead of doing that they could have just showed a bunch of corpses in this place you know and along with the intro scene of them killing a couple i think that would have been more than enough to show the audience that these things you know they don't have a lot of trouble killing people ultimately i thought the kids took away from the experience while they did have a couple funny lines here and there i kind of wish the entire movie just revolved around nick inside this place without any outside help i also would have liked the animatronics to be scary in any way because they weren't in this movie like sure willy did tower over people and i like that but come on i also would have preferred the ways that nick cage killed the animatronics to be a little bit more realistic whether that be through finding a baseball bat something that you can imagine would do some real damage to these machines i think that definitely would have improved the movie and then at the end you could have him like beat the [ __ ] out of one of them with his fists and then show his fists all mangled from you know punching metal i think i would have liked that more but this is what we got so i didn't love the movie i thought it was fun and that's about it if you guys are looking for a fun meme to watch with your friends i think this movie will probably be a good choice actually i take back everything i said this is my favorite movie ever made now if you're watching this geo parsons please send me one of those staff shirts because i want one i know you have extras lying around i know i didn't say that this movie's the best thing in the world but please those shirts are cool please i thought nic cage was good in the movie but it's kind of hard to [ __ ] up when you don't have to say a single thing i guess his evil stares and his screaming and his dancing yeah that was all relatively entertaining so yeah guys that's billy's wonderland if you like what i'm wearing in this video you can get it over at alienclothing.com new hat new shirt it says what a lovely day on it and it has an alien logo on the sleeve it's pretty epic please let me know what you'd like me to review next in the comment section down below and if like this movie i get thousands and thousands of people asking me to make a review on it odds are i will definitely do it those are my thoughts on blaze wonderland i hope you like this video follow me on letterboxed if you want to know my takes on a lot of other movies and i'll see you guys in the next one goodbye head shoulders knees and toes knees and toes head shoulders knees and toes knees and toes eyes and ears and mouth and nose [Music] you
Channel: Elvis The Alien
Views: 2,303,153
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Elvis the Alien, ElvistheAlien, satire, willys wonderland, willy's wonderland, fnaf nicolas cage, fnaf movie, fnaf
Id: yezLIJrVKCc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 51sec (2151 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 06 2021
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