BEHIND YOU (2020) - The Worst Horror Movie of the Year

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so the movie we're going to be talking about today is called behind you and it was released in 2020. and yeah uh the entire plot is in the title you know that thing that like a billion other horror movies do they have a character look in a mirror and they see something in the mirror and they're like oh my god what is that and they turn around oh god it's gone well this movie is very brave it takes that concept and expands upon it what if the monster was actually there when you turned around and it killed you yeah it's nothing new i'm so sick of the whole mirror thing like this is an entire movie based around that one simple horror movie trope it's so silly like that's literally the entire plot this movie is the definition of terrible horror it takes every single common and boring trite fabid horror movie trope smashes it together and it serves all this stuff on a nice delicious platter of [ __ ] and they're like hey it's called behind you get it because when you look at a mirror it's behind you there's even a breakdown online of the 10 horror movies with deadly mirrors there's even a movie called into the mirror that released in 2003 there's a movie called mirror mirror released in 1990 there's even a movie called bloody mary 3d which is about the whole bloody mary thing you know you look into a mirror and you say it three times there's a movie called mirror released in 2007 in a movie called mirrors released in 2008 guys i get it mirrors are spooky and everything but please just give it a rest there's even a jojo villain that lives in a mirror so just like in a million other horror movies this one starts with someone dying [Music] in this case it's a girl that gets killed by the mirror monster and then 40 years pass and this woman named camilla is bringing two girls whose mother just died to stay with their aunt beth the older girl is named olivia and the younger girl is named claire their aunt is the sister of the girl that died in the beginning of the movie and i guess their father can't take care of them because he's at the country so camilla their mother's work friend brought their kids to their aunts place i don't know where their grandparents are do they have grandparents i guess all four of their grandparents are dead so i guess their aunt is the only person available that could possibly look after these kids their aunt is obviously apprehensive because she knows about this mirror monster claire has this stuffed bunny that she carries around with her it's a way for her to cope with the ptsd that she's suffering from since her mother died claire do you mind asking lucy if she understands the rules she says she does on beth has this boyfriend named charles all four of them are eating dinner and claire has a deadly peanut allergy and there's peanut butter in the soup so she starts dying so olivia rushes and gets a epiped and stabs olivia and then olivia's like oh [ __ ] i probably should have told you guys about my sister's deadly allergy oh it must have just slipped my mind and claire doesn't like to talk i guess she likes to speak through her bunny but that whole thing ends in like five minutes in the next scene olivia is washing her face and she finds that there's no mirror in the bathroom she's like oh that's weird so she starts to rip the wallpaper off to reveal the mirror and they just moved into this place that's kind of weird why would you go to someone's place that you hardly know and then start ripping their wallpaper off so yeah aunt beth is covering the mirrors cause she knows how deadly they are in this house for some unknown reason and we're never told why the creature inhabits the house it just does the only thing we know is that there's a monster that lives in the mirrors and tries to convince people to let it take over their bodies that's all we know claire has woken up in the middle of the night and told by her bunny to go help her mom who is in the basement what like a dumbass she goes to the basement to help her dead mom because her bunny told her to so the bunny instructs claire to go into her own study find a lock box it instructs her how to open it how when you hit it up it makes noise it goes dink she finds a key inside it and uses it to unlock the basement okay so i guess the demon is talking through the bunny to convince claire to do these things and claire trusts the bunny you know she loves the bunny lucy b is the name of the bunny we stan lucy b so claire is just wandering around the basement and the ghost convinces her that it's her mom and she's like hey i'm stuck in the mirror you just say this sentence three times and i will come back to life and claire has two brain cells so she's like wow this must be true like i know she's a kid and everything but come on dude so she has to say this sentence three times mirror mirror open wide let this spirit come inside it's cute because it rhymes mirror mirror open wide let the spirit come inside and then the demon inhabits her body i'm really ecstatic that the uh say three times thing is back i'm pretty sure i spoke about this in a previous video saying something multiple times to make something happen is not interesting anymore please just don't do that stop the next morning olivia finds claire hiding in a wardrobe claire shows olivia an old newspaper headline that was in aunt best study it tells us that beth was sentenced to 15 years in a mental facility for the murder of her younger sister angela the girl in the beginning of the movie if you read the newspaper's fine print in the first sentence they wrote sentenced twice i guess they didn't proofread this at all olivia calls camilla and tells her about the newspaper article i just found an article so aunt beth discovers the lock box has been opened so she figures out that one of the kids must have been possessed by this demon so at dinner on beth is like hey i know i didn't want you guys to stay before but i just randomly changed my mind now i want you guys to stay please stay so i can kill you i'm sure my father would want to get us right away from what i've heard your father is pretty hard to reach right now yeah she wants to kill them because that's the only way to get the demon out of their body apparently according to these books that she has there's always someone who has done a bunch of research on these demons and knows exactly how they work why can't we just have a demon that just works on its own accord you know when you have someone that knows exactly how the demon works and tells the people in the movie how the demon works and how to defeat it it takes away a lot of the mystery a lot of the appeal i'm not saying it's a bad thing when the protagonists learn how to kill the monster or demon or ghost or whatever but maybe have them learn over time you know like in the ring they didn't just learn exactly how the girl worked they had to put the pieces together throughout the course of the film it wasn't like oh 40 years pass and now here's this expert on these demons it's a lot less interesting that way olivia tells beth that she doesn't really want to stay at their house much longer claire being possessed by the demon is like hey we should probably stick around this place i guess the demon has to be in the house i don't know how it works they didn't explain it well at all in these movies the demon is always bound to a house right the whole haunted house with like a demon inside that possesses people is so overdone i think that might be the most overdone movie trope in existence obviously these mirrors killed your sister when you were younger why wouldn't you just destroy the mirrors on beth didn't try to destroy the mirror she didn't try to get rid of the mirrors she just left them in the basement like a little demon shrine that's what i want in my house a demon shrine i guess going to the mental hospital gave her this craving to find a way to destroy the demon but why though if you know it's in the mirrors just get rid of the mirrors then you get rid of the demon it's that simple but just kept him in the [ __ ] basement the next morning claire is seen clawing on her stomach repeating i want to get it out i want to get it out of that so yeah the demons inside of her and the part of her that still remains is trying to get it out i guess aunt beth tells olivia to wait in the car and they will bring claire out and bring her to the hospital so olivia goes out to the car and finds a massive revolver and a steak knife in the car so yeah i guess on beth's plan was to kill claire to get the demon out of claire the only conclusion she came to was just gotta kill the host it's the only way and it's not like a new revelation they had to kill her sister so the demon would go away so she didn't learn anything throughout the movie she's talking about oh i've done so much research i know what i'm doing no you don't you haven't learned [ __ ] you're an idiot you've spent your entire life obsessing over this demon that lives in a [ __ ] mirror when you can just get rid of the mirrors oh my god it's so dumb why would aunt beth tell olivia to go out to the car where the weapons are they're sitting on the back seat you know there's a 50 50 chance that olivia chooses the back seat you don't think she's gonna look under that cloth that's in the back seat to see what's there oh my god i can't believe it and the demon can't even leave the house i'm what were they gonna kill her in the car i don't know maybe the demon can leave the house i don't know i don't know so olivia after seeing the weapons rushes back into the house she is quickly subdued by beth and charles she's forced to take a sleeping pill she awakens to find that she's locked in a bedroom she looks out the window to find camilla arriving at the house and charles is telling her that everything is fine camilla pretends to leave only to return and try to communicate with libya through the locked window camilla signals phone and olivia writes no time when she could have wrote they took my phone i'm a hostage you call the police instead olivia writes get the gun in the car she didn't tell her why to get the gun in the car she didn't tell her that they have claire hostage but camilla trusts her so she gets the gun from the car and walks into the house and points it at aunt beth i mean i guess this is a faster solution than calling the police but camilla should at least have called the police maybe while walking to the car to get the gun i mean you want the police involved in this situation right this is kind of weird what's going on but she doesn't for some reason and i guess charles and beth left the guns in the car this whole time and charles goes to retrieve the weapons from the car except he's too late camilla already has the gun oh [ __ ] wait so they had olivia go out to the car just to get her out of the way so they could subdue claire then why leave the weapons in the car if they weren't planning on bringing claire to the car and driving somewhere to kill her and if they were going to do that was their plan to kill both of them and if they were going to kill both of them how could they possibly explain that to camilla or their father that's out there somewhere that apparently doesn't give a [ __ ] about his own kids oh man wow what is going on and why didn't they just put the weapons in the trunk like that's such a clear solution to this problem just put the weapons in the trunk and olivia would have just sat there in the car for like 30 minutes wondering where everybody was these people are so stupid the weapons were literally left in the car only to serve the plot of this movie there was no other reason and if their plan was to put claire in the car and drive away and kill her somewhere then why didn't they do it once they locked up olivia in her bedroom you know like why'd they waste so much time oh because they're gonna do it in the house now they change their mind i guess i don't know i'm just guessing okay so camilla has charles at gunpoint and she leads him into the house and she commands them to give her claire so they do so camilla ends up taking both the girls and locks beth and charles in the basement claire camilla and olivia are all in the car they're about to escape claire obviously still has this demon inside her so she's like hey i want my bunny i need lucy okay let's fight just be quick excuse me [ __ ] so camilla has olivia go back into the house where the two people she thinks were about to kill them are still sitting you know like what if they found a way out of the basement why would you send her in alone what obviously she would walk in there with her with the gun to get the bunny she wouldn't have olivia go in by herself but she does to serve the plot so obviously when olivia comes back she finds that camilla has been killed by claire kind of hard to believe that a six-year-old could overpower and murder a fully grown adult but it happened so don't ask questions maybe this demon makes her super strong i don't know so olivia's like hey i guess beth was right so she frees beth and charles i guess she trusts them now oh get your gun so beth explains to olivia how the mirrors work she's like the first door's the mirror the second door is the mind the third door is the body yeah that's a fancy way of saying they use the mirror to possess people yeah that doesn't really tell us anything else about the monster or why it's doing this like why this house you know where this demon come from oh it just came out of nowhere oh all right and then the movie tries to convince us that charles and beth had the kids best interest in mind the whole time okay then what was with the revolver in the kitchen knife then so they search for claire and all of a sudden the lights don't work in a bedroom for no reason yeah you know how in every horror movie the demons or ghosts or whatever like to turn out the lights yep happens here and then there's music that played in the beginning of the movie it plays again here yeah you know like the creepy music box music that they put in pretty much every horror movie yep you guessed it it's in this one too so the creepy music is playing through the intercom olivia turns to see a reflection of herself she turns again and oh my god behind you get it claire jumps out of the closet with the knife stabbing olivia olivia escapes downstairs and hides in an elevator of course it goes down olivia exits the elevator and looks around the cellar she finds the red lit room full of mirrors that claire was in earlier claire follows her down there olivia trips and charles appears at the last second and throws a bag over claire and sedates her charles then tricks olivia and locks her in her bedroom again poor olivia she keeps getting locked into places so the demon in the house unlocks the door to olivia's room and gives her the gun i guess like she just appears in the basement with the gun in her hand okay this couple sucks with weapon management i just want to say that like just keep the weapons on you and you won't have to worry about the demon or anybody else using the weapons you know what i mean like why would they leave a gun lying around if they know that there's a demon in this house oh my god so olivia points her gun at them beth says they have to kill her because only through death will the third door be closed and i guess they're gonna use a knife to kill her would the gun be a much easier way to kill her in fact why would they use either of these weapons just smother her to death you know there's much less blood that way much less cleaning up to do olivia is a dumb smooth-brained idiot so charles takes the gun from her olivia convinces him that beth might be kind of insane and that believing in this stuff that she reads in her demon books might not be enough to justify killing people charles is like yeah okay you're right i guess i just never thought about that before i'm literally just a follower i'm like your puppy i can't think for myself at all so they tie beth to a chair olivia gets the great idea to feed claire peanut butter in order to kill the demon yeah this makes no sense wouldn't this be the same as torturing her in any number of ways why would compromising her immune system have any effect on the demon so they feed her peanut butter olivia stabs her with an epipen as soon as the demon exits her body so she's dead then right it'd only leave her body if she died i'm assuming but i guess not i guess a little bit of peanut butter is enough to do the job i guess a little bit of pain is too much for it so it leaves the body and olivia doesn't stab her with just one epipen she stabs her with three triple kill wait the [ __ ] up so then claire wakes up she would 100 be suffering from an epinephrine overdose but whatever she's fine you know whatever she's fine charles gives money to olivia and everything's fine in the world they're about to leave the house and all of a sudden claire doesn't care about her bunny anymore i don't need her anymore because i guess possession cures ptsd who would have thought not me the demon then shuts the front door on them before they can leave so it's good to know that the demon can just manipulate everything in the house and then sucks claire into the basement and shuts the door behind her the rest of them go down there they find claire curled up in a ball the demon attacks them so they all leave the basement and lock themselves in a room upstairs and the demon struggles to get into the room despite the fact that it unlocked a door earlier to let olivia downstairs i guess it just didn't think about unlocking the door like this demon has showed us time and time again that it can manipulate anything in the house why would a simple door stop it from entering this room so i guess the demon is like floating around aimlessly now it doesn't have a body so it just has a different physical form that humans can't see i would assume that this would be much better for the demon it would give it a huge advantage if it wanted to kill everybody in the house except for one person to possess them and i don't even know why it wants to possess someone if it can't leave the house anyway what is the point what is this demon's end goal i'm so confused does it just want to exist in the human world and live in this house for the rest of his life as a demon i don't oh my god they can only see the demon using mirrors so they all take a sharp object like a knife and a piece of a mirror so they can see the demon wherever it is and they surround themselves with mirrors to kill it so they can see it coming so the demon just puts the lights out i guess they just forgot that it could do that so they use flashlights the demon grabs claire and brings her down to the basement again oh just kidding she's upstairs now wait what yeah i don't know what's happening claire stabs the demon she's upstairs charles kicks the door down to find her being held up by the demon he tries to stab it and it overpowers him this scene is ridiculous so you're telling me that claire a six-year-old could stab the demon but this guy charles just couldn't do it the demon's too strong yeah it makes sense charles tries to stab the demon and it overpowers him and makes him stab his own throat i always find scenes like this really silly because they never just try and move the part of their body that's about to get stabbed you know like this guy is clearly getting overpowered by this demon but he doesn't just try to avoid getting stabbed he just lets the blade go directly into his throat you know why not try and shimmy your body out of the direction of the knife that would probably help beth and olivia got separated from charles that's why he was the only one that could try and save claire so beth and olivia are still moseying around the house it throws beth and then it chucks a bowling ball at olivia's head which would definitely knock her out if not kill her but it doesn't cause of course not if this demon can just pick up things and use the force to fling them at these people you would assume that killing them would be really easy you know like just don't stop throwing the bowling ball at them just do it over and over you know or maybe just take the knives in the kitchen and throw the knives at them that'd work this demon's just an idiot i guess the demon then writes in charles blood on the wall say the words or they all die so the monster is about to kill beth and claire has no idea that it's about to kill beth but claire decides to start saying the words anyway despite the fact that the demon lied to her about being her mother earlier why would claire believe the demon it is definitely still going to kill everyone even if you say the words but claire's a little small dumbass kid smooth brained idiot nothing's happening inside that mind of hers in fact most kids her age would probably be too scared to do anything so then the demon has an adhd moment and it's like oh i was about to kill aunt beth but since claire's saying the words i better get up there and take over her body because i guess this demon has a physical form now and has to physically walk to where the bodies are to take them over but then at the last second aunt beth starts saying the words so the demon has another adhd moment and it turns around to take over beth's body instead because i guess she's closer the demon is walking very slowly towards beth and beth and olivia can both see the demon through the mirrors that are all around them but neither of them decide to attack the demon olivia is holding a weapon but she still decides not to stab it i know her brain probably got knocked loose since she got hit in the head with a bowling ball so maybe she's not fit to attack the demon why didn't beth try attacking the demon as it approached her to take over her body you know what i mean why not throw things at it you know like do something so instead of stabbing the demon olivia decides to just stab beth as soon as she gets possessed wow dick move so the police come and they find beth and charles dead one of the officers approaches the girls and olivia is like it wasn't her fault and the cop goes i know it's being reported as a murder-suicide wait why why is it being reported as a murder-suicide why would they instantly decide that the kids are innocent without any further investigation i know this couple has a history but still they're just gonna decide that's what happened oh okay and then the movie ends with a candle going out and a snarl ooh spooky the demon it's still there so yeah uh that's the movie did they answer any questions about this demon thing and where it came from or what it is or anything not really why does it use mirrors who knows it's just a random demon okay fine that works no backstory needed it's just chills and mirrors oh right that's enough that works and don't get me wrong i'm not saying that every single horror movie has to explain in detail every single little thing about the monster or ghost or whatever sometimes mystery can be compelling but this is not one of those cases because it's not like i didn't understand how the demon worked i just didn't understand why it was doing all this the movie explained the what the how but not the why it just abandoned why so yeah guys that was the movie behind you very spooky if you have any other suggestions for a movie i should review please put it in the comment section down below thank you guys so much for watching go to for some really awesome merch it's my personal clothing brand and i love it a lot and i think you might like it too all right guys i'll see you in the next one goodbye [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Elvis The Alien
Views: 682,234
Rating: 4.9755187 out of 5
Keywords: Elvis the Alien, ElvistheAlien, satire, horror movie, the worst horror movie, behind you, behind you movie, behind you movie review
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 29sec (1469 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 16 2021
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