Alternate Universe Snacks Taste Test

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These Alternate Universe episodes are some of my favorites. And this one had no shortage of weirdness or surprises!

See you all in a week!

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/FergusCragson 📅︎︎ Jul 17 2020 🗫︎ replies

rhett: hippies are not known for their taste.

link: they're known for their smell

oh man! these last GMMORES have been awesome

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Sissinou 📅︎︎ Jul 17 2020 🗫︎ replies
- Today we traverse back to the multiverse. - Let's talk about that. (upbeat electronic music) Good Mythical Morning! - And good mythical season 17 finale. - What? - What a season it has been. - We finished another one. - Yeah, we have. From guillotines to quarantines, ice cream tournies to fan fic journeys. I'm trying still to forget about that. It's been quite a ride. - Yeah. We truly wanna thank you for making us a part of your daily routine. 2020 has been wild so far, and in the future, when you look back on all that we are currently living through, we're grateful to be a part of how you've experienced it, and hopefully a positive part. A bright spot in your future memory of now. - Wow, that was very complex, I don't understand, but hopefully you do. In order to go out with the most metaphysical bang possible, we have decided to once again, stick our heads through the Stargate to see what undiscovered snacks are floating around in the multiverse, just waiting to be discovered. It's time for part five of Multiverse Munchies. Okay class, by way of review remember, the concept of the multiverse holds that there is an infinite amount of universes, which comprise the entirety of space, time, matter, and energy, and if you follow it correctly, crazy snacks. - And as it turns out, we have a top secret snack wormhole that we've been going through and coming back with these very real, alternate reality treats, which we are going to taste, because they are real. And then we are going to decide if they are from a delicious dimension or if they are a snack offension. - Now first off, in our universe, right here, we have one of the most incredible marketing inventions in convenient store history, 7-Eleven's Big Gulp. But in an alternate universe they have Tiny Sips. - Tiny Sips, there we go. Yeah, in this universe everyone evolved to be extremely tiny, but they also have our dimension's veracious appetite for sugary drinks. And that's why Tiny Sips still has the same 30 ounce capacity of soda as a Big Gulp. - Let's try it. - Okay. (Link sipping) - I'll try to leave some for you. - Yeah, do every other one. (Rhett and Link sipping) Oh, it's so tiny. But still big in a way. You're still skipping one, right? - Mm-hmm. - Good, thanks. - A lot of sipping. - Wow, there's a-- - Maybe I got off. - You got off, now I'm back on. Wow. - I mean, I'm touching every one with my lips, I'm just not sucking every time. - It's still bigger than you would expect. - We ain't done. - Lot of Tiny Sips. - We're gonna make it all the way to season 18. Okay, I'm done. You gotta keep going. Don't give up. Don't give up. Sippy sip. - I'm still sipping. - That's the wrong one. That's yours right there. - Okay, too late. - You got two of mine, get that one. Okay, got it. - Why's your sound come like that? - Why's my sound come like that? I was installed with that in my operating system. - Okay, that was interesting to do as a two person team. - It was like a fun exercise. - That would be an odd thing to go into the convenient store and walk out with though. I gotta say, to take that back to your big SUV. - In that universe, they've mastered the ability to throw it over their shoulder like a continental soldier, or whatever the saying is. - I don't know, I mean, there's something beautiful about this. That seems like a lot of engineering, maybe a lot of extra-- There's a lot more plastic in that situation. I wonder if they have the same plastic problems that we have in our universe. - Oh my gosh. - If so, then I don't wanna be adding to it with that. - You're making this about waste? - I am, for the first time ever. - Delicious dimension or snack offension? - [Both] Snack offension. - We've got Lucky Charms in this dimension, but there's an alternate universe where people aren't so lucky to enjoy such an iconic morning treat. Over there, they eat-- - Cursed Charms! - Yeah, everything in this alternate universe is dark and spooky. - As it says on the box this is a-- - Everyone was born incredibly bad luck. - Cursed, wretched, oat cereal with marshmallows. So you can see, it resembles Lucky Charms, but it's a dark twist on it. - Scary. - Let's check it out. - And of course, they enjoy it with dark milk. - I reached in for the bag and there is no bag, of course, this is a cursed-- They don't need a bag in cursed in land. - I think they may call it Cursed Charms. You know how some people say cursed? - [Rhett] Oh, look at that! - Oh, give me some. - Gotta make this noise when you-- Blah! Oh, a surprise! Whoa, we found a prize! - Look at that, and let's open it. - [Rhett] Hopefully it's not a good prize though, just to be consistent with the theme. - Probably a cursed scroll. Remember every meal could be your last. - All right, I like that. - Okay, so we got the dark milk, pouring is kind of my thing. - Wait now, I know milk is kind of your thing, but I think pouring dark milk is kind of my thing. - Okay. Well, there you go. - And when you pour dark milk, you can't look at what you're pouring it into. You have to make eye contact. - Okay, uncle! - Tell me if I'm doing it right. - That's good. All right, let's give it a taste. - And there's a smell to this. - [Josh] That's the smell of pure evil. - Oh wow, it really does smell evil. - What are these? - Well, first off we've got black cats. - Tombstones. - We've got tombstones, and we've got upside-down horseshoes. - Oh, look at that. I wonder what happens when you turn the horseshoe right side up. It turns back upside-down. - It smells awful. Oh, it tastes pretty good though. - It kind of does a number on your teeth. Not nasty, it's kind of nice, right? - I sort of like it. I like horror, I like dark things. - Yeah, I mean, they should release these around Halloween time in our dimension. - A little gritty. Now that I'm getting into it, it's actually a lot gritty. It's grittier than I would have-- Oh, there's a Ouija board on the back. - Look at that, summon a demon, it's fun! - You know when you're sitting there as a child and you're eating your cereal and you get bored and you start looking at the back of the box, and you're like, what can I do? Well, in this universe, you can summon a demon! - That way you always have someone to dine with you. Delicious dimension or snack offension? - [Rhett] I'm coming around. - [Both] Delicious dimension! - We wanna invite you to check out the Mythical Society app. It's free for iOS and Android. Google Play store, Apple store. It gives you unprecedented access to all things Mythical. And if you sign up for an initiate tier, which is also free, you get to peruse everything the Mythical Society has to offer. - Peruse, if you will. - Lots of stuff we're putting over there for you, that's only there. - Okay, you know, in this universe we got potato skins. - Tater skins! - You're very familiar with them, but in a parallel universe, that is not to dissimilar from our own, they have pototo skins. - Pototo skins are basically like our potato skins, except they have a bay leaf. - Wow, served with a single bay leaf. That's exciting. - You wanna taste it? - I do wanna taste it. - 'Cause in that universe-- - I'm gonna run the bay leaf on it, 'cause I think that's what you're supposed to do. - Everything is basically just like this universe with just little differences. Just little differences. That's a thick pototo skin. - This isn't really a pototo skin, this is kind of just a potato cut in half. - It kind of undermines our angle, Rhett. (Rhett laughs) - But that's what it is in our universe too, 'cause they're right here. I mean, I could exchange them and you wouldn't know, they're so similar. It's just the bay leaf that's the difference, you know? - Some of the other only slight little differences in that other universe include ketchup. It's exactly the same, but it comes out of the bottle a little bit easier. - Toenails are made of fingernails, but fingernails are still fingernails. - Carl's Jr is on the east coast and Hardee's on their west coast. - Danny DeVito is one inch taller. - People can actually believe it's not butter. - "The Fast and the Furious" series actually stars Vin Diesel's twin. - Jeff Bezos, he still owns Amazon, but instead of having a shaved head, he's got the horseshoe. - And everybody in the world calls football, football. - And our studio in that dimension is in Encino. - All of the characters from "Toy Story" are voiced by Tom Hanks. - And when you're watching "Lord of the Rings" you won't notice it, but it's actually 15 minutes shorter. - Guy Fieri is actually naturally blonde, but dyes his tips black. - And the saying over there is, hug me, I'm Irish. - Pogs are still popular. - The store is called Pier II Imports. - This is mind blowing, but Brooks and Dunn actually goes by Dunn and Brooks. - Oh, I'm actually glad to hear that. And when you wanna spell the word recommend, it's got two C's. - Oh, in that universe, the pototo skins contain an active ingredient that causes one in every one thousand people to spontaneously combust. - Wow, imagine being that guy. (explosion) - All right, delicious dimension or snack offension? Delicious dimension. You're back. - Yeah, it was only temporary spontaneous combustion. All right, for those of us combined to this reality we enjoy the duel chocolate bars filled with cookie, caramel, and milk chocolate known as Twix. But we discovered a reality that does not have Twix. But they do have Twax. - Yes, in this particular universe they're really into waxing. Like everybody is just smooth skin, 'cause they're waxing constantly. And so what they have done is they have combined waxability with lots of their products, including their snacks. - I love this idea. - And the most popular one is Twax. That's why we got this one through the wormhole. - Open that puppy up. You've got one over there, I've got one over here that's already out. - I've got more in here if you want those. - I'm gonna keep waxing. - I'll save these for later. - So are we going bikini region? You can see there's the chocolate, cookie, and the caramel. - Yep, I'm gonna take my pants off right now. But first, I'm gonna warm them up. Every time I do that it starts going right out of my hand. - That's some beautiful packaging right there. Now it says, 0% natural, 100% delicious. - That's the only thing that's important. I can't keep it in my hand. - Rub it with one hand. - I'm trying to it, but it comes out of the other hand. - And then move it around. My left hand is my holding hand and my right hand is my rubbing hand. - Okay, thanks for letting us know which hand is your rubbing hand. - I can't rub with my left hand, I can only do it with my right hand. - Some men can rub with both hands. - What have you done, surveys? - All right, I'm ready. Now I'm not gonna put this on my bikini region, I'm gonna put it on my arm region. - Oh, that looks tasty. - Now as you can see, we basically have all the ingredients of a Twix bar right there, that you can apply directly to your skin. I'm gonna try to get some of this arm hair off. I'm just gonna put it right on. Oops, that's a lot. (laughs) - That's nice, and I'm gonna join you here. - Oh, I think I may have went too aggressive. I didn't think about the fact that my rubbing hand is my right hand, and now I'm having to use my left hand, 'cause I can't get to it with my right hand. Man, you gotta think ahead when you think about rubbing. - That's right, lots of planning involved. - Usually, I would suggest locking the door. That's the most important part. - So I'm gonna go right there. - All right, I think I'm ready to pull this sucker off. You wanna pull mine off and I'll pull yours off? I don't think any man should pull his own off. - After all the other talk? (crew laughs) All right, so I think I'm ready. I can pull yours off. - Pull mine off first. - Three, two-- What do you want me to go to? - Oh, gosh. - Three, two-- You want me to go to one? - Do it! Do it! - You shook, do you see him? - Do it, I'm ready. You gotta go hard. - Three-- - Oh God, look at that cookie! (Rhett exclaims) - You still hungry? - No, I'm gonna eat it off of myself. Look at that, that's a hairless strip right there. It really got that part. - Oh gosh, yeah. I mean, there is a lot of hair right there. - Oh gosh. Man. - All right, let me have it. You want me to go this way or this way? - Go down towards the hand, so if my skin goes with it, it'll dangle that way and not up in my face. - All right, do you want me to use numbers or letters? (Rhett laughs) - [Link] My hair is so resilient. - [Rhett] It didn't get your hair, man. - And look at this patch of hair right there on the back side of my-- - Good gracious. - What is that? It's like it added hair. - Well, you know, I gotta say that this was fun, it was exciting. I got some cookie there, I got some chocolate I just licked off of myself, it tasted great, so I think this is pretty simple. Delicious dimension or snack offension? - [Both] Delicious dimension. - And that does it for season 17 of Good Mythical Morning. And again, we're gonna take next week off. Just a one week break, and then we'll be back Monday, July 27th, five days a week, expect us every day. - That's right. And in the meantime, thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - You know what time it is. - Hi, I'm Nathan. - And I'm Nariah. And we're on the UK canals. - [Both] And it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - You know what, I like it when you don't acknowledge that you look different. You know, and you do just a normal intro. I like that. Click the top link to watch us guess the non-pototo chip in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality is gonna land. - [Rhett] Are you a member of the Mythical Society? Want an even easier way to dig into content like Behind the Mythicality and Rhett and Link React? Well, download the new free mobile app now in the Apple and Google Play stores.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 2,949,589
Rating: 4.9093404 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, season 17, s17, will it, taste test
Id: wnpgWTXfmt0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 21sec (861 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2020
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