Discontinued Snacks Taste Test

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The more today was once again a perfect display of just them being best friends Rhett played link like a fiddle and he knew it

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/f_tothe_p 📅︎︎ May 11 2020 🗫︎ replies
- Skittles, taste the chocolate? - Let's talk about that. (upbeat music) - Good Mythical Morning. - There are some snacks so beloved that they're gonna be in stores forever. But then there are other snacks that ain't so lucky, and they're taken away from us way too soon, leaving our taste buds yearning for a distant time, when the unique flavor of a forgotten treat grazed the flavor mitts in our mouths. - Which is why we go on eBay and pay way too much for a bunch of old, stale, rotten smelling snacks so we can determine once and for all is that flavor worth bringing back. It's time for To Be Discontinued: More Snacks Edition. - Okay, so we're gonna be traveling back in time, in some instances all the way back to the 1980s to taste some discontinued snacks, and then we're gonna decide if we should bring it back or nah, that's whack. Okay, and for starters, this first snack only expired last year. - Only last year. - It's Lay's Deep Dish Pizza flavored chips. And this was the summer of 2019. - They introduced a lot of different things. - They were putting faces on-- - They put people's faces on there. Oh, look at, oh, Link! That's a good look. Now, before we dig into these, we've seen some of y'all talking about us eating these old snacks. And there's been two complaints. One, you're worried about our well-being. We're not being forced to eat these. We're choosing to. - Yeah. - And two, you're like, "You're taking these, "what might be considered collectible items, "and then you're just eating them." - Yeah, just-- - But ask yourself just for one second, what were they originally designed to be? - What's the best way to honor a snack? - Eat them. - If not to eat it? Even if it's old and collectible. So I guess in Chicago they eat these with a fork? - I'm 'bout to put it in my, what'd you call 'em? Flavor mittens? - Flavor mitts are on the tongue. - I can tell that it doesn't smell fresh. - Yeah, but it's not that old. Pretty accurate sensation there. - Is there a distinct difference between the taste in deep dish flavor versus just regular pizza flavor? - The question is, is this a deep mistake? - I think I may have just pinpointed the major problem with these. Deep dish pizza is a different pizza, but it's a rearrangement of the ingredients structurally but not necessarily to the point of it tasting dramatically different to the point that it becomes a different flavor to put on a chip. - I don't know that Lay's has a pizza chip in general. - Do they have a pizza-flavored chip? - I don't think so. There's pizza-flavored all types of snacks. It's weird that we have to, even if we're wrong, we don't really know top of mind that chips have pizza flavor. - Somebody's got a pizza chip. - So it seems like-- - Pringles has got a pizza chip. - Lay's, seems like Lay's needs to keep doing this, but I think they've oversold it with the deep dishness. - [Stevie] They don't have regular pizza. - They don't have flat pizza chips. - [Stevie] Yeah, they only have the deep dish. By the way, even those-- - It tastes good. - [Stevie] Even though these are the least old thing that you're eating, they still expired a while ago, like you guys shouldn't, but you know what? Like you said, you want to. - I mean, less than a year. - So keep on eating. - I believe that it's ultimately good for our systems, Stevie, to eat this stuff. - We paid $25 for it, too. So like we said, we're gonna get our money's worth. - If we eat expired food on purpose, then when we eat it on accident, we'll be okay. - There's so many chips out there. On one hand I feel like there needs to be a pizza-flavored chip, but on the other hand, Lay's has so many flavors that I'm gonna go to before this. There wasn't a pizza-flavored chip hole in my heart. - I agree. Lay's Deep Dish Pizza chips? - [Link And Rhett] Nah, that's whack. - We've all tasted the rainbow, but what if the rainbow was chocolate? Skittles temporarily made a chocolate mix version, and these are from 2007, but they expired in October 2008. - Oh man. So first of all, I don't remember these. - Second of all, - I do remember them. - [Link] Did you eat 'em? Did you like 'em? - I don't believe I ate them. They have five different flavors: s'mores, vanilla, first of all, vanilla's not chocolate, y'all. Surprise. Chocolate caramel, chocolate pudding. They got pudding-flavored things. And then brownie batter. - So these are almost 13 years old. We paid $89 for this package that-- - I'm gonna respect it. I'm respecting the package for all of you collectible people. - Let's see the assortment. So it's the brown rainbow. Yeah, touch 'em all. I kinda wanna taste a pudding one. - Okay, well, pudding-- - I'mma taste a vanilla while you figure that out. - Pudding is the second darkest one. So that's pudding, right there. See that? - I don't wanna ingest something this old. - Yeah, just do it like gum. - So, excuse me, I just tasted it. It tasted okay. - That's pudding right there. - The middle brown one? - The second to darkest one. I kinda wanna just put, I'm really tempted to just swallow it. - It's a hard Skittle. - I don't think they were that hard originally. - The problem with Skittles is that you expect something so colorful. When it's this drab, it's kind of a letdown. There's not a visual reward. - I think you just pointed out the first problem, which is the rainbow branding gives you an expectation that this doesn't fulfill. - Yeah, you feel disappointed. - The second thing is candy already has lots of actual chocolate things. This doesn't come across like chocolate. It comes across like chocolate flavor, which is something you can do with fruit but you can't do with candy. - You know what it is? It's a peanut butterless Reese's Pieces. - Exactly. I'm just saying-- - Really chewy, though. - that there's no chocolate. Like an M&M is actual chocolate. This doesn't seem like chocolate. It seems like candy with chocolate flavor. - There's alternatives out there that-- - It's chocolate adjacent. - Push this out of the, yeah. - So as cool as it started to seem when we opened up this ancient package that was worth $89, I'm sorry. Chocolate Mix Skittles? - [Link And Rhett] Nah, that's whack. - All right, next up we have Certs Classic Mints Glacial Breeze. - Glacial Breeze. - Woo! You know how when you're trudging on a glacier and just a breeze picks up? - A little breeze. And you're like I wish that could be put into a little candy and put in my mouth. My dad was a Certs man, and I haven't thought about Certs in so long. But he would be like, "You want a Cert?" He called them Cert if he gave you one. - Yeah, like a Tic Tac is one. But a Certs-- - Would you say you want a Certs or you want a Cert? - I would assert that I just want a Cert. But it looks like we've got plenty. We paid $36 for a whole bunch of these so-- - Would you be hurt-- - I hope that they're good. - Would you be hurt if I opened my own Cert? - They expired in 2005. No, I'm not gonna be hurt. Man, we're looking at 15 year old Cert. - Here's the interesting thing about these. Did you say why these are discontinued yet? - Ah, no. They're breaking apart. - These were discontinued not because the ice caps are melting. They were discontinued because they have trans fat in them. Yeah, Certs did that. Certs went there. They put trans fat because it was partially hydrogenated cottonseed oil was one of the ingredients in this. - I just don't know if I'm on a glacier that I want a breeze. - Right, because you're already cold. - Yeah, I don't wanna get no breeze. Like if I'm in New Orleans or something I want a breeze. I want a New Orleans breeze. - New Orleans breeze Certs. That's what they should've done. What would a New Orleans breeze smell like, though? I don't think that's something you wanna put in your mouth. You know what I'm saying? It depends on what street you're on, I guess. - Yeah, this hydrogenated oil situation-- - These are good, man. This is taking me back to my childhood when I was Certed up. I was constantly Certed up by my dad. - You get Certed up everyday? - He was like, "Boy, take a Cert. "Your breath stinks." They taste exactly the same as they did. - They don't taste fatty. - But the thing is, is that why would you bring it back? Because they don't do anything better than anything that a current Cert, are there current Certs? - I think all Certs went under, didn't they? - All Certs got hurt. (sighs) - I don't know, we're speaking out of school here. - But there's plenty of mints out there that do a better job than this. - It's certifiably delicious. - Certi-fly-ably, because of the breeze. - I just don't, I think we're being really hard on everything today, but I can't stop because I can't come up with a good reason that this needs to be in anyone's life. - Look, look. I'm not saying this just because it's my name, but they have Retsyn Crystals in them. - With Retsyn! Oh, do you wanna bring it back? - Does that mean it's part of my lineage? - No. - [Rhett] Certs Classic Mint Glacial Breeze? - [Rhett And Link] Nah, that's whack! - If you wanna be my lover, you gotta pay $75 for discontinued Spice Girls lollipops on ebay! These are from 1997. They expired in 1998. - We're about to eat a lollipop that's 22 years old? - But which one is the least relevant now? Let's order them in order of current relevance. - Scary was a judge on something. - Posh-- - She's David Beckham's wife. - With Beckham. Baby ... They got back together. - [Rhett] These three did? - No, all of 'em got back together, didn't they? Who was this one? Posh? - No, that's-- - Ginger. - Ginger. Was she yours? Was she the one for you? (Rhett laughs) - She's like, "Yep, mm-hmm." - Yeah, I think, which one was your favorite? Scary Spice? - Victoria, man. I'm opening her package up right now. - I like a woman that scares me a little bit, you know? Keeps you on your toes. So I'm gonna open up some Scary. - [Rhett] I don't wanna rip her face. - Fantasy ball gum lollipop. Oh my goodness. It looks like it's an infection. Is that not flesh-colored with some sort of pustule on top? - Oh, oh gosh! Yes! - Yeah. - This looks like something you see the dermatologist about. - Yeah. - I don't know-- - Bring in Dr. Piffer Peffer. - I should've come in three years ago, but I got embarrassed. It started small, but then I just kinda started ignoring it. - It doesn't have a, oh, are you putting it in? - I'm just putting it right next to my nostril and spinning it. - There's no scent. - [Rhett] I think it's fine to put it in. - Zig a zig, ah! What flavor is it supposed to be, Scary? - Oh, it looks like at one point it had their faces on it. - Oh yeah, see that right there? Their faces came back. - Oh, so Victoria's face was on this at one point, and now I just get the remnants of a melted face. I love the way she just always looks mad in pictures. I like a woman that looks upset all the time. - Because that's what you're used to. (audience laughing) - No, my wife is actually, somehow, always very pleased. But a woman who is always upset, you just feel like man, I don't think she could get any madder. (laughs) - You can't make it worse? - Right, right. I can't make this worse. (Link laughs) Only place to go from here is up. - This is Baby Spice, right? Think about how Baby was really ahead of her time. I mean, there's so many rappers named Baby now. - There's so many Babys now. - So many Babys. She was the first Baby as far as I'm concerned. - I think that these are pretty cool. - Yeah, with the hologram. And we can assume that it would come back with the actual hologram still in it. They came back-- - I think if-- - Let's bring the pops back. - Bring 'em back at the same time. - I do like the technology associated with that. It's kinda like a hologram. - It's a high-tech pop, man. - [Link] Spice Girls lollipops? - [Rhett And Link] Bring it back. - I'm very excited about this final snack because it's the oldest, and according to Reddit and me, very nostalgia-inducing. Before green juice and juice cleanses, there was candy in juice boxes. Do you remember these? I do. - I think you gotta open 'em up, and I-- - Bubble Gum Cartons, man. - They're vaguely, vaguely nostalgic. - These are almost 40 years old. - And almost as old as us. - Oh my goodness, yeah. Here, grab the pink lemonade. I'll open some apple juice. It's a working, functioning carton. Yeah, it's got all the pellets. - [Rhett] Yeah, and they're Nerd-like. - [Link] Different sizes. - It's kinda like getting-- - [Link] Orange was my favorite. - A thing of milk, and then it's all curdled. I don't know what this teaches children. All I know is we can't let Thanos get a hold of all four of these. (Link chuckles) - Yeah, it does have that color scheme. But this was definitely something that I would pick off of the shelf and eat. - There's a whole lot in there. Look at that! - Oh yeah, and you would just turn 'em up and drink it. I remember the orange. - I'm just gonna lick a little bit here. - I'm gonna chew. This is just taking me back. I gotta go all the way back. - You're gonna chew something 40 years old? - Tastes exactly the same as it did, as I remember it. It's no different. - [Rhett] Oh, the orange one's super tangy, right? - Mm-hmm. I remember I really liked the grape too. Let me see if that flavor holds up. Oh yeah. Taste the grape. It is good. - I remember these because it's very specific. Nothing else tasted like this. - Yeah, you're right. - I want more. - It's like eating little rocks. Big ones, little ones. You can pour 'em in the ... And then when you're done, you can give it to like little kids to play with in their kitchen sets. - Give it to your kids and make 'em use it as their only drink cup for a week. - Refills. I love this, as you can tell. I miss it. I don't eat a lot of candy nowadays unless it's really old. - Yeah, I think this is a no-brainer. - But I would dig into this. I gotta try the apple juice too. - Why don't ya? - [Link] Mm! - [Rhett] All right, Topps Juice Carton gum? - [Rhett And Link] Bring it back! - Yes! - All right, so we had two things that we wanted to bring back. We got Spice Girls lollipops, - Spice Girls lollipops. - And the Topps box juice gum. - Yes, very good. - Juice Carton gum. - Thank you for subscribing and clicking that bell. - You know what time it is. - Hi, I'm Rosie. - And I'm John. - And we're from Marlboro, New York, sporting Mythical gear. - And we just watched Good Mythical Morning - At night. - [Rosie And John] And it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - Click the top link to watch us eat a 41 year-old bag of FRITOS on Good Mythical Morning. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land. - [Rhett] Join the Mythical Society 3rd Degree quarterly or annual plan at mythicalsociety.com to get the Rhett & Link On Vacation vinyl release.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 2,824,317
Rating: 4.9480028 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, season 17, s17, will it, taste test
Id: Q1iAgfbEiME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 51sec (891 seconds)
Published: Mon May 11 2020
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