Alternate Universe Snacks Taste Test

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Has anyone noticed that Rhett stops the wheel of mythicality on 'gifticality' sometimes?

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/sp4ce 📅︎︎ Nov 04 2020 🗫︎ replies

Loved this episode. Super high energy, and they seemed to be enjoying themselves. I laughed unreasonably hard at this Link moment.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/Neat_Caterpillar 📅︎︎ Nov 04 2020 🗫︎ replies

Nothing like seeing two grown men voraciously eating a peanut butter and chocolate athletic cup

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/wiimanj13 📅︎︎ Nov 04 2020 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/sp4ce 📅︎︎ Nov 04 2020 🗫︎ replies

Any idea where I can get Rhett's sweater?

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Apophis9021 📅︎︎ Nov 04 2020 🗫︎ replies

I loved this episode! I think this has been one of my top favorites from 2020, I was laughing so much that I couldn't even eat breakfast

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/PotereIllimitato 📅︎︎ Nov 04 2020 🗫︎ replies

I'm just as confused by Animal Crossing as Rhett and Link were. I've tried playing it a couple of times but don't really get it.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/lady_laughs_too_much 📅︎︎ Nov 04 2020 🗫︎ replies

Why did link have cards up his sleeve?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Emerald_Rain4 📅︎︎ Nov 07 2020 🗫︎ replies
- Can our mouths taste meals that melt the mind? - Let's talk about that. (upbeat music) - Good Mythical Morning. - You never know what we got up our sleeves because within these sleeves lies the ability to reach into a wormhole and pull out bizarre foods from alternate universes, as well as other surprises. Link, is this your card? - No. But Rhett... (crew laughing) - Not quite as smooth. - Is this your card? - That's a business card. Catalina Transportation Services. - It's a taxi service. - You thinking about going somewhere? - Catalina Island. - Yeah, it's time for Multiverse Munchies. - Now, according to Quilted Multiverse Theory- - Hold on. Actually, that was my card. Can I have it? And I'll take the cab card too. - Right back in the sleeve. According to Quilted Multiverse Theory, every possible event is occurring infinitely many times in nature, thus there are infinitely many universes resembling ours, but different in notable ways. And the way to prove that is for us to travel to alternate universes and bring back their snacks, which is what we've done. - Yeah, mm-hmm. I shouldn't have started drinking right then. (laughing) All the food we're gonna be tasting today does not exist in our reality, but it does exist in another twisted reality. So as always, we're going to assess if each snack item is from a delicious dimension or if it's a snack offension. - Now, in our... that's good timing. In our universe, we have Dr. Pepper. But that mysterious- - Oh, there it is. - Yeah, it's my favorite, especially the diet version. This mysterious 23-flavored soft drink that went to medical school does not exist in an alternate universe. Instead, they have - [Both] Dr. Salt. - [Link] Look at this. - And now, introducing Diet Dr. Salt. Tastes just like the real thing. What's the slogan? I don't know, but if- - We'll find out. - Yeah. - But in this universe - More like. everybody is rude and annoyed about any perceived slight. - Salty. - Ha. - Why so salty? - And Josh, do you know anything about this? Have you pre-tasted? - [Josh] Oh, yeah, yeah. I tasted it. - [Link] I assume it's salty. - [Josh] I love it. It's quite salty, yes. - Okay, I see that there's... What do you call the perforations in the top of a salt shaker? Because that's happening here. - [Rhett] Holes. - [Link] Salt holes? - Yeah. - So you just- - I think you call it pouring holes. - I mean, you can- - I think you just go straight... you don't have to open it. Whoa! - It's salty. - And sweet. - It still tastes entirely like Dr. Pepper. - You wanna try the diet? - But it's... - Let's see if it tastes more like- - It's very salty, and it went down my neck and there's some pooling in my belly button right now. - I don't think it tastes like Dr. Pepper. - Ooh, that's surprising. - That didn't happen when I did it. - It's got a little eruption- - I wonder why. - It tastes exactly the same as regular Dr. Salt. I will give you that. - I like this. I don't know what you did. I mean, I don't know what you did, Mr. Person in the alternate dimension (crew laughs) to make this happen, but there's something... I kinda like the kick, in the same way that I like Dr. Pepper. I like to feel like... - It's like if you go surfing and you almost drown while drinking a Dr. Pepper. - Yeah, you kinda... I did this all the time as a child. I don't do it as much as adult, where you kinda miss-time your breaths while swimming. It's just like, - Breathe under the water? - [Both] Woo-ooh. - You gotta get completely out. - But you like it? - But I do, I like that. I should start doing that again more. - I don't like Dr. Pepper. Making it salty makes it better. - So we're saying Dr. Salt... - [Both] Delicious Dimension. - In our universe, one of the best snacks you can have is the Reese's Peanut Butter Cup. This is what it looks like if you're not familiar. Also, you should really try it. (crew laughs) In an alternate universe, however, they don't have Reese's Peanut Butter Cup. They have Reece's Peanut Butter Athletic Cups. - Look at that. - [Link] Anybody wanna play baseball? I do. - Also in this universe, tampons are made from Twix bars. (laughing) So you're gonna... - Just put it, yeah, put it in there. - It's a functioning cup. I mean, there's peanut butter in there, and nuts. - Well, there's about to be more of that. Okay, just give it a... Let me hold the front. Give it a shove. - [Rhett] It takes two men- - [Link] Give it a shove. - To get a cup into a jockstrap. All right, now, try that on, Link. We just wanna make sure that it functions- - I'm just gonna do it over my pants because- - Yeah, yeah, of course. This is 970 calories. - I'm gonna put it over my shirt too. - Yeah, right over the shirt. Now, how's that feel? Feel protected? - Um... honestly, it's not, it's not... It needs to be hollowed out more on the inside. (laughing) If you could just, can you reach in there and... Yeah, I'll take it out. - Yeah, why don't you take it out? - The problem is that the back- - Oh. - is not... Do you need me to eat? - Could you consume some of that in order to create a space? - You need me to eat some of this to create room for your balls? - Yeah, my entire junk, really. Okay, see, I can do this. - Well, hold on. But see? The whole thing is about to crack. So let me cradle it. Ow, ow, ow! (laughing) Ow, that hurt. - I didn't tell you to cradle it. - Don't, don't, don't... just, just go easy. Go easy. Go easy. I don't want it to break through and just go into my... Aw. - If that was my knife, I'd have lost a finger. - How much room do you really need? - None really. I mean... - Well, let's... okay, here. - Hold on, I wanna bite it. - Hold on, put it back in there and let me see... I think this might be a way to test it. Ready? (crew laughing) I mean, I'm not gonna hit it that hard. You're protected. You're protected. Ready? - It doesn't have a... it's not how it- - You're protected! - How it works! (laughs) - Look, make eye contact with me. (Link screams) (laughing) - It just now hollowed out, man! (Rhett laughing) - Did it break? Did it break? - [Link] It's not a... oh my gosh. - [Rhett] Oh! (laughs) Yeah, look at that. - Look, he- - Direct hit, man. - He cracked the whole thing open. - Oh, look at that! Look inside. - [Link] Look at that, look it. - Give me that part. (crew laughing) - Oh, yeah. Mm. - Oh, gosh. - Did you saw crotch? - Oh, crotch. - This is good. Gives you something to do in the dugout. - It wasn't easy... (laughing) Link, go in at 3rd! Oh, wait, he's eating his cup. (laughing) - I was so bored in the dugout. Reese's Peanut Butter Athletic Cup. - [Both] Delicious Dimension. - Mythical Beasts, are you ready for a big announcement? Because we have a big announcement. Today, we are launching - We do. a product that many of you have been requesting for quite a while. We have it for you to experience. The official Mythical Coloring Book exists! - Here it is! This thing is awesome. It's packed with homages to all of your favorite mythical moments, characters, curiosities. Look at this thing. - [Link] There's the GMM set. I'll show you... You know it's got "We're still good!" - [Rhett] We're still good! - And this is the "I'm on vacation." There's lots of magic in here. I'll just give you a quick fluttering. - A sneak peak. Yeah, okay. So we teamed up with our friends at FanTunes to bring you this incredible illustrated journey all into the world of mythicality that you can now bring to life with your own colorful creativity. We're very proud of it. We think you're gonna love it. We can't wait to see how you bring all this to life with color. - Coloring, it's not just for kids anymore. You can pre-order this collector's item now through November 8th, if you wanna receive it before Christmas., order up. Gobble, gobble, gobble. - Wow. Okay, it's not for Thanksgiving, but you know. - Yeah, I know. They're gonna just gobble it up. - They're gonna gobble it up. Okay, now, you know I love me some hot and flaky chicken pot pie. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - But in another slightly different universe, pie does not even exist. So they have chicken pot cake. - And that's what this is. - [Rhett] Chicken pot cake. - Now, let's switch this up so that you can slice into this thing. - Be careful when you grab a knife by the blade. This thing is soft, man. My knife got so wet going in there. (laughs) Oh, gosh! - [Link] It's basically chicken- - [Rhett] I wish you could smell what's coming out of this cake. - Smells like chicken noodle soup inside of that thing. - All right, bring me a plate, Link. Oh, gosh, I don't know if I'm gonna be able to keep all this together. Okay. - [Link] So it's half cake and half- - [Rhett] That's basically just chicken pot pie ingredients right there on top. That's your slice. - That's gonna be good. - I mean, look at that. The inside is like there is a whole little cave filled with chicken pot pie ingredients. - So it makes cake better for you. (crew laughs) You can still celebrate. It gives you even more reason to celebrate because if you're really into pot pies... Oh, by the way, if you are really into pot pies, we're gonna do will it pot pie next week, so- - No, we won't. - So just get ready. - Yes, we will. - Oh, we're going to. - Do you have another fork over there? Oh, I have a spoon. We'll go with spoon. - First, let us eat cake. - [Both] Dink it and sink it. - Mm. - Horrible. - That's the thing that my cake... (crew laughing) That's the thing my cake has been missing is celery. - It's very celery forward. - It actually is like one of those bites you get when you accidentally have two things on your Thanksgiving plates cross in a way that it shouldn't. Or like, oh, they don't have dessert plates, I gotta put the dessert in a corner of my savory plate. I like to enjoy those bites. - He's taking another bite, y'all. But I already know my answer. - [Both] Chicken Pot Cake: Snack Offension. - Rhett, buddy, you love Swedish Fish, don't you? - I do. They're one of the best things to come out of Sweden since Stockholm Syndrome. - Well, I hate to tell you... (laughing) There is alternate dimension where Swedish Fish do not exist. But don't panic. They do have Sweet-ish Fish. - [Rhett] Oh, Sweet-ish Fish! - Yeah, and before you get really excited, let me tell you, I think there's actual fish in here that have just been sweetened. Or candied. - Oh. So let's find out. - I think it might be... it might be a herring, 'cause I know that they enjoy herring in that part of the world. - You think it might be? - Well, I've been herring about it. (laughs) - It is sticky. - [Rhett] Oh, is it thick? Is it sticky? - [Link] There they are. - [Rhett] Good Lord. - [Link] Okay. - Can I have one? - You can have two. If you're taking notes, it is a herring covered in what you would expect to be on the outside of a candied apple, which I think is the candied part. - Get a whiff of it. Isn't that the oddest collection of smells? - That is a strange juxtaposition. - I'm gonna bite it right in it's midsection because I don't want to bite the tail or the head really. - Dink it... oh, I guess I'm just going- - Does it matter what I bite? - I don't think. I'm going for the head. - Okay, well, I'll join you. - And I don't think, period. Therefore, I'm going for the head. - Oh, gah. - Oh my word. - Well, I got the head. It's gone. Whoa, it's salty- and sweet. - Woo, it is salty. - Good Lord. - Oh, that's pungent. (crew member laughs) - Could you imagine just eating that without the candy coating? - Mm-mm. (coughs) That's bad. And now, I've bitten it, and it's all in my molar crevices. - This isn't going away anytime soon. - I can't get it out of my teeth. See that? - I don't know what part of the fish face is now in my molars. I think the whole face. - I can't get it... I can't... There's nothing to swallow because it's just stuck to my teeth everywhere. - I got both eyes and the mouth. - Wow. - Here, this will help cover it up just a little bit. Get some of the original ones from our universe. Stick that in there. - That helps. We're combining two universes though. That's not the test. - Oh, no. - That's not how things are... (laughing) How things are done. - Okay, this one's pretty funny. Pretty funny. (laughs) - The packaging looks absolutely- - This one's pretty funny isn't it, if I do say so myself. (crew laughing) I meant to say this one's pretty straightforward. I don't know why I said funny. (laughing) Sweet-ish Fish, - [Both] Snack Offension. - Oh my goodness. But as always, great job on the packaging. (coughing) - You're talking to the people in the universe? - Yeah, they do a good job of packaging out there. - Great packaging. Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - You know what time it is. - [Carissa] Hi, I'm Carissa from Petaluma, California, and it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - Was that Animal Crossing? - It was. - Ah, well, we're gonna play Animal Crossing and visit some Mythical Crew's islands in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land. Color your way through the world of mythical with the Mythical Coloring Book. And if you order by November 8th, you can get it before Christmas at
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 3,433,380
Rating: 4.9424448 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test, season 18
Id: vO_yPgdpgnM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 41sec (881 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 04 2020
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