Alternate Universe Snacks Taste Test

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I want some girth

Link Neal, 2020

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/roland0fgilead 📅︎︎ Feb 10 2020 🗫︎ replies

What does pourspout sound like?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Def2Humans 📅︎︎ Feb 10 2020 🗫︎ replies
- If you can dream it, can you eat it? - Let's talk about that. (upbeat music) - Good Mythical Morning. - Here in our little patch to the universe, our small human brains spend countless hours theorizing about our own dimension. Our purpose within it, and the very fabric of our own reality. Does time bend like rainbow? Or swirl and multiply like swamp gnats? And if there are other realities, what kind of goodies do they got? - So today we'll find that out by playing God and defying the universal laws of physics to taste real foods, from alternate universes. It's time for part four of Multiverse Munchies. We're gentlemen and scholars so, you can trust us when we tell you that if we can think of something, anything at all, then it must be an actual thing in some parallel dimension. That's the multiverse, baby. - So, once again we've stretched our good mythical imaginations and we've thought up some alternate universe snacks and then the mythical crew has actually gone out and tracked down these snacks, - Yeah. - And brought them back to our dimension. And now we're fixing to find out, if each Multiverse Munchie is from a Delicious Dimension. - Yeah, dat. (laughs) - Or if it's a Snack Offension. - Okay, first off, there's an alternate dimension where they don't have the tiny rock candy that we call Nerds, instead they have Jocks. (laughs) Jocks. They're bigger. Jocks come in a bigger box. Okay, break 'em out Link. - So let's okay so. I was told to be gentle. - Yeah, you've gotta be gentle with Jocks. - They've traveled a long way. - Yeah, apparently in this dimension the jocks in high school don't peak in their teenage years. They continue to get bigger, stronger, and more toxically unable to examine their interior emotional lives. - Oh my goodness, they're a bit large. - Oh wow. - Okay. - Oh, they smell like Nerds. But they feel like Jocks. - Now don't leave these laying around your hot mom. (laughs) Okay? - Yeah. That's right. - You know how they do. Did we dink it? - We dinked it. - Did we? And now we sink it? - You gotta think like, how big of a bite are you gonna take? - I love a nerd. - You're gonna take an apple, oh. Oh, I feel like you're gonna break something. - It's a little lighter colored inside. - Why was yours so hard to bite? Mine was very soft and just completely gave in to with the weight of my mouth. - Very crusty on the outside. If you've ever had a nerd, just imagine it a whole lot bigger and that's exactly what's happening to my mouth right now. - Is that just 100% sugar? - [Josh] No, it's a sugar, egg white, cream of tatar, and the special nerds flavoring. - Okay. - Yeah, 'cause it's got other natural flavoring. Gotta have grape. - It tastes like 100% sugar. Oh, has it made my mouth purple? I got Jock mouth now. I got Jock mouth. - Now in this alternate dimension, - It's an STD. (laughs) - They turn all. - What do they call those now? What's the proper name? - STI's. - It's an STI. In 2020. (laughs) - I'm trying to talk, they turn all drinking and eating into games. - And that's what we're gonna do right here. - Oh gosh, look at my fingers. I got Jock fingers. It's an STI. - All right, so let's play Jock. let's play Jock pong. They turn all eating into games, so they don't have to connect socially or interpersonally. - Now, I wanna let you know something Link, you're Jock balls are going to stain my shirt, (laughs) if you hit my shirt. - I can get you another one of those. - Just letting you know. - - Yeah, oh very nice. - So, it's kind of a, you hold it in between your forearms and then you, wait, you wanna go first? See if, Oh, is that my fault or your fault? Your fault. - I think that was a little short. Now you go. Was that - You gotta squeeze harder. - Was that my fault? Or your fault? - Your fault. You're fault, all right, try again. - Again - All right, here we go. (mumbles) - Look what you did to my shirt. I gotta a Jock stain on my shirt. - I'm a Jock, I don't need math. - It's an STI. - Hit me one more time. - How many times can I say STI? - Now, you've reached your limit. Now, basically we're trying to determine, is this Snack Offension or not? - If I make it, this a snack is a, it's a snack Delicious Dimension. All right. - Oh yeah. And it tastes great. Yeah, so we agree a Jocks are a Delicious Dimension. Delicious Dimension - Delicious Dimension - All right now, Cinnamon Toast Crunch is an essential part of a sugary breakfast. But there's an alternate universe where Cinnamon Toast has never been invented. - What? - And in that timeline, every generation is a generation of millennials, and everyone is there brunching from noon to midnight noon, and that's why, their favorite cereal is Avocado Toast Crunch. - Yes. And in this particular universe this is the official cereal of white people. (laughs) - Oh my gosh. - Okay, let's see what we've got in here. - Pour it. - Well first of all, - Yes. - We've got us some little some toppings. - Okay. - Some salt, pepper, chili. - Got a bonus pack - et cetera - Yup, yup, we'll come back to that. That goes on the top of your. - Oh, look at, oh look wow, it looks like it's dusted with avocado. - Now, I just, I kinda just wanna, - It smells like fish food, but. - Oh does it? - I'm still holding out hope. - Oh my God. - It might work. - It does smell like it's for the fishes. - Did you fish eat avocados? - Little guppy that thing. Now each one of these, in that dimension, costs four bitcoin. - Yeah, I get it. - Should we taste one, or should we? - They have bitcoin there. - Should we go ahead and pour? - Let's eat cereal, how cereal should be eaten. - Yeah, well I'm not gonna put that one back. - With the milk? - Yeah, well, I'll pour, it's kinda my thing. (laughs) All right, so, here we go. Look at, you're not even looking. - It looks great. I'm gonna go ahead and out some toppings on because based on just the smell that came out of the box it needs toppings. - Now these toppings are salt, pepper, red chili flakes. Which is, what you put on Avocado Toast. Right? - I'm going liberal, okay all right. - I think everyone who eats Avocado Toast goes liberal. (laughs) - Yeah. You're right. Now get a big spoonful. - You think I'm afraid? You think I'm scared? I ain't scared. And dink it. - Dink it. - Sink it. (crunching) This might be a little too far left for me. - It doesn't taste like avocado. - Whoa, yeah it's turning into a paste, look. Why you giving up on it? - I thought it was avocado, not algae? - [Josh] It's dehydrated avocado, which apparently just turns into algae. - Yeah, right. - Oh my gosh. - You sure you didn't just find an old aquarium and scrap the insides? And you've dusted over some Cinnamon Toast crunch? - [Josh] Think I did that for another episode. - Listen to him. - Here's the problem, as with all millennials, it's not about eating it, it's about posting it on your Instagram. - Ah, right. - So, I'll do a selfie here. - And we gotta look like we really love it. Even though we hate it. - Hold it closer so it's you know, it seems like it's about the bowl, but it's really about us. Couple more of those all right. - Okay but. - We'll put that on our Instagram so that you can make us feel better about ourselves. - Okay, Avocado - Mythical - Avocado Toast Crunch is definitely a Snack Offension. - Snack Offension. - In our universe, we've got jalapeno poppers. Sometimes deep fried, sometimes grilled. Always delicious. But they lack a little spark, missing some kind of (foreign language) - Yeah, oh French. But, in an alternate universe they've got Jalapeño party poppers. - Whoa. - So do we have a regular party popper? To show what they do. Yeah, so just to refresh your memory. Hey. Oh, that was nice, it stinks too. - Smells like, yeah. - I can't stop smelling it, even though it stinks. - Don't try to go through the TSA after touching this stuff. - Okay, so. This is a universe of total partyers man. - Yeah. - Hey. So, (laughs) we've actually loaded popper stuff inside of a actual popper inside of a Jalapeño. - Right. - And I'm gonna pop this, in your mouth. - You know what, how about I pop it, into your mouth first? (laughs) - Well, I'm already holding it. - Yeah, well, - And I'm already aiming it. - I can get another one. (laughs) Let's just let me do a little quality test here. - Okay well. - You know, just kinda serve as a baseline. You also have eye protection. And you have a lot bigger mouth. (laughs) So, and I'm more accurate. So I mean, it's all really adding up here. - I'ma try to put my tongue over my esophagus, so it doesn't just youp. - You don't wanna get a cheese plug, in the back of your throat? (laughs) - No. So I'ma try to block it. - Face me a little bit more. Okay, you ready? Am I too close? - [Woman] Yep. - Wait, that too far? - And this is just right. - Y'all making me nervous, (laughs) What? - Hey man. - You just wanna wear the glasses? - No. Okay sure. - Well I mean, and get popped. - Open your mouth as big as you can. Three, two, one. (laughs) - Ah The torture. Did you do it? - I pulled it. - And it fell? - I pulled it, but it didn't pop. You know what, they don't always pop. This could explode at any time though. I just want you to know. It's like a grenade at this point. So, I'm gonna set it facing you. (laughs) And go to another one. - Let's face them. - Okay, are you ready? - Seriously? - I think I thought about it too much on that one. Open your mouth. - I also thought about it a lot. - Just open your mouth. Okay, hey, now I got an idea of what I gotta do. - Just get close. - It doesn't come out. - Just get close. - It doesn't come out hard. - There's some on my glasses. - It got on my shoe. - Oh, look at that. - Eat it off that. - I'm not going to eat this part that touched your shoe though. 'Cause I know you pee on top of your shoe, I saw it yesterday. - That was when I washed my hands. I came back from the bathroom, he said, "you got, a little tinkle on your sneaker." (laughs) - That's not how I said it. - All right, do me. (laughs) - Is that your protection? Your protecting the glasses. (laughs) Okay. - Hold on, how close was he getting? - What? - I don't want an Ah - What you did, I'm not Once you pop, - Don't get. - You can't stop. - You gotta be at least six inches away. - Unless you go cheese blind, here. Oh, oh. - Oh, oh. - You almost caught it. - I got the paper. I started chewing, I was like, I got a Jalapeño and it tasted like paper. - It's down here. - There's some on my crouch. - Here it is. - Nope. You know what, I will say though. - It's fun. - It the little bit that I got off of the paper tasted really nice. And it was fun, I could imagine this being a really good time in a party. - Oh yeah. People just like, blasting off in each other's faces. - Yeah. - So I think we agree. This is a Delicious Dimension. - Delicious Dimension. - You know sometimes the alternate universe is just next door and our brand new, state of the art, Mythical Kitchen. After this video, go check it out and see Josh make a Cheetos apple pie, what? Yes, he did. - Now in this timeline, we love a hot snack and I'm not just talking about Shawn Mendes. I'm talking about Flamin' Hot Cheetos. - But there's an alternate universe, where they hate spicy snacks. But they love Freezin' Cold Cheetos. - Oh look at that. They're so cold they've gotta cloud coming out of the bag. One of 'em cold clouds. - Okay now. - You gonna use a tong? - Yeah you can't touch. I think, they tong everything over there. - Can't touch these directly. Please note, this isn't Chester Cheetah, it's Chester the Snow Cheetah. - Oh. - Yeah. - We don't have snow cheetahs. - No we don't. - That's pretty great. - But we do have. - Now Josh, how do they make these? - [Josh] So they made little crunchy corn logs and then dusted them in powdered sugar and menthol powder. - I'm gonna feed you the tong. a little bit of blue food dye. So it should have a nice refreshing bite. - Refreshing bite? - Okay. I'm gonna, Woo that's crunchy. Woo that's refreshing. Woo that's minty. (laughs) Woo, there's still like a Cheeto flavor underneath all that like mentholness. - I don't know what part is a Cheeto and what part is my teeth. You know I'm starting to get a little worried about what's happening in there. - Give me another one, give me biggin. I like a biggin. - You want one with girth? - I want some girth. Yeah. Now in this dimension Guy Fieri's hair is blue and on February 1st, if he wakes up and sees his shadow it's gonna be winter for like eight more millennia. - Oh, that's scary. Really good, yeah I gave you the girthy part first. It's very minty, it kind of gives you. - Oh God, that's a little hard. - It doesn't give you a Cheeto breath in the same way. It's kind of a different thing. It kinda seems like you've been either like smoking some menthols or you know chewing some gum. (laughs) - Well let's just say a cough drop. - Whichever you prefer. - It's like a Cheeto and a cough drop combined, which, I think is pretty brilliant. I love it. What do you think? - I don't like it as much as a Hot Cheeto but it is a nice alternative. - Yeah it is. - You know what I'm saying? - Yes, I'm voting yes. - So we're saying Freezin' Cold Cheetos Delicious Dimension. - Delicious Dimension. All right, so we've learned that in some alternate timelines, Jocks can be sweet, Avocados can not be cereal, Jalapeño can be a blast, and Cheetos are a dish best served cold. - Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - You know what time it is. - [Darby] Hi, I'm Darby from Lake Stevens, Washington. I'm filling up my ear biscuits mug on this fine Sunday morning. Watching Good Mythical More. Now it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - P.O.V. huh? - Got it all. - Click the top link to watch us compete in the chopstick nerds challenge. And Good Mythical Morning. - And to find out whether (mumbles) - What you do is you take your Cheeto's from the bag, and then you just eat a couple. 'Cause they're good. Oh, oh, my bag broke. Why did that happen? - [Lady] I don't know Josh, why does anything ever happen. - It's a good point.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 10,448,786
Rating: 4.9002819 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, season 17, s17, will it, taste test, Alternate Universe Snacks Taste Test, hot cheetos, freezin cold, cheetos, jocks, nerds, multiverse, munchies
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 53sec (893 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 10 2020
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