Alternate Universe Snacks Taste Test

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I want a box of icing to just dip everything in to try it. Like icing on apple slices, icing on carrot sticks, icing on sausages, icing on rice crackers, icing on icy poles - yum

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/Carolineh90 📅︎︎ Nov 13 2019 🗫︎ replies

I can't believe Rhett "Meatigain" McLaughlin didn't like butcher's animal crackers

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Cheshire_Cats 📅︎︎ Nov 13 2019 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 13 2019 🗫︎ replies
- You are about to enter another dimension. A dimension not only of sight and sound, but of taste. - Let's talk about that. (theme music) - Good mythical morning! - If you or someone you love are in one of the following cities, may we please have your attention. Albuquerque, Phoenix, Sacramento, and Valley Center, California. We wanna see you seeing us perform our classic songs live in concert. Get your tix today at - Tix. - Get those tix, man. That's short for tickets. - And not only are we traveling on tour, today, we're also traveling through the multiverse in search of bizarre snacks. - That's right. Once again, we're on the hunt for the alternate universe that holds the key to the perfect snack. And we'll know it when we taste it, because alternate dimension Guy Fieri will descend from the heavens with his golden angel locks and sing this off the chain melody into our ears. It's time for part two of Multiverse Munchies! - We believe that if we can think up a snack that doesn't exist here on our earth, then that means that it must be a real thing in some parallel earth. So, we've dreamed up some snacks, then we have traveled through the multiverse, found them, and brought them back here to taste and evaluate them. - We're gonna be deciding if each multiverse munchie is from a delicious dimension, or if it's a snack offension. - Okay. Now, first up, everyone on this plane of existence loves an animal cracker. I ate a lot of these as a kid. You could play with them a little bit, and bite off their heads, and seem like a giant ogre who could a lion whole. But, we found a world where people don't want their animal crackers to taste sweet, they want 'em to taste like animals. (Rhett laughs) Introducing inter-dimensional animal crackers. You may notice right of the bat that where are the animals? There's no animals on the packaging. That's because they're inside. - Yes. They're in the box! - Nicole, help me out here. It says cow, pig, chicken, fish, snake. Is that true? - [Nicole] Uh-huh. Those are all true. - [Rhett] Oh, gosh. - [Link] Okay. - We have all those options? - Let's get- Oh, look at that. - That is a thing that I always was confused about with animal crackers, is they all taste the same. - Yeah, it gets old after a while. - [Rhett] I wanted that variety, you know? - A lion doesn't taste anything like a hippo. Look at these. Okay, so there's a fish. Is that a snake? What is that, a turkey? - [Rhett] That looks like a chicken. - [Link] Chicken, cow... - I'm gonna go with chicken, it seems safer. - I'm gonna start with a cow. We're gonna eat all of these. Dink it, sink it. This tastes like a dog biscuit. - Yeah, it's- But you know what, mine kinda tastes like chicken. - Here, let's go for some snake. - [Rhett] No, work your way to snake. You can't go snake too early. (laughs) - What do you have? - Uh, well, it kinda looks like a capybara, but I doubt that's what it is. Is it a bear? - [Link] That's a pig. - It's a pig. - I got a fish. - [Nicole] I freehanded these, guys. I tried my best. (laughs) - No, I think you did great. - [Link] Nicole traveled with us to the alternate dimension. They taught her how to make them, and then she came back. - Whoo! That's a little gamey. You sure that's not boar? - The fish tastes like fish food. - Cow head. - I already had the cow. Come on, let's go for the snake. - I'm losing heart. - What kind of snake is this? - Does it matter? - [Nicole] A rattlesnake. - Really? - [Nicole] I hope so. - Ooh, that's chewy. Hmm. Now, in this alternate universe, PETA stands for People Eat Those Animals. (crew laughter) - Also in this universe, Henry Winkler does not exist. That has nothing to do with what we're talking about, I just thought you should know. - Snake is not bad at all. There's enough cracker in there that it helps it out. Um, this is fun. This is more fun! - No, it's not. - Yeah, it is. It's like, I got different meats. - It's actually a little bit sad and kinda gross. (laughs) I'm not standing for this, man. - Can't both be true? - Uh, yeah. Because one can be true in this universe and one can be true in that universe. I don't know how it works. - In this universe... Okay, you're right. Now I'm sad. (Rhett laughs) All right, animal crackers: - [Both] Snack offension! - Before we get into this next one, we want to continue the little experiment that we've been doing this week. We know we always say thanks for liking, commenting, and subscribing at the end, and we really do mean that. But we are sincerely curious what would happen if everyone, including you watching right now, actually clicked that like. - Yeah, if you liked the video, but you've never clicked, just do it and see what it feels like. - Yeah, we would like to see how it will impact the algorithms within this dimension. - The experiment for you is too see what it feels like, the experiment for us is to see what it does. - Right. - Okay, here in our constantly on-the-go timeline, we have the fast-paced luxury of Jell-o instant pudding. But, in another dimension, their humanity loves taking their time, and savoring every moment. And they like to slowly get down with Jell-o patient pudding. - [Rhett] Ah, yes. - And also, in their dimension, their printers don't print quite as vibrantly. - Right, yes. They're a little bit behind. They're like, in the 70s on printer technology. - That's right, everybody in this universe, they like to take it down slow... - Oh, nice. - Via IV. - It's like patient has two meanings! - Oh, yes. (Rhett fake laughs) Hold that. 'Cause also in this parallel universe, everybody carries around an IV stand, instead of an iPhone. So let's throw that on there. Oh, you're gonna do a back bend. - Puddin' me, Link. - Okay, so there's a... It's a team building exercise. So I'm gonna- Whoop! - Whoa, that scared me. No, no, no. - You wanna eat that? - No, nope. - All right, so... Nice and... You know, you gotta get the thing going here. - You could have made it any color, by the way. - It's vanilla flavored. Be patient. - Uh-huh. - You being patient? - Uh-huh. - All right, just don't get worked up now. Hold on, just relax. - I'm patient. - Just relax, just relax. - I'm patient. - Be patient. - I am. - You ready for it? - Uh-huh. - Okay. (laughter) Just chill out, man. This is the time just like, enjoy. Just enjoy the tension. (laughter) That's all you're getting. Now give me a shot. - Wow, that was worth the wait. (laughter) Okay, here we go. Patient pudding. You ready? Just close your- - Your breath went down my throat. I don't like that. - Hey, the best way to do it is- - And you're like, (exhaling) patient! - The best way to do it is to close your eyes completely, so it can just happen. (crew laughter) (Link gagging) (Rhett laughs) How's that patient pudding? - I love pudding. - You didn't even have to wait that long. Some people are more patient than others. - Oh, man. - [Rhett] Oh, gosh. - Mm. Pudding has got to be in my top five favorite things, and I'm not even talking about food. (laughs) But I love the tension. - I'm into this. I like the fact that you can do it with your friends. - Uh-huh. - [Rhett] You can do it on your own. (laughs) As Link is demonstrating. I've always envied hamsters. You know they get to read the newspaper anytime they want? And they get to uh... Because you line their cages with the newspaper. And then they get to drink out of tubes. - Yeah, so Jell-o patient pudding: - [Both] Delicious dimension! - Next up, in our dimension, we all know and love Cheez-Its. But there's a dimension out there that sadly, doesn't even have Cheez-Its. But don't worry. They do have Chee-Zits. - [Link] Wow. Chee-Zits. - [Rhett] Yes, Link! It's the food that you eat off your face. - Because it's zits. As you can see right here, it's made of 100 percent face cheese. Whatever that is. It's the lickable snack cracker. Oh my goodness. - [Rhett] Okay, so I'm gonna take one. Peel it off, and... Well. - See if the... See if it'll stick on there. - [Rhett] Yep, let gravity help. Your face is slippery today. - You gotta have more goo. - I gotta get more goo. Here. - More cheese goo. There's not a lot. My face is dry this morning, man. Push it. Try another one. - Maybe right there. - Try another one. - There we go. You got a forehead zit. - Oh. I've had 'em there before. When I had the long hair and I'd always push it out of my face, I'd get a zit in the same place every time. It never had cheese in it, though. - Okay. - See, some of them have more glue. So I think, I mean, if you had one right on your nose and you can really push that. And then you can, you know, you can bust it. You want me to help you bust that one? - No, I wanna do it. - Where's doctor pimple popper when you need her? Oh my gosh, this is giving me flashbacks. Ewww, gosh. What is that inside of there? - Probably cheese. - [Nicole] White queso. - White queso. - [Nicole] Yep. - Pop the one on your forehead. - Burf! - [Rhett] Oh, no. - Did it came out the bottom? - [Rhett] Oh man, that's gonna be infected. (crew laughter) You pushed all the pus back down into your face. - Where is it? Right there? - And then, once you... - Hey. Oh, it tastes pretty good. - Oh, I like it. - [Link] I mean, have you ever busted a zit and been tempted to taste it? - No. (laughs) - Me neither. (crew laughter) - I've tasted a lot of things from my body, but not that. - So you can take these, and not only can you put 'em on your face, you can put 'em on your back. - Wow, that one... - [Link] Go to the gym, get your workout partner to give you a little... A little squeeze. - Um... (Link imitates squeezing) I got a lot of questions about the kind of universe that would be into this. - It's the same universe that markets Chee-Sniffe'd. Baked nose hairs for you to put in your nose and pluck out for when you're hungry later. - [Rhett] Um, I appreciate what they're trying to do in this universe. But you can't beat the crispiness and the cheesiness of a Cheezit. Or a Cheez-It. (laughs) These are Chee-Zits. That's Cheez-Its. - But I think it would be acceptable. It's just the fact that it's so gross to like, pop a zit. - I don't even wanna look at you right now. - The last thing I wanna do is eat it. I mean, I've sniffed toenails, I've sniffed what came out of my own bellybutton, but I've never thought about eating my own zits. - And so I think we're gonna have to say that Chee-Zits are a: - [Both] Snack offension! - If you were around in the 90s, you know all about Dunkaroos. - Yes! - These small packs of kangaroo feet shaped cookies with a little section of icing for dipping. We actually explored these last year and said we should bring them back during our discontinued foods. - They are no longer available in our dimension. But, in a far flung part of the multiverse, kangaroos are known to be incredibly terrible swimmers, and that's why they have... Drownaroos. (Rhett chuckles) We're going sad again. - [Rhett] Wow. - So, you got this big box. You're like, why is the box so much bigger? Well, the kangaroo is bigger, and he's gotta be able to down in here and drown. - He is drowned in icing? - [Link] This is a see-through box. I don't know if you can tell. But see, that's a little bit of your kangaroo guy down there, and this is just icing. - Oh, it's just blue icing. - That is not packaging. - Because the water's blue. - That is a window into the box. - So, um... - So you gotta reach in there and grab it. Now, I would volunteer to do that, but Link, as you can see... - Oh, what? - The sleeves on this t-shirt that I got from are too long, and even though I'm always curious, I won't be able to reach into that box. - Um, oh my goodness. Okay. Here we go. Let me rescue that drowned kangaroo. - Wow, it's so icingy in there. Whoa, brother. Can I have a bite? - Let's clean him off a little bit. - I don't clean it off. I like frosting. Give me some frosting from your... - Okay, here you go. - [Rhett] Mmm. The thing I always didn't like about Dunkaroos, is I was halfway done with the cookie, and I was all the way done with the icing. - That ain't gonna happen here, man. - That is not a problem anymore. - I think there's more in here. Like, it's also fun, because it feel like- - It's a family? - Yeah, you got it. - A family drowned? (crew laughter) - Isn't that pleasant? So you can clean that guy off. - This is like the La Brea tar pits. (crew laughter) I might go back if they were blue. - [Link] So it's like a fossil expedition. You know, an archeological dig type situation? - [Rhett] Also, in this universe, there are two Henry Winklers. (crew laughter) - I was trying to show you what the kangaroo looked like, because it is in the shape of a kangaroo. - [Nicole] It is. - I mean, you worked really hard to make it shaped like a kangaroo. - [Nicole] Eh... - Yeah, all I s- (Nicole laughing) All I can see is icing. - I'm having a grand old time. - Yeah, this is fabulous. It's fun. Just putting your hand down in icing is something I recommend. Spa day! - Okay, so we're saying... - [Link] Drownaroos: - [Both] Delicious dimension! - Okay, not bad. We got some stuff we're gonna keep in our dimension. In the mean time, thanks for liking, commenting, and subscribing. - Especially liking. You know what time it is. - Hi, I'm Jill, and I'm at the Minnesota Renaissance Festival, here with Rhett. And it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - It was a great time. I gotta tell ya. It was a real good time. Click the top link to watch us compete in the ultimate Cheez-it stacking competition in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land. Keep us close to your heart with our mythical necklaces. Available now at We got necklaces? - [Rhett] That's a surprise. What, we have necklaces.
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Views: 3,450,898
Rating: 4.9590878 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical morning, mythical, rhett, link, season 16, Ultimate Cheez-it Stacking Contest, Alternate Universe Snacks Taste Test
Id: Fon7og7w4Yw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 54sec (894 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 13 2019
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