Most Annoying Photos On The Internet (Game)

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👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/rxddit_ 📅︎︎ Jun 11 2020 🗫︎ replies

Hearing Rhett say dildo more than once was a good way lol

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Goreticia-Addams 📅︎︎ Jun 11 2020 🗫︎ replies

rhett actually looks like his character from buddy system season 2

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Sissinou 📅︎︎ Jun 11 2020 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/220BakerStreet 📅︎︎ Jun 11 2020 🗫︎ replies
- Warning, the photos you're about to see are mildly infuriating. - Let's talk about that. (upbeat music) Good Mythical Morning. - Okay Link, I think we all know by now that you are a very particular man. (laughs) - I prefer the term queer. - Okay, um, well, we've seen you lead us through an entire process of how to take a shower, how to wash dishes. - Yeah, very popular on the internet, those videos. - You're always pointing out things that are mildly infuriating to you, so what is the most mildly infuriating thing in your life? - It depends on the day. - Besides me. - Yesterday it was the fact that my family doesn't fully remove the plastic film from underneath the hummus lid before putting the hummus lid back on the hummus. - And it's a flap, a plastic flap? - A flap. - Oh, can't stand, and I'm not even particular, but I can't stand that. - Well I'm just mildly infuriated. I think they think it's better, but it makes the seal questionable. - Okay, if you don't have a Link in your life, you can just go to Reddit because Reddit has an entire thread called "Mildly Infuriating." - If you don't have a Link in your life, you can go to Rhett-it. - Hey! Where you can see photos just like this. - [Link] Why? - [Rhett] That's tough, that's tough to look at. - [Link] You've made two sandwiches, so you've got an appetite. - [Rhett] Well maybe you're splitting it in a family and there's a momma bear, a daddy bear, and two little-- - Listen, it just makes you a little upset. - Okay, here's what we're gonna do with photos just like this. We're gonna guess and then fix some of Reddit's most mildly infuriating photos. It's time for Can We Guess Why These Photos Are So Frustrating And In Need Of Correction? I Just Hope We Don't See a Flying Duck With An Erection. (duck quacks) Okay. - A corkscrew. - We're gonna, yeah, it's longer than you think. We're gonna be shown a mildly infuriating image, but then our resident Photoshop wizard, Zack, or as we like to call him. - [Both] Twinkle Fingies. (laughing) - Has manipulated the photos so we can tell what exactly, what exactly, which we can't tell exactly what makes them so annoying. - Yeah, we're gonna guess what is annoying about the photo and then Stevie's gonna reveal the unedited image. Points are gonna escalate each round. She's gonna award whoever's the closest, I guess. I'm sure you'll do a great job, Stevie. - [Stevie] Thank you, Link. - However you're gonna decide. All right, the loser at the end will have to endure a mildly infuriating punishment in Good Mythical More, and that is brushing your teeth without being able to rinse your mouth out for the entire More. Let's peep some pics. (relaxed music) Here's one, okay so we got a pool and we got something on the side of the pool. - [Rhett] I'm going on instinct here. - [Link] I really, I really don't know what that could be on the side of the pool, but I have to think that whatever it is is then soiling the pool. - I've got a guess, but I don't know if I'm in the right ballpark. I'm I'm the back yard, with the pool. - All right, let me see what you got. - I mean, I just went with person with bathing suit and pool cover is on. (laughs) - So you're sunbathing by a pool that you can't swim in. - That you can't swim in, that seems mildly infuriating. - I think it's a dirt pile that someone put too close to a pool and it's falling in the pool and the pool's just brown. - [Stevie] Okay, now that you've guessed, let's take a look at the actual photo. - [Rhett] Oh it's grass, it's grass. - [Link] They turned it into a lawn and there was nothing beside it, that was just-- - [Stevie] Yeah, we gotta throw you off, we gotta give you some multiple choices. I mean, I will say that Link said dirt and dirt is in grass, so I'm gonna give this one to Link. And I think that Zack did a great job fixing this one, let's check it out. - Please fix it, Twinkle Fingies. Ooh, yeah. - [Rhett] Very simple, you just made it into a functional pool. - And you dive into that and you get a mouthful of dirt. - Very smart. - All right, let's see the next one. (relaxed music) Class of 2015, big blur, 2015, what? Okay, it looks like it's black and white under there, so it's just more, what would it be in the middle? - [Rhett] Class of 2015, 2015? - [Link] All right, I think I know what this is. - All right, I went pretty simple on this one. Why don't you go first? - I think it's 2016. (laughs) You know, why is it flanked by 2015? - I thought about that-- - Because it was gonna be a timeline. - They reused it, they reused it. - I don't know why. - It's like all the people graduating this year who are like "I don't know if it counts, "maybe I'll just wait until 2021." - Nothing counts, that's the answer to all your questions. - I just went with sort of a saying. Class of 2015 is so 2015. - [Stevie] Oh that's good. - You like that? - Yeah, I like that. - Because it's like yeah. - Stevie, can you expand on why that's good? - [Stevie] Well let me, let's reveal what it actually is. Oh, it's roman numerals that are not correct because you don't do IV. - [Link] Well they did each number separately. - I don't know how you do 2015, but that is not it. - [Stevie] Yeah so I mean, technically I think Link gets this point as well because he did put a number down, but um. - Well I actually put four numbers down if you do it the way they did it. - You're on a roll. - That's very true. - I'll tell you what's mildly infuriating for a second though is that my eraser is not working. I don't know if you can see that. - May I? - No, there's something sticky on it. But you know what isn't mildly infuriating? Look how well my t-shirt matches this mug. I mean, we're not selling these as a package, are we? Maybe we should. - [Stevie] A packet? - We can sell them as a package. Can you please fix this, Zack? Dummies, okay yeah, that makes me feel better. - [Rhett] Class of dummies. - I mean, Roman numerals are difficult. That makes me a dummy too. (relaxed music) Oh gosh. We've got a bunch of blurring happening. - [Rhett] I don't understand. - This could be anything. So a car on the edge of a parking lot in Great Britain, it seems, is that a British license plate? This is tough, that's a lot that's taken out of this thing. What could be in a parking lot that's mildly infuriating? - [Rhett] Okay. - [Link] You got it? - I just went with lines go other way, and that is my way of saying that like when that is taken off, it's gonna be a parking lot and all the lines are gonna be going perpendicular to the direction of the car. - The person has done the other thing. I said that the problem was not with the parker but with the lines themselves, uneven parking space lines. They're just all over the place. So it's not really about the car, and I guess we're both thinking that the TV screen is a red herring. - [Stevie] So you're both going with the lines. - Lines. - [Stevie] Let's reveal the actual photo. - Oh my gosh, that car has been there so long they just paved around it. They didn't tow the car? How easy would it have been just to move the freaking car? - Well no, this is a common situation where you're out paving and then you call the tow truck guy and he doesn't show up. - Not my job. - Yeah, not my job, I'm gonna pave what I can pave. - [Stevie] I mean, this is a difficult one. I feel like I either, I feel like I have to give you both a point or not give you a point at all. I feel like there's a tie situation happening. So. (buzzer buzzes) - Yeah, neither one of us were wrong or right. - [Stevie] Yeah, zero points. - I'm so infuriated, I don't feel like anybody deserves anything. - I'm mildly infuriated. - Can you please fix this, how I don't, oh. Okay, so you made an electric car, for the environment, that's a Tesla. - Oh, it is. (relaxed music) - Ooh, we got a plate. - [Rhett] We got fries in the middle, we got pie on the side. - [Link] Flanking some fries. We got prices in pounds. - [Rhett] Is that gonna help you? It might, where there are pounds, what do they put on fries? - Fish. - You're right. - Fish and fries it what they call it, I think. And then there's peas too, the green stuff. You know, fish and chips and the mushy peas. - [Rhett] But what could be wrong with it? - Well, if you've ever tasted anything over there, all of it. (crew laughs) - [Rhett] And I think I see the bottom of the word kidney in the upper left hand. - [Link] Yeah, he didn't want us to see that. - Kidney, but I saw it, I see your kidney, Zack. And I raise you a spleen. Mildly infur, what would be mildly infuriating? - [Link] Yeah, it's difficult. Okay. - I just went with next to the fries is just a whole tater, you know? - Oh, and you think that the other, the green one is nothing? - That could be the tater side, I don't know, I just think there's a whole tater. - I went with potatoes too, I said potatoes three ways, that the ones on our left are mashed, the ones on the right are greened, but they're all potatoes. - [Stevie] For some reason, this photo bothers me and makes me laugh the most out of the entire game. Let's reveal, can you tell what's up? - [Rhett] Oh, the perspective is upside down. They took the peas from a different picture and just fit them onto the plate is it looks like you're looking at a ceiling of peas. - [Link] That is so strange. - What if I had have guessed that exactly? Like how would that have changed your life, Stevie? - [Stevie] That would have made this easier. - If I'd have been like "well the peas were taken "from another thing and the perspective was different "like you're looking at a ceiling of peas." - [Stevie] Well I could have awarded a point. - You would have got a point, that's what. - [Stevie] But as-is, I just don't understand. - We wouldn't think you were cool or smart or anything. - It would be amazing! - We'd think you were cheating. We know you, we know what you're capable of. - [Stevie] Let's see how Zack fixed this. - [Link] Yeah the peas are right now, thank you, Zack. (laughs) - Got it. - Okay, so who gets the point here? - Well that chicken pot pie looks like a whole tater, if you don't, if you squint, it looks like a whole tater. - [Stevie] I mean, if you want me to make a choice on this when it's difficult, I will do it for you, and there's the word green, greened on Link's thing. - Yeah, because it was already green. - [Stevie] Yeah, well. - Right, but she's gotta award points somehow. I agree with that, Stevie, I should get the point. - [Stevie] You want to see another? - No. (relaxed music) - I'm so mildly infuriated. Oh look, a bunch of people on a beach getting married. - Is he holding something or is that just Zack's, is that Twinkle Fingies little? (crew laughs) - He's holding a picture while getting married? - [Rhett] No, that's Twinkle Fingers just being funny, man. - Now my dad got married on the beach. The key is, it has to be your fourth marriage. - Right, yeah, you can't get married first on the beach. Yeah, yeah. I think I got this one. I think I finally have cracked the code. - Really? - Yup. - [Link] Um, I'm grasping at straws here, but I think, I don't know how but for some reason I think this is a fake beach. - Okay, so you think you're gonna see like the edge of a big frame. - Yeah, yeah. - I think you're gonna see a nudie in the background. - Oh please. - I think over his shoulder we got a nude person. - Nude bogey. - Yeah. - [Stevie] Okay, let's see. - [Rhett] Hey, that's pretty good, y'all. - Seriously girl, you're gonna stand right there with your hands on your hips in your one-piece just gawking? You gotta move along. - [Stevie] Yeah Rhett gets a point for this one. - Thank you. - [Stevie] And let's see what Zack did to fix it. - Zack gonna make her nude. (laughing) - Zack, she looks like she's at the wedding now, I get it. But a beach wedding. - What is the guy on the right filming with his phone, another beach wedding? Did they line them up like that? - [Rhett] He's filming himself, he's like "hey y'all, I'm at another wedding, "I'm at another beach wedding, I don't know how long "this one's gonna last." (laughs) (relaxed music) - [Stevie] This is gonna be the final photo. I will say that Link has quite the lead here. - So if I get it exactly right, I win? - If you do something like the upside down peas. - If I get it exactly right. Like if I had have said "woman in bathing suit "in background." - Yeah, yeah. - Not just person. - You have to be specific, and I'll tell you if your answer is specific enough. - Okay. - Even though I don't even know the answer. - Okay. - Okay. - [Stevie] All right, let's see it. - [Rhett] Oh come on, really? - [Link] This is a package on top of a package on top of a box. (Rhett sighs) - [Rhett] I think I might know. - [Link] The orange is just, that's censorship with someone else, and then Zack, you added the pixelation. So this is a small situation here. - This is a tough one to spot, but I think I spotted it. I think I spotted it. - [Stevie] I'm always so afraid in games like this that I'm just gonna blurt out the answer. - Please do. - [Stevie] I don't know what that's called, but I'm like repeating the answer in my mind and hoping that I don't say it. - You should go first. - May I? It's so small, I just said that it says "fragile" under the black and white pixelation because that whole thing is crumpled, so it's obvious. But I don't know why this one would be last, so I have a strong feeling I'm wrong. What's your answer and let me see if it's specific enough. - I went with return address and address are the same. Do you remember? - Yes. - We don't talk about this quite a bit, but we had someone work here for a very short time many years ago and one of the things that happened is that they shipped something to us. (laughs) - Yeah. - From us and to us, it was, it's kinda the only thing I remember. - About that person? - Yeah. - I remember other things about that person, but it's all a total package. - [Stevie] Okay, I think when we reveal this, you're gonna see why I was really hoping I didn't say the answer out loud, let's see it. (Rhett laughs) - [Link] Di or do. - Oh wow, and so now you're, right. And so what's upsetting about that? (laughs) Is it the shape of the bag? - [Stevie] No, it's just that they were trying to be discrete, but then they just like, yeah, they just like put it there so that you can't be discrete about it. Um, I need to look at your answers, I have to award a point here, I mean, obviously-- - Dildoes are not fragile. - [Stevie] Well, you didn't get it exactly correct. - It doesn't matter, I can't win. - [Stevie] The game just goes to Link. - I lost, I get the punishment. - Can you fix that, Zack, please? Oh okay. (laughing) - Wow, okay, just in case you were wondering. Now that's how you do it. If you need to send a dildo somewhere, just put "not a dildo" on there. - You know what, I finally win a game and-- - It doesn't feel good. - I just feel infuriated, mildly. You know, it's like I'm mad at myself. What do I win, Stevie? - No, I lose, you don't win anything. - [Stevie] Yeah, Rhett has a punishment in More. - I have a punishment. - Oh yeah, you gotta brush your teeth without rinsing. (laughs) Thanks for clicking that bell. - You know what time it is. (balls clatter) - I'm Mason. - And I'm Luke. - And we're from Centerville, Indiana. - [Both] And it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - That wasn't mildly infuriating, that was awesome. Click the top link to watch us play a game where we look at a very, very close-up picture and try to figure out what somebody's annoyed about in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land. Don't press your luck by waiting too long to purchase a good luck with that tie dye tee. Get one now a
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 1,878,325
Rating: 4.9299612 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, season 17, s17, will it, taste test
Id: gvv4OlGGKbo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2020
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