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become a displacer beast or summon an army of displacer beasts or some in a black hole that only affects enemies and even gain the ability to fly hey guys Omaha here today I'm going over every illithid Power in Baldur's Gate 3. I'm going to show you what they all look like what they do and how they affect enemies I'm also going to show you a couple secret ones as well as a big secret at the end of the video so stay tuned for that alright to start it off we have illithid persuasion this one's going to be unlocked automatically it's a passive feature you can use your connection to the parasite in your brain to force cultists of the absolute to obey you so how this is going to work is there are certain conversations in the game like this one where the narrator will mention that they have the mark of the absolute Flash thing within new stairs in response so the narrator will mention that they have a mark on their face and that will give you a unique dialogue choice so it's usually a pretty easy check I hear it's a wisdom check and you have advantage so only a difficulty class of two soul pretty straightforward that ability is going to recharge on a long rest so I'm going to start with survival Instinct as it is kind of a secret one you have to do a quest to unlocking so what survival Instinct is going to do it's going to infuse a creature with Sonic Force if it reaches zero hit points it heals instead of falling unconscious and this recharges on a short rest and that'll do three to twelve healing so using that on an ally again the conditioned survival Instinct for three turns and then if he goes down he gets back up and he gained 5 HP okay so to start this Quest you're going to want to head to the underdark micaid Colony and up here in the upper right corner you'll find a Trader named blurg he's a hobgoblin you want to talk to him and then you'll want to tell him that you were infected with a tadpole you basically I want to explain the whole story to him and he'll summon his friend omelium so he's going to ask you if you're looking to have it extracted you'll want to tell him yes then you want to open your mind to him then you'll ask him if he can extract it he'll mention he has an idea I'll tell you he needs a fresh tongue of Madness and Tim asks spores so to find these you're going to want to head down to the Southwest part of the underdark to the Arcane Tower once you reach the tower you're basically going to want to go one level lower than what the stairs lead you to and that'll be the greenhouse area inside this greenhouse area you'll find both the timask spores and the tongue of Madness mushrooms you'll then head back to the micaid Colony and speak to him so he's going to prepare a potion for you with those mushrooms and whoever drinks this is the one that's going to get the survival instinct's power it's gonna make you roll a couple saving throws so no matter what whether you pass or fail the saving throws it's going to strengthen the tadpole on your head he's then going to offer you the Ring of Mind shielding but you'll have to pay up for it for me it was 175 gold so it's not too expensive so it's going to give you advantage on saving throws against being the next secret I want to share with you guys is this passive feature called awakened which lets you use all of your ithlid powers as bonus actions so to get that you're going to have to make your way to the gith Yankee crash and you're gonna have to go to the infirmary so to get there you'll want to head to the emerald Grove with Lazelle in your party and talk to this guy named zoru and he'll tell you about the gith Yankee crash it'll mark it on your map and you go ahead and go towards that once you get to the crash you're going to want to head to the Infirmary you're looking for the zathisk so you'll tell her you're infected and then she'll tell you to go the zathisk checks now be careful before you do this you're gonna have to perform three different saving throws and they're pretty difficult um any if you miss any of them you're gonna get permanent debuffs if you fail one you'll get minus two Constitution and if you fail two plus you're gonna get minus two intelligence and after some patches I think they made it so you can use tadpoles to get rid of these debuffs and you want to make sure you go inside of it instead of lays out just convince her to let you go first here's the first saving throw second one you're gonna have to roll 15 in wisdom then the third one you can choose between Constitution intelligence and then for me as a druid I had wisdom as my third option that one wasn't 18 for me and this is going to give you the quite overpowered passive feature awakened so you can use all of your ithylate powers as a bonus act in resistance to the zathisk in the githyanki infirmary awaken this power so what makes this crazy strong is if you're using like a Monk class or something where you get extra bonus actions you'll be able to use multiple Ethel and powers in one turn and you're gonna have to pass all three of those saving throws otherwise you're not going to be able to get this ability alright so I'm gonna go over these powers in a clockwise Direction starting with the first ring right here then I'll move to the second ring then finally I'll go to the outer ring so first up we have psionic overload your attacks deal an additional one to four psychic damage but you take one to four psychic damage every turn that'll last 10 turns and it recharges on a short rest and on my next turn I'll swing and it adds the four psychic damage on top of my normal damage then when I end my turn you'll see I take two psychic damage next up we have favorable Beginnings this is a passive the first attack roll or ability check you make against any Target gains a bonus equal to your proficiency bonus so that'll basically just make it easier to land your first hit the first time you attack an enemy so here I have a proficiency bonus of plus three and here when I swing my first attack on this target here it'll show my attack roll and it adds there's the plus three bonus that I got so it gave me an 18. next up we have Force tunnel charge forward pushing all objects and creatures in your path 13 feet away from you and it doesn't provoke opportunity attacks has a range of 30 feet and it recharges on a short rest so here's what that's going to look like next up we have concentrated blast this is going to do 3 to 18 psychic damage initially and you must be concentrating on another spell to cast this if the target was concentrating you heal as much as the damage that was dealt to it so that's where the 3-18 conditional healing will come in and then the spell you were concentrating on will end and you can use this once per turn and it has a range of 30 feet and if she was concentrating on a spell I would have healed for 12 since I did 12 damage then our final power for the first ring is transfuse Health sacrifice half the remaining hit points to heal a target for the same amount that's got a range of 30 feet alright so here you can see I have 59 HP use transfuse health he currently has 22 HP so I lost 29 HP and healed him for 29 HP all right moving on to the second ring of abilities we've got ability drain passive feature once per turn when you make an attack roll the attack reduces that Target's corresponding ability by one the ability to reduce is the same as the one used to make the attack roll so for melee weapons usually strength deranged weapons it's dexterity and for spells usually your spell casting ability and so for me as a druid that would be wisdom all right so if we look at this character which is a wisdom of 10. so here I'll hit her with Thorn whip so for one turn our wisdom's been reduced down to nine next up we've got luck of the far Realms another passive once per long rest you can change a successful attack roll against Defoe into a critical hit so as long as you hit him you can change it into a critical hit it's pretty busted so here I'm gonna hit her here we go and then it'll pop up asking me if I want to apply luck of the far Realms so I'll use it and then it turns into a crit next up is charm another passive channel the dark Allure of the tadpole to charm an enemy that attacks you preventing them from attacking you until their next turn so here if I end my turn he attacks me I can apply charm well in my turn guy's gonna attack me will you hit me and then I can apply charm to him of course he can use a saving throw here I'll end my turn this guy's gonna attack me then I'll use charm on him alright so here I'll end my turn this guy's gonna attack me and I can use charm as a reaction all right so here I'll end my turn he's gonna attack me how do I know because I reload this save like 20 times try to get him to be hit I'll be able to use charm as a reaction you guys killing me man the end of my turn she attacks me now and I'll use charm on her all right so hairline my turn this dude's gonna attack me boom use my charm as a reaction and he is now Charmed so he won't be able to attack me next turn at all I don't even think he can attack me this turn either so foreign attack because I had it on so it's a passive creature suffering following damage because of your actions take an additional one to eight psychic damage all right so here I'm gonna hit her with my Force tunnel just to knock her down there she took nine fall damage plus the four damage from displace next up we have Repulsor this will do two to twelve Force damage and it'll push anything in anyone back 20 feet on a save they're still going to take half damage got a range of 20 feet use a strength saving throw and it charges on a short rest all right so here's what that's going to look like that's what the AOE is with seven damage to her and four to her even though she was saved so it normally would have done eight next step is the toggable passive feature call the weak when you bring a creature down to fewer hit points than your number of evolved illithib Powers it dies and all nearby creatures take one before psychic damage so right now I only have six but that's because I've divided them across four different characters there's some other choices that you can make in the game which will give you more Powers I'll show you that later in the video just to avoid spoilers for some people that don't want them alright so here if you click at the bottom on passives you'll see it here you can talk about on and off right now it's on all right so here I've got him down to 17 Health on this character currently I have around 14 or 15th lip hours so as long as I hit they should die an extra no matter what and then it should do psychic damage so there he died did two psychic damage to himself from the explosion and she took three psychic damage now we have psionic backlash this is a passive when an enemy within 30 feet casts a spell you can use your reaction to inflict one to four psychic damage to the Caster per the Spells level all right so here I'm gonna end my turn all right so this guy's casting a spell on me and then I'll be able to use Sonic backlash as a reaction and there I did four psychic damage next up is Shield of thralls conjure a volatile shield around yourself or an ally granting the target 10 temporary hit points if these temporary hit points are lost due to incoming damage the shield bursts possibly stunning nearby foes so the shield will last until a long rest or Until It Breaks and then when the enemy is stunned they'll be stunned for one turn and they won't be able to take actions bonus actions or reactions and you can only have temporary hit points from one source so it says a range of 30 feet it's an intelligent saving throw and it recharges on a short rest all right so here it is I'll use it on myself so I've got my 10 temporary hit points down here at the bottom and my turn there my shield broke and it stunned her for one turn perilous Stakes invest a creature with power that heals it when it attacks but also makes it vulnerable to all damage so you're gonna take twice as much damage from all damage types that'll last for three turns and the healing that you get is 2 to 16 healing has a range of 30 feet and it recharges once per long rest alright so here I'll use that on myself and then when I attack I healed for 10. you know am I in my turn I'll probably just get absolutely nuked this guy will probably just kill me actually in one turn oh 22 damage from one shot you missed the other two though just kind of surprising there she did 18 and in 22. so I don't really think it's worth it most the time there might be some instances where it's good but for me I just didn't really like it very much and then finally for the second ring we have stage fright your targets have disadvantage on attack rolls and they take 2-12 psychic damage each time they miss so disadvantage is where it's Gonna Roll two dice and use the lower value and the attack rules what determines whether they hit or not they're already gonna have a harder time hitting you and every time they miss they'll take that damage that'll be for three turns and they'll overcome their stage fry early when they succeed in an attack roll so if they hit you this will end as a range of 60 feet uses a wisdom saving throw and it recharges on a short rest all right so here I'll use this ability on these two guys Netflix both of them on my turn see what happens an arrow Miss he took four damage hit the second time so that'll end it for him all right before we move on to our third set of powers I just want to quickly explain that to get these Powers unlocked you have to reach a certain part of the game and I'm gonna show you guys how to do that if you don't want any cut scenes or who you speak to spoiled go ahead and skip to the next chapter but if you're paying close attention you'll probably still get it slightly spoiled because of what happened they'll just be warned this is your spoiler warning and let's get on with it okay so when you get to the end of act two and you go towards Baldur's Gate you'll end up in this Camp here and to progress The Story You're Gonna want to go to bed basically what's gonna happen a portal is going to open up and some get Yankee monks are going to come out and attack you and your goal here is to get to the portal as fast as possible you have three turns to get to the portal when you go through the portal to bring into a new area called the astral plane when we get to the bottom of the school you're going to come across a mind flare named the emperor and this is the guy you're going to want to help out in this fight who's going to tell you that the get Yankee is the source of your protection against the absolute and he wants you to help him basically fight off all the monks he wants you to help him so then you team up with him and defeat all the monks in my experience he's pretty useless in this fight he didn't really help me the three times I've done it so far so he's gonna tell you you too should embrace the change that he underwents if you want to do so you say I would like that hear that you will do very well as in a method I've been studying you for a while now I believe I can trigger the next stage of your tadpole's life cycle while continuing to preserve your Independence I was going to ask you would you like to evolve this is what's going to turn you into a half elephant something special and he's going to hand you a different looking tadpole it wants to evolve but it cannot do so alone it must commune with another we have two options if you want to evolve you can eat it which I don't recommend because when you eat it you're the only one that's going to be able to use it and then you can open your mind to the tadpole so opening your mind will uh let you keep the tadpole and then you can let others use it as well a coldness seeps through your veins as the tadpole awakens the yearning almost unbearable valuable fish the tadpoles Essence courses through you touches your flesh glands organs contract and flood with pure thought you and the visual change your body has a little bit drastic connected your mind present there's a couple things you're going to notice when you take the astral tadpole one is probably the most immediate you'll have veins all over your face and your face will be a little bit darker number two is you'll have the passive feature partial ceramorphosis you're in the early stages of transformation gaining access to more aberrant Powers as you evolve your illited potential basically just tells you that you've evolved partially and then under your illithid powers tree you'll see that you're partial illited also in your skill tree you'll notice that all of the tier one hours are unlocked for you as well as fly so you won't even have to use tadpoles to get those so now that I've embraced my potential I have the third ring of elephant Powers unlocked I switched to one of my allies since they haven't taken the tadpole yet it's still locked but if I go to my inventory you can see here I still have the astral touched tadpole and if you use another character you can right click and then click use all right moving on to our third set of powers we have fracture psyche in beta targets mine and disrupt its defenses the target's Armor class is reduced by one that'll make them easier to hit if the target dies while its psychic is fractured you can cast shadow Psyche on another Target so that'll last five turns has a range of 30 feet uses an intelligent saving throw and recharges on a short rest all right here's what that's going to look like so there's our minus one from fractured psyche all right so here she still has fractured psycheon so after killing her you'll see it down at the bottom right we have shatter psyche which will reduce the target's Armor class by two upon testing seems to only work on two people next up we'll have illithid expertise you have deepened your sense of self getting expertise and persuasion deception and intimidation checks so what that's going to do it's going to double your proficiency bonus for any checks you make with skills that you have expertise in so here are my skills before grabbing that power I have minus one persuasion minus one intimidation and minus one deception once I grab that power you'll see I now have plus five interception intimidation and persuasion all right next up we have psionic dominance this is a passive feature when an enemy Within 60 feet targets you with a spell of a level that is lower than or equal to your proficiency bonus you can use your reaction to nullify the spell here he's gonna try to use blindness on me I'll counter it with Sonic dominance which completely nullifies it and right now my proficiency bonus is plus three so any spell it's a level three or lower is able to be nullified by that black hole create a point of intense gravity that pulls in all nearby enemies and possibly slows them so when slowed the affected entities movement speed is halved and its armor class and dexterity saving throws are reduced by two Infinity can't take any reactions or make more than one attack per turn and can only take either an action or a bonus action then spellcast might be delayed for one turn five more black holes can be summoned after the Spell's initial casting afterwards you must use a short rest before casting it again the slow to last one turn the Spells a range of 60 feet uses an intelligent saving throw and recharges on a short rest alright so here's black hole pretty decent sized AOE the center point has to have line of sight with whoever you want to hit but it won't pull anybody that isn't an enemy which is good there I pulled all three of them then down here you'll see I have black hole again so I can use it five more times before I need a short rest next up is fly this lets you fly to Target position has a range of 60 feet and all it uses is movement speed so you can basically replace walking with this and so it can be used outside of combat as well there's the range it's good for getting to Vantage points then in combat like I was saying doesn't use an action or a bonus action so basically just movement speed you can still trigger opportunity attacks with this though so just be warned about that mind a blast this is going to do 7 to 35 psychic damage spew forth a conical wave of psychic energy and possibly stun targets Within when they're stunned they can't move or take actions bonus actions or reactions that'll last one turn this is an area of effect of 47 feet uses an intelligent saving throw and it recharges once per long rest big cone right there get all three of these guys with it hopefully so I hit two and the third guy was saved did 23 psychic damage to her and 20 second damage to him mind Sanctuary sculpt a magical Nexus that allows those within to take actions and bonus actions interchangeably there's a range of 30 feet and recharges once per long rest so here's the range that you can cast it and then this little circle right here is the AOE so it actually affects enemies as well but now since I use that as an action I can still use another action as a bonus action next up we have free cast this is a toggleable passive feature that's kind of important and I'll show you why you've discovered a marvelous ability within yourself spell slots charges and similar resource costs for your next action or spell are removed refreshes after a long rest if you go down here to passives it's already toggled off from me and so when I decide I want to use say a level 4 spell I can toggle that on then when I use said level 4 spell it removes the cost completely I still have two level four spell slots this doesn't seem to work on everything because when I toggle it on and go to my wild shape charges you're not even able to use it I toggle it back off it'll then show up again so when you talk about on I guess you'll know what you can use it on and what you can't here all these spells are highlighted so it means you can use it on those next up absorb intellect so this will do one to eight healing gobble up a foes intellect lowering their intelligence by one per turn and healing your wounds for five turns this has a range of 30 feet and it recharges on a short rest absorbed or intellect and have gained 4 HP this who now has absorbed intellect for one turn where intelligence reduced by one so it's down to nine from ten on her next turn her intelligence was reduced again so now she has eight intelligence and I gained 15 HP well on my turn again from there I healed for 18 and she got hit by absorbed intellect again so now she's at intelligence seven that'll go on for two more turns so she'll go down to five intelligence and I'll just keep healing in the meantime and then last but certainly not least this one's my personal favorite the displacer Beast shape transform into a displacer beast that can displace itself and enemies and has 85 hit points take on the attributes of a displacer beast but maintain your intelligence wisdom and Charisma scores when your displacer Beast form drops to zero hit points you revert to original form you can only use this once per long rest and here it finally is here's my stat line as a displacer beast I have strength 18 dexterity 15 and Constitution 16 and then my intelligence wisdom and Charisma stay the same so you'll get quite a few cool actions with a displacer beast you have your normal Dash you have your jump if you're disengage and then you can dismiss the shape at any time so your first attack here is going to be tentacle whip this will do 8 to 28 damage bludgeoning and piercing lash out with a Sleek spinous tentacle has a range of 10 feet that'll look like next up we have illusory copy create an illusory displacer Beast to attack nearby enemies if I go here and I use that actually you can click there's a pretty big range here's the range of it [Music] it rolled an initiative of two I'll end my turn all right so there he attacked and he missed unfortunately but regardless so pretty cool they don't actually move they're stationary and then finally you have displace which will do 2 to 16 psychic damage teleport yourself in a Target to nearby location shredding the target's mind and leaving behind in the loosery copy of yourself as a range of 10 feet and this uses a bonus action so the range of 10 feet is just selecting the target initially that'll expand the range and then you can choose where to take yourself and her so it teleports her there does eight damage from the displays and then it leaves behind an illusory copy and then I can just create another illusory copy since that's the action that's an action and this place was a bonus action pretty cool now I've got two copies out and my turn he's gonna attack the copy it has 85 hit points which is pretty ridiculous booster recovery attacks him for 14 damage let's see how many of these copies I can get out foreign [Music] doesn't seem to be a limit as far as I can tell uh I've got uh four copies out so far okay guys I don't think there's a limit one two three four five six plus myself that's seven total displacer beasts out right now and I haven't seen anything that says how many turns they last I had to guess it would be ten maybe it doesn't have any time limit at all I don't know long enough to do a whole battle probably now it doesn't entirely end there uh I'm gonna throw out another spoiler warning because it starts to get a little more crazy here uh so I don't know how to say it but you just you might not want to see it if you do just uh keep watching unfortunately I don't have any footage of this as I don't have a character at that point of the game currently but at the end of act three you're gonna have the option to undergo yet another transformation and yes that's gonna transform you into a full mind flare also yes I'm in act two um I had to use an exploit to get the ifilid form Act 2 because I don't have a character at the end of act 3 currently but I did have a character in act two so there is an exploit dude get this early I'm not going to show you guys how to do that in this video but at the end of Act 2 before you do the final boss there's a way to transform your entire party into mind players one thing to note is undergoing this change has some pretty significant story consequences so just keep that in mind if this is something you want to pursue so as a full lithid you're going to undergo quite a few changes a lot of them very powerful to start your stats are going to go up quite a bit and I have an intelligence of 20 wisdom of 18 and Charisma of 18 and to compare I'll show you what my stats were before you'll have the conditioned mind flare form affected entities Embrace ceramorphosis and become a mind flare doesn't really mean too much just tells you your mind flare you'll have permanent mind Sanctuary while in combat mind players can use actions and bonus actions interchangeably and that's permanent you're also going to gain immediate access to some of these other powers if you already if you didn't already have them and then you'll gain a whole bunch of other powers that are actually enhanced versions previous Powers so first off we have synaptic consumption this is an upgraded version of absorbed intellect it's going to do 2 to 20 healing per turn devour your foe lowering all of their ability scores initially by five and then buy one each subsequent turn Additionally you regain 2 to 20 hit points per turn this lasts for five turns after which your target is left prone so that's gonna have a range of 30 feet and use an intelligence save I'll use that on this light adapter here so there he's got -5 to all of these and then every turn they're gonna go down by one for five turns there he's at 10 strength and Constitution now he's at nine is that zero for all of these down to eight and there's Shield forty five so I'm healing each turn as well from this 69 healing there expect any next step is nebulous black hole that's basically the same as black hole except now it's going to do 7 to 34 Force damage here's that he was hit by black hole and they all took a decent amount of damage nearby areas now difficult terrain and can slow creatures within it then you also get the displacer Beast form automatically it's the same as the normal displacer Beast shape you'll also get fracture psyche this time it's actually going to reduce the armor class by five with that now his armor class is 11 minus five from fractured psyche then there's Fierce perilous Stakes which is an upgraded version of perilous Stakes Grant Ally an additional 15 psychic damage healing 2 to 16 hit points when they attack the score critical hit when they roll a 15 or higher they become vulnerable to all damage for the duration of this effect that'll last three turns I'll shoot it on myself here next up another buff power augmented Shield of thralls conjura volatile Shield that grants the target 25 temporary hit points instead of 10. if these temporary hit points are lost the shield bursts and stuns nearby foes and now you're actually able to Target two Targets there have 25 extra hit points then you've got strength and force tunnel which adds Force damage it'll add 7 to 34 Force damage and now instead of 13 feet away it'll push all creatures 40 feet away rare next up we have tentacle whip this will do 8 to 35 psychic damage lash out with your tentacles and possibly stun your target for one turn that's a melee range and uses an intelligent saving throw 39 psychic damage and he's stunned next up we have potent concentrated blast this will now do 9 to 54 psychic damage there at 46 psychic damage then you'll get mine Sanctuary just the normal mine Sanctuary you already have it for yourself so you can use it on allies and then next up we have extract brain lobotomized a nearby creature that is stunned prone sleeping or unconscious so here I'll use that on this guy since he's prone expect anything he's been good he's in for 89 piercing I healed for 25 HP next up you get levitate which is basically the same thing as fly we get Sonic overload which is still the same transfuse Health which is still the same and then stage fry which is still the same so now you're all still going to get the story related spell it's actually a level 9 enchantment spell uh you're not actually able to use it but channel the Stone's magic to control the crown of karsus and dominate The Nether brain boiler a Caster must channel the spell until their next turn for it to take effect and that is it for all of the lithid powers in Ballers gate 3. you guys like this video hit that like button it helps me out a ton subscribe if you guys want to see more videos like this let me know down in the comments what other stuff you'd like to see whether from this game or another and thank you guys so much for watching see you next time
Channel: Omaha
Views: 198,564
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bg3 illithid powers build, bg3 illithid powers guide, illithid powers explained, bg3 illithid powers consequences, best illithid powers bg3, baldurs gate 3 illithid powers unlocked, bg3 illithid powers, baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 illithid powers, bg3 illithid build, bg3 illithid transformation, baldurs gate 3 illithid druid, bg3 illithid choice, bg3 illithid consequences, baldurs gate 3 illithid choices, displacer beast bg3, displacer beast, bg3 illithid powers tree
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 44sec (1784 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 26 2023
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