All Factions and Bosses in Palworld Lore

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apparently you guys actually wanted lore in this world so I figured why not go in for round two through the notes and story fragments found throughout the world of the game here is both the lore and my theory crafting on all factions of poor before we get into the me of this video I'll tell you ahead of time that they are all equally hatable for different reasons and surprisingly very well written for what this game is and they of course all want to kill you let's begin Grim dark half off if you'd like to see my progress as I make new content enlist today through YouTube memberships or patreon to become a soldier in the Grim dark Legion my thanks to the men and women who've already served whose names are listed here you keep Darkness at an affordable price primarily motivated by money the plagos island Defense Force were originally the military police of the nation turned into crooked drug pushers human traffickers and even more crooked cops their leader Marcus originally started as a heroic Noble defender of the people only to find himself slowly becoming disillusioned by The People's addiction to a snorted stimulate similar to methamphetamine called stims eventually finding himself tempted by the revenue brought in by these drugs he slowly started poaching dealers from his competition until they were totally subsumed by in secret the pidf while the population's faction neutral natives are unaware of the same people arresting them for the drug use are the ones responsible for the spread of the drug in the first place that being said they are still the best defense against Crime in the country doing their job heroically in having remnants of the old PF outside of this area however should you stumble in life you will find no help back up from this faction an interesting Dynamic exists in the free pal Alliance which is often touted as the Peta faction here there is a clear division in their Elite members who are part of a druidic pal worshipping cult and their grunts who are ECOT terrorists embracing a philosophy of pragmatism which indulges in killing as well as mild trafficking of Pals despite the five Commandments of their ideology forbidding it their leader a priestess figure named Lily seems to worship her partner lilene like a goddess for healing her wounds and restoring her Vitality she is also a deeply ignorant idealist who is totally unknowing of the crimes of those beneath her in the FPA they are a druid cult turned Eco terrorists turned crime family but then all of those things their five Commandments are the following one thou must not eat Pals but lamb balls taste so good thou must not overwork Pals how will I create my beautiful penguin War Machine three thou must not abuse Pals well now you're just asking too much four thou must not use Pals for experiments now come on just once five thou must risk their life thou must risk thy life to protect Pals well I mean depending on what you're going to have to do in the game there's there's a reason why these people should be you know rightfully so they're written off it's time to end their lives while little is known about the brothers of the Eternal py to the point where they almost seem to be a joke faction headed by a hip-hop or rapper figure known as Axel who Rhymes but it is unclear whether these Rhymes are also hymns we don't know really anything about him the names of their Elite members being comrades and the common theory that they split off from the high unethical pal genetic research unit would imply that they are a commune based faction seeking to live in an assumed peace with Pals where human and pal life is considered equally the youngness of their faction is shown in the fact that they are a small in number group and that they have no low ranking members meaning they aren't big enough for it yet so that's pretty much the brothers of the Eternal py I do like their Aesthetics I like the electric look of the leader I like the idea of something of a neutral faction being present I also just like the idea of even though all the factions we're going over today are obviously just terrible people genuinely terrible people so far we went over the Eco terrorists and the drug pushers and now we have this what I really do hope is that in the future there's some type of faction reputation system that we can use to make alliances with and trade with these various factions because I think that would really make pal World a very unique experience that and the option to turn off hungry CU I really like Pokemon with guns but I don't like feeding every everything including me the rain Syndicate are a traditional criminal organization centered around pal trafficking for lots and lots of cash their leader attained her position by developing a psychic connection to her pal grisol zo is able to utilize lightning based abilities the same as her pal which is very interesting because pals are often shown to be magical I put that in the script somewhere in the future but pals are shown to be magical this does make them unique from Pokemon and Digimon Pokemon are almost expected to be accepted on cartoon logic whereas the kinds of Digimon obviously have the entire digital world but Pal's being magical I think does set them apart I think that is actually a good part of the World building obviously due to the method of her attaining power the rain Syndicate is the most divided thus most erratic random group solely out for profit given the geography of the pagos islands one can think of them or every rating party of them in the rain Syndicate like their own brand of pirates who are basically free to do anything so long as it makes money and they do not go against their boss that's pretty much it these are the kind of not Team Rocket faction I enjoy them a little bit not too much uh they're the only ones I really have any kind of experience with they all wear the Adidas jackets and the Adidas pants and they slob Squat and they're trying to ruin my base with baseball bats and one of them had a gun and I killed him with a bow it made me feel like Robin Hood or like Finland during World War I it felt very good the mad science faction of the islands is led by the doct Frankenstein of the game a fellow named Victor his pal Shadow Beak was created through acts of magic mixed with genetic engineering mixed with a kind of alchemical cannibalism Pals in this world are repeatedly stated to be magical thus he seems to represent what happens when science tries to comprehend the incomprehensible Shadow beak being a the Griffin likee Frankenstein's monster created from all the methods previously mentioned along with stem cell research on Pals effectively that's what the notes describe but as you play the game I'll leave that up for you to decide as you may have guessed the main goal of this faction is to study everything related to or around Pals in a scientific context regardless of morality they're your classic mad scientist super villains and they're kind of in that way the anti-a I know that we went over the rain Syndicate and they seem like the antia because they're trafficking in Pals but the truth is that that's always a flip of the coin as to whether or not they're going to a good or bad home probably bad it's probably going to be bad they're probably still bad people always bad people but the true antia are literally just we will use them for all the experiments all of them all the time the penguin Empire is my Homebrew faction started by the wealthy philanthropist Adventurer Kwal obot after the destruction of his father's crime family he tried to start a joint operation with the children of other Mobsters to no avail however a failed robbery at a museum of a white penguin statue wink wink Lovecraft gave him visions of the pal penlet and the palapao islands what cald couldn't do in potham City he would do on the pagos islands for Penguins for the Empire so that's my off-the-cuff take so far on the various factions of the bagos islands I don't take these videos seriously because I think it's pretty obvious that this entire game is intended to be a parody of monster capture games like Pokemon or even some of the Digimon games that came out at the end of the day what's your favorite not Team Rocket for me it's the PF I really love their leaders designs as he's like a fusion of Giovani mixed with the Cole Phelps character from LA Noir in my opinion I think it has a fusion of A and B even has a little bit of yui moto I think in there just obviously I think he's the most unique faction leader and what Homebrew faction do you plan to create in game tell me in the comments below thank you for watching and have a lovely night all right and since you guys wanted it I also wanted to give you a little update of cald obots uh penguin Empire in progress and of course we still have a beginner base as I have restarted the character a few times and the reason I've restarted this character is because Neptune Poseidon the great I felt like was too on the nose or in the face in terms of a parody character just because this is less of an Epic movie Style parody game and more of a you know Johnny English Style parody game where you know the parody is actually good and it knows what it's parodying anyway the uh the issue of uh my delightful Farm here even though I did originally intend to fill it with penalites much like normal Pokemon you do end up riant on a majority of different ones uh there seems to be no point at which you can really be a typist and I really wish you could be a typist just because I always felt like that was the thing missing from Pokemon it's like you always had always met people like I love ghost that's what I I'd be a ghost and poison type trainer I would love that I would love all the purple obviously you've seen the channel you know I love purple why would you ever assume otherwise but regardless these are my delightful uh these are my chickens I didn't bother naming the chickens but my rule is obviously as you can tell from cald uh obot my rule is that I'm naming my guys after uh various little uh little fellas little fellas from the DC Universe usually villains this is Dr floronic named after obviously the floronic man um and then you have my party right now which consists of a fox Sparks uh named Firefly and of course a delightful fellow I don't really know what his species name is I don't care but I've named him Owlman and he was obviously wonderfully portrayed on crisis on uh Two Earths by uh by James Woods and he was voice acted by James Woods so if you want to see some James Woods voice acting in some solid DC animation I recommend it it's a pretty fun movie now let's uh let's talk about that penguin Empire we already survived one uh raid by The Syndicate which I appreciate oh look at that he's collecting wood for me he's a nice guy uh and we uh we just run around we just do stuff uh I've created this kind of shotgun house this kind of docks I always have the instinct to build near the water I always want to build near the water there's that's just an irresistible desire for me in all these crafting games and it's always is this brutal unyielding hell for me I I know I I might have sound a bit too complaining about that but uh when it comes right down to it I mean I I really really really more than anything else I really just want to be able to build into the water as long as the thing can touch ground like as long as I'm not so far out I have to swim right until about here I would love it if I could build and even then the base still would be within range but it sadly isn't connected to a structure so I can't build a dock house that's fine with me I look at little l boy look at a little baby look at little fatty chubby boob bo bo bo all right um but but that's basically what I'm doing now and I'm working on upgrading the base and just slowly doing this over time until we really have the technology and eventually I killed the traiter when he came by I am a criminal I'm a criminal I'm based off of the Penguin from Batman and I based this character's design off of as closely as I could get to to Oswalt he there's no face with a pointed nose um but basically the design for Oswald CLE pot from the 2008 the Batman show which was pretty good anyway very fun very fun time um we have Owlman the floronic man we have Firefly um you know he he's helping look he's helping we got chickens we're not naming the chickens because I don't view them as human or deserving of life or having Soul they are easily the laziest design in game and I think they're designed to be killed without me feeling any guilt we do have a lamb Ball but I also didn't name it I also view it as not descriptive enough though he's very nice and very sweet and I I I think uh oh oh they're putting it are they putting it in the they are they're putting it in the thing I didn't realize that okay so they are just naturally putting I can just trust these guys to take care of themselves while I'm gone that's great that's wonderful okay that's just phenomenal oh that makes me feel good okay so you I'll just show you my brief little setup down here I really like building near the water and we have this little base obviously we're a going to be a water type focused group group so since we need to get 10 of each Pals and sort of a uh achievement thing we'll try to aim for about a thousand of every water type uh for this build that I'm sure that giant goal will not come back to haunt me in any way anyway that's the small little update on the penguin Empire that you guys wanted from the last video it is a small small state of the penguin Empire and as the penguin Nation grows uh we will eventually hopefully I I do hope mods start working soon like mods that hopefully wouldn't go out of date quick and depending on how mod synchronicity works I would love a mod that adds in different statues that you could build and just every just one that adds in statues of the different Pals or even just an update that adds in statues of the different Pals cuz I'd love an option to build a statue of power that doesn't mean I have to build like Lucario but I could build a penguin that would be really good for the RP anyway that's all have a great one
Channel: Grim Dark (Half Off)
Views: 5,999
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, all factions, PIDF
Id: PkfgYRPqMjI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 53sec (833 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 28 2024
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