A Comprehensive BLIND Reaction to EVERY Pal in PALWORLD | The Bells 'N Whistles Podcast

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you do your best me I'm going to do you I'm going to do you now okay ready yeah hey there it's me Brian and I'm Sil I'm g i and together we're the where the smells and podcast we go through we talk about po this is strictly a power world podast we're a strictly po World podcast we only talk about we talk about all our Pals we bringing all our guests and we're being sued by a rival podast by our rival podcast Joe roog all that much much more on this episode bells and whistles podcast run that intro oh [Music] God I don't want to worry about nothing for a while I just want to sing around to whoa whoa another day another dollar what was the last time we did one of these Sydney Sweeney was on hot ones [Applause] huh no you hear about this you hear about this I wanted to try something he about this you know she was on hot ones was she really she was her big gazongas you couldn't you couldn't tell me one thing that I know about Sydney Sweeney outside that she's on Euphoria and and she looks the way she looks huh I'll tell you two things yeah yeah thank you they called the Thunder en lightning sitting right there welcome back to the bell and wh podcast those our nicknames Ryan quick leave from Bernie of course also his name is Sydney my name is sweee I'm doubling your D cheers welcome back you doing okay cheers yo I'm doing great there's so many updates for us to cover I know unbelievably so I know well last time we got all my health stuff out of the way well yeah I'll lead off this time I'll tell tell me a little bit have well have you heard about my new nickname oh not which isn't Sydney or I'm sorry Double D that's right it's tatas no your name is Tata my name's FNAF that the dist stripper name t for now that's so stupid no my new nickname have you know it's Ryland ask me why oh I I hope it's I hope Amelia gave this I'll have you know r that earlier this afternoon Mike lamarco was sitting in this exact place in my couch and we booked our trips this June for Ireland we're going to be in Ireland for 10 days so I'm going to or I'll tell you what I'm going to organize me a meet and greet for all our Irish fans out there why don't you maybe gayen meets you halfway huh anybody who wants to meet me come go I I think we get the gang together we get Foxon we get gayen we get I'm sure like 90% of them are already in this I don't know if that's true you don't think so I don't think that most of I think most of this video gets us a lot of new fans well yeah that's right kids we're because of course we're what we're going to do there's been a lot of uh a lot of there's been controversy there's been consternation cons there's been constipation and a little bit of diarrhea too that's right kids we're talking about po world because there's something pal world is the number one game on Steam for I think going on two weeks now yeah yeah it's taking over the world uhhuh um that's all you have to do it's all you need number one on Steam so and it's people are it's basically people are saying it's like Pokemon an open world Pokemon game with guns like weapons it's a little I've seen some footage of it it's a little more than that I think okay well what would you say I'd say it's like a you know you make them do manual labor you know they have them do farming and things like that of a of a of a of a Farmville so you say it's Pokemon Fort how about tell me if the uh fortnite meets Pokemon meets Webkins yeah a little something like that right you know you do you have them do your farming your your mining it's really something of a it's kind of It kind of puts a bad taste in your mouth it's something of a you know slave labor situation you know it's not good at all doesn't but I mean that's still that's access isn't that what Pokemon I guess so right yeah I guess maybe it's a big you know they're holding up a mirror to us and there's there's like this layer of it because obviously the the you know bearing the lead many of the designs are seemen appear to be Pokemon uh clones or heavily influenced by pre-exist existing Pokemon we're going to go through all wave judgment until then though right I I've seen enough that I it's like it's like oh come on it's that's that is my so what but what we're GNA but you're right if you want to have an open mind you can but what we're going to do today is we're going to go through all hundred something Pals not Pokemon Pals in pal World um and just sort of rank them like we would any other Pokemon uh I know that there is like a there's a sect of of diard Pokemon fans who resent pal world who will cast it away and say hey man screw all that to them I say I think I'm going to start streaming pal World pretty soon so uh sorry no we're going to do it if anything Pokemon has uh has taken money from no no because the whole thing we do is Pokemon but they're very quick to remove our videos and I don't think we should have much much of an allegiance I have no I have no reverence there yeah yeah yeah yeah and the well and the other thing is like will Pokemon Su po world are they are they doing that because they took down a couple videos investigation there was a comment or something that they made and they're very quick to rip our videos down Pokemon yeah do you think we're using their models too I think yeah exactly I've been told you I've been told you look something something like a Jigglypuff all right should we hop right into it or I'm curious anything else you want to say before no just hey if you're new if you're new to PO world or you're new to us um we're this is the kind of thing that we love to do huh yeah Pokemon palan Pokemon a me all right we're recording now so I'm going to make I'm going to get the big The Big Kahuna here okay yeah let's take a look at some of these let's let's go all right so this here is uh who who do we have here where is the [ __ ] name of of oh this is lamb ball lamb ball of course what do you have to say about lamb ball lamb ball uh about lamb L falles into Lampoon evolves into lamb based okay do they evolve in this I I I wouldn't be D I guess I think it must happen but this is lamb ball so I I I can I can see like the wulu comparison the wulu is the thing that comes to mind right is very in your- face but also you I guess the counterargument is how different is is wulu from a [ __ ] sheep people no longer allowed to draw sheep I think really how else would you draw a little sheep that's a little monster I I don't know I actually that a circle I guess and he I bet he rolls around or something sheeps are circles anyway huh um I'm going to keep keep moving on I I I think this is kind of cute okay now this is not like anything I've ever seen before but boy is it ugly this is cattiva I believe that's a strain of marijuana I was going to say at a glance it appears to be full of confidence but is in fact weak and cowardly at a glance it appears to be young dumb and full of I don't like this well I kind he's growing on me now I'm a little upset that he's not a fire type I think he's a little funny looking um he looking there's something about him that looks too like like a real life ugly person to me like I don't know there's something about his Dimensions that feel too true to form okay that's fair I don't like his colors he looks like a guy he looks like a little kid from Brooklyn he looks like exactly yeah yeah exactly you know I love me a yes so I think this guy is me and I think we should move on to you you I think you're coming up here this of course is chicky chicky PE this game has officially one me over are you kidding me that's just a [ __ ] chicken my real hope is that Pokemon takes po world to court for everything they worth and we get a court transcript and whoever is defending po world says it's just a chicken I think the Tyson Purdue should take the cour extremely weak and far too delicious one of the weak really is me isn't it why not and look it's also like no matter how many are hunted they just keep appearing all right now we're on to some types we have the grass type here oh this is this is fun but is this not a little pisu Leafeon is this not a pisu Leafeon no I don't think I don't think so it's a squirrel Pachi risu looks like a squirrel this is a squirrel I don't know Leafeon doesn't have this weird is power world paying you if if so not enough okay intelligent as five to seven year old human child it makes a wonderful partner a wonderful life partner yeah that's what I'm saying um I don't know I kind of like it okay this is Fox Parks fox fox Sparks oh Fox Sparks fox fox Parks M fox Sparks yeah you can say you could say it no matter no matter what how many times it does still doesn't make any sense Sparks like a fire this feels unfinish to me I don't like this yeah this is when you you have to hope evolves I suppose by the way we don't know anything about we're going in blind yeah exactly okay but I like but again you could see a little a little fenin a little Eevee a little about a lot of them feel it's yet to be a one toone okay that's fine that's fair how about we go on on one of my favorites I think yeah you like Flack I think I think that whatever beef that one could have at P against pal world uh so far is immediately eliminated because Flack is some of the funniest [ __ ] I've ever heard in my life it's like it's like a platypus duck using its own water body this pal can create waves anywhere just like the bells and pod put us in a room with a conservative and a liberal we'll make waves anywhere I like this guy look how angry that's fun his head looks a little too big though doesn't it uh I think that's part of the charm I well I suppose you're right some would say the same about you how about this okay all right so clearly into this guy this is like if Pikachu was cool sure right spark it is this not the Raichu tale yeah that is the Raichu tail but I will say I think it's little it's little ears and the fact that it's got these Thunderbolt whiskers I feel like that's something that I haven't seen from Pokemon and I think that's kind of cool right I I would tend to agree I would tend to agree again this is it's still it's kind of obvious I think they're actually using the same type like logo but again I guess the argument is like what I you're telling me I can't draw a leaf yeah I I feel like you should be smarter than to make an electric rat um now this is Simi Sage right Simi Sage he's got a little a little pot plant on his head e yeah you knowy g Mary Gana smoking the bban long ago this pal used long objects like tree branches As Weapons like my wing like like my schlong he said that he's using tree branches as a weapon that's yeah that's not good that's not good okay obviously well here's the thing is that like the argument I keep seeing is that they're like one toone models but they like ripped off the idea with the grass monkey but I guess I I mean there's a bunch of grass monkeys are grass monkeys right you can we said that sentence I don't know if it's [Applause] true I know we just said that I know I just said that I can't take three steps outside without seeing a damn grass monke there's there's two there might be two grass monkeys and both of them are Pokemon that that being said I do like this I do think this is is kind of I do like this I think this is a cutie pie I think this is I can say this I think this is better than both than it's better than the it's better I think it's better than than than Pansage I think it's better than groi and I sure as [ __ ] think it's better than zerude o yeah of course so I like this guy yeah get this thing out so maybe so maybe their argument is that they're winning and of course this is tanzy no tany like jenz like our fans like our fans okay uh what a what an interesting little creature huh this is a fascinating choice to me is this a deer this is Ruby of course it looks like a it's got a deer like legs deer like it's got a big fluky tail and a giraffe wearing a b influence i' like I've decided I like this uh I have S kind of a Prejudice I feel like with like 3D modeling now I feel like often times I think it looks kind of bad you want to go back to pen and paper I I'm telling you I want to go back to the the hieroglyphics but that being said I feel like if this was done like classic Pokemon pixel art style this would slap this is kind of cool I like this what's it called um Ru Ruby Ruby Ru I don't I don't think I understand I don't know what joke there is here let's keep going okay Peng gullet Peng gullet look you're it's a water type thing penguins are always going to be water water and ice water ice to me like different enough from other things I mean so far I get that they're doing I look I know that it's Piplup I know that it's a Piplup thing but what are you going to do a penguin is going to look like you know yeah yeah didn't have this thing this little red thing I think the eyes might be kind of identical this appears to be our first evolution in this list p p pullet evolves into Pang King now okay come on that's [ __ ] really funny that that's amazing wait hold on it says surprisingly it is unrelated to Peng gullet what ever wanting to be the center of attention this pal struts so they they don't evolve I guess pengull does not evolve into pen King Pen King sounds dirty to me a lot of this sounds Dirty to Me P King Pen king um I don't know ping you need to make sure that you clean yourself well I'm still trying to wrap my head around how this could not be an evolution but I mean is this but I mean like a Lola and love disc it's got to be a it's got I mean it's pretty funny yeah I guess it's pretty funny either way I like this thing a lot I'll tell you it's a big [ __ ] bummer if it doesn't evolve um that's I I'm we're learning along with you about how the evolution thing here because you're telling me that none of these first guys ever evolve I they should they should I like this thing I do like this P we'll learn let's learn of course we have to go to jol hog I think this is kind of fun oh it looks it's this is the first time where I'm kind of like oh this is like Shaman or whatever U but that being said nobody gave a [ __ ] about sham I don't care I think if if you want to steal Shaman and make it slightly more fun I think this is doing this is it but and then the fun part is that Joel has a cousin Joel to Cy it's Chris it's Cris it's Chris's got he's got a big old growing on be led that's not good so I'm curious about the relationship Hedgehog type thing I like a hedgehog but this is pedestrian to me I'm still not sure so what they attack each other do they have I think they're C they must be cousins no I mean like when they can you collect these things what they must be cousins I thought I thought you were confused about their relationship done with these [ __ ] things move on this is exactly what I want to see more of from Pokemon this is is a weird little dude like this strange pal with the body resembling trep he a weir little fell he's a pile of tree you know this guy right here you know he's licking your toes he's a he's a tree little freak this guy's a little freak disgusting and I think I love him I like his hat his beanie yeah you know fun I like this guy what's it called This is gum gumas Kos oh my God gumos what's he he's a grass ground grass ground yeah now this guy's how unsettling this guy I love this guy all right let's go on to Vixie huh Vixie so this is supposed to be a sexy little rabbit oh dear [ __ ] all right now you're get now you're starting to convince me that this stting to I'm starting to believe that cuz that does feel like body they feel like combinations of all of it is a little mix and match situation take a little Zorua take a little do you know what I mean it's I don't know move on I'm bored by this taking time I don't like this this is [ __ ] this is really exciting stuff here that's amazing this is our first dark type that we're seeing often lost in thought often just like just like me hres his name is h no way his name is hres are you kidding me he's got a little hat oh come on this is you in the morning I'm so grumpy I am the same this is very fun we're not going to read all of the things it says often lost in thought it sometimes finds it difficult to sleep I think therefore I am how [ __ ] Dare You C world how dare they write how dare they say somebody there was an intern that said wait wait wait we got to throw in the quote just have him literally don't even change the quote to make it a pun just literally give him the quote yeah also Socrates say that no no that's not Socrates it is not Socrates let's go on to T flant no tant T Fant oh well it's very cute it's cute it's Ty it's a water type so it's not like qant but you're telling me that they didn't see teacup elephant and they're like all right let's do this one now and then you know the real fu is that he's closer to Fan Fey in design yeah than he is Q fan I don't know It's Tricky right because I I do admire what they're what they've done here I think this is fun and I think it is you know I you only ever see them talk about the spoton ones right right this is this is different this is fun but this is like riing their [ __ ] this is totally like the the the debate tactic of you throw as much [ __ ] as your opponent as humanly possible so that in their time to respond they they're so overwhelmed that they cannot get to everything that's what this is yeah it's like no no no it's not an elephant blah blah blah and it's water type and it's blah blah blah and it's not like qan it's like blah blah it's like it's like whoa whoa whoa whoa you're totally covering up the fact that this is totally a ripple let's go on to depresso what depresso no it has few friends because of the perpetually grouchy look on its face just like me I I will say at this point this is just a [ __ ] they what is this this isn't anything this is just a guy with a horn on his head that's having a bad day is this not a [ __ ] uh what's the what's the cat before per um is it Glam Glam Glam yeah wait no no no not perin is this not what is this but a perin and a zeru mix this is nothing this is I I don't even deem this something you're right this is this I think is bad no idea they didn't even try I don't like this thing very much I I do agree with you this is boring I don't care about this is boring I've seen this one coming up this is [ __ ] Eevee that is literally [ __ ] eeve that's Cris CR what a compared to lamb ball I can think of a couple other things to compare it to compare it to Eevee that's crazy everybody on planet Earth said this is day dream oh that's kind of sick excuse me is this not a little too mous for for everybody's liking okay yes it's got a little necklace okay yes it's floating around it's got a little mous to it to me this is this is the kind of thing that uh cuz it's like what it's like a little sheep right or something like a she but he's a he's a little nightmare and you're counting sheep and he's jumping over and he's a little he's a little evil guy I think that's clever I think that's very cool okay I'm seeing the Sheep now thing you're counting when you said counting sheep that's I think that's kind of cool [ __ ] power world might hire you as their lawyer cuz I was about to be like come on this got got me excited again all right I like the name Rush wh Rush [ __ ] Rush wh what the [ __ ] is that it's Rush [ __ ] I don't care a little kid me would love this [ __ ] thing the reason why I laughed is because from this angle I had to Str I had to clarify it looked like his legs were two times skinnier and he was wearing high heels it looked like a big [ __ ] round head with a little snout and he was he had four little tiny stick legs with high heels okay this is uh this is this is not so bad relatively boring relatively boring I care for this zigzag I'm trying to avoid making too many comparisons everybody's talking about that but it's you got to do what everybody does but funnier this is is this just Eevee again is KN if you find Knox hair in your bedding you should leave it where it lays and leave immediately oh dear I think I do like this design but you know I'm I am actually bored by this I wish it was a little uh creepier yeah I do I I I think it's cute but I I hope this is them playing safe how about we go to fuder now that's kind of cool no this is fuddler fuddler fer just like us couple of a couple of fersing around a little close to driller uh a little driller a little all that stuff but they're it's different enough you know if you were to put this next to a a drill bur I don't know I I don't know all I'm saying is I think it would be I think it would be I think he'd have a hard time in court with that I I I believe that there are many people who would agree with you this is a great name let's go to kilari Kari baby kilari is a sick one that's sick kilari I'm all in I don't want to hear a Pokemon comparison to [ __ ] whatever it is this is sick this is better than whatever they came up with with Pok this is great I like this it's fun little ears looks like it's wearing a hat anytime anytime one of these guys wear a hat I think you have that hat I do have that hat this actually looks a lot like me let's go on this is m that's hilarious no his name is m all right all right to be to give it credit half of why I'm laughing is how you said it today you're like this is M um yeah sure um I look I don't like it when they make it too it feels like it's just a reference to this is like an Egyptian cat right so sure okay sure but I think this is cool that it's dark and I like the gold I think a cool look to it um I don't know I like it to feel like it's its own world like why is this Egyptian thing in pal world I like it but they also have a m Christ okay oh so they just made it worse skip past that garbage it's the ice version of the cat okay sure get out of there I don't I don't need to talk about that I don't know why there's why are there so many ice versions CHS or whatever let's go to celer like you know you ever you know the you know the now I I'm having I'm going to have a hard time defending this one okay they cheated off of man's homework that's this is is that's tricky this is basically Mantine except he has what is a couple of got a couple of he's got an utter no he's got a couple of knockers floating around there huh wowe cone tits cone yikes let's move on we don't need to talk about that one oh come on now this is this is I know everybody's talking about the Eevee I have not seen this one yet this is oh my God oh my God this is Rock R oo yeah no there's no Rock what's it what right um it's um ly rock lyan rock yes this is lyan Rock yes uh yeah no you're that's hard to [ __ ] say anything about there's no I mean I I like the color scheme maybe a little better this is kind of what I wish like in rock I think that's a fair I think that's a fair assessment but dire how yeah like I think that's kind of cool I think it's cool I would have it but that is that is absolutely like oh my goodness oh deer how about too Toco why don't we go to too too look anything called Toko Toco has my I'm gonna let you have your day wax poetic to the people about how much you love this thing go ahead wow you people if if there are any new people in the comments if there was ever a design meant for e bur that's I mean look at that because here's the thing it's great and it's still a ripoff of zatu this is amazing this is I I love it's it's got the the Mohawk it's got the dead eyes dead eyes it is a but is it not a combination of zatu two Canon and uh and [ __ ] karand yeah a little bit it's the it's the that I think you could find I mean you could look you could look at a real life animal and say that's a combination of this this and that right you know you could look at the two of us and you could say What It's a combination of smos and Josh PEC podcast someone said that uh right here let's go on to like let's go on to Floy and it's named Floy because it has two Fallopian tubes good Lord I know you're not like a big Digimon guy I'm I'm a decent Digimon there's a lot of we can incorporate some Digimon reference Digimon um riffs on I can totally I can totally uh respect that can you see a bit of that this doesn't really look like a Pokemon I don't like this I I I you know I wish they'd make more that looked like I don't like this I don't like the Fallopian tubes that end in anuses I I really am not a fan why is it floating like that and why is it a grass type it should be a it should be a it should be you know a fertility [Music] keep this thing going I don't know whoa oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] mozzarita like Moz mozar come on now that's crazy this is great this is so funny they just put snorlax's face on a cow and made him go Betty by what are you going to how are you going to stop this how are you going to defend this in court I'm going to put this in front of everybody on a PowerPoint I'm going to say come on who could who could say are you guys really upset about mozina that's really hilarious this is something that I would come up with yeah all right um I can't decide if this is cool or not again I feel like this is three Pokemon screaming at me all at once and saying which one which one am I which one am I am I rosade am I it's all three of them we can give it a pass I think that this is original I think this looks kind of different and cool especially when this next [ __ ] thing is literally just Gibble um okay so but they give they give you got is that he's got these yeah he's got a couple of squeezers couple of couple of gropers Goin but you see Gob fin I do think this is actually kind of fun but gobin has Gob fig ignis I don't understand this Dynamic of like oh they've got like different Elemental versions yeah which I guess I it's growing on me but I wish that he had a little more different except other you know just the color well look they were running out of time okay but I think this is cool enough I hope he evolves uh sure yeah I think this is fine I think this now how about hang you well wait a minute hang you hang yourself I kind of [ __ ] with hangu I like it's I like its weird little like long arms I think that's kind of cool he's like a little door knocker You go Okay so this is a but he's a ground type what is it it gigantic arms can rip apart even iron I guess I don't understand what he's really supposed to be hangu to me he looks like doorer on like a on like a ruin yeah or something like that okay fascinating and but is you certainly a bit of Chingling certainly a bit of chimo uh a bit of Litwick maybe a bit of Litwick a bit of Litwick um and look he look he gets he's got the cyst version he's got the oh but this one also got a zoom this this one's in the Great Outdoors this one's got the kitty filter on I feel like if there was something that you could have skipped it was this but sure he's the the Crystal Version okay so Manda what are what are you gonna say this one doesn't totally appeal to me no but the infuence the beware is certainly there um I think it's fine I think it's fine I I do think it's fun that it's got a big [ __ ] leaf on its head this this is this is fine a little pedestrian I'm excited to see where we go for MOS Lux oh now see look now we're cooking with a little bit of Grease all you got to do is give one a mohawk and that's you get me on board but also what you're missing if we go back to Mosa a little dead in the eyes this one little angry he's got a little something to prove and I like that this you just insulted this guy's mother what' you say that's fun I kind of like cuz it goes like it goes from this he's like I like that I like that a lot that's fun I don't understand why a panda would become would go from grass to Electric but what are you GNA do he got to got shocked a little bit by pal whose power is truly shocking good work po world I think therefore I am how about we go to wool woolly pop woolly pop girly pop girly pop baby do you understand what girly pop it means no I'm I'm not allowed in that Circle you been banned I've been banned from the Twitter online lingo I'm not allowed there uh uh not my thing at all no certainly not my thing but I think you know I'm surprised I'm surprised hasn't really made a stab at something like this before I don't oh we're getting some deliveries special They ring if they ring again then sure but I don't want to talk to them got a special guest um yeah if you like And subscribe I'll give you my address this is all right I I I'd be interested to see where it goes we at capr now this is this this is bad but this is bad but I can I can appreciate respect I can hey game respects game this isn't good I this tumor is too much well but what an what an interesting waste of time okay this is good malaca malpa you got me you got me with Mal Paca cuz uh honestly what the [ __ ] this is disorienting this is unsettling but also fun he's got high heel boots yeah the white the white and the Sheep turn into this do you think does the Sheep want to turn into that um probably not I don't know I don't know let us know in the comments all the power world faithful how should have we should have looked into this before should have could have would have yeah exactly keep on going if and butts we got uh okay let's see how we can pronounce this [Music] oh this is [ __ ] badass to me I'm not a normal type you're not going to see me with very many normal know you would I know he's got a dark one coming up that will interest you well but let's see how can one read this I will say cool design looks cool clearly this is going to be a badass something or other ik deer ik Iker Iker clearly a badass something or other not a Pokemon so much as a Dr Seuss character I like because this is a unique color palette it's a unique color palette I think it's very cool I do feel like it's going to ask me if I'd like to Hop On Pop would I could I with a mouse let's go Terra oh it's a shame because Oh I thought that was dark it's ground um that's a shame because it looks it looks 10 times worse it looks like you took a really cool solid design and smeared [ __ ] all over yeah yeah no it's got a bunch of a bunch of dookie wait a minute now now let's go how about this guy we have Nightwing Nightwing what now this is stapor this is stapor that stapor by all means this stor going like this I guys I I can't defend them all you have stapor here he got the corvite claws he's got the corvite claws there's an element the bravar oh god oh what do we think that was horrifying good Lord okay but I think that's I think I ordered some toilet paper uh this is a ripoff and I would argue I would argue it's better than star rptor for me actually no this this is 10 times worse this has got this has got big old chunky chicken thighs and it's not you have a thing against thighs and I think you're body shaming meat I was really hoping you wouldn't notice let's move on to rib bunny huh ribbed bunny ribbed condom this this looks like a little Hello Kitty character don't he I don't like this one bit yeah I'm not interested in this uh keep going I like it's no I don't like it at all incin you say incam huh now that is z Zoroark that is it is you see I'm not immediately seeing the Zoro AR I'm seeing a fair amount of Zoro I'm seeing the Zoro Ark fine but it's it is very cool I would argue that it's better it's cooler than Zoro art I think I would argue that it's cooler than Zoro art and cooler than incinerar yes uh it wouldn't be that hard to be cooler than incin saying much not saying much you could show me a you could show me a a ukulele be like cooler than incin what happens when we go to inceram knock huh oh so they've spread apart SE they've spread apart sea it's got some what is it uh when your hair you know split split ends split end I prefer the other one I like the fire I like the fire this is fine though why would he why would he only be why would he go from fire dark to solo dark you know maybe maybe he got you know he lost his spark he lost got put out a little bit okay how about cinem moth I'm confused as keep going how about our socks you know cuz you and I we shared some socks for a period of time hey my socks are our socks this is too messy this is I don't know what I'm looking might just be a bad angle but I don't know what I'm looking at here this is disorienting all of the face it's not ancient times carnivorous Pals pursued them relentlessly okay how about dud yeah yeah this is exciting all right now listen th by no means is this good no but this is funny but that's really funny it's just a big old chubby shark that looks like that fat fish I think that's great D why is he called dud I don't know you know cuz you do so oh I like this name this guy coming up I hog Neato Cognito like a MAA this is genius that's very cool a witch doctor bird people will try to say merro but you're wrong no not merro they've done this before like the aromati has the plague doctor look to it oh but that's the wrong execution is the right the right execution of what this should be none of them are flying type are they they're I guess we're not doing I guess no F do that how about Le's Punk Le like oh well that is exact that is scraggy to a tea no it's not cuz it's a it's a [ __ ] little it's a little uh a kangaroo no this is a lizard it's got a big old spiky tail like that well I guess it's a lizard huh but he's got kangaroo legs see this is actually atrociously such a ripoff that I I I'm not this is fascinating to me cuz I do not feel that way he's wearing a hoodie I understand he's wearing a hoodie so am I I feel like this is far enough I think no I think you can I have a dark lizard wearing a hoodie that's got punk in its name and not be like up that is that is scraggy I okay maybe it has to be so purposely intentional I think this is actually I think it's a good design I think this stronger than I think I I I don't know if I think it's I think it is let's see Le's Punk ignis all right well that's stupid you've completely lost any redeemable thing I'm 100% On Your Side how about we go to Loop Moon I okay it looks like they they really only had one body for tall cat but you see this there's the he has the Absol thingy ABS [ __ ] got a horn yeah I I think this is cool I think if when I was younger if I had seen this I would have I would have [ __ ] with this I like this this to me more than any almost all of them so far reads more Digimon than Pokemon to me 100% you know this is very Digimon how about Gail claw wait what about gamer girl I like me a Gail CLW are they going to make a gamer girl Pokemon you think huh they're waiting for us to make our own game yeah exactly Drive style um I I do like this I think this is kind of cool I like this I think this is an eagle Pokemon done right I agree do I like its long eyebrows not really but I it I do think this is a good Eagle yeah you guys didn't hear that but this thing [ __ ] says no they they heard it a little bit yeah what's this thing called is this Robin quill I like this I've decided I like this is this nothing it is deui mixed with Gade galade yes of course it is but I think this is exciting and clever and um I think it's kind of cool well I want to see what happens with Robin let see what happens Robin quill terot type to ragos oh are you kidding me just oh my God just wrong decision wow they're like okay what if we covered him in Piss you know let's make him I can't even look at that this looks like a rotting Leaf all right now this is a little insulting don't what are we talking here we're saying gory rat gorat gorat like a gorilla gorat you want me to cut that no no that's what he like that's like how you say gorilla like in I don't know in in offensive Japanese AC I feel like there is like some rendition of it being like gorira but maybe it is just you know you have until tomorrow let me know if you want me to cut that I mean maybe but this is just zerude you're seeing zerude I'm seeing um the [ __ ] electric guy Zera and again I'm seeing more Digimon than Pokemon I don't know it literally says full powered gorilla mode this is a gorilla this is the lamest gorilla I've ever seen in my life I know what you're talking about it looks like Zer Ora with the the knuckles on the ground this is the skinniest gorilla I hope he becomes a big giant gorilla I think that's the final form I don't like that at all oh what's this little guy What's Happening Here what's happening here all right cuz this thing turns into the next be guard fine evolves into elizabe into smard um that seems like a wasted Evolution to me that seems like yeah I kind of like the first one better than I like the second one that was a bad beat for a bad beat huh I don't like this I don't like this kind of at all to tell you the truth uh I think it could be cool I think a lot of things could be cool yeah no you're right this thing's a mess um very disappointing oh this is fun for me What's happen this is the one I've seen people talk about because they say they just took a uh they took um gallerian meowth's face and put it on this I got to tell you I kind of disagree with that discourse yeah because to me let pull up you say you're I'm gonna no no no I'm not saying that the Garian Meowth argument is incorrect I'm not saying that what I'm saying is if anybody has an argument it's [ __ ] aliceon Wonderland Chester cat territory that's really where we're going from here I I totally understand I totally understand where they're coming from I think we might be misremembering the chesher cat a bit I would argue that there are Renditions of the ches cat scary one yeah I think there are scary I look at this and I see scary chesher artwork of the chure cat what's this thing called but I also understand the thing I think it's just I think it's I think this is not this is clearly like supposed to be the cheser cat I think this is not in the top five ripoffs for me so far sure okay I think they were smart cuz they took like they if they did literally just steal his face like people are saying they did they put it on a thing that doesn't look anything [ __ ] like him yeah that's what I'm saying so yeah good on pal World I'd say good well done let's go to Sweet that I like you like that he's a [ __ ] little broom I think that that's great you like little broom give me S but you got to you got to wait for the evolution cuz sweet obviously into sweepa yeah sweep sweepa that's great I think if anything I think if there's a chance where you fall in love with the game of power world yeah you have a grandchild I make him call me sweet pop that's what I'm saying come on that's amazing that's really funny that's that's so funny this is great this is I'll tell you they should just stick to this thing oh we have our first dragon type chilling I wish we didn't have our first dragon type yeah that's very upsetting this is not this is kind of lame I mean maybe it turn I mean we have the Meena mixed with a Goodra type deal and it's not it's not it's not I don't think this is I don't think this is cute and I don't think it's cool I think it's a little you could get me behind it but not today univolt they gave him a whimmy you this thing looks like it's got like dermatite I'm a little it's too spiky I I like a Spiker no I don't like this kind of thing keep it going foxic foxic his his original form is testicle doesn't even have I Les on it no it's just a cold Fox with the glaci this is just Ninetails I'm I'm bored of this if you're going to throw this [ __ ] out me I'm bored of it I don't like that this is kind of cool py rim job py py rim J no but it's Rin P I think this is kind of cool but this so this is another horse what are we something horse we're in the horse section how about Pyon knocked yeah let's see keep it going Pyon knocked we have ooh that's cool I like that I think that's pretty cool and it doesn't feel like a Pokemon to me I think this is kind of cool titillating titilating I feel like a little bit of ice cubes on the nips a little edging perhaps okay so now again they they're going full Seuss with this this is a little meant what I said and said what I meant said the sour kangaroo you know so is foxico does foxico of into rain dcks no I think this is different this is a reindeer that was a fo the same yes well there's only so many ideas you have to understand I can hear it um I'm a little disappointed if foxic gold doesn't evolve into rrick I'll say that I would I would promise you I feel like I mean maybe I'm wrong because they look very similar but yeah um let's see what do you got to say about Ray Hound I don't know I don't I I don't want to look at that there's something I think it's I don't know if I'm into it I want it to evolve yeah let's see that I this I kind of dig this I kind of dig I like this I like the the boa I like the boa anytime you make a fire type blue that's how you get me immediately no I think so it's raging hot raging hard on Raging [ __ ] let's go to dazzy huh no for me this is uh this is misplaced uh enthusiasm often kind to lonely Pals huh you can have them I don't want I it has opportunity it has opportunity this is the guy that follows you in potential Mario Kart o I don't know about that does it turn that's not has nothing to do with that right I hope not I don't know I wish they were clearer about this yeah I don't I don't know about this one this this feels like it's just B Baner but they went but laon sexy Mewtwo yeah I don't know this is making meing I need to talk to my therapist about this one now this is this is they have they have the the whose hat is this that's um I think that's literally um Lan's hat this is Lan's hat like for sure yeah and this is kind of it's a little it's a little Goodra it's a little mea not mea um Meganium yes it's a little bit of all of that but it's for sure some of all of them it's it's it's for sure not right like this is stealing like this like they're in trouble then this is dinam dinum turns into Lux that means it vibrates that means it has it has six vibrating uh uh settings it's got just a bit of suction get this [ __ ] thing out of here I don't want to look at that wow I kind of like that this is cool I think that's kind of cool it's Hydro hydronic form is well Su I love a pleur I think that's and we don't really have something like that do we Pokemon yeah it's not like it's not like Lapras exists yeah we don't really have so much do I like this I I do quite like I like the spikes I would I'd use them too but you see and uh suranta you seea suranta sentarum he's got uh spikes I yeah get going I I'm not interested this is this is wait just a damn minute okay now that's pretty cool I think that's pretty cool this is very cool I think that PO closer look at I think po World strategy is to create a pokedex where for the first 45 you're like okay these are all ripoffs for the next 20 you're like okay they're kind of ripoffs but they're kind of different and I think we're reaching the point officially where it's like okay I can name three Pokemon that are in here but I I this is cool and I don't care yeah this is sick what this thing called marath Mar yeah Marth Marth let's go to dig toys let's go some sex toys huh uh now what did I just say this is totally Blastoise uh uh dreadn dreadn I think I think Mario has an argument with Bowser in the bower it's got the the Excadrill drills but this is [ __ ] badass this is cool as [ __ ] I would use this immediately I don't know if I'd use it but I do think it's I do think I would use this [ __ ] a million zillion I think I'm interested in this Who Framed Roger Rabbit character oh wait do you see his little animation though yeah this might be a bit too out there for me as crazy as that sounds I quite [ __ ] like this to me I feel like it's it's trying to be the most it's trying to be goofiest and cool at the same time I don't appre for me this is working for me this is working can I tell so obviously there's like a there's a body of gcore kind yes yes I think the most beef that anyone could possibly have is Sonic games Sonic the Hedgehog I don't I think Sylvester the cat might that's fair enough have an argument to be made let's go toand but that is cool uh um I'm I'm afraid to comment on this one for some reason I I I I feel I I'm I want to piss myself does it have is that pu it's got a push I'm to I'm gonna [ __ ] pee it's got I I don't I don't know if I I I don't think I can say it word about this it's got a landing strip but it's also got God's green earth it's got some there's an El you know we're allies on this podcast you know we want to make it very clear but this Pokemon's gender is none of our business it's none of our [ __ ] [Laughter] [Applause] business uh yeah sure I I mean this kind of thing is only going to be interesting if it evolves I think it's kind of cute I like something with with bangs I guess that covers its ey I hate bangs um look at this thing's got this thing got scol say terrible back problems I I I want to be into this but I'm actually not you could sign me up for it's kind of like a buzzard type thing right I'm going to skip it I yeah I don't know but I want to hear about van ice version vanm cyst now see this I think and now that it's wearing a pair of overalls a basketball short I think this is an improvement on the design yes I do think that I don't know how the typing quite works but I'm thrilled by Ice dark I'm yeah I'm interested by that this doesn't seem to be any fighting types now I want you to be the one to say this one's name bushy bushy um I don't like this I don't I I don't like this one bit this is just a guy wearing Samurai pants yeah no thanks no thanks I'm done I'm not interested in you um beacon beacon is a cool name but this is a little stupid the execution is off you're 100% right it doesn't even really look like a bir bir to me it looks like a it looks like a cat with big hands I'm not there but I just I you know everybody knows that I'm not thrilled with like a kilowat design but I take kowal over this like a million times out of a million now this is kind of sick ragna Hawk is [ __ ] ragna Hawk rag is a sick name whoa yeah this is cool that's sick can I say something can I do a little clickbait yeah this is cooler than Talon Flame I I was hoping you'd say that this is cooler than T I was hoping you'd say that this thing is sick I love that I love that you know look now this is cat tress again I I I I want to spend as little time as possible I feel like we're not equipped yeah I don't know if we've earned if we've earned if we we've earned the right gotten the pass yeah I don't um I might like this I might like this but I don't know if I do this is fine I would never use I don't like when they I don't like when they make I don't like wizard I feel like we've had a couple of these in this game we have it's going to be a no for me dog now now now I know we just said all that but this is a little funny to me this is kind of funny this is kind of funny if I was forced if you put a gun to my head you said you have to pick a witch pal a witch pal I would probably pick this one right so how does it work I'm ass what my hope is is that for the last the beacon ragnahog catniss I'm hoping that we have one pal that can evolve to either of these a little split Evolution split thing that would be that would be fun for me that's interesting to me are we doing that I wish this all this information was present I wish it was all you know online if only we had looked okay come the [ __ ] on this this is this is hard to defend come the [ __ ] on I I have now switched from being Pokemon's to Pokemon lawyers now this is insane are you kidding it's kind of ridiculous they have the same hands eph from that's the same pants the same hands the head ears oh my God it's unbelievable no that's I mean that is insane it's like kind of criminal yeah it's like to the point where like conspiracy theorists have to be out there saying like is Pokemon did Pokemon make this game yeah no I don't I mean just to like just to build it up and then rip it all down this is like if this is like if we woke up tomorrow and two guys had made a podcast called the smells and smiss we might have to save that for the cold open uh yeah this is uh what's his name score bunny yeah that's unbelievable wow um it's not score bunny what's the final one um score bunny turns into um I can't remember the [ __ ] name of the thing score bunny turns into [ __ ] we hate that generation so much to it raboot turns into raboot turns into um um rabbit bunny hair um incin hair yeah I can't remember the [ __ ] name of the stupid rabbit look tell talk about this piece of [ __ ] while I look it up Veil it a the castle was filled with the King's favorite flowers a great battle and Su and Flames approached the castle amidst the chaos the spirit of a flower Cinder The Spirit of a flower appeared from the fairy tale the king's flower this looks like something from a PS1 game it really does looks like something from Crash Bandicoot I don't know um Frost moth meets who's the one Frost Mo meets like it's [ __ ] train the hair the Hat hair yeah the Mis Magus no I'm saying the hair one oh um um hatteri hatteri um that being said I kind of I do kind of [ __ ] with I think this is kind of cool um I you know this is the one where it's like okay you can do a humanoid thing it looks enough different to Me Maybe This one is I'm not I'm not thrilled by it you know I don't know they got to stop with these dragons this this is so [ __ ] lame this is very lame this feels like it doesn't feel like Pokemon it doesn't feel like Digimon it feels like it feels like baby first dragon you know Dragon Tales a little bit it feels like one of the like from the early 20 one of those online not Webkins but you know what called online things where NE neop this is neop yeah no get this thing out of my face well let's see what happens when he goes Aqua oh good he an improvement now now that's you better do something with this I'll tell you what it's going to do it's going to turn red in five seconds kelpy but like you got to you got to you can't just this is lazy that's bad no that is question that this is a bad a bad little thing that theyve done I'm very upset maybe it'll turn into this next thing though now I don't know to me this is just Cresselia this is just Cresselia like this is how they get you you're seeing Cresselia I immediately go my low tick I look at for another 3 seconds you see Superior to I know this is this is and you're just like hey hey dog this is a mess what are we going to do this is a mess they've won they've won man they've won the game they're going to turn around they say which one is it yeah which one what are we looking at here you know this guy you're like hey did you do that did you see that guy he's like I don't know like what I can't tell if I like this or not I can't tell I think that's so funny it makes me I don't care how cool or not cool he is I that's so funny why is his hand so big and he has no [Music] elbows okay okay you you win it's busy it's busy but it's cool [ __ ] sick that's pretty cool that's badass that's pretty cool and they're going to give him blue fire in a second time me up oh come on up you win you win you win that's awesome that's sick as hell sign me the [ __ ] up that's sick as hell man Blaze how blaz how huh do they not know one other type of dragon are you kidding me all the dragons are literally just the same Goofy dip [ __ ] it's the same guy over this one is [ __ ] type but I'm I'm I'm excited to see relax well his name is relaxer which is pretty funny I sure okay I'm immediately back on I'm back just when I think I'm out they win me back I'm back I'm I'm 100% back but it is clear that their their creative process was this was make a Pokemon a pal or whatever and then you go to the review table and then everyone sort of goes H this one needs something and they go okay we'll make him a different type make him a different type and put something funny on his head that's so I mean and it works it works every time let's go to Brun Cherry now that's this is again a criminal Enterprise this is this you know it's not very nice at all this is not very nice at all oh my God it's R unate I'm starting to get offended for Pokemon yeah really but Brun Cherry you know POA Cherry po a cherry and they again they ripped off everybody's least favorite one too you know they thought they could get away with that but I'm not going to let you Brun Cherry Aqua though Brun cherry and then Papa Cherry there you go Papa and Mama Cherry I think this is kind of cool they should have just kept it as this this this should have just been what it was originally and don't give me uh Meganium yeah here's Priscilla pet patalia patalia I don't I don't like this little these little anime girls I don't like I don't like when Pokemon does it I don't like when power does it this yeah no I'm not interested thank you okay there I this is kind of sick this it is kind of sick there is the teron there is the Heatran there is the all of the things I think torta type deal going this is rep Tyro uh but I like it no matter what oh and we have and then we've got rep the ice form rep Tyro ice form but why is this ice rep Tyro and not rep Tyro cyst or Cris you know what you can't really ask a lot of questions when it comes to Pal World okay so but he still has fire except it's ice now it's icy fire and he's an ice loving Beast me me I'm a [ __ ] Ling Beast good Lord okay so it appears that I might ask you to cut that out staying in let's go to so now are we getting into a little bit of Evolutions because I'm seeing a king Packa sorry I just spit all over your computer are you [ __ ] kidding me what is that I bet this thing's like tall Mel Paca serves this pal serves this pal contest between King Paca offer up their vassals as wager um I quite like this that's hilarious I don't think I'll ever find myself reaching for this no I I think this is the first thing I reach for I think so you get you get yourself a king P can we see an Ice King Packa perhaps you have me back on board I think I get one and then you get the other okay yeah I like that no I think this is very cool I like this I I like this a fair amount this is very funny that's hilar look how fat he is I love it I love his little bib you don't like this I think it's kind of ugly I think this is actually badass I think it's kind of ugly I think it's bad [ __ ] ass I I think I admire I look I admire their gum Shin but I think it's a little ugly I think this is cool as [ __ ] I think it's badass the [ __ ] I like I like the dirty Mossy grass I don't like that weird little rocks things I like that I like this one this is our our first this our first this is Mommy and Daddy's first fight kids and then he gets this you might win me over with the ice one he's got the cyst form I like this see this I like I would like this if he still retains grass type moves I I don't know I don't even know if these guys get moves I think I think this is just about you know manual labor maybe um I don't know I I don't know I think this this is cool though okay how about we go on to wo his little you know alternative wo uh this I look you can point out tons of different Pokemon that this might look like um it's fine but to me the when I see these type of eyes I go immediately Digimon like me too me too this is kind of boring to me I I this is pedestrian I don't care about it I'm not too if you told me this guy is like the strongest guy in the world I still don't use him but let's go to wo bowan I think wo is very funny oh now he has pupils now he's got pupils um I can't stop saying W wo wo W I wo W will wo out of herey the study of w it's first grade SpongeBob um that I feel like this literally is a digimon now but it is very cool this is totally a kabut teron uhhuh uh I'm in because I like kuton you know what and you're right you're right me up Fu this hard I think this is badass this is cool grass ground this would be my type I don't care it doesn't make sense that he's a beetle but sure I'm in sure why not um I like I like that a fair amount Fang Lop uh this I I don't know I think it's we have to call space spay yeah yeah it's let's call him pin head this is this is one of those um the horses the little guys um CIO no no um cabalion yes this is Cal yes it's it's both of them in a way it's in a way it's everything and more maybe just don't go for like a deer type thing I feel like they always look the same and they're not very interest if I wanted a deer I'll go out to my house in the woods you know if I wanted the deer I'd just call you oh dear all right let's go to felbat felbat is interesting again I just don't like um I don't like a Pokemon with a skirt yeah with a with a with a shortcut pencil skirt all right I'll be honest I think this if I were watching a little show I think this would be a cool character um he's he's maybe perhaps a bit too edgy for me I I sort of like the little flowy I like that I think he's I think he's kind of cool I think he's kind of cool I don't know if I this isn't the kind of like Pokemon or um pal that I gravitate towards but I do think it's it's a no from me I think it's doing what it does very well perhaps sure that's a fair fair fair assessment how about quiver you know make your knees quiver not exact not at all what I expected shocking really um it's really appalling really apping again I I mean maybe this is as far as they're going to go with the dragon I just don't why are all the dragons these stupid Dopey guys hanging you know sitting on their hind legs yeah you want a cool [ __ ] Dragon I want a cool dragon why are you giving me this I don't think this is good at all Chang my mind for me I'm like throwing ice type on this and may but again I don't understand how the types work so maybe I'm completely off base yeah um next looks like it will be cool how about blaz aut I I was right I do think this is pretty cool it's a little busy little busy bad that this is badass you cannot deny how badass I think this is really goddamn cool this is really [ __ ] I think that and it does to me doesn't immediately call up to mind the Pokemon well I mean there's the the the uh Rock Arcanine type deal the carcoal [ __ ] final evolution another way to get me the same way the same way with the um with the blue fire a way to get me is you show this the fire in between rocks and that's fun that's how you get me of the heat blast of it all you know I mean no I I quite I quite enjoy this again you have me yes I do like I I do like that I think this is kind of cool I kind I think this is pretty cool let's I like this guy yeah this is cool I want to closer look at it I like you know it's same it's kind of a combination of both things blue fire type thing cracking in between the yeah yeah blue Lightning is a simar blue light very cool no I think this is good let's go to aagon aagon ASAS asass um I I I I I won't lie to you I like this I think that look I I like this too I know you don't like these types these shaped Pokemon I but I I think he looks a little funny um and I I like that that hurts my feelings a little bit because I think he looks badass he looks a little bit like a Lego figure he buils something like a Mega Bloks character he lacks mobility and flexibility for sure but I he's he's he's enough sure I think he's cool I like his I like his fiery Red Wings now this I like I love a scorpion but okay this is for sure badass unequivocal I I I reach for this every single time we're beginning to overuse the blue flames yes we're beginning going we're we're going a little too hard it almost is like they heard that you said that before put the put yeah put the blue flames on there no no no and I see what you're doing but it's they don't need it you when you give a scorpion a scythe for a stinger yeah you have won you've won the contest yeah and again if this was the first Pokemon we looked at yes we would be saying okay he's got the Scissor Hands Scizor hands sure sure sure sure but I don't care this is sick as hell badass [ __ ] okay now we're getting to a big one number 100 everybody on planet Earth has seen this Anubis oh so this is the this is Lucario this is the Lucario type um why are there like why are there does this take place in Egypt why are there like two of these now I don't know no I don't like this I wasn't look I'm not crazy about Lucario either I think I think he's cool but no but it's not about caring about the PO this is obviously this is obviously a ripoff of Lucario it's like yeah and I guess you could say I guess you could say that because they're both based on the Jackal guy Egypt yeah that it's kind of hard to prove and I could I I could push that I'm not going to I'm not going to I'm not going to let's go to Y yman tide J gde jorgan Horan Doran now this is a [ __ ] Dragon this is sick this is really cool I love this thing now we're talking now we're now we're cooking with grease we're talking and look it's about to turn into an even cooler one look at this look at that yeah that's perfect that's great what will people say Gyarados they'll say they'll say whatever you they'll say they'll say Gyarados and the neighbors say you even ripped off shiny Gyarados yeah no sure found a way to do that of course they did but but I would argue that this is cooler than Gyarados I would I think they're both equally cool but I I I think that this is this is a good move this is finally a good Dragon well how about this let's go to suzaku there's something about this that I do like I won't lie to you there's something about this that I can't wrap my mind around why does it look like that I don't know why it has the the sex toy and shock why is it look it looks like it's going to wrap its little legs around me it looks like it's going to yeah right on the head like a head scratch yeah no um this is not my favorite one so far it's not my favorite one but I'm still kind of into it fine I think it's fine this I like maybe a bit better but I yeah I mean it might it might be a touch unnecessary I do I feel like I feel like they really bolstered themselves with just a bunch of color swapped versions that's I wish they did a little more if they were going to do it all right I've seen this guy coming up GIS bolt gz bolt yeah that doesn't that's not good at all is it it's not not as BL not as flagrant I feel like cting this one this doesn't feel like as flagrant uh rip this is this is a thing where like everybody every look how much of a ripoff this is and I'd be I'd be I'd go along and be like yeah man it's a [ __ ] disaster but I'd be afraid to say what it is that you think it's a ripoff of yeah I'd be like are you saying elect are you mad about Electabuzz like Electabuzz Zang Goose thing going on what are you mad about I don't know I I don't know and to be honest I don't particularly care I don't give a [ __ ] I would never use this thing are you mad about URS ring looks like a big old egg um how many how many lilligant ripoffs are we going to have how many of these are we going to have and how long is it going to take for you to realize that nobody nobody liked lilan this one is the first one with a hint the guard ofir but I don't let's see what happens I don't like these little these little I really don't let's try L Knocked okay so this is Shiny Mega gardivoir yeah this is Shiny Mega gardivoir um cool but I'm okay sure I don't want to I don't no I don't like this thing I don't like it no it doesn't have any fingers get away um well let's see what what happens with feris felatio fellatio is this not related to the other fella it must be it must be I need to know how this work how the evolution thing works let us know on the evolution um this is not a Pokemon that I would ever use but I do think it looks cool and um I quite like this uh yeah like I think I like a little Gladiator type thing as much as the next the aesthetic the aesthetic of it does not interest me yeah yeah I'm not I it's it's fine I think it's cool I would I doesn't do it for but I get why you would like it that's fun to me okay or zerk I I I really like [Music] this I think it's okay I think it's okay I don't like it little fairy wings I if it if if you got rid of its Little Tinkerbell thing I would be fine no I [ __ ] with this guy um I think it's I like orer I don't know what he is seen this thing done better even with imp um yeah I like that shadow Shadow beak Shadow beak uh I do like this imagine if the next one was Shadow e and it was just but is this so this we have the zram influence of course yes and then we have the type null Sil Valley thing yes on top yes you got to say it you got to say it you got to say it um I kind of like I think it's a cool Griffin I like a griffin it's not very creative but I do like it no um I have a good feeling about this next one I I feel good about this one I I called it right as I did it I think this is pretty cool I think it is cool I would be more excited about this as a digimon than a Pokemon yeah this is absolutely a digimon I kind of [ __ ] with whenever they do like a little like a creature that's built into its armor I think that's usually kind of cool I like a lance I think that's fun I totally agree is kind of cool this is something of an angon mag magma anim isn't it crazy that they made him speak like that animon I feel like I feel like if we were to go back I think maybe 50% of the Digimon had that same voice actor right all right let's go to necromus okay not that happen do we have an explanation for that he's got two dog dicks on his flame dog boners I don't like this one nearly as much but padus and necromus it's it's fine I think it's fine but I like that there's something of a war war thing going on great have fun Frost talion Frost talion okay again cool not your thing not my thing but well done cool props to you well maybe like frostillon KNX KN cooler this is still My Little Pony I was just about to say the My Little Pony of it My Little Pony neopet neopet and that's great um I bet people I'm sure people will cream themselves to this but you know go for it get yourself there swe put that thing in a big old tub of get yourself a raw piece of chicken [Laughter] uh I was waiting for you to react I got two different things that were striking at the same time jetrion I like this better than most of the dragons that I've seen yeah I do too I think it's a little strange but I I I can give it props for going there you know yeah yeah yeah yeah I I think that's yeah this is interesting to me I like it I I do I think I it's the it's the mega salamance Me Fly Gone with a little bit of iron Mo yeah it's all there it's all there it's I I don't know I like it I think it's cool I kind of like it too yeah and that's it that's all she wrote thanks for watching That's All She Wrote and hey thank you guys for watching hey we're gonna stop now what do you think um do you think that uh Pokemon certainly has a lawsuit on their hands but it's sure there's we talked about all the influence I'm going to leave the opinions about what should happen with the game and you know whether people should enjoy should not enjoy I don't I I you know what I believe in Freedom so so whatever that means to you that's what it means that's what it means okay yeah I think so so uh I'm gonna avoid opinion that I am can I say something yeah I'm a little underwhelmed with all of the designs I think going into this the thing that didn't interest me was the that like seemingly 70% of them looked I feel like they look kind of gooey they look like Gumby characters a little bit cartoy they're cartoony and a little there's something that feels sloppy yeah it feels like they quickly threw a lot of them together but I will say that I feel like I feel the same way about many Pokemon designs yes I if if they were to take a lot of these and give us a Pokemon game with these in it I don't know if I would complain the thing that's been preventing me from playing the game is the game play itself I feel looks a little I look I was never a Minecraft guy I know a lot of people are and I I get it's that it's like an amazing game um but I don't have the patience to like collect lamb you got collect twig twigs and then you get one fire you cook a piece of fish you go to B at night I want to make I want to get the tutorial out of the way and then I can start making a fun team that's all I want to do yeah I need to I need to we need to I I think we have too many preconceived notions about what the game play game play could be yeah we have to give it a shot you know which is fine I'm going purely based on the designs of the thing I was I saw the few that I saw and I was like okay some look cool enough some look kind of ass a lot of them look like Pokemon well I'm also worried that these cool ones are going to be ones that you can't get until you've played 100 hours you I I have no doubt that that is the case so but I'm looking at that and I'm seeing what I'm seeing is what I gathered from this is that I'm not convinced of like the evolution thing and if there is no Evolution if you're telling me that I can't take some little guy with me the whole time and drag him along until he's a [ __ ] badass yeah I kind of have no interest in that I worry that that I worry that because of this the way that this game is I think it's something of a qu a quantity situation like with Pokemon you only need to catch them once and you raise them up and you and you like that one it's your buddy these I that we might be in the minority with that though I don't know I feel like people like making like emotionally connecting to their team I think that people love that subconsciously yes but I don't think that very many people are able to verbalize and say that is what I like about this game and I think you're that like I I feel like when you have the Pokémon go of it all and you have the oh you need to go shiny hunting and you have the oh I need to find the perfect IVs it gets to a place where it's and then you have all of these quests in the newer games where it's like catch 20 [ __ ] rata and what have you it becomes a game of no no no I need to fill up my PC I need to fill up my Pokedex I didn't like that about I mean people go crazy for the legend AR game I didn't like that about Legends AR I don't like it one [ __ ] bit yeah but I wish it but you know it the fact that everyone is leaning closer and closer towards this and maybe in the minority I think we might be in the minority first time for something huh first you know normally we're always very right um so yeah no I I think I'm gonna I think I'm G to try and give the game a crack we'll crack it open um but there's something about it that I'm like I don't have a good feeling about this but I could just be looking for Pokemon I need to have you know what would be fun is if is that you can do it with friends right you can have community I think that's fun because you can't do Pokemon with friends you can't really do that you really can't can't you uhhuh um unless you battle them or you have a Pokemon podcast with one of them but really quick before we sign off there is there's leaking news there's some leaking news people think that sword and uh sword not sword and shield scarlet and violet is kind of dead right yeah I thought so not the [ __ ] case people are pretty damn sure that we're getting at least one more mythical Pokémon kid have you heard have you [ __ ] heard have you heard have you heard have you heard Centro had a tweet okay he said that there's it looks like there's going to be a new myth it's going to be another DLC it's going to be another you know back there's there have been a bunch of like fourchan leaks that I'm not going to go on because there's a bunch of them and none of them are probably right some of those four CH leaks have alluded to a when they dropped the switch 2 uh a re-release of scarlet and violet that'll have all of the dlc's at once okay but neither here nor there what people will say is that uh if you remember you remember this guy you remember uh yeah remember in the um in in the the sketch book you had this gorilla in the back yeah people will say oh god um so this is from light uncore 88 right yeah after the the the the Centro tweet so it seems we were missing a new mythical Pokemon apart from petun in an upcoming movie is this the unknown gorilla from scarlet and violet book all the parabox Pokémon are not balanced by a leader and we have reference of Kaiju as iron julus iron Thorns iron moth I don't know what kaijus are feel free to educate in the comments Kaiju is like uh like Godzilla yeah like a big guy oh so kaijus okay so like the Kaiju so like all of the things and iron jugul iron thorns and iron B yes okay so they're saying we don't have a gorilla we have King Kong so are we going to get Kong as the king of area zero and be the prot detector and Peacemaker another primate after zerude I don't know so people are saying that he could be a mythical gorilla okay um so let's see uh Arvin and then he goes on to say arvin's mosti got injured by a Pokemon or creature and we still don't know who did it could be a paradox but Arvin never mentioned wh uh never mentioned which one it was after this new mythical uh do Arvin never mention what Pokemon allegedly he does I always thought it was the the iron T you know iron Tusk or whatever that thing is I always never specifically says that I guess you're right after this new mythical missing and still there are two items from the DLC that has not been revealed their use that little purple [ __ ] rock thing okay there could be a chance that this new mythical can obtain two forms depending on these items okay so what they're saying is that the mecha Kong so that there's a mecha Kong there's a rampage for he's just making up names a paradox ancient form a regular form and an AA form okay thetically of this [ __ ] gorilla last bit of news is that so what color is kidon uh red what color is maridon uh blue or I guess purple purple yeah EP scarlet and violet yeah uh what color is terpos like a light blue yeah light blue I guess what color is ogre Pon green green you have everything in the Spectrum except what we need like a yellow something I I he's just saying visible spectrum should be completely filled new I feel like this is such a reach a gold great ape similar to Dragon Ball uh GT I just think that's such a reach pulling up the color spectrum like that but that's what the game is after scarlet and violet is the color spectrum we have done we've done so I mean it's the same so mad I'm so mad that this is your reaction I don't know why because it it's been red and blue for years with okay they did this whole game based on color refraction and different colors and all of the spectrum and everything I don't wi in what when do they talk about the Spectrum in Scarlet Violet they talk about you when they talk about you being on the spectr exactly no but all the light refracting through all the crystals Etc yeah I just think it's I think it's a huge reach I don't know if it's as huge a reach as it if the yell cryst my God if the gorilla is [ __ ] yellow yeah if if it's if the is yellow if the gorilla is yellow I'll bite my I'll eat my hat I I think uh sure you know I just think it's crazy that they're like oh because of the the visible spectrum you know I I don't know it's just that's ridiculous I think it's fair um anything else should we close it out uh I think we're done all right hey if you made it this far in the video please leave a like And subscribe if you haven't already if you're listening on any of the Audio Apps uh you know subscribe follow rate review you know a festar review if you don't want to leave a festar review leave a fourar review you don't want leave a fourar review leave a just don't do it you're considering Three Star Wars I can see it in your eyes and I don't think that that's nice or fair or respectful in Cas instead what you do this is what you do you comment first of all hit that notification Bell and then comment whatever you're feeling in the YouTube video say something you know say say something mean say was it was what EP from said racist I don't know let us know huh if uh you know and it if you don't want to do uh any of that uh I'll what do they do they go to Teespring baby what spring I'm going to stop that bit that it's not working is it it was certainly not getting us any more subscrib well hey we're up 1450 no that's the that's the Cat Williams video if there ever was one um yeah no well done um no you got a Teespring baby we got Neil he's over there he's working on all he gring he grinding away at New Designs we're going to have a power world design you couldn't be bothered to answer that [ __ ] text could you you piece of [ __ ] we had to tell you poor Neil was like Hey guys if you have I'm happy to make designs got any ideas I said that's great even been talking about [ __ ] designs for seven weeks now we're going to have a power world design couldn't [ __ ] answer we're gonna we're gonna have a you f you've been fed design you have been fed um we're gonna haveon in the comments Cameron if you're watching let me know if your last name if your name is Cameron or camerron and I'll tell that's good that's I want to know I want to say it right when I when you get fought when I officially fought you U and we're gonna have a loads more things we're going to start uh we're going to start doing uh more streaming I'm done with rehearsals now so I'm I'm open to it so we can do pal world if we want do we want to stream pal world yeah I think because I because I should be set up to stream too so we can we can work up thing a rapport something of a chemistry okay uh yeah so go on there get yourself a mug get yourself a sock get yourself um a t-shirt get yourself uh what else we also might be moving off Teespring soon let us know if you have any recommendations for anything that isn't te yeah yeah if you want to get us fight us on Etsy um yeah that's it that's go ahead support us where you can you know I tell you that my [ __ ] cousin saw that we had like a I think my dad was wearing a Bells and& whistle shirt and he goes he goes hey you got you got you got merch no free merch nothing no free merch and I said do you think that we have a [ __ ] warehouse and I just have I grab one off a shelf you dumbass idiot we've sold maybe six shirts for the the past 40 [ __ ] two years are you kidding me idiot oh God good stuff all right so we're gonna start doing power world we're gonna start doing a little bit of everything and uh you know we'll we'll you'll you'll hear from us you got anything else to say I got nothing else to say all right guys see you next week bye [Music] do you want to do schells and schles uh yeah you want to switch places yeah let's okay
Channel: Bellhop Productions
Views: 4,072
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, pokemon
Id: -RlHozy06d4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 14sec (5294 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2024
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