ALL the Pals in Palworld EXPLAINED!

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ah jeez legally distinct Pokémon with guns crossed with some of the gameplay from Arc just launched into Early Access and it's well it has good action gameplay and decent Graphics so that's a step up from some other franchises it's entered Early Access with a little over a 100 different Pals to collect so I'm going do what I love to do with creature collectors I'm going to show you every pal and pal World explain something about what they are based on and break down the emology of its name there's a lot of really cool and fun monster ideas here with a wide range of uh original ality uh we'll definitely talk more about that aspect in another video but for now there's like a not E and A not Eevee and a not Goodra crossed with lilligant this is not a modified Sylvia tinon Fusion this is definitely not just a galade with the sigui colors and abilities and this oh man that is not just a grass type Cinder rase I I swear people are of course going to focus on the super similar ones but for everyone that is super similar or even ripoff territory to to a Pokémon there's a unique one or two or at least one that's based on something a little more obscure like a digimon but no no no no this game it's legally distinct the gamep play is completely different the type chart is weird none of them evolve and you have a team of five instead of six so it's different I mean the Pokedex is called a pal deck instead that's completely not the same so let's briefly explain them all now shall we lamb ball is a lamb in the shape of a ball it rolls down Hills but its wool is very thick which protects it from most attacks hence you being able to carry it and use as a meat Shield I do like the crystals on its chest they resemble big buttons on a wool coat kativa is a small cat that helps you carry extra supplies much like the Norse goddess freya's two cats that pulled her wagon and carried her supplies and now at number two it's already a good time to mention that pal world has a lot to do with Norse mythology that's sort of the whole setting not every pal is related to it but definitely most of them are kativa are mostly skiddish and playful but are often trying to pull pranks they're like a little boy hence the AO hair on its head anime Shand for this type of character trait the name ending the way it does could pull from sativa which is Latin sciency terms meaning cultivated often in the context of it working better now than it did when it was in the wild Chickapee it's like a little chickp but it's also just a cartoon chicken it's tasty too very egg-shaped almost like another bird the chicka I love that they attack in hords just Zelda style Leaf monk is sort of one of the early game mascots of pel world it's a chip monk with Leaf ears at least the name implies that but really it's a squirrel and an Old Norse Leaf was a bringer of New Life to a new world and her and leaf Thruster were two Mortals said to survive Ragnarok beginning life in a new world Fox Sparks is a fiery Fox that starts fires with fiery Sparks now Northern Finland has an old mythical creature like this actually named the fire fox or uh a word they'll try to pronounce tetu it's basically a Fox whose tail glows with sparkly Cinders it's also where the browser gets its name Flack what a name hey you Flack you Flack you you Flack it's a weird platypus duck thing so Quack and then you put an F in front because it's funny sounding Flack it's partner skill attack is a slam so maybe it's also the sound it makes a whack but is a sound it can't make because it has a bill so it's Flack spark it it's a Sparky Kitty lightning designs all over and ears that resemble electrical bushing tanze is almost a pothead despite having a tail making it a monkey it's named after the chimpanzee tan could be from orangutan but ton is also an honorific in Japanese used when talking to babies or little children but this monkey child has those dextrous monkey hands so it's especially good with guns Ruby weird it's like a deer with a fox tail and a bow tie it's said to have perfect health and never get sick which may pull from medieval beastiaries descriptions of male deer here they believed them to be functionally immortal if they got sick or injured they could just revert to their younger self by removing their antlers and the name here could refer to its color ruby red but maybe it relates to the Ruby gemstone which in metaphysical communities is said to promote compassion and well-being for your health pen gullet so is it a penguin who likes to stuff food in its gouet no it's a penguin that's also a bullet these flightless birds dream only of flight and how do they achieve this well by becoming your rocket launcher ammunition oh my word then pen King is the king of pen gullets though it's mentioned that it's completely unrelated to them it has many more similarities to Flack there probably some lore there jolt hog it's a hedgehog that delivers jolts of electricity after you throw it like an electric hand grenade gumas it's a little RPG slime but it's treap and treap you can chew is called natural gum so there you go it's gum and Moss love that the pottery on its head looks like a beanie Vick honestly probably my least favorite design out of all of them at least at least the bottom five so thankfully we get it out of the way very early it's a vixen a female fox it's able to release sexy pheromones to cause confusion impeding the ability of others to make smart decisions kind of like Vixen the sling term for sensual women who cries not who crates it's nothing to do with crates here it's hres because Socrates was a very famous Wise Guy and owls are said to be wise too and they say hoot so who cres I quite like the old man eyebrows and hair and the wizard hat Wizards are also said to be very wise though technically intelligent also now is a good time to bring this up the dark type in pal world is pretty different from the dark type in Pokémon in pel World it sort of encapsulates dark ghost and psychic all into a single type they sort of do the same thing with ground their ground type is like Pokémon ground and rock combined so an earth typ type really and all the other types though are pretty straightforward tant it's a little baby elephant that's also a teapot I love its in-game description large amounts of water pours from what is thought to be its nose though some say it is in fact just snot you depresso we made esper Punk and sad and a dog now maybe not only is it depressed seeming but it's also addicted to caffeine you know those things could be linked its partner skill has a chug a bunch of energy drinks to increase movement speed drastically like chugging a bunch of coffee or espresso Cris is a creamy cloud with a face there are many kinds of clouds and the vast majority of their names end with us so creis creus Cirrus cumulus yeah it's a cloud animal so soft and cuddly just like my mattress from today's sponsor Helix sleep from the moment I first laid eyes on its easy to move box I knew it was the one for me after after all I got matched to it after taking helix's online sleep quiz which matches you or even you and a partner to the perfect mattress but of course I like most would not be positive if the mattress sent to me through the mail would be perfect for me but that is why Helix offers 100 night sleep trials to make sure it's perfect mine thankfully was and it was Grand we made pillow babies I got the midnight Lux the middlest middle mattress with the plushy cooling cover on top to help Wick away excess body heat because you see I need very specific temperature setups to sleep well like the air has to be cold and moving but I need to be under a hot blanket with one foot and arm sticking out but also the blanket itself has always been a struggle for me because of my wife and Cat are furnaces and that added heat is always trapped under the blanket but the cooling cover helps regulate the whole bed now anything other than this mattress is deemed unsleep and I suffer every time I'm away it spoils me and I can spoil you with a good deal use the link at the top top of this video's description Lockton and you will get 20% off and two free pillows it's time to upgrade your sleep you know new year new you get your spine aligned get well rested and you'll notice your overall quality of life improving along with your sleep sleep is always a worthy investment and Helix also offering flexible financing options check them out link below and now Daydream I actually really like this design it's a dreamy cloudlike Damon a dream spirit so common misconception Damon is not an alternate spelling of demon in its original ancient Greek context a demon is an evil spirit and a Damon is a good spirit or at least a not evil one so it's nice to see this Pal's in-game description reading it puts those it is interested in to sleep and shows them an endless stream of happy dreams how pleasant but the description does continue um those who fall under its spell are never to wake until death takes well maybe it is still evil Rush it's a wild boar that goes fast so it rushes noox is a perrywinkle magician magic Fox potentially named after the Roman goddess of the night noox it also just means night or darkness in Latin can you guess what type of pallet is fuddler watch out it's a lazy cuddler it spends all day sharpening its Diamond hard mole claws so it gets tired really easily fudging that it's been working all day it's also fudge colored and to fuddle is to confuse someone kilari is a squid with the two extra long tentacles that squid have once prepared for eating squid is called calamari and this calamari will kill ma is an Egyptian cat covered in Egyptian decorations Mao sounds like meow but it's also just the Egyptian word for cat and the name of a cat breed the Mau breed is actually the oldest domesticated cat breed still around today it's dark typing links it up up to the underworld too back in ancient Egypt there was a flourishing business of raising cats to slaughter and mummify to bury alongside dead family members this would bring favor to the Cat Goddess bastet and help your family out in the Underworld that's probably part of why Mao is black and gold and it likely also relates to P world's own Mass slaughtering of mauo to get their lucky Bells celer sounds like celery but it's a manta array that accelerates or helps you ascend or descend gliding through the air do dire howl we have found the worst name so far it's a Dire Wolf and wolves howl too too it's a Toco toucan which is like the iconic species of toucan it's got all kind of bright and colorful feathers that both reflect real world birds of paradise and also the ritualistic wear of many Amazonian native peoples and even the Mohawk could be from the Mohawk people in North America floppy it's a floppy eared bunny with floppy ears and straight up ears but even more so it's a nature Spirit a F creature of sorts hence the accessorizing and levitation masarina is a monster cow it makes a load of milk quote milk pours from this pal like water from an open faucet regardless of its gender it's truly a mystery of Life although this mystery may be better left unsolved H well maybe make some mozzarella with all of the excess funky spunky cheese ah it's the very feminine plant in a puffy dress Trope that another franchise is known for this is brista ending names with uh is a way to make them feminine and this pal has a bunch of bristles bristles are short stiff hairs on a plant or animal inherently very prickly almost like little spikes or Thorns gobin okay maybe not a surprise to anybody who knows me but I love this design actually especially the ignis variety oh yeah some Pals have variants that are just a different color and type but not most of them so I'm not going to mention any of them besides this one just because I love it so much but gobin is a goblin with a fin on its head because it's an aquatic goblin shark fin piranha teeth molk hands and Frills love it hangu is a clay ghost thing that's actually a noose I am not kidding here's its official description its long arms can rip apart even iron as a particularly cruel form of execution serious criminals would be strung up in a public square and a hangu would rip the skin from their bones oh I was expecting just a typical hanging not that Moss Sanda I do love this guy's design ultimately it's just a panda with moss on it but it's also a strong man able to tear through 3,000 pieces of paper at once fitting for a panda since China invented paper and all but that Mossy headwear it's executioner headwear there's a reason it's right after hangu woollip it's like a poodle that's also a woolly sheep and some lollipops stuck on cotton candy H it is said that its body is 18,000 thousand times sweeter than sugar which is a pretty ridiculous number but maybe not as ridiculous as you think thalon is the sweetest substance on Earth and it's 3,250 times sweeter than sugar go figure and plenty of people think their dog is the sweetest thing ever though I doubt it's ever a poodle Kaa is a little capricorn Bush it's a berry bush growing on the back of an oddly bunnylike goat or Capricorn did you know that the only difference between a tree and a bush is its height they're like biologically the same thing so maybe it's a Capricorn tree hence the name mpaka is an alpaca with boots did they change the A and alpaca to an E just because malaca would be too on the nose Mal means bad or mean and it is a violent alpaca don't be fooled by its fluffy appearance a Hypersonic kick from one of its long legs may send you flying to the other side of the world e your deer sounds like a big and deep and mysterious name but it's just the word deer after e the name of a great stag that lives in Valhalla in Norse mythology Nightwing is an edgy bird pal with feathers like a harpy eagle and a similar yet opposite Behavior to a few Birds most famously the cuu these birds will lay their eggs in other birds nests so the other birds will take care of their babies who grow faster and more aggressively to push out the competition on the flip side though Nightwing will kidnap other Pal's eggs and babies and raise them as its own then once fattened up it will hunt them rib bunny it's a bunny with some ribbons bunch of ribbons too many ribbons in cin Ram it's a fiery anthr Ram it will incinerate your soul it makes me think of like the opposite of a chupacabra while the chupacabra is a hellish dog monster that steals and eats sheep and goats and is sometimes more anthro incin is a hellish anthro Ram monster that snatches prey to bring back to its territory what happens to those pul Souls afterwards isn't hard to imagine and it attacks with a powerful Hellfire claw yeah so we'll go with the opposite of a chupaca cinn moth is a cinnamon colored and scented moth moths are often Dusty and so this one just has cinnamon dust cute except it's able to spread that dust to make a poison Cloud think like the old cinnamon challenge only you can't escape that old cinnamon challenge it took a few lives cinnamon can be deadly AR Soo an ox that commits Aron which is to criminally light things on fire technically lighting yourself on fire is a crime in many places notably it looks much more like a mountain goat than an ox though perhaps it's a reference to the Norse Ule goat tradition where a giant straw statue of a goat is made and then they are very very frequently the victims of arson themselves also consider the two goats that pull Thor's Chariot they are frequently roasted by Thor to be eaten and then he resurrects them Plus in the real world goats don't often pull wagons or chariots but Ox do D mud it's a fat and slow mud skipper little flag Fin and big mouth and all they are fish that live in super wet mud and can even breee air much better than most fish do is a prefix meaning to perhaps referencing its two brain cells when too relaxed its Reaction Time drastically declines even if it were sliced head to tail it probably wouldn't even realize that it should be dead until the next morning oh gosh it's slow and dumb it's Dum mud Cognito it's a raven or Crow which say ca and this Crow is going in Incognito with its hat mask and trench coat they're like spies notably this is exactly how Odin used his two pet Ravens in Norse mythology hugan and moonin they were his eyes they were his spies Le Punk is a leard punk doing hip-hop dance moves in an oversized hoodie perhaps the hoodie is its old shed skin wonder where that idea came from Loop Moon Ed AF the Crescent Moon horns are cool though it's like a Lupine werewolf thing Lupine means wolflike after all and the idea of werewolves is very ancient and sure enough the Norse had many a werewolf story more than 50 unique ones experts believe Gail claw it has claws and it makes Gales which are gusts of wind because it's a bird robin quill is a grassy Archer a Robin Hood figure for sure F Forest dwelling folklore hero Archer of the Middle Ages in England notably as the British Isles have a lot of Viking history too gat is honestly the most unique and original pal so far I mean a gorilla rat yes yes more of this please be guard are Guardian bees to the queen bee they've got big fluffy beards because bees got big fluffy butts and elizabe is their Queen clearly named after famous English queen Queen Elizabeth I who famously also had the big fluffy neck piece and red hair just like the long hair thing on elizabe grin oh boy I actually really like grin tail I mean sure it's just the Cheshire Cat from the British Alice and Wonderland hence also the tale being spelled like the story kind of tale oh and it's got the big grin obviously like the Cheshire Cat but it's also got a super special tail two of them split Midway up like a few cat yo-kai Pak Neco and necom Ma most notably the split tail is proof that it's a yo-kai and not just an ordinary cat as if the clothes wearing and walking upright and speaking wasn't enough of a GI way sweet they are small wee and you can use them like a mop you sweep things up with them and sweeper is their papa a big s a giant floof a puff of pop but actually it's just several dozen s all stuff together chillet is a chilly ice cold freret but actually it's ice dragon type quite the fery dragon univolt oh man I could have gone my whole life without seeing that I do not like this design it is just unpleasant on the eyes obvious what it is though it's a lightning unicorn sending volts of electricity at its targets foxico it's an icy Fox fun fact that tulik ketu that I mentioned with the fiery Fox pal was also believed to create the northern lights in the Arctic North in fact the old Finnish word for Aurora translates to fox fire but here we have a fox that makes icicles and it also has a few Tails which makes it a bit of a kitsun Japanese Fox spirits that are said to gain extra taals as they age over centuries pyin is a fiery scaled blue horse dragon because it's a kierin a Chinese horse dragon often said to have horns just like this too and pyron Pyro yeah rainx is a grandiosely icy reindeer it's got a big fluffy stripy coat where does the Ricks come in though well perhaps Matrix in the context of anatomy a matrix refers to the formative cells of tissue around a specialized structure such as Nails Claws and antlers but also in the early to mid 20th century it was common to end words with tricks to make them feminine for example an aviatrix was an aviator who was a woman and unlike most deer both male and female reindeer grow huge antlers and then there's Ray Hound who's just a hound dog that shoots rays of lightning kitson it's a kitsun with a fire Aura around its neck resembling a sun a kitsun again is a fox spirit in Japanese folklore they themselves are often mischievous and fiery dazzy is a dazzling gin or Genie mixed with an Oni the first two are Elemental Spirits from the Middle East and the latter is an ogre from Japan often with a single horn just like that both often have brightly colorful skin and are depicted either without legs or with those legs hidden inside of clouds lunaris is lunar and quite alien looking Spacey where the star Polaris is it said you can stare into its eyes and have your mind taken over by it and both in folklore and in real life the Moon is said to have some profound effects on the behavior of humans and animals alike I like how its ability modifies gravity around you increasing your carry capacity it's like how the moon affects the tides except it's just you dinome is an awesome theropod dinosaur but really it's just it just has a flower blooming on its head it's blossoming it's a thick Lily in particular serpent is a serpent that surfs and there are quite a few semi- aquatic snakes out there but given the Norse context I can't help but think it looks a bit like a Longboat the Viking ships especially given the head shape I also of course think of the Orman Gand the giant World serpent who swims completely around midgard in the oceans marith is a spooky wraith a kind of ghost whose name originates in 16th century Scotland though some etymologists believe it came from the old Norse word that which means Guardian in this case Spirit Guardian wraiths are said to be ghosts who cause Apparition of both the dead and and living and so what is this Spirit Guardian appearing to us as well a mantor seemingly hence the name starting with ma again mantor are lions with bat wings and Scorpion Tails dig toys is a tortoise that digs with its big shell drills see it's completely different from Blastoise and Bowser but tomat just looks like a sonicos SE and it's not at all a wombat either rather it's a tom cat but it also has wings like a bat you know the Crystal and the hair floes definitely make me think of Blaze the cat but notably those yo-kai cats I mentioned before would often have ghostly flames on the ends of their tails and all around them just like this pal does oh uh and now the infamous one pal number 69 because of course it is is lavander its pal deck description seeking a knight of love it is always chasing someone around at first it only showed interest in other Pals but in recent years even humans have become the target of its debauchery so when you de feat any pal they drop things normally things like ore bones fur leather meat and the like but this thing it drops cake and suspicious juice oh my word it's a salamander that's all about love and loving hence the heart boobs and pubes it's like they took salazzle and they turned it up to 11 or all the way up to 69 we got to move on flamb Bell oh it's so cute a great followup too it's it's a proper kind of H as in high temperature just to clarify that I don't it's it's flames it's a little candle but instead of wax it's lava oh gosh van worm is a big scary fire breathing worm or weam weirum or worms are a kind of dragon and we get the word from the old Norse orir meaning serpent worms tend to be snake-like dragons you see yorman Gand is even referred to as a worm sometimes even but these days the term weum is often used incorrectly on just dragons of any sort case in point right here right now actually it's not even a dragon or even dragon type it's a fire dark bird the van in its name probably relates to vanguards its tail strikes me as a military trench coat after all and vanguards are the foremost position in an army or Fleet while advancing into battle notably van worm's ability aerial Marauder increases Damage Done to weak points and finding weak points in the enemy's defenses are what vanguards are all about son plus its description states that in theast flutes made from its bones were used to Signal attacks Bouie huh it's kind of a just a let down in general like looking at this thing is a let down well it's a ronin Samurai with a few modern anime tropes thrown in there samurai follow the Bushido code hence the name Beacon okay I have to admit I love that name it's another great bird of prey electric type this time its bolts are a beacon themselves lighting up the Night Sky ragna Hawk is a fiery Hawk named after the Norse fiery Armageddon Ragnarok simple as catris a sorcerous cat quite simple as women associated with magic are often witches and witches themselves are heavily associated with cats wixon a wicked witch Vixen which again is a female fox and this one is a pyromancer at that and ver Das okay these last three have been a bit on the nose pal world that's literally mream with a cat body under the hat and cloak that's literally Del Fox but short there's like a billion animals to choose from for your pyromancer and you went with the same one that Pokemon did for its pyromancer you even did the same fluff in the ears and now there's this that is literally Cinder shorts and hair and feet and hands and face and it's just green and you gave it a bigger tail and neck frill I thought the similarities to Pokémon with a lot of these was funny at first like haha oh come on now but now with with this I'm really having second thoughts about that mindset now uh but at least the next one is original as far as I can tell this is valet or Violet a little bug with a violet on its back and a helmet made from a leaf very fantasy looking helmet fitting of small Fay creatures like Pixies and nature spirits of sorts and cix is a decadent moth lady as a name cibil means a raindrop Between Heaven and Earth fitting as cix loves the rain and will bask in it which is the opposite behavior of most moths who will die if their wings get too wet that said it has led to a few species of moth gaining the nickname rain moth because after the rain they come out in droves making up for lost time during the rainstorm really the YX at the end of the name comes from the bomic aka the Chinese silkworm moth that are famed for their silk to make very fine Fabrics which is this Pal's whole deal idron is a gentle sky dragon flying through the sky it's like an elf as in a little fairy and it's a self an air Spirit specifically then Dr is just cuz Dragon I guess the whole name is sort of a Corruption of s dragon elf drawn kelpy is a seahorse seal horse perhaps it's like a very slenderized kelpy which were shape-shifting water dwelling Spirits from Scottish folklore Azure robe is the Azure Lady of the Lake in a robe but also a snake with a Rhyman those floating Shaws often seen around Eastern gods and goddesses cry links is a cryogenic bunch of spikes linked together it's Got Claws Paws and Stripes is it some kind of spiky saber-tooth tiger Smilodon which very similarly had much larger front legs than back is it a lynx then perhaps very stylized if so original I like that quote it can easily climb steep mountains with its hard claws however its short legs make it difficult to descend often leaving it stranded in high places that's some Peak cat stuck in a tree Behavior Blaze how is the new worst name it's a flaming wolf a hellhound perhaps and that's all there is to it relaxa surus is even more so a mascot of the game it's the steam icon even it's like an old timey Edmontosaurus as we used to think they stood upright significantly more than we do now it likes to relax in its off time but its pal deck description States it's quite ferocious and everything in its sight is prey and it will stop at nothing to devour it is it just like a violent carnivorous hadrosaur Snorlax Bron Cherry is a brontosaurus with Sakura cherry tree colored petals all around it how nice its name also sounds like mon Sher which is French for my darling or my love which is especially fitting since it's all about finding a partner via scent quote it exudes a pleasing Aroma after finding a partner which is called the scent of First Love patalia is a flower Spirit a plant nymph perhaps quite the rare creature too as one is born every 10 years it's got petals and it's feminine hence the EA at the name but Leah is also a very feminine name too though the meaning doesn't relate to the pal at all rep Tyro is a pyro reptile it has magma for blood it digs good and eats ores King peka is the king of melpa really it's just a big alpaca with a crown and a royal robe and mamist is a hulking m with an entire Forest on its back but wumo it's just a little yeti guy wump wump wump wump a wump is a heavy sound caused by a falling object and these guys carry things around really good they are really good hard workers like Farmers with their little plant in the mouth Trope thing plus its fur pattern resembles a cartoonish mountain peak love it War sect is kind of Digimon incarnate but it's an extremely powerful war-loving insect a Japanese rhinoceros beetle a goofa or a troilus specifically falope is an antelope wind spirit hence the Cloudy fur Fang is Chinese for wind you see and this pal is based mainly on fuu from Chinese mythology it itself a dear Spirit of the wind often depicted as Kieran like too fbat edgy a bat akin to a fallen angel who fell or perhaps it's just the prefix Fel which means deceitful treacherous villainous and evil it's all about life steel so it's clearly a vampire tail coat long dark and Scarlet Cape fancy Ruffles and all then quivver it's a super fluffy feathery white dragon the name comes from quill and wyvern which it isn't but go also gets applied to dragons generally all the time too but quill and wyvern together sound like quiver which is a place one would store their arrows which have feathers bazit is a blazing Bahamut Bahamut is or I guess rather was a middle eastern monster that lies deep below the Earth to hold it up specifically this one yeah the the fish but uh in modern media it's usually depicted as a cool dragon that lives deep underground fitting that bazit has fiery rocks for fists and horns and is said to be born from a volcano another fun fact is that the common fantasy monster Behemoth derives from the same beast but has evolved differently in modern times these days Behemoth tends to look like a large muscly Beast with bullhorns or a lion's man even kind of like final fantasy's interpretation hell Zer calls forth lightning from the depths of Hell evil Lightning but the heck is a zephyr well it's a breeze that is blowing Westerly a fancy old word for wind cuz it's a bird aagon a Savage beast born of the abys Thou shalt not stand before the Beast Thou shalt not heed the Beast aagon is the ravager of stars it's an astral Dragon but also mayhaps is inspired by asteroth in demonology asteroth is the great Duke of Hell a part of the evil Trinity even fitting Origins for this demonic Dragon looks like a space Godzilla villain even menacing well that's a good name I love that name it's got a menacing Stinger because it's an evil scorpion but also because this pal crams its still living prey into its h H body where it absorbs them hellish screams of pain can often be heard coming from inside this pal ah you know the ancient Assyrians had Aqua romelu scorpion demons who travel to and from the underworld every day perhaps delivering Souls of those they've killed and stuffed inside themselves they really went and just named it Anubis huh it's the Egyptian god of mummification the pal is called the guardian of the dark sun which may be inspired by Anubis guarding the entrance to the underw World fun fact anubis's head is that of a golden wolf not a jackal as commonly believed it's just a black golden wolf because the black sand around the Nile was fertile and thus symbolic of rebirth and life and such which Anubis is also about yman tide is yorman Gand the world serpent from Norse mythology and it's so powerful and mighty that it moves the tides visually though it's just your typical classic sea monster suzaku now that honestly is a way cool design suzaku is the Japanese name for the Vermilion bird of the South the Chinese Phoenix that is one of the four auspicious Beasts of the cardinal directions so it's just that but very stylized way cool design love it GIS bolt oh no I actually love it it's a Grizzly bolt of lightning shooter a big bear with a friendly smile and Hearty physique it's docile towards ones it recognizes as a partner for reasons unexplained its personality under goes a drastic change when wielding a minigun God I love the whole premise of this game notably the Japanese god of thunder and lightning Ru has many animal forms and the bear is one of them liline is the queen of Lies with a big poofy Royal gown and all feris or FIS is a militaristic bird that is obviously very heavily inspired by Rome the name even sounds very Roman swap the F for a v valaris valaran in game Marcus's valaris is named Horus named after the ancient Egyptian falcon-headed god of many things but most notably for us it's the god of the sky and one of the Gods of the Sun a perfect origin for FIS because FIS itself is known as the master of the flame sky or zerk will go berserk sending ohms of electricity into you Berserkers were Viking warriors said to have fought in a trance-like fury high and out of control perhaps like the chaotic strikes of a full-on lightning storm Shadow beak is an unknown life form potentially not of this world quote born from the depths of insanity its very existence should not be having lost all genetic ties to other Pals one wonders if it could still even be considered a pal spooky and this ultimate life form even has the like archus backwards hair and chain thing o but it's a griffin but rather than a lion Hawk it's like a hawk Hawk they swapped the lion out for more bird patus is a paladin Centaur world Warrior Angelic and just in its ways typical Paladin Trope love the jousting Lance oh and dasas is Latin for day then necromus is a patus that has fallen to the dark side so now it's necro meaning dead it's dead on the inside and wants other things to be dead too also its name is Latin for Necromancer Frost stallion is a frosty stallion an icy pegasi and guardian of palpo Island a magical horse with a stormcloud man and perhaps unicorny Crown unicorns are often said to be magical beings of light and Purity after all and lastly for now in the Early Access release version of pal world it's jet dragon a dragon that is also a jet but like a Sci-Fi jet cool robot parts and like a cool cyber Wings yeah it flies high above the land and will descend in moments of Calamity to help out so what do you think of the pal in the Early Access version sure there's a lot of uh uncanny similarities to monsters from other franchises plural but there's also plenty of originality to be seen here and plus we are rushing a bit here to get this video out to help explain it while it's still fresh in everyone's heads but when the full game comes out we'll go over all of them again in much more detail but if you have something to add about any of them that I missed please do tell in the comments below and until next time never stop using your Noggin can't believe they did lavander there's enough furbait in the game without it already
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 351,209
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palworld gameplay, palworld pals, palworld explained, palworld glitch, palworld best pals, best pals in palworld, pokemon, pokemon like, pokemon scarlet and violet, pokemon clone, palworld pokemon, palworld pokemon lawsuit, palworld pokemon comparison, palworld controversy, palworld pal origins, palworld ripoff, palworld memes, palworld reddit, pokemon killer, pokemon with guns, palworld best, palworld lore, palworld story, palworld design, creature collector
Id: VMu-TPlyx3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 12sec (2232 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 25 2024
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