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me and my friend proper good games are huge Pokémon fans so when we heard about po world we just knew that we had to react to the pals to see what they did okay I'm I'm interested to see how many of them are best on Pokemon and how many of them have their wrong designs I you know that's fair cuz like you could see this and immediately think like a Vulpix yeah I think of Vulpix straight away but I want to see if one pops up and it doesn't make me think think of some yeah so this one's called Fox Parks this was the very first one out of the 47 that they have uh currently 47 is a decent number well I think they said that they're supposed to have over a 100 in the final game they just have 47 announced and released unival okay basically like Zeb Striker but just as a unicor yeah looks like on the right side you see partner skill the partner skill is flamethrower don't know what partner skills do yet no they they've got to look like abilities from Pokemon for sure don't kill penguins please kill the Penguins y the I hate how the B stay behind I hate what some of them drop meat and then some of them the bodies just stay behind oh no and the it so I do like that the fox Parks is powering the call like the the pot of meat and the univolt is powering Like A tes coil that's super cool so it feels like every pal is going to have a reason to be in the game relax I like that name that is a good name that fox Park should be dead I wonder if they have like a a like a super effective thing like a Ty tree or whatever they call it yeah although well they kind of do if you look at univolt he's got like the lightning bolt next to him and that relaxa orus had a um it had some kind of like purple yeah I meant for like shrimps and weaknesses and stuff missile turret is his Jesus D St gets Rockets so looks like he's watering the garden next Up's jol jol shamman shoot just shoot them know if you just shot Sonic I bet it'd stop running yeah partner skills missile turret they're dropping meat as well yeah I don't know how the how the capture sphere works the game the game looks clean like it it runs fine and it looks clean I am interested to see what it's like when it actually comes out it's like he's also powering the Tesla which makes sense he's a he's a he's an electric yeah so you can probably have multiple ones going and just assign them God what is this boy in inam come on come on he's what's going to happen next is he getting in [Laughter] Smash that's just oh my God I can't get over that one so I think some on the right have when you catch them they have like pal deck entries like like a PO like a pokedex entry but these are the first few ones they made so I don't know if they have them yet okay yeah this P's under investigation yeah for fraud oh he's just straight up building I guess he does have opposable thumbs bro huge having aose posible funs mamar rest literally M swine but grass version I mean I will say with incam other than the name I think that one is very like I don't I don't I don't think Pokemon when I see incin I also don't think Pokemon when I see relaxa orus either no no that one is very unique which is probably why they have it as the mascot well I think mascot is the um that electric bear well the the YouTube profile picture and stuff is oh that's fair you right all right so grass elephant oh here come the lamb ball lamb ball wait you call it lamal well I mean you call it lamb ball I don't know man I call it lamb I mean I don't know if it's they not shut up see it looks like every time you throw them out like throw out your pal it gives that pal deck entry so I'm wondering if that's going to get updated as time goes on yeah okay what does Lambo do poaching group member oh it's the meat Shield oh my gosh she launched it got little why does that one look so sad and that one looks so happy he looks so sad to be there and he looks so happy to be there because the one on the right just started his shift and the other one all right this is the captive from earlier okay this is the one we saw get exploded all right shoot oh my God that bro's just taking it though okay just bro he like shoots a fireball at you so can your pals die is what I wonder like can they die die oh my God he launched him I mean it's cute I will say see I love the the somebody's playing favorites that bro is living life that bro is a Slave what is this thing what the hell gorat gorat it looks cool un oh this one looks insane dude he just demolished that poor okay wait that cat died and went back to the sphere okay so they don't in the bottom left the the cat has a little red background or at least it did get it captured see I know it doesn't look like they die die he looks like a a strong one to have for sure oh it's right lario literally lucar lucar I'm going to counter you I'm going to counter you Lucario is just a nubis true true so I'll give them this one because they're also fighting at like a temple of Anubis yeah not to be confused with the OverWatch map but wa speed oh my God he just murdered the relaxa orus what's Lambo going to do be a shield oh my God it was it worked I wonder what the max level is because that Anubis is 16 and like all this dude's pals are like 12 or [Laughter] below I just took a drink of my drink that's cool right what does Anubis do Naruto runs away just hammmer stuff look at them building that house what is that what is the what is the monkey do bro what is R do what hey he's hammering as well right bro's going to town all right this is m i mean din aome din aome didn't it have a different name when we saw it in the trailers no I think that was like it's evolve form oh all right Anubis looks stupidly strong I like it it's like a flamethrower that's so sick 5% capture chance jeez but then it jumped up to a 20 so that'll be taking down its health and probably doing different things to it mayhaps oh my God that one landed on its head why are those guns so detailed they really are what this thing looks cool IDR that sounds like a medicine have you taken your Alpha drant yo oh that's a sick move you must be able to ride this one oh my God he knocked him out so when they do stuff like that it's probably the best time to capture them I'm guessing maybe although woke up very fast oh you can ride it that's sick you can fly too all right a wow there was nothing sad in this one Gob Fin and he's terrifying shotgun him I think that's the first time I've seen the shotgun maybe that yep you can just throw the jol hog like a bomb all right I wonder why the gorat's level's red there it's upet he's kind of cute though I know he's working for a living He also looks like he'd murder me after midnight if he got wet yo this thing look SI how do you even say that ik ik thir I don't know sorry next time I sneeze I'll pronounce it properly I don't feel like they showed us that d an awesome ability of like the bullet seed it looked like a bullet seed I will say I like the um I like the color on this deer yeah it is very nice it reminds me of modded Arc this whole game reminds me of like porak yeah except with a lot more torture so this is what I kind of consider to be their mascot the gz bolt cuz he's in everything almost I don't know I I think at some point they changed it to the relaxer us yeah because I feel like that's too Pikachu in a way also I I think I prefer relaxus as a mascot no I could see that this guy looks cool he does look cool he looks yeah he looks beefy see I want them to start having like pal deck entries life monk it never has a life because it's always been killed or tortured yeah all me made to work uh they have no idea of the horrors ahead they just die just they're just really good at dying I mean I guess they're easy to capture so they've got to be great work they've got to be good at working I don't look at him go he's not crying not yet that's the first time we've seen one working who wasn't crying all right I have seen this guy before I love too Toco he just explodes that's great he's like oh whoa life monk made a wall interesting look at life Mon's got a little machine gun Goin just use Spirit Bomb all right all these too tacos are just exploding this is terrifying he just yeed the lamb the colors remind me of zatu a lot oh for sure but zatu can't do this I'd be impressed if zatu could do that take me up to the hill of the ancients and just fire eggs out of his ass what is this y this is like the Spa sat oh my God why did too too go from doing like 20,000 damage to seven maybe because it's a lowlevel one so so looks like it definitely uses self-destruct and then just dies and you can't use it until you heal it too to it's just like my shiny Vol orbs oh no this loot Moon looks sick though yeah it does I like this design a lot bro just missed the sphere for spere missere oh wait that had an entry the horns on its head grow into the Moonlight it doesn't hate the Sun but its horns itch when the sunlight hits them okay imagine being itchy all the time on like a hot sum's day bro BR look like a secary yeah let me just put that appointment in the computer for you it's like that one scene with Peter Griffin when he's got the super long nails this is Talon flame fais although now it's under investigation so I wonder if they recorded that one first I don't know just I didn't take it in that you meant the description the palet itself was under investigation I'm in my head like what do you do though yeah fail RIS is short for tax fraud um I do like toot Toco I will be getting a too too almost immediately the more we watch the more I want to play this yeah see I don't know if there oh it it's almost like relax orus knocks people out cuz that's like the third time I've seen that happen yeah it must be like ability or something or a special move it's got it raises entire areas with Whirlwind Flames when it has spotted a herd of its prey fais breath is known for its pleasing scent deui oh my God robing quill shut the robing quill I'm trying so hard to give them the benefit of the doubt robing qu is literally deui if I have a kid I'm going to name it Robin qu that kids going to get bullied you get a class into be a kid called deui and they'll have an insane rivalry I just interesting it's literally deui bro I just I can't I can't defend it I can't defend it if it was different colors maybe I'd give it the benefit but it is the exact same colors as the that one had a yeah keep me in deposit a pal that is very similar to humans who hunt and live in the forest it may prove to be a key for understanding what pals are and how they diverged from humans long ago is this thing a is this thing a human wait no it says Pals were humans at one point how they maybe that's why they like guns I can already see some art that I don't want to be seeing right now what of Robin's quill Gil claw Gil claw I wonder he's using a bow and arrow with Robin CR I wonder if Robin K gives you extra bonus damage if you use a bow and arrow while he's out or just like extra arrows or something yeah Gail flaw it can easily fly away even with a human hanging on to it it is however prone to letting go when tired leading to many deaths by Falling hell yeah so metal this so smaller than what I thought than God oh my God the next pin gullet no wait the next video is called the next video is called Factory line simulator wait what why no Factory line simulator with 1,000 pin golets why do they hate this penguin they're just they're just living the life and then they're not it's getting bullied storm the beach although bro they they fighting back they're trying bullet in their head you know what I really like about these pal deck entries is they're they're only showing Pals they've already shown before yeah its wings have degraded substantially and it cannot fly yet it has a lingering sentiment for the skies in its DNA and sometimes tries to fly again I guarantee you this game launches and I watch up and go it launch itself off the map trying to fly me for real oh my God there's so many of them working Bowser Bowser bro did they freeze him but he shoved it in the rocket launcher wait what I missed that look at him that is no he's not even big enough to go in there he's way too big to go in there oh my God all right I gu Universe where there's no Mario you've got to use a gun incin be lighting him up though this guy's all over the place even though it's St Bower I really like this one oh for sure dang they go by with that fast there's a fable about dig toys's drill it is a moral tale of the Dig toys contradiction a pal who possesses both the hardest carrus and the strongest drill that one just sounds deep Bro yeah of course it's deep he's a drill Le Punk wait what what in the toxicitry what is this he comes with a hoodie bro I hope you can buy that hoodie when this game goes live oh my God I do like Alpa I like the I like the tornado yeah I like it a lot bro just got a sphere how many weapons are in this game bro so many it takes great care to present an attractive standing posture it is always searching for the coolest pose and if given a mirror it will spend all day posing in front of it bro thinks this is an attractive standing pose it's me going out and about here we go Mel Pekka wait what there's a chest oh there is a chest fornite and it's like lit up and everything fortnite club that it would explain the guns oh where I'm gone not going to lie I hope you can change your Crosshair cuz this Crosshair kind of looks like it sucks I'm going to be I'm going to be completely honest with you maybe it's different for was it the same for every gun yeah it's the same for everything it looks like bro dig toys that's literally Bowser's what is it his side B he's his up be yeah yeah it's like he's triple jump don't be fooled by its fluffy appearance a Hypersonic kick from one of its long legs may send you flying to the other side of the world hey fast travel I doubt it's that strong oh my god there just no need is that Pikachu oh Raichu oh Ra's tail look at them chilling and then you just kill him they're literally sleeping I think Anubis is going to be one ones yeah yeah look at him flying too too sent them flying Jesus oh that's sick d just bullying this one they bully all of them it's always on the edge during the dry season Sparks can fly with even the slightest Pro I just had a stroke trying to read that word anyway we're going to continue on Yo pyron looks kind of sick it looks like it's F it's going to be fast definitely has to be like a rable mount I don't know I think most of this stuff is rable bro was zooming oh yo it's gunky gy I tan it why is it called tan it's full on gy gy wait this guy reminds me of the Kermit the Frog with a gun hi ho it's me gunky long ago this pal used long objects like tree branches As Weapons after coming in contact with humans it found something more effective guns God we are just the worst we we really are the worst worst peaceful little monkey and we turned it into a killing machine hey it's my favorite Daydream super cute what's called Daydream penguin doing something never mind he's getting launched Jesus for spere throw a spere let's see what Daydreams ability is it puts those it is interested in to sleep and shows them an endless stream of happy dreams those who fall under its spell are never to wake until death takes them holy crap so it put if it's interested in you it puts you to sleep and shows you happy dreams until you die is it called Daydream or dead dream terrifying I like that they always make the cute oh wait but they're all asleep wait this is the bad ending this is the bad ending and he he looks so innocent P let's go why did bro do the Freddy Fazbear jump scare why is he running like that though I feel like Daydream could just put him to sleep why is he flying I'm I'm scared of this guy bro if I was Daydream and I was fighting something I would just become interested in it and then just put it to sleep I like that I don't know I just the guns are so like realistic comparatively I love it yo this panda is kind of kind of terrifying terrifying right scaring the hell out of me oh if this has an awful like intro I'm going to hit it even more it possessive unbelievable strength in an experiment one was able to easily ripped together 3,000 pieces of paper stacked together thankfully it's not a carnivorous species okay I'm cool with that I've just got to watch my foone books around it wait you still use foone books for there's so many of them it's not a carnivorous species immediately punches a group of chicken chick no know how link fell does this thing like actually do anything or is this specifically just like the game Chicken cuz like it's a survival game you know what they haven't shown cuz I was going through all these to like download them for the thing they've not shown the cow yet because it's just the straight up C extremely weak and far too delicious it's one of the weakest Pals alongside lamb ball no matter how many are hunted they just keep appearing although I did see something it's got a one out of 10 for capturing almost like Legends archus oh interesting I like that so different Rari and stuff oh my God oh my God Colonel Sanders be like oh he's gone yo it's my favorite Batman sidekick this one looks cool I like this one a lot Nightwing yeah I like [Laughter] birds oh it's robbing quill Jesus Christ I don't think I'll ever get over the rocket launcher that is a penguin it's wild look at that he's in that free ball yo this is one of my favorite names deess oh my God there's nah there's no way it's going to be that at launch bro one of the best things about this game is they let their Community name most of the pals and oh that's all good of course of course that oh my God he just like me for real depresso has few friends because of its perpetually grouchy look on its face but it is kindhearted some have seen it feeding Vixie who have strayed from their skull few friends because of a Perpetual grouchy look it is you wow it's just na in did it make not it's kind of cute wait Daydream was there again was Daydream there hold up bro I don't trust Daydream at all I don't all right pincer wait war sect the unyielding Colossus oh interesting so this is a a boss ball kind of looks like it oh my God he fell there more like Heracross oh yeah that yeah you're right they're like the same Pokemon to me I would say War sect is kind of sick I like this one a lot the ultra hard armor surrounding its bodies were extremely strong and heat resistant even a nap a Napal blast would be in effective insane holy crap I would be like you know when are we going to get Napal but like we were tortured in one of the other trailers so you don't know anymore all the big boys working on the house what is this what is this dazzy dazzy it kind of reminds me of um oh what's that one what's that one Pokemon that has like the um diany right is that it the crystals yeah well because it's got the like d has the crystalline body that's kind of the sh but it kind of looks like one of the uh one of the Genies yeah it looks like a baby thunderus oh this is the one thing from that Cognito Cognito is a sick name that is such a good name right honestly this this this pal is terrifying it looks terrifying gen cuz it looks like it just teleports around it's like a bird Ender it for sure is a Benderman me when I go drink him for three day sh yeah where's Joey oh he's on a bender man say long ago it freely soared the skies after losing a contest with Gil claw it abandoned the skies and now lives a quiet nocturnal life yeah of torturing people and Pals yeah this W what did bro do where did bro go dude dipped from work wait why did why did Le Punk charge at it weird I don't know man's going on there floopy oh my God I love it I love this one one this one might be my new favorite what what happened to daydream screw Daydream it's dead Daydream is going to put you to sleep forever bro I mean that that does sound good you know I kind of I I kind of really like Cognito Cognito is a sick name Floy looks Dopey I love it it prefers places that have an abundance of vegetation but hay fever has apparently become a problem for floes as of late God can nothing just live in peace in this world yeah it loves grass but it's it it can't be around grass oh my God it's getting chased by Daydream was it really oh my God bro Daydream was like Hey man hey hey hey he said he was my favorite I I just want to talk what is this thing our socks no they're my socks why is socks you know I wonder if you can nickname Pals because they haven't shown that in any trailer you must be able to I'd be very surprised if you can our sock I mean he just he just looks like he charges that's kind of it looks like an angry Ram angry Ram oh my God oh my God what well I don't want that thing that happened what is this thing hu hangi like terrifying bro does not look like you like he literally has two arms that's it it looks one of those um neck rests he does oh my God he does he's for sure you would wrap him around your head like on an airplane and go to sleep yeah 100 I bet he's Cy I bet he like massages you its strong arms can rip apart iron as a particularly cruel form of execution serious criminals will be strung up in a public square and a hangu would rip the skin from their bones holy crap what you know I don't want that around my neck anymore oh my God what why so wild it looks what get away from it no oh no lamb ball guess we're getting a fresh sweer it's car one oh my God look at the look on its face I already got it oh no oh my god king Paca yes King glamour Supreme fluff Commander if we can nickname this is 100% being kusar it's the poison the poison for kusar the ghost ghost yay I'm a llama [Music] again I mean it's kind of cute I'll give it that tanky it does look tanky it also looks fluffy how does this guy tews fly your character has hung onto that Panda for dear life he's like he's like Iron Man he has to toos to fly he doesn't you know kingpet doesn't look that interesting other than being big and tanky and kind of cute look at him what does he do he sit on a throne if he fits he sits why I don't the chickens man it was his only request oh what is this thing ma ma ma ma oh my god king Paka just killed him I mean they're kind of cute they look like house cats yeah they are literally just just stra cat don't shoot it oh my god dude they almost killed him they aren't just straight up house cats so this is one you can capture a lot I don't see them actually being able to work though no literally just sleep day dream get away rep Tyro I like this thing I do so yeah I think I said this earlier I really like how they'll show a new pal and then they'll show the previous pal fighting the new pal yeah yeah that was really cool penguin what is what is pullet going to do this explode and die oh my God it did take it out though I wonder how many Pals you can have on a team at once yeah I wonder if it would just be like traditional Pokemon like standard six or the like just whatever magma like blood runs through its body if a large amount of water is thrown on it the water heats rapidly and can cause a powerful explosion interesting why does that thing look evil what what is going on what what was that about I don't know but it looks evil oh my God what is that thing cellix hey yo you know this game has a hot and cold meter this guy is not wearing any clothes got to heat it up it reminds me of um what's that one Pokemon I can't think of the name of but I'm sure you know what I'm talking about it's that one like yeah that Pokemon yeah see I knew you know which Pokemon I was talking about first I was like what do you mean see I knew you knew what I mean I always know a fing that's cabalan yeah that is straight up cabalion I think this is number 43 so we got like three or four more so wonder if they're going to reveal everything before the game comes out or if they'll keep some a secret see I kind of want them to keep some a secret but like if if they are slated for a January 2024 release they've only announced 47 and it's almost January do you think they'll go to 50 and then stop there they might they might show 50 and then release it and then the game's out yeah which means it's close to January and there's only a few left oh yeah oh this one's well cute do not kill it okay then bro fing Lou goes crazy dude he's got like a double jump why didn't they show wait jol talk has a new has a thing now when activated equip jolto in hand to be thrown at enemies and cause wait this is their partner skill gotcha interesting wait partner skill caffeine inoculation when activated depresso chugs a bunch of energy drinks drastically increasing its movement speed for a certain time he just like me for real for real it's the most relatable they've done yo Vixie is really cute though Vixie is also dead very dead the ideal of palpa GH Island if you bully Vixie the whole world will become your enemy I like that as they're all dead around all right we got two more Shadow beak this dude looks sick this book beak unknown life form got just Vixie just threw the Sun at him I I want to know what's up with that with the mest that had the the glowing red eyes red eyes yeah like can they be taken over like Alphas well cuz like this guy has red eyes so I'm wondering if they're under like the same the same spell because now he doesn't have red eyes once he's been captured or once he's been they're all bringing offerings all right this is the newest one which means the newest pal is going to be shown at the end of this one so this one's called serent which is a it's a sea serpent that's cool and they come on the land why have the frames suddenly got so much better or is that just the the Discord stre I think it's because the game's getting closer to release it looks so much cleaner holy F the developers got a better computer yeah although all of the partner skills seem to be fleshed out now like they're getting close to release cuz the there are partner skills now interesting its hydrodynamic form is well suited to life in water poachers often catch them and use them in place of surfboards that's badass Tony Hawks Pro Surfer what oh they watching a little rest oh Brun Cherry I wonder if that's the EVO to the um to that guy yeah it's got to be
Channel: ColePlaysGames
Views: 25,982
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Palworld, Pokemon, Ark, Pokemon with guns, Propergoodgames, Enderpandaplayz, Hathorill, Coleplaysgames, Pokeark, Palworld Trailer, Pocketpair, Steam Games, Pokemon SV, Reaction Videos, React, What is palworld, Palworld Release Date, Palworld Paldeck, PAldeck, Paldeck Entries, Palworld Relaxauras, Palworld Sheep, All Palworld Pals, Craftopia
Id: kz84wQmDALw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 15sec (2775 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 20 2023
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