POKEMON WITH GUNS Is A Game You NEED To Play. | Palworld Review

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what if I told you the hottest game in the world or at least on Steam was a Pokemon Arc clone po world has at least as of the time of making this video had 19 million players in two weeks Starfield 2077 balers gate you name it to put it into perspective power world had so many players it holds the number two spot of most concurrent players in a steam game ever in history only beaten by pubg when it was freet to play pretty high standards just like the high standards you have for videos on YouTube a reason why you should sub to the channel as we get better and better with our content and get closer and closer to 400 subscribers man I'm getting better with these Transitions and I believe it's easily a huge home run even while in Early Access so while we go over the lore story and gameplay of Po world let's discuss if this is a game that you should try yourself sit back and relax everyone let's talk about po world power world starts off simple enough you boot up the game jump into the world and get met with a very intriguing yet mysterious statement from a tablet you find on the ground the towers are the key the tree holds the truth right away I was hooked thrown into a world and the first thing I met with is lore and God I love it so towers are the key all right sure simple enough there are five Towers thrown about the map think of them as boss fights each Tower holding a pal and a pal trainer now real quick record scratch I'm going to give you the lore in the best way I can cuz you see this game tells its lore the same way Ark does and for those of you who don't have lives you know exactly where I'm headed with this and for those of you who actually see the sunlight in Ark the lore is explained by what's called Explorer notes these notes come from Helena Rockwell Mayan and manura each character tells their own Tale on the island and it's by finding each of their notes all from their own point of view that you get the true story of what happened when the island was a place that was a lot more populated pal world or what it's actually called the pagos islands works the exact same way not only do we have our main explorer who from my understanding is either a dead or B on the same island that this magical tree is on I'll give you my reasoning for that in a bit you also got the boss's stories Each of which are unique zo and Grisel a story on how an innocent girl chose to free a captured pal that was most likely going to be sold Lily and Len stories about a woman who thought the capture of Pals and force them to work was wrong and after saving a pal from being hunted by poachers met who she called the queen of the liily enter line Victor and Shadow B contains a story about one insane and mentally Disturbed mission to create the strongest being imaginable leading to a monster so strong and not only most likely killed one of the researchers but is also a monster of its own so different it can't even be considered a pal anymore you also got Marcus and fareas Marcus being what I assume is a drug lord selling it back to the people only to arrest said people on drug charges and sell them the exact same product only to repeat the cycle and last but not least Axel and or zerk the brothers of the Eternal py tower now look man for this story to make sense we need to look at it Through The Eyes Of Our Mysterious guide known to his notes as the Castaway his journey starts with Journal day XX where he States after reexamining the globe's geographical features for research he noticed what was seemingly an empty area where there should have been a landmass knowing something should be there and confused on how seemingly nobody else noticed it this is important remember this later he spent a few months packed his things and was able to successfully guess where the location of this island was but it's in Day Zero where we learn the fate of our adventurers see the closer he got to the island the thicker the fog got to a point where it was so bad you couldn't tell where the fog ended and the ocean began attempting to steer away from the fog didn't work either as he just kept getting worse and worse until his boat was attacked and completely destroyed yet he somehow managed to wash up on shore and just as he expected the island he found was absolutely massive so massive it should have been impossible for it not to show up on any known Maps or Globes an island hidden from the rest of the planet this is assumed by Castaway to be intentional but it's on day two where we finally get some real names see it's on day two where Castaway first discovered the pal sphere and after throwing it and capturing a creature found that when he started building this strange creature that seemingly doesn't exist anywhere else on the globe began to help him wanting to deepen the bond with this creature it chose to give it and the rest of its kind the name Pals and in turn gave the entire Island the name palapag Island this being the same island you find yourself on and we know this because in other Explorer notes he States how it's very very strange that other animals regular ass creatures exist outside of this island it's only on the pagos island where the only creatures that you find are these creatures he's dubbed the name Pals now Castaway has been here for a while and he's built a few things the deer saddle and the pal storage box being a few but we also learned that Castaway isn't the first person here as all throughout the map you can find what seems to be ruins of an ancient civilization even Castaway brings it up on multiple occasions but it's in day 13 that Castaway has been here for a while and he's starting to have some theories about what happened to the island and the people that used to call it home he's boiled it down to basically three possibilities a either a natural disaster b a struggle for scarce Pals and resources or what he believes to be the correct answer is that it has to do with all the teleportation see for each Tower and fast travel point you teleport from from place to place he calls it spatial teleportation he believes it's similar to how the pal speres work his theory is that at some point in time way back in Pago's early days this ancient civilization used and abused this teleportation power and pushed it far more than it should have been to the point no human or Pal could control it any longer this in his eyes would explain why there's little to no people yet the entire island is more or less intact seeming having crumbled to time instead of War or conflict however things get really strange in day 38 and what I assume to be his last note from our travel are Cast Away by now he's journeyed far from the place he first DED the shore at he comes face to face with a giant statue of what seems to be a pal this is where the wildest part of this all comes together and that's that not only did these ancient people seemingly live and work together as equals with these Pals but some were even seen as Gods symbols of worship and this already is huge cuz you have to think if these people actually mastered teleportation and have siphon themsel off from the rest of the globe compared to everyone else they might as well be Gods much less these creatures that they live amongst and if this wasn't the case why go out of their way to build these giant statues it's not just one there's at least two others now to go out of their way a highly Advanced civilization to the point of mastering teleportation and seemingly hiding an entire Island large as hell with a gigantic tree you could easily see from miles in the middle of the ocean from the rest of the planet remember in day XX we're told this island doesn't exist on any known map or Globe they chose to what seems like willingly worship these creatures I can only make one of two assumptions either a these pals are incredibly strong so strong they could level Nations and defeat armies in mere seconds or they were owned or working with whoever was king or queen of palapao I'm leaning more towards leveling Nations and defeating armies cuz you see some of the thing about Pals that pals are smart extremely smart if not smarter than humans and if you have a being that's as smart as you if not smarter that has the ability to wipe out your entire civilization and let's just say half an hour yeah man I can kind of get it but you see the really confuses me is that Castaway talks about this ancient people but if you remember in the beginning he said it doesn't exist on any known map or Globe so whoever was here and however they got here they willingly chose to hide this island immediately afterwards but what's interesting is in day 12 part 3 Castaway talks about finally making it to the tower a tower they have been trekking to for some time now and when getting near the tower a similar energy to that of paldam ore seemed to flow throughout the entire area however when investigating a stone inscribed slab he was seemingly teleported into a unknown area and found themselves face to face with an enormous pal and human in control of it they as any normal person would ran away terrif before reality kicked in and they found themselves at the foot of the tower now at first I thought this could be Lily and the leene is that is the tower that you find this and it is their Tower but that doesn't make sense Castaway and their journals are clearly old a few years at least since you find zero evidence of cway being around anymore and Lily and line have taken control of the tower I have to assume semi recently as we know in Lily everhart's diary she met loline by complete accident with what seems to be at least to me the same Tower cast way ran into in the background of her photo of line see the short version is ever har over here hates the idea of pal speres but she does refer to them as Pals as stated in Lily's Diary Number Three where she starts her cult SLC Community the free pal Alliance but if we remember Castaway is the one who gave the pals their name not Lily I'm assuming Castaway is the one who normalized the name Pals and the rest of the island picked up on it as they journeyed throughout the land and this isn't even the only Tower if cast way ran into this Tower and some random ass dude and pal was there I have to assume that the other Towers were this way too and the bosses that we run into defeated the previous Towers owners and then took them over in the process cuz there's no way Lily was there before Castaway was you can't start the free pal Alliance if the word pal wasn't even there to begin with until Castaway first got on Shore this journey essentially is what po World story is All About following the path of Castaway as they tried to unlock the secrets of the towers and the truth about the tree as our mission is is told the towers are the key and the tree holds the truth but now that you know power world story or at least a good overview let's talk about gameplay you see the game play is pretty simple you walk around the map Gathering stone wood and use them to build tools workbenches pal spheres the whole thing and of course we can't forget the pals that wander around the map they level anywhere from 1 to 50 with Pals being easier to catch the lower the level and the higher your capture rate is that can be adjusted with little lip monks that you find around the map as a collectible you can then use said Pals to help fight and battle build stuff in your farm force them to work you forever while they eat his berries got some pretty interesting options the loop is essentially Forge build capture battle repeat however what pal world does to keep you interested is the pals are unique not only in the day and night cycle built into the game but also with World bosses and dungeons sced around the map with some Pals only being found in these areas along with each pal also has a stat or area it's good at some are better at planting seeds While others are better at mining now one thing I want to nip in the ass right now is power world is is not Pokémon sorry but it isn't and I don't want you going into this playing this game expecting that idea yes it does have creature collection and some pals are eerily close to Pokemon I mean come on let's all be real for a second rip off aside power world is not Pokemon if anything po world is far more closer to Art survival evolved and ascended than Pokemon Pals can be bred allowing you to pass good passive skills onto the eggs that also need to be incubated your crafting the building is similar forging for resources is similar and for a official servers at least for steam Xbox y'all are going through it right now while offline eggs take longer to incubate it's a survival game but a survival game that rewards your time see the thing about Ark is takes forever to get done check the video I made on my Ark days to get a rough idea but to summarize things take on so much time you end up splitting into different roles solely to make things easier and take less time while power world you can essentially do everything yourself yes 100% you can group up but you don't have to you can have all the fun collecting Pals breeding for stronger ones exploring the world battling the tower bosses all on your own and that's something I can respect from a game like power world but leveling is where things get a bit more difficult see going from Level 1 to 30 is easy especially with all the crafting and Base building we both know you playing to do chances are high you're going to be about level 15 by the time you even remember the towers exist and with a built end tutorial that get you into Base building pal collection and even finishes with you challenging zo and grisol the game does a really good job of getting you ready for the challenges ahead adding the ability to find fruit around the island that allows you to teach any move to any pal you can build your team however you wish and some Pals even do get unique and special moves but hitting higher levels can be a bit of a grind hitting those high 30s and even entering the 40s can be hard but are extremely rewarding but in my opinion it's not this that made power world popular it's the fact that power world is just fun it's not trying to be a graphical showcase it's not trying to have the best story in modern gaming it's just trying to be fun and let's be honest modern games hasn't really been fun in a while for the sake of being fun at least lately it's either been all about the graphics all about the customization all about the story very few games lately have just been fun for the sake of being fun but overall should you play power world and honestly yeah man I think you should this game has a ton of potential even while still in Early Access me personally something I believe will really keep the game going is the pal Arena and raid bosses PVP too yeah sure but the pal Arena allowing you to take Pals you've used on your journey and P the against others sounds really cool and so does the idea of raid bosses for endgame content I'm very impressed with how much they care about power world and how much money they seem to be putting into it and time and I think it'll honestly really pay off in the end but honestly man that's it that is my video on power world I had a lot of fun playing this game and I know everyone had a lot of f i mean hell look at those steam numbers man they are absolutely asinine but overall I'm just glad I finally got this video out the door and give a huge thanks to hellish the editor of this channel for putting in that amazing ass work we love all of you and thank you so much for checking out this video if you liked it please leave a like comment and subscribe and we will see you all next time goodbye [Music] everyone
Channel: Starlight Terra
Views: 6,135
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld review, pokemon with guns reaction, pokemon with guns game, palworld tips and tricks for beginners, palworld tips and tricks early game, palworld update xbox, nintendo switch review, palworld vs pokemon, palworld tips and tricks, palworld plagiarism, nintendo switch 2, palworld xbox review, palworld xbox, palworld controversy, palworld guide xbox, nintendo switch fortnite, palworld guide tips, palworld pal sphere, palworld tips and tricks base, palworld gamepass
Id: yZrngpkYqIs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 29sec (869 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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