Palworld Lore | Pals Are NOT What They Seem

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did you know that the cute little pals you've been collecting are actually mutated humans I know I was shocked too how do I know this I'll explain so there's this scientist let's call him Bob that spends a shocking amount of time studying Maps so long in fact that he notices a strange inconsistency a part of the ocean that's suspiciously empty so what does he do naturally he Charters a boat to go and check it out for himself without telling a single soul I guess he really didn't want to share the credit but this trip turned out to be a lot more than he bargained for as he approached the island he was surrounded by a thick fog and Bam suddenly he's attacked out of the darkness the ship is torn into shreds and he washes up on the shore of a strange beach in the sand he finds a strange alien artifact that looks kind of like a tablet and soon after he meets his very first pal or his first view immediately he notices that the creatures of this island are nothing like he's ever seen before I wonder why and in fact there there are no normal animals at all so Bob stumbles down the beach probably regretting every decision he's made that's led him to this point when he comes across a shiny sphere he picks it up and throws it out of frustration and Bam it sucks in a nearby creature surprised he throws it again but this time the creature pops back out and it's suddenly friendly towards him here is where he gets the idea of calling these creatures Pals now Bob spends the next few days settling into Island life and he takes to it pretty well he explores around and finds some ruins with the recipe for pal spheres inscribed on the walls being a scientist really helps here because he's able to find a way to create more with the help of the Spheres Bob be friends more Pals and learns that they all have different skills and Affinity towards different work soon he starts experimenting with saddles and attachments for the pals and then a shocking thing happens on daytime he meets another human Bob starts feeling safe so he decides to wander out and take a look at the tower Obelisk likee structure in the distance he's casually strolling down the road when suddenly a human jumps out from the bushes Bob tries to talk to them but they just point a gun at his face it's a good thing his Brave lamb ball steps up and attacks the aggressive human buying him just enough time to get away shocked and frightened he runs back to the base the humans he assumes must be what's left of the ancient civilization but why are they wearing modern day clothing these people and the Tower become Bob new obsession over the next few days on day 11 he comes back and he kills the human that attacked him earlier using his Pals on day 12 he comes back and watches them from the Shadows trying to figure out who or what they are until finally he gets the courage to approach the tower and that is how Bob meets Zoe rain now Zoe's story is a little sad because herball as the tower protector is not something that she's ever wanted she's an orphan who never got a chance to meet her mother and whose father disappeared many years ago now she lives with the Smugglers who capture and sell Pals in exchange for food and her only job is to protect the tower just like her father did before her her tribe is also continuously at war with another group of locals called the free pal Alliance a conflict that's gone on so long nobody even remembers how it started she came into the role of Tower Guardian in a weird way when she befriended a Pander her Smuggler Associates tried to sell she saw it there one day sitting in a cage looking helpless and felt sorry for it so she snuck out at night and set it free and they immediately became friends when the Smugglers tried to punish her in the morning the panda knocked them all out with a ball of electricity and they've been together ever since and that's what Bob saw that day when he was teleported inside a giant electric panda with a human controlling it on top he ran away in fear and as far as we know never attempted to go in again instead he spent his days trying to solve the mysteries of the island he explored the V Caverns found more traces of an ancient civilization and realized that some things just seem to happen by Magic finding more questions than Answers by the end of his 30th day on the island he had taken to arming the pals with guns and using the weak ones for meat an unforgivable blasphemy according to Lily Everhart the guardian of the second tower and the leader of the free pal Alliance now Lily loves Palace to the point of cult-like worship and believes humans only exist to Serve and Protect them her organization has five Simple Rules thou must not eat Pals overwork Pals abuse Pals use Pals for experiment and thou must risk thy life to protect Pals and she takes those rules to heart because the day that she formed an alliance with her companion pal lene Lily ruthlessly slaughtered a group of human poachers trying to capture her beaten shot and bloody she returns to her base only to find lene waiting there for her the pal healed her wounds and Lily fell in love referring to her as my queen she sees herself as the guardian of the pals on palpus islands and even pays the PF the islands police force to guard the most vulnerable Pals but she grows suspicious of her own cult organization and their methods for making money little does she know that the islands are actually run by Marcus dren the guardian of the third Tower and the leader of the PF the palpus islands Defense Force now Marcus on cares about making money and he's found a genius strategy he's taken to secretly selling stims and then finding and arresting anybody in possession of it that way he makes money when he sells it when he finds the villagers for using it and then again when he resells the same product he's confiscated judging by the tone of his journal entries he's having the time of his life a lot like the guardian of tower 4 Axel Traverse now Axel doesn't really seem to have much to say we only have one diary entry from him and it's a rap complaining about how he has no good Rivals to fight here I'll throw up the lyrics on the screen as you can see he's really into fighting don't really know much else about him I mean good for him I guess but believe it or not the real villain of this piece is the final boss from Tower 5 Victor Ashford who's the textbook definition of a mad scientist his journal entries detail his attempts to genetically modify Pals and make them stronger specifically he was working on combining four Ed and winged Pals but in every attempt the body is deteriorated in seconds he tries again and again until one of his experiments finally succeeds he did it he created a new species called Shadow beam but there's only one problem he's never able to replicate his success again in the final line of his final journal entry he notes that The Disappearance of Alex who served as his lab assistant is concerning so now we know the full story let's look at all the evidence we have Pal's being at least in part human special thanks to Bone needle for sharing their findings on Reddit first Pals exhibit very human-like behavior in journal entry 32 from the cast away he talks about how the pals on the island are extremely aggressive and protective more than any wild animal it reminds him of how humans act when defending their territory two they're all able to use tools and not just tools specifically adapted for them Workshop Tools like Hammers and Nails almost every pal is able to help with crafting blueprints at the workbench three the spars are able to capture humans while the game tells you considers the ACT inhumane we know the technology is there and it's very much possible four there are no normal animals but the pals are eerily similar to the animals we know the lamb ball looks a hell of a lot like a sheep the fox Sparks is basically just the fox and the dire how is a direct descendant of the direwolf according to the pal deck some of them are even named after their workshop purpose like like chillet for example then there's the extremely damning pal deck description for Robin quill which says a pal that is very similar to humans who hunts and lives in the forest it may prove to be the key for understanding what pals are and how they diverge from humans so long ago so here we have undeniable proof that Pals and humans share DNA and lastly we already know that Victor's experiment also required human DNA in order to create the new species Shadow beak the evidence clearly seems to suggest that human DNA plays a big part in what makes Pals so unique but right now we still have more questions than answers like what's up with the giant tree where did the Ancients go and why are there shipping containers with the name pal Express hopefully the next big update will give us more lore but until then thanks for watching and I hope to see you in the next one
Channel: Mauvasa
Views: 10,876
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palworld lore, palworld lore explained, palworld full story, palworld full lore, palworld story, palworld story explained, palworld storyline, palworld story guide, palworld guide, palworld gameplay, palworld boss, palworld boss fight, palworld castaway, palworld castaway journal, playworld diary, palworld journal entries, palworld stories, palworld explained, palworld tips, palworld pokemon, palworld game, palworld secrets, what is palworld, palworld 2024
Id: 8sRNG25HnB0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 50sec (530 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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