Pokemon Fan Plays PALWORLD!! Is it GOOD?

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welcome to pow World a game that's been quite controversial recently for being too similar to Pokémon but is it really hello I'm nag a big Pokémon fan and I am here today to try out power world and see for myself if it's really a ripoff of Pokemon or if it's more than that if it's a game that kind of looks like Pokemon not going to lie but if the game play is any good let's get into it so I spawned into these ruins and kind of moved forward in the direction I was looking at little did I know that this would be my first and biggest mistake I've made in this game where am I a chest let's open it ooh small pal Soul what I don't want to collect dead Souls that's so sad oh oh oh okay that's one way to introduce a mechanic throw pal sphere cute I don't have any pal Spears what am I building what am I building can I punch you oh my God I just beat the crap out of this cat [Music] fighting isn't the best idea oh my God I can just kick it no oh I can punch rocks I have strong hands pum sounds very strangely similar to some current region from some other fictional genre oh okay okay I'm sorry okay yeah yeah yeah yeah I sorry it was a misclick it was a misclick chill whoa are you going to are you going to fight me you're friendly right you're a herbivore of course you're friendly oh my God is this chicke going to come and fight me too is this like Zelda oh my God so after some wandering around and beating up some poor poke po worlds pal Pals uh I finally got to work and started building the tools that the game had been recommending me to build from the very start acquire cool I have a stone pick now so with my brand new tools I started going around and picking of all the possible resources I could because that's how easily distracted I get but there's a problem here notice how I am going up and down the exact same path I sped this up to 1,300% faster for your sake but it is night time and I have not gone anywhere nor have I gotten myself any Pals in po world I don't know what I'm looking at it was night time and I was beginning to die from coldness and hunger choir hurry oh my god oh no I am dying from Hunger I thought it was strange that I would be dying of hunger and temperature in the tutorial part of the game so I decided to backrack just in case I had gone the wrong direction direction oh I also caught some Pals on the way that should have been a more hyped up thing I think but it it kind of just happened on my way so I have a pal [Music] now okay are we going to go we're going to go okay let's go yeah this is new WoW hello I didn't know there are people in this game then a while since someone who didn't think of Pals washed up here this island is a living hell the people I came here aren't with us any longer those damn Pals ate them oh my God I didn't know they ate humans here take some basic supplies well I wish I came out here earlier sure enough this was the way I was supposed to go the biome was filled with plentiful foods and Pals and so much exploration just waiting to happen but most of all I was about to face the Wrath of the pals what is that [Music] Daydream oh okay hold on hold on this thing is command attack them am I poisoned oh my God I'm poisoned danger danger there are so many Daydreams I thought they looked cool I just wanted one okay oh my God oh my God these guys are strong oh my god oh are they are they attacking each other it's like the skeletons in Minecraft when they like accidentally hit each other while trying to hit me and so my Greed for cool looking creatures decided to swoop in and steal a couple while I could I got him I got him I got I got two of them let's go and then I try to do it again which didn't work out so well okay I am going to die are they coming after me they better not are you serious they're coming after me leave me alone hi you look so angry like I'm I'm ready to murder I eat people once it was daytime I start to look for a place to build my base let's grab these berries oh my God so many berries we love berries Yum Yum Yum they're running that's so cute great I don't have any spheres left beat this guy up okay I need to stop being distracted by everything we can come back and oh my God what is that you're not going to attack me right you're finding a base I'm baning myself from caping Pals ooh hello you look very [Music] modern [Music] I'm sorry o okay this might be the place right here I like this place let's let's build our first base [Music] here [Music] I want to build our little home right here and so I started building my base which included my house a farm some beds for my pals some tools and workstations for my pals for my pals to work and earn their food and work fun fact I sped up this clip by 3,000% and it wouldn't preview on my computer so I had to export just this part and put it back into my program something I noticed while doing all this was that all the animations for the pals are really good they all have individual animations for each action they do it was very detailed and fun to see I also caught some new Pals along the way and then I decided to do something stupid okay this was a bad idea okay okay okay all right it's okay everything is fine is this guy still after me is this guy still after me oh my God I forgot there's a large open hole in my base oh my God oh my God oh my God okay open up so The Saga of me trying to escape this bird that I had accidentally intentionally angered started and you can see I tried to throw a pokus pal sphere at it to no Veil I run back to my house I'm like it's coming after me leave me alone i' had no idea they were so persistent oh my God okay just just I don't care if it looks bad just hurry and build hurry before it gets here okay close the door oh my God we're safe and so I spent my night waiting for this bird to leave so I can safely leave my house it's drinking water oh my god oh that's so cool I know I barely scratched the surface of this game but I've been having a lot of fun with it so far I think I'm just starting to get into it but I'm definitely going to continue to play this as a series so please sub subscribe to my channel to remember that I exist and hopefully you will come back to watch my next video thank [Music] you
Channel: Nyog
Views: 36,572
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #palworld, #pokemon
Id: xxLhCrfqnBY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 49sec (709 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2024
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