Patterrz Reacts to "Palworld VS Pokémon - All Similar Designs"

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there been a lot of talk about pal world's design of their Pals and how close they are to Pokémon so why don't we see how close they actually are which ones are a little bit of a stretch to compare the two and which one are pretty close my favorite one is one that wasn't in the actual game but the design was left in the data and luchu uploaded a video of it which is just it's just Mega mwu why but black and purple which I will say I do like the black and purple I that's a really cool color but it's honestly they're cowards they should have left this one in that's really funny all right let's see I'm also going to try and make a guess on what they're going to compare the pal to and you can try to make a guess to if you'd like to Let's see we got uh I I guess it's a little squirrel kind of creature so maybe like a a grass version of poer risu cuz the tail I suppose Leafeon H I don't know about Leafeon it's just like a grass version of poer risu right it's it's like kind of different okay this this one reminds me of Meganium a lot the face face and the eyes and the neck bar Meganium but the body is like super Goodra like I wonder if they agree oh lilligant oh I didn't I didn't think about lilligant I guess I think the eyes kind of kind of look a little bit like Meganium oh okay well that immediately looks like deui except like a really skinny malnourished version of deui oh it has like Blazin legs too it's the same it's just green it's like Blazin deui oh Gades um I mean I guess not really I don't I don't see galade in this I see more like blin's legs I guess this is maybe like malotic oh I didn't even have any time is this primarina oh the habit I mean I guess it's it's not really that it's not really that similar I guess the maltic but again it's just like a sea creature it's just like a long sea creature I don't really think that resembles many Pokemon I don't think this resembles many Pokemon unless I'm unless I'm wrong wait often lost in thought it sometimes find it difficult to sleep I think therefore I am are are you serious hoot hoot and mro no no I'm going to disagree on this one I I don't think it looks like hotin marro I think it just looks like a black owl maybe is this like an electric owl has like a little Thunderbolt on its chest I guess you could say maybe since it's like a firef fox wizard the same general idea comes from Del Fox but I mean it's just just a general idea I don't think the design itself specifically is is yink from it the design seem to be like its own thing from maybe the fa is white which I mean a lot of faces are white this looks like my neighbor tooro right it reminds me of my to Lot H I don't know like a lightning bottle in chest I don't see where zangus is coming from I guess cuz it has similar ideas that has like a little scar on its chest and it has like Long Claws but again that's not really a Zango specific it doesn't look like it's ripped straight from zangus what is this uh soble Claire I mean like the The Vibes are very close to Claire I suppose it looks a bit Dopey but I wouldn't say that that's specifically a Pokemon thing that no one else can do you can maybe make a comparison like oh these are kind of similar but I don't think it's I don't think it's stolen i h yeah I don't get this one I mean the tail I suppose but there's there's nothing else it's really jump but shiny Lucario the head I guess I guess it has like a black streak up through the head in betwix the ears that are also yellow but the design and coloration is is definitely different I don't think that's that egregious oh is is this one of the Latos it reminds me of lattos a little bit for some reason like a turnus I don't know why iron moth h no I mean this Salamon maybe for like the body color I thought this was like a Latios one maybe I'm just an idiot I don't see I Mo in this ooh ooh amarouche this is kind of looks like amarouche is head ooh this looks kind of sick though once one with paladas which darkened form as the embodiment of negative emotions however a glimmer of compassion can still be seen within its deep eyes I guess since it has a scaver like things from its arms you could say like oh it's a scaver but N I don't know oh cedge that's I I thought it was like armor you had like the armored head but that's not really oh wait this is like which one is this is this agron's body kind of looks like agron's body a little bit reminds me of zro a lot yeah yeah I going to say zro as well this one looks very close they they definitely took a lot of inspiration there was this Hound Doom maybe kind of REM let be like Zoro Zoro Zoro a little bit too I mean maybe I guess it's kind of hound doomy the eyes are shaped similarly the horns are the horns are different to be fair and it still has like bony protrusions around Its Ribs like it has bony protrusions around its back on Hound Zoom so maybe it kind of looks like zoror a little bit too oh you going to say grooki right I mean oh they had the same animation well that's really funny they're the same animation I mean they're green monkeys yeah what is this esper is that oh yeah okay it's this one definitely feels like an unfinished version of what it should be it has the same kind of like folded down ears but I'm pretty sure were it was it a Scottish Fold that's the cat that it's based off of is a Scottish Fold which has like the folded down ears um the eye and the whole vibe of the creature seems to be different guess the only similarity I can see is that it's small cat creature with folded down ears which just means they're based off of the same cats I would assume oh ly androck right yeah ly androck okay I mean it's they're big wolves uh they don't even they don't seem to have like similar animations I let that one go I don't I don't think that's too close oh is this uh Al creamy it almost looks like it has wait its entire body is 80 thousand times sweeter than sugar carnivorous pals are led by its scent will find themselves overwhelmed by sweetness and pass out should they take a bite of this pal as a sugar fiend myself I would love to consume this creature uh I guess it's maybe like Al creami and Marie oh it's just Al creamy I guess no it's just a sheep it's like a sweet sheep I can see how the ears kind of resemble Al cream's ears a little bit it's just a sweet sheep I think it's fine oh that's a wao what the fck what is this bro what is going on here salazzle kind of looks like it has Charizard face a little bit too seeking a knight of love what it is always chasing someone around at first it only showed interest in Pals but in recent years even humans have become the target of its debauchery oh my God oh my God there's there's just straight obesity in this game they were right wow that's insane they dude they want they want people to make rule 34 of these creatures oh is this foret foret stands the same way but yeah foret stands the same way I guess they're both long long creatures it can Cur up its body and roll up it incredibly high speeds okay yeah for it it's very similar for it I mean the overall Design's kind of different it's def a little bit taller they stand in the same way fact they have very very similar animations too cind green cind race I guess they have shorts on they have there's a lot going on here they don't have the same neck thing though I can see what you compare the two oh is this the Meganium wow that thing's big that think big I kind of like the you know what I think I prefer the left one as much as I love Meganium I think I prefer the pal version of this oh that one's cool too you're looking to compare this to Lucario but really I don't see many similarities in the overall design apart from the fact that they're both based off Anubis both they can both make Anubis type creatures and that's okay I don't really think they're too similar his pal became a token of death I kind of like the Anubis thing too was this Piplup this just a it's just a small p penguin it's fine it's just a small penguin you can have small penguin creatures it's okay Vulpix no not Vulpix maybe actually maybe it will be maybe nickits I can kind of see nickit too the design kind of reminds me of nickit a bit I like them both though ooh ink yeah it's funny how like we are having the same ideas here like they are definitely similar creatures they are similar ideas I think most of these comparisons are just similar Vibes rather than the exact same creature like this is going to be Sylveon because of the because of the ribbons but the The Vibes may be similar but I don't think the designs overall are holy [ __ ] that's cool torta maybe no don't fan damn I no I like the one on the left that's sick that massive elephant thing is really cool oh I don't know kenite maybe uh I don't think they look that similar but I can see like The Vibes it's a black bird oh that's garon's body that's that's definitely G yeah that's G's bodyy and and face yeah it's I mean it's it's very very similar I don't know Eevee shiny Eevee H I kind of like the one on the left it it's oh the tail oh the tail oh yeah the tail is definitely the same was it zorok I guess sure it just looks like a generic enemy from an RPG best we can right again this is just like a queen bee the designs are so different but the Vibes and the ideas are basically the same Miss magius H they're pretty different I wouldn't say they're exactly the same at all I would say they're pretty different I I don't I don't even know I have no idea ah H I don't know man that's like a [ __ ] llama there this it literally looks like a llama is this another Eevee oh fenin H I don't really understand the fenin this looks like a big fluffy tail looks like Eevees oh that is that's another Eevee yeah that's a big fluffy Eevee let take an Eevee Cross of the wulu that's really funny okay oh I like it you know what I prefer this to tank oh snowla no I like the left one I think he's cool he looks chill is it supposed to be uh Slugma no I don't see the no I mean maybe are they both candles I kind of like the left creature that's really cool nine tails yeah it's pretty similar it's pretty similar they don't have nine tails though ah briary oh star rptor I guess no I guess they're the two you know what this the one on the left kind of looks like a mega evolved version of star rptor oh that's cool oh it's a go- goat okay well I mean it's not it's not a go- goat it's its own thing obviously but it's it's made to look like a go- goat or it's be compared to a go- goat sorry oh this is like Scraggy it's like a hulligan creature yeah it's like a holigan like creature I love his tail you know I I like I like the one on the left what God's name is this is this Q fans I guess it's just n this like a little elephants it's very cute though oh that's cabalan so that that yep that is cabalan again it's like a mega evolved cabalion where they just some of these Pals it's like they've taken the idea of what a Pokemon was and then added way more design to it I'm not going to say overdesigned but it's it's there's a lot more going on this is Mantine or Manti yeah one of the two the eyes are so different Manti's eyes are freaky though Wu I suppose uh actually the fact that the left one rolls around on its on its two legs it's kind of cute I like it a walk up a hill tends to end with this Pokemon tumbling back down this causes it to become dizzy it's a haggus that's what it is okay that's just gallerian meow's face right yeah okay wait wait wait let me just look at the eyes okay so we have round yellow shape with a black pupil in the Middle with white inside of the black stroke of the pupil with the Shar teeth yeah I mean that's that's pretty that's pretty much the same yeah that's I think a lot of this uh is is using the same general idea and Vibes and some of this is like okay what if I copied and pasted this into my guy it's whatever though you know Gosa Flor I thought this is going to be B awesome it's going to be like a a prickly version of Blossom ooh beware oh it's a panda oh wait I love that guy this pal is so powerful it's hard to believe in one experiment this pal tore through 3,000 sheets of paper at once no I love the one on the left he's so Panda he's so sub noodle he's like he's like a big version of sub noodle with some grass on his face I love it I guess this is the coloration of natu yeah I guess kind of he's like a fat verion version of natu ooh wait is this hold on we saw the grass version of this didn't we I I I don't see that nah it it just looks like a it's like a blue version of the thing that we saw before oh whoa having born from the depths of insanity its very existence should not be having lost all genetic ties to other Pals one wonders if it should still be considered a pal at all dude is this a legendary or like the legendary equivalent in pal Wells that's sick I love that I I I don't think it Bears Too Much resemblance to any Pokémon really I just think it's a sick thing I that's really cool I like it a lot that's really cool I on the other hand I don't like this one so much it's like the Pikachu clone of the pal world I guess it has like Shaman's body type but I don't know it's just a little hedgehog so I don't really see too much comparison there this is a ball I I don't there ball Pokemon okay I don't that's a stretch I don't think that you're really you're really Grassman strolls here I there's so many I guess it has the dress that kind of resembles godvore a little bit but and the arms resemble God of War a little bit but the eyes don't and the head definitely does not I guess the head is more like lilligant is yeah I know I I think that stands on its own I think it stands on its own two feet does it have feet I can't even tell does it even have feet oh that's a that's a Tang growth it's a it's a Yeti Tang growth oh my God that's a regional form of Tang growth that's kind of cool researchers once tried to shave off his hair to reveal its true form in the end only the hair was left as that's what oh my God it's made of entirely of hair it's really cute you know what I like a lot of these Pals I think my favorite was the the flying bird creature or I really I love this Panda this Panda's so I would buy a plush of this Panda also this bird creature is really sick too I think the most egregious one was this Mega Mewtwo that wasn't actually I guess it's not in the game it's not playable in the game but it's in the The Game's data which is really funny I think they should just left it in because it been really funny to see everyone's reaction to that instead let me know if you're enjoying po
Channel: MorePatterrz
Views: 83,081
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: patterrz, morepat, patterz, reaction, reacts, reacting
Id: cxnoF_TEzb8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 2sec (902 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2024
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