What Pokémon Can LEARN From Palworld

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in case you live under a rock there's no doubt in my mind that you've at least heard of poor it's already sold 19 million copies which is actually insane everyone perceives Pokémon as Untouchable in the monster catching genre but pal world might give it some necessary competition which might be the push Pokemon needs to up their game so what exactly can Pokemon learn from poor success but first what is poor I've been watching pal worlds like a hawk ever since it first got announced so it coming out of nowhere didn't really catch me by surprise however all although I knew it was coming I never would have predicted this type of success I can't lie I was thinking this game might flop mostly because other monster cashing games like temptem tried to do what Pokemon was doing and failed miserably but here's where palor is different while palor tries to play off of the idea that it's basically Pokemon with guns it really isn't much like Pokémon at all Pokemon is a turn-based creature catching RPG but poor is a survival crafting creature catching game aside from having magical creatures you store in balls and fight against each other they're completely different so I don't think it's really really fair to compare the two but people won't shut up about comparing them so I'll do my best the Pokémon in this world are called Pals who would have thought though I tend to accidentally call them palmon which would probably get them sued by not only the Pokémon company but Digimon as well but anyways I do really like the designs and art style of a lot of these Pals there's cute ones cool ones tough ones and dumb ones there's something here for everyone a lot of the pals have a very strong Pokemon inspiration you can just tell by looking at them this one is zoraa and Clefairy this one is Goodra and Brum and this one is just straight up Piplup Jr but that isn't necessarily a bad thing just because they borrow inspiration from already existing Pokémon doesn't make them horrible they're still putting their own spin on them and you can obviously tell the difference between the two there's a difference between taking inspiration and just copying and this is definitely an inspiration territory I know a lot of you are probably screaming at your screen right now and rushing to the comments to tell me that they stole designs and that they used Ai and we'll get to that later in the video just sit tight each palet has its own traits which are kind of similar to natur's in Pokémon but not all traits are good one of them is literally called slacker not a very good trait to have but I feel like these are kind of better because in Pokémon you're only limited to one trait but in this game you can have multiple you can even pass down traits by breeding to have the ultimate pal or ultimate slacker I guess there's also cross breeding sort of it's a cool addition that even Pokemon hasn't really attempted and while the cross breeding isn't too crazy like you can't distinguish which two Pals were created to create one all it really does is make a new variant with a different type and tweak design to match its new type which is honestly enough for me since there's so many different possibilities there's not a lot of them right now but I can imagine they'll have multiple for every pal if Pokémon were to attempt something similar they'd have a lot of work to do because there's so many different possible combinations they could make so I doubt they'll ever attempt it something I find really strange about pal world is that it has no evolutions for any of the pals and I'm not sure why they decided to not include them it kind of makes me feel like there's no way for me to make my pal stronger I mean there is with the use of sacrificing pal souls to upgrade their stats but they don't physically look stronger and I feel like that's a big part Evolutions are one of my favorite Parts about Pokémon catching what seems like a weak small creature and watching it grow up into an absolute monster capable of causing Havoc is so [ __ ] cool but you don't really get that feeling in pal world you also don't really get as attached to Pals in pal world they're all kind of replaceable as soon as you get one that's better than the last you're like okay bye po World also has their own version of shiny Pokémon called Alpha Pals or lucky I've seen both of these names thrown around so I don't know which one it is I know Legends archus also had Al Pokémon but I'm calling these the shiny equivalent because they're rare and have a sparkle icon they're basically just bigger versions of their respective pal but they're still pretty cool and I'm glad that they actually have a sound effect when they're around take some notes game freak shiny Pokémon will always be cooler though alternate colored creatures are just way cooler than a bigger one I hope Pokémon reintroduces Alphas in some way because it's kind of sad that they're stuck in Legends archus graphics and animation H worlds looks really pretty for a random indie game and while I don't think Pokémon needs to be hyper realistic or have kind rning Edge Graphics they do need to improve upon them at least a little bit Pokémon has just been lacking in this regard for quite a while now I always say that gameplay is more important than Graphics but it's starting to get kind of sad when you compare other Nintendo games to Pokémon the difference in quality is clear you would think Pokémon's frame rate would be stable since it's a AAA title but it's not it's God awful so what the [ __ ] is happening game freak Pokemon isn't all too graphically impressive and there's other switch games that have multiple models loaded at once without their game freaking out and it's not like they're doing any crazy animations you're literally just walking around so what is going on this is something yandre Dev would struggle with why is a multi-million dollar company struggling with optimization I just genuinely cannot fathom why they really need to learn how to finally optimize their games it would do wonders they have no excuse for why Pokémon runs so poorly something that was immediately clear to me was how well pal roll is optimized I'm playing on my PC so maybe that's just my PC powering through it but you can see Pals from pretty far away which again is sadly not the case at all in Pokémon you have to be right in their face before they even have the chance of loading in and this is something that has always confused me why even in pal World regardless of how many pals are around me my game doesn't lag or show any struggle even with all of the particle effects when they get into an allout fight at my base holy [ __ ] this is horrifying yeah my game has crashed a few times but the game just came out so I'm sure all the bugs and glitches will get ironed out with updates which is another thing Pokémon needs to learn I genuinely thought that scarlet and Violet's frame rate issues would be fixed eventually that's what updates are for after all but no the game is still like that why the game play when I first played po world I was surprised as to how similar it was to Ark it's way more similar to Arc than Pokémon which isn't a bad thing I just wasn't expecting it what I love about pal world is how much Freedom you have yeah in scarlet and violet you sort of have the same freedom but the sheer scale of power world's map is insane it's absolutely m massive every time I thought I've reached the end I was wrong each time you're free to go wherever you want just as long as you can survive there anyway how world's whole gameplay Loop is extremely addicting you constantly have something new to achieve which in most games can lead to burnout pretty fast but because power world takes inspiration from Pokémon Arc and breath of the wild you get to cycle between the best parts of each of those games you get to go catch Pals fight them challenge bosses then when you're done go back to your base where you can build craft and upgrade your Farms to make things even more efficient then when you're done with all of that you have more pal spheres and you can get back to exploring the world and catching more Pals it's perfect I think Pokémon needs to improve their gameplay Loop just a little bit while it is fun catching and battling Pokémon aside from the story breaking up those segments that's about all you get older Pokémon games used to do this like with contest Poké star Studios and I don't know the underground in Diamond and Pearl but they kind of stopped doing that after generation 5 right now all we really have is catching Pokémon battling and that's about it I still think that they could have easily fixed this by blending some of Legend's archus into scarlet and Violet's formula you know like completing little side missions catching multiple of the same Pokémon Alphas stuff like that Pokemon just needs something more I don't know what it's missing but I'm sure if we take a look at Power World we'll be able to figure it out a lot of the moves in power world are copy and paste of one another with a new code of paint which is kind of disappointing but I'm sure they'll add more eventually it's also weird that Pals can only learn three moves I don't know also you can only have up to five Pals in a party and instead of six it just feels like something's missing and of course the part everyone is talking about the guns oh boy the guns you actually don't get your first gun until really late into the game and it's not even that good of a gun it's a musket but once you do acquire the big boy guns it is very satisfying to just shoot everything in sight mechanics the movement can be kind of janky at times not like in a way that makes it unplayable or anything it just takes some getting used to but it's not as bad as riding maridon and cidon in Pokémon scarlet and violet I don't know why they feel so clunky but they do I love that you're able to send your pal out to walk with you whenever you want Legends archus sort of did this and Scarlet and Viet did as well but in scarlet and violet it [ __ ] sucks it wasn't even like a proper roaming mode it was more of an auto battle type thing palor finally did what we wanted you just send your pal out it roams around with you and if you get into a fight it fights alongside you you can even ride it and if you don't want it out anymore you can just call it back it's as simple as that I don't know why Pokémon is struggling with this please just fix it it's so simple speaking of fixing things though the AI of pal sometimes makes it so they get stuck so they won't eat or work leaving them to starve it's really annoying having to call all of them back each time that happens they said that they are fixing this though so that's really you also have random raids that can happen at your base caves that you can explore as well as bosses and Raider camps that you can infiltrate and rescue Pals from also just a tiny thing you can pet your pals which aside from Pokémon to me we've never been able to do please let us pet our Pok Pokémon that's like the whole point just building a bond with them the multiplayer in power world is pretty great you just send your friend a code and boom they can join you can even have dedicated servers in the future so your friends can join your world even when you're not playing very convenient Pokémon seriously needs to step up their game with multiplayer they've been doing better recently with scarlet and violet having Union rooms that your friends can join and they can basically do whatever they want but it isn't as seamless as many wish it would be since Nintendo servers are complete garbage players often get disconnected and then they got to set up the whole room all over again just for them to join back but it's 5 minutes that can stack up easily and just be avoided with a simple join request like I don't know why why why do you have to restart the entire room just for one person to join and what's the point of limiting it to four players in the first place we have 100 player Battle Royale games and you're telling me if too many people join my Pokémon game it'll crash that's stupid let us have 16 or hell I'll even take eight anything it's just a nice feeling knowing that you're not alone on your journey and that there's other trainers catch ing battling and exploring just like you that's what makes poke MMO so appealing there's a whole social aspect so you aren't isolated and you also get the same feeling of socialness in poor you can check up on your friends at any time and just see what they're up to the world while I did say the world in palor is super massive as a result it feels more empty than Pokémons I do really like the open world that we get to explore but it kind of suffers from the same thing that Legends archus did a vast open world but nothing to fill the void in between I like the feeling of exploring and coming across a nice little town with its own identity and Pokémon sort of did this right in scarlet and violet but you can't enter any of the houses which was pretty lame and most of the NPCs are useless though it just kind of feels dead I guess this kind of does make sense though since the whole point of the game is to create your own base and that would be pretty hard if there's constant towns and structures anywhere remotely nice but I think they could have struck a healthy balance one way or another something pal world does fall flat in is the music and story The Music is More breath of the wild inspired which I guess makes sense for its survival based gameplay and while it's good for the atmosphere it it doesn't really have any iconic tracks that stick out to me don't get me wrong I like the battle theme but I can't hum it back to you because I just straight up don't remember it as for the story there isn't really a story in pal world at all yeah there's journals with lore and stuff but those are purely optional and I don't really feel like going out of my way to read them Pokemon just has way better music and the story can be hit or miss at times but hey at least it's there and some people might say oh my God how world sucks because it has no story yeah Minecraft doesn't either it has lore but there's no story story it's a survival game replayability pal World already has a Content road map of what they want to add in the future which is going to be amazing for people who want to play this game for a long time instead of releasing a new version of their game every year like Pokémon does they're going to polish the [ __ ] out of power world which I'm sure a lot of people will appreciate I do wish game freak could do the same with Pokemon but since Pokemon is more generation based and they want to introduce new characters stories and Pokémon I understand why they release so many new games while Pokémon can't exactly follow in power world's foot Footsteps in that regard it is nice that pal world is going with that approach instead of being greedy little bastards they plan on fixing the AI for Pals adding PVP new islands which oh my God there's going to be so many and of course more Pals and if they keep this up at a decent rate in a few years oh my God this game is going to be so amazing they even plan on implementing crossplay which is only going to bump the player count even more and make playing with your friends that much easier in pal world you have access to multiple save files which are more equivalent to Minecraft worlds than SA files but they essentially serve the same purpose I really wish Pokémon would finally let us just create another save file instead of having to use another switch profile because while not hard to do it's just sort of annoying that proves that it is possible to have multiple saves on one game they just refuse to do it for whatever reason controversy oh my God where do I even begin a ton of people are saying to not support this game because it supports animal cruelty and oh my god get a [ __ ] grip it's a game you sound like an old person saying video games caus violence yeah the Civil War was started because someone was playing too much Grand Theft Auto saying this game supports animal cruelty is the exact same thing people were saying about Pokémon in the 9s and I guess even now apparently if you actually want to be an animal activist go do something the [ __ ] is a forum telling people not to play a game going to do you're useless go donate or something literally anything else if you neglect your pals they get injured depressed refus to work or just straight up faint so the game encourages you to take care of them but it also gives you the option of being a heartless monster if you don't want to abuse your pals good the game rewards you for it having a moral choice you can make makes the choice feel more impactful like if I was forced to take care of my pals it would feel more like a chore but because I'm not being forced and I genuinely just want to take care of my pets I'll do it you don't have to make sweat shops it's like saying Minecraft supports slavery and animal cruelty because you have the option to make a prison and make your animals suffer blame the player not the game and of course the part everyone has been waiting for the AI and fan art theft allegations steam's AI policy states that you're required to disclose whether or not your game contains or used AI in any way and pal world doesn't have an AI label on it but people are claiming that it is using AI because the CEO of pocket pair which are the people who made pal world has shown interest in AI in the past so they're saying that it's definitive proof that PO world was made using AI which is [ __ ] ridiculous I also have shown interest in AI I made a video where I was messing around with an AI bot that could apparently generate new Pokémon does that mean everything I make is AI generated no pocket pair also made a game called AI art imposter which contains AI art obviously they clearly disclosed this it's even in the name it's just a cool concept AI Art Is On The Rise and people are having more and more trouble figuring out what's made by humans and what's not so let's make a game about it it's not that deep there's nothing inherently wrong with AI it's only wrong when artists have their art stolen without permission to fuel an AI algorithm and if pocket pair did use any AI to make power world it's likely that the AI algorithm was fueled by the design team's own drawings and they're free to do whatever they want with those drawings it's theirs if they want to use AI as a tool to help themselves go for it just as long as they aren't stealing other people's art without permission which we have no proof that they did hworld got a revealed trailer in 2021 but AI art started becoming possible around 2022 a whole year later and keep in mind the AI around that time was not perfect at all in fact it was really scuffed but in that 2021 trailer we saw a ton of pal designs already implemented into the game so since this trailer came out in 2021 let's say it took them about a year to get to this point which would mean that they had to have worked on this in 2020 and AI art was completely unheard of during this time the timeline just doesn't match so until we have definitive proof that power world used AI you guys are just coping un-based claims with a false narrative to fuel your own agenda just stick with the facts a lot of people are claiming that this pal right here called pelsy was made with AI but would you look at that it's right there in the 2021 trailer apologize to kelpy it's so so cute some people keep bringing up this tweet posted by the pocket pair CEO as evidence that they used AI which is dumb he's literally quote retweeting a buzzfeed article talking about Pokémon Ai and like I said before it looks like [ __ ] look at this and tell me you have an idea you don't they're just blobs people are just grasping at straws that aren't there and do some research before you make crazy claims like this guy pal World tweeted about this pal called hang you but this artist was outraged claiming that pal world is Fakemon design which caused a ton of people to get really mad saying that PO World steals all kinds of fakon and many people still believe this to be true and often use it as evidence but this isn't the case at all looking at their Fakemon compared to hangu I can see why they would think poor stole it however doing a little bit of research they would soon realize that hangu actually predates their fake mod design by two whole years meaning that hangu came first they later went back on their claims saying that they didn't steal their design and like I said people still use this as quote unquote proof that pal World steals Fakemon it's purely just a coincidence I'm pretty sure palor only looked at Pokémon for inspiration just like the Fakemon artist did but apparently it's fine when a Fakemon artist takes inspiration obviously I'm saying this because people are being extremely hypocritical it's fine for Fakemon artists to take inspiration from Pokémon just like how it's fine for power world to do the same as soon as people found out that the Fakemon artist made their design after Poor everyone dropped their Pitchfork and didn't care anymore and I'm not saying the fakon artist is at fault the point I'm trying to make is that if this game was made by a bunch of Pokémon fans and this was a fan game nobody would have a problem with it in fact many of you hating on it would be praising it some people are saying that maybe the fake mon artist will hang you some people are defending him though saying how would he be able to rip off poor if he didn't even know it existed that's the point I'm trying to make he didn't know about poor and palor world didn't know about his design no nobody is at fault here it's just a coincidence people can come up with similar designs and this is just proof of that but if you still want to claim that they take fakon designs then why don't we direct our attention towards the Pokémon company because there are multiple instances of them doing this this is a Fakemon designed by bulby boy it's called dolate and it has two different forms it was designed in 2020 hm isn't that strange it looks very similar to palan who debuted in 2022 the Pokémon company stole this I mean it has to be true they're both dolphins with heart designs with an alternate form that makes them look buff or what about this one Diego monster lab created this pepper Fakemon in 2021 and scovillain debuted in 2022 Pokémon stole this as well they're both pepper Pokémon with two heads standing on two feet with two of the heads showing two different emotions here we have vivara from the AIS Fakemon region created in 2021 which looks very similar to tantula who debuted in 2022 they're both insect looking things with a string cocoon bold thing on top of them but everyone turns a blind eye when Pokémon supposedly steals designs do I truly think that Pokémon stole these Fakemon designs no I don't but I'm flipping the logic many people apply to power world and applying it to Pokémon if you refuse to acknowledge these instances you're a hypocrite and are just looking for reasons to be mad people can have similar ideas that's just an inevitability people keep creating these charts to show what parts of a pal resemble a Pokémon and it's really stupid it's so easy to take a design and just nitpick the [ __ ] out of it trying to draw any similarities to anything let's try it out on some Pokémon here is Gengar huh that's weird it looks like bur baby from Dragon Quest they're both Blobby creatures with spikes on them and a big smile see neeran closely resembles spiked hair from Dragon Quest as well they're both purple Mouse creatures with big bunny ears and a horn on its head this is dobermon from Digimon a black and brown dog that sort of resembles a hellhound that debuted in 2001 a year before Houndoom who looks very similar to dobermon and they're both hell hounds crazy right this is a fire rabbit Fakemon that's weird it looks like a Chespin and Baner fusion with an added fire typing this is just straight up a robot Heracross from Digimon shellmon is just a pink creature with a shell on its back just like slow bro you can even use this logic against other Pokémon people did this many years ago when they saw the leaked final evolutions of the generation 5 starters they compared samarat to Dialga Superior to Milotic and embor to rip perior it's so easy Pokémon doesn't own any animals or Elemental animals they don't own the idea of a Firefox or a plant girl or a witch hat a Pokémon and a pal can have the same idea just like how a Fakemon and a Pokémon can have the same idea people keep asking to see concept art for pal world since they think everything is AI generated and I haven't seen anyone talk about this so here's some concept art for pal world that can be found in Pocket pe's Discord server and I got to say the concept art goes hard we have some right here for the protagonist here's some for the bosses and they look sick I really like this one too she's so pretty here's concept art for the boss room and this is a really cool concept art of the black marketeer I love it so much we don't have any concept art release for the pals though which is what people mainly want to see and while looking for answers I came across this message in the Discord server apparently they don't want to show concept art for Pals for a number of reasons which I think is strange but again that doesn't necessarily prove anything it's just weird maybe they didn't want to show the concept art with the Pokémon they drew in inspiration from because of legal trouble or maybe it's under NDA nobody really knows people are also saying that they stole models from Pokémon which if true would be plagiarism but I don't think they did this because one why go through all the trouble to avoid copyright just to end up ripping models and two a wolf Pokémon is going to look like a wolf pal at the end of the day they're both based on the same animal and three Pokémon would have already done something by now I saw this funny tweet where someone took Mario and Sonic's model and overlaid them over each other and said looks like Sega has some explaining to do which perfectly describes what people are doing right now the guy who is comparing power world's models to Pokémon even admits that they weren't exact and that they were scaling them to fit better even if they did let Pokémon's lawyers deal with this you guys need to stop meat riding game freaks so hard you don't work for them they don't know or care about you this isn't your fight to fight if this hurts Pokémon that's their own damn problem I am a Pokémon YouTuber but I won't let my Pokémon bias take over and start sucking them off I love this series a ton but they're more than cap capable of doing what needs to be done if it even infringes on their copyright in the first place I'm hoping as a result they'll improve their games even just a little Pokémon essentially has a monopoly over the monster catching genre nobody's ever able to compete with them so they're just going to keep doing the same [ __ ] and not improve and everyone is going to keep buying their game cuz they're the most popular one as a consumer competition is good to have so let Pokémon deal with that and if they don't do anything they didn't have a case to begin with trust me Nintendo's lawyers will stop at nothing to get their way do I I think this is going to be the Pokémon killer everyone's saying it will be hell no again power world is just so drastically different from Pokémon in so many ways that saying it's going to Dethrone Pokemon is really stupid that's like saying because of Minecraft success Pokemon is going to get dethroned it makes no sense even if it was a turn-based RPG like Pokémon I still think Pokemon would come out unscathed Pokemon is the most successful series of all time nobody could cause a dent no matter how hard they tried what I ultimately hope ends up happening is that the Pokémon company sees the success of power world and tries to one up them I highly doubt that's going to happen but I Can Dream okay if you're a complete Pokémon elitist and just put down power world claiming it's a ripoff give it a chance you can't call something a ripoff and then name like 30 things that are different those are 30 reasons why it's not a ripoff it's like claiming that Digimon is a ripoff of Pokémon when it's not same with yo-kai watch they're all creature catching games but they're unique in their own way being in the same genre doesn't make it a ripoff this type of thing always happens when yo-kai watch first came out I remember hearing Pokémon fans whine and whine calling it a ripoff when the game play is very different same thing with genin impact when it first released everyone was calling it a breath of the wild ripoff when they're nothing alike people just tend to get really Territorial and defensive of whatever series they're a fan of and it's annoying the two can coexist if you don't like the game that's fine don't play it why is it so popular though I think the reason it's so immensely popular is because it finally does something different with the creature catching genre for decades it's more less just been a turn-based RPG and while I do like turn-based RPGs it's something a lot of people find really boring that's why there's such a divide between Nintendo and Pokémon fans it's really strange like of course there's people who play both like me but there's a ton of Nintendo fans who have never played a Pokémon game in their life because the turnbas combat just doesn't appeal to them and that's okay so palor decided to completely throw the turn-based concept out of the window and if Pokémon really wanted to they could do that as well imagine a realtime Pokémon battle where you take control of your Pokémon similar to pokon tournament I think that would be a really cool and interesting way to innovate Pokémon battling while I do love the strategy part of Pokémon battling there really isn't that much strategy involved in single player you can just more or less spam the a button and come out and scathe each time it's mindless it's boring it's repetitive people just want something new at this point it's a big ask I know I'm just throwing ideas at a dart board here but what about the VGC well I'm glad you ask I've been saying this for so long now but Pokémon just needs to make their own version of Pokémon Showdown already it'll give everyone a fair advantage since they all have the same tools nobody can cheat and it also eliminates the part everyone hates about BGC you can just build a team fight and get it over with why have others failed I think the reason games like temptem failed is because they tried to replicate Pokémon to a te but pal World took a step in an entirely New Direction keeping the experience fresh and exciting tempt is just another turn-based monster catching RPG so why play that when you can just play Pokémon you can't really say the same about po world because of how radically different the two games are so it'll coexist no matter matter what will they get sued I'm not a legal expert or anything at all but I don't think pal world is getting sued especially now that they're working directly with Xbox I think Pokemon is trying to threaten them as a scary tactic but what can Pokemon really do the game play is both radically different the designs while similar are different enough to where you can distinguish the two and not get confused there's no real case to be made here they just got a cope if Pokemon was that defensive about their series Digimon yo-kai watch and temptem would be long gone by now what can Pokemon do next I'm not saying Pokémon Needs to Go full survival mode and let you build houses and farms and give your Pokémon guns I just think that they need to polish their game it isn't that power world is more fun than Pokémon the point people are mainly trying to get across is that some random Indie Dev team was able to make this it runs smoothly and tries to do something new people just want a polished experience not something that's just a half-ass cash grab the main takeaway the Pokémon company needs to understand from people loving power world is that they just need to refine their game every other Nintendo game is polished refined with no glaring issues but you can't say the same with Pokémon apparently game freak claims that they don't have enough people to work on their games then hire more people there's no reason why they can't they basically print money hiring more people would benefit everyone game freak developers don't need to suffer and work twice as hard and the fans get a more polished game they need to work on their environment the world just feels empty even the towns like I said earlier you can't enter any of the houses which is just so strange the graphics and animations need to be improved as well I'm not one of those people who think Pokémon needs to look hyper realistic with ultra 4K Graphics but they really need to step up their game just a little bit I think it can easily be fixed with just some stylized identity Legends archus looks pretty nice although I didn't like the warm lighting it's still looks nice the animations are again something that definitely needs to be fixed with over 1,000 Pokémon out there it's only going to get harder from here but they seriously need to work on this and they have glo's water cannons actually work like water cannons now which is great and I think the most important one is optimization oh my God please for the love of God optimize the next Pokémon game the main takeaway people get from scarlet and violet is bad FPS means bad game but the game isn't bad it's just poorly optimized these are the basic fundamentals of a game and before they can truly innovate and try new things they need to fix those basic principles first then maybe after we can start getting voice acting because the cut scenes are really awkward without it maybe even a new style of gameplay or just overall more stuff the reason I'm so hard on Pokemon is because I love this series to death and I want the best for it so seeing this random Indie Dev team make Pokemon better than Pokemon is just kind of sad I think a big part of the reason why Pokemon has been struggling so much on the switch is not because the switch can't handle it but because every big Pokemon title on switch has used a completely different engine we had the let's go games which had their own engine sword and shield which had their own engine Legends archus again their own engine and now scarlet and violet which of course had a new engine they just need to polish one and stick to it for a while that's more or less what they did in the past with Generation 3 in its remix Gen 4 in its remix and Gen 5 along with its sequels this would help them a ton you know they can actually focus on working on other things instead of building an engine from the ground up every time I've never heard people talk about this aspect of Game Freak which makes me think that maybe they're just not aware and of course this is me just speculating I could be completely wrong on this but as an outsider this is what it looks like to me looking into how game freak operates while we would absolutely adore an open world Pokémon game with stunning Graphics voice acting level scaling a good story and soundtrack with tons to do it's never going to happen which is a shame but it's true I think what most players want desperately is just a polished open world Pokémon game that doesn't feel like it was put together in a hurry if this random [ __ ] company can produce something this fun and Innovative the Pokemon company has no excuse why they can't do something better I'm not saying that power world is perfect and can't do no wrong I agree that ver Das is way too similar to cinderace I mean just look at them Pokemon doesn't own the idea of an elemental rabbit but they do own the design and everything down to the pose shorts and body is just a poor copy a zuro just straight up stole primarina's hair and while it isn't an exact one toone model rip the similarities here are undeniable I'm not entirely sure what the legality of stealing a hair design is but since it's not a model rip I think they're technically okay Grint tail has Garian me's face like straight up which to be fair it's a pretty simple face but there's no denying that's that's just hilar in me's face yeah stuff like that pal world is at fault for but I think the majority of palor is fine and people are just throwing a fit to throw a fit I also think that most of the people hating on power world are just literal children or Manchild because most of the things they're bashing power for are complete nonsense they're saying things like jol toog is just Shaman have you seen a hedhog are you stupid I think the vast majority of people do like power world and it's just a loud minority that are hating on it because it's a quote unquote Poppy the same people who hated on yo-kai watch what I encourage all of you to do is take a step back and think for yourself look at the evidence conclude if it's concrete and come to your own conclusion don't just blindly bandwagon that doesn't help anyone I have no idea what the like to dislike ratio on this video is going to be since most of my fans are Pokemon fans obviously but I'm hoping at least some of you have reconsidered your thoughts on power world it's really annoying being a part of a fan base that just blindly attacks people so I want to do my best to dispel any rumors and educate the Pokémon Community if I at least changed one person's mind that's enough for me I still love Pokémon to death but I like pal world too and I'm sure others feel the same way so to get a better understanding of what people think of Po world I decided to go survey and ask people what they think for their own safety they will be kept Anonymous what do you think of pal world I think everybody should give it a chance before bashing it I was just about it at first too but now I really like it bro power old PE I show you bro man power Pokemon it don't matter to me as long as the animals are hot that's all I care about what the [ __ ]
Channel: TheRogueRenegade
Views: 31,620
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: theroguerenegade, pokemon, palworld, palword rip off, pokemon clone, pokmon
Id: 95iVD1fzt5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 1sec (1921 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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