The Youtuber Who Stole Her Entire Identity | Poppy vs Mars Argo

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๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 6 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/ensorcellled ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Nov 19 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
if you've been on the Internet at all you've probably heard of poppy or at least seen some of her clips or maybe you have a life and you haven't but either way poppy is this girl who has become an internet popstar through her weird style and unique videos she's gained millions of views and a cult-like following of fans over the past five years but today we're gonna take a look at how this entire persona may have been stolen from another girl years ago this is poppy verse Mars Argo [Music] [Music] hi everyone it's me Titanic Sinclair I'm a director and I make videos before we dive in this video is sponsored by Adam and Eve if you don't know Adam and Eve is a huge adult story that's been around forever and I actually have a joke with my friends that in ten years I'm gonna be selling toys on my kitchen floor like Trisha Paytas so I had to get the ball rolling with this sponsor Adam and Eve gave us a 50% off code premium for one item off plus free shipping to us in Canada if you have a 90 day no hassle return and the coolest part is 20 percent of their profits go to fighting the spread of HIV around the globe it's a great deal it's a great cause go have fun not while you're watching me though here creeps let's start with the basics who is poppy before poppy became what she is today back in 2011 she started off as a normal girl who was aspiring to make it in the music industry she had an old channel called Mariah poppy where she would upload vlogs and her music this old channel had a lot of personal random videos on them they gave me the vibe of a normal youtuber in that time period just uploading whatever they felt like with no rhyme or reason over these years Mariah didn't have a breakthrough moment with her singing but then all of a sudden in late 2014 a major shift happened with Mariah I On January 1st can you see the difference what's happening to me I'll be okay in an instant all of her videos were deleted most of these videos have been wiped completely from the internet with no trace whatsoever this was done very intentionally I've heard that poppy takes down any clips of her old videos quite often I might even get in trouble just for showing these clips poppy you better not touch my video you little ai freak during the shift she also changed her channel and stage name from being Mariah poppy to just poppy or that poppy now this new poppy was very strange sir entire style had changed she went from being a very sweet and relatable girl into becoming this almost robot like character today we're going to learn how to play the Pete chord she began talking in a high pitch ASMR like voice and started uploading videos that didn't seem to make any sense the video seemed pointless but from a marketing sense these videos were being used to create a mystery so that in return the audience would share the video around and Poppy's music would get free promotion it's kind of like that creepy ice cream commercial from years ago I eat little babies ice cream it keeps me young this video really isn't about ice cream it's just a weird video that people would share to the grandmas and maybe a small percentage would look into getting the actual ice cream this advertising method works very well companies use it all the time especially during the Superbowl that's we should get all the weird ones in poppy was now using this method to promote her music as the years went on the video started to gain a direction instead of being completely random they started to tell a story though the story is very abstract when you decipher that you realize that in these videos poppy was hoping fun at the music industry critiquing how celebrities are seen as objects that are easily replaced and simply used to make money you are just a puppet for the you are fake and plastic just like every other girl in Hollywood it was a really interesting concept she became this anti celebrity eventually poppy started to gain a ton of traction the weirdness attracted thousands of viewers who had a very diehard love for poppy I'm gonna be honest a good chunk of her fans are kind of psychotic they remind me of the BTS fans on Twitter don't talk bad about them because they'll go take you out there insane I mean I love them don't find me everyone was trying to figure out what was going on with the strange poppy girl or makes sense of what she was trying to convey YouTube channels even started being fully dedicated to solving her mystery everyone wanted to know who poppy was and a fun fact just to show you how secretive poppy is of her past all of her social media accounts are blocked from being searched on the wayback machine which is a website that lets you see a webpage as it was years ago so they basically blocked the public of seeing anything to do with hoppy before 2014 they are trying extremely hard to cleanse the Internet of Priya poppy media they want to keep this mystery going poppy has now been doing this for over five years with amazing success she's released countless songs and I could safely say she's claimed her place as an Internet hop star but soon whispers of a darker story started to appear down I've been everywhere I'm alright now this is where the story gets a bit weird in 2009 four years before poppy appeared there was a girl named Mars our go now Mars Argo was also a girl aspiring to be a singer and just like poppy she made these bizarre videos to promote her music welcome to our computer show and Mars Argo the series of videos were called computer show and I think it's pretty clear to see that the videos were quite similar to Poppy's and the moonship's they had the same voice the same style the same quirkiness they both were artists there was even a few times in Poppy's videos where she would play in lis reference Mars are goes work I'm so sorry but I have to get go just like poppy Mars Argo gained a cult-like following through these videos and can I just say kind of random but I really like Mars argoes music like I know I'm supposed to be unbiased here but music wise I think I'm team Mars Argo I'm sorry papi and here you're a bit creepy so Mars are ghost videos went on for about five years and she released multiple songs just like poppy her career was on a steady rise but one day the videos just stops the last video to appear on the channel was called day of retribution and in the video Mars reads the transcript of a mass killers to suicide note tomorrow is the day of retribution the day I will have my revenge against humanity against all of you it's a little creepy I gotta say along with the stop and videos Mars Argo also seemed to vanish from all her social media everything became frozen in time and sometime after that all the videos were deleted from her channel except for three nearly the exact same time Mars vanish is when poppy first appear and that's why this was so weird it was like this very unique person just vanished and then almost instantaneously a girl exactly like her appears [Music] but there seemed to be a simple answer to all these questions if you looked in the description of any of the videos by Mars Argo and poppy you will see that they both were directed by a man named titanic sinclair and he's actually seen in a lot of the bars argo videos now this makes sense they were both directed by the same man though of course they would have a similar style it would also explain why Papi's videos sometimes referenced Mars Argo it was like Titanic's way to pay tribute to his previous projects kind of how like et made an appearance in Star Wars I later found out that Mars Argo and Titanic were actually a couple during the time of their show and apparently the reason it ended was because they broke up apparently there was a now-deleted tweet by titanic sinclair saying that poppy was his new project but he was still gonna work on mars Argo they just needed some time separated because they broke up so at the end of the day this all seemed like a simple explanation as to why poppy in Mars Argo were so similar it also explains what happened to Mars Argo and where she went it was a case solved mystery over but Mars Argo never did make a return and years later we are let in on a very dark reason as to why with the empty promise of Mars argoes return left unfilled the mystery of where she went began to grow again it had now been nearly five years since she vanished and the chances of getting any closure grew more and more slim but shockingly in 2018 Mars Argo came out of the shadows to file a lawsuit against titanic sinclair and toffee now this shocked almost everyone like I said before it just seemed like a bad breakup happened between Mars and Titanic but suddenly we are being told that there was bad blood and everyone was shook so in this lawsuit Mars Argo claimed that poppy and Titanic copied her entire identity she even claimed poppy dyed her hair the same color and high-end the [ __ ] of her voice to match hers which I can confirm Papi's voice is a lot higher now than it was in older videos politics I like politics it was all very strange one of the most shocking allegations in the lawsuit was that Titanic had been abusing Mars Argo physically and mentally for years during and after their show had ended the lawsuit was a lot it was like fifty pages I've read all of it but I'm just gonna go over the highlights I'll leave a link to the full one whoever wants to read it it's interesting go do it go read a book boys so from the beginning Mars Argo and Titanic met on MySpace and began dating shortly after in 2009 they started their computer show and Mars claims that Titanic would belittle her during this time she says she thinks this was a way to keep her under his control he would call her old and say that she needed him to be successful or that he could replace her at any time and if she ever did try to work on something independently he would talk down into the projects to make her feel untrusting in the people she was going to work with and then after she lost her confidence in a project he would help her write the letters to turn the project's down keeping her trapped with him in 2014 after years of working on the computer show she discovered Titanic was cheating on her after confronting him she decided to break off the relationship but still wanted to continue the Mars Argo show with him strictly as professionals but Titanic didn't accept this breakup very well Mars goes on to say how he began harassing stalking threatening and abusing her she says he would repeatedly show up to her house unannounced and broke in multiple times through the window one of these times he broke in Mars actually wasn't home so he went on her Facebook to block all of her friends kind of like when an obsessive boyfriend says girlfriend doesn't let you talk to anyone of the opposite sex she only later found out about this incident when she tried to message one of her friends and it just wanted letter another time she says he broke in again drunk and was mad that she joined a Facebook group she says he started smashing her wine glasses on the floor until she told him what the group was Amar's actually has a lot of pictures for all of these incidents which add a lot of credibility to her claims on another day after midnight Mars received a text from Titanic with a picture of him sitting at her front porch with a message reading you probably blah to me so fu can you just imagine your ex taking a picture outside your house at midnight that's a Holocaust Mars now since the computer show project was ending Mars began working on going solo she claims that Titanic ended up hearing about her plans to go solo and in retaliation he went to her home and quote-unquote viciously punched her but to be fair there was no clear evidence of this incident which I thought was very strange because Mars was pretty good at documenting all the other incidents but she didn't document her being punched and another thing I found was that she posted a picture of her in Japan a few days after this incident supposedly happened which makes the time frame a bit strange and not line up correctly out of everything in the lawsuit this was the one thing that didn't sit right with me it seemed a bit off now when this lawsuit came out to the public it went viral and everyone began talking about it and because of that papi actually made a response on Twitter this was one of the only times you'll see papi out of character in the response papi denied all the claims of lawsuits she even said the abuse never happened which is weird because there's no way papi can claim abuse didn't happen in a relationship she was never in you know papi went on to say she's a victim of abuse herself in the slaw suit was hurting her deeply the whole response had a very victim mentality to it and it was trying to paint Mars agro as the manipulator in not Titanic a day after the Twitter response papi uploaded a video to her channel called drama my name is poppy in Hollywood Hollywood could not exist without drama the video in my opinion seemed to be mocking the whole situation and it seemed to take jabs at Mars are go for not being famous to become famous in Hollywood it's not difficult to watch other people become famous the next video papi uploaded seemed even darker what is this which usually doesn't happen get too close given the claims of the lawsuit about Titanic breaking in DeMars Argos house and abusing her in the timing of this upload this video appeared to be mocking those incidents which if that's the case this entire thing is extremely gross remember earlier I said Poppy's videos referenced Mars are ghost videos and it was like a nod to Titanic's previous work well with this new information those references get a darker beating instead of being a way to pay homage to his old work those references now feel like a way that Titanic was showing Mars Argo that he could replace her and that she did need him to succeed like she claimed he had told her it is very dark but don't worry Timmy he gets worse later Mars began a solo project under the new name guppy she registered the domain for guppy fuels and made social media accounts to match the name but while working on this project apparently Titanic got word about it and released a song of his own called guppy and the lyrics seemed to be clearly directed towards Marx now I can't play the song because we're already pushing the limit rock pop he's already gonna kill me because I showed her before she became a robot but here's a snippet of the lyrics I hope you're having fun in your hotel hope you're having fun with all my friends because we both know that you've needed a vacation in la-la land you've been working so hard yeah you probably wanted a break you spend a year doing nothing now you're in New York on holiday creepy later Titanic posted a picture of a creepy drawing with the caption that read I drew my mom Diane tonight I miss my mom which Diane is not Titanic's mother it's Mars's mother the majority of all these incidents happened nearly a year after the two broke up and that just makes them even more creepy and obsessive with no signs of the abuse or harassment stopping Mars stopped posting on all social media and moved away to hide her whereabouts finally she seemed to have been free from Titanic's harassment but even with Mars now gone from the internet Titanic continued to talk about her on his social media hundreds of times up until 2017 of the things he said he claimed he created Mars Argo he claimed she was evil that she gave up he wrote all of her songs she didn't do any of the work all of these tweets are now deleted but I did manage to find some copies at the end of the lawsuit Mars also showed quite a few in census of where it appears poppy is copying her and that basically wraps up what the whole lawsuit was through this lawsuit Mars was seeking a restraining order from Titanic and wanted some reimbursement from poppy and Titanic for copying her work this whole situation went insane everyone started covering it it was a huge story and it was looking pretty good for Mars everyone seemed to be on her side she might have even won the case but shockingly the lawsuit ended up being settled outside of court the settlement papers were also online and I went through all of it I had to do a lot of reading today cuz it was not fun the main agreements in the settlement were Titanic and poppy both agreed to not mention Mars Argo ever again on their social media and they had to cleanse any mention of her that previously had been made which Titanic had to remove over 12,000 tweets it was also agreed that both parties will not acknowledge any wrongdoing going forward so Titanic and poppy could publicly say they did nothing wrong Titanic also agreed to give Mars Argo 100% ownership of the Mars Argo project and all the accounts connected to it Titanic also agreed that he had to get rid of any compromising photos of Mars Argo that he had in the end no money was exchanged and this seems to be the closing chapter for this wild ride of events the media coverage died down Mars Argo had gotten the ownership to her beloved project that and she was now free from any harassment from Titanic so did poppy copy Mars Argo it's undeniable that these two were extremely similar but was it copy I don't know I'm not a lawyer but I do know it is really hard to prove someone's copying someone else especially in a creative sense in says Titanic directed both of these artists couldn't you just say it's just his style so maybe it was the best idea to settle this outside of court Mars got the rights to her work back and she's away from Titanic and on top of that Titanic and poppy can claim innocence so it seemed like a win-win the weirdest thing about this whole situation to me was that almost instantly when it all ended everything we just went back to normal poppy is still making her videos she's still being directed by Titanic and Mars Argo is still inactive with the severity of the claims I kind of expected something more canceled culture must have taken a holiday during all this like nothing happened the irony of this entire situation is that these videos were supposed to be commentary on everything wrong with the industry the manipulation the expendability the controlling of celebrities when at the end of the day Titanic seems to have been guilty of all of these [Music] how's the paper my desk is all [Music]
Channel: Primink
Views: 5,833,729
Rating: 4.9268208 out of 5
Keywords: poppy, mars argo, titanic sinclair, that poppy, i disagree, music, poppy real voice, poppy lawsuit, poppy vs mars argo, moriah poppy, blonde, using you, poppy explained, who is poppy, troll, mystery, unsolved mysteries, thatpoppy, before they were famous, the film theorists, disagree, sumerian, sumerian records, primink, repzilla, stolen identity, low life, guppy
Id: h-UZpM3C-T4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 27sec (1167 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 31 2019
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