ELI (2019) Explained

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howdy folks welcome to found flicks on this ending explain we'll be looking at a recent Netflix original EU lie where the titular young boy becomes trapped in a haunted house while undergoing treatment for a rare disease that synopsis is purposefully vague as this is the kind of movie that works better without knowing too much going into it the easiest description is that it's a cross between the boy and the plastic bubble and Rosemary's Baby and as far as Netflix originals are concerned this one was pretty good it has some nice production design and atmosphere all taking place in one sprawling location with some decent scares and Kelly Reilly is dependable as always as Eli's mother and the kid playing the trouble to Eli was pretty good too suffice to say that it's a well-crafted enough yarn but doesn't feel like it's doing anything new much of his story plays with what is real or delusion in Eli's visions of ghosts as well as exploring deeper themes throughout about trust faith and the truth which also turns out to be extremely important as who Li can trust or who is telling the truth chips back and forth constantly over the course of the story all building up towards a massive twist ending that those aforementioned themes help reinforce leading up to those final climactic moments so we'll be digging into how the story develops into the supernatural exploring Eli's character arc and how it relates to the importance of truth as well as explaining the many mysteries raised and how we get to the big twist ending young Eli appears to have an autoimmune disorder which has recently grown in severity to the level of needing to keep him entirely isolated in his own tiny be contaminated bubble haunted by the same nightmare he sees himself outside and free for the first time suddenly stopped in his tracks coughing and choking his skin turning red like he's being burned so if that's what will happen if he goes outside yeah it's definitely safer in the bubble but there is fresh hope of a cure for his disease radical treatments performed by a doctor horn which Eli's parents Rose and Paul have decided to give a try even though it is at exorbitant expense to the family they're willing to try any potential to get rid of his disease no matter the cost cheapish Eli is afraid for his upcoming journey but his mother promises them that the treatment will cure him so he suits up for the trip and it has met suit making sure to properly seal all the openings with tape don't want anything getting in along the way to dr. horns facility and when leaving in a suit some real super cool dude start rousing on setting off fireworks that causes him to trip and get a rip in his suit his mom there to quickly help patch it up and getting him to calm down by thinking of his dream birthday and imagining himself blowing out the candles and to make a wish which seems to work this routine being something that happens quite a bit Andros is always able to stop Eli's fear by the way I'm not sure these guys are in any position to be making fun of anyone hanging outside a gross trailer in a motels parking lot in the middle of the day real winners over here pulling away it's worth noting a billboard they pass which is all about being truthful he who tells lies shall be punished which is an extremely important aspect to the story going forward just who is telling the truth the little Eli pretty much no one it turns out and this is an early sign of the religious connotations to the story that frequently pop up as we come to see getting our first sample of this theme in the car ride magic loving Eli tries to impress his mom with a car trick and correctly guessed her card out of a full deck and when pulling one out she's like Hello that's totally my card how'd you do that obviously lying to the boy did not let him down but already lies have become a dominant part of Eli's life which he doesn't understand at this point arriving at a fog and shroud a giant Gothic mansion it's much more high-tech than the exterior would lead you to believe the doors opening to a decontamination chamber sending Eli in first and then warmly greeted by dr. Horne and her two nurses she encourages Eli to remove his suit as the entire house is decontaminated and free of all germs but he is initially hesitant being so used to living in his bubble to be safe he's quite informed of his supposed disease and horn fills his parents in on her treatment viral gene therapy that can correct his disease with an encoded virus well that's a lot of total nonsense but it sure sounds good Rose is interested in just how many patients he's actually saved Horan doesn't quite answer only promising to make him better yeah they're all dead aren't they taken to his room they have another surprise that would be quite a big deal for Eli purified water so that he could safely take a shower and after Rose says he can trust dr. Horne Eli finally agrees to remove his suit which is quite an emotional experience for the boy and his mom to finally able to lock hands for real rather than on separate sides of a plastic barrier a stoic as usual Paul offers a cursory hug huh seems like it would be a bigger deal to him wonder what that's all about dismissing it as just having a lot on his mind the subject turns back to faith telling Paul that he has to have faith the treatment will work any sternly adamant that he's always been a faithful man based on first impressions it does seem that horn is here to help little Eli but that night the first signs appear that perhaps not all is right in her home what looks like breath appears on his window and then four finger marks appear in the fog sending a terrified Eli to sleep in his parents room he later mentions it to horn asking if he was sleeping or awake and he's not sure so perhaps it was all in his mind and this does seem to be the case mentioning bad dreams being a side effect of the medication there you go it's totally normal nothing to worry about they begin with Stage one out of three of Eli's treatment having to leave his parents behind taken to an operating room in another wing he's understandably scared wanting to know the details of the procedure and we getting strapped into the gurney and a big hinge put on the side of his head I can't say I blame him she mentions her other patients being just like him with failing immune systems and that at the core it's the body fighting itself unable to produce the correct stem cells her programmed virus will supposedly reset his system to work correctly guess we'll just have to see about that won't we on the way to losing consciousness in the reflection of the equipment someone appears with red eyes and burnt skin groaning as he passes out our first glimpse of a full-on spirit either that or his hallucinations are getting worse after another nightmare he breathes on the window this time in response a rock smashes into the glass it's local girl Haley who he saw on the way in she knows off the bat that he's sick since he's in here asking if he's allergic to the outside world and never been outside which is right on the money and it seems that she's made friends with previous patients here before Eli he tries to show off a card trick but she's not impressed showing him a real trick of lighting a twig on fire with her mind but turns around to perform the trick leaving Eli asking where the match was she coyly replies a magician never reveals her secrets and that some things you just have to figure out on your own that's his entire jour here he invites her inside but she's wary of the place feeling something off about it and apparently dr. horn isn't a fan of her for some reason whom she refers to as shifty allowed thud and crackling electricity stops him at a room with everything covered in sheets seeing a girl there in the darkness her disturbingly broken back shooting straight who then appears in the hall chasing after him but when jumping right on top of him she's gone still seeing her broken shadow behind him the curtains open and it's Paul scolding him for wandering the house on his own at dinner the ever overly faithful rose does a prayer of appreciation for this opportunity and for dr. horn but Eli is sure that he saw someone else his mom is able to again appeal to his worries understanding how all this would be overwhelming for his mind and body which is enough to convince him to return horns IV drip to his arm continuing to have complete faith in his mother and what she promises although there continues to be more substantial evidence of other spirits in the house the closet door creaks open turning to the curtain where there appears to be someone hiding inside even though there are no feet touching the ground no one is there when he pulls back the curtain so he returns to the window writing his name which is erased and changed to lie once again it's all about the truth and who you can trust his force wants Eli to know that that isn't really who he is in the mirrors reflection a girl at the window keeps teleporting around the room her hands seen on the door he falls to the ground somebody flipping him over which is his dad again trying to bring him back from his delusion casting further doubt on what Eli is experiencing is actually real or all in his head Horn is positive it's the medication responsible and warns Paul that things will actually get worse before they get better especially after procedure - this time they place a vise around his head giving him another injection his skin turning aggravated and red more casually saying this is supposed to happen they shaved the back of his head and forming him they have no other choice but to penetrate drilling ride into his skull just relax kid drone in your skull no big deal get over it unfortunately according to horn the treatment caused a reaction and Eli is convinced that she is actually making him sicker he wants to leave but his dad lays out his options leave and stay sick forever or stay here and get better well when you put it that way yet the possible super actual activity gets more severe he convinces himself it's not real although a shadow reaching for him proves otherwise the door out stuck he takes refuge in the armoire which is violently thrown around and tell toppling over when he crawls out the door is shattered and lie lie lie scrawled repeatedly into the wood his parents along with Horan bust in and assumed that Eli did it but this time it really does point more towards something else as how could he knock the armoire over like that let alone damage it while inside however no one believes him to his frustration horn specifically saying none of their previous patients have mentioned ghosts liar liar liar which is quickly proven in his next conversation with Haley who recalls a previous patient Perry that said he also saw ghosts despite what Horne said you eye is shattered as his parents had told him he could trust Horne but Haley scoffs as maybe his parents aren't always truthful with him either oh man everyone's a liar according to Perry the longer he was in the house the more active the spirits became and she last saw him on the verge of the final procedure which Eli is about to undergo sounding like he's in the exact same boat as the ill-fated previous patient the spirits returned definitely more than one this time as seen in the reflection the only place they're visible and dragged into the front door decontamination zone opening the front door oh now the germs the others quickly get him back inside and when mentioning Perry we see visible distress on horns face rose again tries to calm him down with her usual birthday routine but it doesn't work this time he liked growing more upset and smashing his hand in the glass now knowing that he can't even trust his own parents he later comes to overhearing Paul and Horne discussing a situation saying that he's not accepting the treatment Paul asking there's no other choice at this point Rose joins them and they quickly change the subject making it clear that Paul and horn have their own secret agenda that even Rose isn't aware of they all still agree that stage 3 of the procedure is the only way to go and wanting Eli to get some sleep Rose offers to be the one to get him to take the pill they have a tender conversation Eli knowing that his dad doesn't believe him but she reveals that it was Paul who found dr. Horne in the first place so it must have been with good intentions right no don't think so she does believe that he is seeing things but clarifies not real and does a little magic trick to produce a sleeping pill from behind his ear he appears to take it and fall back right into his mom's control but as we're starting to see he doesn't trust her either and in fact did not take the pill staring at the still knocked over armoire looking at it upside down the letters take on different meaning three-one-seven and he now believes the spirits are actually trying to help him and not harm him communicating with him to uncover the truth about what's going on waiting until late in the night he sneaks down to the medical wing and presses in code three-one-seven which turns out to be correct entering horns office after using his lock-picking skill from the magician's book he finds his own case file along with several others each shows their clear downward progression with each treatment and each time after round three they are dead meaning literally none of them were actually saved meanwhile Rose also learns the truth about horns track record Paul admits that with each treatment there is a risk a chance of helping but also a chance of failure Rose is blindsided to learn this as he specifically told her that Horne had saved every one of her patients she was presented with a sure thing but the reality it turns out as much murkier furious he lied to her he turns it back on her wondering how he can blame him for anything after what she ended the argument wakes dr. Horne Eli nearly getting caught as she passes by by the time he makes it to his parents room they're gone screaming that they have to leave and Rose is already packing up the car to go but an insistent horn is sure that she can still save him as long as Rose is by her side more lies always lies everybody lied to everybody but the blindly faithful Rose goes along with her anyway still hopeful for any chance no matter how small to help you I well his father does feel the same way reminiscing with the boy over time they played catch outside considering the possibility that it could ever happen again although he's still working on horns side this all a trick and injects him with a sedative as horn in the nurses emerge and snatch him up screaming and thrashing they're halted by a sudden loud rumble outside their car scene exploded he's able to break away hiding in another back room there in a photo finding the truth about who horn really is in the picture we see her along with her two nurses and they're actually nuns meaning this whole thing is definitely a religious situation the implication being that is possessed with evil following a bug he discovers a secret passage in a seam in the wall cool this leads down to a hidden ritualistic chamber which houses a large wooden cover with religious symbols adorning it and a crucifix on display horn locks him inside saying they have to keep him down there because he knows but Rose doesn't want to leave him in there seeing you I begin to hyperventilate and his skin burned he wakes up later completely fine breathing normally and understands that he has been lied to banging on the cage that he's not sick growing angrier the lights began to flicker it appears that he's the one actually responsible for the many recent electrical oddities they are ready for the final procedure but Rose insists on speaking with Eli first she apologizes to him and confirms that he was never actually allergic to the outside it admits that this is all her fault not his proposing to explain everything after the third treatment seeing Eli slumped lifeless by the well container thing she becomes worried and goes inside to check on him it's just a ruse him attacking his mom with the crucifix and escaping using what amounts to newfound powers he's able to cause his pursuing dad to slip on the floor taking refuge in the sunroom Haley is somehow there eli tries to bust his way out the windows with a fire extinguisher outside hearing paul telling him and that he doesn't understand what's happening dragged away Haley encouraging to not be afraid it seems like she knows a lot more about what's going on here Rose comes to in the dungeon sliding off the manhole cover and finding several of the children's bodies inside which surprises her this again makes it clear that while she did know way more than she let on to her son there are still secrets that Paul was keeping as well clearly the intent is to kill Eli never intending to actually help him taking a knife she finds in the basement she confronts Horne demanding to know why she said she could save him when the others are dead she genuinely says that she thought she could and says that the gene therapy would have worked if Eli wasn't so strong still thinking he could be saved Rose wants to leave and for some stupid reason trust that Paul will help her handing him the knife who immediately passes it to Horne oh well yeah you can't trust this guy that much is clear at this point lady eli becomes upset again the lights angrily flickering as a result presenting a book adorned with the same symbol from the manhole cover thing donning it religious she begins to pray sprinkling him with holy water which burns him just like the treatments did which we now know is what they were injecting him with and also what was in the IV and they appear to be trying to exorcise the evil from within him telling the master of Lies to be gone all right Satan is the master of Lies something we've seen prevalently throughout the movie almost at every turn really can't trust nobody Paul holds Rose back as Horne takes the dagger hoping that it offers peace and forgiveness going to stab Eli but she gets stopped inches above him Eli concentrating to hold her back and turns the knife on her he then sends his his restraints away tumbling off the table his pupils turning red and screaming sending everyone and a bunch of stuff flying through the air the nurses finding the door sealed shut he points a finger turning them around and lifts them into the air turning them upside down into reverse crucifix formation around him and his mom finally getting down to brass tacks about the truth he asks what he is rose only saying their son and perhaps showing this needs further clarification he sets the nurses on fire Rose bears her soul and reveals her great mistake born out of desperation she wanted a child more than anything but getting no answer from the Lord turned downstairs for a different source of hope as in the devil who was kind enough to answer her call he naturally promised that Eli wouldn't turn out to be an evil devil baby but as we know and have experienced repeatedly the devil lies as does everyone else it seems is that the whole big lie thing I've been talking about it's pretty much throughout the whole movie Paul about to get him in the back Eli puts a stop to that crushing his faux father's face and on itself which was pretty cool and pretty gross he angrily turns to his mother who is an emotional nerve at this point asking for his forgiveness Eli considers before yanking the cross from her neck forcing her to renounce her faith in the Lord and turn it to a different deity walking out of the room his footprints leave behind flames which set fire to the house as he struts outside his eyes turned back to normal and after a few nice breaths of oxygen his skin burns fade to normal as well he smiles for the first time at peace with who he is after being lied to his entire life joined by his quite perturbed looking mother along with another new ally waiting for him Haley proudly reiterating that she knew he was stronger than the others now also confirmed by her she says the other spirits he saw in the house more previous children of the devil including Haley herself her eyes briefly flashing red wishing she could have told him from the beginning she stresses what she said before that they have to each walk their own path to find who they are and also they aren't allowed to set each other free daddy having a whole thing about having to earn their place that was his entire character journey over the course of the movie as we saw she offers that she can take him to see their father and looking over to Rose ask if he can really trust her she sheepishly holds out a jacket telling him is cold out and helping him put it on she really did want a kid that bad even if he is a spawn of Satan she's still at this point willing to fulfill her matronly duties even driving the kids to go meet Satan which sounds like it would be pretty awkward I mean we don't know the specifics of how she was impregnated by the devil but since this seems to Omashu Rosemary's Baby it could have been the devil himself that did the deed in a weird way kind of making him Rose's X which a reunion of would be a little more than awkward it on a flip from the beginning of the film a shell-shocked Rose can't get the car started and this time it's a newly confident Eli that calls her down going through the same birthday routine which works to ease her tension and get the car started heading off into the night the house completely ablaze and will no doubt burn down completely so just to clarify where everyone stood in the story because it does change quite a bit throughout the spirits that Eli saw were indeed real and were those of horns previous patients other devil babies just like him and for each the treatment led to their demise and they actually were trying to help Eli avoid their same fates however when it comes to horn coming from a religious background the intent is to stop evil from spreading which is a righteous thing to do and they do actually appear to be trying to find a way to cure these children of their evil thrill injections of holy water another bullshit which never actually seems to work so with each patient cheat ends up having no choice but to kill them and toss them in the well thing in the basement hey at least they're not out in the world causing more destruction which is obviously what they're hoping to achieve even if it does result in their so-called patients deaths now when it comes to his parents from birth they knew he was a child of Satan and from what we can tell it was rose specifically that reached out to the evil side of things her a normally extremely Christian woman who was given no comfort from God it must have been an especially difficult choice to even consider reaching out to Satan and we see throughout in her ex faithful ways that shield was needed to be overcompensating for what she now realizes was a huge mistake in some way for Paul he could see the writing on the wall and was with horn that even if the treatment met Eli's death ultimately that would be best for the world it only had some consideration that salvation was even possible even lying to Rose this whole time about his intentions he said she could cure him when he knew that wasn't the case but his perspective becomes more complicated when considering that Rose did make a deal with the devil without his knowledge so yeah he probably feels a little justified and not telling her the whole truth about things although as was established quite early on with the Billboard those that lie will be punished which ultimately befell everyone in Eli's path and it was only by learning that he can truly only trust himself that he was able to tap into that darkness within him and at least for his specific situation become who he was destined to be an overpowered evil demon baby this brings us to the conclusion of this ending explained on Eli well not the freshest take on a devil baby story it still was a sturdy enough addition to the genre and overall I did like it and it did have a bit more depth to it though matically than I was anticipating which I always do appreciate now before we go don't forget you can send me requests for any movies or TV shows you'd like to see me explain by sending them my way on any of my social media accounts at foundlings thanks guys what did you guys think of Eli and its ending where do you see the story going from here let me know your thoughts in the comments below make sure to LIKE subscribe and follow thanks for watching conflicts see you next time
Channel: FoundFlix
Views: 1,642,545
Rating: 4.940351 out of 5
Keywords: eli 2019, eli netflix, eli ending explained, eli explained, ending, explained, explanation, twist, netflix, halloween netflix, trailer, clip, final scene, end scene, meaning, eli meaning, kelly reilly, sadie sink, foundflix ending explained, foundflix
Id: PBwaRAd9b5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 17sec (1277 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 30 2019
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