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he he really desperately wants to be looked at in a way where he can feel as though he's like the savior of people where he's like I am this positive role model and I'm doing all these great things for kids you know when in reality he's giving very terrible advice which is oh yeah like yeah open open text messages from strangers and like here watch me dart across the road even though I explained even though I said to look both ways like in the same breath oh yeah like it very very close after after that point like he had to be reddit at his film to include a shot of cool cat going and then going he's George Lucas his movie director twice now three times this is George Lucas's movie three times if you look on it I've explained this before I don't know if I explained this in the last hangout but on IMDB you what you're saying well I don't get what you might because I'm explain it on IMDB you have the ollie short films like cool cat fines again cool cat goes to Hollywood parade and cool cat stops bullying and then you have cool cat saves the kids now these short films are literally just scenes from the movie so what he had done was it filmed these like little short PSAs and in a way since there are only short PSAs he managed to get Erik Estrada and Vivica Fox in them it's like oh yeah sure anti-bullying like yeah this little fucking web video or whatever this is supposed to be and then he took those scenes and then said I'm just gonna construct them into a film and like basically just cut corners and and try to tie them together into a narrative plot and that's why it fails so bad and and that's why you know the scene before Erik Estrada and Vivica Fox cameo it's immediately a scene of daddy Derek explaining why him and momma cat aren't going to be in the next scene and that's all the previous scene serves as a purpose that was once so basic he transformed his films into something else completely differently then after my review he may hear 'i edited the film and included him doing what before he crosses the street and I forget what other minor changes are made but there's a couple there's like minor changes here there doesn't fix some of the overwhelmingly glaring flaws though in the film like as a whole but whatever and now his new Kickstarter campaign you were asking about this earlier about his new film it's not a new film it's literally just him George Lucas in the same film again really brought his promise in the in the Kickstarter campaign is not I'm making a new film it's I'm adding some more celebrity cameos and a new song to the existing film so this is now the third time that he has just recycled the same footage over and over in his entire career as like a director is literally just using the same footage over and over and over again and adding little bits and pieces to it and it's so funny and I wish you would make a new movie I wish you know if he wasn't as much of a dick to people and if that whole copyright thing never happened he would probably have a lot more support financially people would be donating to him I think that's a comment that I saw all the time was people just literally saying like you know what I would have donated to you but you were a dick sorry it's like I want a cool cat see well I want the one little cat space so he actually he did that a Twitter poll that I wasn't allowed to participate in because he blocked me on two of my accounts but he did a Twitter poll for what his next film should be for quillcat and he's he has this idea like if he throws in these extra scenes into the cool cat movie then maybe Netflix will want it and he's like he has these really naive hopes and aspirations for where he can take the whole franchise based on the success the theoretical success of these new clips that he that he he's putting into the film and so he did a Twitter poll and the options were for the next film um a cool cat a cool cat film that that talks about autism not even like Autism Awareness cool cat film and the other one was cool versus the evil witch and I'm so pissed off because evil which one and so it's like okay well that's less entertaining but I'm sure I'll love it either way but I would have loved to have seen daddy Derek tackle an issue like autism in his film issues yes please tell me what you know about this issue I'm sure it won't be embarrassing to watch I mean who knows maybe they'll be cool cat 3 somehow I feel like he's just gonna continue recycling the same footage until like 20 years from now though I feel like what we're just gonna get cool cat version 8.6 like character footage same Hanuman guitar scene thank you should have any uh what I want to see I want to see from cool cat is I want cool cat to go to space because why what's this why I want cool cat to enter the universe of Star Trek he's basically ejected our banks anyway on my fuck no you know I just want somebody to jump in and be like okay I'm producing your film it's like five hundred thousand dollars or something that'd be a lid that would be a good amount for a cool cat sequel people who've seen YouTube videos of people making fun of it like I bet half of his sales are to like dudes in their 20s and 30s who are watching this movie as a joke like the child audience are cool tonight you know there's zero child audience for cool cat otherwise I buy it for their kids too because it's like really clean and sharing what I mean like they're mean my friends when I was younger to like their Christian parents would let them watch a lot of stuff so if you don't like something super awesome I know no III get what you're saying there and I had friends like that too but usually those like stick to like films with a really heavy-handed religious message in them anyway sort of thing with the cool cow a little there's nothing in it that talks about God or anything but true daddy Derek applied for the Dove Family Association seal which is essentially just a little a little dove symbol that you put on the DVD and he actually got a proof for it you submitted as film and and it's just a little sticker thing that goes on it and it's a way of saying like hey this film is appropriate for all ages or whatever but if you look if you go on the website for the Dove Family Association and you look at the specific classifications for cool cats days the kids maybe they list one of the adult themes in the film as being bestiality it's so funny like if you look at the Dove family I said I'll look it up right now see what their actual wording is but I could see that considering the implication of having a kid with with a human and a fucking that huge as mad yeah under yeah let's see under sex species marriage human and cat it's I mean so that he's our the reason why I keep going back to him and saying like he just really doesn't um understand how things might be interpreted when he does things like he's really out of touch with how not just young people really come on like the whole segment like it's smoking in the Bandit car like the car from magnum p.i like okay kids you know not as touch with children but he's out of touch like any like an audience member any audience member to the point where like understand how weird it is to be putting himself into the film have the main character call him daddy the entire movie with huge lipstick and like like you thought he literally does not understand he's like he's a very confused and fun observant and naive he's got that ISM to see the exact same thing he saw he there there things that he does where he's got a very like childlike outlook of of how things could be interpreted like one of the things that he changed after my review was he took down the playboy photos that he advertised on the official kool Kat website because I'm just thinking like your claim here is that you're making content for children and you have your website that's the official kool Kat website for children and it's going daddy Derek was also in Playgirl magazine with you shirtless like your fucking abs I'm just like what the fuck didn't take a person to say don't you think that's appropriate inappropriate for him to understand that but that's just how he's truly a male true I mean Adam you don't know what it's like to put posters shirtless pics online he's getting all the millions mean I mean I I can relate to a guy who's trying to get some milf action so whatever his cool cat Twitter account is like a gold mine by the way and I should really I think I'm not banned on one of my Twitter accounts I shouldn't really be checking back with it every so often cuz it's a real gold mine and I wish I had these older tweets but basically around the time that my review came out he was making tweets on the account like tweeting tweeting like models and like [Laughter] hey girls don't you know my daddy Derek is single and stuff in like linking souls how inappropriate any of this I'm not I'm not one to be like moral policing or anything like do whatever you want and I believe that you intended no harm from this but you're you you have to understand how people would viewed that is all I'm saying it's like it's for your own sake if you want to be taken seriously and you want to be making content that's for kids then maybe you should be doing things a little bit differently and not having wildly not child friendly things showing up all over your product for children doing that like just bring in the crazy like that's just that's just gonna attract the weirdest people and everyone else is just gonna stay very very far away I'm convinced that there are no genuine actual fans of cool cat saves the kids like there's no there's six or seven year olds that are watching it like any person he knows in his life that was like oh yeah sure I bought a copy and gave it to my kid they're just fucking with him like they're they're just and there's no I actually watches it what what's crazy about it and what really adds to what I was saying about like how unobservant and naive he is is there's there's been a lot of people over the course especially after my review came out that were essentially just like taking the piss out of him and pretending to like the movie in a non ironic way and tweeting him and someone would be like hey I'm a cool cat fanart it would be this really shitty mspaint respond in the way that he responds you can tell that he thinks that like the person on the Twitter account is like a six year old kid or something when in reality it's just some 20 year old who made shitty mspaint but he's created this where he thinks that like there's actual children watching in a genuine way and it's like he's like he's lost his grip on reality he's like a lure to hockey and of a permit trick is it sorry sorry just kidding I was just gonna say like I wanna I would love to see him continue making things especially cool cat related the gun safety video was not as good it's cool cat for sure it was pretty fun concerning would be the word I would use to describe it was be questioning a movie though hey like cool cat tackles autism like I know somebody has autism tackle the streets autism thing cool you're a daddy Derek is where you need to go to service three kids can understand autism not Sesame Street no daddy Derek I would love for the title to be cool cat stops autism like that ironic and daddy Derek just doesn't understand that that would be a wildly inappropriate thing to say but it just okay cool cat stops Asperger's the side of fries people which have autism is coming from is it supposed to be like a Halloween release like what is that is that your ID I'm just like - which - how creatively bankrupt this man is -
Channel: YMS Clips
Views: 108,610
Rating: 4.9337373 out of 5
Keywords: Cool, Cat, YourMovieSucks, Roasts, coolcat twitter
Id: AnKzZKcWg7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 23 2017
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