Adopt a Noob feat. Vitals! | Grand Final

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to you because I'll distract whatever because to be honest I didn't check them up full I posted in the scored for you like another okay well in our chapter in disco disco chatter oh yes friends are restrictions I don't know I feel a little bit more comfortable on maps like Scandinavia Mongolia I mean or whatever dis pronounced but I think it's more important what you think it's best to lose their first three games so let's go Scandinavia all right so we deceive show that email oh well we'll see like a little bit know what naps can be played yet versus Arabia I think so yeah yeah and then we just picked up on my plat works where is a fortress let's do we can do Ravens Marines so probably won four games there yeah yeah that's where we'll be making our main comeback [Music] violence again what is the third one said Mongolia yeah Mongolia's it's okay now there's so much irate builders do not map Angola is so similar to Arabia and ever play it is golden pit we can do that can't want us to compact nothing Golden Gate is good for us because considering that they are put way better than me maybe we are going to lose the center Olivia can you lose anyway before come back so it doesn't really matter the throw yeah but yeah so Arabia first I would say let me see the maps now did okay I'm gonna make a text file for myself the second list opticals we tried with me with the archers and the move it with artists and we lost either way so yeah let me see Aref ravines team Islands Meddy well saucer scum the a separate respond hit rivers best-of-seven is in last map Arabia yeah okay so only five of the homeless will be played so for means we need Mongols 1% and maybe in gas and installation Israel news last time enjoy what Chinese and the first one Indians okay but it worked very well their way definitely that I was thinking aliens because they are going to pick Mongols for sure and they're good counter but also Chinese you you I'm just writing some systems yeah yeah I'm checking on I'm just dream very much and I hope her opponents are watching is wrong [Music] Wallace couldn't option here as we don't play ravines Mongo's can be for scam day old bitties premier same since it's already better so arabia we want to qamar and britain so I would say it's good combo there and maybe Ethiopians or Saracens with ranks so let's say this is what it looks like now let's go come here Britain's for the first game okay you played great nice yeah I'll play come here let's go so it's many times so you just laid out just went work I think you can also do rush rush I'm through with that just to get a little bit more time with your own economy I'm okay I'll try like not address first class of course we'll have to see what your map is like right yeah of my level but the thing is like address rush would just it would help a lot and just giving you a little bit extra time to get your eco setup and hopefully the action takes place at his place for the first two three minutes of tutelage before it comes to you right I think that's better in overall for our okay you already have an herbalist as your icon so yeah I should have some balls you are we ready yes is a dog my chair is making some nice acai oh yeah so you're good adopt new tournament is a tournament where like if you see the top right to the screen right now there's like a level difference so you can see me and vitals is a quite a big gap and then we are playing as two opponents that have a way close the skill gap but they're both better than vitals so the thing is to have like a noob with you and balance the level kind of balances out right but we don't know for sure how bounce is gonna be but yeah we're gonna start the game now so which is luck right let's go let's go France Ethiopians okay we're gonna dominate okay let's just do a 4-0 this time man like we're not loose have to specify so yeah French city opens they're gonna play ones in meta - sure just got some archers so if you're against actually it doesn't matter who you're against think you can go brush flush I think there according to the ratings they're both fairly similar I think there wasn't who they were supposed to play I think there was one guy that replaced I think he was with another guy stone please but he apparently couldn't play or something so dragon star is playing instead of that guy I think dragon stars like 2k1 nunn-lugar - Kane and stone please I'm not sure never said he's 1901 so we'll see there's a month way stronger than me in any ways they're both good players for sure yeah we'll try our best yeah you're supporting the spirit talk about the nope exactly so first impressions on your map right open we have wood to the back Coulter back etc from the side it's not very well the map is open but the sources of mountain a terrible position yes I'm against the Franks player notice that with the new patch villages on the would get stuck yes so considering the map the map still flash if your map is fine like you say just a little bit open then you can do that then I would say so you're against the Ethiopian player I believe in you that helps sorry guys even having cream drops it's really out of my control but not really anything I can do about it so apologies if there are frame drops hopefully will stabilize and you will be able to watch fine though there's not really anything I can do about it unfortunately yes when it was like five died from his side he was stealing your bore like I see good job my first little battle is won that's all matters it's not a sprint it's a long distance I mean I might be in there buddy so if you connects yeah I'm here right now which direction is it going okay I see Paris yeah I stopped it again again good what's the HP on his scout hey slow job it's a good job because you didn't see my gonna be behind that hold it hold it he lost a lot of HP as well so honest Scout doing it is a surprise - when Scouts kind of a do you have a place you're on right now because it was without before and then going to slip out the back okay understand I for now I'm not taking a lot of damage that's it okay y'all got one minute men arms yes okay he's doing our challenge now as well so we will switch into autonomous yeah I'm producing from to watch a range now I would make I will make some skin okay they seem to be full of all kind of both on the way very defensive sorta you can use three Scouts just liminal I'm just running around with no sister world know I lost a spout right Samantha okay they're from me now x mi base just one Spearman as well from do so if you can try this experiment answer [Music] that's good you should have a advantage on numbers them for now I'm definitely good they try to go forward how's your left side Lindsay okay and you can you should try if you can wall like this it's a big wall I know but you would be able to secure like those back holes as well a long run will be really good they're both fully walls good job it's 100 dollars fine [Music] so like you should probably leave one unit on the top of the hill there because just in case you like moves forward because you don't want to like be caught off guard from the [Music] [Music] are you up yeah okay should probably fall back then to your base until you are fully up because you want to wait for your range bonus until you're quite right there's a chance he will come to a blue some prints and press from the right now I also have a sense to you as well I don't care come on garrison just run away you don't want to lose girls to just cool save those should both I'm not about that oh okay my elephants are there right now so you might have to open the wall on the side I just run your bills and even send everyone under the town center if you have to make sure you don't lose as many that's not the town sir you should probably run yeah just run all will go straight answer and wait for your maybe not Fulvio okay just like right now just I would say the best thing we can do now is for you to play one piece they just add one or two more changes and then go full military what I play economy and try to like do the power play so what you should do right now is pretty much just add bills on wood and gold and play three four hours ranges only army nothing else so all I need you now is to be support for my elephants that I don't tell you how many that you say yeah hold it something similar to your team game when you watch game on find this auction right now he just ran away and hid some sure where he is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] now 15 villager just that's not too bad [Music] [Music] I'm gonna try to snowball here quickly in it I don't get away with anything or limp then we can probably still try to make make up shall not be the right yeah just go for watching you can make one villager here in there if you can afford it yeah yeah I'm doing Monte CNN I'm 23 now and it's about they seem to be focusing on Dublin you at the moment like to try and take you out again very so it should they come with me to Archer to you so you can Anelka maybe against the monster there is not very much yeah just come here just pike [Music] [Music] [Music] getting accepted sorry i intercepted Civil stealing them still pens down [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] both know planful helps now I just try to add economy see if we can get back into the innocent wage economy one minute maybe because I saw that with my action now I cannot learn signs your name this link is a lot I think I think only you have to be named don't think you're allowed to study I know you maybe feel like 100 extra folder everything else to start making some military okay don't thing I can make scorpion switch in time so I think we're dead no their expenses as well so we can call yeah [Applause] when they came he means they are the villager as you say they should have tried to reach the town saying yeah just like if that happens just send every single loser under the tongue sooner because need to wait for because I was on the way with elephants and you would have cast - tech advantage in in Castle age just send save 30 bills right rather than losing everything yeah the problem was that I moved from I don't remember 30 40 villagers to 12 I saw that that was immediately yeah if you run on a town sir you will probably save about 30 I would say and then we would clean up the army and we would be in a better position I'm not saying it still still really bad damage so obviously we could we will still probably behind yeah but you're also yo golden map was super exposed so it's better not to dependent the tower maybe I I failed making the tower yeah so I'm right now I just want like a little bit of comments on your walling like you see your top right Town Center you are still on map right yes yeah so the way I would well for you probably be like on the woodland there to the edge of the map would be just one house right mm-hmm and then from the would like from that forest you can wall to the town centre then you have that right side cover instead of trying to wall the whole front for a whole the whole front will be way too long and takes way too long to cover it in the cage I was fighting with for my board and so my scout yeah of course with about of course it's just alts hindsight to like think about in the future because also when you're walling where you're willing right now is also you're always gonna be uphill because there's a big hill right there gonna have your walls and buildings they're very good so you could have easily wall to your town sir on the right side and then on the left side you can place Archy ranges next your gold and defend there but of course they were super open and you got doubled so maybe I should have played nights instead of elephants so I could have helped you faster - mm-hmm but they are definitely two really good players so it's gonna be really tough either way yeah I think that this diamonds a little bit too much like they get big scales well see we still try we will we were down 2-0 of both your bags so we pick them up now yeah and did we have we had we could go for Robins go for it agumon gozu Indians okay yeah dragon star we I played against dragon star in the deathmatch tournament so yeah and he's I think he's I think it was two key to on Buble I would probably around 2k one I would say DubLi stone please AV as well I'm not sure how good he is but he definitely had really good up times good Scout a goodnights place so he's definitely a good player as well I think they are probably - really like I would say maybe a stone please it's 1900 Buble dragon star - k1 which makes this gun means this is gonna be really tough either way but we'll try we'll try we'll see what we can do because dragon star was too kid to at some point in Buble and he has 1700 rating on the de ladder Wellstone please has almost 1700 on de ladder so maybe stone please is also posted to K on googling so yeah guys again I don't know if I see people asking him to be had not be hard on him he was double guys so be nice he was double and his map was really bad of course he is he's the noob here he's trying his best in he's doing he's doing a good job and if everyone comes out of this having had fun and maybe he learned some things then that's all we want that means there is no noob on their team well there isn't a noob on our team either vitals is a good player himself vitals isn't a new bidder this is the gold League which means the level is quite higher than it would be on different stages so even the noob and gold League is still a decent player yeah they are they're definitely like really good team like really strong team so we'll see I think I need to be more active and probably try to do damage they're both they were both fully world right from the back so I wasn't really able to do anything I might have to try and be a little bit more faster paced active to actually like just force one of them into submission kind of and then try to help vitals rapid hippo thank you much for four months because they also went went for full strategy to double my teammate so it's kind of Navion Alan and instead of Robins because they say so we need to change the musician so scandi no but they say that they are fired yeah but we should tell the rules okay let's there is no roads and finally you come here every game but like five rules of course there is no reason for not following dancer also is better because we have to lose these are called air drew 2-2 so I would say we can play maybe Saracens could be good here actually actually I think I want to play sorry sincere type of Saracens and you can play Japanese or Spanish alright I'm Japanese yep they have really good Fisher so that would considering that for sure will be behind maybe if we get to Imperial without so can be more helpful what about hands to likens yeah well you can play hands as well so Saracens hands should be a good composition long term okay Japanese Saracens might be tough long-term and I think we can use Japanese on Team Islands instead let's go stars and Suns so I should open skeleton trying to doc because I don't know anything about big daughters when it comes to together we'll just see like if we have water behind us or on the sides because if you have on the sides you might have to fight for water mm-hmm I figured behind us we can probably do one or two ducks and fish boom a little bit anyway you just open like six on food and then you can add five to six wheels and good you make a dot first and that will go out yeah stable or cat so potentially if we have good maps we can go straight for nights inclusive of Castle age if not then probably just open Scouts yeah but still do a dog first and get four five fish fish and then maybe okay in one single dog yeah like if everything works out and we have a safe map and everything you can probably do a second look as well if our fish is behind but if we are on the sides we might have a fight the water you tell me guy said I think dragon star replaced another person called repaired in the brackets because he apparently can't play I don't know I'm not sure why but yeah but here we replaced one of the players they went persons Japanese probably didn't I would say probably the top two since for this I think there's gonna be water on this side the response yes so there will be water on this side and this side so if they talk on your same side you should open your side is too much oil what to get to myself so the thing is if you have a really nice map to wall you could just try to play water like if you can fully wall and then go water that is an option but then again they will have to really good water seeds so it might not make sense yeah I can see there also that I never play water yeah I know basic stuff so maybe just do like 5000 would make for five patient ship fishing ships and just end assuming that aren't going for those the water yeah exactly so the transition to food eco on land has to be quite early on them if I can do good on my surrogate water here then English is still being a fine position also careful it could be wolves on the way to the water so hard on first safety first would be to do this Sam against blue here so you are against the Persian player on your side [Music] I will open with a little bit of water here and then I will transition to we can probably more still like a forest of yours here somewhere yes I'm going to risk out in a sec so I have world til there's a forest there that is bald - right now - I managed well that boy yes here there's a blue body there like his Scout it's like he tried to lay my boar or something it's weird did you complete the wall yeah I don't know if it's worthwhile Smokies yeah okay yeah is he doing water on your side yeah I'm again just to scout right yeah just like check out their wallet their world stopping in scouts in just try to go up [Music] hey guys I will win water here so put spins maybe they are open because maybe that my knee started doing the wave yeah I'm winning water here so my main concern now would be that dragon star being Persians will get like a free fish boom on that side that could be a problem but it should still be all right so guys I am I'm aware of my strategy I'm aware that I'm dropping finger so gas storage and less than one minute oh and then I can't really do anything about it my internet is just I cannot change anything with that so I'm just gonna go with it I am recording everything locally so everything will go to YouTube I am sorry for the frame rails hopefully they will be stabilized now and then so you guys can watch smoothly but yeah I don't really know so yeah I think just stay one stable try to get the castle age at a monastery make some monks just in case he pushes you and focus on growing an economy you you you even if it's not my fault I of course I'm sorry it's my stream it's my livelihood so to say so it sucks that it gets it's bad for you guys of course you [Music] you you you you you they wanted to save as a precaution I think you you you you you you yes what they are yes so I'm you want people to stay home and I'm thinking man I don't think I need to add more stables because it doesn't make sense is they are vulgar to just play the fancy folks an economy okay so yeah once you're up just try to get monastery adjust to your little safe in case I bet I think you're open oh I think you are absolutely one of us and right that happens yeah [Music] yeah just a bloomin game now very much I'll probably open camel I'm going to try and counter dragon star I open what go for Palladino I think maybe characters okay not really sure next I think hours yeah maybe transition there so dresser has nights with +1 +1 [Music] [Music] he's had a free film aspersions to be expected so now you gotta be I think you should Stonewall your pastor walls now a spectrum barracks terrace is going for halberdiers so if you just prepare range is fast and or start making collages and i i'm doing god yeah just start making couches and stone wall behind your buildings yes was going for around help your push [Music] [Music] oh it's going for cover as well I will have cameras doors so just make sure we Stonewall behind your power sidewalls here as well because he will have ramps very soon which means they will break and break with a fist in this I'm ashamed of my wasn't easy like it's not okay I'll shut up okay okay you need to a wall if it's further behind now and probably rush that castle up fast gasps they're making you descend like 20 of those they're just get it up [Music] three halves and Caldera have ballistics yes sure they are not ready to accept for their ecology I'm getting you some cameras now we got out just kicking game so that try to save that customer yeah you can miss ya branches now you can start my client it helps our back trying to defend myself so you just should also think about starting trade from whether maybe they are no no no water try and get your own traps out for now there is this market or you want but here's the water on my second going for no that's fine for now yeah also serum could be helpful if you can afford it at some point yeah so blue is going for our blissed tell you all I know we can just push her though they don't have a big arm there so you can just go there okay it's okay you have enough traps at the caster's should go down this one let's just go [Music] [Music] if you can make some sea travel it'll be great right now when you have tennis space in the back here yeah and pushing on my guy now so as long as they're not like doing a lot of damage on you this is looking good I lost University before I was short on it so now we can be trade wherever we want because you should always paradise the fortune one huh point that's what they're saying I'm not sure how it works or if it works exactly I wouldn't count on it do you need resources sorry do you need any resources no I'm good just get CJ I'm up and running and then you can start the action on pressure then yeah yeah a sub potion I also have water on this side so there might be the dropped ah yeah everything stopped for me yeah maybe I'm trying to save I already say this one like I have control water on this as well so there's a chance I mean they shouldn't be able to start trade themselves this is not looking so terrible actually i'm hundred pop no it's looking really good oh you didn't I was focus on focus on well I got dropped as well you get dropped yeah yeah yeah I think it's a bright in this case good yeah only to focus on here is start to trade get CJ I'm up and running they already spent a lot of gold on paladin as well so um store let's try this guys I'm oh I can see my drop frames are terrible I super frustrating well I honestly don't know what to do the only thing I could do is maybe restart the stream and switch the server but besides that that is really nothing else I can do kanima I got invited I can see my stream is lagging as well it's like inconsistent you my crush market doesn't necessarily have to be mixer it could also be just me having a terrible did you choose restore oh wait are they calling it you you ain't there : GG because they're picking regicide fortress now as i wanna check something quickly once you you you guys I think I'm going to restart the stream and try to switch the server that's what I'm going to do good old Omega I've been having framedrops in the starboard stream today I don't know guys I will restart the stream quickly so I'll be back in just a minute you you what does do you see my text in the game which at No can you try to type them and ask them if they're given the winner what I was there picking them I cannot see it and check no one can see me it seems I'm assuming they're getting us to win there which I guess was fair enough to I think the game was over you cindello I'm here because I'm watching your stream your stream is crashing it says that you're online every second yeah you you as I don't think do they see are they answering you know okay so maybe they don't see our text either I'm just gonna assume that they gave us to win their wisdom is that they're writing as well and we can't read what they write and let me write to them on this correctly yeah you I haven't dropped any frames ghosts since I you switch the server so it might be good now let's see you he's saying they would like to play on the the file I save it you hey guys since the restart I don't see any dropped frames on my end so I recommend recognize should be working now restore drop low game let's see if this works you weird restore this was a drop I want to see vitals there's tissue you you yeah well I will revert the score if it's if you actually end up playing this Oh 80 could join for some reason he's there now I didn't invite him or anything maybe he sees the title maybe this will work super-weird stream is smooth now glad to hear that maybe it was just a Frankfurt mixer server I switched to London now so yeah you there is not he's not vitals is no noob vitals isn't a newbie of course he's lower than the others but non here are noobs as today as the title tournament implies it's no communication and on writing our instrumental quite frustrating Enfield Tournament they have different like it was a bronze silver and gold gold league was for the higher levels and we're in the gold league and bronze and silver was way that's like bronze and silver is where this tournament was for real like this gold is a little bit more competitive I would say and every game is even tough and even though yeah I think we're ahead for sure but yeah it's looking it still it's not like they were dead and out would help if they just wrote something to me I don't see anything they're not answering at all not try and clicking but from the US casting that read this way far behind red is my Ally how is that the case it was 200 pop we were pushing back that doesn't make sense Tamara sent for the vitals since him but all I want is an answer discarded just not not Azrael and he was his friend was restarting the game okay we're all in there so maybe this will work all right maybe this will work they're all here okay let's see are you able to click in it let's go yes yes you you you you you you it both shows great out to me now this is so weird they re not here anymore what I'm super confused by this you can I use back you and is gone again okay they gave us the win apprentice not working so we got the win craft I think we were it was coming over anyway we could have probably held for a little bit but I think they were they were losing yeah I agree because the name is too long technically it will it would make two lines than two rows where I could do like this so dragon and stone please do you like this instead well that is very bad for our strategy now one one one I don't know what to do yeah we will yeah this was not part of line actually true we were supposed to be down 3-0 yeah I feel very confused for some reason the game crashed happens IRA still demonstrations in Leipzig eh I'm not sure that we might know why she's still here but I don't know you central Inlet yes trying to enter so register fortress now our civil should probably be Chinese humans or minds humans you going for the humans or you thinking about it right now [Music] think I can probably do more with Chinese do you know how to play human summarize a fortress just like go fast up to fuel Asian and add two town centres and then boom a little bit in fuel each aha I'm Dan into college I'll try then use go full step Lancer or Paladin all should work okay I mean I don't know any bit fortress documents are still find further bull maybe can be something more similar ah you just go up to full village as soon as you koala yes okay okay then I'll get a second town soon real fast philatelist philatelist English for Serb welcome to the channel all right let's go yeah let's go I know wait wait - sorry no Emily yeah my name is click there you can just say invite Emily on Tibet yeah are you used to family yeah on on Alina sometime okay just go away save a stay with us we go over this because the comments and then when it's at this simile so I try to uncheck the really bad [Music] I'm against the humans player roof impala thank you much for sub start with extra resources and because I'm still dropping frames I don't know guys I can't do anything about we start with extra resource you start blacks to villagers - so I can do the really fast privileged way I can see I'm still dropping frames now then I just sorry I know I'm just talking about I can see that my obvious shows that I have like bad connection I might try and we started serve for the changed and what's it called change the server again after this game you see I'm gonna have to I have to stick with it for this game guys let's hope Provost oppa stabilizes here we go again guys I'm gonna do a quick whistle stream again and switches over back I might lower the bitrate a little bit as well just to try and ease it off so I'll be back in just a sec you you but I was watching this on YouTube this is probably knowing for you I'm sorry you have to deal with it you you you you you you think we're back right yeah I'm just gonna carry on now you ready yes yes you I guess you should play our blast to begin with at least in him he went too fast I didn't have the resources for the song centers well good could you tell Jenna I think with some months proofing parlor things interest a burglar everything seems good or yeah so far just look like they're picking up products so peaceful you're trying to pick up relics oh not yet maybe later do if you want to make monster and try yourself all means okay it is one month yeah I guess way from back my yeah my spear it is to eat your spirit muta there's just nothing to like I'm on boys but not guys I didn't want to sit there and talk about nonsense things well he's some voice cuz then probably quite disturbing and there's never a time we should say we're just all booming trying to get to imperil age and their erection will start seems like human pair is gonna go for I don't see any of this problem right now [Music] how does we make your changes further back so I don't see my guys army was just here but he's not here anymore there is a chance it's gonna come your way but I hope not yeah we'll find out soon enough why the gate is open if you can't try to try to mix in under Obamacare as well so you have something against the ramps use villagers to take the ramps you need to add more cheering just it'll be your main focus here as you cannot maintain production to stop him like the previous game when in the port of funny with me and decide now that I don't know why I always knows the access to the to the gold and then I cannot focus on just keep spamming units I will start slinging in a sec as well resources maybe I'm going to make a mark [Music] like I am pushing good hair as well so if we can just try and help you make your hold this will be enough oh I see where the Kings gonna both turn [Music] I think I noticed here is that you went out of your base and made production buildings in front when you didn't have any map control mm-hmm so your your first for archery ranges were immediately gone which slows down your production is so much so maybe taking the consideration that you want to at least when you're playing in this high level players as well it might make sense to just make production buildings very more safe so we can just get numbers okay ah too bad because the stone please was created here this point is gonna lose all pounds now and would have steamrolled and I could have probably come over and helped you then and he asked to bet actually me should have played on because he's kind of dead you're looking at this right now actually I am tempted I would have been tempted to play on I saw everything she doesn't have anything left here I'm not sure the plate can see you ended up with largest army as a teen the spirits because you lose your first election yeah but I was not thinking at all about the king for me and not existing that happens so stream has been running way better since I switched another server right guys because I ran a speed test and apparently my internet was alright so I think it's the mixer servers I've been connected to right now I'm using a different server and it seems ok now so hopefully that's hopefully that's the case okay I'll be back in minutes okay so guys I'm gonna go back I'm gonna use the best bathroom I'll be reflectors one minute got a P P P P you you what do you think about the new board distance on fortress is really good they're always inside the base which is great it used to be so unfair to just like your enemies would have boars inside and you would have boars outside that's just like a handicap or disadvantage that shouldn't be there right so it could be quite frustrating baby you that's such a bad crick in my neck from Saturday no Friday till Sunday what's this no sadder it is Saturday till today really Saturday through Monday right now it's the first day I've been able to like actually it tilt my head it was really really bad I woke up at night and couldn't move my neck and I was so worried cuz I never had it that powerful before that was even I even woke up Debbie and was like Jess I'm back help all right I sent you an invite again so as ruddiness now so Indians and Mongols okay before model then the kind the king's knife okay if I sling vitals I put myself at disadvantage and then I don't think that makes sense because then I will struggle against my guy that's not I think that best way for us is to me be ahead of my guy and then try to support vitals or potentially trade vitals for the other opponent and then vitals and another opponent will be weaker and I'll be powerful I was dreaming I came across school was way cooler was real nice to meet team secret players [Applause] I was really cool to meet the secret players when they saw me that puppy asked me to come over and the first thing puppy says is that he's a fan of mine and another guy my tomba man said he's a sub of mine and like whoa that's crazy so pretty a pretty cool cool experience and they were super super nice people as well I was just an awesome awesome thing it was really cool to meet them but I think it's the wrong girl yeah the wrong setting up I was only where I was housed yes now they want to kill my finger I don't think we can reach two in a million I don't think we should go for that think it's better so Rogen be that like everyone ignores your messages just is how it is if your order seven times maybe we would have seen it I think three times is asking too much but asking us to actually pay like acknowledge you just a little bit too much isn't it you you you'll feel so dirty not showering after putting wax in your hair today before just feel so messy apologies I know I'm a beautiful guy and you guys love to look upon my my grasp I preface but apologies all right let's go yeah why do I see more focus in usual it's a tournament and I need to be if I don't focus then we're doomed I need to try really bad here or kind of hard chance how many gurus are here is rate was just four four four they're just forgiving director Campbell parents and hurts a lot yeah I think only the starting four [Music] [Music] as you start good no drama so far etcetera North American [Music] [Music] think I might play into car watches here if you just make full camel like Scouts camels and then I'm playing two characters me good composition what's wrong with this girl against the Mongols player [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh yes sandy man [Music] the other guys coming as well I'm doing a lot of damage to the other game 5-5 oh yeah because it came with a lot of stuff I was on the other side with my god now maybe maybe - okay your guys here now it should be okay they're both here now donate my spouse but you should be okay [Music] with Ellis completely I don't see the minimum there is a chance they will be heading over now but they shouldn't have much HP and such they just like five Scouts come come their forces man this poor Scouts - that's okay they're very large people should be yeah should be safe now I'm doing the last video just did you Walter I'm yeah no it's wrong [Music] the red has about seven eight Scouts there I think I saw [Music] I did some good damage to turrets not sure what he's going for though he's going for manga directly yes Yeah right it's going to come in your bag and T was going for camels all right follow up with behind the comments [Music] [Music] almost ponies we put the Mongols the monasteries quite far behind so it's good for us in building the market so I can be more active on the map things Tito's around here right now I mean see is funny it should be around there there's some out of me out there sharing is caring these camels are there where are you if you come there we can push together yes we have a bigger numbers having down from paid in the past for defense just commenting because I have allergies you have car now it comes down very little time to go let's go in front shoot me wait for us can probably snowball this right away we want to when you got +2 right and he doesn't it let's find a town centre and we can probably take her to town something just run straight into town centre and take it because he doesn't I should not fletching okay just one second my son died but he's coming red one is payable that's fine just trying to scope straight or cancer okay [Music] doesn't have touching so just go under and yeah just secure everything take like two three of them and hit bills okay yeah this is game running damage it won't see sit down we can just fight the Romney yeah respect okay just go for this he's spraying there only you get in front of me with some cameras I don't want to fight the cams vitals are really [Music] that was a good news now just normal this content come economy I'm up stuff I mean this game should be over they shouldn't have anything to it's like oh yeah I don't think we ever lost his map [Music] sorry uh-huh it's fermenting the traffic they did to you should we try it or anything I don't think we have to just get the imperial family up and then you can kill everything yourself pretty much and they are talking me now hold it we still have numbers [Music] taking some song about five yeah that's fine there's still so you're not like losing half your economy should be good [Music] the corner but I think I lost more than the processor I'm going for NVIDIA town and indoors is still recovery trying to recover yeah yeah the thing is I mean if we get a snowball on the army account especially with Indians because the cameras take time T so fast and also he never does deflection right because he doesn't make range units so they don't do damage to your cameras at all pretty much maybe was too greedy buddy right straight man who died yeah it was definitely but I think it made sense for him just believe they could get away with it because they are the ones who had the early game initiative in terms of you know let's recount etcetera they were putting on the pressure right but yeah it was definitely greedy so when next game should be something like normally yeah Finnish team Islands no but is best of seven yeah special seven this will last forever indeed I think it's I think it's team Islands now if I remember correctly have fun all right have fun I said because Island I think I can be even less helpful I believe in you you can go Vikings and you wanna do want to do landing I don't know probably not because I think I never tried one landing but you you know you can play like basic straightforward water yeah yeah basic basic water yes yeah then you should probably go Italians now go Vikings okay for your time to go fast Castle Noel up the foolish okay you be ready for them potentially actually maybe I go fast castle but stable and then actually I'm gonna go fast castle with sable yeah and then so I'm ready to make Knights in case they lend us and if not I could also make nice to try and lend a few buy them hmm okay well okay you know better I'm pretty sure I will lose the say like immediately but um if you like so it will help ping where we make our dogs if we make them towards the side each to our side then you have we could go both back dogs as well we'll give you more time or if you want to pay for that age bother we should talk in front nine that case Julia but I I'm thinking about going to ice castle for you and I think we'll go fast castle in site ish doc yeah I will awkward stable so we can make some nice and attend at the same time probably it's funny that you're big Vikings and I picked Italian we are going for realistic oh yeah true true integral that you got to represent our countries man yeah that works well that case up we are playing against Vietnamese that South should be right or another Vietnamese isn't drugs are Indian huh yeah but they already are true so in in Dark Age is only one dock and three or four ship yeah pretty much then I add the second block when I'm going down yeah and you could add a third dog as well as the game goes on like after one or two minutes in foolish so exactly the same sips then I might actually pay different and I might not face castle let's just go from talk of us because you go fires I'll go galleys okay that's a good thing so you can go for fires but like if you see it a lot of fires I'm gonna mix in some diamonds as well now guys I'm a Dominator you're not doing this on our nothing - well we're in a big like rebuild stage actually scoring at least $1.00 do you like sorry hmm not really at least if I need if I have to judge him considering what you did this season not really because he has maybe a stronger team than Legree and is managing to doing horse okay also the TDI engaging game was having a better game game style and we are playing even worse sorry supposed to be very good to watch exactly that was the idea that for some reason is Linda gay the game is playing very bad it's a great player but he's injured his attitude seems a bit yeah yeah it's hard to tell yes well y'all as my manager yeah yeah one of the big cancer of foot agents have to turn that's for sure but besides that is also he goes too far silence because my mother is one of the world's favorite thing I'm where are your ducks okay I'm here try to keep your Scout active just in case they blend okay they landed the barracks they're both their Scouts are there those send your Scout there please okay can you you might want to tower this and then try to wall off wherever you can - like minimize the access they have to doing a stable or is you can [Music] [Music] so he has a tower and things are not challenged now so he has a full immunity knows how its watered up in there using the first this just I have galleys here are getting a lot from the fourth man well what we want to go with Calais no man I was just checking where he was I know going forwards fish now how are you looking on them is are they impression you know but a lot as I told you I lost more than a shoe you should try and see a red is pressuring me with garlic you should try and take some stone so you can make your island more safe yes people have arches as well soon I mean you're still putting pressure on me with you yes you should be safe yeah but they're losing order against we got this just try to always like just think about minimize minimize damage okay not just possible he's putting pressure on me on land so I'm except you should be okay for the time [Music] I'm making long boats now so I will help you water and I'm going to land them at the same time you Dodgers as you I absolutely will stare [Music] [Music] sorry well sure they're doing postulate you can keep making water just make sure you add town centers and get the economy running I'm doing a lot of damage in their land [Music] [Music] okay so ready still doing a lot of water units we need to try and I did a lot of damage to teal so he should be really far behind I'm gonna lend more bills over and try to [Music] so I gotta keep mine as well still it teal is still on our side of the land but I am also attacking in fair sight so the big chance that doesn't we cannot support anything on our side so if you have any water try to see if you can sneak around you just might fish from red do the armor upgrade as well in the dock oh yes cheaper upgrade their arts definitely worth it for you I am putting question in him on land at the same time okay it is sending some nice to me but these moment is just sending ground of the Phantom [Music] okay I can make a test well should I make this photo yeah probably if you can make it look forward there on where he might be taking okay on you shouldn't have any army there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we're in a very good spot can you ram the tower first [Music] their land is a completeness so they should be looking very first you know if you killed any villages on our site from them yeah kill one my fear tomorrow but when I started to make the castle yet only one master I can go then I think you should do that I'm just saying right I heard it was a good thing taking the water I just make like a mix of five ships and galleys [Music] [Music] yeah but that you can clean that with just like five fast fire ships red is investing a lot in tonight's instructions on base to try and take back the bait this pool I founded good job and I told them experience on water school because I guess this game doesn't count you don't kill now sorry what'd you say I think the reason why I score is that now it's not counting the unit killed I should not be top scorer well you have probably best economy by far right now yeah exactly and this is counting only the economy part yeah come on I mean still count soon as killed but just just showing achievements how do you think it's counting their money yeah the score score it still counts it's just your cheese where it doesn't come their show I was sure that even the score was backed no and the score should show still III mean I can't say for sure but I'm pretty sure that's how it works out there was a pretty rough game I think decision-making that was spot-on defended with minimum a minimum amount of crossbows and then I did a risky move where I where I got to cast late so I had to assume that he would fall a bit back to not to die to my crossbow so I immediately sent all my cross was across the water to the enemy base and rushed up a town center in my wood and it worked out perfectly I needed to do damage to red as well because otherwise he would have just been too free to like just steamroll and do whatever he wanted I think I think it worked out perfectly and I vital stayed well as well as long as he got left a little by himself he was good I mean you think about wanted members bringing home fellows we're trying first time ever were in the lead before the last game you know this is the first time we're actually in the lead before the final game yes that's pretty pretty sick your YouTube video will be seriously affected you you you I'll go back quickly I guess I'm gonna be back quick yes Neil does with a thousand number it's so much fun to watch thank you glad you enjoy it do it thank you very much I'm gonna be back I'm gonna go peepee can you turn down your Beast atonement no a little bit so games more balanced please sorry bruh I need to go pee guys I'll be back you you you alright then back you a and baek-mae terrain in [Music] you're here right yeah yeah you feel about Spanish Frye or well Koreans or Japanese I think you're good pickup and you stand your fishing ship some more armor as well mm-hmm and I'll play Persians yeah maybe a difference Spanish would be like long term probably good but then again we brought very similar sips with persons in Spanish I think Japanese a good persons in Japanese yeah maybe I don't know maybe it's me but I feel that Spanish are better against the opponent of your same level or lower against stronger opponent I would know that yeah I was just going for it yeah I was thinking like long term portrayed if this game goes in that Japanese should be good since it's quite water healthy main concern here for us would be like you need we need to watch out for or a landing approach from them not sure what they will player they have you spin wish all the best sips for this so maybe they'll use something like hummus here Britten's but to see as my wrist it's feeling a bit iffy right now it's not like it's not painful at all or anything it's just I can tell that wasn't both water I can tell that it's like just you know yeah explain it it just getting a little bit tired so to say but it's so good sorry what'd you say yes we are going both for water in Italy village or you're trying another one another time to land I'll probably do two doc water and then I might see how it goes at barracks in stable [Music] but probably like a fairly fast castellated at the same time you play football manager Viper I do I do I'm gonna take em don't think I'm gonna play it now until the new update like the transfer window update is gonna be done though after they improve the match engines a bit as well Thank You Reiki on you old man hair diaper get a TENS unit and heat ice after everygame session i have ice I'm gonna ice put some ice on it after after my stream today I will try that I can tell it's a little more swollen right said alright let's go let's just finish it okay Britain's burgers amazing Britain's mighty March 1st so we gotta be careful with it in our long series Scottish can be good but it needs to be this would be a little bit lucky and catch them off-guard I wouldn't say it's like the best strategy but like it can do things for sure but again it kind of also relies on a little bit of luck actually I don't think lock is the right word but it relies on your opponent being caught off guard as your map looking a lot of eels I can't because maybe have some as some walls potential today I was a likely scenario is that red will play land these Britons that's what we got to keep an eye out damn against the Berbers player this very strange explored everything and still I have one book while I couldn't language I scoured this foolish maybe some time Omega has multiple docks yes one of a it from further later it's like work and terrible today [Music] it's a redness galas and me Spanish I registered place to two of his galleys to commute fish okay I have the first two I am going three three dogs I have the first program is out Xperia out there ready Jared I have lost all my fish in going the networks and chasing that I keep producing galas or live down [Music] you should try and switch to galleys if you can actually they also need fetching just like you think about that hello [Music] [Music] let's mention forgot let's say [Music] [Music] therefore their demos as well unless you have a lot of water units now I think we should stop water I'm not sure how much you have but I have left only four for finishing shape and five okay and then just stop investing in water okay so I try to make it was not the best thing to do we're gonna try and land see if I can do something I'm going to get tries not to fish don't go there because I'm making a sneaked up there were awkward Hanken Castle what do you want boom holy and our blessing [Music] [Music] [Music] so something to be careful about is if he's when the archers anywhere I don't think he is but there is a chance of course but yeah I just try to get constant is up at first and then probably make one ton stone stone as soon as you can see I can potentially [Music] didn't know that I have landed now damn doing a lot of damage to few [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] considering that red is based on sign should go with without ballast anyway yeah okay it doesn't have what's called thumb ring example so it's not all that bad [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so red is making crossbows to help the other side but teal has already lost a lot so he's he's struggling a lot now where should be my my desktop I was thinking about ear other markets yeah I think we should be in a good position this redwood after the fan teal and then you have free I'm going in for now yeah just push put herbalists as soon as you can [Music] [Music] yes village is there still castle if you have any army you could think a mixing and ramps as well will be a good idea for you let's just play like skirm Ram and artist yeah yes I open with Kim because I am beyond Diamond Dogs I'm missing the washer [Music] because if you can just buy time there I should be able to clean up to just need you to stay alive you need ramps to deal with the tribes cuz he has more Wilfred subscribe wars aren't kind of on your favor please [Music] [Music] I'll make some raquel therefore as well oh that's why I was dancing so much for Bell County make sense these networks they're trying to stump you babe what again I don't have a choice but still that's crazy [Music] I'm pushing him and I'm attacking in his base so it should be a good time when little pushing back in your side I'm sending paladin in there as well also just similar Ram so we go straight for the kill [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] if you have a castle now's a good time to mix in some more vigor I'm sure can you send one pilot in that is visible victorious yes it's good thank you it was really a great experience to play to play with you graduate it's funny yeah we were down 2-0 all the other rounds and came back and like to come again sweep them back and I didn't expect one after first game I thought we would do is this serious if they were playing really well yeah things like that the first game I feel the pressure too hard and I really cannot play number then I I get so much better but maybe I'll just a little bit yeah oh good dude well wasn't legit we'll play really thank you for the experience and for the opportunity all good well good you're welcome and thanks for playing and easy to schedule it as well so it was a smooth although I mean we probably spend a couple of months now playing this but still yeah was still a really good tournament was fun I think a lot of people enjoyed watching as well yeah what was the price day the coaching against you have gotten free coaching by me for for all this tournament and now you're gonna let that go to the tattoo or Hara they will bring you back man don't don't take the price right don't talk great at this point I cannot link it out exactly that's the only way to go further okay man thank you very much thank you and see you around well tragedy like Gigi right boys that was those vitals I have dropped some frames I'm sure there's been some legs and such yeah but what can you anyways that was a that was the adopted new tournament we were victorious in the end satisfied by that so yeah pretty happy everyone it was a really fun experience hope you guys enjoyed watching it as well
Channel: TheViper
Views: 52,127
Rating: 4.9241381 out of 5
Id: fikTx81vWzw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 217min 23sec (13043 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 29 2020
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