4v4 Nomad | Huns!

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but from what I understand they just made a little bit more equal and fair the nomads in the map pool is not the best are you the only top-five player with the blue with blue ice I don't have blue ice we are waiting for all right let's go no no Matt we have tons let's save I haven't played in ages unknown that we're Viking our Byzantines Japanese at our instant really I still doc do I still dark I'm still gonna doc [Music] wait I cannot talk what am i doing oh god I'm so stupid Oh God I just thought wait I can't talk with you well that's a lot of waste the woods Cheers top player right here I took out a bank loan for 40k and Oprah meter 258 fibers now I can find the worst Viper in 720p that's awesome see wasn't that difficult was it just take a bank loan of $40,000 and you're good it didn't have to be that hard I was scared I would not be able to afford town sooner but luckily we did true because you can the thing you can afford on this a TC and a mil is the maximum we can afford cannot afford doc I may have built a dark and lost that's saved [Music] Vince look at the disrespect frumble s yes cuz we're like friends now he thinks again tap trash-talk me well he can so he's right I don't really have a good start here at all now with this this is gonna be a disaster well this is not really a water map toys Omen is more hybrid right like right you don't have for water yet there is still water at aspect so I would say it's not really a full water map so they are made at apparently that is spawning two and two sheep instead of one one and probably more stone and gold I would say looks like you mean weeks so the six shall we so we have Italians Japanese businesses Hans onions maggara Slovenian Zynga's and Turks I would say we certainly have way better civilizations all things considered only our hands player didn't mess up the opening so badly would have been great might do like a triple dock fish boom or something like that is to compensate a little bit oh yeah he's actually Incas true Oh hope is not nearby us yeah relatives until pollens flower and financier I'm hoping probably won't find me would appreciate it it didn't can afford it my dream now is to be all by myself and just be able to fish boom into v TC catfish boom into M correlation dominate yeah sure we have a Boris well on a board for the clothes there it is they'll go for third doc let's go for a third doc going all out Queen right now because I need to compensate for my messed up opening I don't think scanning should be a mechanic that is possible but apparently they're not gonna remove it you didn't remove from the Eid and they not gonna remove it right so I would say by this point scanning is fair use for everyone has always been fair use because it's never been looking like they would ever remove it but I disagree with the mechanic being there it shouldn't be possible to just scan like that the enemy did ago doctor always a little scary that is scary indeed maybe I will commit some water actually I'm quite late what do 1/3 up there and then I'll play water on that same I want great to be late to village everyone else may be as fast as they want this one great to be late they want to live it day one is vivid gray is Jimmy Tong read this Maceo Abaddon and paladin there's still no sign of gray in [Music] tutelage and we appreciate that very much oh yes see if we can get up fast and still to defend ourselves I think we will go through docs should be fine hopefully about the galleys you switch to Galus I'm gonna try galley approach open with three fires and then we switch the galleys should be getting a fairly fast cast later time as well there who's just someone with a milder don't cast lays right away very peaceful for me right now not a lot of got stuff going on on my side so I think I might be able to do is go to cast - very fast obviously my main weakness not oh I think I took a bit very bad demo shot there well grace Cass digital [Music] could be a pickle now he's my guy so I'm not sure if he will come upon water it's not a fish store it's probably a load from any motor yeah he's definitely looking at the water no question in my mind we're gonna have fire ships coming in our way I go I want to do as much damage as I can before return to the five ships so I like that he's coming in here at the moment okay who says that yeah I think that's turning out good for us I still not know the fact they're all on land was that is quite optimal as well and complain all right Oh Janice missed that [Music] it's the town center as well I need to figure out how I 100 need to figure out how I'm gonna deal with this fast you guys go there [Music] one less enemy oh we don't like that now tends to go down so fast good thing is we already have up quiz for engineers when theory that's not gonna be a big issue this is not my stool I managed to lose so much fish what I mean another barracks you know yes armor on this fire ship oh god I have top score for some reason I guess because I have a big Navy makes sense I really hurt still actually [Music] [Music] need to kill this guy's fish guys I think it's only fires holy yes he really wants to keep his fish alive she going for a podcaster obviousness but anymore [Music] yeah I think I just have to efficient ship alive I guess could be worse L&T I can commit in water anymore I just have to get married I would also like to see more team minutes played without conquest like Stan a victory actually people can actually be have like a reason to go for a wonderful sample would be a lot of fun just to have the mix-up right is I think that would be a lot of fun so you can run around make some sneaky raids do those chair Oh dinner's served revenge served cold you gotta fish as well oh it's very nice Pauline score what song I think it probably did always well he's Incas probably the village of Russian probably didn't work out safe to say Oh half-full of Prozac I should be able to fight this you know it sounds just a caster there Thompson to Ginza pal partners always but this is place though they enjoy this they enjoy when the games become like this room pop they Badou her did we actually kill some fish from him I didn't pay attention sure paladin oh wait great oh great looks scary actually his score is really high he's getting towered though and monks okay that's good there's not a smooth straight compared alleged really helped us that we already had upgrades for our arrangements as we got attacked it's going to light character moment score actually isn't too much different let's see that we can come in here and do some good damage nothing that was really good time our characters come in more gold let's go sometimes I don't know paladin that's where we were fine or cavalier even Oh obvious Badman on a map surely is in an interesting view we're still having quite a peaceful game up here we're contributing a little here with their hair in there with couches but pressure is kind of off now he's not really pressuring us anymore I'm gonna try and see if I can get some see if I can get some of his fish to actually let me show line here is imp though it's see Japanese yeah she's going for a Cavalier now it's an enemy that's paladin for you he's dead and out but he still does a caster drop never run to my teammates here else need to go pimp buildings storm life what I lost my university true make sense garrison please max [Music] I still feel like I'm just playing I'm on he's attacking your okay never mind I mind I said that but there's only light Kevin a few family can deal with it like this I know the score feels when score looks good but I still feel like we're in trouble luckily SSM seems to be doing good the last as well less might be in trouble he has Byzantines he might be fine we have Byzantines Japanese at times I should be going paladin but at the same time Maurice oh I'll go pal you gotta think about the team and long-term hold there these couches we used to try and defend any raids and then we try to make a balance which behind it in fabric is too weak for Paola yes but I am adapting my eco as we speak to have way more on food hopefully Co will be equal to be very food heavy shortly [Music] [Music] it's a random trip here was this is I'm doing bracer as well just getting some upgrades for my cavalry offices I still have about have a couple of them still so it makes sense to get up which room still but I'm making a switch to solid and still as we said Oh [Music] what opposed to CF does he have relics actually this wait for Paladin but can I afford to wait the Paladin before I start producing a lot don't think so anymore but now I'm committed he's doing sluicing so many bills change I think it's still fine all those bills oh good yeah I'm actually losing a lot now help asean god this is a such a doubt cast of hawaii oh you got it up I would have powered in a please but not when everything goes up and we lose my whole economy probably or at least most of it I lost a lot what what's happening here [Music] think I think it's any soup in my side I'm gonna completely overwhelmed her a [Music] lot paladin with no paladins as Libby said but what can you do I lost everything I'm completely out of it now I lost all but our paladin's if I get slime I'll be able to get back into it by fast hopefully a quick boom might add more fish traps down as well okay Melissa's helping there with camels as well that's very helpful yeah we'll lose that perfect situation but should still be okay for us yeah we should still be fine if something is some sound is missing there's no arrow fired from my characters you hear just something some sounds are missing know if it's just me hope you got here that you guys hear that as well I should be able to reboot back into this pretty fast as long as they can hold paladin waves to adhere summon paladin holy cow and he has okay doesn't have any relics but looks always magyars but I think it was the famous now say I [Music] still cannot fight this oops it sounds missing it feel so weird you guys feel that as well the sounds are super weird I can't say specifically which sounds there is that sounds yes arrows sounds are missing when they're shooting definitely it's just so strange there's no fighting sounds like they're fighting with their swords I don't think there's no sounds like that so weird doesn't feel like the war is happening right now you know no that sounded odd manque no villager dying is so strange oh no like this I've been finally dominated miss Beth now it's on - all right rip those guys all I can do is remove feel so weird play and there's no check sound settings I believe I've turned off anything no everything here's on that's why it's so weird the list reproduction cells are there to power them let's go what every gallon what girl is there's a TC I would like to fight you can still take this gold not a problem this is for before it's a full on less beautiful our resources just gonna I guess to cast the Sarah mine that hold man the January's this is the autumn of counterfeit paladin with camels and Genovese there's no way the mayor paladin will hold the ground yep this game should end shortly I would say there is no bug in team games especially for for popular sound bugs out there working on solution okay sounds good it's also a lot of gold here the resources I would like to get control of there's a transport ship there [Music] feels way more peaceful in this game actually is it maxes up as well there's still make gaining ground on this side light isn't all they have illegals now till gold air we can get just go there and grab that seems like it's Jenny's actually his parents actually held over there yes if you have a million of them you can fight anything goes markets do we will need that I don't think we need markets in the game grand enough too long I think it would be better off playing mega house are and carry archers but obviously we see in hindsight to say what is right and what is not they're all transported like migrate over here okay I'm writing up we have nice manpower into it we can contribute wait we have camel service fight - well [Music] still trying to run yeah so much gold here Yugi that wasn't a weird game I was kind of playing and not being attacked by anyone and I got attacked Christ then he kind of ended up being like oh I'm not attacked anymore for a while and then or they certainly I got melted again it was a weird game I guess he was just playing booming and the water that's why he made so many fire ships I thought I would have judged he would have given up water after I had so many galleys all right good job I am with Italians normally some mess let's use enable for attack sometimes sometimes yes sometimes no guys it's their stream running fine for you by the way how many people of you are having issues with like watching the stream I'm not dropping frames been quite stable so imagine it should be a good look good running well for most of you I guess he was alcohol now as well so he couldn't make more paladin not sure what paladin did here Pilon being player six master gone full inca Yolo it is very blurry or is it blurry what surprised me a lot lot of freezes try to play around with quality settings if you're having issues it's all I can suggest [Music] we did mess up our start though with the dock opening that was quite a disaster that was a little bit of shame but yeah guys I need to be back quickly and it might be dinner served so I might take a small break to eat some dinner I'm gonna check on it quickly so give me a give me two minutes and I'll be back [Music] you [Music] [Music] all right so we keep going I wonder if the game oh no it's not full Molony sorry I still wonder if other people will stop playing max is still online [Music] still not sure okay Mike they're still playing so we probably are not able to coing doubt is also online is that stream right now many also join team games Ilias online as well Nilla is in a game belt is now they need I will eat later I'm not too hungry yet anyway I'll eat when I'm done streaming why don't you use to select all stables archery range barracks when you spam units it makes it easy because the camera don't move to each building in you I put them in control groups so I don't need I don't need that a doubt displaying MBO so yeah you you since that we might be doing 3-3 here I looks of things I see I see it last bit of tea iseman also it's a but what do some early bill counts suggest when you Scout in the Dark Age depends on map you're playing you you
Channel: TheViper
Views: 40,561
Rating: 4.9120002 out of 5
Id: I4dtD-H2ZAY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 14sec (2834 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 28 2020
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