GamerLegion vs White Wolf Palace | $500 BO5 Arabia Showmatch

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so is it really clever to make them lame angry in game one yes okay absolutely sure if you prefer then make us slam angry it will happen either way hmm okay i will come to your base and scout your resources so okay at the front i don't know maybe try to not don't take a boar unless it's the first thing you find immediately otherwise just frank's indians as well they're going ham with the sieves for first game i think we have to go yeah go lay them heavy lame heavy yeah wait what service was it was it west india yeah okay good yeah we have leaked joke here exercise caster scroll speed let's go to back your base title unless you want me to go forward can you come here i'm already learning okay um i'm starting here okay i'm running too much to see you have a bore there where is he going exactly yeah okay i'm going back to my base okay got a boar and two sheep office nearly boy nearly oh boy i was watching so was that her did you take that uh no i went back i went back to my base i think mr joe there the scout is here hook uh three hits from me so it's very challenging i might need your help here alex's card is there i'm kind of and you kind of need to find some other resources first okay i'm missing four ships down one more i just need to do one round and i can come back to you if you need me okay and i will do 21 pop up here and i think they could be yours i was pretty sure they might yeah okay i found two more okay okay i have all okay perfect lisa um well now that they have two scouts with 15 hp we're going straight arches teddy yeah what do you think about wanting to hear this one here he's running here already okay i am um coming out with my scouts okay this is open okay i'm heading over there now it's weird boys if you can like i will be there in roughly 30 seconds he knows that i'm waiting for you he's going to barack now he's staying nowhere really yet don't start yet nope yes are you 21 or 20 20. oh maybe how are you i'm here almost village did they finish it is my scout is taking a weird okay you guys see uh i see elixir scout i'll go pick it up there his bloodline is both there so you can harass that with archers if we have enough control i'm most likely gonna lose my start to listening to the corner now yeah oh i see uh go to the left yeah i have four hp yeah he's been market already oh he's right best way is to pressure there okay uh tim has a scout there i picked off the scout of y'all background tell them where do you walk i'm gonna walk out like i will be well till that first but i'm only willing myself me and terror are so far we cannot teamwork yeah i'm there i'm there okay yeah there's three scouts and two arches here i have fletching here okay just has arrested woodland at the moment i'm chasing them okay his scout just left me so his scouts might be going towards you know i'm here you can come okay his five scouts are there i'm coming there with everything i just had to make sure uh we could still go around because it's still open there right i have a lot more scouts coming okay like they want to we want to fight against uh sarasota's archers right because we'll have castle most likely oh they're here they have like six scouts and seven archers go back a little bit i'm doing bloodlines this year okay i'm doing bloodlines here so it's 50 on the hill okay yes it's going there i'm fighting got the spear good i have bloodlines are you one nope okay i'll chase them there's no upgrades for for yo so yes he has moved his whole wood right now okay how far are you from castle edge okay fight he is i'm not making more scouts okay so we go down a little down where i can leave one two three oh scouts here just leave one or something to a vision i think we can break them jump on blue jump on blue instead of trying to save me no it's not true oh oh he had to buy a stone right i would assume so i think there's one billion here check on the corner yeah we'll check he's rushing up a tower on the gold let's just pick a will or two and then go back yeah let's just go back yo has all the scouts here by the way oh there's arches there as well should be fine though they're coming for you jordan yeah let's see well right yeah just uh i didn't know well if you have army you can come of course either we finished leaks or let's finish like i think archers will be more important since uh yo is indians okay um you want me to go to like um yes okay i'm alex is gonna be super dead here right are you okay martha well i will uh take damage for sure but we're doing way more damage in return so yeah okay i'm gonna move it away here yeah that's it really playfully want to see three or four ranges even for if possible okay not booming as well maybe we should consider go to now yeah we can i mean i will lose my stables and stuff there but i have a tc if you have enough to kill this jordan sure yeah okay can you open really i will be on okay lux has lost like 20 mils okay no matter how bad it is it's worse okay viper what's up there i have three knights myself yeah not sure if we can kill it where are you taro i'm here with you i'm on the top we're fighting them at the moment at the bottom so this is a good time to put pressure i got caught on now as well come here america i will uh get call control again so i can make units for you soon okay archers that's good too far oh sea workshop actually okay i'm coming uh we cleaned all the arches of luke's tarot so looks has no arm at the moment well just a few arches jordan you have a few nights on my base yeah careful i'll do a light cat as well we could also move to the other pocket here okay another one no that's the town center yeah we're done i will jump jump okay go go still have a knight in miller turn here okay shredded some see any leaks there i don't think we even have to care about licks anymore we just have to yeah but the thing is on the outside if you send those to life okay there i think he's there because i was controlling my point or he was not ticking at all okay he's building a suit workshop here maybe he was buying but i have like camping uh i think i should keep ireland right so yeah sure oh careful is here this is scary actually there's a lot of numbers okay i'm coming down jordan yeah okay x where he's here yeah probably okay you know can you send a oh tonight uh he had all his camels here i will go and defend i think have to do this first perfect set me please and maybe you could send all the nice two licks yes i can as long as you're coming home you have to keep chasing tarot because most likely he will go yeah yeah the palestine's on the top side that's important happy with that army yeah let's go for the cameras there send some reinforcements here so here let's get there yes i killed the mangano good move jordan there's a chance that camels will have access to you from here actually never mind he's diving in what's up here and you're fighting low hill he's losing everything yeah it's really good we have to go back i'm clicking up as well you don't have to chase that anymore title where should i go i'm gonna go drop a castle in the middle of the map here so if you make one more more towards mix is that big sister we can clear those how much does he have uh oh okay it's here how many camels were there how many do you need jordan give me a number 10. okay you want to jump is that not my goal oh no one okay is it yours i'll take this one we're sharing there okay okay put your crossbows there taro do you have any numbers there because i don't want to fight that run back go back ready once you get like five hours here you can clean that as well i need to wait for upgrades i will rate your guys a little bit since we have people here maybe we'll have a lot of marvelous now it's gonna be hard to stop oh yeah my brother i think i need some army here how much do you need your nine billion uh give me oh obviously can take sling lid on i'm coming jordan this is one goal there yes sir here just take the yeah i'm taking my conversion okay just let me clean up since you don't know upgrades we don't waste unnecessarily there's a ton of camels here wait for me yo it's just i'll send you guys more paladin on there sorry yeah let's go together as i said i can use all resources i'm doing uh okay let's go taro and i'll send you a coloring now uh we must all miami here we proved from there i think we can go through the center or do you want to go with your rams no no no like we can't we can go from here another castle jordan viper we if you send rams there we could just clean us all the stables taro will build rams closer yeah i'm luring camels with me in the middle yeah you have two squares there you can beat them one two notch there whenever you have the time let's go straight into uh tim force you all to chase us and give our teammates some help keep moving they also have trade running through there there's a castle there's gonna be scary here i'll start sending palette in there you come through airtight we're also on top of the trade we're pushing in the base of tim as well so we just need to hold there jordan careful now yeah inefficient man but i was scared jordan we can jump on this there's no paladins yeah let's go okay yes i'm building farms farms traps build some farms jordan i can send you some yeah it's ambitious it's raining here vodka i can take some stone for can you send reinforcements that way right okay yeah just uh to your army running there uh nelly can you repeat this stone for more castles okay uh it's tricky all right i can see him uh tattoo you have to wait i'm gonna prepare for a switch to some mega hustle for a bit while i'm waiting for gold now do you need food no no i'm selling food to click up to now yes good job guys very well done who needs doubt he needs to fix his microphone i could hear him earlier i thought you were just trolling him i i could hear him as well yeah i mean too i thought he was listening we wanted to continue we just jumped on there yeah i actually started wondering now if you didn't hear him but yeah i mean his microphone was lit up all the time though that was weird like his picture yeah like all the time so it kind of helped with our debate there okay i'll send out the next one as you wish that is weird i cannot where's my scoreboard on this scene one second guys where's the scoreboard not here right guess we had it again there we go would be fine though okay lord penguin things for seven months popping housing 100 bits we take those brohayo thank you for the 15 months lib 770 thank you before fatigue copies with the two months playing really smooth today vip man thank you moon follower i think about a host earlier lunatic for 29 months dark finna with 10 months never t thank you so much for the tier three and the six months thank you so so much for that jackhammer thanks for the seven the oscar the oscar terrier think about the prime as well retro bowler with the four months here at the end that was a good first game ended up well for us was a bit dicey in fuel age when they came to my base but i think we minimized the damage i think we lost one male maybe so i think when you see the damage with the two looks i think it was worth it looks that 38 will dry what the hell that's how to play saracens boys cool do you want to play minesplank or cumin's pocket now man flank okay good talk go talk hey classtech thank you so much for seven months we have extra hp on wills alex's incas is he against i don't want tata to yell at me because the towers came too soon already without the name well who works against me and viper not building any army before minute 19 could be interesting well his pocket is yo as maggar so there's going to be a lot of pressure there oh boy that's why you need to wall milly okay if you wall and go on storm to do counter towers then um that's in my sheep oh that was yours a single sheep moving no yeah laying it's on by the heart really hard please no no gray no gray no gray no grey i hope grey is here maybe blue do you think it's blue yep oh you guys you guys have sarasons and indians you will dominate that what they have and your adult pockets and lithuanians on our side it's great to actually see tim and their team that's something we haven't seen in a while my right side i'm missing for sure yes sir but without you i will wall myself so there's a chance if look oh wait this isn't their side nevermind there might be army coming your way as well from us because i will be walled you know i know and i cannot warm my mouth well yeah only danger will be but if the pressure comes from outside as well baby really likes fast castle with a mines by the way okay swipe on wood already sounds like a trash fast castle to me are you close no no i'm going for it he got the law at the time okay that means he's up here he goes super fast i know what's coming i can already tell you i don't need to check i'm thinking i should go to santo i will play russia's team myself then i'm not sure that's a good idea why because that means everything will go to doubt that sounds like a great idea if you have no no uh presents then everything goes without batman what are those walls i i will send something to hold there as well i guess we never get out uh are you saying something no okay i i didn't discount that part okay i will roll that sorry i sorry we got some type of thin wall where are you walled out well until here but the rest of the map is scared out maybe we can snipe come on you didn't tell me anything like i didn't read your mind uh what are you doing in dark age and what that's so you don't swallow a lot you guys are really close to nearly well the next thing you'll sow is my base that's how it works and then my base and then nail space wait so what was that nearly rush to there i'm okay i have more hp so should i come back or should i keep moving forward no he's going to you i guess now support to get me i feel a vase sitting here with scouts going to his basement what is he all doing is he also making scouts or how do i know i guess yeah he has two here then i need pyramids come as well i'm forcing him to stay there for now for how long if you want uh numbers you can clean that with crossbows even like towers 13 hp scout here eagle it's annoying their wallet commenting workforce do you want me to reball here a bit more uh if you feel like they're going to put pressure there then yes let's see if it's a little crossbow or comics oh cameras might make sense got the view wall from there to there we are you are well to my woodland as well that's not the most important thing right i think would make sense this second arch range was relatively late looks thundered out yeah the first thing is my scouts are doing nothing um foreign if you want out i can send a lot of like i can send you my initial wave of knights there well i guess i'm stopping this but i did lose kill somebody else that looks good yeah not want me to sound nice there i think i need to clean the tower that's my goal yeah i can send my first wave there as long as neal is fine yep i'm rushing ballistic over to says he still doesn't play vodka so yeah we need to follow up here like he will have the better economy afterwards yeah but i will i should also have a really good record hey yeah that's why i put you uh heavy army mr yo will be a problem right oh he's coming here you send me like 50 more villas i just felt fairly close but now it won't be on time i mean i can still be annoying allison meister uh are you all right now yep like zero zero caddy here here if i want to kind of move out i'm kind of expecting him to go there okay yeah i'm under i'm patrolling any chance army can catch me off guard not to my knowledge i don't know like tim might be just booming green knights here one plus one defense okay uh taro is there any way you can masterpiece that no i can't probably not oh oh tommy you just play okay a trade for crossbows well actually this might be like that yeah yeah yeah uh nine nights if you no ten nights so if you just run a little bit further guys do you need me there can i go yeah yeah i've been in here okay i'm combining armies oh should be fine so can you try that yeah they're coming here okay i'll come to you as soon as i'm done here did we get the tower i think yeah just straight on the hill i'll send you some normal i'm gonna leave you now i have roughly 25 nights green still no not having second defense upright and we can go and we can clean foreign target is crossbows with your archers okay we need to do damage now i'm going to click imp in a sec we don't need to do damage we're fine are you okay on that side we are stabilizing i am cleaning the towers from my base will kill that soon that's where they need me where did can we take that here nearly uh i think we should just wait for my imp although i don't sure i don't think vivi tim is imping would surprise me oh he was late on upgrade with upgrades as well if i just send this army to raid and give you reinforcements then we should be fine yeah you have crossbow numbers as well that's my goal by the way i know i just misplaced it i didn't delete it okay they're jumping that should be a good trade for us either way don't worry let's continue to micro god tim has a hole as well this equals about the goal bye bye i don't know hide in the back of my face here asap are you close i'm defending the raids oh tim is dead now um okay you guys want cavalier on your side we are fine now what about helping nilly first i'm helping you as well i'm just asking the rest of my team as really relax depends on the time i need margaret i can go on radio and go with cavaliers um yeah that you should take on my body i should go right take all my gold he wants to hear that again you never heard those words before i'm sending more i should be able to stop him where you're going that anyway i'm going to place out possibly okay we always we're just surprised that how far are you from imping nearly i'm 100 foot okay i just need to hear far but okay army here i'm standing i'm not that far behind that's covered him from there will be tricky need to speed rush okay maybe i cannot uh gray has a lot of python there but market fighters yes four instantly yeah those spikes could be a problem here such a do you have any crossbows you can send here no no no i am producing films now starting to produce i can't sell some no it's fine he he left the gap second i can get it i will need rangers always i cannot fight the helps yep do you guys have this resources sorry oh i'm there sorry you know watch either military viper i keep having to fight helps here not trading well i don't know i can't say i've shipped three castles now but we're losing the hill which is the main construction will not help there are the impacts i'm not even sure if i can uh he has his own problem man yes all the relics can be tough oh yeah those i'm not sure if we can ever take this position back honestly like he wants a caster i guess i can stop if you kill some crossbow i have all the crossbows in the other side maybe i can even kill it to the cast do you need to think that not now i should be fine i think we need me he's standing here let's go to chase now yeah another castle in the face i was the situation there that's uh a lot of army i might be kind should be able to kill in it but the cops are problem the unit composition is much stronger can you play build a castle i don't have stone we need to wait for my objects do we do i guess we just have to engage this clean your stone chemistry is 40 no but he's jumping i think we just have to fight her hopefully you have a hill there right so let's go boys it's now whenever i don't want to look imagine if jordan had was in this game he would have such a power point now yeah yeah i wouldn't have yeah a camera with the comics you're running this issue the issue is that the castle will go up either way that's not the issue with this much paladins and everything we clean it up well we are losing the fight aren't we another castle do you need stone i can obviously use gold i can't really produce at the moment um nice i think it's over night i'm 120 pop i can't produce and we have castles over for you not how the game works out i know yeah it's over i sure yes i can stop playing now nice or we cannot stop the well doubt comes in is all i can say doubt comes into the game and suddenly it got way harder you did this on purpose it's the tips um i'm wondering if i should have just let ignore your side and gone completely with nellie cause then we could have maybe killed her didn't you say like tim is that the tim was i rated him to death but obviously 10 minutes later he's alive again that's how it works it took a lot more than 10 minutes for licks the question is if um if i just go with nelly instead and ignore your side how does your side play out play out well i was cast like i will be teasing up i would hold but the problem is league stars will be all over the place then yeah yeah we would call but we would be like but would that be worth it leave you in that situation if we can kill on our side well i guess the scenario is we lose and we lose this side this is only better i guess felt like we were in a good position though maybe i shouldn't have gone to raid him and just stay at home so they don't get position on lily yeah we did stabilize here not sure how nitty was holding there alone there i actually everything went pretty well after yeah honestly like i said what went wrong like clicks was out of the game for so long paladins was simply two we won then and viper was raiding at your side no i think sorry i think i should have like at this site it became a problem because the compensation there helps in their composition and i only have paladin but i think if i don't if i just stay at the other side like they don't get the castles on the hills and then we're possibly still fine yeah exactly here then it will be towers on my side or on our side or castles on your side i guess the castle's a bigger problem i didn't expect them to jump though on the united at that time because they must have seen my night's sleep right because when i sent probably the knights to raid they jumped on you like that it was super strange well like we probably should have communicated that earlier because if i know that you are jumping then i don't build my tc outside what do you mean jumping well if like if you are counter-attacking i probably should have stayed 3tc and not go out and try to control my goals yeah well we should have read the map probably more in that regard because you had exposed goals for sure which is why one of my senses probably let you have a castle first that's also a point where just yeah no i probably should have stayed at home but then again your tim would also probably hit him quite fast and have the relic bonus it's a tough one and you were thinking boss no that was you guys oh sure let's go sure about that joden carry me let's go we have god oh burmese please be on tarot side please i have sheep i can take him bring him on i'm terrorists i don't fear looks even as tatters if he lames your ships i will find them fast actually that's true help me find sheep guys everyone send me one ship yeah my scout to you he doesn't want this car he wants to shoot i want machine learning you know guest man where are you at the moment jordan okay you scout there there's a forest between there but you scout around that should be good uh behind the wood guy or the forest i suppose i found two sheep there actually i will go forward now see if i can find something do you know who it is you know who it is taylor no it seems to be georgia with tattoo like i'm thinking rapper i'm here okay i have been there no i messed with links man that's the area i haven't scattered i also haven't scouted the top side here okay i'm very close to my opponent he's already he wants to leave my board man he's there with a woman i see one before jordan i see one board there if your scout i think it's so close i should be able to get it okay i will be there as well i'm behind let's see if there's anyone can you go to the left and look for i was pushing the ears okay that's more important this woman axe again i don't know where he went and joyce here as well what is this party you stop my gear forcing for this well i'm missing force not finding anything there's a bore no i didn't find anything there's a bore yeah should they go scout them maybe then okay you can you just go home jordan no i need food okay joey's let me my boy ex i'm kind of going to them to see if i can they probably can scout their home but i can't try stopping you communicate tattleman i need help with ship well joy scout is super low hp well i'm here with the scout trying to lane back something for you that's because of you he's blaming my berries as well you have lund all right just in the ville or two to check but there's two scouts i'm gonna be there before you had the pocket i asked you several times x we should have separated out entirely again now i understand why they want i need here somewhere i have no food right here so here you can try them how many are there so we're against chinese flank here and persian pocket and they have the best position i found my last ship oh you did it over there i cannot block his skull yeah we have a board there as well yeah i don't know that part i didn't find anything to lane back like not the single ship extra time going back he's there leaning yeah i'm there the scouts are here jordan and now he's saying this i'm coming in a second so fast are you near jordan um yeah i'm tracy uh vivi scouts should be super large ps1 he's doing militias now he's there he was there he's a woman you're that's the biggest issue here you went there two one was very low hp and it's no problem i have my scouts here i'm just preparing ranges vivi is still dark gauge i mean i did blame a boar so there's a chance he just tries to go past castle here there is a boy always going brushes he's not rushing that's the thing in the house am building up my arches here okay i'm here oh his scouts are there okay on my tc going to my wood here straight down he went down he's rolling like with 10 million yeah okay okay oh you managed i think he's going hardcast out behind this where is your seat uh frank's here's not a problem like i said the problem is yo he will go around by you give no counter to that should i go to gun i don't think they're that powerful um just keep chasing i'm moving my arches forward now oh wait what uh chop chasing it's a bit more sculpture that's fine do you guys need my scouts on that side should be fine on that side i don't know i don't have intel i cannot really say that i'm gonna put pressure on his gate here oh he has a tower on the gold as well okay i stopped scout production i'm going for hostel now as fast as possible obviously i doubt you can help me hit a wall here man there's a tower there though maybe go further at all he will stay darkest for a while i reckon that i walked to that forest but it's not full but you guys maybe we should just move on to the next guys let's go now there's five arches here a nice hill here for your archers to break in i guess oh you went outside i will keep moving to the side foreign we're in go go stop stable he's going on me now he has some watches here yeah that's it i'm doing a manga how far is the first night i think we just run with our armies there i'll try to hide so i can get crossbow quick oh you want from that time uh walker i think i will go to doubt do that if you use it clean that up is that fine um yeah i mean we are fine now but i don't buy it will be problem we don't indict we need crossbow you see the arches of blue yeah we can clean that up right now no i don't know i'm pretty sure i'm coming back do you have to though if i let me fight first because you don't have upgrades let's go doubt the dream team first now what did he go thesis first uh jordan i think yeah david might be coming there he has crossbows here what's your manual the ground attack would be amazing he's there with everything yeah i'm coming 95 why do we never use them anymore anybody know what i mean they are still seen aren't they that often okay i have thumb ring obviously and ballistics on the way could possibly get hill bonus there sometime i'm thinking we need to clean this somehow because that will be an ish problems maybe we go there i think it's very due it's better i feel we waste so much time running over there okay that's a lot of around i think he has two castles i think he's playing two castles i'm switching to uh cavasha's by the way okay i'm coming right there like there's a hill here if we have that tatters we'll i will have the time in my life there yeah i'm coming what's up he has a lot of numbers though they're here the knights are there so we can probably jump the knights aren't with them guys and now we have the hill that's nice i'm sure he went off the hill jordan uh i have no idea as well that didn't end too well then um you need that we need to record those jumping action it counts as well everything let's go the isn't one but zero kills well i have teasers and everything i can drop a castle soon as well jordan so just we still have some lights here what's up i know please even uh yeah i have to go paladin and support whatever i make he dies instantly that's what i'm doing right now but thank you i'm like finishing boom this this is idol's run she got i'm with you not sure if we can actually take this fight oh man the best thing to do here is grow scrubs man this is such a strong build nope why is somebody playing this well maybe people will now i absolutely love it he did oh he has arbless here yes i can you could use paladin hair though as long as this castle goes up my castle will not go up it will go down is there anything to stop this unit hey i got two around my kills just like that horrible it seems like cabbages is the doing nevermind it feels like we're dead have you guys seen jordan's base as well like my base my base is being trapped jordan space is gone i'm gonna have access to my golds i'm gonna army i'm pushing he's looking good but the issue is you're pushing alex and he's well i guess i'm going skirms feels like a right unit i'll never choose that i have no access to my gold anymore that that unit is so broken it's not coming up yeah but still in some games it can feel broken in very specific situations like now yes you just have to believe that they will come can we just call it i enjoy i'm believing that then i don't see anything still i don't send it from thousands right i can't believe it that he is chasing that shitty unit there i keep following somebody i hear everything that's not good for you how do you deal with that as well this is every angle man i'm calling it just castle can i call it yeah go ahead if you want to okay all i know is that we had 100 win rate without doubt and then doubt that's true we're losing every game that's i want to do armpit strategy now you know the worst part is now we will try it and it will get smacked easy even better i want to see how to stop it did you do seriously they played like arena man just licks yolo zach slow down and yo arena and double aramba i play like look at your economy like too far you don't need farms with remember that's crazy that's very powerful strategy fun unit it's like we need flag to have a huge mass of archers for this not work and that's why licks went yolo are you lucky both of our pockets are dead like you cannot do anything no chance it's crazy it used to be the kongs but well you at least had a chance to fight with knights or camels but the wrong window double castle so easy explain your strategy uh the flank which was literally killed the three just went forward with villagers i'll explain what they're done talking i kill like three or four with body forty chicken was killed for a rumba something like that yeah that fight if that fight went according to the balance i think we would still like we win the game but after that lost 20 canoes to 20 runway need to fast him so lex just goes forward with god you get loom instantly and then you start laying walling in resources you kill the board etc which means you slow down potentially two guys and then the pocket aramba can just go for straight fast castle rambay which is uh really dangerous to play against because they're run by numbers especially because the thing is look slows down the opponents which means they're there the army numbers the army numbers will be very low and therefore i ran by absolutely dominant i did i should have just gone fast cast myself though i was hoping we could do some put some pressure jordan go go spain okay can you go come here viper yeah okay he just wants to burn me yes i'm gonna go three t's boom oh didn't we figure out that that was broken yeah oh what remember you you play like pop 25 fc was that the plan i know we have cumin as well is that oh this will be tough i actually think i will just fast castle we have humans and spanish pocket might be conquistadors daddy i go punctuals as well then it's like better wall oh it's not guaranteed right it could be scouts in the clones could be you know anything and i would say just do one range with a one-range blacksmith either way okay well unless you're against britain's and play more normal but if you're against uh looks you probably better do something else yeah already having my boy no matter that's preparation there is no one we know where alex is is hero guy we don't know that's why i'm asking i play every game like with the oh he's my guy so we have um cumin's pocket here nelly i will just go fast castle then and most likely i'll do like three t's boom into elephants okay or potentially nice depending on the situation lacking quite some sheepies cowies same don't you have all right i went to lane i took one cow and didn't find you can check my stuff if your time i have time of course you do i know you think i'm fast so does your girlfriend likes it fast should um which one of those there's two foresters like a small gap yeah i can ball the gap okay i wasn't planning on walling too much i was planning to just use okay well i can play very small then as well i think he's playing grass fc here he doesn't have yet did you find anything good yes a cow how can you be on the van yep are you dressing yourself are you gonna feel like okay um to find a fellow there um i i can lose i can do loom i should be fine we can agree bastard i'm gonna wall to that forest though jordan is there any force between us here there's a force here i'm walling until this forest i can wall until the rest okay so you're down here no i need my ships you asked that forest jordan i'm looking with the villager the forest is here there's a gold nearby as well i was too busy searching for nothing obviously he's not nothing tricky he's just now i'm here one scout of blue come manny jordan seven don't tell me seven wasn't more get you know where the blue scout is nope to there between there ah so you want a team ball okay yeah i told you i will do that one okay okay perfect i will chase this coat is he still on youtube or is he coming to me of course he is on me uh very good jordan are you trying to kill me or what thank you jordan you managed to do that actually you microwaved me i didn't see that i didn't see that seriously you killed my bill here let's go oh but 12 villagers in gold jordan be ready to chase him 12 on gold well it is let me recount 10. close to 12. rory don't get there if you can his this time the correct one this time the wrong one uh we'll check what joe is doing if he's going piece of this right away yeah here's the castle here already maybe we have time to do something to the licks this is going to stop the swiss player the same what did you do it was a very nice display i have to say that what did he do what did you do just just owning looks and i helped lex he's not attacking the pocket that's how he played yeah but i still haven't heard what luke's actually did tyrosine's hotels what this first hunk is out yes you should run home then you're making kung fu right i'm building castle now i was booming this uh the first congress here just keep in mind that no no walls are safe once the cronk numbers are up i'm going back home you have character i guess yeah how's it going there anyway zero zero kd in castle age just tim crossbow against my crossbow both having vodka i like to hear that well i cannot get the stones i will go more army um should i go ballistic extra to see first let's do this cuban player is not now around uh knights coming here double stable i'm adding the tables now i'm up you heard me really there are nights as well yep they're both i'm bald camping camping with crosby they are there so they're gonna hit me and there's a tower as well yeah we can attack him yeah let's just go nice scouting on your pc they can just go and see where he'll go i just want to see where his house is do you have cardo and it's here they're there look at the microphone so he knows you're coming to him oh there are cons on me on the woodland bad timing because i'm being attacked by two other people as well we're attacking you i will send my reinforcements let's break this team wall should be easier can i attack with my elephants and i have three elephants with plus one armor i killed everything at the front piper okay keep acting on the outside go out okay delete your market no no no just go out it's open ah okay okay a market yet okay there's like siege monk yeah siege workshop i can send elephants there guys if that will help oh my god that's your job i will prepare a ton of elephants there to clean that up do it better than my micro here i will need crosstalk to snipe monks okay can you send one crossbow in there just to look around see what else is there man those are yeah get down with that one unit okay that was costly we overcome it there slightly yeah um crappos oh we can take that with a ton of elephants let me guys know when you're engaging i will place the castle um i only have nine ten elephants so far i would like to have like 15 at least four of them because he has alex i'll come and clean yours first nearly and reinforce this can you but you need something it's better to clean that one well i will clean that as well i just like nearly if we can clean new late as well neil can just focus on helping us there because we need someone to snipe monks sorry dog was not able to listen just a second great post yes second one let me know when you guys want to engage i'm gonna engage on the front your front uh i have four elephants five stables producing so we could engage now i just need the monks gone yes yes let's go and then convert can you delete the most place he's gonna get conversions elephants now that's bad okay we have a cast okay it should be fine hmm i'm out there with my crossbows in the center of the map is that clever killer yeah make things happen go go fight he has a monster there so from there should they switch to the berserkers or should they go for larval garbage i will be going i'm on paladins they're like berserkers there's a castle not hillary so focus on blue go to blues gold oh guys i cannot clean this by myself there he's there's reinforcing and there's monks all the time i need something to take monks i'm building skulls jordan would be helpful if you come around so this gas will never goes up uh give me a bit don't i'm not up to me ask him just ask yourself man just come back i will uh go for the monks now yes please i nearly come up to my elephants okay he used to read conversions now so you can engage on my base piper can you prepare marketplace like you just need some a few scouts there to clean that uh he's going jordan i can make skirts this is the other pop flank freaking licks man oh here get those mangoness if you can as well yes a paladin upgrade nearly we're doing that proud okay in multiple ways that's my mcc as well oh really um oh you got up okay go back okay let's go together i could use food there's a few go time here we need to go together and my i'm just i'm just ready for them i don't have the last armor after that i cannot engage but i guess with you can still go oh you can get jordan use your trade there's paladins here jordan yeah i'm sending my reinforcements focus on getting traps out nelly but still use food uh leave the licks along his dead let's focus more on the i've been reading yo paladin's here as well doubt no doubt no doubt go away oh the gold yeah this is my gold i need it go away i'm biking away nearly shoot helps not paladin i need to be an that was actually really bad you guys okay over over there the fine okay jordan use those yeah we are alive so as long as you guys sling extra resources nearly and and uh you guys have been good there then all good it's all definitely good nil just focus on wardrobe as well i would say i have the castle will die right now you're right you see drum actually you are mining golden earlier without minecamp i didn't mean mega mining camp need to switch to the pikeman here i don't think you need that rest for me obviously yeah i'm sending yeah as well i'm preparing siege rams nearly then we can push after that let's go back to my elephants whenever we need to talk about ram push let's go to the castles and stuff like that i'll send you more stone and secondly i'm currently using my army for reason they are kind of struggling with gold i suppose and don't he's going that way so we have a bit of time to push they're full falling quickly yes yes i'm sending my reinforcements fully here let's go down uh who needs resources nearly nearly uh delete this walnut let's go when you're petroling your paladins in the trades which stands to use to contact someone didn't see my military stance video no more uh well cdrum is on the way let's go back there with your blast let's wait for the sea drums to come that's a lot of fear i'm trying to chase those paladins jordan but i'm slow so i can't really get on top of them i realize that idol elephants stop looking here though okay i'm going with the seasons now nelly and elephants let's go look at the chance to leave me to die really mr maybe try to stonewall from there to this towards the middle as we get control here okay i'm falling back out let's regather here human player is starting to make a light curve so that's good focus your skirms in his armless knowing you still have armature jordan viper did we clean those paladins yes we did okay we're gonna need more time there are you able to get cold units out here i have 20 trade cards now does anyone need resources nearly really still it's the best thing in nearly right now than making my units it could be a problem this can be a problem my elephants are slow and i think that's not the problem jordan annoying someone is buying resources here almost definitely just to get into the trade i'm in the trade with elephants now uh jordan if you have any free paladin we need to chase these two we're still losing a lot of trade they aren't good some ranger there's a lot of paladins around the map yeah i know let's go here once you're here we can engage anyone need the gold or wood i i will switch into oh there's a ton of helps there i'll switch into scorps as well soon just need to get wood jordan have a lot of paladins can we engage that uh i think we can yeah i will bring my full army does anyone need resource system you can send me extra wood if you have yeah a lot so i can uh yeah market price is extremely good as well oh god so annoying yeah i cannot chase this but i send a few but it takes a while yeah go straight for the castles go for the second castle so you have a range of both i'm gonna charge him jordan you're like specking the fight freaking though you will need more than my extra work oh my goodness god look his top score man i wouldn't brag about that you would not brag about top score yeah yeah that makes sense so i'm ready where was it there cannot cue attack building still a lot of army in the trade here jordan yeah just preemptively you also have a ton of konks there is that also preemptive just don't understand the spectating comments oh my goodness anyone needs resources nearly no dragon centrifuges there i will get some rams there we can break it yeah and kill up the stables anyway oh where the hell is oh there they are oh it's not a lot left anymore but they were there if anyone has extra wood i can use a little bit just for get my scorpion yes well all of jordan's uses in our trade so it's funny when i do it vapor look it's the hair i'm telling you i know dude tell me your walls oh uh jordan what happened with that paladin and my rhymes plan i sent him out there yeah the question is why are you sending out rams without my support oh because you know support will come he achieved the focus and now he was sent those two readers but you know we all see that well you can already hear that ready i'm pushing in here they're going so we have very little control over there i don't wait are there running yeah there shouldn't be anything there i can buy a castle and put there good luck just to have vision really cheap it wasn't cheap but i bought it anyway jordan has been buying some stone i'm sure i guess you're on it as you're following but i cannot say if you saw it or it's like leftovers yeah jordan i feel once the king has to limp you go eat yeah but before that it's hard now didn't you say you stopped licks yes i did why was he monk siege crapo is pushing me i'm the other pocket because he needs 10 bridges on stone 10 on gold i cannot kill every single villager all right good stuff oh decider and we have burmese good job beast my turn to sit out oh boy no that that feels wrong i would like it because then i'd have well actually if we win no i'm not going to go the positive score here i have to won no as usual i do i have two two i have two tattoo and doubt have one two yeah hmm disaster and this game is one without tattoo you and yours should sit if you're playing i can sit i think the most important thing is this is it i mean it's it's a show much it's not end of the world if we go straight i want the monies man you thought you were getting if we win it's expecting that i think the most important key away takeaway is to not let doubt and thought to be on the same side too they spent the disaster both games yeah because that's called the licks well it's not the same man yeah it's not the same you couldn't make that just like i did i against yooki up like 10 30 like he's making up two minutes earlier well there is a difference between incas and bulgarians doubt there's truth look at this guy man um slam if you're here i saw you in chat earlier we're doing a best of five thousand show much after this so definitely get some what best of five thousand dollars what sip am i you are lithuanians okay um audi also available i will also be available okay for the next damn it okay let's go oh let me tell you if it can be scheduled was expecting that ants from dark but not from you jordan we thought we were going to eat man so we thought we were safe i i ate earlier ah true hans mongols come over vikings oh that's a tricky one do they have but good safe we set thanks god we have italians yeah dance will kill all there just count for us as soon as possible saturday are laminghardt i i felt already oh i got the first kiss i'm against licks oh let's go well no doubt you finally can enjoy let's go well doubt you killed in last game easy right i'm coming i have both words for i am scouting your side at the moment okay there's not skill anymore fun i got the first kick do you think that's chic yeah just wondering i didn't fight wood yet there's wood there i assume you have a wood behind you as well what else are you missing there at the moment you found everything though on the board but i don't think he can steal i lower down his age no i i have everything okay i will go home and get my stuff i took a cow there was that yours i hear you're saying something but i'm here i need you jordan yeah i'm here i'm here as well that that front is everything empty man did you choose a wood yet well i'm taking this one the only one i saw so far yeah your map is really bad for wood there's a woodland there i'm using this one we're going back out just jay seems like he cannot take my boar yeah lost track of him but i'm trying to you want to play dress find him again into we have eight deer in the same spot for us taro here there's eight here did you actually take my ball no six there you went there or or like i can mail it but you can also have it if you want yeah his berries are here i cannot take it i'm like won't get away from dying if you can't do it would be sorry because i think you took mine okay i'm chase i i'm getting it let's see if i will be able to do it oh he's taking my bar okay are you around can you stop it i'm here doubt well do you know where my kisses and what else i can actually stop it okay no i like domination look at this beast give me the ball holding this back man just in time right before uh let me check there is one like here on a hill next to a gold it's a little bit awkward but you could use it maybe you can go through here i was going to my paper foreign like if i walk to that woodland should be in his fight which would then and that one i went on the hill uh not sure you're referring to this woodland right or there yeah yeah like can you walk until there i was planning to wall yeah yeah i can i can okay the pc should be around there okay i'm doing twenty one m me okay well then we are both going to see up serious look he's going range from home though tina's scout is there he's tracking my militias he's just dragging my medicine where are you i'm chasing uh tim scout at the moment do you want me to come to you instead no no i'm fine yes i will not be there if the rest is wall then we should go back home feminists are here okay yeah tim scout is moving forward as well they will be there yeah but it's still open between the forest and me yeah okay okay they're moving around now at least one scout i might be able to finish the wall in time and tell you my melissa's inside just in case yeah do that together i keep collecting before him i'm he's sending his mesh around now but i think i will be fine to walk in time shouldn't be a problem he went for two archery ranges by the way yeah i went flushing so i hear my job i'm not going to make more scouts since the world this is open back don't go back okay maybe we can do something his drush is here but i'm fully walled so it's fine john we have there are three militia and three scouts here i am walled so they might move on to you that would be bad are you able to wall your resources because they will definitely move on to you okay it's no arrangements though so if you can wall your resources then you should be fine yeah they're coming from this angle can you send the scouts there now one second they are still on me jordan so you should have time okay okay scouts at least i don't know about the militia i'm old so i'm fine forever okay i got maybe we know any sport resources from maybe uh there's cold stone but they're all outside the wall and it doesn't have anything there right i don't see anything inside more about that yeah i don't see anything inside are they here but i'm old so let's say my first artist is too deep yeah you can hear the woodland they're exposed oh he's building a second stable there you cleaned well yeah but they did lose a little bit like a nice spacer delty they went crazy guys oh he's coming here but coming did he make it he has four scouts here he has four scouts here what do you say teddy go don't go with me yeah come here i'll leave oh he doesn't have any upgrades uh yo is going full come with me yeah i don't see the scouts now but he has six scouts so he will okay seven archers here from licks let's go on let's go on that side so we can find out what can go here go here let's go here and go inside my base well we are idling a lot right let's go to let's go so we have to take here go here base yes inside let's motivate this people change okay they're going back now oh that vote for nothing we need to go here can i help with nightstand jordan uh yes oh god archers here and scouts shared out they're fully upgraded so maybe you want to loop around into your base differently we know go back go back go back there are your units so we can group i'm going castle age i have two skulls here and he's going full fuel he has his scouts here okay he's going that way don't so you can go straight to your basement want to keep hitting i'm fine where are they yeah i haven't seen them either oh they're on there oh that's my shoulder man i just because my map is horrible there's a chance he's like trying to tcs gold so we might hit him at a good time you know he already got one he already has a tc30 oh my moments are so exposed see what kill the castle before me and my map is exposed here uh do you want me to just send my nice back i think it makes sense yeah that's a problem a lot of time to buy with those wood lines that are front foreign i think we can kill that in a sec i have plus two as well tim does not have a plus two i'm waiting for post two though well again let's just wait for my cast range as well captain rotc okay we can probably engage this now tally i have plus two tim does not let's go i think he saw me with the scout but the was that it's gonna go to you now oh how bad is it on your side guys quite bad for my economy not sure about jordan is it bad enough that i should take some risks and come to you guys uh no i don't think so i don't think we can clean them there are the draw them you just need to win the one fight so you can do something i don't see them so far okay they're here the army advised we are both the same but my economies thank you oh we open the open turtle i will just send a few nights to see what's up okay he has teasers everywhere timmy's there yeah i'm still gonna get some villager clothes here so it's okay i will go onto the hill we're gonna uh he has a lot of uh crossbows there on this tc i think he might even be thinking about imperial here we should probably try to continue to force let's do that i have nine on the left side and 10 on the right side out your economy is not that much worse than mix i suppose well he did vent his style image but i lost so many bells i will okay what are my knights doing i have 10 more knights coming from the left up any chance you could go there i will send my reinforcements there here here you can try to pick some up from this woodland that's pretty much do we see his arm anywhere teddy no jordan i would love for love from you here don't place them on pc are you up there uh i can't stop producing anytime i'm thinking i'm going to go heavy cast i should give you a mid shield no no no no you're sending bills forward there he's there yeah with us see click here are you fine there now jordan yeah yes how far are you from epitaro oh you're in okay well then i will just go i can click up first i should be able to give you a lot of meat shield oh he's there i lost everything nothing oh no though he will just go to you okay so good that's a disaster just when you got the upper hand what's up whoa he's here at the moment i will just uh group up a lot of hustler and such meat shields and then i can clean that soon draw them yes okay we are in a pretty good spot on this side i think so if you guys can buy time he wastes all the nights i guess yeah but you guys have to carry nothing has changed are you in privilege uh no i'm almost here if you can send upgraded uh what do they have there on your side a lot of expos and and archers does it have to be cavalier can also be hostile okay do you hear anything i have something yeah but i cannot engage that that's the problem coming yours is just going full hand on cat sledge it makes sense elephants yeah they're going to jump anyway open your wallet jordan garrison let's go jordan i have the armor now thank you this might be a problem uh i would be able to kill siege and such terror soon i'm raiding yo quite heavily here we already have the costume there though and another one here oh oh you want to go there i mean i have enough tire we can jump on that now let's go let's go that's not looking i'm rating yo really hard guys i need somehow to get to them to be relevant to the game and we need to kill that kissing small thing if you care i just need to get him i'm preparing banking how much do you need well 500 food yeah yeah that's it i'm up up my ass you need freaking second building problem oh yeah oh dear uh are you up no yes why you make me cry go down oh that's such bad thank you friend are you making more runs i am producing my own top cap so there are four more rams coming man the triple said they have 100 aggressive all right my army was cool yeah you made it though thank you second zone that looks pretty much over on our side yeah yeah i mean we can survive a bit longer but we don't have to trade our golden pump i rated yo quite heavily so we should i'm not sure but he's commercial so no yeah and taro is one of the worst maps i've seen in a long time yeah you but i guess won't change too much at this point no it's not going to be a game changer what's going to be changing how is your eco doubt and population 110 that's population jordan uh 127 villagers population 160 population okay but we can try a little bit more even though i was looking hard yeah i got the gold i'll produce our bullets a lot i mean i'm so that's hard to just find our bus now so we're good yeah yes yes yes foreign they're setting up trade on this side as well there's some raid happening there you can take the gold in the bottom again questions where do we place our trays i'm trading with your market at the moment awesome not optimal and no not at all something somehow but we can actually push the trade here at the moment do you want to go for hill oh wait there's like those rounds are dead yeah i think we can we can move down to the trade actually the big armies here kind of waiting send some artists here we can kill the trade videos they've lost a yeah stop it because they don't have trade anymore oh yeah um yeah just make the best out of it right don't don't send those as well go back change your rounds back then what's this look uh wanna move jordy we killed quite the solid army but not that solid economy yeah let's go thought let's go to we could try and push this castle down there we have to make some risks or take some risks anyway maybe you could spike her i already sort of prepared upgrades for that but yeah i will try to snipe the dark man i think you should go back down go back i don't have a goal to be the blacks anymore yeah try to get markets up and we do short trade for now yeah it's here i'm spending everything at the moment getting raided a bit but it's skirms from uh uh yellow only has light caps here as well you just have to tell you i have nobody hello so you need food to go yeah i will i will sleep as soon as i inspire if you have a monk jordan send it there and i can you know oh yeah someone else or holy hello oh hello doubt hello we heard you when you were saying jordan yeah but i didn't hear the feedback so you read your discord because jordan asks you i said something yeah that's exactly i didn't hear it because my discord was not working i hit some lag and then it felt like it's not working anymore so everybody yeah jordan want to break to the economy beat my schmidt shield to his castle um okay this one will just pass in yeah i wanted to go to euro's economy but oh nevermind there's another one let's go there uh watch the mango day yeah we're wasting around me there go back i'm not wasting it's called fighting you know your units are fastest so when you retreat wait for me sorry i was being raided at home you go back now would love to start jade are we cheating in here we are doing short trails they'll send the paladins and kill the castle uh jordan take the relic for my monastery i'm ready that that is such a bad fight it's not he wastes all the manga day i mean it's not the most amazing but yeah can go back it's horrible fight i need all resources in the world but we need to make something happen right i'm out of gold we're not starting trade we started trade we call that you should correct that sentence like mango they are holding us alone it's never a good thing these two watchtowers get out right here let's turn palette in there looks like it's gg that's it their attack was so fast i guess stealing the board helps well then draws to the back told you they are he's going for second order range i feel like as flying in team game you always go for two archer ranges first instead of fletching was such a snowball after all those two archers it's crazy right when you lose two options then yeah you like the game zone how do you like your map that was really shitty actually yeah maybe i could have gone full maintenance towers or something at least to put you in a position but i was in a good spot either way right yeah it would have been even better if i mean i had to send some stuff to jordan at one point if i had that with our army we could have probably pushed even in castle edge it made way more happen i had to go like ballistic on three ranges before the second map was the worst in long time all good this was the warm-up show match it only took four hours now we start a real one what i had the most trade it's still arabia dude i did small trade with jordan's like market 50 tiles away yeah they were out of gold yeah yeah if i think if taro had better wood map we would have been way better on our side and then probably had a good chance this game still yeah that wood map was also great everything was forward and i lost first fight and then it was actually even stalling it's crazy like after you won the fight my score was better than licks yeah he was so i don't know what he was like probably not building anything yeah and then losing all the crossbow to the team's knights that's probably where we lost the game if we had them at home i would in fast and we'll be able to push together um which which fight do you mean you didn't just participate in that fight i went there alone you were waiting all over the place like always and they gang on me right i went to deep
Channel: TheViper
Views: 52,013
Rating: 4.8896103 out of 5
Keywords: age of empires 2, age of empires 2 definitive edition, age of empires 2 strategy, age of empires 2 definitive edition strategy, theviper, theviper aoc, age of empires 2 build order, age of empires 2 definitive edition gameplay, age of empires 2 gameplay, age of empires 2 definitive, fast castle age of empires 2, age of empires 2 definitive edition review, age of empires 2 tips, age of empires 2 mods
Id: rHT5-IY4EMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 184min 13sec (11053 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 05 2021
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