TheViper vs TheMax | $700 | 7 Game Showmatch

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Oh gray BIA arena flood waters brackish waters sister humph sander we have a draft you Jeff's ready to go faintly cash web-streaming welcome Joe Dalton so it's one band each and seven picks all right let's go I have no idea no plan this is a little Yolo what should we ban just can't get what can you guys here to make it so you guys can actually see things seems okay you can see everything there right young fool in jail has been something that's been [Music] I panicked I know what's actually not gonna burn Portuguese I pangs a little bit I think I try to click Saracens and the ban banging the best in the game I panicked I didn't want to ban a good sieve but I mean it's okay I guess right what are the maps look in the maps now I'm not sure what I want to pick Vikings I guess all they don't really know what's the best sense seems to go for here hero has fallen we had a couple of soap scum dinner as well switch WTF I'm not farming sparks for nothing Peppa I might have to mute the alerts while playing can tap text-to-speech let's see what do we have we had F F do billing for two months rapidly on with 15 D fear with 29 cry around the grippe ER with 15 and Mac Mouse with 29 preciate the boys illusions kkona me 15 greetings from Austria hope you'll have a see an apartment way too hot smile I have a portable AC but not a proper AC so not really but thank thee so Viking flood what about splat what was but that was that map right okay we have death matches well I need to think about Sondra as well all right whatever we cannot play mirror illusions yeah I don't have proper AC receptacle 19 glass fantasy the Gandalf show glass fantasy and offshore indeed all right what else do ever a hero has fallen a hero has fallen well still want here you can go Celts so I'm trying to like assign sibs to maps now so Spanish there and oh you guys can see what I'm thinking but [Music] rhythms hello Viper I hope you will still stream on Twitch after August maybe just once or twice per month will make me happy also good luck ECL thank you this is frozen tier 3 sub 17 months for a long time no see that's the teutonic nothing but whole year at least I anything with 24 there Toby with 26 be sure the guys also a princess frozen tier 3 thanks so much for extra tier appreciate that we'll see about the fire time if I have time I would like to stream on Twitch as well I can't promise anything on that on that end so I've given him a couple of good sips because I don't do I want to pick home sips [Music] don't want to go for here even mullions so what's it what method are missing a sip for now so Britain's there Spanish Vikings belts ranks Marlon's okay we're missing a save for that map Sephiroth map would sue for that now let's go two things get out of here get out of here with two things out of here Dahlia can you build barometers on that much map don't think so my sips now so here we have murdered kill I'm not going to show you the sips though so that's clear I could actually change those two up I have to play that here you know a hero has fallen came out of TWU let me think maybe I should switch does and that would make sense actually s which does I know you guys can't see what I'm typing and planning but where's my pants someone's at the door all right Sam host let's go and what's happening here Maureen thank you so much for six months Kimmie referred win indeed relax for not doubt man we mean 250 Putin you guys drug used to spore guy houston's got excited now because someone was at the door so we actually got some action boosters believe it or not dog is still that I wasn't it was hidden Civ didn't said God enough hidden said you gotta go back ittan sips you has to be a draft where each player picks what the other player has to play I don't think those Whipple's I haven't seen anything like that so so nice here use those okay come here come here they see me they see come here hello waves it it's been I hunt hello SP new stools in the zoo sister hunt in the world don't oops Pepsi now that is fine it's fine Oda as is Kostas he wants to go and check who's on the door now because we're getting a delivery it's getting impatient right focus of on the priced so first map was MSC Arabia Baja bein I'm going with Vikings here actually forgot the Ahmanson you check with CBS but nice laughs Malay Mongols STX hands God guess it will use a sticks no actually I know let's see what love it they're all here all the time I need to come or all good okay cool oh there's no uses cam in the game so I was good you you'll try to tell me if sound is fine should be alright damnit then I have to I can't mess around a few games then so price situation was supposed to be 500 to 200 no matter result but now it's gonna be a hundred each game apparently avocado song will never be heard on my channel again ever from your supply actually my weight I need to remove that I need to delete like a command you so I'm get rid of the Torah because where our partnership is a Torah that doesn't work anymore we had a great run with the Torah but our partnership with them are not any available anymore so I need to remove that from the channel and okay should be fine right thanks for reminding me so $100 for each game let's go elder saves thank you for the 11 months of cities layers like is again slabs wonder I was planning to play this holiday I'm going to try to get this to cast lace somehow where I can make some boots you have to see how get there without taking damage what a safe school depending on what sorry sound well I'm fine guys yeah yeah for sound is fine yeah one is one hundred dollars with her crest pool it's a seven hundred dollar prize pool for the students and each game is a hundred bucks all right well good sound seems fine only the main concern problem I have with this terrain really is it's really hard to see these open pockets here for example right they're really hard to spot and also when you're farming you don't the line or the end of the farm isn't really one represent accurate all the time so it can either be offshore place in farms as well we survived I survived or in arms the way to go still you could potentially wall this very nice Lucetta cold German man smile who said dish but good rush address a quite fast brush see how it goes don't see my second elephant though I wonder a hero has various man how are you doing with my phone Thank You him Kuby appreciate it right now I'm missing another Tonto I don't like it he might have named it I also feel like I should have seen it by now maybe we are missing an elephant we're missing it me they landed or I'm having a really bad I haven't seen a scout yet so I've a feeling I got blamed but he named my poor yeah there are three elephants there that is now confirmed so we don't know elephant I was not ideal seems like you wanted to go mine arms that looks of things okay so at this should be fully wall but the few cents forward as well with this could be like no water unit we were still in Dark Age so is he neither of us can really go water yet okay efficient ships but so much of a purpose yet obviously I'll try to see if I can get someone boats out Yogi's just gonna ignore my militia angle for my my base and Rick I think of the sub 11 months in Kuby thank you [Music] [Music] need to get up seems like it was only to go just forward oh oh we can actually stay yes we just house pull this whole thing off one of those men arms are gonna come in though wait [Music] or is it I don't think is open made a dot forward so I'm gonna have to go full tower Manor don't have the time to wait or I cannot wait for military Ori I'm just gonna go full tower defense already [Music] [Music] that was quite the disaster to be honest [Music] definitely lowest P ones are they are lowest people soon well not too bad but obviously being down the bore goes down a little bit developing all the other ways still a didn't take much damage so it's not the end of the world but we shall see how he follows this up Mike we're back in five ships to market that's a disaster another disaster that's good here there he wants a tower there I guess I have needed a punching good I've just walled there I'm looking good a lumber camp closer to would it make units considering the fact that our board was rushed it all gone it's actually gonna be pretty tough to get units out in time right now we are more [Music] Valentines totally making our way to gas station and hopefully long bolts actually do good that's at least my current game plan then we o'c longboats actually dominate as we need them to right now one of gold those we're gonna have to be buying some ball I could take this pillowcase I do a hold I take that back do that both this for a little bit at the end of the world with confirmed now a great start now we need to figure out what his follow-up is damage per hour you see there oh yeah just need the most follow-up kind of fit more dust in this area he's workshop - lugar Tao here as well our tower and lung boots not sure like the problem is long production time is so long on these on these long boats that I'm not sure if we can even make our boats in time it's going around so once they're breaking fast this alright make the best out of it [Music] right time to see if water units are good or bad in this map [Music] [Music] let's see thing is we have speeds so you have a lot of micro potential here it's nothing but Micah like that I'm not sure how much damage I'm doing here none of them are dying makes me wonder how much damage I'm actually doing to them not a lot but looks at it my back a little bit [Music] [Music] I'm bears doing damage to these Macs [Music] it's expecting to trade better but it's not the end of the world still is there Amazon Prime 3 7 miksa - there is not let's see ok that figured oh yeah baby spawn plastic let's go through the Kong and see if we can do anything there let's see he probably has talents turns up so he's probably has good setup at home no I'm not sure if I can do damage they're good long-term Navy we're actually alive which is not something that hope for earlier so weak [Music] I need the University had some mystics in the freight field [Music] things we can always outrun them but still this economy should still be quite better than us but at least we have a fighting chance there [Music] okay are you just trying to do some diamonds in the fun right less than three okay we're getting numbers now snowball numbers once that ballistics he cannot outrun me anymore so let's see I can make success out of long boats [Music] you get sacrificing some nights to escape with the rest I still feel like he's probably up even [Music] I need to write in more though and still just defending which is not ideal counter-strike again some for dogs it some farms up yeah it goes down fast good we're still not in a good position we'll try so we can move to move [Music] and pours more nicer than before you go [Music] [Music] how did that move this way [Music] [Music] I really want that Tyrone is having more and more stable might be up it might be because he's realizing that he has to [Music] maybe long balls are snowballing enough big guard towers you do think he might have done before distal Neuros [Music] stop it stop it [Music] powers are really weak I mean along with the real weak to terrible husband on their building step they're like this [Music] [Music] I might be wasting too many one was fighting his cars with their I was gonna keep going around their field we're in a bad position economically obviously we've done a lot of damage and fought our way back into any chance again okay he's been buying gold because food prices still be able to sell I don't need my stomach [Music] [Music] okay we're up again I didn't expect to be in a position where I could go up and actually have a chance [Music] [Music] how to push this but to push his goal there at least longbows are still confirmed I wouldn't mind that [Music] [Music] [Music] there's a lot of gold on this map his life colors go on [Music] we are caught those villages down here because we got out here and started to like sneak rating on me I could have been heartened to do it [Music] later in [Music] [Music] real heavy demos I'm not sure about the strengthen in longboats you still haven't bility towering up the mendes going for rating I said before we call me wise he's still probably doing quite well and for us we're still catching up the economy wise we're actually approaching full pop which is also something I didn't really expect to be able to achieve this game he's tired of his base I kind of just have to buy my time now and my thesis and defend until I have Stone Acastus I also can't do that for down can't afford English word belief on both yep either just need to not take too much damage these raids [Music] stop being so loud I heard the neighbors were already complaining about the sucks noises all night long hi smile I've been watching your games on YouTube and t90 once for a while now hard to watch you live because of my schedule it's driving a lot of gold now he's just making her start himself it's not the end of the world [Music] but I can tell it Lanyon is almost mood right now I just believe me more 750 475 probably saved for that almost a forecastle [Music] towering everywhere that was actually a real good idea by him because it was just a really weak to vote really weak to towers [Music] we are saving boards Hallie the castle there [Music] you need to be able to deny the race I could add pipes or helps and something's that but yeah the big issue of me is that he's raiding a war and he's relieved just enough for me that ratings aren't gonna be dangerous [Music] [Music] honestly I think like when I would do salt and sort it for me right but I'm so stuck in my my one most but now committed so much to them I don't really want to change yes maybe we should burn Adson barracks [Music] [Music] these rails will just continue forever [Music] getting annoying to chase these awesome is for building it's actually really annoying shows they're stuffing on my patrolling galleries I want to go towards units I got one more castle up I would feel fine and I would have this little more buffer and I was running around chasing this unit all time that only cost food and these slabs sort is out [Music] [Music] [Music] do a decent pop I'm not sure this pup is he's trying to take these folks on I got a combat that that's something I can't allow happening just like that [Music] [Music] this one's a trade this is just trading foods up [Music] [Music] this game is the only one thing happening is me chasing a saucer and getting stuck on these trees did you have some pikemen out now that's helped a little bit I can't really make any food keeps hitting his buildings oh yes comes out now yes we're gonna lose one castles don't really aren't effective to me because it cost vault that makes them not effective right now can you have enough longbow stole cool still like compete the same time again is that we're just running around seasons old units a teaspoon is wide open and there's no place because we're always booked out there's no place I can put pressure on either back I got 200 pop and feel safe at the change a lot a new position where I can push them out I'll push just always remaking villages you know Rams I can't afford laughs chemistry 8+2 ah episode of inert [Music] this is wrong [Music] [Music] you didn't mind from taking that gold [Music] we'll see where this leads [Music] my powers and lumbers are so weak two towers event need to add ramps if I wanna have a chance here [Music] I couldn't get tuna pop I soloing he's just running around always I can't be like to meet my army strong if we're fighting in one spot right now I don't have the economy to fight in multiple spots and he's yes our service rating and houses are obviously cheaper in the slabs he's getting old control as wellnot considering calling it I don't know resource of receipt guys and also if I make siege I'll need like a lot of them and he would just use his house such as focus on my siege who then would also get sniped on a snipe yes knife they would just focus down by his house are which you can make forever trying to position helps helps spikes places so I can exchange just I'm not as good as though I try see I feel he has got something obviously that he's not showing everything big is making siege or [Music] [Music] a hero has Roland guys offers local mixture thank you I could take this what if I would just feel this Oh [Music] [Music] what there don't want is preparing demos I think we'll go into my wood lines [Music] [Music] - he wants the tower just build on this bar that's just want to say I don't have that I could very much juice he's not taking up words [Music] this is gonna be bad enough I mean I keep any stuck on his buildings with Milan bullets so he's gonna pull my army back and he's gonna start saying demo semester into this whole place is sinking now I think we might be justified to follow ATO villagers yes one of us and 200 pop at the moment and he has to map control wha-wha wall I would have helped but again I would have had to invest some stone into walls and I would have would have had to what's the word what I had to actually I didn't have access to stone so I couldn't even mix the walls please not big ones all right you is really one it wasn't down again okay but I still think I think I think longboats are super dominant Hill we were so far behind early game because of I mean Delano bore so we were playing uphill battle from the start and mumbles actually put us back into the game so pretty good why didn't you see eleven by press advantage I could have done siege by the way I wasn't expecting I was honest I was expecting my longbows to be better I was expecting my longbows to be better so that's why I kind of didn't do siege cuz didn't want to go for a kill I thought I could just slowly pushing and squeezing with my longboats but the tower the tower creep they were so good against boats now that as soon as he had a tower up I couldn't really push anymore I could have made RAM sexually and push towers then it could have worked but yeah let me see we had a couple of substances coming in I'm gonna mute the alerts because they're all disturbing to hear talk on my ear it's when I'm playing let me go over the subs a shockwave thing with 26 Hyuna with 31 dad devil with Prime look at the second one eight months kuba would attend our donation I've ever been watching your games on YouTube or 99 MOU DS for a while now hard to watch a lot because my schedule when I'm out here we didn't for you Thank You Man appreciate that last Royal Raven thing good three months Cuba good junior as Rayleigh also with the sub and toppled oh no and don't remember your Chinese nickname but there's a the Chinese tarnished CPR a we to or something we need more demos single 21 once doctor gazing with 8 a train with three months to have to put in with two months at relentless with 20 months one Christmas cookie with four months max with three months and Shmack serious also gifted 5 subs on top of that so thank you very much for that also a man Lin they think about nineteen months I think let's cover it is there a cooling pad role where the squares the can you see with myself you it's for sub campaigns almost missing from you forgotten YouTube playlist I didn't know that you didn't mean to kick the doggie yeah promised didn't mean to kick the doggy Oh a strong scene there was the second map arena arena so I'm gonna use Britain's here I'm picture here we use Malay here recent going Britain's is because I want to go towers along balls and you xeomin German also German also gives bonus to towers so I think that sounds cool let's see we put your anger on the dog I'm sorry didn't mean to kick the dog II also there's a lot of sheep here fantastic okay a lot of sheep outs on this map what it means each sheep as good maybe wants to lame sheep and that's why is that what I can't go out here oh that's actually a disaster open my walls already supposed to be some stuff down there yeah no luck on that side no I couldn't go it was blocked there's there's trees behind my gates I couldn't go out you're questioning my words Sargam you pleb think I'm fooling around here don't question my authority that's all wrong I'll ban you forever yeah but my scalp was going I didn't have time to go the other direction left a shoe there and enough time to actually go the other side instead about that's about it the Buffaloes I think they're on side either yeah Ryan's are superfast the same speeds elephants and there was a lot of that elephants during an battled Africa that's a kind of kinda when we used him the first time he was going Malaya but he went higher yes aspects okay misspoke but for some slag that sucks they were innocent actually really sucks the shipowners applied to water buffalo it should right actually don't know for sure I'm pretty sure it yeah actually don't know for sure don't see them anywhere makes me wonder quite a big middle should have gone faster CFC Inc is doing up see it's not showing anything yet he might be doing a tower I reckon you might even a flower they're not there either by the looks of it as a barracks name is Egil's seems like an what's the count our there or is it just a defensive tower there okay it's just a defensive tower it's garrison death going any damage done some blacksmith we are forcing somewhat of a reaction now I need to say my wood for blacksmithing market develop it as part I am up farted may be used to started sorry yeah [Music] like I think we should be able to pick up he's thinking twice about it now [Music] I assume that means he was ready to go up out to make four buildings I assume that's what that meant then Komodo dragon I have mission here so I know if he's moving out there's one question now is just how fast is gonna be up hey we're snapping the fish oh geez we might even be castes before him looks of it which is surprising to me when I can get our Castle up here he has two storms so that's obviously a good area of contention what why can't that build here what is that I really wonder why couldn't build there I was really weird [Music] did I get him missed my firearm chasing this time we should clean this time should be able to put pressure here I'm gonna continue making more towers let's see still few lights see Eagles a lot of eagles oh boy are we gonna get the punishment up the wall again might look like it look I can't build there either weird [Music] [Music] wasting those score still looks okay for us you kill the seagull I don't see a body with the ball there's the body okay okay I want to do your mom I think you might be up even if he's up that's dangerous like always I can't fight and find you fight Eagles need to be able to push this goal toes on the way I'm going to our castle [Music] I stink Astley's up all boys gonna be touch them you'll stop those I guess we work as well make it there we should be able to vicious okay we're gonna be in against eagles traps eagles we're gonna lose our tribes most the castles most likely good anymore can't get in anywhere economy we probably have the slight edge still questions they can afford Eagle worse these peoples especially 175 150 most like those tribes are gone here you probably probably has talents as well don't see anything upgrade an Eagles it though we could go scams now all games are not on this map and specifically but they are on similar type maps so maps with the terrain where land water and land can go travel you're lying heavily on Fisher actually need my fish to stay alive still no signs of Yunus from him I guess it's gonna be sperm this is Travis staying up for quite a while was the castle abundance of time upgrades they get heavy demos 200-300 do that still really cool look he's not showing any military okay only people's we are relying on demos now still got pretty good upgrades let's see oh boy I'm really not sure about that I was about to say it might not show up well the demo investment is gonna be how good it's gonna be this is only got small numbers No it also means small numbers I can kill his he was one by one find this piece it's almost important our own caste I say our own casting it's not a castle now it's looking rough I still I can't I haven't found a good news yet for my demos that's a bit of a people [Music] [Music] Jepson will be out making monastery he wants to pick up your legs I guess let's see I mean we still have a lot of demos there might be some potential for us here okay kind of wanna shut them Oh Castle you forgot it sure though escape oh if they get converted in the middle here ah exactly what I thought would happen it's the man [Music] and if those arches already on the fish [Music] well what kill one that's disappointing [Music] anyone how good is economy is you might have a chance still 850 I need to release one parent [Music] no that's open yeah please have a youth humble on the way [Music] [Music] I know how good the economy is again if his equal isn't that great and this play might work if he actually has economy and obviously this is not the ultimate way to go I mean they'd go fast in under pressure so this economy might not be the best [Music] [Music] I'll need to kill this guy we have a good shop here can't allow that car to escape run faster okay not too bad seems like it's going Fred lattice guns we have a lot of map control with this [Music] and a lot of range oh what a Dodge that's a scam single a guess is equal wasn't great he was doing this pressure in there I can go down ones as well don't shoot ah this is where I get Gilman towers to shine boys time to make some real money showers [Music] [Music] this we go straight first our taste our this state was castles what I meant to say oh it was a marvelous relic Harrison [Music] and it has to cook fight me here it wants to save the castle ah oh I wish the - Marcus why did I leave my traps why do I leave my traps that made no sense that's me I still have trouble I've tube steps away even [Music] [Music] it's going all right that was interesting [Music] I guess is equal was just super bad with the whole pressure towers around no space in map I guess that's what sealed the deal here Creative Commons a demo ships really were crucial there turned out to be really important other demos do whatever been steamrolled I also had a big fail de with the demo because he got converted in the middle marches that's definitely a little bit of a Titanic we're getting on the list what is this I have an ice pack in here it's really hot I don't have AC so sooner to cool me down feels so good ah the hi-spec is not hot it's hot in this area I haven't paid attention to the under-21s [Music] Europe championship mm-hmm eh Tom think about twenty nine months hope John beers and Griffin Chrissy well they do it's where you 97 thing with crime midnight costume in eight months all over twenty nine bombastic with 100 euro GDP DOP doing well I don't know what either let's never forget the og hyuna thread back on a with a you see someone about garter upgrades and expansions being underrated after buff and no one believed me and said I was Troy now it's actually not amused reading I get no credit to feel so you know man feel so when i indeed my pc is not super hot but it's still obviously heats up a room [Music] our military confirmed how's the weather yesterday was four degrees it's gonna be really warm on Sunday as well and this is pretty hot so we have flood now guess it's this one yes should be of the Malians here paladin I'm ten degrees depending on how low we could get a fan do it I'm thinking about a fan we're also gonna look into having proper AC installed my office that would help a lot Kevin $19.99 think over two months let's bank it I was always to plan a little bit on both until August and then we focus more on the mixer hums I'll be the best Prime Minister Prime Minister well has ever seen I was actually looking I we were at the store yes but then I was actually looking picked up a fan and looked at it and thought about I should buy this oh good luck there good luck here good stuff don't hit on fans a hit on fans okay it's allow that's what aim allows you to do that's like what other reasons to get famous huh all right so I guess we all Co Scouts Scouts have proven really good news map mobility helps a lot our ship distribution yes I wonder if there's more what opposed what I have found also I feel like I'm missing an elephant again but I mean I don't know if they are more than what we say or not seventy four weeks thank you I'll keep looking please Lauren dear I think this course super-low speculations but still nice isn't wish Thank You Italo I had a plumbing kufan mr. day never had that before is super interesting pizza with a lot of interesting topping name is on berries this strange is sponge dough what does that have to do with anything at yourself did I say it was any other country sir yeah it's really good my tremor alarms I play Scouts every time I play this month before so all the two other times no time around at this time see how that feels in my arms is not the way to go he's just gonna wall and counter-attacks and then I'm Stephanie will not be the work away isn't the way to go but I'm gonna go for it anyway because I'm cool like that see sending a village over as well as on the darkest lake you expect me scalping him scouts like he's just welling up and then tower attack of tower attack counter-attacking Scouts versus coped did I kill the scouts I don't see a body as soon we didn't kill it he might see the dark on this one you should preemptively make a defensive [Music] [Music] okay so walling would definitely kept his liver safer thinking about sending my my arms hair back strange strange games we didn't know at our CRM is good line but they're loose my other fire sugar I guess I did [Music] Becca I'm losing wood is a big problem but we'll get this guy are you kidding me locked okay master game really really messy need to get some wood going over here [Music] turned on when he was walling up everything and his Scout was checking out the bottom side it was pretty obvious that he was doing something like this shouldn't know yeah I don't get em I'm gonna be so sad [Music] right now what now we're in a pickle [Music] market question is just a follow up here the park shares they became halls today what does he do obvious Agoge barrows I have seen the light [Music] we missed day when you back you know documents okay I can do a document self another doc okay we have some sneaky potential here he's a first oh so if he's sending camels in here although I think I killed his villagers so shouldn't be stables on my side of the map I was there might still be kind of hope is going to stay well that would mean barrows were actually good as a villager there as well oh come on a dragon legend he wanted to tower my will endure it's no good [Music] Karin strange game yet again wait he's still involved well forever remain a problem for us that we're open exposed [Music] [Music] yeah let's say it'd be better us are gonna work very rarely what I say goodbye this is good option I think I might think so still think about running in just cleaning his dogs first from my side of the base but I'm not gonna do to get too greedy whoever said that is correct this is [Music] as I will go over subspace steps etc between the games live but busy doing it so just rest clear you should take more stone into a second castle where do I have stolen also I can't get to his base in our a big problem doing any kind of damage to its economy sooner I can do a forcing I guess this area has a lot of resources that good for I can clean all this first then do a really forcing castle up that could be the we need to do equal crystal okay I just wonder if you did ballistics is what I'm trying to say right where's this past thing of this dude what is the passing of this guy I think our time has come to the castle drop it's very likely to end in full disaster anyone who knows me knows I'm willing to take the risk that she achieved glorious results I think that areas I mean without any army yes demos and that not end well this is per like that [Music] where it's all good undefined out of check out champ cause I don't have echo for it but it's a contraction cause that's for sure we're gonna do some attempt Oh get away with it [Music] scary should be demos around that was very underwhelming vanity better cousin worse you have to rely on Matt control here this game goes on that's really all we have these states with cavort risk we might have a chance we switch us to torqueman or something the boy may be dead let's have a look now just still though so maybe that's what is ticking [Music] music and some things you can't get numbers out can't hit the run this forever here in the DFP for this is wasting those right I still think we have nowhere near they put the computes [Music] certainly help store [Music] cannot afford champions another forever people [Music] it's an operating too badly they're 200 swordsman it's your moment to shine never ever have I left when the swordsmen roamed if you like this this is their moment okay they die really fast I'd like that we need to get champions capitalist keep selling although buying back [Music] [Music] there we go yes we're still super dead at least we get to see our champions with got him Oh [Music] Milan bang you quit nothing today [Music] [Music] yes OLTC here I completely forgot about this Swiss kerbs do we actually have a chance to win this game we're so far gonna echo I don't expect it I suspect we don't have a chance typical camels hair but I don't have the equal to ii buy enough time to switch the economy [Music] [Music] good Oh without castle might be going on [Music] [Music] 16 pup with climbing slow and steady [Music] took care of that there's a real test [Music] units to me I want to take that castle down too shabby I can't I just know I have not put a reason to duty with you guys but you keep asking for tick away let's go so then killers couches in just round [Music] [Music] I'm gonna get this castle that's a start come back his arm boys forget this castle then comeback is on until then humbug isn't really on this castle go down then comeback is on confirmed [Music] our super expose parading those still maybe we get disgusting now we don't have anymore military economy at least we are doing this gas this could be worse more than zero it's more puffed an altar for I tell you that we just destroy this guy please I can make me again [Music] [Music] [Music] you might have a base up there as well not a base to save it might have some resources up there as far as your cell super dad don't don't get heightened [Music] enjoying playing with champions things I don't see that much arm with you that's what's confusing to me where's my army anyway knows it might actually be out of gold yeah do they go camel now let's try that [Music] because our base down there she's me think if I could have gotten like 20 heavy camels or so and there might have been hope but I highly doubt it's going for Erlich probably highly doubt that is possible don't understand out you can place really wonders pot what is pop is with us have two and two hundred pop probably not I'm still surprised I'm not more like I'm not dead yet case is because of its lack of gold probably thing he was missing he's getting some lesson now [Music] let's call it oh you was trying to add now it's gone for stable up z TB damn thing for 28 parameter k thing with 19 here as well as supporting absorber thing with 22 months and per day and I'm still subscribed to you instead of subscribed out correct DIY surgeon they were two months the AG program creating 425 and that serious thing for prime all right probably willing to avoid early aggression would have helped I didn't know he was going forward okay going and kind I knew what it was doing so nice I knew he was doing when he was walling up his base with multiple villagers and scouting thinking in Scouting I didn't know we prefer playing these maps we can build more options actually comfortable em with em with official balance this would not have been possible ships would have been too strong but I enjoy playing is it something you do something different hobo minded thing for two months let's see how far behind economy were at actually expected to be way worse I mean were super probably nine but expected to be even worse I fix the scoreboard SiC again for beta axis Leopard I have beta axis I don't know what you're talking about I live in Leipzig I do you the next game is brackish waters game you will still see as left yes he's gonna use God for deathmatch yes Japanese Malay Mongols I guess you might go Malay here maybe I don't know let's see brackish waters how would you analyze this game sub optimal decisions not fully walling you so useless he's in the couch you it's being worked on boys there is well babe see there's Eustace as Aventis to playing as yellow all the time nope I want to go Spanish here mm nice is random so right now I don't think that works why do you live in Germany where do you live and why do you live there malay indeed nice are you playing with red I'm not always yellow and mix it up guys rule that I have to be yellow I like red as well thinking like if I have to pick a favorite color I pick a red next we probably don't know why I'm a girl who just became a color in age I like yellow as well look if you told me to pick your favorite color probably together will not be dancing because this map is super easy FC in general but see my stuff is quite exposed right now I'm not sure if that's gonna be an option for us if he goes aggressive and you thought wrong Daniel ocean I've always said that was your dream list for the time being they roam thanks for prime also the NOx is going to the few months also a crime so I'm not sure what he's gonna do here house I want to go conquistadors Andrea no I'm not sure here way about all that is Michael fast fuel Asia first just to have a little bit safer Castle age my hands are so sticky pistol ro ro ro no Roanoke I know the other game and to return the favor my shirt is nearby to save it either way we try I bet that is cute of you the only new man don't want New Mexico is really opiate team games he's got a meeting in one we're gonna make movie is there passing disaster he finds this now we're why is this wood line blocking the whole map oh man I'm committed I'm committed the other thing is he probably has scouted this so he probably knows can see it on minimum now that is running which means that he's gonna find me like right there and I will lose my Scout right away actually he hasn't noticed yet apparently yeah we'll bring this home I guess he didn't notice that was right there next to him little bit strange all right since we got it obviously lost way more HP on my scalp than I should have all right our question is what is it I'm so sticky just know this thing where are you off to woman's see woman's running forward like a lots of woman's mans and womans actually and Chevy sure what he was trying to do it I just need a blacksmith as well and then I'm ready to go like a sage what did he go forward for yeah did you turn it'll back what can't see anything confused I kill them this counter maybe just went all the way back and change the time since I scouted see something fire ship interesting let's go the emissions a lot of spirits as well good use for me I know me as villagers exposed even better [Music] that's really good for me drew Scott Thomas you find my eyes theme and mix it up comp or slash the biker of course it's different than which but it's still build all the things are similar I have a target [Music] this whole stone was like super full Stonewall's girls were making moist take it into consideration as I shouldn't mix each to apply some pressure let him just use around here any crasher you might do some fast in our blessed [Music] there are still doubts taxes so they are just scroll down below the stream there's the Viper merchandise under the stream that's your cup of tea I'm going to find it I'm guessing is going LOX you need something booming you're getting all the map all the relics we have master control you still feel good about the situation [Music] into [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] both my relics is gonna up with this Lightcap monks I'm gonna go like so having like try and grab those swear I saw something blue maybe zoom harbours don't see this like anything I don't see anything from it there's going water there's a dog's water it could be expected to be atelectasis philosopher see harbors for sure with five relics we should be in good position now what I did but they I think use em I thought he was in all this so what do i do then I might have to do some water myself that's more of it I think it's gonna be very passive game for a while and harbors are not nerves you got five relics doors I still feel confident though I've obviously I've never played situation in the Pacific [Music] this is a fight I can take [Music] these bad boys where the guy who was asking for kind of guidance I think you're about to be moist you are blessed as well okay for farmers this game goes a really really long obviously he does have unlimited on food with the dogs let's never limited amount of gold although ya know they might become stale Mary you can very still million I'm actually going to take the fall resources first I'll work on users I got later what are the needs for as well [Music] - BAM trying to make demos there's not good of prisoners jobs yet leader [Music] [Music] do it all travesty and villager rush fishes sir I like ambitions we're next guys I'm fine control in that area let's get some we can't get no feelings on the field and a little bit more stone can't be that part fine thank you forever [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I should be fine once the emeralds [Music] I guess I don't agree these Rams I have cameras right over go let's go sparing cameron galleons research every tech I want to try and end it past those because I don't want this where you can just survive forever with patience [Music] and look at this dance galleon you're truly beasts [Music] you're pretty good against visions as well to be fair Karambit and I lose the tips here [Music] listen they're real nice ornament I enjoy this pull up here as well I'm missing farmer towers [Music] [Music] yeah the fish boom will help a lot in the long run is promote this Musharaf is opening was the best he went forward but then he changed his mind so they are due for third walls they miss click that resist [Music] Spanish a little too good depends on the map in some apps they are really good sometimes they're not that good yeah I know deep need knowledge right deep amazing learn or what every type say these days so coming up will be cease to hump I'm gonna have killed her I guess he's gonna play slabs here this labs this room Oasis can let's check yeah I was led to close oh just business mm-hmm what do you call this in huh Mergen apfel's a lot it's carried an apple you you you what is he do and those who are thank over 24 months if you think now if you try and think what's ready to use just think what would doubt to make sense your favorite steak thing with 15 months I will not think one on bits roof rule or in statistics thank you for 13 months you have a German girlfriend might have you now the best-of-seven made seven games goodbye Barnard agrees on Sunday I'll prepare to melt Jordan is visiting on Saturday and he's staying till Tuesday and suddenly we're probably just gonna go to the lake and spend the whole day there so I'm prepared sunburn on your neck no this is just a coolant but still warm she's really hot I've not been to Frankfort No now we don't have set up for toured to play here and we don't want to spend the time playing either one over here pledge thank you for then 19 months Iron Man on Sunday 15 degrees and rain pray for me good luck man Japanese yep really like Cal to me snap because you get so much mobility there's some ability with your my arms everywhere yeah hold a rektboys direct Christ I knew that I was doing some purpose I do this for a living guys come on I think I would make that mistake I know CCL final starts you mean the fans of this current stage or the land finals this current stage has not been scheduled yet land final is end of August we're playing at work exactly yeah my boss doesn't like this but I'm a rebel I don't care all that's important is all your door have your boss kind of think I'm missing two sheep and I'm sorry good and I will go under my dear next I could just know them accident quite a big mistake with now that is not scouting the middle I don't know which direction is exact for the middle like he might be up here he might be down here in which case kind of need to know where I want to send these villagers know quite a little blooper yes we're gonna Yolo hope that there's just some middle ground in the middle there find some berries would be the ultimate don't see any berries there's this what I want second we can Mills here it probably works as well that there is being a stove [Music] Max is playing a Japanese I need to find gold not the best man can admit to that [Music] we do have a lens okay actually gonna have to send this back a little bit [Music] [Music] they're 40 miles long okay think that was the press guy has very low HP I don't think we can save them well but we said there's no testing now and those two guys to counter-attack what how can you reach the woman is cutting into his base don't really mind losing this era either because I have these furs Escada resource in the back what that must have been a misplaced the leader this world coming to we have enough to deal with that that was more than two oh he didn't notice my PGG here she realizes what is this passing man did as he wasn't looking the best year lost a lot of ills I mean for that with upgrades Blackmun up group black meat versus an armed spiritual fight timing that was really good but obviously I left my eco in shambles behind this as well but these Eagles still quite worse did a score you you you is a cooling pack it's not really cooling anymore but it's a cooling pack this is really warm here you you you juicy newbie thing about 20 months chip tune the bass Gordon with you months now Jack Herer 1601 with 11 months you Gustavo saw with the pram sub I went around a bits thank you a pub pl/i stream on mixes mixer as well i've streamed a lot of mixture in the last couple of weeks so mix it up compost after Viper over here as you can see right now we're hosting Gandalf but I'm streaming here mixer compost - the Viper [Music] never one is a subscriber on twitch get in touch with me [Music] to a private message discord on Twitch on my in my business email and I will give you a code that gives you a free subscription to my channel a mixer or a one-month so everyone has been servant which get in touch with me you you have no scam Oh uses baby they'll use does baby how close doors right I'm here baby yeah yeah babe see that we've seen come here look as the useless camera zoom is really strange others in boosters but the way What's Wrong dude he just wants to chill hello Oh rational streamer boys multiple angles have a tea happy hp9 hunt mom save me maja I don't want to live anymore yeah in a home I think max is waiting for us what's the matter now saunder here we have Coomer and professional streamer I'll forget about all this two cameras on me Murr [Music] well let's go hey where's this sambar oh I thought it was not a map no this is sounder huh what I'm so confused right now oh this is sounder oh I thought it was not a map oh no oh my plate is but this is the less the other day and it was like hills and water around oh yeah it may have mistaken the map here mist good but I okay well at least I know what does this map pieces as well so but my plan doesn't really come into effect anymore yeah now we're a deaf thing all rip mistakes have been made Suzy Mongols make sense why he went one was now this ton hunt here mangas makes a lot of sense disaster it's looking like three three indeed so we're gonna have to play deathmatch probably I haven't played that much in God knows how long so honestly I don't have a good feeling about that I think I might be underdog in this match I think max has been practicing that much with with the list I feel like I'm well prepared for a deathmatch that Buddha's still managed to up the Luas Italia met any dota team to secret super pairs no I am NOT well this will be a tough one there's a million there so imagine Mongols solid good he's probably already opens Dominic Scouts in my face [Music] yes I stopped with the deer now arches I guess past archers yeah like I'm gonna he's gonna have a counter ready no matter what they do here we'll try I'm gonna Grange is in the middle of map good I guess forward to go for pikemen don't know if that's the answer here I need to figure out what are you doing gold not what I wanted to see we complete honest one into the scouts guess he did a second dog which means that he is one water probably a little bit too soon sir a little bit too soon oh he lives the man lives the Boy Who Lived I'm super confident about this game not confident but better [Music] [Music] [Music] stable is probably yeah he's probably [Music] where do we take it from here feels risky I assume is already a follow up behind sites not sure where we are right now you'll see any [Music] he's up I need to run back what can I make now [Music] on center demo yes I'll make crossbow still mhm see what else we can do okay just in the life in German man take a good job I'm enjoying it so far and temperatures aren't murdering me water here let's upgrade the ships I can see no there's two nice behind there yep great water [Music] now see we have tops for but still haven't kill this fish guess food is probably not the problem in a small pond yes it does have isn't food I have to [Music] any buyers [Music] he's going really heavy on the first one as we can purge that is they add more ducks and center on the place I can build safely I think the only way to catch up here is going heavy land equal [Music] my autism I think hours have been with a good exercise the Gala's with elegance [Music] as a cascoon are magnetized wrong manga - do you want them complete the Dominic water what is well [Music] where to take this game from here do I have pacifiers do a fast pace this first thing will be to actually put this fish we variegata his fish primary concerns this fish is still untouched mean we have demos there and catch quietly okay all rights don't seem as okay I'm gonna get castle doctor don't try to test fires and that doesn't work guess we are safe [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] goodbye [Music] and that's what I want Mike go fast fires and hope the best more more nights I'm here as well this will be uphill all the time okay game plan is within gardening buy enough time for Elephants those to dominate we can hold the middle we can you can potentially get elephants and just elephants [Music] [Music] he is committing their this one castes it's good really good financially I need more critical [Music] powering up their guitar is there just a building I say just a building stable [Music] [Music] [Music] see how close we are they really time to find out there were too ambitious a tradition and I must admit that [Music] considering saving for everything now also mean I give a plot of potential presence think we are willing to take this 1209 on I believe we can do that yeah try to help the population Messi game let's go Tonto [Music] it is actually going to be the problem right now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] mess of the game probably still official over there [Music] I'm not the trip I'll show why I'm trying to push this here actually they sent me to just fine push it would make more sense for me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay amorous scouts out again just like his mom's like I have a decent army but honestly is it the coverage I got to feel that if we just went full Cavalier not that one of us would actually have been exposed [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] in my food equals lacking too much never move somewhere I get to snipe where those nights [Music] [Music] that [Music] you do some counter address at least nice be honest and have grits [Music] adding his own virus weld might have picked up the both of us in the long run but we are getting some good pickups now mommy's also doing good damage too [Music] [Music] like that takes off some pressure of us when we were able to do counter asking him to still have a decent economy and so getting pikemen yeah - yeah this is firms base you're trying to take out these dolphin suicides [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] think we're actually looking pretty good here All Things Considered we have been a front row house for the first time well good feeling [Music] how's forever on any space annoying here a lot of conversions going down [Music] [Music] he let me have the game now this was a messy AF mess CAF [Music] [Music] [Music] with the map control error this should be fine the funk living work in the back Porthos really pushing this which color [Music] they hear mangas No [Music] [Music] [Music] all the Travis video think he is out of all not doing a great job at like building economy myself I was gonna start adding artist known as one to did expect to win this as Mongols but come here guys I'm telling you Coomer is the best tip at 7:00 the game confirmed what a mess I think he did a mistake committing to full cast which he probably should have gone in control but I don't know exactly how its economy was you they're not very it's a vanity system it'll help a lot just a boom and collect all that gold is it off use the scam mmm wasted waffle think the prime Eagan person liquid crimes well desk for with 70 months gutentag schlanger good a vlog yeah go 27 months sky to death for 23 the I juror would prime welcome sir with $5 oh there is a heat wave in Germany I haven't heard that Kappa very warm pre-warn and water sure [Music] here's warm boys but having the Sun on me feel so warm oh this will just be annoying I can't have this ah yes we have to go with the Swift I'll give you myself you and it's a called when it's in your mind let's see this is too bright it's annoying them like testers and we should sing some for the first time now have to be a deathmatch I have not played that much in probably since last time I stream that much I don't know if any one of you remember that that's probably quite a while [Music] so yeah not sure what to expect you Jamie after I'm done with the stream I'm heading off I might be back later and we can maybe player Oh eat lab deathmatch lobster let's see I feel like playing playing later Jim I have not played deathmatch in forever so let's see how this works I'm gonna flap where's restart restart farm and seats were shopping new meta boys alright [Music] seems to just be one full have [Music] seems to be trying trying it won't collapse obviously I'm not allow that sir [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] right feel like we have a good position right now demos I really thought about making water yeah you don't really have time to think about it I feel [Music] [Music] [Music] Yoga is very much on the defensive right now so again very good opening first ability I hate falling on his mouth it's really bad [Music] [Music] [Music] okay states [Music] and game is over he has no map control at all okay worked out I think he can't go aggressive helps you need to keep all this helps defending as well as I think at start there the way he went like sent groups forward I think he spread himself too thin like that but puts us to a five - it was priced with what five it was five hundred two hundred before we changed to a hundred dollars per game but now it turned out to that price but anyway so all good didn't get eco up properly we already have good farming going the crew traded now we have five relics or four hours last right there [Music] I think anyone has said there's no monitoring age Gloria's [Music] yeah I mean you sure with God's you mess up what helps but helps aren't that good at trading efficiently when there's a lot of gold still you see the ìiî a way to remake videos I have not all right I am warm we want to go offline maybe hot except for the ESM and throwing Axman axes are busted in this mashup thoughts what I mean busted throwing axes are busted you you justice has come to say goodbye but I want to take it over you I don't need sound justice I've come to say goodbye jim's baby guys tomorrow I'm streaming at MGMT so it's super early it's gonna be on twitch as well next mixer stream will probably be on Tuesday or in Tuesday amber I think we're primed the edge everything to crime as well so yeah assuming tomorrow at 10:00 GMT I'm gonna play commandos tomorrow and Starcraft we'll see if that plays mage see how it feels um anything else to say Eustace anything else all for watching hope you guys enjoyed the show match I can avoid you no comment so you have the howling video you can't hear it I don't have speakers here but he can't hear them I want to show you the cutest doggy mr. sho-me that was a seven game show much between me and the max turns out we won it 5-2 I really think we're through the Vikings game as well and what was the other game I lost I am lost and one remembered alder game we lost you you [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] you this dog on earth that is you baby that is you nudists are on earth all right this is wave goodbye hey bye mommy alright boys your dog is pretty cute too I'm sure but he's no use to us okay just saying guys that is it for today really hope you guys enjoyed the stream again I'm back tomorrow 10:00 GMT and everyone I'm also steaming a mixin now mixer calm /the Viper everyone is a subscriber on twitch send me a private message on discord on Twitch on in my business email and I will provide you a code that you can redeem for a one month free subscription to mixer yeah that's where I find me most these days mixer with compost at the library thanks again for support since all three subs all everyone coming in legendary coming in here with the whole year as well we're so happy anniversary Congrats whole year awesome thank you so much
Channel: TheViper
Views: 67,318
Rating: 4.9095316 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games
Id: UrKgI-sVL4M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 231min 36sec (13896 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 05 2019
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