Adopt a Noob feat. Vitals! | Quarter Finals

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Oh what type of place that do we have when you play Arabian Sea Scouts is archers is everything I feel comfortable with scout but again I can't go without you what sir do you prefer for scouts Franks yeah yes all right then I would say Franks and I think you has more experience I think humans can probably be better for another map yeah so I would suggest Frank's for you them to play Scouts in two nights yes and I'll play an archery range sieve so whole idea for you would be to just play Scouts and try to wall up your base and be active with your Scouts on the map and then transition to nice and castes right okay we should adapt a little bit like so sitar is the pro from there Thursday right so used a good clear entire site and will Scout a little bit and we have to make decisions in the game let that I'll do a further fast market so I can help guides because above my level I think even John Locke is about okay yeah if they're suppose there's a wide gap right there's a wider gap between you and me than John Locke and since all right so okay I'm gonna pick an archer sit and probably Britain's or Ethiopians all Saracens actually one go Saracen yes okay all right let's do this it's a 2v2 all right let's go boy I'm sorry I don't mean to call you boy let's go man oh you are your event is fan sorry are you are you event to spend might have the wrong microphone activated and discord oh yeah you should hear me way better now I had the microphone on the web camera by mistake yeah okay hey I was asking oh you went to Spain yes I went to spam you Aventis how are you enjoying Ronaldo first I miss that guy alright so how is your map just give me some feedback on your map how is it's a wall where it's a cold etcetera as you're scaling so far it seems quite close like so there are a lot of woodland didn't find my main goal the very soft close would close okay if your gold main goal this exposed and might be worth it to you to drop a tower there as well after a little bit maybe explore its focus on still didn't find yep we'll see I'll just go straight archers they have Franks and Ethiopians there they're good players Cavor player you have all your resources could be better but again because if you feel like it's exposed and drop at our in question I mean yeah we'll see how they decide to play if they want to try to weaken you or if that was all for me but if you can wall them do whatever you can to wall work wherever you can when you have sorry because I found three cow in the in that case it's Rick Allison and that's all I think so I also never because usually three instead of four sheep yeah is it worth it to fight or to load one or two DSO and go around you can if you're if they're very close and do it because we want you to have a good food Eco hitting tutelage so it's up to you if they feel like they're close enough that you can lure them efficiently than do that if not then I'll retire to scout all the other resorts okay I'm against blue player Frank's which is the best one yes 21 try to first acquaintance maybe it's time to I think 21 is just go 21 it's safer gives you better economy and I would usually recommend you to do whatever exclude this 22 21 is fine things you try to stretch it too far it's on ends up hurting your own economy okay my my god I lost quite a lot to be honest I did hear oh you ran under Townsend yes we had a little bit and it's a fight with cows this guy seems to have a really good quick uptown they discover guyot like his base okay thanks man time was a little bit slower than being at home to the family yeah my guys coming with me with my dance then I'll be able to wall away like it's an inactive like wall so we can't hurt you [Music] I'm making a market now muga has a lot of Scouts like almost say eight nine Scouts and still in my base tone um yeah just try to check out what yoga is doing first your base is looking quite protected so you really should wall the right side as well though let me show that clip this Walt maybe don't move your Scouts away from that area until you're sure that you're safe close this close this fast because he's gonna come over to Scouts good I will try to attack I'd like one or two spearmen as well yeah good job there he's going back oh I think it's going to add to the time is always okay Yoga is on me should be quite close to God okay I'm doing good damage to lose so as long as you're okay they're okay if you can come here that will be good actually because they're both they're keeping me off my goal now I'm Scout here should they come because I'm killing and I'll just stay there he's making a lot of Scouts is going really hard to describe thing they're gonna break in on my sides I'm a little bit of pressures so I still go for Thompson yeah I'm cleaning up their aggression now but I still I lost some bills and some pressures I'm suffering a little bit but could be worse well they left now they were down here I kill the archer so not good song he is there with his Scouts see them now [Music] [Music] I think so nice here for now do you have a market now because you'll probably come towards me where my gold is with these nights so you could help the fender for a little bit and we should be okay but keep one choice keep keep one scout here in this area in front of the Austria range of red so we can have an idea where it's you know sorry do you think they might try to push me now would cast a charming oh it's on you can just send an expectant just wait with engaging approach are the wallet bit a little bit behind if you can and we're gonna have to try and take a good fight can you get close to yes like just as I leo Thomson or even because you need to play I just think you have a two nights on my base down don't fight it ding constant night ever you have +2 and you're nice from behind we can fight just try to add not take any damage yet how far away is posture it's a good fight good job now we have to use this to our advantage and do some damage to them let's go for let's go for red towards is our she ranges we go together we can probably take out part she ranges because I have strong arches Gondar me just jump on those just gonna take one akshay range and then we're gonna move to the next and then we can move to the wards and blue now they are defending red so and red does not mobility so let's go together what's blue send all our army towards blue we can go from this angle that's ok let's go further don't break in there yet let's just take the closest house house shouldn't have a town center keep you can get the manga now okay good I'm just runnin he doesn't have session or anything so I think the manga no that would be very good and then get out again just follow my arches up [Music] is just a group up your night somewhere else no just a comment with me I'm gonna go actually when I'm on the hill you can go for a town center okay go for it down so now I'm attacking him from another side as well so we should be able to take that town center up commit on the arches as well yeah we need you to get them hanging on there then you can help me on my transfer as well down here vitals up there are you using a techno or Patrol when you're engaging okay but just in general you should really get used to like just if you're moving your nights somewhere just always Patrol because that makes sure they actually engage when something is happening so we did some damage but I don't not enough yeah they have economy lead to show you taking yeah you should probably try and text your text I'm good you might have to do a castles at some point to defend don't know if it makes sense because I think they have enough to defend I think just try to get to Imperial age they said now next fight will probably be in a girlish they stopped making army yes why we need a train get stone a sub seeking for the castle go back yes that's a double castle so you want to go back at the leader then go back you don't want to commit yeah but like if you delete the palace that wall in the house behind there you can drop the castle there in the background like we have to pass our walls and I just have to commit for castle yeah I mean I'm 35% on the way to him I think we are done here yeah I think we can call the GG I you would have taken too much damage and I would be too late anyway to help you yeah probably I need to pick a better economy also maybe I should play also cavalry Savannah scenario because to get more so I can be more active in the early game I play all just a little game like this I'm too late it's not necessarily bad but my map was really bad for wood so I was really hard to defend my base so yeah we'll see we did something we did with the cleaner army nicely the one we did good damage as my dad was always very compared to me yeah when we took that fight next mm did you patrol your Yoon's them mm-hmm okay just like in general when always whenever you fight especially big fights when you're not locked my crane every Archer if I need to send army somewhere okay I send them if I need to engage okay as always there's always even when you're just moving to another location patrolling is always a good idea because because it gives your it makes avidan's actually fight if you're running into something right yeah yeah nobody Upton was good so you just I mean they did have better citizeness pickings Harrison's was probably a little bit stupid it was a bit of a meme but yeah how do you compute control group your town centers you know I'll use the keys from my mouse oh okay you're one of those with mouse off-key sigh yeah well MVL also uses mouse for a lot of things I don't think it's great that you have hotkeys on your mouse because it's not a keyboard and it affects your precision with your hand at the same time you want to use your mouse and move it around otherwise all right let's go and also on the way to castle age you start with 150 stone right ah so I I need to take yeah there's like long distance mine you don't have to make a mining camp just take it with like two villagers from distance they can be outside but most often from just keep making new forms don't be afraid to make bumps and I see I saw borer around here it won't at least one border to be yours yeah you can take with your scope as well like the board it's normal to take it with the Scouts in their rights a focus we kept with the King make sure he's not where I shouldn't be 24 25 is fine because that is fine if you're going up one village layer to which others does much so you are against suit all is already in two vertices you went fast up to do the to tseebo fuel it's all good you'll have a super strong woman getting tested or strong economy your only thing is you cannot build not just go to the on lumber camp all right idols lazy bastards don't say one down below that castle and one there next to the golden wood okay so below the cat's outside the world yeah that's fine on the backside ms/ms it's sizzler thank you very much for months [Music] I think Tom [Music] [Music] [Music] what's your account just make like 15 more manga but you can go up but just remember keep looming while you're so we don't know exactly what the queue will go for most likely steppe lancers I would guess should hope so step Lancers really good question is probably as long to have us meet shield we should define against them they are actual nice [Music] Ciena sensor is yes thanks sorry should I send Lincoln for you just so you make like an outpost on this side just you can see trade if you can wall the whole side and it might make sense for us to trade there as well as a castle there [Music] to send all of the paladins you're making here mister he's gonna come there with steppe lancers send all this just let move your economy to the backside here is to expose on the front there run those pests just used to koala dens to defend yourself since blue is there I was expecting boo to come to me so you can just worry about yourself I can paladin is doing good you can send some problem just attack the castle and take that out take the castle down that's our biggest issue right now is that if you get stuck a stuff that can be hard you should be able to take it fast with your your units I guess that's a heavy thing for sure um but you should try to get these corners we can trade yes with the I should engage that yeah just engaged did you patrol there yeah I don't know I don't think parodies should play so bad against Atlanta how did you where's your monastery all you don't have the relics in you know just just keep keep making farms in background keeping yourself in as much as you can don't get the relics back again [Music] [Music] okay it's over what's called okay that unit is absolutely ridonculous man what the hell sorry man my all good dude no good well I'm achieving achievements achievement to make you lose the tournament don't worry I've done that myself 20 times oh good we're still in it dude you just supposed to fight we have a chance yeah I thought that when you had the Paladins on the hill that I would take a decent fight but no it seems every day I was trying acting game and there was weak politics as well I knew can engage with this on the same amount of stepmonster and it was so bad even maybe probably I'm taking those engaged not in the best way but until I think they are a little bit broken I was also appeared in this I want you to notice is that even though you go to imperil edge remember to keep making villagers you should never stop until you're at like 1:30 villagers yeah I did but at some point today you start to get fast you will lose them humans unused what's the difference if we use humans now and win I didn't check if there are there are any balls like what if we use next next map then we lose with humans without without like humans for next map and then we lose like you always got to think ahead doesn't matter if we if we win this one with humans if we lose next one are you happy with their big car yeah I mean the thing I'm expecting to Incas would probably it might go with my arms forward something crazy like that but yeah I think our pics are good at Pixar time so numbers as I didn't look specifically but I don't see any more so I guess not oh my god I nearly mean yeah [Applause] I might even play Scouts into manga day later and see how the game plays out I'm against Mongols [Music] [Music] I mean dude [Music] [Music] oh I'm getting terrorist by yoga I've met the difficult [Music] I sang the first sound to you actually I think think you can go attack my guy attack my guys base in that could be good so just go to the base of my guy [Music] okay if you can eat me a deal kya yes woodland there [Music] [Music] yes I went over to my gun yes please smile in his face yeah I'm on blue as well now so if you come as well we can probably do the damage to rooster don't know how many scouts he had okay means yeah I'll probably need you to go camels as soon as you're up to deal with did you manage to do any damage - yes okay good I mean green sacrificed himself by rushing me and they didn't do too much so we should be in a good position my economy isn't the greatest right now but could be it could be worse oh please me as well yes [Music] I'm pretty much just trying to get my equipment running and going to catch this guy I can't go but now I'm done if I should make Scout rock by the buff I try to go up I don't know how many scouts he has just one the other guys bit yeah I just have to try what do your experiment maybe to defend if you can but focus on getting to Castle age because we need you know where are they can you ask yes yes be later remaining billet oh I see let us be a little and then go [Music] you have some fat are yes you might want to count our if he gets that up like if he starts building it yeah you can brush that with bills as well he only has he has low HP you have Spearman they're still just both bills she'll be able to kill that should still be in a very good is the right approach stammering me I don't know if I did the right move I practiced then East hours so far it was one bit algebra I think I did the right move okay if you get it down then it should be okay yeah he's just trying the best to do as much slowing us down as much as you can and then they put cito in a position to do damage I just make camels and hopefully that'll be enough I will go manga on some thing is just remember that no matter how much damage you're taking when we still do so if you are buying time now for me and that's all good just don't fight one on one camera just go back with your bills and then try to group up until you have like four or five camels you still have towers in your base you are fairly safe just run back with your villagers vitaveggies you have hair just go back to town sir don't fight unless should probably gone back with those bills again you're fighting with like minimum number you can't fight with one camel against five so always just wait I know I know it's what we have enough food to armor up quit centre if I can yeah that would be good my question is if blue is how far had to do it now it's gave me freedom to go to cast a Japanese so let's see maybe I can get a better composition everything but you have talents now so you don't really have to worry anymore just just boom up now glue is on me now so I think we are all right here now he you should be alright they need to put pressure on me he's backing you online is with the power it's send your place and so it's fine all these evens they're a very low HP now so should be okay I go for for a lambda you delete the palisade well there yet edge yes mr. stable he's going to SCORM Sara I should be able to give you freedom to just boom up now as much as you want really so just focus on try to get more town centers and yeah I'm fine I did the third one and now I'm having to make village yeah except it because I think till my yearly castle I was in a very good position then it's no bowling yeah it's all about crisis management I think we should be alright still I can stretch probably now issues funky not sure a whisper me God sorry how do you say probably now green with famine go I guess it would be I don't think it has really call me for that I don't think you have to worry about it it's like a booming you don't yeah pretty much and even do a cast where should I place it just place it anywhere you feel like you need to protect the resource I'm going there are stolen and involved forward that works for my Concentra powers how are you looking on those accounts and you can just try to get imp now and then prepare for Imperial counts yes I'm thinking up you should be in our good spot [Music] we just get you to Imperial camel now and we are [Music] [Music] [Music] once you have do you have an impaired late Imperial camel on the way no baby camel or 50/50 okay just prepare your camels down here on my side to counter everything he has at moment how do you run I want you to come here and deal with blues army because your army counters everything he has so we can do it like that that you just play on my side green is still suit like completely out of the game so you have to just wait for that actually we can go here he doesn't have enough time I'm adding trebuchet as well I take the rubber shot yeah [Music] let's make sure we get the villages as well let's doing the castle okay they're calling it a Yugi good job dude were you panicking when you get doubled no I'm not panicking I was struggling me with the multitasking but yep it's also difficult with this map because of the hills and how awkward everything is with the farms and everything I had particularly one moment where all my army keep running downhill and and dying against these cameras because I was trying to to Migra I guess the tower rush bet that was really good their strategy is super hard to deal with because green to sacrifice himself completely right and then they put their pro player in a good position but yeah yeah I mean I guess yeah I was just double at the start after that I was I was fine he kept trying to tell rush me a little bit but he couldn't do too much he lost villages as well like his first tower and rush was not successful so only the first couple of a few late meetings were problematic but after that it was fine but it was good as well because you managed to not take too much damage and castellated to that you bought me enough time as well to go manga die and obviously we were in a bad spot in theory looking at the score his blue was so far ahead but I didn't take any damage and you were just slow down a little bit and then you were free to boom as well so it was perfect okay now we have kyumin's right you ready yes Mayans Indians for them she talks play mines again map should be fairly easy so easy to also just scout around and figure out if you can if you can do it full well it'll be great hahahaha the villager that was going to make the house we blocked the villager that was during the day because they were passing between an ounce and our country very like a fish it happens also notice between this definitely addition is easier to block us I mean the gap how's enough talking Galia this Sunday yes Seto I guess you are against it oh yeah I'll tell you that mr. cage was a little bit on drama what I am some drama in this cupcake the village of time ball going back not as much as that cake will be all good I know that you just gotta reset your mind sitting carry on like nothing happened like the worst thing you can do if you have a darkish is let yourself get frustrated and annoyed then you're just gonna play worse just gotta regroup your mind and carry on I think he wants to Jessica's castle seems like he's fully walled as well so all good the - didn't do lot of damage compared to the damage I did I guess that sounds like it's good good pressure to toss for wall in Quantico fast castle behind list so we need to make a decision whether we try to push together on my guy or your guys we need to make the or how many or Chuco have any arches out yet not all of them and I think Josh account and then we go to get around green but try to make sure you can wall your map and see if you can also take storm to probably tear up if you have exposed areas [Music] Oh Scott might be able to do it I say the words but an astronaut shouldn't be too many scouts [Music] I'm gonna go for steppe lancers wants them up and I will try to help you ace up I thought all the other holder might wanna run like Charlie Walter a town center from the wood line so we cannot pass unless unless he passes to a town center up there as well you might want to run up with them late if you get touching a SUP you might be able to try and Michael okay yeah just try to micro against him them trade as good as you can see on these villagers that's better yeah that's good I'll fight well that's still gonna be a good trade for you All Things Considered good job good job [Music] I completely forgot I could make a second tea sink a slaves gear I'll just stick with vouchers else and answers to help now [Music] I try to close the gap of your wall [Music] blue is just in his base mass we shouldn't be coming to you yeah yeah I'm Anders yeah okay just hold by mm blues basic moment I can't help you too much just now I'm doing a lot of damage stream as well okay just try to buy time as usual and I'll come to help you as soon as I found father they're going to go it's very bad [Music] yeah I'm coming out [Music] what what's now one time you see us we come again this still one crossbow there by the way I think I add [Music] oh I tried Google to go for what the exaction once your upgrades we can go forward together I'm finishing the blacksmith's talk about this wait what is stone [Music] actually let's fight green here yeah you can kill this because I can catch him you actually keep moving this way let's put some pressure on green you get to first all you know I think his ears are more scary SEC Eskimos oh I hope there will be a mud room for that but sounds and now I have the same problem I'm sending some plans just to help you there first fight with the camels [Music] this muscle is saying there are producing unit can confirm let's fight [Music] okay let's fight they're still still think I should be a good fight for us try to focus his crossbows yeah nevermind not either both of the gold please both yell yeah it's really good damage and I gotta focus on polygamy just leave those crossbows you have there in Queen space and whatever but I don't think you has too much arm yes I don't think you have to be too worried because you won't [Music] [Music] it's going for our bus so it's good for us she doesn't have team set transition going should I stop making be mature and go out for sure you can bet the tablet very bad I will go quickly and clean up a green and then I'll well I should be able to help you at the same time something now making villager [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] they compel oh and I am NOT winning the steppe lancers women it's a big difference between me and the stepped-up Lancer yeah I'm sure that I will do the same with the fat ones I'm sure as well okay where should I go along with you you can just attack go to you detective Bloo yeah Mac so you can come here okay Green just hit him paralyzed so he's gonna get every camels with your army counties that still go to green [Music] although most advanced you seem to be doing a decent job I mean surprise surprise I actually wondered why this is so stupid dude the most stupid you know everything I told you right sighs I thought I took their fight appeal and with three relics in the monastery the money was and I was so bad no we have we got together and green just try to make him not forget Imperial camel then we should be you should be fairly safe there they have the new alibi before being that sounds accurate oh yeah ton of wood then just notice for you you need them no I have noticed [Music] biggest issue is old older bonuses with cumulus as well TC and feudal age the Kaveri runs tips and faster just so many things that makes this so strong I think the game is over I'm not the father I'm not setting that the only thing that can stop you is countered by the others there is nothing that counters disunity why we're talking about take them here probably also only cost thirty thirty yeah gold it's ridiculous think it's less than an Oscar you can fight here she does have Imperial now but she's still a good fight for us coming from behind as well all right of your room for ya doesn't matter don't worry steppe lancers on the way yeah good job it's a nice unit they just need to balance it better that's it it's a funny it's not funny that's true but I think before the balance you have a lot of windows for your masterpiece yeah great I guess it's fine if it's gone there will be quite advantageous for us yeah all right very well then yes should we go for Koreans who show the first game get second home and then Alaskan code guess we go for yellow of course let's go for Koreans okay are you sure about course now they're stronger winds okay man and promise I promise I hate them but they are okay yeah well I guess I will change my mind everything seems fine think okay can you take the Scout let's go mulligans let's go team don't pack up with the the gonna try my best journalist should I push the deer and I just got pushed a later you guys asking why it's co-op because that's the rule sir tournament simple as that yes let's go team we got this I think we will play man arms into towers into war lines okay that will be the masterpiece I will never think to be part of a monster so here so damning I sculpt this area I [Music] can learn all the way I want them delivered under the town center as clean as humanly possible to be I think that's good you want you can take two men arms and I'll just set up our eco for four wines so you want to use my comfortable with the Scout only if you wish you can microwave you don't have to look at anything else let's figure out what he's making I was come on you to lose some units that's why the situation always just buy time just [Music] [Music] yes they're building Candace mom but they couldn't reach the [Music] curvature keep dominating with the Manzano reinforcements is it good this much for that I am going that's good [Music] [Music] hello Spearman is blown off you seem carefully - of course piggies [Music] you want to make your spearmint I'm learning the meadow just be will enjoy didn't see a second all cheering yes crossbows making units for us will be better keep going for our revenge yeah this is perfect for us we have already won this game don't know why they're still playing honestly yeah I mean look this guy if score is so fair you know he had he has had a scout that's been running around scaring the whole map now he's excellent let's attack there I'm thinking what models can go get for him nothing alternate for they're not only against that it's not even just a war wagon it's a cheaper for writing than it used to be you are the monster you have all right we're fine show me the house get the funeral non-believer in war wagons I don't know I mean I usually believe in Europe you can play with these four wings if you want okay I go fine yeah just micro hit-and-run do whatever you feel like really you'll kill everything now yeah yes by Osiris yeah they might even resign when they see this army [Music] we might wanna go back yeah don't target that night's target the crossbows because he will just it's just using the nice to Leary around now pull this guy to the side oh yes ballistics yeah that's perfect just camp the Hilton actually go back to the castle it's your monster and heal up a little bit skyress New Castle we're gonna have to move out and do some damage soon you know castle on the hill in front of our base as well yeah long-term thinking right now yep mind if I take them yeah yeah I follow a Jayhawk yes the toxin [Music] fortune there is the night to scout them out for yeah sure tails follow that going for [Music] think both options work okay yeah this is what doable Addison in the same way should I go for the ready yes I do think he's on the way to him or they are on the with him I guess is that thing I know the nice producing from stable so yeah I do think that yes I think thereafter I'm just saying yeah we'll go imp as well and probably will do yeah they're on are they sauce whip because Koreans don't have anymore the bombs what they lost the bonusing beating faster is true see if they will jump us when we hit [Music] to be see what they have sorry we have trade addicts yeah but think about this situation what's all I think we're in a good spot yes and the hill is tremendous internal castle we have already yeah exactly relics get all the good stuff don't say war violence is pretty much impossible to loose the game and house it he has nothing to fight us in this from distance right so him you can never engage up the hill as long as we have this many warleggan's also his he doesn't have a bracer on his scores right one hosting this area maybe there is already taken to whatever you want okay use whatever you want to take what everyone gather is biggest thing is people that is [Music] what are unique types of Koreans I forgot means the extra siege range from what I wanna I'm wondering the other packaging is burl yes [Music] we ignore this power you can just deal with it use the resource if you need and just deal with it I trust you to take care of the top no pressure but don't take care of it we lose Oh for payment so you're changing your view on the war wagon yeah a game should be over so should not be possible just for us to lose here [Music] I think he has relics in his monastery on the front so he can pick those as well Oh No they think it's the time to load with the months or yeah you can go now mission impossible let's go [Music] we should have done better oh okay you got new ones on the way I think they will call it in a second though [Music] [Music] still have a lot of a skirm stone mrs. Hollinger said yeah we're mixing orders [Music] [Laughter] well done sir come back we're down to zero you know yeah yeah after that to zero I really was sure we were just saving saves for the later maps yeah good yeah I mean this way basically yeah well it's gonna be I don't know who else where we can face like next round but I'm guess I guess it'll be harder I think next round is just a seven as well uh-huh so be a longer and tougher write to my stream went way over time I was supposed to end where there so dude thanks for playing well done and we'll stay in touch and organize our next round and should we get okay right I'll see you around good job plate see it's a device for so you went all right guys I'm gonna be fast I'm just gonna quickly now say goodbye see mr. stats we are better kdd score I think you had better economy especially on food five thousand more wood was equal we had more golden stone though in reticle as well more for us yeah that was good for managed maybe make the convex so we're still in it in it to win it I'm not sure who we will face in the next round I will show you guys the brackets and such at a later point
Channel: TheViper
Views: 61,201
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: J3brQkFGIM0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 153min 39sec (9219 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 06 2019
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