The Craziness of Straydog | Part 1

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i can go over explanation mode if you guys want to and then tips to increase concentration like drugs there's this good drug that i stopped taking like a year ago where it's like you sharpness your concentrations and everything and you mentioned that might certainly have an explanation for my results lately hmm coffee is a drug now there wasn't there one like it was a drug that was like um esports drugs so to say i don't remember what it was called adderall adderall is the one yeah wrong but it would apparently calm your nerves and really sharpen your focus and people even got caught in tournaments using it i always didn't take a drug i was just joking all right we have all the sheep the issue if i'm going to try to explain what i'm doing is i cannot meme around okay i'm spanish i'm taking wood i'm taking food trying to get my eco going you know okay i'm gonna leave it there now reason why i'm doing it there now is because it was very convenient with my scout because i have found all my sheep i have found all my boars and everything else so the scout is running into a deer or ostrich in this this at this point sorry sorry ostrich for not addressing your family with respect so therefore it makes sense to just quickly send in a deer to your base boost your economy slightly and it doesn't dig too deep into your own uh scouting at the same time now since in spanish as well what happened there i'm also going to wall quite early because spanish don't have a great they don't have a good eco bonus the only components they have is pretty much um building faster which isn't a great eco bonus spoiler alert so uh we kind of try to compensate by securing our economy a little bit earlier and then we will transition towards knowing that we're safe and our economy shouldn't be in a big danger left side as well because those are that's the area where i would potentially be the most vulnerable but early on now focus on military buildings towards the right side that's also where my golden stone and backwood line is now it's kind of his forward this way so being well here still that's nice you want to lay me see i want him to come there so i can try to wall him in then go for it all right i'm bringing my scout he has taken some damage now so this is fine i have some idle time but i will have scout advantage on my scout so in the end this is fine will they go for my will it's low hp he does again this is just good for me i just get a lot of damage on this um on the scout for nothing pretty much let's see if he goes again third time's the charm yeah he doesn't want to fight on the hill hans i imagine he will go first scouts i have enough food to click up i do not imagine he will go for scouts so i think i will mirror that that's a bit of disaster it's not good advice for you because you cannot click the call like that well don't do that at home if if he comes at you like this just go back right with your villager don't try to do anything fancy it's usually not worth it in my case as well it's usually not worth it is going to be a bit fragile now because i am i got housed at a real bad timing so i went up with 20 pop that is not good we also know straight up as a very old english player they'll probably go full feudal and spanish or are really bad with troll feudals well i'm glad i went for my 20 pop-up now because i'm gonna have to defend with towers and whatnot do you have a stone forward we can use you didn't 19 my first upgrade because i want to i want to be able to see every move it makes and only i can do that is by [Music] just by um having town wash that's not the only way i can do that but it helps certainly we'll do a tower there sounds good it should be very good i think we're in a very comfortable spot still obviously this is bad for spanish because spanish don't have archers so it's usually bad for spanish types these types of games but still i think we're not taking the damage so far we can just tower up and it's all good it's all good man okay i was planning a masterpiece there wasn't an option unfortunately because he reacted okay i don't want this either i don't want him to take that stone i'm going to tower that pretty much what i'm doing right now is just trying to make sure i don't uh take damage then i will have to transition into more units soon but initially defending with the tower with towers is fine for opening could explain why the four versus five wheels and towers without flashing uh four wheels versus five wheels doesn't change how many arrows your towers shoot only once you have fetching your tower will shoot one extra arrow so it's better to idle four wheels rather than idle firebills right once fetching is in however then um five else might make more sense i don't have horse color here i don't think i will do it either because it's low eco game at the moment there's no way for me to decide the right unit choice either right now because i also don't have a scout it's very likely that he himself has um added a stable at home at this point to further his uh like to have scouts ready mobile units and just in case that's fine he will have to idle four wheels i had four wheels you can see he has four wheels inside and one archer but since there is no flashing we both shoot four arrows each this is a good time for me to even dive on the tower that's very interesting actually because he doesn't have that much armor there i could potentially trap him i did take um little stone just in case i didn't kill anything that was actually really bad i think i will just transition this to a gas ledge play pretty much new conquistadors there's the scout switch that they were expecting i kind of know about this as well because we know he's a very much a feudalist player so close i think i will even counter that because there's no reason for me to allow him to get that up more villagers coming forward so strange this guy is wild man now he's taking my stone there though so in theory it's not i don't have stone anymore i can buy that is good for him that tower isn't really in range of the maybe in this one but not the rest but it's uh it's quite awkward for me still kind of forced by spanish being weird i think as well what to make here that's a bit awkward that was just slow by me yes armor and forging holy no mercy on this guy it's not messing around i don't have a second building i just realized this is so yolo i love it tower coming up on our base um my eco is super strange right now and i have to do something like that didn't click up i didn't have the second building i have picked up now so now he left with that meaning i can possibly charge this tower down this i don't think is good for him the way this is playing out now wasting the scouts i got out alive it's a really weird game but i think all in all i will be up quite a bit faster but it's still going to be a game that transitions to castle age and i think he's he's in a really good spot still because he can switch into car washes and whatnot quite easily here i think i take back this area with the siege and then this woman might be oh my god she's too brave oh this is she was a little bit too brave for her own goods she came out of it alive i guess we cannot complain he's looking for her i'm sure give us a lumber camp there this guy you gotta love how he plays though i'm gonna try and counterattack a little bit just to see if we can get like some pressure on him because no matter what here it's [Music] like army count he will have an advantage and double stable and i think i have to double monastery here because this will be the pressure is not going to stop maybe the missionaries gonna be okay here [Music] i'm just gonna go from triple lumber camp in the same spot i'm just gonna go for villager kills because that's kind of what my issue would be here falling behind the eco and he's playing super open right i have a big chance here to actually cause some metal damage we're pretty much hoping that our our monks will be sufficient that's not the right way in that case if he continues with just knights i think it's we're fine especially if you get convert hello oh my god you're kidding me how did i not get too conversant there what the hell how did i not get two conversions there someone explained me this is gonna be tough he has theses as well he's in a really good spot even the light cap the yola approach is working okay i need let's do a tc there okay let's do like that i guess can't you get in [Music] oh my god it's open that's a disaster don't really know what the situation is i think that was a good minute for us let's get rid of all these walls now my eco is so messy holy all right tc is up i just need to get to kong's now neither i need another tc as well for us that's more important we have stabilized though we have stabilized here for the most part but it's still super messy just building a ton of light cam now i would guess and economically he's probably still ahead of us let's do that oh the timing man oh that could turn out good for us in the end okay we got three conversions oh my god the timing there that was really nasty [Music] can we finish the tcps thank you that was also a really good minute for us really good minute can't get over how wild he is his place though it's just insane how aggressive he plays now it makes sense to play this aggressive against spanish because of the lack of um really because they don't have good eco especially when you have a sieve that has good eco behind themselves so it makes sense in this case in many ways they're not a stable oh man this guy [Music] i can convert him i can probably snipe his what he deleted we gotta get ready here i might have to try and convert back okay get another one back please just get me back tonight okay we're fine incoming like he should still have a better equal than us without a doubt oh the this is full oh he survived [Music] i guess we don't is he trying to castle drop me oh he's cast dropping me isn't he he is the absolute madman [Music] where's my army even this is so messy important thing to keep in mind here is that he hasn't lost villagers for the last couple of minutes well now he has lost villagers oh he got it up as well oh my god i would say we're actually dead we need to build patards i think i'm even gonna do a second castle there i need to fix eco i'm making i want to make photographs i just don't have eq yet now we do it's going to start raiding this set again probably you can go inside again i need to try and hurt his equal a little bit [Music] at the moment he's having way too much of a smooth game while we are not four idols getting better holy what do we need another issue is that i'm i'm relying purely on his units to fight i'm converting his units [Music] and that's my army that isn't optimal an optimal situation well why are they not converting go boys yo boys that was not part of the deal god you kidding me why is the pathing so awkward on this guy it's a mad world [Music] i have to sacrifice bills here to save that okay i can't do that either that's too dumb yeah i think i just i need to start making my own units i can't continue like this it's just too suicidal it was already so messy that's actually insane i mean i have casters now i'm not making conks look at this guy he doesn't stop he doesn't care got castles doesn't care there is logic first play because what he he idles me all the time well his economy is working non-stop right there is logic to this play as well it's still it's so crazy no one really plays like this these days time to swallow your pride and hit the town bell never i will never he's even going to hurricanes we're getting memed at this point oh why are we going there oh my eco is an absolute shambles 27 idols i think if he stops producing for just a second i think he can also just go in at least that would be my expectation might already be on the way to mp we have 78 villagers though so it's not like end of the world situation if i managed to stabilize but i do have a sneaky suspicion that he is going to imp it's really good at the whole uh just like pull some units in every direction to not let the other guy take an efficient fight okay we're gonna stabilize now but like i said he's gonna hit imperial age in i would say like a minute how long he's going full house parking still maybe he's not gonna be in that soon the same as i was anticipating i still have any upgrades there that's bad ballistics has been helping his raiding this is the ultimate honey badger man he doesn't care about anything it will attack you no matter what's there i think that is still producing is a good sign for me which also makes awesome oh it makes me also think there is a chance he's not going up yet well uh where's my gutter points all there why are my gather points older english 38 farmers i can probably go to go to him myself now idle my stuff [Music] coming soon i think i just can go helps my only way to answer here it's been a really fun game though i i just get flabbergasted by how yolo this play is [Music] he's continues with tarkin he might be throwing him okay he's doing a is the base being responsible he's doing a responsible tech switch which is bad news for me i kind of was relying on him contingent being stubborn playing tarkin's conquerors heavy couch as a win with full upgrades kong should still be very good i'm gonna lose castles here left and right i probably don't it's not even worth it for me to repair that i think probably skirmishers should be my unit here you ask the right questions very inaccurate these guys outposts everywhere as well i'm not sure what's up with the admiral's internet something is not right there we found the relic but i'm afraid it's too little too late no matter how many relics you have might as well send the trap into the face okay let's do that what is he doing with that trebuchet someone explained to me what that trebuchet is doing it's just ultimate power play like showing that i'm dead bm trap is that it if so it's kind of working it's not wrong let's do the castle there rams coming from the top oh you know what i need to do supremacy here that's my only way to come back 100 pop yeah i think we may be dead here boys let's just okay i didn't have units gg that was really a fun game this guy is so wild i don't know if you guys know from him in the past from know about him from the past but through bubbly days he will always pick hans and he will be full feudalist full cast legend full yolo every single game that's always a always really fun game he doesn't wall either right it's just he doesn't give a he just goes all out and what happens happens uh but yeah i think the members reported in four months naruto 92 thanks for the five ace barrett thanks again for the 51 months 51 long months em matavar with the nine months can you okay thanks for all the great games we couldn't okay in this game five subs for the win my friend let's go gdp i saw that one a little bit too late thanks for wanting bits grabs the primers he rushed with bills for fun it wouldn't have been fun we would have just lost our bills and the game would have been over we didn't deal well with the feudalist pressure at all though eco is so much better here i think early cast like when we got some monsters we got some few good conversion moments but still the biggest issue here was that we didn't make our own army we purely rely on monks and defending by converting his knights pretty much
Channel: TheViper
Views: 34,948
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: age of empires 2, age of empires 2 definitive edition, age of empires 2 strategy, age of empires 2 definitive edition strategy, theviper, theviper aoc, age of empires 2 build order, age of empires 2 definitive edition gameplay, age of empires 2 gameplay, age of empires 2 definitive, fast castle age of empires 2, age of empires 2 definitive edition review, age of empires 2 tips, age of empires 2 mods
Id: Zmo31a57fxI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 23sec (2123 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 22 2021
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