Can I Win vs T90? | Two Top 20 Casters Fighting it out!

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which ones you don't like in short now I don't know just order mix I eat everything I thought oh boy oh boy oh boy yes master pizzeria time boys choose your way of death didn't ask him a question before we enjoy farting I think everyone enjoys farting right I also just it's sort of air in your belly and kind of uncomfortable isn't these aspects cenotes how does that make sense he doesn't know who I am how's it gonna rig me it was a really really nice one got me there how do we kill him guys sushi towers all just talking about sushi and now we're playing as a Japanese or Queens news I know the Lannister family was a big family but seeing these masses of step Lannisters makes me wonder how many women Tyrion impregnated during the rest of his life quite surprised they all dropped at long range - hee hee hee Lancer Viper Lancer step Lannister I like that one thank you that well appreciate the 5 euro I was a good one I liked it so like I'm thinking she knows have thanks girl for the five year old I appreciate that I'm thinking to use the water the palms and get some fish traps going you know all that good stuff and maybe samurai mystics it'll probably go ranged units hey guys don't tell him I said this but Tina is actually a decent player so can't go to trollish obviously we can do a little better troll I can't find any water where's the water boys device ah don't ever tell him I said that acids often on the Qatar's ah that would not work I saw some water so I'm still thinking samurai could the cool samurai and Osama towers how does that sound you need a castle for both would be interesting yo death vid Thank You limits for a sub you shape it see her to lame me in case there are wolves again it's all will depend a lot on what he's going for Oh God such a lamer I mean read I'm not there for wait this is his base I am I executing an accidental sneak master pizza it's an accidental sneak master pizza everyone is spilling out Vincente nice chat that's guys if you're actually there telling you what I'm doing that kind of sucks so let's try to not do that okay because I do have accident to have a sneak masterpiece' if people tell him about that that's gonna suck he will tell them that I have the villager there and housed as never good probably did overkill here that fish is gonna run out very fast on gold I guess it's my arms you must what I actually make here I don't made a mind yet think is one mine arms I might open barracks my arms because we need to have we need anyway I'm saying we will still need English word a barracks for some upgrades so I think it makes sense to open the barracks save the woman why do you attack through how can that attack through [Music] romance romance romance what the hell is that woman's well you guys saw it as well the Jaguar or whatever you want to call that creature attacked through the corner of the wall know what guys master pizza prepared if he goes for this one I will go in Walla mean it's given for a wrong one actually I cannot take cold anymore that was a disaster pizza oh you left was very nice of him I thought income is quite quite bad isn't it right I have cued up so many girls make sense probably have to send another villager to make more fish a man inside a castle drop from beyond I'll be quite sick you're the man why does him why did he make a spear man it's the weirdest edition of experiment masterpiece just a lot of fish there I need more lumber camps would need to figure out what he's doing as if he's going for archers I can be a pickle might be overkill all this time no he'll sit and no one is I I will always be there to eat whatever sushi is left don't worry sushi is something I can eat forever so questions do even make moment arms without knowing what he's going for they've become quite a disaster I also would like to take stone on this Lane okay is letting my scout get inside I'm happy about that because I want to find out what is doing this looks like archers which means I might have to make units along my palms as well this means I don't have you can snipe my fish from land we don't like this oh boy I wish I had a demo prepared ah there's a dirge he's trying to drop off the fish you also sit outside huh sit under what why is she there didn't I tell it to garrison that's confusing so time to micro anymore stone and gali could help them their way take a risk and jump outside I don't know where his next wave is gonna come in from either this gala can't reach hello its castle age [Music] this Scout is getting so much value right now I hasn't seen the docket okay I need to take care of this as well neat are there we can't reach it for reals try and run under here can I reach with this time I can reach with Popkin I can't reach with vodka no that's the people pickle and a half I would love to get vodka narrow we're doing this I was doing this no well he did the low HP one that's actually good for me fine I guess I have to do that still have a sneaky villager in the back always not looking good right now I would like to repair this Tower as soon as that goes down well I don't think he's gonna get it oh yeah comes quite the value for us how do we continue this I don't even know how to continue this [Music] what do we even do right now I mean I want to do a sneaky Castle drop in the back Oh that'll be the best if I get to castle drop this is gold that will feel nice I don't like that I'm gonna have to do this about our upgrades not sure what I'm missing here Oh No step top scored for some reason don't ask me why I didn't pay attention there maybe I could have had a chance to get a good bye boom there see what sir - wall oh boy okay guys for trying why do you not let me place you is this too close how much the line of sight is a palace I'd have I'm going for it we're just luck boys - does they have to if yes - then you can see me the only it's only one that you can see me someone said one someone said - I'm really not sure which one it is right now I don't see a reaction yet drop it oh boy oh boy it's actually gonna happen are we actually gonna get a woman villager Castle drop in the back of his base I mean I'm gonna love it forever what is this guy doing that looks strange now try and target fire debate it kill him fast fine incoming can't believe this guy is still working there let's go baby he's gonna sweeten himself no can I reach in again again again again yeah catfishing that's actually looking like it's gonna work and I believe it's an encourage as bad news if it wasn't for our oh how do we deal with this need to get my upgrades fast but I am going to need Oh in see this one coming did ya I can do it my own castle drop as well I think it just noticed a trap there's a trap so we're putting all our eggs into one in one basket as you say this samurai counter-attack has to be deadly has to be absolutely deadly incoming I mean the thing is he's only safe-ish as long as it's trebuchet is there that trebuchet in theory he cannot I can potentially kill him I'm gonna have to abandon this because he will trap me down I was your summer samurais do look badass forget fine you can have them I have your talents number you have my fishing the ships that sound though promised here is that Oh scheisse that's also problem is you castle er but the problem I see here is don't remember I don't know the English word I'm trying to locate here in my brain the problem I see is that he's gonna take up my fishing traps and not my fish mm-hmm oh it was a little bit high for a second there I was certain that Thomson oh I'm thinking about taking down his castle with my samurai I think I have enough to do it let's go for it right we should be able to take that out I can't see why not where is he going now Oh as monk was there issues up there I might have to add some scouts in the back question is how good this is micro candy actually out micro 25 samurai that's our question right now can t90 actually out micro 25 samurai [Music] oh boy oh boy oh boy wishes look stead of Castille that is a castle it's a bad timing I should have gone liver earlier faster converting all my stuff yeah how do I approach this now that's how economy there I get like five Scouts out I can send them out convert so he tries to convert them then I come in and clean the rest with my samurai what's your house [Music] I hear sounds everywhere not sure what's going on get the traps I actually lost to those there I don't have a castle right now that's bad I don't have a Thompson he doesn't have trips anymore for time being heard that's a good thing not sure why I'm deciding to drop a castle there I'm committed just still have this I mean is Chiapas there though so you'd imagine that's good news at least I really wonder what his population is right like right now because I'm wondering if we actually have a fighting chance [Music] think I might I'm actually gonna add sperms as well disease adding crossbows and sperms will be good to be with I'm wasted those that was a waste screams will be good to deal with his crossbow service rain oh no he's paying attention I was like counting on him paying attention there's just things happening everywhere right now I'm still in cast lays right that's not good that could have been better or it looks better with that in mind I'm have to make a galley sex repairing it [Music] not sure why I have this population still honestly [Music] with like twenty scams we can still destroy their what is that watchtower you won't tell me what that Watchtower is summit hours I don't think we can afford that I think it's too expensive I have so much gold still I think I have you called me down here is the thing actually have economy still there's balls on my stone not sure if he knows I'm still there we'll find out soon enough what I'm get it come on the problem here as well for me like if we're actually talking serious I don't think it's hard for him to switch into Eagles from this point on because I think the Zico should be good enough for that let's see we got try to still be a little bit annoying and play on Ford Motor voice yes monster Zen Eagles that is Eagles that's what we were scared about could make longswords I guess I'm gonna lose this fish that's bad 100 population don't know why we do this I'm house dog forever he also has plenty of relics still which also serves as an issue for me does have enough pharmacy kind of switch to Eagles here so this game should go over as long as I have a population I can still keep playing have fun at what I deposit in your situation there really isn't much positive for me going here he can't kill me if he wants to right now if he just makes an illegal switch which he hasn't done yet but I think he knows as well it is in such a commanding position now that he's chilling because I don't think there's anything we can do anymore tanana's only one one one one third a pop - you should have told me that sir it's not right Lee I'm not supposed to know what my opponent has there's the Eagles that's what I was waiting for another market I would like to add longswords I don't have a market not that legal words though there is that if we're trying to look for any positives yeah Eagles will be the end of us Logan is not really thing goals I'm still tempted to continue oh this part there true losing that side now we've been discovered now it's gonna be tough either way their market this applies as well hélène Eagles I think we can safely call it now let's call it GG I was fun though thinking I was really hard to add I probably shouldn't play that much with fish I play with less fish and it could have been more interesting if I made more eco at home I mean more farms and then rely that much on fish for food I think this could have been interesting no game no we couldn't afford him we had to make units in Castle age yeah I also made illegals it's over anyway but I like to steal the sneak one volusia castle dropped yes I like the one villager castle drop and then attack in space but yeah his own castles were death sentence either way I still enjoyed GG 21 but what's what's Tina is waiting even we'll help make more than 50 girls as well potato potato actually had more food income in the end than him old wood obviously was quite head actually what wasn't that too far back then either he actually didn't have that many more girls than us it was always it was the monks that would was the pickle either way I mean my bills is also included efficient ship so he had a lot more bills dinners we only got a little bit of a snowball rolling with the monks and I would have been good we actually have about the same population again here it's when I make a lot of scams and life care I think what's this when I make the samurai I think this is a samurai actually GT
Channel: TheViper
Views: 163,416
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dzumhSKFw2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 34sec (2314 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 18 2019
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