TheViper vs HandOfBlood & Nili_AOE | 1v2 Best of 5!

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all right good go boys all right boys that's great intro right then desert I'm stank of a man for 10 months agency 10 thank you for the sub I appreciate the support guys alright boys we are gonna play one versus two against hand of blood and nearly both of them are content creators handle blood picked up agent press 2 when de came out I think I'm not mistaken nearly obviously no has been playing the game for 30 years so yeah it's kind of difficult I honestly have to say I don't know exactly how good handle blood is but I assume he is good enough that it's gonna be very difficult considering the nila is of course one of the best players in Germany so yeah I'm gonna go I have to go pretty try hard here it is a 1 versus 2 so the settings is it's Yucatan one second we have 5 maps it's a best-of-five Yucatan is the first map and from that point on and the teams will the losing team will decide what's the next map the raster maps are black forest cenotes bog land and Mongolia so like I said it's gonna be difficult save situation is we pick no repeat so I can choose a simple I cannot repeat my question now is I think I want to say a Mongols for bog land and I will use humans here actually I'm trying to go for like a power play where I like yeah I think that's gonna be my plan for first game I'm gonna go cuman's and I will try to go for a quick second town city center and then boom like a madman to castle age and then probably cap tram step Lancer Knights to try and just crush in Castle age we'll play all four games anyway it's a best-of-five so I don't know I know what they're planning I might be down to play all five of them one two but it's a best-of-five we enter it with as the best of five good luck versus the plebs and heya hello tell Z thank you you knows how to play it's just a bit slow gotcha isn't it kind of where that is rating is a power of two since you'll be facing the power of two players FairPoint who is top driller okay never mind doesn't matter you they want to be invoiced with me I haven't heard anything about that I assumed they will be on voice with each other and I'm just being on voice with myself you I don't think we're gonna go and go maybe we're going voice after either before or maybe after and I'll chat probably after I would say I know we haven't really talked about it by the way the picture of you as the king is literally what the enemy of Saladin used to wear you know Crusades I know there's a guy who made a salad in picture but it looks absolutely terrible I will show you I think it was see where is that emote suggestions it's not the best work I've seen but it's it's there it's not the greater is the photoshopping the world has ever seen but this one is is what it is love it took all right you should make a collection of all the hidden cup name but nettle seems like a quick kill as we saw in recent team games FairPoint well become fair point makes me smile so it's good with us that's the whole purpose why put the byzantines counter minds britain's I don't think the counter minds I don't think the counter either this is actually their goodness bit Britain's because you can go see Graham Skyrim trash Huzur and trade for the long game but if Britain's have fiber Alex in your zero relics then it's not as good anymore Britain's kind of have to win before gold runs out and was Viper Robin Hood again hitting up one yes yes he was guten tag Herr law one bird inked turn Arbenz mr. rule for not terrorizing you the only rule I proposed was no sling banging would be a little bit nonsense in my opinion you should make a picture with Robin Hood as well I haven't made any pictures this is all up to the community I'm not taking charge of anything you guys want to move around and make me into Robin Hood by all means go ham I'm not gonna do that it's no foreign urban love I just speak the German words I know you yeah I'm wondering if we are good to go anytime soon I'm kind of just waiting here now obviously yesterday miniverse and all that stuff I'm getting ready yo this season bird legacy thank you very much for this subscription to the channel Casimir no now it showed up as this is bird legacy the overlay and the alerts it's a little bit it's not perfect guys it will be fixed within not too long it's not perfect there we go Casimir oh oh thank you for the sub welcome to the channel I appreciate it guys I don't know what I think they're probably envoys discussing strategy saves all that stuff so we'll be my guest agency 10 with if 1500 embers thanks for what you do by P thanks to what you do agency thanks for what all of us does and that is staying inside and washing our hands okay I appreciate the agency thank you very much for the 1,500 members turn a bond is for leaving okay shun tag No hello Viper what's what's the strategy vibe a my strategy for Yucatan is pretty much passed pillage ii TC boom it castes with good eco and then go like three stable capped ram and go for the kill on someone and i would say that's the plan right now and what is gonna work I do not know but I'm gonna have a go we go one versus three and unlock the achievement maybe in the future like I said I said before I would do like an achievement hunt and I will do that at some point but right now I'm just enjoying like these teams and lettering too much but I will get to that where I will do more challenges more community games more what's it called more achievement hunts and things like that if they go helps in castle age uhh where to then I'm be very impressed hello is it a fun game or kind of tournament as far as I'm aware there is a prize pool as well I think it's like 50 euro per match but I think it's more we're just playing more for the fun and challenge of it just message me if you need a punching ball thanks tails you appreciate it we try to beat four new AI I will like I'm sure I should have had that one versus three achievement already because in theory when I play 3b3 with doubt and Nellie that's pretty much the equivalent so I don't know why I don't have that achievement already I'm this paid gaming tank of 1850 amber is good luck appreciate it let me throw out a tweet quickly and just to remind people that we are going now it's kicking off a best-of-five once too against and look I will tag them as well be nice so they can get some fame right now that to do okay go all right so let's do it you can throw in some smack talk and we get going Britten's reminds that bedroom Rena both are really good ruger rude nerd thank you ever support us up I wouldn't say that one of them is better it depends a lot on how you play it out and all that stuff if I stand a victory than relics and wonder is a suddenly an option okay I damn it on quest I would actually not have mine that stand the victory could've been fun I could have gone black force and rush to wonder and just try to defend it but like a fun Juma's Mongols magyars homeboy a boy let's go boys it has kicked oh ho ho actually I'm gonna go really try out on these ass these guys I have to for me to have a chance to win here I think I have to be full try hard like at least play not meme around too much rather some month anchor 50 hours not sure if they expected the cumin pick so I need to kill and cast later pretty much and I cannot allow the stupid game unless I have a significant leads so far my map seems pretty pretty damn good the same a lot of hump there as expected that is straight from the only thing I'm worried about now I would say is the fact that since Nellie's Mongols he's probably gonna be expecting that I do a best you like this which means he can probably just past cast himself into a boom or some some sorts bar I didn't think of one remembers so we'll see but I have faith in my approach here hopefully it's gonna work out and we'll find out fairly soon so handle blood is maegor's I'm guessing he's gonna do maybe Scout Simon arms to try and bother me and then take it from there yeah we'll see we'll see my goals my whole back base is kind of safe so my face is looking pretty good also if I want to do palisade walls I can't do that because we have more HP in honor our minutes if I have all this and that that really is a wall actually it's a Jaguar there dos I gotta be careful yeah let's go and figure out where handle buddist and where Neleus think more about how to follow this up what a camper hey when you're playing one with two you gotta make some good here's some and click my keys you gotta make some decisions that might not look pretty but are good for you so there's million oh I wish a kind of rushed juggle scouts enjoy and then had a second TC wish I'd rushed now Leila would have been a dear I'm a little bit such easy target for their how try hard are they does he attack my villager here sending my Scout back just in case we'll find out it's gonna know that he's put this fully world now gonna send my Scout back to help this should be a jig warrior there now also us a Jaguar those having three campaigns right where's Neela Scout then who else inside did he get out oh did he just steal my turkey a seat for me - isn't enough yes to steal my beautiful little turkey I don't think we're poor please my teas are there on the berries I think that makes sense so I'm opening with a fairly basic strategy you can say and if this doesn't work out or even closely work out to how I'm hoping I might switch things up in terms of how I approach this we shall see about that this is game on yes there's the scoreboard up on the top of the screen that you can use to see how it's looking so it's delune there's the 3m gold that's the fast caster from really you are stop locking me please I just these deer have priority man turkeys hey he started with the layman guys he started okay hand was still dark age school check if he does bloom never know what these German people trying to quit wall nice [Music] didn't work so is he just fast casting as well there's a bore there I'm going to go let me see if I can find a Louis prevail or to it to sniper here god damn you like get out of here I have a fastest Scout those I might be able to get away I should be able to get away [Music] masterpiece need to prepare or picking up actually snail on stone doesn't think he's okay so my approach will be to just smash nearly immediately as I get to castle age so the worry now actually gave me the turkey back okay well I didn't know he did that I thought he stole it now I feel a bit bad for letting his Turkish but it's what it is good start balls probably not enough make it mine good thing of his nominally does not scouting it though he might need to know what's going on this is Walt oh you found me hopefully they didn't see me so he did see me but maybe he didn't see me you know let's hope he didn't see me I wasn't vision but there's a chance we didn't see a guy he saw me that's bad news for me my tactic is kind of revealed now this area so much ideal if you won't tell them my house now [Music] macula scout from outside because I have range should be able to right on my house the game oh yeah that's goat okay then we push handle blood do anything I'm preparing a bigger push dough against nearly obviously I guess is that I should be able to get in and do some decent damage again soon peace we hope so lot of Wally's lot change interesting let's run these two merely actually Oh line-to-line boys so it looks like I can't get in you don't know how much our me handle blood is gonna provide here [Music] I'm sorry I'm saying I'm sick yes yes a castle [Music] I'm happy with how this is going to be completely honest we should be able to break in there this is costing a lot of disturbance on the ceiling area skirm stamina blood [Music] during Splash Damage the castle and the town center both looking like they're going down this morning very sick is the only election [Music] gg gg boys what is this damn boy and above was some to tsetse had a tower as well it was kind of scared because I mean I was in the middle I could have gone to him as well I did break through here to be fair but I only did that to go to nearly so I guess he thought that I was gonna attack him as well but they ain't boy my strategy worked out are you the real David back home yes I am Bend It Like Beckham you know worked out broke their spirit with the early sheep braces do 1-0 turn a light care prepared this strategy worked I'll just focus on Nellie right I think it's probably not the best choice for them to be passive probably would say it's not the best idea for them to be passive but my my whole my strategy here worked out perfectly I'm happy to see that this was the whole plan all along and even hits is a pretty good time right is in the transitional period between what he might be starting to think about going to imperial age right so yeah sofa is basically view versus nila yeah handle didn't he had some skirmish and with skirmish obviously didn't matter much to me yeah so far it was pretty much me anyway indeed the thing is I always have to keep in mind that I have a second person in the back of my mind right and on a map like so black force is in the map pool right I imagine that could be weight of her [Music] frozen ex-king thank you very much for this up welcome to channel or it goes way better you have more bills even though we stuck on to town sense and we have so many more resources collected this human thing is not bad guys humans are not bad Magne perfect what you against what you're doing what should he have done first of all he made his balkan era was he didn't a bodkin arrow for a long time i was actually a big misstep by him he should have had bulk you know because i would have helped a lot be a lot more damage to me from more Mangano's more walls and yeah how to really explain just what can I will help lot more manganese earlier likes instant sense the danger kind of and obviously I broke through on hand a blood side to push towards nearly that was also difficult so cenotes seems to be their choice of map [Music] what sushi I go for here I need to think what are the remaining maps for minimaps would be again forest boggling in Mongolia so I have a black forest I'm not really sure what I should use there maybe Aztecs may be killed or Buckland I would probably go Mongols then Mongolia I don't know my Coomer from Mongolia to notice my Britain's Chinese [Music] if the open or Saracens could be a good choice as well and just melt them with archers I go Saracens and go heavy and MRK Thank You mr. sub welcome to channel you building location so I'm going Saracens is most economists in a spur-of-the-moment thing I imagined myself making a lot of archers of a sticks and killing what am i mentioning I'm not sure about the maggots picked the last game why did he go maggots didn't want to plate himself but was it nearly strategy it was no strategy then probably nearly is out of secret yeah this is striking fear into the heart of melee he got defeated by Max and Max had Saracens last time and will play all four games after three no victory I'm expecting more of a challenge this one I mean even last game I had to play pretty I had pretty heavy you succeed like if I step once if I'd step wrong there I lose the game I needed to make that push I mean like win the game for me pretty much I didn't do that I would have lost me for sure so well it might have seemed like easy what definitely wasn't I definitely cannot go easy I feel bad for leaming nearly turkeys dog because I thought he took my turkey but yeah actually gave it back I didn't know what is having mean 85% of your power like 45% of power ish I could go for a tattoo verse between the two of them I'm getting ideas now full tattoo rush in between the base and just hit both it actually be sick but I will be too exposed to counter attacks hey will the two explosive counter-attacks desolate they go much for Serbs I think TT rush is a bad plan but I support you doing it anyways that's usually how my stream works everyone knows everything I do is quite stupid but everyone is still all in favor that's the story of my stream so let's find out who is where maybe tap the Russia they're not happy rush me go first archers just straight to hand a blood and like try to mobilize him a little bit and after that I'm actually not sure what's the right approach my poor is running it was almost running this Hannibal of trying to lay my boar or is nearly it's distilling nearly man silly nilly I almost took the born I'll handle blood since nearly was trying to blame me I ended up almost Laningham made me Hannah blood because of that who is that new place with hand the blood I also don't know some guy that just joined with all the random dudes I don't know why we let him play he doesn't take his poor anyway doesn't not hey you said it takes a sport or statement got shut down immediately what can an arrow think ownership a sub what piece of channel featured oldest up subspace day so let's do this what's it was handed blood again underpins mastics I'm so ready to masterpiece amigos at least has done more than earlier so far the series with that for a long time YouTube fan finally made it to a stream love your work Thank You Man appreciate Ricardo's map is the cenotes I don't like the ego surfing around here you probably enjoy that the bastard I'm not sure what Neil's doing here he's call this exposed to I like that to the house there just to have that feel a bit more safe couldn't maybe even festive fast I almost said fast forward I mean fast castle market abuse traffickers that has been set the silly you're fine with that loosing my scout is actually quite huge extra-good I'm host anyway so my guess is an alias which is just after this right but I can see the X just to let them know for fear that changes things quite a bit so what I'm gonna do now is I'm going to counter-attack I can see the x-men [Music] [Music] actually open this is what I think I should be playing right a little bit more pressure put me under some more trouble I hope that my counters definitely not it's got a finest woodland just wasting my Scouts like this is nothing good I'm taking shape potentially Scouts well I have score right now it certainly is not looking pretty like I have highest score does not mean machine what I had the gate I had the gate how the hell do we come back from this I don't even know where our resources it's all exposed aim damn damn think I'm dead thousands was not a good choice guys let's just agree to that saracens was not a good choice how can I possibly come back here that's what I'm asking myself it's full pink Saracens it became too obvious with Saracens right because we got super obvious that one of our archers that was just too easy to counter if he finds my gold on top there I'm gonna resign and I'm hoping from now and said he doesn't realize I've been taking that gold I can go to Castle age then I need to figure out if I want to do for Rosco or camels to be next absolutely I might be going to castle age but I'm not gonna have anything in Castle age comeback is on she escaped I like it would so okay last resort get crossbow see if I can do any kind of damage if I can great I can't resign and the blood feels like a different player than last game d smurfing what beast dominating [Music] that's a lot of scouts - oh they ping my gold let's call it Yugi okay assassins SAS is an ultra opening terrible idea absolutely terribly then I think this is how they have to play they have to play aggressive if they just play passively hmm that's not great okay I'm gonna have to wall as well completely I cannot play half-open either let's learn from this society yeah nearly on that night I had 9 more recent million yeah Hannah blood has huge echo and a blow was probably also close to going up tell me about X they don't see each other they don't see each other's X what but I told him I can see their ex I don't know can't be an obvious threat try Spanish artist would be an option you they didn't see you message nearly answer Gigi nearly answered me Gigi so unless he was calling Gigi for me and being full disrespect then I think they saw my message all the X message but I told them on this score now that I can see their pinging so he knows they don't know they should know if they read the map so what map do I go further I go for Black Forest and try to bring it late game again I think what saved oh I can comb the forest I got Britons on Black Forest what can they have they've killed I could make it probably a two-hour game and try to hold with Britain's but see Chandra will be pickle versions maybe I need to open scouts myself no mobility on open maps you let's go let's go back Forrest they use a stick so in theory I could use Celts and not be hard come by monks but I still think I would be hard come by monks I think I'm gonna go Aztecs our Britain's maybe Britain's I'm scared of Sidra as Britain's they will have Celts they will have killed so I'm scared of Celts each Ram I go astok the walls are really cold and atlatl squirms not Brits man britain's week britain or not we killed like so Celts will be good in theory yes but with the choke points they would be so hard counted by 12 range monks that celts don't make sense where i want me to I cannot play against like I just wouldn't work in my opinion you're scared of cj1 naggers and mongols Mongols are too easily countered by answers maegor's they just don't have the late-game power Koreans don't think so the real Seldon with a hundred embers Aztecs and peer monks please use their numbers against them hmm right now I'm going back and forth between Aztecs and Britons Persians don't think perches are great in the in the choke points I probably use Persians for cenotes actually we're 200 they've promised those things are too weak for I needed arranged a mid-range like to an assortment in theory sounds great right but you they in choke points like Black Forest they're just gonna melt to anything pretty much you know we can spend them forever it doesn't matter we'll think of a monster though I would assume they would like they would probably think that I might go Celts therefore I'm expecting them to potentially do a monk zip so I think I'm gonna go Britons and we will have I'll do champions life cab answers in potentially to counter counter there honors our CRM and we'll have trebuchet guys we will have I have to competence we have Trevor chase with or wolf it'll be glorious potentially potentially glorious anyway raus raus minor lobby yeah raus raus Vick big you yeah Vic you I wish feels bad man what do you think about Spanish these days yeah also Lucy my scout means I could never see the four were coming so yeah I was full disaster everything less skin acne and embers there's a skills option in the bottom right of your screen underneath the stream should be a skills option we can send members are you taking German classroom learning herself I've been learning it themself so far but I mean I haven't been actively learning for the last couple months they picked reserves as well yes late to Tom's don't think so kitchen fan thing over seven months and about just can play Scouts in black for it should be good from you know are your whole 200 vs. foreign department black forest the idea is for me to have better early imp and be able to start piling on the pressure and just trade effectively the whole time and have a superior army composition that's the plan I don't know if it will work it's unlikely they will have 400 population potentially it's gonna be real tough but with more of Chevy Chase and chokepoints and all that stuff is a big chance if I have like 60 longbows answers ten olinger 60 long balls ten trips and maybe like 10 15 champions I couldn't probably send off a big-ass army for a two-hour long game I'm ready for a four-hour long game dudes one thing I have to be wary of though is that they might do one of them might sneak and try to do something early on slinging allowed no ask for no sling but like once post him sure sling some resources but yes but like and a blood going to few lies and sling nearly fall that would not be fair obviously you tried to sneak I will not try to sneak I think it will put me too far behind Viper is slinging only not viable and more in teams seen only not by one more and Singh is definitely variable still super powerful trade allowed trade is allowed of course you you I see it Louis media you you you need to channel the fat slug three wheels to be able start to avoid sneak I will not I will rather try to adapt I'll try to adapt I'm going to show you guys a clip from last game as fallen man Ruettiger and viper Scouter stone is the sighing noob five pounds was east los media word best age remembers right player what the and a blood ion's Gaghan ions bit alright time to ignore nearly time to ignore nearly and show him the blood the tatty Russia we shall handle bloody tatty rush show him what's up you you translation please he's calling me a noob and asking if like is this the best player in the world and then it's asking Viper what's wrong with you what's up with you what was lets get media something like that you know still does think for mm embers please destroy I wish I just had to rushed the hell out of him with Saracens and took his town center with feudal age archers now that's what have been good what is lost media what is wrong with you don't make him cry man normally is a nice person it doesn't seem very nice to me defeat him we'll see right what else is there in ten years apart from pocket calorie and flank archers everything else you can see em we can play arches from pocket you can play unique units you can play elephants all the good stuff Plus is Louis what was what was that sentence again bus is lost media is come a dish you Suz he's calling me cute the disrespect of this guy Shabba so honest this bastard all right guys all right Byzantines and Celts see that's the mountain Byzantine system octave so they wanted like Celts war with me and Nellie and then Byzantines to convert my siege yeah yeah all they kill is a wait well I have to Walt two players how unfair is that it is super I'm thoroughly ready mom dad mom dad I wonder who is where you you you placeholder all right then Rafael never tried to steal my sheep last game my board so I should try out now I have a pawn but so does here as hope and a blood scout isn't nearby maybe I do like address castle here even never predicted your British choice okay could try to sneak through handle blood space and make ranges between them but again I fear I put my equal too far behind to ever catch up I should try hearts tag-teaming me like this hopefully there's no bills there to wall myself this they was my Scout disrespect that force might have been a bad choice must admit I'm wondering if nearly yes you walled off there that is what I'm talking about tell them who's the boss we don't need to tell them you know like wasn't surprised Manila does the siege push and BL style just have to figure out how exactly we're gonna do loom there are some boards they're definitely also doing a dock in a pretty rough spot to be honest lucema Scott really hurts I should wall I should wall and think about one this part instead of on a wall next is base but then will next a wall there and then I'll do it I'll lure a boar after always William dear not necessarily there's no rule or law that says that is better for you to send if you want to take the deer out completely in one run but three is fine if you have for example Neely's also there in the deer and it's there a doctor who's a hitting what was the more hitting oh my that's foolish P I'm super confused for that okay so where do you think the sneak Ville is perhaps the middle bolts don't think there's a sneak there's a chance there is for us mister is I rather be surprised I could do like a scan like this and look but don't think there is one I also don't want obviously guys they're streaming as well I don't want you guys to tell me or give me any hints in case you know what they're doing right that is not good I'm just gonna power you probably are boom quickly and try to bring in I'm not takes down very fast because you need to be able to defend with terrorists or Castlerock in case there is any pressure incoming safety first boys hashtag wash your hands to stay inside nearly has one on twin and paladin's already oh I might as well just call the GG then you GE well played oh boy oh boy that's tough you little aged cowards kr words let's do it so relic counts they're gonna have four relics to my one relic and they have trade I don't think the long game favors me very much the honest I think I probably have to rush and a blood and take him out so I could steal some nice resources it's gonna be tough okay yeah like I need to get some sort of presence where I can deny them to trade and need to be super cost efficient with my units and military gonna be gonna be a tough one we've come to see if we can pull it off the place placeholder is still there no it doesn't have a placeholder only handle of that because he's hacking or what giving his Town Center ballistics to kill my scouts it's quite peaceful so far but hand of blood is still futile age may be mighty goal has to be to rush nearly actually because Hannah but is still a few layers I mentioned I don't have to rush him time will have to be touched to rush nearly dead so I could go for like a potentially like guaranteed push handle blood or I could try and take nearly out which would be that's probably better for me peace in for the trash talk hood like that yes I just gotta trust my own skill for late game and hope that it will overcompensate actually save the issue potential sivash is here it's won gold there in the top corner view they have one extra goal in extra stone i want extra stone don't see any extra gold stuff for me at the moment so i think i have to cut loungers think that's what I'm gonna have to do here kind of rely on my girls a rush market as in how to get the market sold first within a sacrifice army and early initiative that's a greater longbow donation well gonna have to go for long goes long wasn't ominously my opening better relic is taken Hanna boy doesn't take an inner roads they're trying to push through the center here I have faith I have faith actually believe we're gonna have to start with I'm gonna first to the middle so I can kind of decide if I want to push in which way I want to push right I will do like a little bit of going both ways sort of to be able to afford awnser right up the back shoot so fast Jesus my castle I'm just gonna drop it right away best all right let's go Boldin know where we're heading he's deleting his own ology to try and get max value already has +1 range 800 and a blood is still a slave's I'm not too over the word about him right now what is that accuracy I mean I am warbled I can just also shoot these jumps I lost another one whole different story of power [Music] [Music] wanna make sure they cannot have to make sure they cannot trade that's kind of what my push is doing [Music] let's bet let's say [Music] yes cheap Byzantine skearns it's full upgrades hey we save that for now these are great I mean the thing is I can still control probably their trade but oh it's not open hopefully enough to fund whatever he wants to fill our way there don't have plenty of gold but that's not enough to be like I'm winning the game they could also chopped a opening in the back so you can trade better and I'm sure see DRAM is on the way we're nearly as we can see Cristobal readers boom now we have serum that was the scary army that we didn't want to see [Music] question we have is how much colder day handling this obviously to you Matthew and the blood isn't spending any gold here just making the skirt oh yeah this is gonna be tough sure let's do what I do here it was that castle I started to think maybe I should have been pushing heavily wrong handle blood also my hand prepared duction buildings if they're slinging nearly all this gold that's gonna be really tough they already have more relics for me and they can trade and English words I think I think that's meat shield or they're not meat shield per se but a different army type I need a metal unit earlier I just went full range units that was a big mistake this is why honors is the worst army to face or aim Britain's why did they walk like this oh the passing thing was the tree in the way whoa those come from I'm down to 73 villagers yeah this we're gonna have a huge as army out pot appropriately are describing the situation right now yeah cut through someone just run through you muster does ran through the Edit I'm gonna have a huge ass army now let's look at the bright side here not a cast advise the dust [Music] as long as I keep my lone woman alive like forever I still have a chance [Music] population kept together we got this I need to find out if they are trying to it see markets I like seeing markets in this area for lunch and tell us [Music] actually them training is disadvantage for them it means they have less population from military that is not my plan we will kill them by letting them trade to get too much population in trade so they will have a tiny tiny army it will be a masterpiece ramps are the worst they had a gold wise Neela making helps well I'm on the trade boys I'm winning all my castles from by when happiness lasted about I didn't send you guys back lose those castles man my you should have been in there I don't know why they didn't where's I misspoke them back I don't have enough pop this is the case now I'm I'm down to fighting superior units with less population space yeah I can never break this thickness Communist rebel have trades yeah Britten's maybe I should have gone Celts more of a powerhouse where I could maybe have done more if I want Celts maybe I could have done more give all new stuff of yours sure than that again everyone kills maybe I could've made more than early in push and try to absolutely crush like or limp again I think I made mistake one for nearly because nearly is good enough to hold him by time and then when handle blood is back in the game or in the game then it's a rough from there I only have one relic as well he was nearly man I think actually as well if I added light Kevlar I had plenty resources that could have added life cap so I could run in and snipe some Islanders and such earlier that could have helped a lot I was really late on my on my switch there it was nearly man gold they have a they have 37 what best 24 was 14 they have 38,000 gold I had 16,000 I had the extra gold as well I didn't have any extra volts feels bad man our boom was good maybe I should have pushed handle blood and try to take his resources I would only probably need 20 long balls and two traps to push him then I could use the rest to maintain nearly I think that would have been the way to go let's join so we're down to one need to win now to keep it to keep it up PopCap to 300 but that means they will have 600 population man maybe if you open some islands would be better choice cause and more better options and Britain's or you think they're too cool heavy too gold heavy and again I think a siege sieve would have been countered by monks but in hindsight nearly was Celts his way as well maybe I should have just gone for them or the else play like that I won't yucatan stop around Yucatan is to 1 is to 1 I 1 okay I should probably gone for a else handset [Music] yeah so now I have to choose not to do this in Portland and Mongolia Bob's and Mongolia right now I'm thinking Guoliang go Persians or Chinese and then I could go on bog land I could go Mongols among muskets to heart countered by a seizure a seizure Turla patella Mangala isn't as is the wall in de as it used to be I think anyway you perhaps member chosen cab not really because they had Edward Raiders skirmishers helps wouldn't done anything why is it countable see challengers because like says choke points well choke points and you don't have units that deal with CJ CJ Hollinger and helps very well Hanan blood said it's super crazy how well you play no sarcasm 12 they're kicking my ass feels bad man a lot some aspects and go for a licorice I'm thinking I think I'm thinking Chinese right now maybe Mayans actually if I go Mongolia they I have Bogmen as well where I would have Mongols they don't have Mongols for that I'm gonna go epidemic and bargain is like potentially 2v1 on water let's go and then I will use Chinese or Persians maybe it opions and do like a dress fast castle your Chinese doom aliens I'm thinking I have to do I'm gonna try like dress fast castle and wall a fair bit and then hit nearly well hopefully or reduce humans the gamer one was with Kim's and blow with - Josh but I wanna just kneel instead Chili's tattooers murder you you slabs may have Opie farmers Vikings could be an option Murr Spanish and go for conks and conchs are fairly decently countered now by by scams arch XE on duty I use Saracens you're only suggesting series I've used Aztecs goth now if this was before the patch I would have done goth but now goth Josh isn't in test remember right now I'm leaning towards actually you know what I'm leaning towards you know she'll use Pakal circle of Britain's now it opens now with Ethiopians and open my arms on Nelly into safe Archie transition into Castle age and wall okay my decision has been made I'm committed I'm committed in Kazakh way Incas while we're going curse I already used humans I'm actually let's go Marlins actually I agree I switched actually mine Japanese maybe I'm committed guys I'm committed I'm committed guys your little release just in every game every sip in the game I cannot go every seventh game Oh explored she was nearly man nice man had a sick map god damn it it was bad man yeah accidentally left explored on which you only use during during their black forest I was loved in my new PC from mr. Nelly to two three boys a skein let's go admin win I should say McNeal is very strict with his rules right when he hosts his tournaments so No and then when to to let's go a ba gland yoke we need with a $5 donation okay birds are singing and the Sun is coming up good catch new life good luck man Thank You Man appreciate the donor and good morning to you [Music] all that 24 thing over six months you I like the Hana blood he seems like a guy with good humor and I he seems like it has a good sense of things like it and now I have forward gold this was an elaborate scheme from nearly to give me a bad map typically admin loss community map X it should be that's the only fair thing there in these circumstances there helps what do I have look what it is not my hand my map is already walled off with the cliff what is this snap his bow Opie I don't have to wall myself I take back everything I said guys they took everything I said enough is already being wolf so with that in mind I could potentially Jewish past pastor here my name is renewing Frank's for him the blood my guess is that they want to go few of those and probably similar to how see note is played out where and above one full Scouts and vanilla silly went my arms into archers into the side how how we do this go on a dress fast castle he's leaving my bore who is it nearly III I failed again what a beast is lay me twice his failed twice Parma speaking dude that's Karma talking mrs. Thomson oh yeah I will definitely do a outdoors past castle it makes sense in the circumstances I will actually rush handle blood was it like that see if we can just completely slow him down immediately and then focus on anyway afterwards he's there smaller cat I'm sure that's the ideal want me there but I haven't scouted my scout isn't around so no choice my goal is forward also the potential issue for me here is it nearly goes look forward if fast board could be dangerous for me and Lily knows about the brush not again I've lost enough Scouts for a lifetime no good start we have successfully successfully forced a reaction it's a good start seals hand the blood man bar then think of a final numbers nice Wallace actually Donny I mean Hannah blubber it says seems to be a reoccurring theme amongst these Germans nice years well I could potentially take stone as well if I need oh this was open now is using his rush to defend okay was interesting no did't rush implying that he's doing as Castro himself we lost all villagers these going for scouts thank you looking good for me so far I mean a spare up Josh class fest Castle fighting [Music] so far that is wait there's double deer patches at forty therefore they're there I saw like the ibex in the dinner together here so I was wondering about that God miss clicks I'm doing it holy cow oh god I chased the day outside that was so stupid honey I'm so stupid by me should be up before nearly obviously I click castle as he hit foolish I used a good sign don't really won't jump out yet cuz I'm worried that there is army sitting there waiting for me I'm gonna kind of wait for my upgrades to be a single not sure out just to see what behind there are sitting around here they're not then I might just jump out cuz obviously I want to do your damage hey step [Music] yes is that getting some good damage various fully understand the blood made of tongue Scouts I think whatever thing for them to do here will be if you just go all right hand the bubble handle blood should be in big trouble here mom ballistics finish already this castle is behind this base it might be opportunity we could do some damage to the university I think the score white Miller is close to my score is because of scouting I still think we're in a good spot area or better than we could hope for at anyway these resources are as well super expose resources and we're really important to try and control those not sure and blood will be making make up my mind as well when I want to stop I don't get I get or blistering to brace turning need to take out compositional in the world for as well how do I want to play this approach there's two options I would say I can switch into chemicals aliens have extra pressure on the champions good for both Beauchamp calls Ram said push so it is switching Eagles I would still be able to I want to do a forecast that don't think I can justify deal that that I want to cast them there let's see if we can get a castle there it will be actually sick but it's risky to leave my team on base alone ah which is by making some scans behind us those resources are super important looks like he is not recognizing that area yet that's a little bit painful for me see oh good other approached is now I lost the forecastle I wasn't ideal is what it is long as it feels like handle blood is up and running as well enough to continue and that's potentially it's not a little clean so many gold research I read he just actually hurts idle a lot of my stuff there's another castle name I'm not sure exactly where Molly's are very awkward for a transitional phase [Music] yeah this is gonna be really tough don't know I feel like I'm a little bit unfortunate with the map here considering that my actually my cliff it helped and doesn't help me at the same time helped me with walling but now it kind of is just in the way they also did the whole market feel like I'm just dead I don't have a military Marlins was again in hindsight probably not a good choice because of how or they are transitionally I think I'm just dead there can't counter there are compositions and also the Frank player will soon be in with more military mobility either I'm actually starting to think now maybe I should have stuck with range units and gone for like this and gone for just herbalists terms and pushed nearly early and then that's probably it it was it was a poor decision by me thus it was a poor decision by me I probably needed to do more damage to nearly with my earlier Josh passed castle as well but yeah when I if with this ask my strategy being I want to go Josh fast castle into late-game Marlins absolutely doesn't make sense but I was obviously intending to do more damage to anyway but neither was going for do not just instead of a crossbow so obviously that doesn't Dunn wants to cast this up I can't really do too much share and more copy things along members karoku simply thanks for five months a bargain with five numbers to give you risk investor I would keep it up thanks man yeah so yeah again in hindsight this area there I mean I got the castle up but a handle blowed did a real good job coming in with a lot ton of knights just like messing up my echo in in my transitional period handle blood just disturbed my economy a lot and also my crossbows and they're chasing him right instead of supporting the forward yeah my armor choice was definitely not good if I had okay so let's imagine I had Mayans here and I would have the plumes and and the mobility I would have been so much better yeah it'll be so much better if I went for my hands instead I never know why I ended up with Marlins what was my reasoning before the game guys why did I go from aliens yeah actually as well with time in hindsight going for crossbows straight into handle blood and try to kill him first because me and Noah were in similar circumstances anyway we would have a fast castle without much disturbance is this a in hindsight right I thought nearly would go crossbows but he went for plumes right yeah he was supposed to pick it the opions yeah some odd decisions by me I think with better service stations we would have a better choice better chance of fighting the offices oh it was always gonna be difficult yeah actually the the moment Hannah blood got into my eco here and like in my transition to imp right here that actually threw me off completely that was a really awkward so let's see let me go on voice with these boys and live after chat um for us we have been enjoying this series there won't be more games of only two I might play one or two more games on the stream besides that but the whole show match against the hand of blood and nila is officially over and let me see how but we're gonna have a quick app to chat before we end this section so that's the server [Music] bigger hello hello hello one second please sure thing say I'm Norma sounds it did give you some volume sweet we feel your song has got lazy balling sometimes yeah oh are you I I am feeling terrible man I lost this match I lost to nearly that will never let this go yeah I feel the I mean as I said sorry for all the troubles because of my teammate it's me the wrong settings and the he did in match 1 yeah I know and also I mean I was like so focused in game and then he just keeps putting the wrong settings it like keeps throwing me off my game right my all my concentration is channeled into the game the first second and then wrong settings it just instantly throws me off it's it's a disaster [Music] okay so rumors have it that you didn't like my strategy in Game one what I mean didn't like it well okay yeah you want that yeah it was nice okay no I mean you miss bodkin ever too long I think the book now you hold easily not easily but you made my told okay okay yeah potato de load I mean for me match one was warmup i I don't know if you noticed but I didn't play Age of Empires you know in a while like for two months and all all I did was playing the what is it the the mod bill Torah yeah build order scenario okay for scout rush I could tell that was actually really the soul Scouts kept coming here yeah we felt very comfortable for game two against Janet I might have been a little bit confident after with my Saracens pick but still the other Scouts were Hainan yes what was your plane in the last match and I honestly didn't know exactly what I want to do but I wanted rush fast castle and maybe try to kill me Lee fast but nearly typical lamer Waller and gopher Castle I was just like okay if I don't go for the castle right if I am a movie man I tried I thought I didn't even need to write that we don't blame each other then you go so try merely listen I had one turkey outside my wall it disappeared I thought you'd send it to you I know but I thought you lamed me I saw later that the turkey came back to my wall on the other side which obviously I couldn't no why would you send it there instead of leaving it at my wall I clicked it in oh yeah maybe you're you have a hole and then it appears inside and that you might spot the hole as well oh so therefore I thought you lame me therefore I lame do so to be fair it was your fault okay let me talk about one play you did as I mentioned too much yet you are the best age of empires to play in the world and I fed not very comfortable to to play against you to be honest because I had nearly on my side make sense am but then I saw one play where you was sending a scout right into my TC and I was wondering is it really the Viper or do we have perhaps younger brother who played or what was happening there it's not easy man you know I'm sure you have done the same right yeah but Milo is potato that doesn't like when it comes to losing Scout to town center that happens in every level doesn't matter how good you are that's something you everyone just accept this happens okay so that's what that's kind of statement what like Neeley apartments cup winner or hidden cup winner is just saying okay cool yeah just I was just wondering that's all I can see that I thought I was not sent a clip of the way you reacted after you killed my scout no but I feel like I could have I picked some wrong since I feel like I think so as well yeah I think so like even thought Britain's isn't good but I thought you would go for Britain's yeah that's why I gave Hannibal like full scurbs I was like rationalizing with myself that if I go Celts I will just be I thought you could just go kill yourself and then ha no could have a monk save and just convert on my siege so I thought okay if I go for Celt war probably will be bad for me long term but then again I kind of have to win early so if I should've gone for Keller and just tried to like insta push and win right away instead of going for the situation it's gone for edge types yeah I was think about that sticks as well I was really thinking about that what about little squirms champions monks whatnot thing is you were very fast digging through the wall the forest yep but to be honest that play was very obvious so I don't know if that was the right decision to play the map but I needed to get through a summer right but I was I think actually I should have pushed you first if I pushed you I would need a little bit less army and then I could just try to maintain and keep milli on his side and if I could take you out I would be able to take your resources yeah yeah Korea but like I'm rationalizing with myself afterwards and being like in hindsight this what I did doesn't make sense that was after probably three of the games oh my losses you know that works but if I if I think if I just play magnetizing Castle age you probably won't do that much in the first game either right you mean like if you open fast castle castle drop yeah yeah like fetch of castle but then I have way better economy than you know probably so it's just a question and you cannot do anything with your magnet because my human you units are fast so I think that would be even worse I think what you did was right you just need to walk more and defend better just play better just play better and I heard that you were asking for one we want maybe right well I watched a clip as I said after I lost my scout yeah and I felt very offended yeah and imagine yeah and you say right because of your skill cap exactly and then I had to ask for in Skagen eins and counter-attack the trash talk yeah I mean we can do that and I would offer for a handicap that I play in full armor and only futile if you want so right that sounds like a great handicap I think it could work okay so perhaps that's something you can you can have in mind for the future yeah I've seen you play in the armor before it it looks very comfortable it is it is and it's not hot inside and yeah it doesn't hurt on the shoulders at all okay can you please do that in June a with I with with what I fever no horse no finally oh I have no idea well might as well like make it the handicap rear hay fever yeah yeah they don't hop yeah that sounds fair to me yeah serious i I think or yeah that's not to be honest I had a lot of fun it was an honour for me to play against you and we have nearly on my side I think we did a nice show for the viewers um even if I didn't play a lot of Age of Empires in the past but I think perhaps we can do this again or a little bit different perhaps with other guys too I know a lot of German youtubers who are also playing at your Empires on a yeah not very high level but having fun like playing Age of Empires perhaps we can mix up a little bit teams play fun Maps something like that I don't know yeah sounds good to me yeah cool yeah I'd love from as well after first game honestly I thought okay and the blood not very impressive yeah it was warm up but yeah after that last game even when your Knights came into my eco just as I switched to Imperial edge that kind of yeah so it also it's tower defense there right yeah that was pursuing I was like okay well I'll just go and kill him and like perfect defense nearly you would have died if you were in his shoes I know yeah perfect defense yeah I was impressed after game one to be fair and the other you're nearly so that's that's fine yeah it was fun hope you guys had fun it was I enjoyed yeah yeah and sorry for my bed englands all good my German isn't as good as well oh yeah I heard that what what do you mean you can speak like fifty German words but very like specific in a very nice way you know very good organized German fifty words something like that oh yeah then I will I think and my stream right now cause other stuff to do I don't know if you you guys are still streaming no III will yep not sure that's and I will send my viewers to you nearly it's done it rationally Oh need to perform all right it was great guys I'll see you guys around yeah have a good one Sean tag yeah Evans all you're supposed to say Evans opens oh yeah all right guys that was it for me to against Hannah blood and nearly he seems like a great guy good sense of humor and all that stuff I like that yeah if you're watching on YouTube hope you enjoy it I'll see you guys in very nice video if you're on the stream will carry on a little bit more
Channel: TheViper
Views: 199,149
Rating: 4.921483 out of 5
Id: 8t3R5pmx9cg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 144min 49sec (8689 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 15 2020
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