Fair Civs Cup Semi Final | TheViper POV vs Liereyy

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so this is the semi-final of the fair sips cup we just watched em billing and Sara para won that series four to two and now we are playing our semi-final against very which is the best of seven as well rules are the same as always the best of seven first game is mirror and the map pack and that is followed by by the losing player picking a map and two civilizations and the winning player choosing which sip he wants to play Lukie the second tank for nine months man he wants to play a green then I don't wanna be yellow I don't like yellow against Queen so weird with map changes locusts Treiber planning like purple okay seems fixed always had to re select once yeah no you just have to reselect all of a sudden run like weirdly I don't know why that is it's been a problem forever all right Game one coming up to Buster seven so pro fancy Spanish what map its Arabia like its Arabia first impression is Arabia first impression is very much Arabia good big golden pit nor a step now Rabia has to be Arabia don't see this being any other map than Arabia right now green Arabia on top of that you don't have to see how we want to approach this yeah we have a real nice map really really nice map excellent that looks so it but don't think Spanish for yes depends a nice map that's other sips worse Spanish war is all about momentum and write down a composition it's actually nomads kappa Rolf good luck in rooting for you Thank You Rolf appreciate the type Europe still have the issue where the name doesn't show up correctly but appreciate it all the same anonymous anonymous donor work did a name show up properly are the name showed up as intended but it's weird first time ever it's on fat our only fat cow so stealing boar with Scout it's not alive allowed you can still lame a villain or still sheep etc as far as I'm aware it's only stealing board it's not about not sure exactly which strategy I want to go for you will do a pretty nice map so we can play scouts into comics if you so wish probably that looks a bit was actually scarier we have to delay this border a little bit know when I run into his scalp seems to be going away though so maybe I'm safe to take it now this is coming around this way which case we're still under risk is on the front there should be safe that's yeah first thinking might be a towel rush she would not appreciate I don't think you also seems to have further good enough right look so it's early days obviously yeah I established it will just kept I didn't have to change the whole barracks I think this show just kept the bore and military news being able to cure don't we it wasn't a problem right Oh for gold though I think I'll just play wall Scouts into conks our map I don't see why we will do that she means I should finish this [Music] yes nice back stones as well like if you just waltz this so imagine it's a similar prospering potentially my arms first it's also an option that's closed well do stable here house and then just the top side to be walled and then I wrap is looking pretty sweet and complain yeah don't pick tethers in arena first of all arena catalysts have a bonus where they get bonus damage on elevation there is no elevational arena that bonus is completely completely gone just from playing arena so he did 20 pop up I don't think the first up time isn't necessarily that important in the Spanish war so I rather go up with a little bit later with the better eco far as possible [Music] it was like a scout opening by him still thought it on hold full evidence it's just what it feels like I'm sure we'll get a confirmation air is doing so I will have a spare joining the fray and that point on I should be safe I also have the scout see how he wants to do this yeah that's a choice but to let me finish that and I think with that I should be fully wall so he has a little more initiative since he went faster up and got Scouts out faster but it looks to it I think we follow up now to our barrel so from up we just transition towards way you always wanted sips this is a Spanish for right now first map is always the map pack with mirror civilizations so now since we're safe theory for the world we just try to do some kind of tacking while transitioning to our preferred military still open on the front so stable seems to be wall on the sides a little bit yeah so he's walling this side okay he saw my scout she's gonna come and chase them with his Scouts but we just our scouts aren't gonna be too useful anymore the only thing that would really do is help out in sniping monks and such which I don't think else is going to be that poor Stephen mags thank for a sub welcome to channel that mining camp which one this one dude this is perfect mining camp we're talking about it's perfect for my use I'm not gonna have ten builders in stone so I do not need a mining camp for next to tile and such so stable table marketable blacksmithing this eras little bit exposed says that everything else should be fairly fine point forward there just seem way less bumpy and buggy with the newest patch would look to say that there are still definitely definite issue like to relax I think I'm also going to do like to TCS and monastery and then at the cast a little later there's another relic with it meet at a spear yes fight Scout so he made four Scouts I made two Scouts definite advantage for me in terms how many scouts are made they also invested a lot more to wall him and him I think so we'll see how it plays out we'll see cross for this game very very very very unlikely okay yes volleyball themselves it is very very very very very unlikely taking this golden probably don't see his third gold either also you might have a third gold in the back somewhere so he has a pretty nice map as well but look so it might add a night or two first as well because I don't see since I'm not doing punks right away new talents in his first have wheelbarrow now he doesn't yeah it's still not good are from him what and ask you to me I am more SP I can kill II note says well he's probably want to cast it right away things saying man it's a thing I think my approach will be better long-term show me the castle show me the castle maybe in front of the space mr. Castell the monster as well [Music] they were scared all getting very freedom to just get advantage in our count let's take the risk I'm gonna camp that stone with my night [Music] [Music] guessing on look now he knows we're out and about with a monk they're a big chance is actually on the lookout man well he's part of that [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so far game has been going pretty much as we were hoping for I guess but it still is a strange one positionally maybe wonder if it's worth it into the Inquisition only 300 gold on the would do the next thing what do I just get the relics I don't even know right now I'm also fully open inside I don't have to do anything here really Oh kill me there cautious there those are numbers sure is also noticing he doesn't know about this valleca what you need to go here right away things looking good for us all things considered got that guy hand cut on the way let's do a second castle I should wear to put it exactly got Inquisition as well so inferior you'll imagine we should get conversions really fast I'm not sure if he has it I mean too bad you also have three relics so that is good news only issue SEO now is death Hill was not only ship it's the main issue and the monka relics confirmed another monastery equal going more yeah the hill here it's gonna have a second castle there I say a sec McCaslin most leg thing I have Inquisition wherein the conversions my path they might be a little awkward here actually those are going from left to right it's up to him reading else need to decide how exactly I want to do it without him now I don't want to go for Trevor chase as well they'll think we have a significant better equal in them but positionally the hill again is finally quite nasty to deal with [Music] don't lose some cast one cast for sure you kind of gonna give up that cast no matter what does not have a lead these RAM or more counts - sit down - really mr. death desperate I'm getting my butt doing the hot seat that desperate I'm getting my [ __ ] monks do not understand that decision by M that was I'm just mind blown by that decision yes elite athletes well full of grades something different there really I'm gonna have Sidra and now we have numbers event person I have Caesar Amazon so should obviously be looking very positive for us he'll again just well now in a really hard time actually getting rid of my my ramps that is I think a best bet for now might be supremacy and use DeVilles to take out my ramps various amounts as well in position monks with all the upgrades yeah and don't see how it's tough sister I'll even have to break this I just trade here as much as I can and then take it from there now we go back I see going for this again Hitler he is desperate to get any kind of ground of course I have control his main goal like this [Music] I'm not gonna add trebs either I'm just gonna stick with chunks and ramps don't really care about the rest of my frittatas yeah position is still good for me anyway that I don't need to worry about anything else than my tongue wishing push right now there's no chance that he's gonna be making anything happen anywhere else right gasps this should be a goner now I would say it's mixing in Scout cavalry just not really that scared from me right now it's definitely using that it goes to castle which means with the game it should be irises home and make some paladin even if you wanted just to take control over his goals alright in mind he's Michael in here constantly doesn't really matter for me I can trade as efficiently as I want I can trade us much as I want to and it doesn't matter I'm gonna come out to tourists anyway it doesn't matter how much in my freezer we'll also get this relics and again we also can polish many more like this so we're still fighting though I think it's all futile that's the word I hear we can adjust up some traps I'll force him to kind of course the is shown in the conversions we've got three to D right let's good game we are perfect map to play like this and it showed yellow really good map as well in terms of gold and stone in the back but his main goal was a bit forward and yeah we had a better map than him for sure I think our decision to go down soon is first into castle was also the right one so that's at least something when a rebel medicine because I didn't want to see only he had a decent founders were alright I wonder how many births went up to input yeah clearly a way better eco for us we're just far ahead in economy here from the get-go so he probably went up to him put up under hundred hills good start either way you need more coffee I don't think I should drink yet give me I'll play one or two more games and then I would like coffee I I can get myself though thank you well to channel one viewers as well guys welcome to channel not sure if you guys are still here but we're playing Age of Empires - I'm not sure if he's hosting now maybe is waiting for me to host I think we should alternate host Oh in case there's host advantage still like I love how well you read the game and always make best decisions even when you're Gigi you're well aware of that well it's ended up being the best decision considering things right you can host ever over in case there is it's host advantage you you think Inquisition moans paid off had 19 conversions in total I don't think it mattered too much but it's not an expensive course 100 food 300 gold 100 food 3 Gold so it's not that taxing for a 3tc eco running already so I think it's an upgrade that is worth it no my wine matter what but yeah you enjoy pardon what kind of host advantage there is this locking priority thing that has been a problem is there that haven't fixed it when you kick someone and put them in open it goes into closed so in terms of what since he has right now check out settings the map pool rather this is the map pool he can choose among all these maps now except Arabia because Arabia when it has been played now so that one cannot be chosen you can pick among all these maps and then of course every others every civilization except Spanish and that those are its options yes it came with Hickock hit her hit cake we didn't know every every single to the to except one where I dropped so yeah why did you change name again because I've have to respect tournaments and have my actual name for tournaments this is what you think about your previous series versus doubt repair think it was a little bit too early for me to play super good but I think that played really well so I'm it's a little bit of relief that I actually beat him there because he was I felt guilty on top of things Serengeti is the map let's see what civics Japanese Ethiopian soup think I have to go Japanese here the openers are scary though but I think I have to go Japanese just think Japanese should be better Japanese Ethiopians are getting interesting welcoming approach to Belgium did you feel the series may have gotten out of hand for you honestly against approachable team everything was under control I think the skill difference there is big enough that I could allow himself to go for a little old strategies so Japanese it opions [Music] interesting choices indeed you don't get ax throwing thing is are you talking about the cream okay what you were talking to me thanks it's best if you're allowed to your opinion sooo I like this woodland there but it's a little too forward for my taste I'm gonna hold on my choice for first number camp well now I think I might be going there though I'd like to see the forest though yeah that should be pretty spot there don't like that at all that means uh Freddy he's pretty but to alert her ostrich sorry think I do they're probably just all justify going for a mill here with the Japanese sheep knows but same time luring them is probably holding back stolen back a lot of hills though we don't like Hills in general we hills can be very snowballing it's a palm fish traps if there was fish in those palms I would maybe consider it making the meal better site is on this site by making on the left side so I can do it there they're pretty sure he's living there as well because his score isn't too high that would make sense to professors are exposed it's certainly an option I shouldn't have gone from no responsible yes I have played can you come demons I have a serious night of it on YouTube I didn't I came to a point try to stop playing but got some fun until until that point 220 power before that I probably won't be living online before for Skyrim need to find out where he is as well what's your opinion on loom very important upgrade sir let's leave those for now need to find out where yes I am being a greedy boy indeed um usually go for with a boy oh that's a very nice woman actually okay there's some nice Hill there as well I like to see it's actually pushing out there for me it's very kind sir very very kind oh that will start moving unfortunate [Music] yeah we had our scout there he had to scout their brother so we're gonna win the fight but not as convincing as you were hoping for let's try that I'm gonna go fast that she has a follow-up he definitely sent a lot of bills down there there's curious [Music] my Scout has a target what she's actually running I guess he's expecting my Scout to maybe be arriving be my guests yes a woman there he is going for scams because he only had one involved it makes sense that it's constant [Music] some damage a moment doesn't up fetching so this is actually really good damaged for me yes a [Music] I don't like the amount of Houston Reno that is not a very good I would love to get some horse coloring but it would help my production I do for time being I want to help hitting multiple spots now go there we also here has armor but our numbers are waived later right now snipe on villager - that army is kind of sacrificial lambs at this point for any weak villagers you can find make the best out of it shouldn't let him get something else start by simply not Mike when thinking about adding a stable it could be quite huge I also think my equal doesn't really support that at the moment there's that as well and also we're fully open still we still use quite close and the rights whole right side is closed I think is stable could be a big choice here also slows down my next up time so there's pros and cons that not sure if I even can do this if he comes in with his army now I don't have anything to defend it is quite risky even going forward right now he hasn't been on gold so you should only have skirmish pretty much passive thank adding Scouts very risky right now but I'm committed I'm committed mixing experiments was already fitted from my Scouts which is a home now I regret making scouts I think I'm actually gonna just go go for it here like all English do bloodlines Armour just like absolutely go for it because I don't predict him to make a tower here if you really potentially catch me off guard here I don't really want to fight either until I have this takes to the third analysts expect unerring bloodlines goddammit that's really bad for me actually but I lost one scout actually so bad for them no idea I think this one is looking rough for us you have to tell repair that's not the hope is that he stays in my face and I counter-attack and get a lot of damage done but like please Senora is that he just went back now and plays safe which case likelihood of me getting damaging it's not the best not the highest not a waste of minutes those wastes was something really bad just putting sperms in front are choosing back so if I actually attack him I can't read even the damage need to stop moving scales to try to get up I'm surprised he's not up yet though I was expecting to go so I also felt like I had to go for it maybe I can survive by tearing up getting into a Catholic composition any words we expect him to actually comment probably there as well make sense something like your mistake by him I think you need to do that so I'm actually I'm just gonna run out because I predicted him to try and drop town centers in one there I'm not good nice to catch it but of course it's still looking rough either way I accepted the North Tower here okay another wall there I understand that my counter-attack doesn't have lived oh he's actually stopping that was good for me so I'm actually gonna bring I'm not gonna get the castes without taking too much damage which is satisfactory say the least that's potentially very bad I'm stupid about that from free right now is that he has ballistics I dropped a ballistics this ostrich also shoots faster oh we actually going behind but he just went to dive under the tower that's why I thought it will define for me to just go away with that he did not rest wishing to squirm sir I'm actually happy that he went ballistic so maybe Zico isn't that far ahead I don't have to analyze when that happens we're in a tricky spot sure and I get Kobashi switch even need thumri I also need scouting Intel it's actually one of the biggest ones I need right now I need to know if he has multiple Town Center's one to the right side so put this scouting dude [Music] I'm suffering a lot to the faster option firing maybe I should serve on sperm Sarah mixing sperms anyway at least at least at something see manga now in under the tower which makes sense to circumstance once I have more sperm stair I should be able to clean this up a big question still that I need to figure out is how much eco does he have behind this really that's what we don't know that looks like a town center well maybe it's a constant just further down town center there don't like that why do they not what were they stuck there once we make a big try to make a big night switch behind this just crossed my manga Nelly has ideal composition so unlikely to work but I feel like we need to do something that we have to do something I [Music] think is up to in actually which in my opinion makes it even more important for us to actually do something Yolo stupid in that case much the pretty confident is updated taking that whole that surprising me question is how do we deal with mtech don't really know it's gonna have a castle on this side how says please why is he not in yet so confusing to me when I'm I'm so certainly those up and then it doesn't hit him by the time I was expecting it it's expecting don't see a castle name though so I'm not gonna throw in the towel yet until I start getting trapped down and actually lose significant parts of my base until then we don't really have to throw in the towel Wood got some more stuff y'all getting some damage in Bush miss if it's enough compared to what we're taking - the guest makes sense considering but I have some didn't do you have some stuff down here also looks like I might actually make it to him which is more than I was hoping for a little while ago yeah all units just I mean they go idle because makes an idol of course but there's just so many spots so much weird equal to have to cup the relic I didn't know new guard tower again the main biggest reason why I'm alive still is because this name cavalry oh no not to it is because you didn't make a castle just a beautiful castle but that's also an era that isn't that important to me summertime let's go that's bad news actually for me he starts waiting like that think about adding Samurai honestly that's clever not this a whole different story there's bad news for me that he has a resourceful Lightcap that tells me that this equation as bad as we were kind of hoping in Reverse yes here's the market completely already yes is equal is way better than I anticipated it be yeah it looks like it's probably better and I at least anticipated which case these rates are very painful poor line GD painful guys if there's don't if you know it like you if you're watching the game from our perspective there are multiple people casting this don't tell me anything that's that's not good it should be obvious but it isn't I'm not supposed to know what you're telling me so don't do that man one keeps will love me some arrows less as well a barbarous known our feeling is equal is way better than I was I wanted to be which is why I cannot do anything you it's not full of Christo and everything I still have a fairly healthy population I don't think it's too I'm told perfectly on here I'm so sorry it's getting ugly against what we presume or assume is a maxed out theory raining on the left side isn't as powerful anymore if I can make enough towers to hold on for a bit we can stabilize healthy population and then try to take it from there it was obviously looking ugly get away is coming in finally fight under the towers I think we win these fights right but don't think they are liable long term obviously still nice to play a little bit just to get going but I think time has come to call it let me add the scoreboard and we'll talk about the game a little bit I think I made the early opening was ok darkish was fine or the fuelers was good harassment was good but I think I should have just stuck with squirms myself should have just made squirms and I'm gone cast leaves because I'm pretty sure I had a better equal on him after the fuel age instead instead I stretched my eco very thin with my horse color start adding Scouts and bloodlines so with those instead of making those Scouts I could have just gone straight to Castle age but also underestimate overestimated his uptime I thought it would be way faster so definitely some mistakes here Zico looks pretty solid behind this 4/5 TC 62 with this castles and good positions so he was in firm control right now yeah sure definitely have just gone for castle age see here timeline yeah instead of adding Scouts here I just tower up even and go to Castle age because when we hit when he is castle age we have it isn't a little bit all right we got to think about what we want to play now maybe something water are you know are you not in your top form or is the opponent getting stronger what I am [Music] you see why does either of those have to be true or have to be the case what does it have to be or maybe both come on Vietnam Oh Vietnam I think about water so these are my potential Maps right arena or no yeah rina golden pit hideout Islands Mary Valley cross fortress Graceland Madness [Music] you will you do on youtube series adventure 11 public unlikely so I'm still thinking okay what map chipper Islands might be a safe but in terms of where I'm historically better than him maybe Irina Oh think about in light okay I want to arena as Tex and Britons I've made my choice we'll leave islands for later map potentially you am I scared of turning 30 and not really I'm gonna go pee guys I'll be epic you Britten's you all right next I want to try and lane his sheep here because I already found all of mine and he is Britain's so taking any sheep from him would be very good for us obviously I was expecting him to go for a britainís I'm not surprised and I have an idea of how we played a sticks here lamb or boy yes we are not allowed to take Boris with Eagles or scouts but you are allowed to lane just like pickup ships and such from the enemy no rules in left and no there are no restarts one sheep not a huge thing but I'll take it stone is exposed we have a stone in the back there no too bad falls just a nice if there is or safe inside ibex right next are various that's awesome it's not in the world to stone sending back I don't expect him to be Jaguars are cool I agree 1% and not cool against longbows jug wash please provide you Jaguars sorry I'm back Monday we always possess play tastic swore I was 2023 to feudal 25 to Castle Asian and eagles monks I was only made maybe at townsends and there was some playing around with a matter there I think in the end we figure out that maybe own champions was actually the best approach to the Aztecs mirror so you use the castles instead of making Jaguars the castle will make trips and then you have barracks to produce produce which works turbojets which meant you just have way more military muy bien it was an interesting development of the meta a stick spores was a pretty fast really fast this is the feudal age up time and then the slower castle age may mean gel I'm surprised is doing that with Britain's unless he has a ridiculous bill will be able to cast it at 12 minutes tell you mr. dizzy advantage last game and you guessed from score you can force you can but I'm talking about early game the reason I'm not scan right now is because he's in few days right so this Scout has plus two bonus which means I cannot kill this Scout with my ego wants to make a splash though I can we'll see about that so I'm not sure how it's gonna do this you're gonna add Scouts through the lads archers normally I would assume archers with Britain's but I'm so sure like if it Scouts I would love to add the barracks but it was archers the barracks doesn't really make sense and when trying with the relics so probably two monasteries even buying at relics what's getting always will be absolutely sick but it's also very very likely for some reason these two bills went for the tree that was there that is super weird but now I want to look for relics if I see more scouts from them I will add a barracks immediately decision has been made [Music] now this was before the patch I would have had converted one of those oh really but maybe have a lot of experiments did light kills well not give me I got my conversions and after before they were life curve our commercials came and they were Scouts he's investing a lot into this but is clearly shown that he is not comfortable with getting the relics there's not want me to have any envelops whatsoever [Music] you just got to keep him invested in this the biggest thing for us right now what in what universe is that normal someone tell me what universe that is a normal conversion also the first ball which surprised me a little bit [Music] hello where's my conversion all right see what it's like there's still three relics up for grabs no too [Music] laughs light Relic advantage [Music] well invested a lot interest as well I guess be relics isn't terrible you know just get +2 armor instead long conversions can be so triggered orangy involved don't think I'm always grabbing the relic is taken both relics right now it gets those relics then I'm seriously in trouble I'm telling you to go for those the end manly wants a good thing for her or for us here or comforting thing rather is that he's investing a lot to actually compete for relics so this is something we are happy about so we should which can be a lot of gold in long run so again we're satisfied about this where's my third gold can get there actually don't see my third call my blind all right not have a circle found their problem okay that would make sense the Billy House built faster I lose the position in my front I will lost the game anyway so it doesn't matter for me to bring my relics to the back and we were the principal law [Music] right we'll see how this plays out long-term [Music] just goes to setting up for late-day moving he's going long balls champion it looks a bit a little bit more food eco but besides that you're comfortable with our position [Music] a little bit out of position there with those don't think you should be there calm before the storm [Music] [Music] you have a lot of population in Eagles that I'm really want yes please it was chemistry most effectively we're not doing too good now I have too much population invested into those evils they have to get rid of I think it might also benefit from adding some adding some are blessed so I'm thinking right now she's on dirt someone might be screaming for CGI over there but something is worth my old enlistment [Music] thank you the biggest way I can lose this is if I just straight out get snowball to death it'll be the main way of course isn't impossible he does have a more powerful backbone of his army whatever they're called longbows this whole army cost gold an experiment that is not part of the plan so our I did my goal is to drain the army of longbows he's using his traps on my skirts now it's clear that he has passed wolf by now let's go my relying heavily on our spearmint of all things [Music] might look ugly though I think we're in that federal position full of trips can be a problem long-term though no question about that shoot nice donkey mixing light cab those life have don't have the best farmer or HPS birthing stone so biggest problem for us you have to be scared about is form of Trevor chase it can do a lot of damage to us right now his whole arm is invested on this side I might be able to just circle around and go for his castle there so how does he react to this what's the response this is what I found push me next I do damage times I do two trips blacklist firms are not impressive not impressed castle we got pretty damn close those chips are out of position it's neither those Welbeck might cut somewhere as well with amateurs and see if I can do something with that but we're not just playing the cost-effective game it's gonna be a long one but it's one I believe we can come out of victorious no I think it realizes well gold is gonna be advantageous for me I will have better army siege RAM atlatl squirms this thing he's out of juice juice is not the right word I think it's all about just surviving the early push drain him of gold and as soon as he is out of gold he cannot make champions anymore and then your atlatl worms with with ramps will dominate last armored force Kermes let me show you here there it is with a big cross over it that means you cannot get the last armor I had three relics here - relics we also have this extra gold here and this castle is gonna fall with these traps its army has to be fighting in the same place the whole time I can spread out five serums here three serums there twenty squirms here all that stuff yeah we had three rows here to itself a tummy tuck tuck Richard doll is record all the record all North Pole alert uck I spilled foot permanent record all and cool they wrote Avakian sorry for Norwegian language you've got the researched read mccrane sorry so yeah I'm not sure about to like the opening who came actually out of on top they get three relics so yeah in the end I think our arm composition everything just becomes better let's see new players oh yeah the woman brought coffee it might be perfect temperature right now of a pug indeed you his opening was amazing until I got opened by Eagles but eco pollution optimal flawless okay cool I'm not sure what the villager count was like throughout the throughout the castle age I really wonder who had an edge there but this was how I imagined a game playing out I was hoping I would get four or five relics though but I was imagining that we would end up in late-game where I could win exactly like this so my thoughts were accurate how to refer to her in the daily lives as woman or play lobby I kind of mix it up use both most of time you have 20 more okay plus a four relic map what realize he had one no I was fine now was actually for Alex well then it makes sense that he resigns as well he probably thought I had four relics then four to one okay well that that makes my lead way bigger I thought I was then it makes sense that I had way better better McDonagh was definitely in a big advantage Valley hums magyars I'm gonna have to go home sir doesn't once should still be better if no maggots are dangerous with your plus-one attacks you you yes guys remind me of drinking coffee in two minutes not all of you just once magus my girls are definitely scary no doubt about it cheaper Scouts for June for free there's a lot of scary stuff in there but hunts should still be better but mangers can snowball out of control let's see if they get a good engagement so you gotta be really careful with how we engage this there is also really good at managing his economy at the same time so even though my economy in theory should be better sons Larry it's no slacker in that apartment so you usually can keep up really well even without the bonuses don't like my map so far we have back gold and stones and everything but it's wood lines don't seem the best and also everything is on hills behind there which may be advantageous for +1 attack etc nasty Hilson from our base as well could be dangerous still this could be a six mil spoke to some dear it's too risk as well to stay up in the middle map especially against matters that plus coffee alert I will have my coffee I'll good focus thank you appreciate that visitor India right not to be fair coffee coffee coffee coffee thank you guys heroin against them and be a West my second war there the score is fairly low I assume it's because he's doing dear it's one way to compensate with the fact that he will in theory be behind economically so he decides to lure dare and it few lies with a good equal himself which means that plus one attack on the scouts will have a boost because production will be easier and that's a little bit scary I'll definitely try bring us into like tutelage into gas station I want it to be only nights I will try to bring it into action play let's go for second verse one [Music] you guys should try and wall this certainly be helpful fireworks outside lapel new gears is over coffee time is almost empty so yeah you're right [Music] is also scary because if his Scout comes there with this plus one forging my billet is in big trouble it's a weird middle seems huge he's supposed to be on the other side so it just looks very strange to the moment [Music] this is towards the site still not a big fan of the way my bottom part shapes up either that would certainly help a lot I mean if this is all new to Walden it's not that at first he took that fight is open let's take oh I was close I'll show that part is open actually I hit my wood line I have no idea what's my gold I don't know what it's just a doubt mining camp okay it should be okay we just gotta close this part and then we should actually before the world sort of open is still fun to still open of course but yeah I don't like my Waldo seems awkward [Music] actually fighting here not expect that look in my Scouts track style position but luck is not correct word of young educated guests look I didn't get a single kill so trade is satisfied you could dealt well with that so you try to be greed and go without tortures know what let's do bloodlines here because I'm gonna try something cheeky extra was there all along there was a hole all along it was actually a hole even before I chopped this bloodlines upgrade might come in handy here it's could have gone better he actually had a hole there before I did the chop so the chop yeah there was actually holder so the chop was unnecessary but yeah even like the shop was still there so the same thing would have happened without the hole anyway and yeah force arranged for stable he was trying to go straight fast Castille obviously or not not to work out for him I think we did a good job securing our map as well you also fool a world like this yeah it was actually not a hole even got an invitation oh no I didn't get to see them damn it now we didn't get to see the achievements well I don't think it matters that much anyway there was no hole you scouted the title ahead of barracks cuz Rex is main one time back but my scouts and Archer still ran in even though my palisade was there which is why I think there was a hole to begin with what pecan thing over 250 embers I mean I could be wrong I could be wrong I was coffee cup coffee was great cuts fun barrel vanishing and I YouTube hi YouTube yeah I think there was a holder so I'm saying you but Coronel the thing is I did build the Palestine I actually hammered the palace I which means there was a found a construction there in the way and I shouldn't be able to pass yet my Scouts and archers ran past even though ignoring the pallasite which was actually built so therefore there was two tiles hole I'm very certain that's the case I can't say 1% but I'm very certain you let's see what saves to go for map and saved we're obviously looking in a great spot but not with a 3-1 so it's promising you Turks Tatars and graveyards [Music] Turks tatters and graveyards I mean if it gets all the relics we had Turks you got all the runs with Turks you have gold to fight late-game get tatters appreciate we lost 11 darkish as well some on a hill store as well mango tatters I'm sure if is you're supposed to play NAC graveyards this show should be an FCC you yes sister right though small letters doesn't seem accurate but okay but there was a very certain it was an FCC version of a graveyard so so we got to play why my cinema cheaper way well actually my ship last longer so it should be okay her tables last 50% longer even if I find my next shift quite late it should be okay you haven't found my restoring ship like the backward line I fold as well yeah most like that will be playing car washes here maybe steppe lancers as well as an option but we shall see I think I'm missing two sheep stone that's a really farther not too sure about that one might need to send my scout to interfere a little bit it's passing from the woman is weird what why can't I block the boar did they change something with that I mean they changed the behavior on the boar now no longer block it with my Scout or sheep blocking is changed but that shouldn't be changing though when will they change that understand why they will change step apart it's new past lyrical into Alaska meter in lost of ill don't understand most of it because scout the villages stop Yogi's full don't like them on wall anything right now it's gonna wreck my wallet I am committed so I want to play Scouts what are you able I want to play Scouts into characters I dealing these that's the plan scouted looked endurance I assume he's gonna vote the foolish and probably try to deny my wallet it's just chillin alumni villagers I would like to be there to support expecting Scouts with you as well okay we'll be up faster so it could be something else and scouts that already stay inside them well we know them I do more damage with chills as well [Music] they make more Scouts stop here like in a perfect world we just go straight to caste age and then straight to characters but he starts being pressure with archers universe is open you forget about what [Music] have bonus damage down hill not down there anymore counting on winning that fight anyway okay we're about them probably go up there are changes actually could just play a full camera probably I also have cameras though do this you should make a blacksmith could you bait him that I might not be going care watches show him a blacksmith not that I think he will fall for it - we'll try he's waiting for wheelbarrow no Scouts I heard us a good luck with the scouts indeed the decision lame I think I want to replenish our replenish mollenkamp that win oh sure made my ranges on this side this is exposed but I'm gonna probably drop a town center here or here so it's alright oh yeah thank you I'll just go casters as well it's probably not making more Scouts than what we saw so we invested about the same it's now it's just a transition to college I think to range should be fine maybe I should do three weeks actually arrange maybe try to get map control and get its arm actually I want to go three range because I want on more arm control yeah because we have a forget the hill advantages that might snowball I would like to have the ranges think that might make sense three ranges one monastery and then add counselors later level of a risky approach I think it can work zombie house - three funny thing Catholics but the archers are coming out sorts [Music] just to see if he goes or calipers himself Jimmy Starr's good for him that's actually a full disaster them all for full disaster see not expecting characters or what yeah it's got some camels but it makes me regret not sending my first mug forward did more damage to his own camel there castle will go up now but we should be very happy with how this played out let's go to university first I would love ballistics here because then we have Hills to Mike who live as well and you already should have a really good position now considering a disastrous that helps to win for him I used to understand all this Hill advantage on the gate as well tapper Hill advantage on top of that this gate should go down in no time as well [Music] really good mmm good so famously we can't complain we're in a really good position she's scary though he has a huge I might switch in the scrubs as well maybe even steppe lancers little mix think I should do a mix of something cannot just rely on my characters it would be too risky because the manga no Janissary snowball can be so deadly first I need to decide now or a question I need to figure out is if I want to go for a mix of steppe lancers and Knights could be good the real advantage here ah shoot his army is definitely scary [Music] [Music] it might be a GG see right everything worked perfectly I think the castle he made was a little bit too greedy definitely a cow just came at the perfect time and I just put him behind right away and this noble is super scary but I think stepmonster the mix of students midnight was definitely a cool and a good choice actually only made in one night I think and restful steppe lancers we got plus 2 we have bloodlines we just need to force this Janissaries and manga manga knows to actually fight besides that everything worked out pretty well so can't complain that means we won this semifinal for one and we're gonna go up against Harrow in the file tomorrow what I mean why snowball snowball is that if a snow ball is rolling down a mountain right with snow it will get bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger which means the snowball is like you get one kill and it becomes even more and it comes more and more and more just more and more damage right and I'm a realist we have we have four rows already - that's five six very shortly wasn't it bringing in a relic as well oh there it's coming yeah so would have had about six relics very shortly I think that's already forgotten unless we managed to sneak down here and grab those yeah I was a good good surround for sure also run just running around ignoring this and picking off Manganiello a just some reinforcements here it's really good - yeah I also think that it was a right decision to go for the third range instead of earlier Town Center's I also think ballistics was better instead of third Allison so Shane the event of good decisions here I would say military ad heavily in our favor economy here's economy isn't that bad food about the same stone more we are more wooden gold two more bills right should play tatters more tears is a great well the great when they're up against Turks may be on graveyards where there's so many hills that means that we are gonna face off against mr. Hara tomorrow in the grand final its new asking for interview yes numerous interviews I'll include an interview include an interview in this video for youtube so let's do that then you to do you [Music] nah yep well doing the interview now doing an interview now yep yep says join his disk or I'm not sure if I mean yeah I don't think I mean his discord is that his son enjoy my discord and in any way to his discord in a case webcam fullscreen I'm going to put his stream on so you can see his chap as well while we're talking silly nilly I'm not in your discord send me an invite Zep Lancer is better than night in which situation I think step lenses are better for picking off Mangano's and I think they're also better for they are also better for rating sniping villagers tell them doubt told you this Jasper today I'll do that but hello hello all right I'm trying to think of interesting questions if anyone wants to jog our memories in the chat as well feel free I've got tree harp we've got the arena verse Britain's composition question the late Scout transition we saw on Serengeti and his thoughts about that okay well let's start off with the typical cart of castor questions you just won against Leary for one how do you feel oh I'm really great I'm sorry I didn't answer all right so you acts careful in service what did what did you expect going into the serious I expected a tough series and fun games would you call it fun games after those I think a little there was a bit passive but there was still good games what do you call it a tough series yeah I would like I make one error judgment in most of those games I'll probably lose so definitely top series so what we like ideas when it came to civilization in general against him to pick what's best well you only had one pick right oh you mean final might when you like if I say I'm absent service yeah exactly yeah I haven't really haven't really thought about anything but I would rather say I will just pick maps that I think are good for me and then sibs kind of what I feel like there and then it also depends if I feel like I'm playing great I will probably pick different service than if I feel like I'm playing worst so man today I thought that I was playing good so I went for okay okay I'm tricky composition okay and what what civilizations to go for if you feel worse probably more imbalanced sips where it can be more Yolo not like safer macrocells may be things like Malian students Turks these types of suits come on I don't know though I haven't been in a situation so I can't say okay so game number one we had Spanish war or Arabia how did you perceive that map and when did you decide to go that greedy with your teeth I I mean I saw my map quite early on it was a pretty incredible map I struck my pecs and but yet I think ideal circumstance for Spanish is to be able to go Scouts into conks it's a really good way to play the game and I thought okay I think I'm gonna be off faster than him so I thought okay let me just add Townsend's first and transition to castle later and I should have a good eco lead and with my safe map I think it played out exactly as I was hoping for so behind that as well I think the biggest play we kind of saw there was your RAM push against the castle we saw from bleary on the front he'll probably the biggest transition that was made there in a different scenario how do you think Illyria could have dealt with that a little bit more effectively well he did him weird mover he liked renin with all his conks behind my castle and lost all his Kong's I think that was the biggest weird movie should just stay on this hill used Hill advantage but what it's worth and then try and take it long because it's obvious that I have better eco so him sacrificing all those Kong's and the fight is kind of what snowballed into a push for me if you had all those cons on the hill think he might have been able to hold my first round push at least and then again would have played out differently where I probably wouldn't ran zation in the house or other and start raiding and things like that from the sides but yeah the throw away of the conchs is kind of what what they did there yeah No you think you can make something like an uninjured offense happened there or bombard Kennet or does it have to be fully comfortable [Music] position monks as well I can use out of atoms so bomber Canon Hollinger I'm not too sure I think it just has to play full conks mm-hmm you might maybe the best frame is he honest even getting supremacy and use the villagers to take Rams while he camps the hill yeah it's very difficult for him anyway because I have I'm pretty confident had a pretty big equal lead here like 15 to 20 villagers and then we had Serengeti and you were offered Japanese and Ethiopian why did you go for Japanese I was hoping Japanese would pay off more with cheaper lumber camps etc because economy on Serengeti is tricky to deal with and also I was thinking ok I probably my arms or drush opening for both so if I can get my arms up great in and snowball that into some sort of advantage that would be good but I was our position with my scout when his trust came inside in trail well there but Richard did transition still into fuel age which I was hoping for her I just think my decision-making and I sure was a little bit wrong in early fuel so when you saw go ahead yeah we thought the skirmishes Arches things like that you did decide to add a stable in there as well maybe a little bit late do you think that kind of influenced the fact that Lyra got up to castle little bit earlier and then was able to kind of transition it from there you didn't really have too much for an answer with the scouts cuz we did save bloodlines I think even scale mail will come down as well yeah I was thinking he would be up even faster honestly I wanted that's why I did upgrades as well cuz I thought I had to go for it but then his it up time was way later than I anticipated as well so in hindsight adding those scouts probably was a big mistake and I could have just made towers in my base if I felt pressured by the squirms and translation to castle age from there but but yeah decision to go scouts he did the perfect mood and just run back and he put his curves in front of Zhao true so I could never get on top of his Kermes and that's those Scouts like think I made four or five Scouts even lost one or two to his archers early on which was real bad but then again I could never get on top his army so those Scout supremacists waste up food is an option that you can go for the scouts barrier earlier like even if it just feels like massive scams from both players because he blocked his code for so long yeah maybe instead of the second archery range I definitely would say so because yeah immediately kept him off code right I knew that as well because I knew he was not as white cold so I should have done Scout either Scouts earlier or even myself could have gone full squirms and making so many archers was definitely mistake considering the circumstances okay and then we went into game number three you had the choice of maps and civilizations you said you wanted to play the map that you like arena and you played civilizations that you felt comfortable with and are very standard Britain's worst at stakes why that matchup I felt like either way which said I had I would think I would be able to have a really good chance and I was expecting him to go for Britain's and I had a good idea of how I wanted the game to play out if I was asked is against Britons and yeah it pretty much went exactly I was as I was hoping for the white for a relics got a little bit more problematic than anticipated and apparently was only for relics that the case okay yes I thought it was five so when we were fighting for the last two relics I was sure he already had two so I felt like that was super important um but yeah like Chet told me afterwards that I had only that it was only four relics so that changed a lot then I understand its why why he resigned yes he he might even even thought that I had one relic versus four I am yeah most likely yeah so therefore it makes sense that he resigned so fast I thought it would play on or longer but but I didn't mind yeah but yeah I just wanted to try and get the relics I was a bit surprised that he went for the fast fuel and stable Scouts I was thinking in Michael crossbow first and then maybe I had too stable later but he would do the other way around he only had a scout after clicking to castle yeah which makes sense right and I didn't expect it though but I still felt like I should have a good chance and yeah once it was just like a lot of back-and-forth them not really tape too much think he can do anything better like how would you have played Britain's quote-unquote better I don't want to leak man Harold might be watching yeah then I will ask you two a question [ __ ] no matter if you win or lose okay actually to be honest I don't really know it depends when like again I was wonderin sure okay 95% sure he would pick Britain's so I didn't really like if I got grits I probably would have made it fade fast castle crossbow or something but I can't say for sure I'm not sure if that's even good because monks have so much HP - probably gonna need both can arrow as well it's just them yeah I don't know it's tricky so when it comes to your map pics as well this is something I've kind of noticed over like a lot of tournaments and things is of recent you're picking a lot more maps like arena fortress just Maps that start off fully walled obviously a comfortable one most of the maps in the pool like easily you've been around that long and that good of a player as well are you finding you have a little bit more of an advantage to kind of play on these maps of start off fully world well they have a lot of experience on a Rena in particular probably compared to most of the other young guns like Harold Leary and beheld these guys so arenas map I feel very comfortable with in general a lot about decision making making the right decisions in the right order and I feel like I'm usually pretty good at that when it comes to arena versus absolute is just a pure macro game and with post-imperial play most likely and that's also a stage of the game where I feel very comfortable so yeah I do prefer those types of maps obviously I I'm not like worried about open maps and things like that as well I just think those types of maps fit me better yeah and is that more like you were saying that people haven't got as much practice on them so when it comes to newer players like Leary hair I know they don't like new new but may not have as much experience is it kind of just a better choice in terms of you think you might have a better build better decision making than them yeah pretty much but still they're all always improving and learning more and more themselves so yeah I can already tell like how much better for example Harrison arena compared to a while back of course yes played way more you know probably because arena has been part of the map pool I probably same goes for leery you can just tell how much they learn just by playing even like 10 15 games in arena and they improve a lot just also them and then we went into Valley when did you realize that you like you could jump on him when I killed all the scouts I was like okay I'll just makes the arches behind and put some pressure while transitioning to castle age but then I noticed that he wolde with the straggler tree so I was like ok cancel archers go straight for bloodline send a villager right away and then it was all about like trying to get in and do the damage it was a really cool move but he was already whole so we can pretend there was no hole so in that case it was a good move but Fassett look good yeah I mean the outcome would have been the same either way all or not so look we gave you full credit for the hop we lost it it was great I think if you see the whole you move in without blood yeah exactly actually think it worked out better for me that I waited thanks for smell yeah it was actually pretty good yeah you do guaranteed smaller damage mm-hmm but don't people just yeah sweet stuff and then going into game number five you picked a toss overturn why I'll take the toys are that bad they have I mean the economy's opening is okay because the sheep last longer and and there's so many hills from graveyards I figured okay if I can get into a cab Archer composition and just run around using the hill advantages and mobility then I thought it would be good in a good position also late-game I mean if there's a lot of relics Turks probably should be really good there but still I don't know I have a good feeling regarding in tatters and obviously went way better than I anticipated regarding his castle position and earlier I got to like deny that and everything so it did go way better than anticipated but yeah I'm also not sure I think touristy terrors are probably very - - very similar associations I'm not really sure which one I prefer you could ask me give me an hour to pick and I would still probably not be sure sake well then you will have the finals tomorrow against mr. Hara how will your next what is it 19 hours look when it comes to preparation will you sleep at all or will you go full study mode no I'll probably sleep normal probably wake up have some coffee and some breakfast maybe I take a walk would use this table a bit on the couch I don't know then I will probably and then prepare oh yeah totally and then I spent 4 hours looking through his recorder games and her and think about my civilizations and home maps and everything ok Oh a daydream in the bath about what weird combinations you could use exactly now I think I think obvious I could sit around and think about potential sins and masters but I feel like what this torment is a lot about how you feel in the very moment and what you're like think could benefit you depending on how you're playing and feeling yourself of course there are certain maps that I probably think favor me more than others which probably would make sense for me to go towards those but yeah regarding civilizations I think is more about how I feel there in them you I hope Hera prepare your secret milli - geo team of you I'm a tournament host I want to take I wonder my again serious people prepare do you think he's preparing obviously what what would you prepare of course like I said I could sit around and think about okay I would like to play a golden pit and I would take these to save so he picks that so I do this and that and that you know that's how I did it and how does it go for you I performed okay you chose Vietnamese since Byzantines man that was his preparation okay now I I feel more comfortable with choosing that based on how I feel in the moment so I can prepare think about something and then when the game comes and I'm thinking about getting into that situation that I thought about and prepared for then I might feel like actually I don't really want to do this so I don't think for one metric this it makes sense it makes sense but I I don't think it makes sense for me are you satisfied Nellie you turkmen last question so you're going in against Hera tomorrow obviously don't want to give him any advice or anything like that he's improved significantly do you think he's improved significantly more since the NAC three finals as well NSA three phones is just a month ago yep so much and he's had a huge burst of energy he's been playing heaps of games studying hard yeah I mean yes I'm not sure I haven't played him enormously since NEC to get a proper feel at least not in like proper tournaments or like full like NEC type of tournament so it's taught me to say but then we'll see I'm sure an AC kind of Foreman and 12news aren't around at all yeah I know I know that's it's hard to judge but I think I think he slowly is improving all the time so I expected to be a tough match the format of tournament as well as makes it kind of open-ended it can go anywhere anyway and it's all about picking the right service really and getting the good map axis running the key okay then thank you so much good luck tomorrow thank you man good luck thanks Matthew bye-bye-bye I'm still here excellent what's your prediction school for tomorrow we'll see we'll see I think it'll very close very close okay I'm hanging up now bye-bye all right so that was the interview and that's the gonna be the end of the YouTube video for for this I will upload the final as well so hope you guys enjoyed the semi finals and I'll see you again for the grand final itself
Channel: TheViper
Views: 46,687
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: c_HTyfOnhyg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 172min 40sec (10360 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 16 2020
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