bring me your fathers

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hello everybody and welcome back to the second channel let's uh go ahead and crack open a sparkling water it's kind of a disappointing amount of fizz yo perrier put some more put some more bubbles in your [ __ ] dude this was not good not enough fizz in this thing i want to be foaming at the mouth when i take a sip of sparkling water all right this was too pleasant i need to be assaulted all right we've had some really awesome posts in the subreddit the past couple weeks so let's just go ahead and jump right into it i'm going to sort by top i'm going to sort by month and uh let's see what people have been talking about i hope it's me people better be talking about me in here i swear to god if people are talking about some other thing or some other guy i'm going to be pissed off i get on here and it's a subreddit for like toby maguire or something now the [ __ ] they're all talking about spider-man now i saw danny and laura disneyland on friday they were so greg they were so they were so greg i guess it just says they were so and then greg is like the tag on this that's kind of fun yeah i remember meeting these kids they were really cool they were really nice he was making this face the entire time and it was pretty funny so i appreciate it shout out this kid shout out all you guys they were really nice oh i see you photoshopped my face here to match his face that's very cool i think as he was making that face the whole time i kind of thought he was like joking and so i said something like oh should we all make that face for the picture but then he didn't acknowledge what i said and just kept making that face so i don't know if he was joking they were so nice okay they they finished their sentence lovely cliffhanger yeah i gotta say they were so what what were they go in the comments and it just says they were evil never been to disneyland but to meet danny in real life would be so much better that's very flattering but disney has the star wars land now and going there was honestly one of the best experiences of my life i felt like a little kid you can see from the picture i'm wearing a star wars shirt wait all right check this [ __ ] out dude i built a lightsaber so i think you spoke a little bit too soon when you said that because you probably didn't know they had the star wars land someone said what was happening in the second photo because they photoshopped my face yo what the [ __ ] happened did his face really look like that my face is like a totally different color than the rest of my body suddenly my sunglasses are gone and then they're back in the next picture that would be mad impressive if i could do that on the fly dude just all of a sudden ah and then back to normal sunglasses off and then back on again his face is purple and then it's back to normal where is laura someone said you can't see her she's in danny's right hand okay i'm holding like a cup of coke in my right hand no yeah i was carrying her around in that cup because she got tired you know she's really small just renamed my gecko grego oh [ __ ] dude is this the same gecko as last time i mean i assume it is i don't know how many people own a gecko that looks like that but let's see i'm gonna go to this person's profile is this the same gecko wait maybe it's not is it not the same gecko cause really i was i wanted the other person to name their gecko grego i don't know who the [ __ ] that gecko is that's a new gecko now i gotta go back to the last subreddit video and check to be sure hey come on where was that [ __ ] bro where was the gecko greg oh there it is okay groovy island is the original poster of the original gecko and this is beetroot squash dude this is a different gecko oh wait they literally said right here lol i'm not the original post i'm someone else well at least you got the memo that was kind of meant for someone else if anyone else needs me to give you a recommendation for your gecko name i'll give you one okay it's just don't don't steal the [ __ ] from other people due to my critical thinking skills i have deciphered this is not the same gecko but an imposter i've been meaning to say this i think that uh ever since in the last video when i asked to get a little bit more critical thinking in the subreddit we've been getting some really great posts and some really great comments so you guys have been killing it with the critical thinking this person was able to spot the imposter real lickety-split i mean it's a cute gecko don't get me wrong but that is not the gecko that i knew pov danny doesn't have a top comment on a post yeah this is me i sort of get pissed off and i destroy my computer from the 1980s when i quit my job this is actually what my like office looks like from a the other angle if you were to look at it from like over here i'm actually just in a cubicle i have this background sort of printed out on the cubicle wall behind me i just work in an office i work at youtube headquarters so yeah this is where all the youtubers work we just work at youtube and uh this is sort of our desk job and i do wear like a a short sleeve button down and a tie and i just edit on like cool clothes oh really really sick clothes added on like the coolest clothes you've ever seen onto me over top of the work uniform but yeah this is actually me and someone filmed this is that gold a [ __ ] silver award on a post that's not danny's oh yeah there is a silver there's two silver awards on here i like that i've traumatized my subreddit into being like don't don't give other people awards all right i gotta comment back on this and get top comment that's how i'll know you guys really [ __ ] with me on the subreddit all right yeah hahaha that would be a shame if that happened you guys have about three minutes to make this top top comment all right otherwise you will be sorry and this will be all of your heads spotted to greg listening to slime at the airport oh do you think this is staged do you think they know this person cause like i mean as much as i appreciate the the support they're just kind of like staring at their spotify like they're just like looking at the song like listening to it yeah sometimes i just need to like keep staring at spotify while i'm listening to it on my phone to remind myself what song i'm listening to okay this is slime this is slime i like this this is slime oh oh what the what the [ __ ] am i listening to what is this oh hell yeah slime hey are you taking a picture of me i'm gonna use a little bit of critical thinking here and say that i feel like this is staged i gotta be honest i think that you and this girl and [ __ ] this little boy too are all in cahoots i think that you playing this all along because you wanted to get like a big upvoted post on my subreddit scam alert i'm sure this was neat but i do hope you got their consent to post a pic of them online i did she thought it was funny yeah i bet she thought it was real funny i bet you both thought it was funny as hell when you came up with this together there's like a lot of debate going on on whether they should have posted this picture without consent or not not not the point of the picture it's a scam post proof that this isn't a scam all right because i'm using my critical thinkers up here and i'm pretty sure that this is fake but i do appreciate it you know i don't give a [ __ ] if you're faking liking my music or not dude as long as you're listening to it that's all that matters to me danny said he wants more dads on the subreddit so here's my dad he's always asking me if we're gonna watch greg yo dad check let's go dude this looks like a dad if i ever saw one man congrats on the dad this is great 10 out of 10 dad i got to agree i really want danny to see this well congratulations dude i did you know what this could be a cool thing all right let's get some more dads in the subreddit and we can start raiding them all right since this is the inaugural dad actually we've had we've had a dad in the past i believe so both inaugural dads get tens out of 10 from me this looks like a great dad the only thing that i might consider taking off points for here um if you're watching this dad uh you dad not my dad this dad is um cable management you to fix these cables dude this setup is not clean it is not chris it is honestly making me anxious how many walls how many cables are hanging from here i get it dude you're raising some kids you know you got a great one here you've got greg zales which is very similar to my username danny gregzales feeling a little bit of stolen valor there especially with all these rewards on the post that's kind of [ __ ] up look i get it dude you got things to do they make kits that help you do it and run cables through the wall so if you are considering posting on here again please get that done before you do because greg zalas if you post your dad on here again and this isn't taken care of i'm going to have to take off points for that but as of right now i'm willing to let it slide 10 out of 10 dads cute dad how long have you had him about a year now so he's house trained patience is key doesn't look very house trained to me dude those [ __ ] cables are everywhere all right i'm sorry sorry doesn't seem like he's trained on how to and how to put together a house he may be house trained but he's not home trained all right this is a house not a home as long as these cables are dangling emperor's new groove was amazing but this is art yeah honestly i think this might have been the most creative thing i've ever done this is me and my friend tim who you may remember from the emperor's new groove costumes and we were disintegrating avengers he was doctor strange obviously and i was spider-man yeah i think this is the most clever thing i've ever done hands down thank you for all the appreciation on this i think it was pretty sick french horn guy in my music class looks identical to danny okay i guess kind of i don't know how you know he's french though like what makes him french i don't get that oh well oh [ __ ] it looks like we might have a secret code to solve guys in this in the subreddit here uh-oh nothing to see here and it's there's some binary code on here is there like a feature in on macs that i can just copy this text somehow i don't want to type all the [ __ ] in dude that's too much thinking and it's too critical because i know i can do what i just do what did that button disconnect from danny's iphone connected wait what just happened oh [ __ ] okay i sent it to my phone binary translator okay there we go oh [ __ ] guys look i pasted it in and it's a youtube link guys we are going to crack the code right here and right now let's see what this [ __ ] is [Music] what the [ __ ] come on man what the hell oh i've been hoodwinked let me just see real quick cause i i feel like i might be getting double duped is there another secret code in here somewhere me being hopeful that i can redeem myself yeah there's gotta be something i'm missing here there's no way they just rick roll me to [ __ ] with me there's gonna be some kind of like uh compliment in here danny really nice job or something in binary okay nope i'm not seeing anything did anybody else type it in let's see really cool picture i'm glad there's no secret message can't wait for danny to decode this one okay someone typed out what they think i'll say when i look at this what i'm not doing this again dude you're parking me probably meant pranking playing some little pranky pranks and i'm not falling for it long pause fine okay i didn't say any of that [ __ ] especially not the pranky pranks thing at least i don't think i did can we get a quick can we get a replay did i say any of that [ __ ] what did i say when i first saw this oh [ __ ] it looks like we might have a secret code to solve guys in this in the subreddit yo okay we got some fan art in the subreddit now this is pretty cool oh do you think you got other fan art in the background too you got some anus unis or whatever is that what that channel was called anus anus uranus yeah i'm pretty sure it was yeah this is really good i look freaking sweet in that i love the colors that's amazing oh unis unis honest anus uno butthole props to you dude this is awesome for this post i will allow one award to remain on this post and the rest mods will be transferred to me this is really cool nice job dude this is so cool i hope danny sees this does he have a p.o box maybe he'd hang it up in his office you know what i don't have a p.o box i thought about getting one in the past but it kind of sounds like a lot of hassle and also i'd be worried about people sending me like anthrax so i will not be opening up a po box at this time but this is very cool and you know it's so cool that i want you to have it you enjoy it you've earned it hang it up in this frame in fact take that butthole fan art out of your frame and go ahead and slap my face in there please through danny in the peanut style i don't know why all right i dig it that's pretty cool digging my bell-shaped body very becoming of a young man okay this one might be interesting what is this boy band name called we got drew we got me we got curtis let's see what people think we would be called if we were a boy band let me come up with a good one off the off off the dome real quick and then see how it compares to everybody else's what would a boy band with us three be called i've seen people like abbreviate the three of us before as dgk um because it's like danny gonzales andrew gooden and curtis and that's kind of fun because it's kind of like bts or in sync which are kind of like plays on letters and [ __ ] boys who cry straight from the vine dude that's good fresh off the vine that's pretty good is that too long to be a band name feel like a band name has to be like one or two one or two words not one or two syllables one syllable would just be straight that's a cool band name straight look at us we are so strange my suggestion for danny's interior oh good we got another design it's nutcrackers thanks that will be all uh i'm gonna love sitting on this throne next to these nutcrackers that's awesome design danny's room based on his real hobbies oh thank you so much this is perfect oh look at that you got all my favorite things you got cosplay you got grapefruit con oh that's so cool all the different u.s states i've been to oh and my trophies from my time in the nba and fifa thank you so much i need my little soccer mug uh this is i'm gonna do this for sure this is definitely what this i yep oh this is sick i created danny gonzalez room in cg wow that looks like super realistic that is very cool dude how the frick did you do that i dig it i'll do it [ __ ] i'll do it right now all right i did it here i am i'm in the new background do y'all think i look like danny my friends told me i do i don't see it though uh yeah i'm pretty sure this is a scam okay so you do you do look like me in fairness but i'm pretty sure that you're just you use face app again and you're trying to trick me better not be another trick i feel like it might be i don't trust anyone now you know let me click on your profile and see if you've got any other pictures then we'll figure out if this is a scam they don't that's very suspect i don't know if i can trust this dude this is that you've got blue eyes too this is a little too suspect i'm sorry and i'm thinking critically here i don't think i'm buying it sorry if you want me to judge whether you look like me from now on anybody you have to send me a video of you like waving your hand over your face so i know you're not pulling any crazy [ __ ] danny's new office design tell me what you think okay this actually goes pretty hard dude look at this this looks just like the office where i record my videos in youtube headquarters except it's full of cubicles but it looks just like this if you guys could see behind the the facade it looks just like this um okay oh oh you know what i wanted to uh say we have recently hit 60 000 members on the subreddit and i remember in the last subreddit video i said if we hit 50 000 we would throw a party so i wanted to stay true to my words so everybody dance everybody at home dance this is the party all right thanks thanks for coming to the party guys that was that was really fun i'm a man of my word i keep my promises oh [ __ ] okay cleaned up danny's office and now it's banging another person recreated it in cg this is like a 3d model in my room and there's a bang can in the corner yeah that's how you know this shit's gonna be epic all right let's check it out [Music] oh [ __ ] you changed the letters to bang and the bang ceo is there [Music] oh my god dude that was really good scronam how does this not have more upvotes dude this is insanely well done you even got like really good quality pictures of the pictures i have in the background when i don't think i've ever like had a close-up image of them before this is mad impressive dude yeah maybe i should just put like a [ __ ] ton of cans of bang in the background of my videos i could probably start making a lot more off my videos judging by how many tick talkers do that [ __ ] so all right let me read this little rant a quick rant about danny this better be good dude and if it's mean i'm gonna cry when drew danny curtis came to las vegas for their tour i wanted so badly to go but i couldn't afford it my dad was one of the janitors though so he snuck me in and i sat on the ground in the back towards the end of the show i waved at danny and he waved back and it meant the world to me he probably has no memory of that ever happening loki that's true i don't yet from my end it was one of the most memorable moments in my life i always wanted to thank him for it but what would i say hi thanks for waving it made my year yeah no i guess it wasn't the wave i idolized it was the person it came from that's really sweet going on a tour like that you see so many people that you kind of like forget that there's like everybody's having like an individual experience so that's really cool to read about your individual experience going to that tour even though you didn't buy tickets ordinarily i'd be pretty pissed that you didn't pay me money to come and see me but since you were really nice i'll let it slide yeah this is so sweet you know what i do remember that show because that show was weird dude it was the venue we had for that show was like a bowling alley what was that place called it was some weird ass venue that literally had a bowling alley like right next to the stage oh brooklyn bowl yeah okay this is this show was weird and also all of our shows for this tour were like only people that knew who we were came obviously because why would you come if you didn't know who we were but this show was in vegas like on the strip basically and when when you go to vegas like everybody is looking for [ __ ] to do so i think there were a lot of people at this show who didn't know who we were which i think probably made the show a lot less enjoyable for them and also there were like people who were like wasted because they were coming off the strip into the show this is what the venue looked like it had a disco ball up here this is the bowling alley over here if you could see that luckily there was no one bowling during our show i think it was closed but yeah that was super weird so i'm glad despite all that you still had a good time and sounds like i did too if i was waving if i was waving willy-nilly okay let's see if there's anything in the hot section somebody posted this and said danny how did you do this i need to know what's up guys i just wanted to update you and let you know that i'm finally cleaning my mirror have a great day yeah i remember doing this um i think i just used like uh like windex or something like that um it wasn't that hard it is there's just some little like toothpaste and stuff on the on the mirror so yeah toothpaste paper towel is really all you should need and you can you can clean pretty much any mirror with that stuff you think i'm gonna tell you how i did this cool little special effects magic try critically thinking for yourself how about that okay let's see if anybody can guess what i did what the hell that's really confusing and danny must answer this question it must be a tiny little camera from the wish video he must have glued it to his shirt pretty good quality for a microscopic camera then someone else said no look at the hand on the left its movement isn't the same as danny's hand in the mirror so i think it's just a hole in the wall without a mirror and someone else is filming it yeah no dude i did not cut a hole in my apartment uh to film this tick tock and like construct a bathroom set i think you may be thinking a little bit too critically yeah nobody's gotten it so far um all right well i think that might be about it so thank you everybody who watched this video for watching this video i hope you have a great week i'll see you again soon with some new content i'm still on that grind i'm still posting as often as i can so stay tuned thank you to everybody who submitted the subreddit everybody make sure you go over there and join the subreddit and post some good stuff i'm talking dads i'm talking puzzles i'm talking critical thinking i'm talking maybe other funny little gems and memes can't wait to see it thank you guys for submitting and i'll see you next time bye
Channel: 2 Danny 2 Furious
Views: 2,830,211
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: danny gonzalez, dannygonzalez, funny, skit, vine comedy, vines
Id: V6Gs6lGqdTA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 44sec (1124 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 14 2022
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