Barbie vs. Bratz 3: LIVE ACTION

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it's time folks 2 years ago I made a video called Barbie versus Bratz where I pitted two is it pitted or I pit to Pat is it Pat I made two plastic doll movies battle it out with each other see which one was better and you guys really liked it so the year after I made Barbie versus Bratz 2 and you guys really lik that one as well if you didn't see that one I ended Barbie versus Bratz 2 with this I'll just have to wait for the liveaction Barbie movie to come out so I can that one against the the liveaction Bratz moovie that'll that'll be the finale it was a long wait and I apologize for that I wanted to make this video sooner but the SAG after strike was going on and I didn't know the rules of stuff and I didn't want to talk about it you know in solidarity but a few weeks ago zag aftera did their best impression of a guy closing down a bowling alley and said no so the time has come to finally finish the Barbie versus Bratz Trilogy on my channel it's time for Barbie versus Bratz live action and if you don't know the score is all tied up after the first two videos so whoever wins this one Takes the Cake all right enough yapping let's get into it first up the liveaction Bratz movie the liveaction Bratz movie released in 2007 in order to capitalize on the popularity of the dolls and the animated films it was not received well by critics or anyone really it did somehow score five Award nominations though so that's pretty good it was up for worst picture worst actress worst supporting actor worst screen couple and worst remake or ripoff they fortunately lost all of these Awards to the film I Know Who Killed Me starring Lindsay Lohan which sounds insane from what I've read so freaking subscribe if you want me to talk about that movie do it right now the liveaction Bratz movie acts as sort of like an origin story of the Bratz and it follows Sasha Yasmin Jade and Khloe as they try to navigate their first few years of high school this had a full-on theatrical release and the people behind it had like a lot of faith in this movie the actors were already mentioning a sequel that was in the works during their press tour well Bratz two brat there's going to be a brat two like so they're writing it right now due to the film's lackluster performance at the box office that sequel never came to fruition but I'll let you be the judge on whether or not this movie deserves a sequel so the movie starts with the brats FaceTiming each other while they're all getting ready for their first day of high school and yeah viewers of my channel will recognize the actor who plays Chloe she also plays Kylie in every single baby genius's movie I can't escape those movies man and her Godfather in real life is John voy so fingers crossed I really hope he isn't in this movie either and oh my God damn it of course and in comic sanss nonetheless kick me while I'm down this is where we learn a little bit more about each Brat's life I should say really quick they don't refer to themselves as brats well later it kind of happens but just know that when I'm referring to them as brats they don't really do that yet or okay you'll see you later so the first brat Yasmin we meet her little brother who's obsessed with his looks and then we meet the rest of her family and according to the Brat's Wiki Yasmin is alive so that's that's good I guess why do they have to put that are there dead ones he super up yeah I bought a brad sty but he died but the wiki also says that Yasmin is Hispanic so let's see the movie portrays that aspect of her [Applause] [Music] character now I don't know if you caught that it was pretty subtle but she said buenos Diaz you know you sort of got to read between the lines with this sort of stuff cards on the table I'm not Hispanic but you know if you are please leave a comment let me know if this is accurate let me know if there's a mariachi band at your breakfast table every morning I don't know we then meet Sasha she comes from a wealthy family but her parents are divorced why can't the the two of you just talk to each other I'm the kid you're supposed to be the adult we then cut to Jade her parents are really strict about what she wears and they're really pushy about her academics and extracurricular activities and then we meet Chloe her family life isn't really revealed until later in the movie but she lives with her single mom and I guess they don't have too much money and also she's a fraking k clut Jesus Christ no wonder her dad left so the brats all arrive at their first day of high school but this is No Ordinary high school it's an exaggerated depiction of high school with like really strict messaging everywhere like obey all School signage or you'll be like killed by an axe I guess order obey submit and it seems pretty brutal for a high school to have all these signs like this is what cops say order obey submit Put the gun down okay well actually that that last one actually kind of makes sense for a high school in America so the girls all form a huddle while Jade changes into her cool fashion look that her parents wouldn't approve of and then they all talk about all the cool stuff that they're going to do in high school I'm going to own cheerleading I'm going to try out for soccer you have to join chorus you know you have the most insane voice ever not a chance okay cool so they're like a diverse friend group and they all have different like Hobbies passions and stuff which is bad news for the antagonist of the film Meredith she's the student body president at the school and she keeps everything meticulously organized by clicks and like yeah sure that happens at high schools but like dude this high school has the weirdest most specific clicks ever there are 48 distinct clicks you have the Goths the skaters the uh disco dorks the B boy blingers the gangsters the wannabe gangsters the pretzel people who are into yoga I paused the movie on where they have like the seating diagram of all the clicks and let's just take a look at some of them head gear you're separating people by how crooked their teeth are also headgear isn't like a like a hobby and also why are the cheer leaders beside the gamer Geeks disco dorks Dino students what the are those you dinosaurs your high school and also yo mimes there's enough mimes at your high school to Warrant an entire table I doubt it dude my high school had over a thousand kids in it not one single mime okay they were all married either that or I just didn't notice them because they were so quiet so Meredith's dad is the principal and he's played by John vo yes Daddy what is it which is how she gets away with run the high school like a prison you were right control the population a separate the inmates into groups but like you can just leave school whenever you want you could just walk out so I don't really think like the prison methods apply it's not like you can just drop out of prison if you don't want to go unless you're a politician that was an intelligent joke my God so the arrival of the Bratz is pretty jarring to everybody because they all belong to different clicks but you know they're still hanging out with each other which I get the message they're trying to go for but you're telling me this is the first time a group of friends liked different I find that hard to believe and if you can just choose what click you're going to go into the first day I'd be like okay I'm going to be a popular kid how about that I'm popular put me with them I'm popular and also I'll say it I'm about to say it if this is a Bratz movie make the characters look like Bratz give them huge heads Big creepy ass eyeballs dude them showing up and like the entire school being confused would make way more sense if they look like that who is that the new guy yeah that's him he's so cool hey guys sorry my head is so heavy it's okay it's okay it's okay so all the girls start going to their classes this is where we meet Jade's love interest Dexter played by none other than a young Chad Hanks Big up the whole island massive it's your boy chatt coming straight from that golden glob was filmed before he converted to Jamaican but it's still pretty cool to see what Chad Hanks is up to when it isn't the white boy summertime boy it's a white boy summer there's then a montage of all the girls excelling in their extracurricular activities featuring amazing dialogue written by an adult pretending to be a teenager so bring it girl I brought it nailed it lent it to my friend's K sister and I brought it back while you were still figuring out the beat how do you do fellow kids Sasha is cheerleading Jade is doing some cool science stuff and Chloe is playing soccer and dude even the sports messaging is unnecessarily threatening win at all costs I don't think you should be telling that to students who are treated like prisoners imagine she's just shanking people as she that's what shanking looks like we then cut to Yasmin she's supposed to be the singer of the group but she has crippling stage fright also just realize the term crippling stage fright is pretty dramatic yo dude you can't park there that's a handicap spot okay bro ever heard of an invisible illness I have stage fright okay now if you'll excuse me I have a doctor's appointment hate to be the one to tell you this but you have stage four cancer stage okay this next part is super weird so Yasin like runs away from band practice because of her stage fright and bumps into this guy named Dylan and I'll just let this scene play for you guys why you want where you're going are you blind hello no but I'm deaf what I'm deaf you don't sound deaf I you don't look ignorant but I guess you can't judge a book [Music] right okay first off she looks genuinely petrified that she just encountered a deaf guy also what an absolutely outof pocket thing to say to someone you don't sound DEA why you don't look blind the brats go for lunch and are confronted by Meredith about sitting together I have the seating charts right here but they hold strong and they're commitment to their friendship together thanks but I think we'd rather sit together and then one minute later they immediately throw all of that out the window check out this radical theum you'll absolutely dig it hey Sasha come sit with us I got to go bye Sasha yo CL girl come check this out what the hey listen we're going to be friends forever okay no one is going to tear us apart I'm with you to the very end through thick and thin I'm not going anywhere ctis come sit with us all right see you later and then the other annoying part is immediately after they're all like split up and they're all like sad about it they're all just like frowning at each other guys if this is making you sad don't do it just sit with each other what's the big deal anyway there's a small Montage of the friend group slowly starting to drift apart because they're all busy with their school activities but like they lifelong best friends so I assume this will blow over in just a couple weeks 2 years yeah they stopped talking for 2 years because they didn't eat lunch together once hey guys sorry to break it to you but I don't think you guys are really that close of friends if all it took was one lunch apart from each other for your entire group to Grumble so all the girls are now stuck in their respective clicks except for Yasmin she's she's kind of a loner now probably because people found out how mean she was to that deaf guy we got to a school assembly and Merith announces there will be a talent show in a few weeks and the grand prize is a scholarship to the school of their choice isn't that amazing also correct me if I'm wrong because my high school didn't have any like class president or maybe it did I just wasn't paying attention but I thought the student body president had to be a senior if Meredith was the senior president 2 years ago and is still the senior president now now I think she might be a little old to be the President right but hey this does take place in America that was an intelligent joke we now cut back to Dylan he's playing the piano in the music room but gets frustrated because he can't hear very well I don't if you picked up on that pretty subtle I'm death and this is when the music teacher walks in Dylan you've been holding out on it huh all this time I thought you were just some Cool Jock okay dude all this time I thought you were just some cool swagged out jock turns out you're goated as well so they have this big emotional discussion about Dylan missing music because he's deaf I don't know if you know that it's pretty subtle what are you talking about I can't hear and then it cuts to the music teacher teaching Dylan how to like spin records while holding his hand to the speaker so he can feel the music Beethoven [Music] style and look it is super cool that they tried to add a character like this and tried to tell a story that often doesn't get told in movies like this especially back in 2007 but like if you're going to give us a DEA character give us a deaf character and obviously defus it's obviously on a spectrum like everything else but the thing that just kind of bugs me is like this character's entire Arc revolves around him being deaf what are you talking about I can't hear while also being able to read lips perfectly which is like almost impossible to do and he's also able to easily communicate with everybody around him with zero issues ever you want to learn a few tricks that doesn't give us anything like interesting he's just another character who's like oh yeah but also I'm de like I would have loved to see an actual deaf actor portray this dude who like needs to use sign language to communicate that would have been awesome to see I don't know I feel like everything in this movie is just done halfway even with the main characters a common criticism I've seen about this movie is that all the main brats characters have been whitewashed from their original character designs so for sure they whitewashed was the heck out of Yasmin in my opinion I mean they whitewashed all of the girls quite a bit but Yasmin for sure the beauty in the brat dolls is that they were so diverse they tried to represent every race in background as best as they could you had a black Bratz doll you had Hispanic an Asian and a white one like the Jade character in the Bratz universe is Asian but they made her half asian in the movie asmin is whitewashed as well in this movie but I guess it's okay cuz the mariachi band well and I've even seen criticism about Sasha's portrayal Sasha is dark skinned y'all see her that is dark skinn okay Not only was Sasha played by a lightskin woman she was played by a by racial woman me and many other black girls growing up we love Sasha we love the fact that Sasha was dark skinned we love seeing a dark skinned girl be confident in who she was and she owned it okay like this movie had such a cool unique opportunity to tell a bunch of interesting stories but it just never even tried to do any of that which is frust frustrating but I digress okay guys this next scene is pretty crazy narith dog makes Chloe spill her lunch on Jade which causes her to spill on Sasha which causes Sasha to spill on Yasmin and look I've seen enough teen movies to know where this is going they are really running this school like a prison the guards will be out here smacking these kids silly dude they'd be pepper spraying them and step your game up Meredith and also why is she so happy in this scene her character's entire identity hinges on the school being controlled and organized this is the opposite of what she would want also sorry I forgot there's there's one line before the food fight that's like my favorite line of the whole film Sasha you stupid cheerleader you did not just say that how dare the call me a wizard so the brats get blamed for the food fight I want to know who did this and they get sentenced to death no I'm kidding detention detention they get detention and yo Chloe is absolutely posing that back there holy relax they told her she had the serve time all she heard was serve so they all start arguing and then Sasha hits Chloe with the chirp of the century what are you talking about Sasha at least we don't buy our friends with our Daddy's bank account only because you don't have a dad or a bank account yeah that'll stop you from posing real quick so they all end up talking again and reminiscing about their old friendship we can be friends with each other and to our own thing right okay how Jesus Christ guys okay so that's all it took one conversation with each other and you guys are friends again which is great for them but like if I was Chloe I'd be like yo Sasha you I'm not your friend you just had the meanest thing ever anyways the brats are back and Merith is not happy about that and those Bim bets wouldn't be in detention and back together creating Anarchy In My Kingdom back at yasmin's house she's singing lukara with her mom because again I don't know if you could tell but her family is Hispanic while this is going on yasmin's little brother records her singing with her mom because the most embarrassing thing you could do as a teenager is share a genuine loving moment with one of your parents we then cut to the Bratz at the mall because they're buddies again and this is when Dylan walks by and they all freak out hey tell just checked you out did you see that he's into you what Dylan are you kidding me he's totally not my type yeah I think we know he's not your type yasine we then cut to a hilarious scene of the brats eating together during lunch and all their respective clicks beckoning them over to eat with them and I know this is an exaggeration of high school and clicks but it's so funny to imagine a soccer team wearing their jerseys all day every day and just standing around holding soccer balls in their hand and just tossing them up and down like that's the one thing you're not allowed to do with soccer balls yo come to [Music] us but sucker she's on the soccer then we get a pretty cool scene with Chad Hanks you're going to cry H you're Jama making me crazy we going all right this next scene is super weird the plot is thickening though so yasmin's little brother shows up to Meredith's house because her little sister forgot her ballet shoes at dance class so you'd assume he would be there to return those shoes right yo cherish you left your shoes up La class but he does have any shoes with him went all the way there to just tell her that she forgot her shoes that is psycho Behavior dude hi sorry NYPD I've got good news for you we found your son oh my God is please is is he okay oh yeah he's fine we found him at a Wallmart about an hour away from here oh thank God I was worried sick I can imagine all right see you later bye back to the movie sorry yasmin's little brother shows Meredith the embarrassing video of Yasmin and her mother singing together and uploads it onto a USB stick for Meredith to keep I'm going to try to speed through the rest of this movie because we still have a whole other movie to talk about so here we go we cut to a scene with Yasmin singing in the music room when Dylan walks up also really quick before I show you this clip so this actor isn't deaf and he's doing like a voice to like sound like a de guy and the voice that he landed on is pretty wild I don't know what he was going for but it kind of sounds like he's like inhaling helium then exactly hear your voice I felt your voice yeah super weird your singing's amazing seriously I understand I mean I can't hear but I heard you okay here here sing something open eyes I can see what's in front of me so that's how you heard me okay sorry to nitpick here but if you're singing with the microphone that close to the speaker there's going to be me so much feedback why your voice feels so strong how are you hitting that note for so long I'm bleeding we then cut to Meredith's birthday party where she is singing a song called fabulous fabulous sound familiar dude I can't imagine what it was like for the producers of this movie to put out a film for teens that features a song called fabulous on August 3rd 2007 and then exactly 14 days later High School Musical 2 the film 14s is released featuring a song called fabulous and absolutely blew it out of the water in terms of popularity and cultural relevance Troy what do you think about the Bratz movie Meredith plays the video of Yasmin and her mom and it kind of backfires because nobody really gives a and honestly this whole party scene really did not need to happen in the movie but one kind of important thing happens at the end of the party you br in for everyone you you she said it she said the name of the movie yeah did they ever do that in High School Musical 2 I don't think so so what are we some sort of High School Musical 2 okay sorry for showing my cards a little early here but this movie sucks the structure and pacing is so weird they had this whole like triumphant moment at Meredith's party and things were looking up for the Bratz and all the other students at the high school like rebelling against the idea of of clicks and it's like a really empowering moment for everybody but when they go back to school the next day it's like nothing happened well she's brought back clicks what the how you either need to spend more time with us or we need to cut you from the roster come on chat it's pronounced roster with that hard R bro roster okay sorry we're almost at the end I promise the Bratz and Dylan devise a plan to save the school and this is how they're going to do it they are going to enter the talent show wow the only way to get everyone back together is to win the talent show that's genius yeah bro thinks he's part of the team a lot of pointless happens after this so I'm just going to jump right to the talent show Meredith sings another song with some Timeless lyrics I have 10 million friends and then the brats walk in and demand to perform when Meredith shows the school all the Brat's deepest darkest Secrets like how Jade dresses in all black clothing when she comes to school or how Khloe's mom used to be a maid for Meredith's family exhibit B All-American Girl the perfect daughter when her mother desperately needed a job my family was kind enough to offer her employment as our mate just the worst dude unforgivable crap but somehow everybody accepts their super up dark secrets and they let the brats perform Meredith this one's for [Music] you and this part is confusing to me because Jasmine was the sole singer of of the group but out of nowhere Jade has like a beautiful singing [Music] voice oh yeah and also Sasha and Chloe as [Music] well poor Jasmine she's had no click at all for like the whole film The only thing she had was a good singing voice could you imagine after all that finding out that your multi-talented friends can also sing just as well as you I'd be so pissed the brats kiss the cheeks of the guys they like except for Sasha she doesn't get a boyfriend they win the scholarship and give it to Chloe cuz she doesn't have any money and then they're asked by MTV to perform at their next red carpet Premiere hey we're having the movie premiere next Saturday night how would you girls like to be the featured act on the red carpet and that's the liveaction Bratz movie pretty much the only other thing that happens is there's a sad music video from the actor who plays Jade during the credits for some reason in conclusion I feel like the liveaction Bratz movie didn't really have anything to do with the Bratz dolls and overall lore like the animated Bratz movies feature the Bratz traveling the world and getting into crazy unbelievable situations and I think that would have been cool to see in live action but in reality this movie could have just been called clicks like I feel like they just already had this script and grabbed the Bratz name just to like get people to watch it you know so I think I'm going to give the liveaction Bratz movie uh five out of 10 all right now it's time to watch the frakin shitty ass liveaction Barbie [Music] movie okay we've got a problem I think you all know who would win between the cheesy liveaction Bratz movie released in 2007 and the brand new Barbie movie featuring Margo Robbie and Ryan Gosling and was also directed by Greta gwi Bratz doesn't stand a chance dude and what would I even say about the the Barbie movie it's good the only thing I could make fun of is like the blatant Chevrolet product placement in the Barbie movie but even that's not a big deal you know you got to fund your production somehow right and that reminds me let's hear where from today's sponsor this video is sponsored by the Pokemon company International yeah you heard me dude that's right this is literally a freaking dream come true this video is sponsored by the Pokémon company International folks it's that time of year and Pokémon unite is bringing you to a winter wonderland do not miss your chance to snag the one and only mosara for free engage in a frosty battle in the limited time game mode and also unwrap your free daily gifts dude I've been having so much fun playing Pokemon unite and I cannot wait to play with meow skara because there's so many possibilities with its Myriad of play Styles and different Combos and just take a look at these animations I mean come on dude are you kidding me incredible if you're down for some festive fun and a little bit of a challenge as well give the snowball battle game mode a try if your Pokémon's h HP drops to zero you'll transform into a snowman right on the spot gather Lights by playing and unlock some sugar plum holiday rewards by lighting up the AOS tree and that sounds like a lot but that's not it there's so much more holiday fun Pokemon unite has in store tons of holiday events and gifts are happening in the game like the daily free prize machine ball throws that guarantee a holloware reward so click the link below to get unite today which is free to start by the way on iOS Android and Nintendo switch and join in on all the holiday fun Pokemon unite has to offer and don't forget to leave a comment if you spot me in a match thanks again to the Pokemon company International for sponsoring this video again click the link in my description and get unite today which is free to start on iOS Android and Nintendo switch happy holidays folks and I'll see you on Pokemon unite yeah it would be unfair for me to pit these two movies against each other so I'm not going to luckily there is another liveaction Barbie movie that we can talk about instead not a lot of people know about it it was released in the year 2000 it doesn't explicitly use the Barbie name but also the Bratz movie didn't really use the Brat's name either so I feel like it's it's pretty fair the original liveaction Barbie movie is called lifeside starring Tyra Banks and the 2007 award show sweeper from earlier in the video Lind Zohan this movie is about a little girl's doll that comes to life and hilarity ensues so let's see if this unofficial liveaction Barbie movie can beat the liveaction Bratz movie the movie starts with a commercial for a doll named Eve she lives in a fictional American town called Sunny Veil and she's had every career imaginable so this is very clearly a parody of Barbie dolls like the song says we then cut to the real world and we get a hilarious line from a little girl looking at an eve doll through a window how about one of those no way I don't want a doll I want something with microchips girls in their microchips he's Louise when will it end you hear that parents if you got a daughter don't get her a Barbie doll get her an industrial siiz fax machine I want something with microchips fact I don't get it Sam used to be we couldn't keep dolls on the Shelf now all those kids want is high-tech this high- Tech that it is really funny that this was an issue back in 2000 when the most high-tech laptop looked like hat if this lady time traveled to the Future and saw an iPad baby in action dude head would explode we then cut to a football game and this is when we meet the main character Casey played by Lindsay Lohan and she's not like most girls she plays football and hates dolls going to like leaner head I hate dolls as much as I hate you and Michel chips Casey is looking for her dad Ben in the stands but he's not there he's at the law firm he works at because this is a kids movie from the early 2000 thousands I miss Casey's game again and there's two types of dads in these movies it's either Dad number one the sports dad forcing their kid to play a certain sport so later in the movie The kid can be like I'm not throwing away my dream Dad I'm throwing away yours throw away your dream oh dad throw away yours oh my God or Dad number two a busy business dad who never shows up to the sports games but ultimately saves their kids life when they fall off of a building because he got accidentally dressed up as turbo man thanks Turbo man I knew you'd save me you can always count on me you got have one or the other you got to pick your poison so this is where we meet Ben and his coworker Drew who obviously has a crush on him what if I cook a fabulous dinner tomorrow night for you and Casey at my place but he's not really ready for a relationship and here's why she's only been here 6 months already she wants to cook for you drew is great I'm just not ready you've been saying that for 2 years you know you need to loosen up have some fun again Karen would have wanted you to move on so yeah Casey's mom mom passed away 2 years ago and since then Ben has just been like burying himself in his work in order to you know keep his mind off of it we then immediately cut to Casey researching a resurrection spell on her computer in order to bring back her dead mom looking to bring back a lost soul try hross books of the Dead Again girls in their microchips man she stumbles upon a book that is for sale at a bookstore close to her house that claims to have the ability to bring someone back to life and let me just say I am 4 minutes into this movie and I am already way more emotionally invested into these characters than I was to any character in the Bratz movie dude a little girl looking up a resurrection spell on the internet to bring back her dead Mom are you kidding me dude that is heartbreaking does everything happen for a reason sometimes things just happen sweetheart like oh my god dude that's so sad the next day Casey is on her way to the bookstore and this is when we find out that it's not just the dad who changed when the mom died apparently Casey is totally different now too she used to be a girly girl who would go to the mall with her friends but she can't do that anymore because malls are for girls with moms I guess so now she's like a tomboy who plays football which is actually pretty nice when you think about it maybe she's doing it like as an homage to her mom cuz you know her mom also reached the end zone of her life I'm sorry sorry the refs are deliberating on whether or not that joke was funny here they're ruling on the field D yes and that's what I call the touchdown okay let's see what Casey's old friends have to say did you check out the new shoes at the mall yeah great they're so cool again I'm not Hispanic is this what girls talk about you seen the new shoes at the mall dude no I haven't actually no what are you talking about you're going to have to be more specific dude cuz you know how the mall is the mall have you seen that new website on the internet yeah it's the best I love being 12 don't look now but here comes the loner that's not very nice ever since her mom mom died she's totally ignored us yeah like get over it already Casey yo what the maybe it's a good thing she isn't friends with them anymore dude oh my god get over it already I got over her mom dying months ago what's taking her so long so Casey turns down their invitation to the mall we're going to the mall want to come no thanks and heads over to the magic bookstore she realizes she doesn't have enough money to buy the magic book 63 so she just steals the damn thing the book store owner then finds a note from her and he is not happy great he'll never see her again uh Casey the book was only $150 why would you owe him $8,700 looks like you should have stolen a math book idiot Casey then goes home and starts to read more about the spell now you are ready to summon a life force step one prepare the altar now make a wish hilarious reaction to prepare the altar sacrifice a baby goat [Music] so now it's Casey's birthday this is when Drew shows up and surprises Casey with the birthday gift hey sweetie happy birthday I couldn't help myself oh what do you know a doll this is a very special doll an eve doll let's go to the mall so obviously Casey doesn't really care for the gift because she hates dolls and Michael so she tosses Eve up on a shelf above her sacrificial pentagram girls in their Satanic ritual and this part is pretty crazy so I'll try my best to recap it Casey needs to place one of her mom's hairs in the pentagram so she grabs her old hairbrush and places it in the middle she's then interrupted by Drew so she hides the pentagram Drew then starts touching and then a bunch of stuff falls on top of the ritual site including Eve Casey then packs it all up and leaves for a moment Drew decides to brush Eve's hair with Casey's dead mom's hairbrush which leaves some of Eve's hair on the brush so when Casey comes back to finish the ritual the brush now has Eve's hair in it so it brings Eve to life instead of Casey's mom Casey's mom is going to stay dead now I have a few questions about this it's not like using the brush on Eve got rid of all of her mom's hair so shouldn't both of them come to life or like some up combination of the two of them Casey wakes up in the morning to find some grotesque maab Abomination a half plastic half fleshy being four arms and four legs and the memories of her mom but the face of Tyra Banks the other thing that doesn't make sense this is a resurrection spell she res on my erection to my spell this spell should only bring someone back from the dead why the did it bring Eve to life the implications of that are terrifying that would mean Eve is dead which would then mean every doll used to be a living breathing person which would mean there's like a colony somewhere of Little Women and companies are stealing them and like Taxidermy them also and selling them to little girls that's up dude and also dude if that's true Retta Gerwig made two movies about little whammy but anyway the next morning Casey wakes up and a real life Eve is laying beside her in her bed Casey starts freaking out but Eve is pretty excited about this you can't be I'm Eve Casey starts reading the book a little bit more and she finds out that the spell becomes permanent upon the Setting Sun of the fourth day and then she finds out in order to reverse any of the Spells she needs to buy volume two of the book to reverse spell see volume two the book of Awakenings volume two pretty up I didn't know upselling and capitalism existed even in witchcraft I'm so dead now dad finds out what happened he'll really send me back to that shrink um considering your current problem I think a shrink is exactly what you need sorry they head over to the bookstore to get volume 2 and Eva is freaking out about everything because she's never seen any of this real life she's a doll I can smell they end up getting chased by the bookstore owner and Casey almost gets hit by a truck but Eve saves her life by serving face to the driver Ben sees all of this go down and he thanks Eve for saving Casey's life I'm Ben Stewart are all them men here as handsome as you are oh okay so I got to talk about this really quick because this movie uses a Trope that I learned about from a pop culture detective video essay a couple of years ago and now I see the Trope like very frequently and it creeps me out every time and this Trope is called Born sexy yesterday and it is insane how frequent it appears in movies the video essay explains it much better than I will but it's usually a Trope that exists in like sci-fi films basically when there's an attractive adult Woman character who is either a robot or an alien or some other foreign sentient being who was either created or Shipwrecked or transported from another world so this adult woman is experiencing our world in an innocent naive childlike way while also being a fully grown woman who was often hypersexualized and the Trope appeals to men obviously like everything else because if you're like a guy and you met a beautiful woman who's never met any other man before you're automatically going to be seen as the smartest most handsome man they've ever seen because you're the first one they've ever seen and lifesize doesn't abuse this Trope as bad as a movie like The Fifth Element does where the female character literally talks like a baby bada big boom big boom yeah big bada boom bada boom big boom big b boom and then Bruce Willis is like she's the perfect woman perfect but it's still a little weird to see the Trope in this film pretty much the best way to describe the born sexy yesterday Trope is that clip of Fred Armon in the one episode of Broad City I'm sorry I'm a little baby I'm a baby I have no money okay back to the movie they bring Eve to the mall to repay her for saving Casey's life and then we get a classic early 2000s trying clothes on Montage they then go get dinner when Eve starts thirsting over Ben you are the most interesting man that I have ever met like I said earlier he's the first guy she's ever met so of course she's going to think that way also dude in terms of one of your toys coming to life I feel like this isn't that bad this might be the one aspect of life where dudes would have it harder I'm sorry because that was a stereotypical like young boy growing up and this got me thinking like what would happen if one of my action figures came to life one day lead us not into temptation but Deliver Us [Music] deliver finish it finish it evil it would kind of be something like that so Casey then tells her dad that Eve is a doll come to life but obviously he doesn't believe it Dad Eve's really a doll Casey I knew you wouldn't believe me so she decides to prove it to him she finds out that each Eve doll has a special number printed on the bottom of their left foot for authentication purposes so in her head she's like well if I can show my dad the number stamped on the bottom of Eve's foot then he'll believe me when I say that she's a doll and let me tell you I know exactly how that would go dad you got to believe me Eve is a doll she came to life look Casey I know your mom is gone and you're looking for a motherly figure right now but this this isn't healthy but Dad I'm telling the truth I won't entertain this crazy idea any longer that's enough about Eve being a doll but I could prove it Dad all I have to do is show you Tyra Banks's bare feet okay so Ben actually ends up hiring Eve as his receptionist and obviously things don't go well because she doesn't know what the hell is going on she's just a baby my nail so the other receptionist is super mad at her and is about to kick her out when Eve decides to give her a makeover you're made a new woman out of me and because of that Eve gets to keep her job and go to the big office party that night Eve is there with Ben's cooworker and he's totally Head Over Heels about [Music] [Laughter] her you are wild yeah she's crazy I've never met a woman who ate food before I'm going to have to keep my eye on you so halfway through the party Eve asks Ben to dance but surprise surprise she can't do that either relax I don't understand I'm the best ballum dancer in Sunny listen to the music okay look I can believe in a doll coming to life but I draw the line at a white guy with rhythm that really breaks the immersion anyways they dance the fraking house down and then Eve slaps Ben's coworker but I think he deserved it if you staying in my house I'd never let you out if I could get away with it I would kill you Eve then starts singing the eve doll theme [Music] song which you'd assume would be a dead giveaway to Ben but he does not put two and two together a and then later back at the house Ben and Eve share an intimate moment and are about to kiss when Casey catches them in the ACT how could you and this upsets Casey for obvious dead mother reasons but it's like get over it already Ben tries to calm her down but doesn't want to hear any of it go away I hate you and look no matter what's going on that is no way to talk to your father I think Eva's got to step in and give Casey a good talking to I have never in my life yelled a girl like this I was rooting for you we were all rooting for you how dare you learn something from this you rolling in your eyes and you act like this cuz you've heard it all before you have no idea what I've been through but I'm not a victim I grow from it and I learn go away some more pointless happens in the movie so we'll skip ahead a little bit Eve shows up to K football practice and they share a nice moment together so it's cool that they're bonding now meet me back at the house okay just thinking now this movie would have been like way cooler if like Casey's football came to life wow what should I do today football kill me the last little bit of this movie shows Casey and Eve becoming really close but there's a problem Casey finds out that volume two of the spell book arrived at the bookstore Paul cr's Book of the Dead volume two has arrived and Eve also makes a shocking Discovery Eve's performance has continued to slide company officials begun the process of pulling back the line a decision on whether to cancel the doll will come in 2 weeks they can't yeah losing a parent is heartbreaking okay but I can speak from experience it is nothing compared to a flop era Casey tells Eve that it's the fourth day of the spell but she doesn't want to reverse it anymore because she loves Eve now today's the fourth day by Sunset the spell will become permanent permanent yeah you'll never have to be a doll again it's official but that complicates things because now Eve wants to reverse a so she can go back to Sunny Veil make sure Eve dolls aren't discontinued but Casey I just saw on the TV they're about to there's my ride got to go back at Ben's office he's at a super important meeting that will give him this big promotion that he's been working towards for years but he does something crazy I'm going to a football game most Casey going to win without her biggest fan and this confuses the hell out of his boss Ben I've already lost someone very close to me and I'm not about to let that happen again oh my god get over it already Ben finally shows up to one of Casey's games and immediately gets her tackled go Casey and Casey is all happy about this but if I was her I'd be so mad dude first off you distract me so I get tackled dick and also you spent the last 2 years skipping all of my games in order to get a big promotion and then the last minute when it actually matters you just oh now you bail now it's okay to come to my game so all of the the last two years were for nothing dick you can have been at all my games you know you Dad sorry I digressed that the last you Dad might have been me projecting unfortunately Casey's team loses what happened they lost but at least her dad is there to comfort her this [Music] time I'm so sorry I haven't been there for you I can just hurt too much all the things we used to do together you your mom and I oh she would be so proud of you the hell man I miss her so much this movie bro this has never happened before okay damn it let's finish this movie okay Casey and Ben walk off the field and get some bad news about Eve where's Eve Oh you mean that nice looking woman she just left she asked me to tell you could buy what yes she said she found a book got someone to read it to her and she's head it home yeah Eve is going back to Sunny Veil so they head to the toy manufacturer's head office to stop Eve before she leaves forever and this part's kind of annoying because Ben is like walking through the halls and sees posters of the eve doll and now he's finally like oh wait a second Eve kind of looks like Eve but luckily they catch Eve before she leaves and they convince her to stay we made it in time it's not too late Casey it is the Spell's complete yeah just kidding Eve is leaving it's not possible right you can't really be [Music] it okay I added in that boing sound but come on Tyra for free so there's a really nice speech here about Eve incorporating everything she's learned from Casey and bringing it back to the doll world and then she sadly turns back into a doll what a for crying oh and I'm glad they did it this way like a you know like a magic spell sort of way instead of like a realistic transformation into a doll I can imagine being shrunken down into a plastic doll is like excruciating this would be a lot more traumatic for Casey and Ben if it went down like that bye Eve we'll miss you goodbye oh this feels kind of funny oh ow ow ow ow I've never felt a pain like this before I why you let me do this no I don't want to be a doll anymore I was rooting for you we were all rooting for you how dare you but anyway the movie ends with Eve dolls becoming super popular again Ben gets his promotion and is now dating Drew and Casey is friends with her mean old buddies again and they run off into the sunset to look at the new shoes at the mall we have so much to tell you so do I get over it already shine right shine don't be sh be a stop where you live where you are it bright shine be a star okay that's my new favorite movie I think damn it well as cheesy and like painfully early 2000s this movie was I genuinely loved it I did not expect this at all I waited to watch the Greta gerg Barbie movie until I started filming this I just watched it like a couple days ago I think I like life siize way more than the liveaction Barbie movies you know what I think I give life size a 9 out of 10 all right well I guess that means this Barbie versus Brat's Trilogy can finally come to an end because we have a definitive winner after 2 and 1/2 years six movies thousands of balls sound effects millions of e sound effects and one horny weasel later the winner of the Barbie versus Bratz Trilogy is Bratz okay yeah it dude this is my channel my rules brats wins solely because they never had Kelly in their movies okay you Kelly you ugly freak all right thank you so much for watching this video and the other two if you've seen them this was these videos are always so much fun to make and as sad as it is to see it come to an end maybe we can start a new rivalry maybe leave a comment let me know if there's some similar type of types of movies that are that I could pit against each other also press the like button man maybe I'll get the number of likes the exact number of likes tattooed on the bottom of my foot also press the Subscribe button okay because if you don't know as soon as you press the Subscribe button you become a valued citizen of Curtis town if you don't know Curtis town is the best place to live in the world and I'm the mayor so you have to be nice to me it's the law you can check the description for all the other stuff I do my weekly podcast called very really good my comedy special keep busy is now available to the end of the year so go check it out watch it if you want thank you so much for the support on that all right that's it I would stick around but unfortunately I have to get though I have detention so see you
Channel: Kurtis Conner
Views: 3,542,962
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2r8RYQ3UnqA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 28sec (2968 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 08 2023
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