Will He Survive! We Did Everything We could! (Not Clickbait)

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[Music] i messaged the plano animal shelter animal shelter texas i didn't know what it was it's on the government website she texted back and said yes that they could take it and so anyway we are on our way over here we can get him some help y'all because i know he's in a lot of pain feels so bad for him y'all like he's such a little bitty guy and like is he so you know she said be careful because they have sharp teeth and they're quick and i told don't worry i'm a pro basically like this is like my fifth time doing this in my life like rescuing a squirrel that's a lot of squirrels i feel like i've done my duty for the squirrel community onward to murphy texas [Music] so check it out one of these guys right here him or the one that's hiding under the couch probably the one that's hiding on the couch severely hurt a squirrel i think so i was walking through here and it was trying to crawl up the trellis and it just kept falling and falling so anyway i've already had one attempt i didn't tell gina about it and i came in to get tools and she kind of sniffed it out that something was going on y'all don't judge me i swear when we rented this place this pool was back here it was i promise this is not our job back here i just haven't cleaned somebody else's stuff up here so i swear it's not mine hey little guy it's like a snake oh come here he's holding on with his paw i know he is oh god oh okay he went there he went through oh no you know he's stuck i know oh see i think it's his leg right there see look it's down oh are you sure it was one of our doors oh oh no look how it's so see it doesn't have any fur right away from the other oh okay get the tub i see he's right here i know you're scared i'd be scared too i promise you i'm just trying to help you this isn't the first time you've rescued a squirrel oh hi buddy yeah i just broke my second crocodile hunter crocodile dundee what was his name my enema is my hunting toy that's the second one my bro okay he's scared he's so big this is my squirrel i talked about in that video you know when i told people about my squirrel yeah it's okay buddy all right so what i'm doing here guys is i'm just trying to build a relationship with the squirrel so that he doesn't bite me as hard when i tend to put him in there so kids don't try this at home hey buddy but he's so scared he's tired he's worn out he's wondering who's friend or foe right now i studied squirrels no i haven't i've never seen just a general principle all creatures have poor baby i'm so sorry i hope my dogs didn't do that to you come here come here okay come here no you're gonna have to pull that stuff way back i know but i'm trying not to hurt him or scared feel like he's so scared if he jumps on me i'm gonna scream legit i'm gonna scream like a girl okay this is all guys coming i'm nobody no no no no no no hey come back come back look it's okay i'm your friend you have to go back to the museum look oh come here buddy he's trying to get out now he's stuck i know i know i'm so sorry look i'm your buddy i'm just trying to help you and you're running you're causing yourself more harm do you really want to die like this i know you're scared bud okay come on okay i gotta go run you want me to stay here i'm gonna scare him back through okay oh yeah now he's trying to come back see now what i got to do is i got to block this so you can't come back through that's a little trick i learned in the bush oh in the bush yeah on discovery town oh there he goes oh he can't can hardly move hi baby oh he didn't try oh his leg is broke oh my gosh what do we do about this i don't know he's gonna jump on my face it's okay i bet i don't know if we could do anything for him i know because he made me sad what would you just leave me to die i'm not saying i'm saying like uh what what's i don't know why the you gotta know what do we do yeah whiskey we'll get some whiskey in like an avid pm or something that'll not at least it'll let him go in peace [Music] he's completely broken on the left side buddy no what do we do we don't have a cage for him to try and monitor him or anything i don't know if this is one of those moments where it says like three years later and he's running around here like around the pool with a wheelchair on his back legs or on his hat you know what i mean i don't know what to do i don't think anybody will take him no i don't think a vet would take him because i mean i'm sorry buddy i see this guy out here every day i told i knew he was big he was big guys did you google procedures do you want to do surgery if you find a what do you do with the hurt squirrel you should google it maybe someone has some advice all right let's see here you got the phone so let's stop filming and let's google it oh he's gonna die i'm so sorry buddy i know you're in all kinds of pain i'm so sorry all right guys let's call north texas wildlife center and murphy that's like 10 minutes from here um thank you for calling the north texas wildlife center i am unable to get to the phone right now but i may be able to respond more quickly through text if you have found an animal please keep it safe and warm in a quiet location please do not feed it anything unless instructed by a wildlife rehabber i will return all calls and texts as quickly as i can if you do not hear from us within two hours please call seven two zero nine three three four nine four seven that number again is seven two zero nine three three four nine four seven in the future you can press one to bypass this message thank you yes ma'am my name is justin grimes i found a hurt rather large squirrel in our backyard and i have him inside now in a tub but anyway i was gonna see if you or anyone uh he's not bleeding or anything but i think he's got a broken arm and a broken leg um but anyway if someone could give me a call back all right guys so i got i brought him inside he's really scared hey buddy oh was your head still oh you wrapped up good didn't he i put towels in here for him i put water and bread and i just read it said don't give him any okay here he is hi baby how are you are you warm you feel nice and warm in here i called help okay i think he knows i'm trying to help him for sure hey you get out of here get out of the bathroom scout milo squirrel killers okay y'all i know this isn't the proper thing to do but i couldn't find anybody last night and so i took a q-tip and i put a toddler tylenol on a q-tip and dabbed it on his lips because i just know he was hurting so i know it's probably not the right thing to get mad at me but it's all i could think of but i think he just needs rest right now i put a cup of water in here i put bread in here just in case but i mean i think he's i don't think he has internal injuries and he would already die but he's nice and warm in here he's got my my vintage air jordan jacket because that's all i could find at the time but so y'all see he's still alive so hopefully we will get an update for a text y'all he's so cute look at his cute little ears this morning i got up with him and i was just sitting uh here rubbing his ears all morning and he was falling asleep so anyway all right he's nice and warm in the house it's cold today in texas and wet and rainy and thunder and lightning and so the website said to put him in a quiet place so anyway so i'm just going to let him rest because he was nice and snugged up in here okay sorry buddy okay so we're gonna put him back in there okay i've got him a little cup of water over here in case he gets thirsty he knows he's in there because his head was right by it but right now i'm just going to keep them warm until they're called banker's hours heck yeah no worries yes all right y'all all right look here's my little buddy oh look he's all curled up at least he's dry now so all right guys so we're going to take him in i'm going to get the bread out so i don't get in trouble do you want a nugget hey should i wear a weave in there that would make this like the coolest animal show ever hey i told you i wanted the animal youtube channel this might be the start of my animal youtube channel hey guys down to the comments let me know would you like to see the grimes finds animal channel oh my god i would have the most ridiculous animal channel hey little buddy oh my gosh y'all look he's so cute he's so hurt oh she's on the phone i gotta get my jacket back oh my god that is so cute see there's your guys do you like specializing squirrels or is this just no it's just this time of year oh my little buddy so we'll take a look at him oh it does make me nervous when you pet him oh i'm i'm serious i know the squirrel like we talk every morning when i have my coffee like last two years did he fall you think i don't know i went in the backyard and he was trying to climb up the trellis and then he was he just started staring over here they have like oh my gosh come on i'll show you look at that baby now what's funny is he was not actually supposed to be in this box with the big squirrels that was going to put him in here for a minute and he jumped in there and i was like that's fine no but i really feel like i know that school oh was that him yeah [Music] most of them well you don't actually use the word abandon we say orphans a lot of nests storms lots of different things that is the cutest thing ever it's so cute all right y'all so it looks like it's a 50 50 shot 50 50. so we are gonna hit up one thrift store for you resell aholics that don't give a crap about squirrels let's hit it up it's right down here y'all and especially it's 75 cent day for t-shirts so that could be great all right y'all check this out all right uh that's what happens when you forget your mask you gotta wear your white polka dotted one well buddy hey he was friendly um [Music] um machines babe what are there's no cards available i feel like oh look micro machine i feel like micro machines are something we should look up do you agree yes oh look shrek toys oh is this like a track playset seven bones huh i'll pass on that still working on that all right guys so here it is i got it back down low actually i'm gonna put my glasses under here that's where his glasses go y'all because they're camera holders look right there are y'all am i focused it's yellow it's not green you gotta say hey guys hey guys all right i don't know all right y'all check it out real quick here's what we found so y'all in reality we just went to three thrift stores because they suck so look i got the micro machines i figure we can probably triple our money on that not big big item uh the t-shirts are gonna be the big money so let's shoot through these real quick gina got this crop top basically all the t-shirts today were 1.99 i like that they're doing more of a that's a gas monkey grill they're here locally uh this is a rangers baseball shirt and it's autographed so we got to find out who that autograph is from if any of you guys know let us know down in the comments so that was a buck 99. uh here keep pulling them out we'll teamwork it okay gina didn't get ready all right y'all look at vintage vans uh 21 pilots i was thinking stone stone temple pilots 21 pilots this is like the second shirt and within a week that i found this uh space jams you know it's kind of got the confetti the competitive the confetti ddd shirt look it's got little speckles in it y'all love this shirt it's that soft cotton but uh i don't know i might be keeping that for myself or it'll be in the auction y'all all right up next y'all look it's hairy pointer like a dog if you're a dog fan and a harry potter fan i found your shirt okay up next we have i thought this was cool bug 99 it's like a vintage exorcist movie uh cover t-shirt up next we got i don't know who this is the kooks the best of tour 2018 the kooks does anybody know who the kooks is i figured two bucks i'd take a shot on it uh gina found this one vintage playstation logo or not vintage it's still their logo love it it's just a classic buck 99 oh i found this one ditto no you thought i found that one you found a pokemon y'all pokemon sells quick so basically we spent two bucks on these shirts i found this one it's a good one the last two shirts pokemon deadpool always sells doesn't it yeah always sells like one of the first things to sell y'all and here's the thing you spend two or three bucks on a shirt maybe not even that a lot of times we'll spend between a buck to two bucks a shirt and then you you easily can sell them for 15 if you sit on them for a while you might be able to sell them for 20 but i mean there's no reason why you can't at least make eight bucks profit per shirt is what i'm saying you think about that you can sell a lot of shirts but anyway so look this says chimichangas and tacos uh deadpool definitely a cool one is that they went to 25 cent shirts too oh yeah we got might as well show you the the crap stores all right so we got all of these for 25 cents a piece i did get this one i thought this was cool i like that one it's a melting rubik's cube for 25 cents y'all 25 cents yeah all of this that you're seeing now we got for two dollars yeah so this is this is just stained it's it's got the kool-aid logo down on the bottom of it 25 cents it needs to be washed though this is actually vintage it's got a vintage older uh tag on it but this is a i think this might be a 4x but it's operation iraqi freedom veteran shirt 25 cents yeah that was a killer shirt for 25 cents another 25 cents y'all i found this this has a cloth tag on it uh but y'all look that's that's nat i don't even that napster is still around i don't think naps are still around napster uh isn't that the first one that came out yeah it came out where you could rip money off from people two hours downloading every time two hours yeah and then you get a virus on your computer right after that so i got an old napster shirt for 25 cents 25 cent star wars uh periodic table 25 i didn't even see this one i picked that one out oh yeah underdog i used to love underdog y'all underdog gina still makes fun of me she's like you're going to watch cartoons in the morning again i love my old cartoons y'all he does he watches him in the middle of the night when he can't sleep and so look i don't even know why i bought this i might have bought it for kindling for my fire i'm just playing y'all but yo he threatened to take away my gun so oh who is this it's better oh beto huh beto for 25 cents so it could be toilet paper i don't know yeah look i think he's looking for his friend he didn't know his friends at the hospital
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 11,578
Rating: 4.9289942 out of 5
Keywords: 3rd hand slots, 911 call, Grimes Finds Storage, Grimes Finds Storage Unit, Police called, bell mail, bitcoin live trading, cj faison, disturbing 911 calls, grimes finds, grimes finds auction, grimes finds wife, jeana grimes, justin grimes, live insaan, locker nuts, morgans, not clickbait, police, scrap and pallet man, storage unit auctions, storage wars, storage wars fight, storage wars fights, storage wars full episode, thats brad, tucker upper, vlog, what the hales
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 19sec (1459 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 23 2021
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