Man Lost THREE 10x30 FT Storage Units To Auction! Whats Inside! We Take A LOOK!

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] alright guys it is Sunday May 24 that's most people's day off but we don't know what days are we are here in Arlington Texas and we are actually about to go see three ten by twenty storage units I mean plumb packed who a buddy of mine Josh McQueen a lot of you guys might know he's been in a few of my videos he is the junkman on YouTube he hasn't been doing much with his youtube but I'm sure he will soon so check him out I'll put his link down in the description but anyway he has become more of a friend to me and so we are going out here then run where I won the safe as soon as I left this fool has got a worse problem than me maybe on buying units that he does not need and y'all know I can be the world's worst at that I'll tell the team hey I'm only gonna buy three four or five units and then I'll come back with like Tim he bought three ten by thirty Joe wasn't a motor might be 10 by 20 I don't know either way those are both huge units so anyway we are going out here he only spent a hundred bucks but he bought these the same day that I bought the safe a few videos ago so hey if you haven't seen that say video you got to go check it out I'm actually proud of that video we had to do that on last-minute fly like we went bought the same went out there filmed all that craziness and then I rushed home to edit it to get it open for you because I really do guys I you guys mean so much to me and Gina that we really do guys I put a lot of effort into this channel now because you guys have just been so kind and loving to us and we really do see you guys as family all right guys so we pulled up to here I'm gonna text him real quick because we don't have a code hey can you text me the code I'm out front yeah hey what side is it is it on the decide what the officer down the other one okay so I think we're at the wrong one all right so hey yeah text me the code I'll be down there so there's no monkey but buying too many units he's a good dude I like him oh good lord he bought three of these ten by 20s for a hundred bucks apiece look he's already been going through him oh my gosh oh look at this alright well we're gonna go see if there's some way that we can help him out either so he asked me hey do you wanna do you want to buy um do you want to split them what do you want to do so anyway we're gonna get out we're gonna do put together a plan to see if we can help he's only gone about ten percent in each unit so he said one of them's just too packed so anyway hey we're gonna get in here might do the dang thing it looks like we're gonna have to do some crawling people it looks like we're have to do some old-school Grimes finds going to the back of the unit over the top alright guys so we are here there is one two three Josh how much did you pay these 150 bucks Wow look at that Camel dude you know what that's for I'll tell you what that's for no well its first saddle is for a camel saddle oh I'm gonna show you this guy's it's all check this out I think that's what it is I think the camel saddle actually would sit on top of this so that is pretty cool look at that guys alright so hey well here's what we're gonna do he's dug in this one there's this one let me show you okay so this one is so what we'll do is we're here assessing and we'll have to go up over that this one same thing will kind of sneak off into the back hey but again guys so what we're doing is is he bought these we're here just to see if we through some way that we can help but I've done this before I bought so many units online but you just get in the moment so hey check it out guys if you were local in the area we're not sure but what we can do to help I'm sure we can find something out but hey if for some reason you're in the Dallas area and you're needing stuff like you just saw the camel thing there can be a lot of cool stuff in here so I don't know we may auction if you're interested in to contact us at grande funds at and I'll put you in contact with Josh as well you have till June 1st plenty of times plenty of time so hey what we're gonna do is I'm gonna hand the camera off to Gina we're gonna start doing our dang thing we're gonna start crawling and assessing and all right guys so again make sure to go to junk simmons youtube channel the link is down in the description so make sure to believe huh okay go follow his channel he's just look he's had some challenges with with his youngins some medical stuff he's had to kind of step away and deal with but anyway he will be back to doing stuff look this guy's out here all the time like me he's a reseller like me he's actually he's a really cool guy look there's other people around the area and I just I will not promote them because this guy's channel and also you can email him if you're interested in anything just email him actually email him and go subscribe to his channel he will be back at it again and he can share more about his journey with his family on there I was gonna pull this out but all this is gonna fall and I'll be real honest it's Sunday it's my day off I don't wanna pick up trash so let's go over the top alright so I did see this real quick before I was about to hop in Bill Jack I think that used to be dog food it was it yeah look since 1947 so yeah that's probably old like what do you call those [Music] yeah farm swords so Bill Jack I saw that in the picture alright hey we're gonna turn this off because I know many of you would like to stare at my butt on this beautiful Sunday morning but I'm not gonna he just was I'm gonna fill this out actions hey these are the best these are the best we lost all of our grocery carts in there to the fire alright guys so hey check it out I've got my glasses on because I can't see so if you don't like it I don't care alright so check it out the first thing I walked in here I was about to climb over this little Paul look what I found hey how about you yeah but this is an older one look it's got the Harley tag okay it's a rod like the wind that's a killer vintage Harley hat that's I bet that demands thirty to fifty dollars at auction alright guys so check it out I was about to go through normally dishes I don't get excited about but when they're Dairy Queen how do you not get excited about Dairy Queen glasses oh no they were using them for candle time sure no or worth a candle thanks I think they're glasses I think they're glasses too so check it out I bet I don't know what year these are from but look there's probably a set of six it looks like so hey right off the bat collectible vintage hat and some very clean glasses it this this propels it you put the water in there and you pump the you pump pressure into it and it spits out the water I think and it makes it propels alright hey what Josh was saying earlier he thinks that this might have been a flea market guy and I'm gonna agree with that assessment because usually when you when people get these units they get the bigger ones and then they put shelves in them like this guy had this thing set up for something and obviously the randomness to this is crazy but so now the thing is is like what is the ratio of sellable to non sellable how much does it cost to trash all of the stuff but hey if you keep pulling stuff out like this you knowed it look this is I can't blame the guys these are he knows it these are my favorite kind of units y'all know it y'all seen my units I like the big messy dusty ones it's got the best treasure alright guys we're just gonna keep going backwards record hey man Tony Romo hey here's you some laptops I know you're in electronics instead of our - alright guys so what am I do is I'm just gonna kind of work my way back and I'm only gonna show you stuff that I find that I think you will want to see all right guys I'm taking over the phone because that's not proper attire babe all right guys so hey uh alright so hey again I'm gonna try to keep only the coolest stuff there's so much stuff in here guys alright so hey we will be rubbing guys so hey I am kind of excited because what we've done down this whole row shown how deep in the there's just tubs of shoes and clothes everywhere look here's some older vintage adidas sweatpants they're really actually I like these a lot I found some air maxes there's tubs of shoes everywhere so hey y'all know that like vintage clothes is kind of my thing and so I'm really thinking that we might find gore-tex that's good brand look here's a TV some kind of toys or something down here so anyway what we're gonna do is is I'm just gonna kind of peek around and then what we're gonna do is we're gonna hop over to the next unit the next gene it's gonna be a challenge there's a big hump we have to go over alright guys so check it out he just said do you want to take it out or do you want to climb it's Sunday again I don't want to be here all day so what I'm doing is I'm taking all this data I'm going to put it in my head and then we're gonna put our heads together and see what we can do because this is a lot of work right now but there could be a car on the other side of that hill we don't know there's only one way to find out just stepped up and again I don't know what it is yeah but it looks like old sport shirt graphic sure we know championship yep it's a championship shirt from 2011 the Mavericks it's a Gildan so I'm gonna say all day that is probably a 20 to 25 dollar shirt even if you just throw it up on Macari I guarantee that's gonna sell quick because it's a championship shirt look my wife is down there John I'm really high up look here's the ceiling I just asked Josh I said Josh have you been back here he said no he said how many boxes is it y'all tell him not in the chitchat down the comments below how many boxes do you think are in here a tub full of jumbo pros comfortable spiral hair rollers well I can't use it hey you know what the first time I met this guy he had dreadlocks where are those those were awesome dude oh that's right I was like check this dude out all right so check it out you know what I'll look starter if these are vintage they'd be awesome no because y'all know so back in the 90s like starter I know they sell starter at Walmart and stores like that big department stores but starter was like the bomb back in the nineties like starter jackets like that's what you want y'all seen that we found several starter jackets said that have brought in big bucks all right guys so I'm just gonna continue to try to crawl on the top of this again here's the roof here is where we are I'm trying to make my way to the back oh wow all right look there's old baseball glove buzz because they hide the good stuff in the back you got to go to the back Hey look there's a fish tank and there's a car with a door missin hey was it hey there's a build-a-bear thing right there look there's some copper pots oh my god looks like oh yeah Rose thinking holy girl alright guys so we are officially in the back of the unit but here's the thing this guy just chunked this stuff in here oh look here's Tubbs here's a giant ninja turtle holy crap is huge it's leo aha here that's a big old turtle alright guys I am curious what is in this tub right here we've got oh look I got weed it's unbelievable alright let's see what's in here more blanket okay so that's just blankets let's see if the Builder bears in here hey man look it's Joseph and Mary have found oh okay that's obviously not a bear it's actually a light bulb thing see it alright guys so I was digging in this trash bag I found this box and look what was inside so it's like these retro kind of style looking adidas these are actually really clean there's nowhere on the souls y'all I'm sinking so sorry about the camera angle so I'm gonna throw these out to Josh she's went up there cuz these are actually nice let's get these out of here I have a sense this is saying why it's like there's a bunch of stuff in here but there's also like every few spots like I see there's there's good stuff like those shoes the vintage clothes like there's a ton of clothes on both of these what I'm gonna do tonight is we're gonna go through the third unit here in a second we're gonna do an assessment and we're gonna come up with a plan see what we can do all right we know we've sold a few things like this being in here a few more things supposed to say Texas Oh a small kick that's cute yeah little fillies it is majestic so look at all these clothes oh my gosh [Music] alright guys first thing I'm seeing look down here I'm seeing more t-shirts and stuff okay this is wild cuz ya'll know like I'm really into the clothing thing right now so young and reckless you know who that is yeah what's the dude that I like to watch on MTV rob rob dyrdek rob dyrdek in his cousin Eden young and reckless his brand what's his name I forget what any man I don't know y'all let me know and I'm the chit chat down in the comments below let me know young and restless isn't that Rob Dyrdek's cousin alright so check it out I'm seeing right here look there's some Nike Nikes right there they're both right there actually here let Josh in here he's taller stay right there boo boo for us by us yo hey me and Josh are all about that food we like check it out we just pulled this whole thing it's ears down like these are FUBU as you saw look here's some Nikes I saw one right there what is this one yeah look at that baby don't matter man how's the soles how's the soles yes plenty of grip plenty of tread left guys and the thing is yeah my taking all right so Jen you are gonna have you're gonna have to go with me we're going back there to see what's going down easy path here we got dressers we got furniture all right look look at all these dog kennels oh wait is it tubs or this might be tops of kennels I think so all right we're gonna venture on back here guys and see if what does he got in here what is in this dog kennel that's an interesting y'all look he's got stuff in all of these little containers yeah see ya Sunday wanna see what statues all right guys if I fall it's been real it's been good knowing you oh yeah I hope it is old there's you some money right there bro right there see the old plastic bloom old Halloween lights oh yeah if it's old it's not a repot let's see yeah dang it I don't know we'll check that it might be a little bit older we'll check it out I just saw the plug in the plug right here I'm saying newer to me definitely newer all right guys do the splits here with some toys all right Hey look at look at look t-shirts clothes clothes clothes maybe clues let's keep yelling alright we have made it and my legs are no longer separated as they should not be let's see what's in here I wanna see what's in this stuff alright guys this said baby clothes but we got cloth tags ninja oh that's a Ninja Turtle sweatshirt yo y'all tell me that's not killer that is a 1992 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle kids sweatshirt now I know a lot of you dads out there the love 80 tools you know you want your kid rocking this contact gosh all right let's look oh look at this so these are all older clothes y'all yeah okay so he wants this but look at this what is this Sydney sports look here's the old jerseys t-shirt all right so I'm gonna hand him this bucket out he's interested in this bucket you see how you did that y'all alright guys back at it yeah sweating like a banshee bro it is hot back here we go let's go down here oh yes a chair solid ground solid ground alright guys well here's more tubs back here these are actually those real nice yellow tubs good lid so he's got good sellable product this is probably what these tubs he would pack up to take to the flea market maybe but look man there's clothes like there's no clothes in here hopefully the vintage clothes I'm guessing that's just kitchen that sounds like Christmas office box office box stuff like this never know what you can find okay this might boxes shredder sorry guys there is a time but stuff look how far back I am these people always hide your crimes going back to the unit see what's going on I think you just did one karma what is this oh look oh is this what I think it is please be Tiny Toons tiny to its Tiny Toons Tiny Toons yes oh and it's got the tag it's got the tag when did I start being a singer on my channel actually I do that in the shower all the time look at the giant tiny turns bugs and it still got the tag on it y'all tiny toons is the bomb we're going to give this the Josh I know he wants to see that hey Josh like a lot the same stuff uh so alright so look there's more plush over there it's definitely older plush yeah it's older plush look there's a giant Care Bear I can't tell what the other one is alright sorry for the heavy breathing guys but I'm telling y'all right now suffocating in here man look at that that's a football yeah that's got they used that y'all that's got to be the thinnest plastic that ain't gonna stop no but that's why nevermind alright that's pretty cool though alright guys the easy part is done the hard part now getting back over this oh well I see a Jordan but I saw this oh look at this this little poor baby needs to go into the washer that is original Care Bear y'all check out this Jordan there's a giant there's a giant vintage one back here but it's under this it's under the shelf all right guys look we got books okay Tom Clancy it's just a mixed bag you know look at all these t-shirts folded up in here so it might be some good stuff all right guys let me get out of this hole because my legs are killing me [Music]
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 25,414
Rating: 4.9280324 out of 5
Keywords: Storage Wars, Storage Wars Fights, Storage auction, How To Make Money, Reselling Business, Thrifting haul, Safe Cracking, Storage Unit Finds, Funny Videos, Ebay resale, Luggage Auction, Unboxing, Mystery Box, Dude Perfect, What the Hales, Steve and Steph Resale, Resale Rabbit, Curiosity incorporated, Whats inside, unboxing, mystery box, storage wars fight, Abandoned Storage, storage stalker, self storage, storage unit, Storage Unit Auction, storage, grimes finds, grimes
Id: KcLbJyOSA3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 32sec (1472 seconds)
Published: Sun May 24 2020
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