Old Vintage Storage Locker Abandoned.. Until Just Now

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what's going on guys Wade with Wade's ventures here and we have another storage unit let's go check it out let's go check it out all right so this is a 10 by 10 here in Hillsboro Oregon and this thing is amazing guys you got mash beer over here this really old solid wood cabinets and look at this rocking chair wow this thing is crazy so we're gonna go through this do an unboxing and try to get all in one load possibly maybe not but this is going to be interesting got old skis up there we're gonna move some big stuff to get to all those boxes but we'll do the unboxing and as always we do crazy amount storage units on this channel make sure you subscribe hit the like Mama's over here she's gonna be the voice guys she's gonna hold the camera and as we go through this stuff and those of you have never seen the box truck I've wanted to open both sides up this is the box truck I use for all my units guys I own it it's amazing and so I look at this you can shut off doors and you can roll right up to the side of the units so really cool we're gonna get into this mom what are you thinking here you think we're gonna make some money in here I think I always like to kind of tell people why I bought it so I paid five hundred and seventy dollars for this unit this thing alone I think is going to be worth like yeah yeah I think it's gonna be like a $300 more yeah I did yeah and these things are not cheap I've never seen this type before but yeah the rocker yep this is gonna be amazing we also have this guy here this is looks like at a commercial grade saw looks pretty heavy look it's got both keys in there so I don't know exactly how much this thing is it's going to be worth but it's going to be one heavy sucker and then you've got I just everything this is a really good unit guys la tools and you look all the way back there it's stacked full of boxes so we're gonna go through that as well and see what the heck is in here as always if there's something in the if there's something in here that you guys know anything about put it in the comments we read them all seriously oh look at Louis Vuitton I forgot about that oh very controversy here okay we have Trump we have Trump okay anyway so let's go through this bad boy right now mom you want to come a little bit around I'm gonna get the keys all right little tiny blue chair alright shut this other side here you wanna show him out we should this thing is amazing guys you ready it was a fun trip going to California for it yes yes and this is kind of what it looks like you know with the side people are like all right get to the unit get to the unit so let's get to the unit mom you stand right over here and first thing we'll show us it's rocking chair it's solid wood no it's it just looks very old very I like old rockers I like the way the curved seat is our closet door [Music] put this guy down [Music] they don't make them like that anymore I would have a small little coffee table type thing in here that I hope you don't try that's what I love about this this is super quick to load we do well with golf clubs it's amazing how many we get that we don't sell them all so these are some older ones and some newer ones you got the steel shafts on them you want shown the yeah here we go yep the funny thing is install clubs are kind of online recently well but sometimes they sit locally this what's this exclusive alright remember guys I know a lot of people count it down for you it's not like a really new one but just a kiss it does take a HDMI that's good so this will solve TVs all really well we've got a few of them lately yeah all right so are we gonna talk about this let's go ahead and start we got records I was hoping for records Oh somebody like to partake a little flower there all right Bob I'm gonna hug you take off the records and show us because well people love the records it's just a lot mmm good all right what else do we got no put it put them all right to the left two of those okay we got you you two all right any old ones these are all Israel who's that oh that's aunt Anna oh is it Oh miss Corp unions okay people will love the records last time so some of them are empty what oh oh one of my personal favorites I like Queen we have Queen I thought there's another Queen in there there is a few oh yeah there's a lot of duplicates in the thing Neil Diamond mom's favorite yep going in - who's that kiss it's like a couple of their songs yeah ooh that one looks freaking nice look at that double platinum kiss oh it's rocking home yeah that's what I like kiss kiss kiss a lot kiss where's our really phones Billy Squier that's not bad Oh they even got the Bee Gees they're not in great shape but no they're not answer me because I hear but they're there even in the disco yep all right well not bad not bad yes we have a looks like a office chair right there all right here you go mom okay we have some nail-gun nails Tara there might be a nail gun I have appeared yes by reading such couple of these boxes that there's going to be a lot of building supplies what's in here Halloween yeah it's Halloween Oh Halloween stuff in there guys I was not expecting [Music] I'm not sure what that is oh it's an old tree oh that is so cool yeah what is this personal part - what isn't it yep it's not like that back from the 60s because I remember getting one like that my daughter got one uh-huh it's all in here and all the tracks are here yeah that's not that's not bad what about this one they're all in here yeah those are back in this early 70s into the 60s I remember and look the carpets in there look at those tens of them can you see it I I got it where they can see it right there there's a lot of them let's bring this out my shop cuz I know people are gonna be like I didn't see the trains okay so we have a lot of in the front here frosted flakes there's a nice set yeah sensual falling number like I cities these are the bottom this year oh they even have this probably for that this is a very thinner oh this is steel this isn't Bostick that's not fine that's heavy these are made back when they were made really good oh yeah that's put these back in nicely so we don't oh my gosh let me look more of them Wow it'll stop a lot of work to be fun to have a big room where you could just set this up oh yeah it would be fun to see salt Pacific fruit Express oh this is heavy here let's go use heavy to bottom zone yeah that's good he's he's a heavy sucker that one spirit of 76 I have texaco pretty cool huh I like them all right let's go ahead let me organize this put this back in the box guys and I'll put this in there too and let me know what you guys think of this train set we will be back as always all right we're back mom we may have to sell this thing for more than 300 bucks it's old I think right solid wood so those are I think that's new but if you look here it's got the whole latch here so you can see it used to latch here and this is the latch to it so it's nice huh yeah all right here you go mom let's see what we got here all right should we show what's in here it's up to you you're in charge let's continue all right so Wow he wants to know yeah see the people think I peek first I do not peek first guys so looks like no just uh computer case okay let's put this over here maybe personal it's looking that way oh no there's nothing they're kind of old frames just really old frames oh that one's cool that's a beautiful frame I like metal frames our wedding different target some personal photos we're gonna keep those here that must go to something what is it here well I couldn't guess could be anything Oh fishing I use rooster tells her grandma's house one fish so I actually use those all fishing stop what the heck oh this is a fish yeah I'm gonna have to use a slow thing this is probably more fishing stuff you would decorate I wouldn't know I like the look Oh get in there there you go yep yep a rod we got a lot of fishing stuff in the others here right along baseball movies sports games I wonder what kind they look it's too small to be a board games doesn't it we surprised some games oh maybe not oh this is the old pokers tray this foam in here probably beat this thing nice oh no probably I have one of these things for sale right now that's like dad used to do when he had his poker games yep had to close the curtains in those days yeah kind of a cool box section of spring clean this is a paint gun I believe I'm gonna take that for its word I'll bet that it's a little heavy sucker I don't know people oh there's a roll yes they are cast iron sheet casters maybe I don't know there's a roll got rest of those things are I'm not sure oh I think they're just normal silverware is an inner it's kind of older but it's winter Windsor but I did we did see this over here I saw this in the okay that's a little better yeah you guys like that yeah look at that pattern it's a community tutors tutor plate so it's tutor plate wait to look that up yeah I'm worried about those they look real old yeah what are they look up knowledge the knowledge all the knowledge book of knowledge 13 of 14 book of knowledge nine to ten and they're numbered yeah they're really old one five three three two two eights right here come on the book of knowledge you see a date asus editor-in-chief 1910 to 1940 Holland Thomas yes Melwood yeah I think it's just everything like worldly I don't know be interesting this mobile what I do to me do they agree with me it's him I thought it would be right over here so looks like we've got all of them so I want to see them house okay with some leather here these are four bullets right yeah oh there's bullets in there yeah Paul it's a propane lanterns yeah there's a propane in there that's a good empty can in there we have a saw here I thought it said craftsman did it well let's beat up its but I was trying to read real fast all right there old craftsman yep it has something to do with spring or maybe not it is okay yeah we're so mechanically inclined yes see what's in here nice drawer the woods pretty I like the dark wood of course we have the beer we got to get the beer down oh we don't want to mess that up no maybe they're so old they would if we dropped them they'd all go off I think I might drink one oh yeah I want to watch that okay let's see No look at these old cans wow this one's actually out and already mash premium quality yeah that can't be that old I got barcodes so what is it like 1970 so we have this one up here oh there's a lift that's why I couldn't get it before so guys Ashley's dad loves of the show so he's going to get some of these but their cases of six they're six pack six packs yeah wait good yeah I couldn't uh I couldn't sell this on eBay because they've got alcohol so it Hanson so locally or emptied alcohol I don't want to do that so yeah all right we'll get a few more things then we'll start organizing the truck what are we gonna what are we gonna get you next mom what is this don't you say little bass it fell I don't want to see what's over here but let's go ahead and we will we'll check out this one us Fox ears not looking too hot here it's looking floral tree looking things these are around Oregon but this is looks fake I don't know I thought they look dried but maybe no they do look fake the Sam's look fake all right let me get our area here worked out it's always chaos when we do videos guys so let's give this worked out and then we'll be back all right we shall continue we shall continue we're gonna work this way and tackle this stuff maybe went too intense I don't know kind of looks like I wondered what that is the wheel oh yeah yes yes perfect we have a windshield wipers to last us for days guys brand-new something we just replace yeah Wow its package - oh it's their own little puppy these are signs oh they're cooler signs - they're not they're not Avon no I almost said that cuz we had a lot of 1888 those are nice okay I like bed wiser ones too blue pretty if it seeps through right yeah I think this is gonna be odds in a Super Bowl 99 we'll go through a couple more sign empty parking I love oh oh we just sold a bunch of the more signs we love the sons yep people do we had a lot of offers dog dish okay I thought this would be all sorted yeah oh okay and we got some plates here you guys can see that is cool that seems to be our word I've been told that in our comment I try to remember all the comments I think okay I gotta watch that but you know they just slip out this storage dishes only ahead of night huh you only have like three or four hundred but let's see or did you sell oh that's awesome I like a few more of these when we're gonna continue Wow it's cold but I love unique bowls like that in China I like different things like them all right remember guys it's beautiful out here in the Oregon weather and we're about our from our how will lesson that house so as much as I want to go through these type of boxes those columns your old Ford magazines right are they oh no they're hot rodding whatever I'm not rod I'm not Tom they still have hot rodding I don't know oh this is 1965 yeah they're old 1960s we need to keep those well yeah they might not even make them anymore I don't know well they probably make a hot rod but not these is a 1984 now we're getting a little older here so we even have this one in their case that must be January at 66 yeah Wow look at those things Wow back man yes just put them somewhere safe yep oh yeah we will we will let me get my knife out here we go get in there it looks like that tape it's old enough to tear yeah gosh you are just that's why you have me here it's full full of them all about the same year yep nineteen sixties oh nine thousand 1962 we got some 1950s in here oh he did like its beer mannequin yeah packing supplies that's always nice Lenin's their fact nicely no I like looking through minutes you never know what you find yeah this is a nice one all right yeah I don't know I'm not sure what a mess part yeah can you guys see yourself pretty cool this sounds breakable okay okay me well you'd say canning jars on the front these are old mason are these messengers their mason and oh oh yeah they're but I don't know how old they are so I know some people collect mason jars I know yeah we'll have to look into it yeah we have a TV down here little motorhome a fence and there's another fence they're tall well I like about units like this guys it's the dirt you can tell he hasn't been in here a while Magnavox okay I'm gonna get this stuff in here real quick this is kind of a solid wood little piece here I'll try to get this in here but maybe hands away for Ashley we'll try to get some of the stuff in here so we can get towards the box this guy's so stay tuned stay tuned alright we're trying to make a dent in here because a lot of big stuff at the beginning and then it kind of gets into boxes guys this is a 10 by 10 so you can't see the back but it's full boxes back there but let's get some of this big stuff out of the way so let's show you mom where we got well let's start with this thing and that kind of cool and we have a punching bag for boxing in here we have a water dispenser this table has seen better days who knows so maybe somebody will restore some of this make it look cool again now that's upside-down yep this is a maybe what do you want to go on business and open a furniture store yeah we don't have this this is kind of cool I'm actually gonna keep this for the office I think a new one for the office and then we have this guy you guys remember this so let me kind of put this stuff in the back and then we'll continue here so as I was putting this table away I noticed these little oh it's not gonna focus okay there we go I noticed these little cool little pieces here here's another piece there and that's even got them down here I don't know if those are like you know I don't know what they got kind of everywhere huh so very interesting figured I would show you guys all right we have something here that we put in here mom seems to think she knows what it is I think so too it's solid wood it's really kind of nice yeah it goes on the end of your bed yeah it was over here if you guys remember it was on top of saw here's the song guys I don't know exactly how much I'm gonna be like get that for this thing but it's solid maybe somebody knows yeah maybe somebody knows how much this is worth start-stop over there yes and this is the information on it's got keys and the keys so pretty crazy I want to see it's a heavy sucker though it's a heavy sucker alright guys we are you're asking yourself how did I get this in here by myself that's because I have superpowers very mom so there's this really cool couple it's been doing storage units for like 19 years and I had to move some suffer out but they helped us get this thing in here took three of us this thing is extremely heavy wow it's heavy but we got it in here and so also look at this beauty so isn't this cool it's so old it's got pigs and kind of see it up here such a beautiful piece so yeah this is this is really cool so we they helped us get this in here if you guys are watching this thank you so much thumbs up so now this is where we're at I'm gonna get this I'm gonna rearrange this stuff over here and I'm gonna get these tables I know this isn't the fun part I'm gonna get these tables and then excuse me and then we will start getting the good stuff up here and get into some of these boxes guys so stay tuned I know this is the boring part just want to give you step-by-step because this has a lot of furniture in here and we got to get this kind of bigger stuff out so we can get to the back good stuff alright so stay tuned stay tuned alright getting more big stuff in here and then we can get to the goodies so that's kind of cool pretty awesome huh all right so this is kind of where we're at so we have the big antiquey cabinets we have those two things which are solid wood not my color but great this guy goes to a big table yeah so it's it's a base for a table and then we had this guy in the unit's you guys seen this did have a bunch of cords in here shot back then you guys kind of seen this stuff this is some personal stuff I'm gonna leave here but other than that you guys have seen everything so my game plan here now is I'm going to try to get some of these moved out of the way look at these these are actually the chairs mom look at those chairs those things are amazing those are really nice looking chairs huh we've actually made keep this table this is a nice table I've been looking to buy one but if this is nice we may keep this table so let me try to get this dad well actually we can get yeah let me get some more furniture items down well no actually we can get that let's just work on some boxes and show you guys what's in here and so yeah all right mom you ready let's see what we got so let's first start with this down here it looks antique but wait says it's not it's not saddest but it's still cool mom you why yes I I like to play these are money we can put those in the garage so many pads I can actually use those LED lights brake brakes on said brake breeder folks things we need help it's got to get back together yes a couple holes in that thing but all right so so let me get this let me get this big stuff in here and I wish I'll continue to get into this stuff shall we let's dig it after this mom's like I would love chili I love chili bunch of these for ruff ruff this is a shell stuff actually every now here you make it yeah you can see it better oh that's a pretty chill that's a really pretty show is it a real one yeah I don't crap no no I don't either I just don't want to say I know something if I don't oh I like that not pretty that's really cool can they see it yeah they can see it all right we got a shell hanging something well it's just pieces yeah put your shells in there man we get a lot of these salt laughs we sure do and people like them yeah yes Oh even have a crab shell on there you're talking about crabbing with those people made me hungry for fresh crab Oh sing is that Teager yeah I think this is him I think this is you don't open oh he doesn't oh yeah oh yeah Oh more shells I was expecting gold but hey that's rattling more shells yep turn it I don't have my knife we'll use this though guys hobo resale I'm not a nice man he's like are you saying it much like this we have a massive one I have to sell as well God we have so much stuff if they only knew they only knew how much stuff when I start videotaping stuff I'm gonna videotape wait one day around all his stuff working with it everybody's like I want to know when the big rods figure is down there it's actually gonna be a fun acre sale for a 2-meter sale gardening growers guide smugglin all these are old gardener Curtin Girl Guides now guys if you ever know some of these can be worth money you've got to check them up old manuals another for my mine old manuals sometimes go for good money so you got you got a look at your old manuals yep although you can probably just download the manual completely free some people like to collect them d'arnot we have a couch back here we have a couch okay oh wow I never got a box full hey you know what I think Caden could have a blast with that yeah that's that's actually at first well with the giver need firewood bonfire guys who's down who's down for a bonfire so this is these go to cabinets maybe I can use this for my eBay items so wait do you think so guys iron right here whole label or I think this is odds and ends some more wood got a bunch of this okay let's do this is this you dark in here oh my gosh this thing is so heavy dishes that heavy issues how could this be it scramble ventures saying I don't have muscle notice I'm not commenting oh my gosh it is heavy ditches yeah but these are all Budweiser ones look oh those are so cool does that even show up in the dark yeah it does yes look at the easy sir heavy Budweiser I like those there's a bunch of them in here it's all of those that is a set oh they're mugs - oh they don't have these are heavy I don't know did they make that kind anymore I don't know if they even make that I don't know Budweiser ghosts all different styles yeah wow that's awesome huh very nice we have the cold those are cute but you can see no wonder it's heavy okay I'll give him that that looks I was fun I mean but nope oh my god I don't know if he's gonna make it very good alright another one here it really is old and new so if you guys need to go anywhere just call me it's all old maps you have the map for it there were people like collecting different things mom's cookie jar no hope it's a special one hopefully it's $100 50 jerk recently big cookie jars are click oh it is a mom's cookie jar let's see the body that is I'll put her up front so she doesn't break that is such a key oh okay jar and Enid it's uh in San Francisco I like it huh oh that's really cool put it together for them isn't that cute it's light let's make sure it doesn't get broke yeah mom that is a real cute one I like the colors even I'll put her in there better in the front all right okay what else we got here some more cups look like they go to a punch bowl oh it's funny you said that why is there a punch bowl yeah you didn't cheat I promise no I didn't see that she didn't show you guys I just recognized the cups she did not she all right I'm not saying I haven't cheated before oh that time I do ammunition carrots I have no idea on this one it's all you need more pressure there's a lot of ammunition in there yeah we got some ammunition but we don't have anything no okay they blanket ok let's see how we gonna tackle this here this is gun cleaning kit and yep I wonder if we're gonna find a gun in here I've never this is the first I've never got a gun cleaning kit before I've only got two units with a gun yeah detail we haven't really we got a lot more to go yeah yeah I saw boxes over here very interesting ok get over here and add its my bullets we shall see what's down there that's why we bring you you bring me because I'm the cheapest camera operator you can get let's go furniture yeah we'll find the furniture somewhere all this Ranger is in pieces [Music] okay I have no clue oh I think that's personal stuff girls their schoolwork that he kept I'm gonna say it's in there I'm thinking it is to scrub I don't care I think that I have no clue it might be something important we don't have to open it because we found the cups we can't leave anything the chance oh it's got the platter I like the platter yep yeah we have a lot to go through yet a lot to go through so let me work on this and then we shall be right back all right so that's the progress we didn't do a good job loading this but since I live not too far away we're gonna have to take two logs anyways guys cuz there was so much furniture in here as you guys can see but let's take a look and see what's in here so we have some Nikes some boots something Wes kora what Nikes it's a bad shape and these are 2012 a massive bear he's looking a really spectacular looking to go to a party or something right mom that's a rabbit a little chubby rabbit yeah this holds your open up a few more things guys by stabbing a motorbike that's a collision with bicycle helmets size large looks like a dirt bike helmet or something I don't know but it looks like one Tristan uses when he races gun cases or more coming here let's show them what this is yes and shoes shoes come with it let me just see if this is my size Wow and that's one thing you do like to do hmm I'll have to keep this sucker let's not do it now yep what's going home now normally you do get a lot of bowling balls and swords a lot of times they don't fit sounds kind of cool no grenades or anything more ammunition a lot more ammunition this guy was in the shooting over here he was in the shooting big stuff though not just small stuff well I don't know look at those suckers so look at that a lot of bullets in here how much are these no this one says 20 bucks just for that little box let me uh let's see grab the other one if in fact yeah bring it over here where the I think they could see it better looks heavier yes you want 20 bucks just for that they're all full see ya all that's full Winchester colorful animals not cheap alright let's open up two more boxes and then we shall take this load okay do we have jerseys pop let's see oh wow that'd be nice obviously the zipper doesn't work well there are cure piece yes what are they of the Lakers maybe I think these are high school jerseys all right well what's this thing on the arm thought I saw yeah these are high school Oh probably they're kids okay oh might be more dishes but the bottom is not weird let me get my knife let's go together cuz it's taped together yeah get your knife sprays are off battery's not dead yet alright I do it the wrong way I don't know I have I'm feeling this the two things go together but I don't know what okay don't do this at home folks oh by the way grandma ventures you know that three people bought your t-shirt already below the video below this video you can see grandma venture says her on t-shirt she's holding the camera so if you guys want to grandma ventures t-shirt it's right below the video I'm sure there's gonna be a long line for that oh my gosh all that work for this tell me cassette tapes but hey we can't leave anything to chance can't we oh I would I'd leave that to chance because that's a pretty good yeah oh yeah some are and some aren't this one is oh yeah you don't want that [Laughter] alright this is right oh there you go you might need a chainsaw saw that thing up got little cabinets here's another glove sell really well and more clubs catcher's mitt there's like four or five gloves in here all right so this is it guys we're gonna continue we're gonna take this home get some food and then tomorrow you can kind of see the wall back there but tomorrow we are going to continue let's see what's back here you guys excited or what anyways much love have fun hit the thumbs up button subscribe see you on the flipside
Channel: Wades Venture
Views: 105,177
Rating: 4.8394103 out of 5
Keywords: Old Vintage Storage Locker Abandoned.. Until Just Now, Old Vintage Storage Locker, old, vintage, abandoned, storage unit, storage locker
Id: 7lyDUPsO26Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 7sec (3727 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2019
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