STORAGE-BALLZ: Abandoned Storage Units | $1000 Spent! | Vote Now | Score or Poor? | Comment!

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[Music] alright guys welcome to another fantastic episode of Grimes ponds we are here in Plano ahead of the camera lady alright so here's the dang deal 29:16 mm-hmm no briefly briefly that's a great cover I hope they can do it briefly anyway straight to the point 29:16 tell how much would they 1050 you know right when you say 1050 I'm gonna pop up speaking of editing right well I got some really lovely messages last night because I put the second clip and the same clip in there twice and then so I got accused of lying about editing hey ding-dongs why'd that clip made it in there because I really don't we record and I piece them together I might add in bells and whistles I'm starting to get better at that but that's how much I don't watch the videos do i mm-hmm so that's why I didn't know it was in there I just I guess I forgot to delete the other video but literally when we when I make a video I upload them in order I put the intro on the outro put maybe some dings and whistles at the beginning cuz I'm learning but that should tell you that we donated that's right because I didn't watch through it I really don't guys I don't here's the way I feel that I shouldn't say or do anything that I wouldn't do publicly anyway and I do say a lot of things I shouldn't say and do a lot of things but it's by accident but I'm constantly trying to better that so anyway that's why I don't watch it because I'm not worried about it because if I said something dumb I either need to apologize or you need to get over it I don't know which one it is so anyway 2016 how much do they 1,000 $1,050 y'all we are here at u-haul and Plano let's just look at it [Music] alright guys so there's your pan of the room now you get to see up close before we touch it why I paid $1,050 wait a minute she told me this was a 10 by 15 10 by 10 well maybe not I think the door is a little wide yeah that's right yeah told me it was a 10 by 15 but hey you know what even if she said that still my responsibility cuz I can clearly see the wall right there but that doesn't matter hey you won just listen some stuff yeah so here's the deal we're waiting on the crew to get over here I bought two units about three miles away they were over there but then I spent much on this one and we won one on treasure Locker Fox star traders Gorge stores treasures storage charge I think it's gonna have a lot of cool stuff in it so stay tuned for that one we're trying to get you enough videos cuz we're supposed to go out of town for vacation I might not actually be able to go because all my IDs are gone I don't have enough time to get an ID because you have had a birth certificate a blood sample and all kinds of weird stuff so anyway hopefully I get to go on vacation with my family if not I'll be back here working so anyway I have stuff to keep me busy alright hey tools sounds ready alright I mean I did see all of those look all those games see they were nice and there's a coat crate right here or dock yeah is that dr. pepper coat that's coke a coke crate right there okay but this just room was clean wasn't it mm-hmm like the monitors samsung case right there I don't know why I spent a thousand I got a good feeling about this unit so let's just well yeah tools tools hey closer good c-clamps hammer screws all kinds of good stuff come back so here's the tank deal guys let me get some of this cleared we actually get some boxes out of here we'll set up something we'll do some unboxing with you it'll be right back alright guys so we're back look how far we got Murr I was sitting good very far it off don't like three things how many packs it's a telemarketer yeah reverse it so check it out look what what Gina just saw I did see these Wahoo's bidding but I forgot to show you during the swords we got big swords oh that's cool looks like a claw that is a big sword yeah it is do you know what do you think's already here I think yeah is that there like that yes like some kind of homemade device it was thing so maybe it's a knife collector knife maker any other source treasures yeah that's got any swords swords - oh no don't don't no oh just let me know what you end up fighting behind that mattress cuz I don't know what's that you wanna come up just come up and look oh oh did you already good - no about - just pulled out cannot cannot cannot yeah nothing like 15 minutes I'll have it out oh yeah I was just interested cuz I was like I couldn't see what's behind me alright thank you hey where's the other two guys Oh in another car or in the truck engine truck what you alright in my car alright good [Music] sorry I'm film armed I do I think this is gonna be good you might you know it you know I went what's this huh my gut that's weird hey don't be distracting her she'll be filming my feet and these people will yell at me so stop it all right look at that old devices oh look memory card for PlayStation 2 so we know they like videogames alright damn cuz all the 360 games are down there alright guys so hey check this out I don't like to set up I feel uncomfortable mm-hmm most of its coming from them I'm joking hey let me get set up do you have a Kenai phone you can't be right look at that boy I can't lose this let's fit my belt loop walk around like that at the auction all the things you say you look at me weird ready oh wait that's money does it work alright look there's a Dutch oven in there all right let's close this up let's get it on there we're gonna find a better box cuz I don't want you have to look at all jump beer [Applause] alright guys so we're back somebody's on the way up I'm here that was oh hey now that we're alone that was pretty cool because we just got caught by the u-haul I think area manager and she was completely cool about it and I just locked up I got nervous so I check it out we move this I was hoping it wasn't a big couch back here excuse the rude people so we got a snowboard here snowboy it's got the attachments don't know what that's worth if y'all want to look comment down below Lemar kind of just see me big big nights we're a little bit away from 20 bucks oh you got shoes why how'd you find your shoes okay so hey Apple symbol should we do this TV bedroom why you got pans in your bedroom this is what was in there that's a good set a mixing bowl are the guys of us here okay all right let's look at this big bad boy who's that a crib there's a lot of tools we've got a lot of bags a tool oh what's this a office supplies tools and office supplies okay okay there's some money Shakespeare knew in the box mm-hmm ah I wish I would have been in there sharper image what's in here interesting Oh see anything that looks a little odd yes zipper past 20 bucks back us a bait thing in it what yep all that stuff right they can go all right let's look in here whiskey stones that's kind of cool oh there's no lighter I missed where does that go in here Oh too close there's a Bible in there some counting looks like maybe a Chinese calculator game or something here are these your candle things the candles are still in them some tools never have too many lighters lots of batteries this weird yeah this unit starting this screen meth addictions I mean even as clean as it is so look Xbox one is it alright guys sorry we got a phone call so Oh what is that DVD it's the Star Wars DVD in the last Jedi alright let's see oh that's in there that's good good time Call of Duty infinite wars well nope that's that other one right sunset that's that game so Steve halo isn't here thank ya so check it out guys we got these but we'll wait oh I can so I can feel in here let's take a few out and see if okay these are packed in here y'all let's see yep yep yeah okay so there's probably well 13 14 15 so there's probably about 60 60 games a little sometimes I shouldn't do that because there might be some in here [Music] labeler Oh Borderlands oh that's kind of cool I don't know if it's complete or something's missing but Oh Betty says huh that's cool Borderlands is a game huh not in there [Music] more vape stuff I know what that is let me get some of this cleared out on carts to get it down the truck so we get going we're gonna dig in that zone like five minutes right so anyway I picked up this bag and I'm not joking I'm telling you this is like this really tell me every unit that we find that has meth in it does not have like full of bags of pins batteries wires and my line all the electronics are completely taken apart yeah I don't want that to be true wait this right this is this is really what I'm starting to think about this unit blue yeah random electronics look I'm not making I mean y'all go back and watch enough of my videos you can tell this I mean [Music] [Applause] it's not strange to see the stuff every day but I wish up because in most cases if you find something like this it's like a junk drawer leftover or something [Music] [Applause] they're gonna keep loading we're gonna ready blanket yes nuts oh look is that what is that is that a remotely made yeah Xbox it's got the bat oh I'll never find it again Lexus huh [Music] being really stupid right now I don't or am i are you does this go all the way down maybe Senate it's the white ends for those weights what should we do we find so many printers huh so we found printers all the time your your probation periods in the server sir you better start getting treated like everybody else I tell you you can reach in my box if you want that hit my toe that's actually really cool this I don't want that getting broke I shouldn't give it to him cuz he'll be the one to break it yeah I know and one of them was my big African shield thing oh so that three that's you what's the other the Chinese uh yeah the blue China wasn't my fault on that one guys let me get this stuff this loosey-goosey is out here and we're gonna pull this out I can see comes back here and then what we'll do is we'll pop these boxes open and we'll grow back alright guys so check it out I was about to load this up but look it's a little decoration - look in there a little bit adult mask it's from the Disney Store keep looking at that just rolls that's cool that's really cool two piece mask where's the retail what is it retail for probably not a lot but I'd say probably at least 3040 bucks yeah you know I had this weird feeling in my heart real quick that I wasn't looking here and say like $2 bills for my grand ball um but there wasn't that's not what it is oh I can see it over here you were still okay we start taking this a lot of ladies [Music] I was a star city away you gave that thing Tommy go figure it'll sell it's still nice active so be full of cash or dirty shoes either one I'm okay with ya where's the jewelry yet this was the overnight bag there it is people you don't know yard target that's a you syringe and unit I just automatically think that that might not be the case all right looking here it could be diabetes diabeetus not that I'm a little Tulsa what did you just make that up y'all Google X who likes that Justin oh you did that on purpose man oh now I smell like a man you read it Mike savor the whoo it's dirty turkey Turkey oh I love electronics you ready ready one two five what is horn cords all right halfway there what'd you say you guys smells like booty first of all how do you know what moody smells like and sing about booty smell like eggs that's weird ah move it on hey wanna see what Dierkes yeah look turkeys cards I'm not gonna lie but all right cool well multicolored look whole bottom got the green one and the red one I have to sell these are we blue oh yeah now the world we were all prepared to run down forests find it find it hey y'all can get this cabinet and these little boxes off to here but just y'all can go ahead and pop the boxes Oh does anybody have a kunai smells like dogs all right we'll go through these later make sure is not vintage this guy didn't like sports he likes video games in action fingers these are jerky clothes yeah Durkee I don't know it's dirty the dog I mean we're definitely gonna make you know good money on this unit but it's rider tools Tanner's gonna need this he's breaking my stuff hey my personal baseball's to someone me yeah forgot about that my nose this is his moment oh but we found two visits I know we are understand that is he's not gonna live this down for two years that are a bear right right there's another clue big dog [Music] oh yeah in here you didn't see ya [Music] is it the whole thing for real huh Rick Moranis Gregory I know I get this on want to be with you you know from space Jim no sergeant to be baseball baseball but the Schwartz be with you all right that's cool I did is totally Rick Moranis yeah it is Rick Moranis the guy from Honey I Shrunk the Kids he's never seen that he thing Shh hey where we were talking about that yesterday he's not even a millennial he's after the Millennials that's pretty perfect generation what's in there that's cool does that look like legit yeah except my beers hanging out hey what if ya his face looks pretty bad what do you yeah his voice was like overly deep in some ridiculous that's a great movies baseball baseball it's not yeah and that's not a Tanner movie [Music] oMG oh this is the whole day do you come on have you seen this the supreme edition is this a glider ah oh this might be worth a few hundred bucks I don't know why are you playing the keyboard oh yeah can you play the keyboard okay that is freaking awesome huh now I don't if you sell them separately it's actually worth more that's a joke Emily do you want that with it yeah yeah but leave that here this box can go by though actually hey you get that do you understand I was trying to look for something glass right now it's gonna be dramatic and smash it but there was nothing at the moment you know people live in these units I've been at the auctions and one time they forgot to pull their extension cord out from underneath and you could hear them in there oh this is Samsung that's probably gonna be worth something oh yeah it does it's digital might be a SmartWatch huh what's that oh these are cool oh look fast charge for the watch that's got to be worth at least a hundred bucks I would think yeah I know what you do stuff out here you see the Darth Vader pole pole outfit yeah no this were you a pair she wasn't yeah he's just now it's a full outfit or you can be baseball Spaceballs vault and actually it sounds cooler in here than probably all began echoing in my ears so I sound just like Rick Moranis whiteboarding movies I need to watch probably dog hair club probably not gonna be in there you know that's right I love to I do but hey can I tell you something the most optimistic person I know in the entire planet is related to you yes Kirk hoarding can bring a positive situation out of light kitten and round I'm not playing that was very extreme I know that current hoarding is that's why he gets that's why he's the way he is I told him yesterday I always like to hear her hoarding come out of him all right look this is what I saw oh this is that thing that Belle was hanging on ah there it is out the bathroom box hey we got to get this done Cecil Fielder yeah it's worth a million bucks we have time for this nope because they deserve it because they put up when they put in the wrong clip in a video they watch the same clip two nights in a row that's dedication shooting a super long episode well 17 on this yeah y'all are getting both footage for the clip you were supposed to see all right so here's the deal did we check these drawers alright guys so hey here's the dang deal let me find actually no that's the end of this one we have like 15 minutes of bonus footage yeah so this episode is not over don't go anywhere starting directly after this message you're going to get 15 minutes of bonus footage of the third trunk of the 240 dollar unit that's right I got stay tuned and other than that after the bonus footage it's been good to hang out with you guys again make sure to leave a comment down below not in the chat we're chatting in with the comments down below how do you think we did on this unit it's a thousand bucks are we gonna make make our money back I know we're gonna get money back well probably at least make double our mind piece it all out what do you think tell me because people it just depends like for their the way they sell right mm-hmm a store would put all the stuff in there with sit forever but we don't we just move it right yeah we kind of sell product the way I add right hey here's the deal we're gonna get the rest of stuff out of here because we still got three more units to go pick up and we're gonna film those yep so hear that no all right guys so welcome back this isn't bonus footage no but you still get your bonus footage coming next cuz I look back here I'm like wow I gotta keep this tied to this units are you gonna really long video LOM loom Oh heirloom heirloom I was thinking he is and I was like that does this housewares on top but it says heirloom uh-huh on there we're getting that box out and you're getting to see it what's this a dining dining gaming oh it's turkeys oh it is Dierkes games cables for consoles why don't know that be in here and the consoles not be in here he took his console to Colorado but why would you leave all the cables here I don't I'm done with the keys we're going we're going Grimes fashion here what do we see oh look no there is a consult on here [Music] another look there's 360 controllers down there it was not a good four we know what that is oh no that's probably for Xbox it no charger no I Hey I knew that maybe he got it as an airline maybe he did alright keep me updated on how much time around 250 ah sorry guys you got to deal with the extra long video though I almost left over broken glass everywhere things falling off if it ain't about no money puff I just don't care alright oh gosh daddy well not that verse right nothing so what else saying it to Puff Daddy [Music] to be gentle oh oh how old do you think Dirk was what's that say Dirk baseball baseball dirty like I get movies what do they teach you on school growing up this is some kind of big ol sculpture oh look on the bottom without opening it inspected it's a cow oh no that's what year that's not a horn okay I did not laugh you think it's a joke to reach in my box there's too much color on these for my liking just look inside way yeah ready yeah today Duggars not o Wolverine is mixture it might have some older ones in here this was somebody my age dirt he was probably my age Jubilee Oh Archangel that's all my favorite all right you see anything spectacular oh hey boys we all start grabbing the big furniture watch your head there's a bag up there let's get this out real quick because this must be the airlines I'm hoping the airline wasn't the dietary books that's just man your family didn't like you made in USA spring - that's okay let me get out the way it's not nice hey you're still you're going to your bonus footage right now unless I find something else cool ones boxes so stay tuned for either another box there buddy [Music]
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 10,596
Rating: 4.9398499 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit guns, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, how to make money, Family friendly, Dude Perfect, What The Hale$, facebook, youtube, google, funny videos, fail army, family vlog, auction house, bargain hunters thrift, donald trump, 2020 election, impeachment, grimes finds
Id: Pkw1Gblcm4w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 51sec (2871 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 21 2019
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