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[Music] alright guys welcome to another episode of Grimes finds in the 2770 unit right the celebrity unit which everybody knows dude perfect right so we are here we're still here mister hale's is still here oh hi I was just texting Jebus oh oh yeah yeah what's this channel treasure hunting with Jesus Jesus and amber baby Jesus and Mama Jebus there Jesus crew they are amazing what about the whole group does a whole group have a channel as one and that Jesus family yeah the Jebusite - yeah make sure to check that out the Jebus family that's another channel they started and the Jebus --is have been here in dallas - yeah actually the Jebus is where the first ones to come clap what they were they were example we met yep yep and so hey we love the G basis but so make sure to go check out treasure hunt with Jebus and uh missus Jebus Jebus family I don't know G mrs. G mrs. G mrs. good Lord Jesus has got everything going on but we love them they're actually really good people so go check that out so anyway guys we are here now my wife has been running around just just making sure that we have everything we need to be doing all this filming and all this greatness and craziness including coffee hey we mentioned that our auction site guys our auction site had made it onto TMZ's web site how nuts is that and it's only the second day after buying this unit I think big things are coming actually I know big things are coming yes and I never thought did you ever think you're gonna marry a guy that would make it onto the main site and by mom I'm talking to Patricia my mom uh miss Pat what do you think of me now oh my all my crazy ideas I'm joking are you so proud of him you know I love mom I I do like our mom I love my MA and I love my father-in-law Pat Smith Pat Smith Blaine Paton Blaine but uh I'm so like I'm so geeking I'm watching them carry the stuff I'm trying to watch to see if I see something so anyway here's the dang deal guys we have pulled out an epic epic epic epic epic items out of this unit and not only epic but I caught it and so epic guys iconic we pulled the Panda outfit out of here we had pulled trophies out of here everybody knows what a dude perfect fangirl I am because I have like a total fangore girl and I didn't even know it I didn't know it I was looking at things y'all know how like you know how to do units but I was seeing I saw this one little thing that came from this episode that that so I am fangirling anyway I have 11 year old son it's all him that's all it is oh here check it out guys so from here back Jeremy is helping local truck right censored oh wait do you know what this is that's a dude perfect Barbie check it out do you know what they do with these melt melt no they paint these gold know Tyler's that's the guy can't remember what is Tyler's character the guy with the wig the big glasses in the microphone is hilarious in the fur coat oh it's something I'll look at it but they these are spray-painted gold right hey white touching his mane hump weird a censored hey so check it out they spray paint these gold them these might I think these are the ones they spray-paint golden handout so these are cool like Oscars yes the last one I watched like collars of his hair turned he's like hananim I think was Jerry he's hanging here and he didn't give me my career for one it's funny go check out duper you haven't checked out duper we all know with the Hales you're waiting for right bug oh that's Tyler just give me that that's how shoes oh hey hey hey hey can I ask you a question yeah yeah yeah real quick yeah okay because I am fangirling okay here's what I think okay because we are we're financial partners in this year okay so if these fit I think that we should be able to pick one not a big big item right can we pick one item each to keep yeah I think y'all should match geez I think that's because if these fit me I'm gonna wear them I'm gonna sell them I'm gonna wear them because one they're just oh well we already disturb Lesure when I found Tyler's goecart jacket they talked about how about yeah we're probably about we just switch you could wear mine you could fangirl over mine oh dude upset I fangirl I can't fangirl in front of I did game can I check this out y'all so we have it agreed right we have an agreement now that I can these are my this is my item that I'm gonna keep because why it son have we not I've needed basketball shoes because my son plays a select basketball and I don't have tennis shoes I just haven't had any because I wear work boots I work 24/7 but we've been getting trying to get away and play more basketball than trying to be a better dad and break away and do that but so hey look net for sure I said Leakes I knew it has something to do with Leafs or trees or something have you seen it I can do hey check it out so my new tennis shoes to play basketball with my son I believe belonged to taller cuz I know he wears these orange ones we always so excited about going shopping it is oh yeah neat right because oh yeah shopping stores you so now I got to you so my tennis you do hey Tyler from dude perfect look what you did you just brought it uh y'all always bring I think somebody left a cool comment about them they said dude perfect is the channel that brings fathers and sons together I thought that was both true instead you did it again because now I'm taking your shoes and they're gonna be come on and now I'm gonna play basketball cuz I can't I'll trip in these so anyway hey this is the box we're gonna do a couple unboxings real I miss with six six minutes me and Gina are going to do a couple unboxings together and more product I really want to find that outfit for Ned Forester if we find the mic I swear I'll put that thing on it'll be so funny it's a hilarious character he's just there's they're funny they're funny guys and yeah Oh dad oh that's gonna be a prop obviously we're they catching something in that what were these from we don't know Tina it's hard to know yeah it's hard to remember everything but there's a bunch of these in here right take these out here's a wig hey Ned Forrester his wig is the big puffy one it's the curly one and if we find the big red glasses that would be gross sticky balls wait you know these were hey so this is what's cool about this normally in a regular unit I wouldn't be excited but look all of these are props guys all of these are props from a dude of a perfect episode and you know what I think is behind you Justin what I think that's the Plinko machine that goes on the trailer no no I don't know oh those probably go in they go in there oh no you know that's not the football goal is it that's not the like the football goal is it that might be the football goal those might go into here I don't know we'll figure it out but these were probably floating huh okay so let's look down in here it looks like just some more supplies guys I think these are for mops I just said that we'll get a tub and put those in there but all of this stuff all of this stuff backwards we're gonna go ahead and just get it on the truck cuz we still have two u-haul empty right okay hey Jesse what work on this anybody got a connive so what this is is Rough Riders and that is a that is our minor league baseball team here Ian Kinsler came off of that team just sayin okay so what this said was Rough Rider parachutes it's a literal parachute I mean they are but what were they for oh I hold on parachute guys oh you know what these are for yeah look I knew it I really did yeah it's for a gun so they put t-shirts on it and shoot them out in the crowd and then they come down that's cool so very cool parachute hey did we get mr. uh mrs. Rene in here I totally met mister I promise totally rude what is it yes it's a basketball so you have seen it yeah let's go outside real quick come on it immortalize dude perfect basketball so I don't know why they put this in here though it has to have some significance yeah they put it in some kind of acrylic maybe from like the very first episode it could be you think why would they do why would they do it so they put this basketball and encased it into acrylic but I don't know why they would do that what is it there's this thing it's like called bromo all right like they blew up a bunch of basketballs bromo yes what does that play on really yeah that was spray-painted silver at one point and it looks like it like that's fire uh it's got to be important okay so yeah that's got to be another iconic we just people in iconic pieces okay in case for this episode if you haven't seen the other ones make sure to go back to watch all of our other ones and again I'll tell you there's exclusive video on our channel that you can't see on his or yes and there's exclusive on his that you can't see here or here and it's exclusive on here you can't see here here so check it out everywhere I'll go check it out guys just look back up and there's iconic dude perfect stuff all over the place okay so let's go back hey dear let's go do what here's another fog machine so what I'll tell you is okay so on what the hell's look at these look at these fog machines we so we're gonna look the retail up so we're trying to get our money back right obviously we spent twenty seven seventy on this unit so what how many of these do what do you think this is worth and go to what the hell's to see how many we found we had just bought one go check out how many was that I knew I knew if I did a scene with this guy behind me something bad was coming [Laughter] these are just more props after props at surprise he's still holding out hope for those go cards you know it's not gonna here's it did any of them are a Captain Jack Sparrow hat they had doing something that's awesome so they've done a lot of boats and stuff like that so anyway so we want to get these down long ago now we know why just now is carries again I was balling one twin number two dude oh sorry yeah it is twin number two look hey Jay Jeremy the bearded guys has got to be Tyler's are you calling me dude look Oh number one hey do you think that after this series that we'll ever not say dude because these look like bowling shirts from the bowling yeah so check it out wait maybe maybe I look the bearded guy so that's got to be Tyler's twin number 122 huh tournament tournament yeah this is probably did they win Snyder's here it's purple new thing what just to smell everything here's one thing I think that every bucket represents like so they probably pack up and normal male heirs made sure hey don't forget just that the GM of the players furniture pads always running hey so what I was saying on this is what I think is each one represents an episode it doesn't matter if it's homemade all of its homemade video because me Rene are gonna like these suckers no oh what's the worst thing that could happen in an enclosed space Why What lighten the flare oh yeah the worst thing they can get don't do those here you'll die from magnesium poisoning it's worth it it's worth come in here real quick we're gonna finish this up we want to find out what's in these dresses varies like don't like to flares [Music] catchers chair smoke with another girl car it would be awesome it is smells like dirt stuff on the truck guys taking the clothes we wanted yes all right so here's the deal actually no if you want to see what's in here you gotta go to my shop I'm taking them Hey oh yeah I like having body for slavery that's a Manny's kid ya Manny's daughter I had no idea that Manny's kid was almost a paraplegic almost almost Jeremy manikin that man that could have seen better days huh oh there it is you know what that is oh yeah no I think this went to the horse and that's oh yeah yeah we go get the horses yes I was like what is he accidentally and then three times I was like that's on purpose all right let's see if it matches does it it is it does matter it's a mad total match Wow all right so dude for you 18:18 freakin minutes so hey guys let us reset let us get some more stuff on the trucks and we'll be right back alright guys welcome back so look what's done come on dude perfect unit empty right so check this out we did figure out what this was right we think this is the floating gulp ugh right words obviously these go in there and it creates a goalpost you can see that's one that broke off while it was in there so anyway we're gonna put this back together cuz normally if this was regular I throw it away but this is iconic people know what this is there's kids out there that would love to have this right like what there's one last thing that I wanted to share he was in this tube Jamboree I'm gonna need your help I got you alright so I found this in the very very back of the unit I have no idea what it is honestly there's a tube in a tube but when I was home is like some math like dude perfect like hey looks like wine Hey who's that Derk Derk he just retired yeah turkey is hey they just renamed the street Nowitzki yeah they did it check this out guys it says fat head on it I don't know if it is but check this out I can tell you it's 49 inches wide by 78 inches tall I just know that because I've done this a lot in my life I can just tell hey is this this lot size does anywhere on there say this is how big dirt let's hang it up right there that's not right yeah he's a lot taller than that but I don't think he's that actually big he's not that big he's 7 1 or 72 that's pretty cool though fat head sticker that is one of the top German basketball players not number one but it's close to me gets my skill he needs to work a fadeaway boy that's a dallas icon right there you guys know dude greatest point guards of all time right and this is actually a city that might agree with me Steve Nash he played with dirt for a long time you've been traded am i sorry mark would you trade it if he said like yeah he's done hey I know we have you please say there to go huh I know where Mark lives you want to go yeah I'm just gonna knock at his house yeah I actually you yes he's got a connection I got a connection to Mark Cuban hey Mark you got any starch hey let's see what this is Gus this is for the final of our video yes I think this is the beef councils be easy with that's bad huh oh this is the fat is not Renee this what watch my wife love what lands a Landry do you think that's Landry's like the restaurant maybe they have them a toward Landry what's the only other family's Landry here's Tom Landry the old owner the council was what about the Mavericks Landry not that I remember but here's the deal I stopped watching actually what Steve Nash and dirt back in their prom that's when I stopped watching basketball but I watched the master the whole time I was a kid but hey who knows but hey check it out so you know again got to show you this I got to show you this is much less because I'm too pumped about this item right here right iconic that's another iconic one do we already put those jackets up yes did you so Ned Forester I don't know if this is it y'all correct me if I'm wrong I am a big dude carpet fan but I'm not sure all the bikes are in the back the trikes we put some of the stuff back here okay so y'all let me know for some reason I can see Ned Ned Flanders Ned Forrester wearing this jacket and look it's even got to do perfect on it but look that's the Roy dirt that's embroider ooh fancy so look at this yeah I'm free nothing I'm geeking out again geeking out again look at this oh it's like a PJ - Jackie yeah so he goes around like rapport and with the big glasses in the mic I think this is his is this bad Foresters I feel like it might be pay regardless this is look good I know Miami Vice ty wear a t-shirt under dude perfect Sports Network it's in a game go ahead and interview if I had my wig save that for tomorrow come on I gotta get in I'll do my best impression of Ned Forrester tomorrow Tamara's not video I promise you I will do my best impression and I've actually done it when my lovely wife was not around the house actually this morning I was practicing it it's not that good I'm gonna perfect it overnight tomorrow night sweetie you're gonna see we're gonna do an interview with the Panda and I won't tell you whose it here's the deal I swear the Lord above we try to put the bottom of the house thank you what do you guys heard here first tomorrow morning we're gonna try an outfit ed ripping somebody catch alright guys so hey here's the dang deal hey you got to stay tuned tomorrow's not tomorrow's video it's gonna be the competition video me and mr. Hales right and Renee for bargains no service we're gonna win that's no need to have a competition no no no we're team oh well that's what I'm talk about there's no need of a competition oh here's the dang deal all this dude perfect has got me in like a competitive flight mindset and I want to compete right have I competed dear I've competed a lot right yeah I've run full marathon several more theatres competed in mixed martial arts marathons done alive by eating contests hey hot dog eating contest competing is computing guys it's competing so here's the dang deal stay tuned for the next couple of episodes because we're gonna pull out all the dude perfect games write all the stuff that they there's they're pretty good they're all right okay yeah I haven't seen him do soccer stuff so I'm German let's do it here's the dang deal I haven't seen you do soccer stuff either I'm just saying I want to watch my channel about 25 years ago you would have seen I think the people want to know right the kings of trick shots I'll give dude perfect they are the kings hands down they're the kings of trick shots but I now proclaim us the storage auction fire Kings this is hands down the coolest YouTube unit and ever ever it's what happen yeah take it out so here's what we want we want the kings of trickshots to take on the kings of storage unit buying in a competition do perfect I know this message is getting to you don't be scurred right right I've spent a lot of money on your products you're scared if you're scared we understand if you're scared don't contact us if you think you can take us contact let's do it all right other than that guys will see it the next all right guys welcome to this episode of grime spines bonus footage edition unboxing so anyway the owner of the building has a not a dumpster I've been what is it you found a 10 karat gold ring okay guys this day is getting better and better so anyway the owner of the building has a 40 yard container on the other side of my wall right there and he's throwing stuff away and Jacob very smart very smart started picking it out and he's like dude I can't believe this so anyway what I'm gonna do is is for this bonus footage LEM Karl collateral all right huh no hey get all of that crap out holy crap no babe I just walked over there and gotten their bin they're throwing the stuff away hey hold on one second all right guys so here it is I just went and got this box just to verify that Jacob had it right that they were throwing this stuff away there's nothing in there these are wet though to this rainin but it's just raining a little bit oh my god y'all are these in here what another one oh all right hold on look at this they're not in here y'all but still these boxes are worth money look these boxes are worth money look Nintendo controller hoping some of them would be in here no it's a book okay so these look like the empty game of just boxes and confered them but oh my god but look the streetfighter box Super Bowl for the regular any acid okay so then that's a really good condition box all right but look into this other stuff they were thrown away I'm not gonna tell you what this is you comment down below I'm hoping we find all that it has all its parts obviously it needs a little love but y'all tell me what you think that is I know what that is I've sold the real one in the box I know how much these go for but check it out they worth they just threw this away just Frogger game was in there okay look this is in here it's taped shut but Tyco racer hopper or racing hoppers that's in there what did they throw those away what is it I think that's a reap up Hey look at this eight tracks look beetle eight tracks oh look more Atari games what is it oh it's easy top okay today look there's a few bucks in here too it's in there guys it's in there look this was also in there it's in there check that out what hey it's amazing what people throw away hey where's that night rider thing I don't care get that out we got to dry it out that's David freakin Hasselhoff on the cover of that David Hasselhoff hey start chunking that stuff in there those drawers just throw them all in there yeah that stuff's all broken and trashed and nasty from another unit okay look at this y'all Oh hold on me zoom back up so they said it was nasty no this is different toys in there no my industries look at this y'all oh no this is it it's in there y'all said that was nasty get out of here that is a great shape look at that look at the hassel huh yeah bring 8-track player heck yeah for our eight tracks alright guys so hey here's the deal I got to get off here because I got to go meet a couple buddies of mine that are flying into town today but there's your bonus footage there's our 8-track player yes that's a nasty mattress fell over and for some reason the homeless population around it was real big so they come back here and they dig all of the stuff out of the dumpster and look that is seriously they just throw trash everywhere when they're digging through my dumpster so we have to come back and clean this up all but anyway so hey there's your bonus footage and we're done look this guy just showed up to give us more stuff holy crap he just handed my wife a Nintendo and a frickin Power Pad y'all holy crap alright guys so we're gonna go through this box he just brought us look at this digital Auto Raceway okay baseball game right here okay hopefully it's still good those are 1978 look Pocket Simon Says that's the actual older one see what else with that down huh yeah that's fine we got to get going this is very cool but it ain't gonna pay our bills I promise yep I'm doing the worst job what is that piano that looks like 70s or something maybe huh 80s 1980 the year I was born booyah all right guys we got to go we really got to get out of here look you just dropped off another bomb boom yeah Wow let's go alright bye
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 13,716
Rating: 4.9140272 out of 5
Keywords: grimes finds, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, money making, Nintendo, vintage video games, gamers, super mario, Dude Perfect, What the Hale$, dumpster diving, illegal dumping, grimes finds youtube, grimes
Id: ewfmtrc0lW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 4sec (1984 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 10 2019
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