Abandoned Magnet Fishing: 3Fer : Abandoned Storage Unit, Magnet Fishing, Gaming and Thrifting.

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Alright guys welcome to another episode of Grimes finds this is the twofer maybe 3/4 I don't know you can't be in my video if you're gonna sit there and knock me in the first like two seconds of y'all so finally I talked Kenny in to doing a video with me so here's the dang deal the first part of the video you know what you're getting you're getting a storage unit a fresh storage unit a look inside of what we buy and then next what we're gonna do is me and Kennedy where we going where we going flowers oh shoot this video she'll get him before that but yes I told you I told her it's like I've I used to get Gina like flowers almost like at least every other day two or three times a week on the way home from work but we've been so busy and I told her hey you know what I haven't got Gina flowers in a wall so I'm gonna stop by and get her some roses but no so anyway nowhere else we going to the office wait we're going magnet okay no I did not you weirdo alright so hey here's the dang deal you're about to to check out this unit let me know not the chitchat we're chatting out down in the comments let me know what you thought you thought on the unit that I bought I'm gonna be honest it's not my best but there was some okay stuff there definitely a moneymaker so hey check that out right now and after that we're gonna be right back with a magnet fishing alright guys welcome to another episode of Grande spawns this is the unit in between on 131 30 and I'm gonna tell you right now I bet it's not worth 130 I got bitten into it with a friends and man who were just as curious as the other one we like the same kind of units and we're kind of eyeballing each other and going back and forth so that's why so like I'm gonna pop the lock on this Gina's gonna give you the little bitty scan and we get right to it so we pop this lock give you a scan and you remember the dang deal not not in the chitchat e in the kitchen down the comma should let me know $125 130 you got to give the $5 you already overcharged me on the the 175 to collectible unit you told them I did 120 175 one so can I have 120 s it may be a good yeah yeah the part Italian so anyway here's the deal pop it open let me know down in the comments how silly you think I am from behind thank you Josh McQueen well see if you dropped a good unit on me so here it is yes [Music] [Music] alright guys so hey look here's the daddy look that's the ceiling right there so 5x5 so look he took the time to hang his close-up right which my nice clothes baby which man he probably was just living out of this joint dirty house hey check it out look I saw these little homemade little crepe looking things I saw this wood crate I saw these babies just safe I don't know so actually this unit it's not as bad as I remembered so here's the dang deal we're gonna pull some of this stuff out let us get prepared and then we're gonna do a little bit unboxing with you we'll be right back alright guys so we are back and Ty got all this stuff out of here it's all right here sorry here anyway so this was like some worker yeah just a worker dude you know like work boots and stuff we're pulling down like some shot glasses we're full of clothes actually this is full of DVDs which is actually good and for the office desk this is gonna be a hodgepodge this was all clothes actually was a mixture of stuff yeah there's a lamp in there yeah the one there's all kinds of weird stuff in there [Music] [Laughter] [Music] so we do have this wood chest that we're gonna stay tuned till the end to open that up see what's in my personal 76 hey where's that personal moody look this is a huge design in his house how you wanted his house that's kind of cool that's cool no 46,000 he had 70 I thought it was 76 I look in the ship and then some oh yeah I need one of these yeah he has several pairs of clips in here yeah this is a probably a freaking blue-collar worker dude yeah yeah I hope he was able to save up to buy his house his dream house hey you know some people don't pay on purpose they don't want their crap anymore no you don't that happens sometimes if you were like I don't want anything in there I'm sure I'm just gonna not pay my bill oh yeah cool there's a big ol can I know oh it's missing the bottom that's right here manager survival yeah it goes I think Oh blade yeah scorpions Rough Riders police little cowboy action that police had [Music] [Music] yeah I would say hey I'll give you 50 whoa I want to dump this out saved it most people are smart enough not you don't think the most fuel will be smart enough to not pick cash in the storage unit no no it might put it in a bank we found eighteen hundred bucks and a freaking we did I know go for I always ever seen Oh got some DAP not the second cowboy is a lunchbox we cool let's clean their that stuff that that probably bring in 30 books just take off runs it was you ties box door hole this is a butthole why where is the 76 geez you were talking about time we got room in there for more stuff all right let's go good stuff always at the top [Music] I've never heard Abbas [Music] are there any no think he just has some juicy goosy crap no that's it a light bulb and lotion you never know when you look this is money right here yeah that's like 60 bucks and lock always forget locks - oh this is old storage unit oh he didn't pay for it he was picked in headlock this is just like nuts and bolts other stuff he was definitely a bachelor starter Texas transfer oh maybe seventy six thousand bucks and bang right here this we're here in there y'all wait just wait you can see and all phone wires [Music] [Applause] [Music] we've done the cool really oh that's for the South American president what's his name Nelson Mandela oh you know that is I don't know if I know what that's too far that is not yeah you don't know now actually I don't think I've ever heard of Michael Max before you just said Michael Max is that know what you said Malcolm X ha ha I use my combs mags I really did that is exactly what I really thought you said I believe that's what you thought is it with you woman Malcolm X yes I do know who Malcolm X's Nelson Mandela these are actually cool those are cool babysit maybe about Nelson Mandela and we still got the trunk right yep so hey guys stay tuned to the end of this video because what we're gonna do is we have so many units back at the warehouse like the really good ones and so what we're gonna do is we're done here we're gonna shoot back to the warehouse and we're gonna give you another 30 minutes of unboxing right and we'll give you the auction preview yep sure do oh I don't know we did okay I don't remember look at all those chickens I just hear you say it all the time alright we're back we got like two and a half seconds for little money not quite 76,000 oh [Music] look cocoa butter what you know about that cocoa butter oh I like that kind yeah actually Tupac's - yeah - everybody's been asking what's the Tupac tattoo there it is right there hey I got give him a little cocoa butter no more Fedora action oh yeah a little rose up in that joint good or 76 G's pistola circular we're gonna again now we got way to the end oh look Yeti action yeah it's an iridescent Yeti is it what is it doesn't man kind of shiny looking purpley I wish they could see the way you're not quite sure it is iridescent what I don't even know what that mean I just don't know what the exact definition but I know what it looks fine I've got to stop being so sensitive or she's playing y'all fool we get in the car she's like watch they're gonna fall you don't light you up in the comments again I don't say that no I don't say that it her eyes got this big now she's making faces that's a weird one there's a team here we still gotta fire one more unit to fill we do all right oh we got so much this is ready 1 2 the United States Mint Treasury look at that that's that's very cool little medallion uh-huh it's not really little it's a big medallion let me see I didn't say that thing I'm not supposed to say no oh you didn't say it oh look this is cool well congratulate him he's making it through two videos hey I care about my 10 year old subscribers aren't really me to you you know nevermind you're not posted that post that son or not the apology Sunday morning Sunday morning was it before church I was thinking about during church and I was praying about it do you know you're gonna come up with other catchphrases I got plenty over the Lord all right all right check it out that's pretty cool that's really neat let's actually go onto the truck alright now I felt like I did not go through all these boxes good but 125 let me down not the chitchat down below look people you ain't gotta tell me oh it's not your best unit no crap I know that you saw the pee-wee Herman unit that was freaking great that was great so what you gotta think is okay so all these units that you've seen in the last since we started buying units again what on Thursday Friday last Thursday yeah so all of those units guys won't we spent 1,500 maybe we didn't spend a whole lot it was it was less than 1,500 my team in less than a thousand now about 1,500 1,500 not 1,500 bucks y'all I think that $125 units gonna pay for all of the units right and we still unpacked all the mama's boxes no we're finding good stuff for Mama's boxes right yeah mama had some good stuff mama has some good stuff right all right guys we hope you enjoyed that storage unit fine and now on to the magnet vision hi guys so we are here at White Rock Lake right yeah gone Texas that's where we all right uh-huh okay so it's a little chilly out here look we got a magnet boom we're gonna we're gonna do our first toss and we're not gonna make you watch every toss because the front I'm gonna find everything every tossed but we know we're pretty much gonna find like a tank or something in here right yeah but only brought the 900-pound man murder weapon murder weapon that's what we're going for murder weapon hey so we're gonna turn this thing around Kennedy's gonna get our first toss we'll see if we bring something in and then other than that we're just gonna kinda we'll bring you back in if we find something so it won't be gold oh look at this might be a murder weapon look hey you know more you know I think hammers kill more people a year than guns do I'm not joking so look ya'll we found a hammer on the first thing hey so we'll be let us know few more things that we find some Arabic are you going all right guys so hey there's change we're gonna get come on very slowly [Applause] alright guys so hey we had luck but I wouldn't call it the best luck so look in this blue bucket right here here's what we're gonna do so what I've discovered is after the age well at least 38 cuz I'm 39 when you got a Pete you got a pea I mean for real like I remember old people telling me about this whenever I was younger I mean you can't wait so we're about to go up on a potty right because that's what we do we say potty but hey check it out so look we're gonna kind of show you some of our finds here I found a lighter look so here's the bucket this is what we found kind of show you a little bit so Kennedy her first throw out she brought in a lighter you think it works I think that's water a fluid that's what I was thinking probably mix now yeah okay so we've found that y'all saw the hammer yo for real I'm gonna look up stats and try to insert it in here if I don't they just looked with a hammer we found a bolt a big ol bolt he found a battery huh huh look at this was my favorite item little bell okay and we found look somebody was celebrating last night they pop pop the top on that bottle years and look we just found a bunch of lures where's that big where's the lobster so what time I took the kids fishing we always joke about that with my oldest Madison started screaming like a freak from across the lake you were with her and she's like god there's a lobster and I was like it's a lake we're in Texas pretty sure it's not a lobster you sure it's not a crayfish and so I went over there it was but that reminded me of this but look at this but anyway so we found that and I mean I'll tell you look we just don't like tons of nails tons and tons of nails little fine things but anyway so hey that's the dang deal we're gonna go peepee and then we're gonna go find another spot which I'm actually a little sibling so so I don't know if y'all can see over there but there's a bridge over there it looks pretty tempting right and then maybe over there so that's where they dock boats and I hear where they dock boats is like the best place to go cuz phones and all that kind of stuff wallets so anyway let's go peepee and we'll be right back right guys so we are back in a big old piece of Bob wah and like two nuts that's my kid y'all anyone hey so check it out we were heading back she wanted to go by the army-navy surplus store where I get like out of my marine you know hats and sweatshirts and look over there we got to give you our full hour so hey we're gonna go see what treasures we can fun so they end up getting a three-fer thrift store Mack I was gonna say magnet fish until you were mocking me so dress store magnet fishing and a storage unit on video that's nuts hey so here it is we're gonna go in garland Road thrift store this is actually a huge surf store so I got a little cash in my pocket let's go see one beer back oh my Thompson's down we didn't find anything at the thirst store and this little guy right here doing the splits on the wall is that is that right you sure towards me or are you sure I felt all right I'm gonna trust you all right baby right get him get him get him hey they got a four fur all right hey oh you wanna do it again yeah all right here we go guess which one this one all right guys we bet no that uniform that is not a unit I feel like we got to go from this Korean guy dad that is a reindeer whatever this one I think it's too oh okay thanks F just go go go to the side tell me zelich right perfect get it you better close on that thin cloth don't you don't you mess around with me hold on guys got to another dollar all right the temp three who know is it really they don't they don't need to know that my complaint we're better than we are how's it looking yeah now cuz look his leg stuck in there he's all right I gotta waste more money hold on alright guys this is attempt number two it's the beauty of editing they don't have to know I don't think we can get that Panda yeah do you think hey mate look just keep doing that till we rattle something with I think we go for the Snowman no dad watch I got it you don't yes I do yeah don't be negative you don't get him don't ya oh shoot alright guys this is attempt number two all right how are we looking that looks dead on we need to get the claw right between his legs are you sure back right there I look good are you sure this way are you sure oh we ran out of time look what you made me do Kennedy Ryan that wasn't even close alright guys this is attempt number three but I'm not trusting you on this one you've lost my confidence in crane game I feel like that's right there look we need to get the call to spin how much time I was shoot seven seconds over stop jacking around get it get it oh that was worse than oh I need 21 dollars I'll be right back I'm joking hey guys look that's it that's all you get at the crane game but look we got one what all right guys so hey that is the end of this video you actually got like a four furrow right they got a storage unit what else I get magnet fishing the thirst store didn't go as well as planned because they didn't have anything in it and then you got a crane game and we actually won where's it at that was boo yeah look the dogs got a Christmas present so anyway oh my dear bride some roses got her a dozen red roses I would have got another one with the bases but we got vases at home and she likes to put them in the base show so anyway guys hey make sure to LIKE subscribe do all that good stuff we're still shy of a hundred or one hundred fifty hundred fifty thousand I wish that's my friends what the hell's 15,000 we're only like a little over a hundred away so make sure to subscribe if you have it and other than that make sure to hit that Bell select all cuz we do mostly all premieres we want to make sure that you join us every night so hey anyway other than that see at the next unit [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 14,054
Rating: 4.938756 out of 5
Keywords: Storage Wars, Storage Wars Fights, Storage auction, How To Make Money, Reselling Business, Storage Unit Finds, Funny Videos, Unboxing, Mystery Box, What the Hales, Steve and Steph Resale, Resale Rabbit, Whats inside, unboxing, mystery box, storage wars fight, Abandoned Storage, storage stalker, self storage, storage unit, Storage Unit Auction, storage, grimes finds, grimes, Magnet, magnet fishing, magnet world, magnet fishing best finds, magnetic balls, fishing in the dark
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 23sec (2423 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 01 2020
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