Breaking Into A Locked Trunk Found In Abandoned Storage Unit!

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[Music] [Music] hey guys welcome to part 2 of the star wars unit I'm just right here where I was right in the back and I told you I was like you ready to go and then I open this box open this box right here I was like nope episode 2 we leaving and so here we are so anyway you want to see what let's see we didn't know if all the Star Wars stuff so if you didn't check out yesterday's video all these boxes are full of Star Wars action figures so go back check out that video hey I'm just gonna show you what's in this one cuz I have a feeling we're gonna get more I'm hoping this whole back wall of Star Wars anyway so what we found is we've only found newer Star Wars stuff so far but I have a feeling we might find older because this is a super dusty unit and we have probably at least a hundred boxes to go there hello here we are let's cut to the chase one two three Micro Machines micro machine look Star Wars Micro Machines okay more Star Wars hey y'all sorry I'm like look at this this I'm not I'm gonna take all these out this whole box is full of Star Wars Micro Machines so that is killer yeah so we have about we're pushing on about twelve boxes of Star Wars items guys we are in the last unit look we found boxes of the older puzzles this box look for puzzles look he's got some Han Solo ha you had that one already in that little display case look Princess Leia all right look we've got some different ones here I'll look boba fett it's like a bit better bubble fat what else we got out Lando up Yoda there's a rebel soldier there's Luke down there okay we're back there again [Music] [Music] the leaning tower more star oh my god did you see what was in there yeah you're gonna pull it out for everyone else to see is that um yep it's the band it's the band yeah cool this is a Kiner return Oh Jenna this is the original well you told you we were gonna find it yeah what year is it uh this is probably this is its return to the Jedi wouldn't return is JEDEC um I 83 it's gonna be owner I just I'm not wearing my glasses and yes I know they're right here but I'm trying to keep them oh here we go Oh 1983 all right hey Wow look at this has got to be our freaking thumb cool looking good as soon as I saw that I know we liquidated a huge one of the biggest Star Wars collections ever about 34 years ago mm-hmm 2015 that means it there seriously you have oh my god we could be seriously if there is more Star Wars in here like original like myth cards on the you know I can't think right now mint on card and on card in most weird turn and went to Tsar Wars to belt oh yeah I can see you oh I you might not a minute that's it I don't want to step on this boxes this is like mint Star Wars stay here tonight Russia yeah that'd be bad please don't get trapped I have to call reinforcements do I follow I just had reinforcements because I would not be able to get you out we just found one of these on what the hell stuff yeah that's our Shack do you need a boost yeah okay yeah we can move it all right is in the middle the road or something no it might be in front of his unit oh yeah okay hey we'll take a pause real quick I'll take some more boxes that will show up so if you lose that real quick oh did you start recording just now literally like suck up in the joy hey hi news we're gonna happen the addiction was gonna come out hey didn't help this week good no no I feel like everybody didn't buy y'all a comment and below and let me know if I should call the reinforcements yet get you out I am the reinforcements sure I don't know who I would fall actually alright I did find a box while you were gone oh they do bed like Xena and some other action figure skate Oh hopefully the tops in there Christmas wish that said like returning the tire that's how I pretty yet it is a nice fire get and I get yelled at for breaking my own stuff oh yeah more this is our 15th box yep oh these are the ten ones these are killer man that's a good sneeze bless you that's a money sneeze the money sneeze oh what a little mini puzzles that's fun oh my gosh will it ever stop [Music] Hey look just like that when I bought it Daniel solid ground yeah I'm standing on a typewriter oh it's a bread machine Oh brand-new know what I did the bird box challenge I'll watch my bird box challenge you gotta go watch that mean it's not valuable means I you're waiting for me to find more stuff this look at this look at this y'all look at this oh that's been taken out hopefully it's tall in there Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings some kind of Civil War stuff more Lord of the Rings booyah double pack we just hit a vintage toy use it I thought this is old its older that recalling it's in here it's just gonna be one of these tough there's something way boxes I'll tell you all look at this probably maybe not even a quarter for sure of the boxes and I just keep popping open like boxes of Star Wars stuff and other kind of toys over some things we already must be important must be thank you have a kunai with you oh it's artisan huh what are these oh look maybe we should see if you feel klappa since that's a nice little set are we getting more collectible joke are we absolutely look Rafael Palmero Rafael Palmero y'all yeah so that's good you want to see the other package well it's kinda here we go hey so that's like our 50th hundred box of toys is it another one I think oMG babe Oh freaking G this is like oh my gosh that's what that means oMG just tell Oh $275 it's a GI Joe this is like old school it's from cosmic collectables y'all they had this in the store for two hundred and seventy five freaking dollars that's like half of what I paid for this unit yeah look light saber a little painting thing that's kind of fun more Star Wars action figures more Lord of the Rings action figures watch hey you turned it back round again Wow Barbie Barbie some another batteries included but not installed what stopped it stopped for a second dude yeah 1991 teen talk Barbie came out this I guarantee you we're standing like all over here is gonna be poised 21% of the next yeah maybe remember Trapper Keepers yeah I gotta sleep there's this box are you watching this box this box and there's a trunk a big trunk in here it's not don't worry plastic tubs oh yeah that's cool hey let me take this out let's show them down in the box take all this out look just model airplane job killer killer killer now there's some cars race cars put more models down here where's this game case game never seen this before that's kind of that's taped shut yeah I definitely open that but I'm not gonna take that off right now with the box they really have oh do we get we mean if I can this whole trip was he's been doubt oh that's not true maybe you didn't think I get that whole you didn't think I could get in the hole I know this look at you hey y'all he's gonna grab the child glasses are okay the final how many mess with I don't know hey you know I ain't gonna be able to go without knowing what's in these now I know I can't get a good angle they're here right hey this is look Lou my way up to the ceiling I've been standing on a typewriter hey that's how a marriage is work y'all this is a lot but that's why it's locked man it's like a pop a pop the lock huh you know two craps about this Trump this is gonna kill me now I'm gonna pop the hands if you don't come out I can't I can't go home without usually you can pop it right here underneath this is not very well put in here usually just pop the whole front off and this knife sucks and I want it to cut my hand yeah turn the blade up not towards my yeah I learn but they're gonna want to know why you're not very good this is heavy I gotta know what's this hmm do you have anything break in - no I'll have your car keys this trunk is going with the show oh don't be breakable thank you the molehole unique gifts what's the molehole crackle glass [Applause] Occupied Japan he's already been fixed his heads bro it's chipped ooh ooh man like sneeze but one of my working my way down factory machine shot yourself oh that's an airbrush thing that's kind of cool yep crap and those are model paints and stuff in there papers it's a weird box put something valuable in one - hey look it's got the key in it we can sell the box camping so the box all right make sure closes oh there's game says monopoly that's a ten Oh what's this house wiring kit he's got no regard for his own stuff like me hey here's thank deal it's like actually cold though it was 40 the high was like 67 today in Dallas that's why I'm wearing a beautiful but anyway here's what we're gonna do this knifes not gonna close it works we're gonna do this we're gonna hop down from here real quick with the cameras off and then I'm gonna get that trunk open somehow that's how we're finishing this dang video [Music] [Applause] alright guys so hey we went home last night and I'll be honest on how many tools all my tools are either up at the office but I did remember this is the other unit I'm not gonna show you too much but this is the other unit that I bought yesterday with the Star Wars lockers but come back here since we still got to pop that trunk open and I did remember when I was in here I did I remember these and make me think of stalker but anyway so hey I've got the trunk in the back I'm not gonna show you I'm gonna show you one thing from this unit right I suppose you um I think you wanted 420 120 bucks show and I'm not gonna show you what's all back there's some great stuff but this is the very first thing we saw let's go ahead and show them this yeah let's show it to him look at these arrowheads y'all somebody took all of these arrowheads and put them on here here's this one right here yeah and we're gonna soak these and we're gonna get all of this off and I'm gonna tell you right now see with with these the only way really to authenticate them you can look at them but there's some good ones as to get it you actually get you pay to get these carbon-dated you can't do that and so anyway there's been a whole process we we liquidated a huge collection of these a long time ago but anyway so I am because the condition of this I'm gonna remove all of these and get these nice and neat we're gonna do it properly but anyway so this is this unit this state who the man that's that coffee yeah that's good alright hey yo give us one second I'm gonna pop out to the truck I'm gonna grab the trunk we're gonna bring it in this unit like I was saying will see the rest of this unit sometime next week cuz there's a lot of good stuff back there again I only paid 107 bucks for this unit and I'm gonna tell you right now I think I think taking all those off and breaking that out I think I can it'll easily make a grand easily make a grand we'll see how much more over that we can go but anyway we'll be right back all right guys we're back I got the trunk remember this is the trunk from the Star Wars just a few minutes ago so anyway we are gonna pop this trunk open and see what the heck is in this thing and here's the deal I know you are gonna be like oh you know you run that trunk look these trunks don't sell very much anymore that's probably $20 tron can get these on Craigslist all day sell anyway you ready ready things just go pop huh hopefully were nothing flat oh let's do this son one two three all right what'd you think then no it's all the tories that's not what I was thinking I was like I hope he cuz this was Locke job yeah I'm hoping I'm hoping that he protected his older Star Wars stuff in here even though we did find some older stuff earlier right look you ready mm-hmm so far oh that's really a puzzle so birds I mean that's dogs treats Hey look at these maps these masks could be worth money all Bay st. Joseph sound through a year right around here anyway hey that's a pretty cool man old map cell so I'm gonna set that right there don't want that to really break because that might this might be a whole man it's my is it look at that I love when it's so packed nicely oh I'm mad I'm mad too Eddie there's a little chess set um uh it is little Jess it looks like little games like magic brain look magic brain catch me there's something there cards something Oh stamps hey without stamps oh look all right hey so this is looking like it's gonna be a collectible truck sorry I know I'm trying to slow down try not to go too fast matches Joe can you read that Joe rink look it's like a little Lincoln alright let's take some stuff out let's take some blankets off yeah hey you know what I'm gonna leave the stuff in there it's our second yeah it's all ours right so if this is just news clip yeah some old postcards Maps Oh something wrapped in here oh look yeah baby do you see that oh cool china doll porcelain not Chinese look old maps maybe stuff like that it was this oh yeah we went there what two years ago yeah with your mom and dad and oh and the whole family we always that's cool it is certain yes have to go so you walk down this whole thing there's this big like amphitheater time thing like up here here you watch and you watch at a certain time all these bats come flying out of here and it's freaking awesome it wasn't really awesome look at this is awesome I win y'all these look legit look Dallas this is Dallas to them hey look that says Dallas - yep so at one point they had 3750 on these I bet we get really 64 that I bet we do these are nice look at that yep alright so that's a good and I can't wait to get back over that unit now hey after we leave here it is actually Saturday so we are gonna go over there and actually film another episode sure that y'all have an episode for tomorrow all right let's get all these cloth over hmm this is a tie right I don't sound like a tie right but it could because you know it's maybe all those little things that fall down all right but doesn't sound like it chills that's a lot in itself oh yeah look at this made in Switzerland looks like some kind of electric trimmers or something Oh rechargeable electric scissors made in Switzerland that's cool Gold Bond what it's savers books for golden ten single ten cent stamps what hold on two ways to use this combination savers book I'm have to look these up yeah hey give us once and I'm gonna actually grab my phone and look these up and we'll be right back all right we're back so anyway I you know I see anything gold and something I haven't seen before I didn't look these uh but look right here these are sold listings remember market values determine on current sold listings so anyway that's these right here they're selling 36 books of them for about twelve bucks so that looks like maybe 20 hey don't be its own life it can be its own life so anyway look at these look at these Mobil gas he's got great graphics you know great graphics oh just one at the box we saw the mystery box over here calendars and this Oh anyway I'll go through some of this better when I get back but some old letters ones in here Bank of America Oh more stamps something huh yeah ticket yeah some kind of stubs okay [Music] very interesting very interesting there's a horse painting looks like Susan L Susan liked it alright looks like that is the end of the Trump but there's some alright stuff in there right hey remember this is from the Star Wars unit so we already know right now looking at two items that we found in there dang near pay for about ninety percent that unit we got over a hundred boxes to go oh wait this so let's end this video off proper style proper style proper style revolving tie right is that what it is maybe I think it might you don't sorry why oh look at this okay hold on I'm thinking that might be loose beads in there with all the loose beads in there yeah what is that that is some kind of to to y'all that is absolutely a tooth yeah but - what - what look it is it's wood nickels Oh what's these were gold they've been cool oh the Mardi Gras Mardi Gras beads so interesting to me of the things people walk out sounds like beads doesn't it yeah ready one this is the last box of the video who was right sound like bees but is this gold a little 10 dollar piece of gold maybe no it was definitely plated you can see where the plating is chipped off alright so hey guys that is it so make sure like I keep getting mixing up favor make sure to subscribe you don't mind let's hit 10,000 this video will air tonight and I just got off the phone texting with Jeremy over what the hell's and guess what he asked if we wanted to be on what the hell's live tomorrow 8 p.m. Central Time so make sure what the hell's channel if you haven't subscribed to them what the hell's are you waiting on because I don't know because it's a great channel and we feel honored to be on there we're gonna be talking about the what the Hales Halestorm online auction that's currently available now make sure to go pre pre register register it's open open there's some cool stuff in there guys so make sure to go register for that other than that we'll see you at the next unit [Music]
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 11,393
Rating: 4.9175258 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, money making, how to make money, lock trunked, safe, safe found, star wars, action figures, collection found
Id: ocHcwj3zoDo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 35sec (2315 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 12 2019
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