George!! Huge finds from abandoned storage unit number 13!!

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who's this strange guy on the balcony oh hi guys oh it's George George taking a risk with George George and George George what the Hales are you doing in town back in Worcester and we're going through the remaining boxes of unit number 13 so me and my sister George and me going through them so stay tuned make sure you subscribe turn on notifications and thumbs up the video because you know you love us don't forget to do it guys because it'll help the channel out a lot but what George George was looking at was this beautiful Mabel weather the leaves changing this is my favorite time of the year because of the leaves changing I'm here with George she's gonna help me go through some boxes get those balls out of her face [Music] some door banners I thought that's a door bananers I feel like 50 hits you I thought you were where's this battery tester oh wow look ultra lit that's pretty neat the test batteries I thought you just put your tongue on it you a pocket planner nice hey is that Peter Pan oh it's a him oh very nice my favorite thing on earth peace it should say of cake though it needs to say up cake or Egyptian pie okay bye bye Egyptian pie is kind of sandy nothing what is this that's a Nippon China Korea international cookbook it's like an Asian there's Korean recipes Philippines some people some people think we're Filipino and I just tell them I'm full of vino [Laughter] yeah that actually looks like those new Jacuzzi tubs that just came out for people who know what I'm talking about do you want to add no way that's my birth here - that's mine it's George 1990 people are definitely gonna think we look it even looks what burned and I've been wood burning things George from the past sent a communication to George of the present see we're gonna think we planned this get it cuz it's a flower we planted it god I'm so good a tube repair kit very cool I still can't believe that that's not my birth year my name is this this looks interesting it's like me finding Mickey Mouse stuff and it's weird that it's me and you going through this box I just found something when that date wait no I thought my name and birthdays on it it's just a broken coffee pot it's perfect for you pretty sad I guess it's not anymore 37 I mean that gold band around it alone is far like three or four hundred bucks you both sound the same oh wow I use just like my finger that's my windchill gauge so terrarium the flowers the terrarium right wouldn't a terrarium be real flowers that's made in Japan fine she was coloring in here let's say chatting with bananas it doesn't matter we're gonna assume it did more Amen stuff so Donatello shout out to Donatella boat Alena she told me that if I were to ever find vintage for a few models or cologne bottles if they sell really well for her so original fruits aspired both aleni is actually my favorite pastas I've been saving them up so that I can sell them as a lot o Hoyle rules very nice one of my favourite planets he's got plenty maybe we can do a dare me Jeremy and you can eat those that's nice even autographed by the SH weibull's company itself no no thank you they look too nice there we go I've needed a scale [Music] I think that means it's lunchtime oh that's nice very nice and a ship wow that is cool we're gonna have to talk a little louder rude a blankie I am smirking you know you know how much this is worth whatever somebody will pay for it a dollar it's a sand dollar oh very cool is that that's the biggest sand I've ever seen well it should be because they're asking ten bucks ten dollars for this dollar yeah that's a turtle shell must be a ten sand dollar sand $10 a decade the DECA dollar why were you making ashtrays oh it was your art teacher smoking that smoking that wacky tabacky these teachers think they're slick making these kids make art art projects [Applause] yeah they collect ashes that's nice that a dinner bell let's hear it give us a ring oh-ho they got me no I don't think well not just like that one I was got a little angel I'll get a closer look at that that's nice I like that I just lost it there it is I lost it again 3:01 I seem to find a lot of music boxes - this is made in Germany very nice the Deutschland has an alarm always taking breaks while we do all the whole break number break number five that looks like a murder weapon yeah supposedly be perfect for the weapon cuz it just melts and they'll never have a murder weapon name that movie in the comments below oh actually actually bring that back I found one like this earlier no this is not the same the one that we found earlier it was a cigarette holder you put your city head a little lip right here you put your cigarette under and it catches the ash as it falling yeah but that's not a puffin they're endangered it fits with the Astro stuff very nice so that a Himmel kind of thing on the inside this is a portable lamp what's it say up her skirt Oh like a chill child's lamp oh yeah a portable lamp even beads those are very unlike the beads that I found in one of my first units I just found some costumes earlier no but I do need to find the deer that's a holding leg I think you just put one single egg in there how they used to transport their lunches there you go that has to be a hymnal oh look at that little trash panda friend it's a real American butt right there all the Lord's children twist to open hole newspaper yeah got Starbucks on it could be one of the original papers oh man I think Starbucks came out a lot elephant elephant as some people say ashtray [Music] Corningware alright George what do we got I love toys we were poor but we still had a lot of toys I mean I could turn into stick into a toy our grandma would use some of those stick toys that I would make to beat me god rest her soul that area and one of them look like Pocahontas there's day-drinking Barbie look at her her twin sister it's a belly washer Oh hundred percent vitamin C we both thought it was bubble bath nice a Furby shout-out to JK he loves she's one of my favorite subscribers she loves me she's my biggest fan so growing up remember how we always used to have cats yeah we used to pick up the neighborhood strays and then as I got older I developed allergy to cats so I can't be wrong yeah we all did he's that ducky it's got a wind in the back but it doesn't do anything when I want it mm-hmm he's a disabled duck that's just a big canteen of toys Monika Kruse that's the very first mine was a Disney cruise and I loved it there's always food everywhere there's always entertainment everywhere yeah cruise ships are where it's at quite honestly even the Disney Cruise Line even if you don't like being around kids it's still there's a lot for grownups to do oh wow razor it's me and Jeremy might use that leader [Music] that's a quartz Timex no that was for the adults don't see a bunch of little army men oh I'm a lover of dinosaurs this is a fake Stegosaurus you know how I can tell because he does not have the spikes on his tail insects Oh incense yeah my thing that Vincent ooh incest is something completely different you have fumble tongues see this game [Music] let's focus every time we find the mirror we tell our subscribers how beautiful they are [Laughter] oh here put that in there there's a snake in there are you ready no good let's think that works let's see if that works put the ball in there and see if it shoots out I'm ready I was pretty good about somebody at home jumped on his fry car that's kind of weird why would why would a potato be driving a fry car that's like some kind of cannibalism there I mean the Furby is in there Jeremy probably would like this looks like something he's into zip oh yeah that's that's powering Jers that's the white Rangers Eagle oh man yeah this is awesome yeah I was always the Green Ranger because greens my favorite color his his kung-fu was one of the best that Paulie so how many birds did we used to have growing up what happened to Paulie mom mom put him outside for some sunshine and a bigger bird came and took him out of the cage yeah yeah she heard his screams and she ran to help it was oh yeah that's right and then all we saw were feathers yep so don't take your birds outside for sunshine because the Hawks will get them here something really cool for my childhood tech decks on another duck all right baby what do we got next well you mean baby I'm not your brother we're talking about incest earlier paper so my obsession now every time we find news paper in boxes is to look at the D oh baby baby baby baby baby did you check out the date well baby it's me [Laughter] [Music] baby I don't want to spoil the surprise baby I can't [Laughter] looks like he's net fishing maybe baby baby if I was fishing with the net guess what I catch my Egyptian starfish [Laughter] Japanese handmade paper what does that mean in the comments below but what you think they made out of that yes we need to go out who's that hold on a second pin skirt marker why does it start at 8 inches oh you know why maybe baby baby baby I promise it's 8 inches baby there be markings on your bottom oh that's pretty we had a lot of those growing up to head in a box oh those toupees they're like hair pieces look like monsters every time we fight on my head no Jeremy Jeremy moment no baby not today [Laughter] what team that's pretty it is Franklin Delano Roosevelt is that a decanter yeah I think there's more behind you what about that uh that cork that was in that ship do you think that goes to it or these are first editions oh oh oh wow that was even prettier does that one have a cap or do they not come with them there's three of them is that one maybe that's the box for that first one baby baby baby there's no cap for my love for you oh wow that's nice baby baby baby vintage any type of vintage workout equipment is worth something let's see if it's in there baby my love for you is stronger than that grip oh there's two of them in there [Music] and two and it even has the instruction snow oh wow I didn't know you needed instructions please all I can think about like those old school prison movies or dudes or just in the corner of the they used to no no they actually gave them full-blown weights but we're in Wooster Ohio baby and you're not supposed to tell you're not supposed to tell people I was a corrections officer I have people looking for me well let's edit that part out then I ain't scared this one's labeled Lysol do you see it maybe a baby baby my love for you is as fresh as Lysol the real silver-plated because look at the patina on oh yeah we've got some cool earrings for him to wear made in the u.s. that's an autograph isn't it that's somebody's autograph I lost focus baby baby baby being around you makes me always lose my focus he likes being extra that's just his personality Eleni Remington who's in it this is an old-school women shaver what we have to look that up and see how much this is worth what these are selling for that's kind of big for a mustache let's actually let me look that up now here's so I looked up on eBay we always use the ebay sold feature to figure out how much things are being sold for and I typed in vintage lady Remington electric shaver and here's an old one 447 we always sort it from highest to lowest so a lot of these vintage women's razors they sell for a decent amount on eBay here's one for 35 the price of blue tea new but it's a vintage one so I'll keep looking to see if I come across this brand a special love sachet what is this ash hmm tons of Avon stuff in this but it's it's a fragrance a shame are you sure it's not a sachet sachet Szechuan well that's a that's a coffin for mice now this goes oh yeah I love it Japanese are some of my favorites and pina coladas and last but not least look what label George there's a man George say George George all very very cool it's like this box was meant to be unbiased by us baby baby baby what about me you
Channel: Taking A Rizk
Views: 14,723
Rating: 4.8932443 out of 5
Id: WFW_q5Jcd7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 8sec (1688 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 24 2019
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