I Bought A Fighter Pilates Abandoned Storage Unit For $410!

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bed sheets but it felt way heavier anyway so I just started digging a little bit I saw this oh I swear to God and I see that [Applause] [Music] alright guys welcome to another episode of Grimes fine it is Friday Friday feels like Monday like the weeks just started we've got a lot of crap to do anyway it is very bright and early in the morning we actually have some clouds here in Texas so it's about 20 degrees less than it normally is so that's fantastic anyway we're here with the crew tannaz here around the corner peanuts up two and David to the front gate of thing anyway he's got the box truck anyway so we are back here for part two of this unit you can see we got a little bit cleared out so we're gonna get this stuff loaded on the truck there is a few boxes in here's I definitely do an unboxing with you hi this morning actually why don't handle liquor that was curious and I really wanted to know what was in these because I did see this when I was taking it out Sergeant William Mason accomplishments Wow I might need to try to track down the family see if they yeah that is a really cool piece thank you for your service sir unless you turned out to be a serial killer anyway that's fair right yeah even if you did like all these good things you turn out to be a serial killer I think all those things are wiped out yeah can we all agree on that yes Hey lay down the comments what you think am I on line for that little Napa Valley the rhein house and autumn that's like so I was gonna say that beautiful yes oh and hey Jake one day when he gets here tell him to come her up this mark right here what happened of the cars yeah are you having backup if you all say new job yes I have those two right there I love them to death but they have more confidence in himself when they said my wife know you're married the morning was your father-in-law oh I know you're not lying you saw them two dead on the back of the truck you know and then the thing is it's like I'll say hey be careful in these like act like I'm not alone for saying be careful in on my bro you've hit two fences my building twice and you took down a wall I think it's okay for me to be concerned at this point right yep hey hey look this is really pretty yeah look at the signature don't know who that's gonna be it is on canvas okay Frank it looks like I might have been framed in Mexico or the the frame came hey let's put that now go ahead and put that in the GTO I didn't do it people I did not do it that's I think that's worthy of fixing uh-huh isn't that worthy of fixing look we'll just hammer that down or I don't want to I don't want to force it but I'm gonna get that back into place that is too pretty not to frickin fix oh yeah usually right here that's just where I guess there's a weak spot right there in it but anyway that is super cool will you set that in my car - yeah hey here comes the overconfidence all over confident right please I oh man if you fell off of there and you know what next week they'd be doing the same thing they have their experts yeah feel like Arnie did it once I'll do it again anyway all right so hey hang on hey oh oh I'd say Air Force out uniforms yep look at this we got fatigues we got this is Air Force alright that's cool hey that's man there's a lot of more than that you get our washer so here's the deal we're gonna get this up in there and I'll find some boxes we'll pull that stuff out and we'll go through them with you but we got to hurry because we got picked up at the auction day so we can jack colonel getting back see minutes alright guys we're back it started raining but look at this about five ten minutes we got half the unit done it was started peeking this box I hung up on my show at OU because you know it does look like nice dishware but I started looking in here so anyway check this out this wasn't a trunk like I thought it was heavy anyway looks like a new dishware but I got I saw this I was like oh my gosh you grab the camera cos Petco's really used up y'all really good stuff look it is brand spanking new so anyway look there's some Co stuff looks like a bell a candle bar service candle went on more bar stuff crystal they didn't even get to see it um okay I'll start with the stuff outside if you don't mind just because I haven't recorded any I look nice little mantle thought your desk despot this is the Civil War so I don't know if it's actually sterling or cuz plays if that's sterling that will be the first time I've ever found a sterling set this is really about oh yeah that would be neat for your wall [Music] you didn't see that that's probably plated and I don't have my glasses on obviously just a native silversmiths but I'm gonna go plated until I can get my glasses on and look at it further anyway that would be too cool I mean it's really pretty no that's not anyway big turkey platter turkey platter is actually so really good okay so hey that's kind of cool right we'll see we'll look that up we'll look up that brand the pattern on it see what it's worth there was this I don't like a knife on me so this was just a big old kitchen Linux can see that yeah Charleston I guess that's the pattern this could be three or four hundred bucks this is this honestly this box right here is paid for the yeah yes Wow so we'll look this pattern of if y'all want to look it up to just give them a clear shot of that there we go yeah yeah well actually set that one aside any of the ones that say kitchen we can go ahead and grab a look down here we've got bowls got the oh look the serving dishes yeah looks like a gravy babe oh boy alright this money right for the whole Locker hey grab a tub a tub this box what they don't want this one put in their totem for Spilotro just for a little extra don't check anything on this one for now let's just sit glasses bars lamps think you'll need a bigger our wire room what's the one yeah sorry it's worth not breaking it alright what did they say do they on that yeah well yeah there's the pair and that's a pair okay so this can go back on this just be going truck this does not have oh it's just cookbooks that really what it is we're in time one boxes smut we had to be careful irons recipe cards box in a box in a box will stay this for when we get back z-cars RC let's see if it's in me oh look there in there alright guys hey let's do this let us get some more this in the truck I'll find the coolest boxes that we got to see where did that liquids dumpling bring the couch all right it's got color to it over there but anyway hey let us get some more done we'll be right back alright guys so boxes but I started kind of transferring some of this over into a tub and I did fine I can see those and I'm pretty sure I'm I'm positive those are military medals there's in these plaques I don't know I don't know it's necessary to cover up his name but Wiesel keepers I'm not familiar with that but obviously this guy was alive right I think he was a pilot I found a lot of pilot stuff I'll do more but I don't know what the weasel keepers is but that is freakin to me that's just killer just the word weasel cool but so anyway hey you know what I hope this got it become serial killer because if not I'm gonna find a way to try to honor and do this next video anyway kind of just wanted to look this is one of the boxes we actually started looking in United States of America okay see Military Merit Award okay that's pretty cool okay I'll get all these cleaned up let's see what we got in here United States of America meritorious service that's awesome okay oh here that's nice no oh wait what are these oh these are what's this a in tight something oh boy we already found a box of it so that's probably what it is that's got to be the world all this porn yeah anyway so hey let us let me find other boxes so we're back I was popping this box over time we've quit I said bedroom towels and bed sheets but it felt way heavier anyway so I just started digging a little bit I saw this oh I swear to God and I see that I did not see that I don't know about that I swear the Lord above I did not see this that says Rolex y'all I'm not joking I don't know if it's really good so Tanner asked me what Monday feel like do you ever find any Rolexes but Bushnell binoculars and that's a pretty decent brand and so I was pretty pumped about this all right okay now I'm excited y'all I got to get this stuff out of here sorry I'm making a mess but hurricane Ron's time it's just a lockbox yeah man care collection shoe polishers and that's what it is now I'm freaking jonesing nothing well I just sent a box that said towels minute to Sandra it's a beanie babies heads look at that I'll burn it I'm joking Oh seriously all oh my gosh okay there's something in here I got a hurricane jumping off the page at me oh wait hold on what better than that guy oh no it's a link to y'all look at this this might be the most exciting box ever I'm joking I'm getting over hey hey let's make sure the cool old school mere vanity man doesn't make me like it it's all well you know me I'll check it later but right now take my blood pressure probably high right now so this is probably gonna be what this is a camera I think these are the smartest people yeah look it's in here booyah y'all my glasses are better that's a wrestler now you know what we need if we have to turn a microphone we got oh my gosh I'm freaking freaking out right now it looks like military pins really cool service pins for ups really cool stuff okay stop jacking around you nope nope and now I can tell you about feeling ah man base metal bah blah blah okay and this new gold I would still be happy set usually things with big things like this I've never found to be real and you can just look at the cheapness that's not gonna be gold this possibly is gold that's possibly gold that's possibly gold possibly possibly I'm doing this without my glasses y'all know that's plated but yeah this one it looks cheap - all right maybe not hey it's worth the shot with my glasses off oh this is old yes it's 10-karat gold that's a big Orion that's a big old ring and that'd be cool it was go it's not let's see the chipping boo this that was freaking dramatic hey we're still I'm like Manny sure myself into my head and on hey I'll still take oh the working man handed okay alright guys so that was scared seconds all right I'll look that what was in that cabinet yeah - eight 5d I bet this one it looks like it's in pretty good condition oh yeah baby money that's money look at that that meat slicer boy I don't know what barn that is because I can't read it right now look at this this set an expresso machine it's what it looks like almost looks like a carats down look at this look at this waffle maker Oh killer welcome in you can stop that retro look that's mine right there y'all that's us VCRs I mean they're really multiple ivory get out of here y'all all right we got to get this stuff back to the warehouse kill the crystal those are beautiful Wow okay hey guys we're gonna take this box back to the warehouse because we've really got to get back that's not pretty there it's signed but you can yeah this is not ivory but this is really pretty doesn't mean it's not some other kind of okay I'm not gonna mess with that too much but anyway we'll take that box is going in my car and we're gonna do that I was gonna show you this real quick this is the box that little bronze finds open last night and he said it had tapes in it he sure was right look at this boy look at that I'm very impressed that little grandsons know what tapes are my son I know I'm just impressed journey look Whitney Houston there's I mean these are good hey records are coming back right because even Target Walmart well they're not the ones reproducing them but they're selling them right reproduce vinyl so I have a feeling it's only a matter of time where tape start coming back which is gonna do what its gonna drive up the prices of tape players so if you have a player's I hold on daily tell mm-hmm anyone Oh Tiffany you don't remember that running just as fast as I can trying to get away into the dark no with that Tiffany oh y'all let me know I'm pretty sure that was Tiffany and I have not heard this 1980 707 lat Bobby Brown I know about Bobby Brown boy look in here here see these but that CDs all the way to the bottom it looks like don't see what we had right here let's split through Earth Wind & Fire that's good cool in the gang sugarhill boy rappers delight do you know that song now to the hip hip hip knee HUP no you don't know that no you don't know rapper's delight' David you know you know a sugary it was rapper's delight' it's like not too white for this you'll have to watch the video to see what I said Rapper's Delight can't believe I'm doing this on a video oh I'm gonna get a music thing oh yeah I can't do that I recognized it though a little bit although I make it just a song I thought it would nope I don't know that song y'all see what I have to work with unappreciative people never - is weird on you sliced stone is he related so best for someone when you get so embraces Oh Amir more cool in the game whoa Chaka Khan or Rufus hey y'all I've got a Tupac tattoo on my arm so you know I like me anyway hey we're gonna take their good box that had this in it back to the back to the shop we got to get back on unbox that there and then a video so anyway I'm just going with it so anyway we're back look everybody's pulling orders hello everybody again so anyone hey this is the box that we have not finished I'm doing remember right beautiful they had a little almost I thought for a second it was gonna be silver no scrimshaw remember that oh yeah so anyway let's just kind of peek in here and see if we find some cool stuff depending on what comes out depending on how far in this box we go [Music] Wow yeah but not a bunch of tchotchkes [Applause] Oh more birdies Hey 489 that's what they pay for that that looks like it matches well that's got gold trim on it it's like it this thing right here and this thing like had a baby it'd be this then this would come out right or what if these two had babies in like you know how one comes out we just wasted time of your life you will never get back on that nope you are welcome coming in home beautiful design well rent you put your rings in that look at that how pretty you know I always loved these little ring dishes and then I have like toward them and I never take my rings off I never take off my wedding ring when I compete in fighting in a train you would take it off because if you brother fingers when why you in the bone scar look I mean now I've got a lot of scars but that's called a boxer's fracture but I'm fractured that so bad do you can see the bone went straight I never went to the hospital you know what I'll let it heal on its own now here's what I did this broke the bone popped out right here you can tell look at my hands yeah the bone popped out right there and I wrapped it in a towel and I slammed it against the wall and the bone went back in but that's how it grew back Wow that's how much I that's how cheap I am with hospitals and wasn't having or a heart attack a non heart attack I'm not a heart attack speaking of a tune in next Monday night me and Brandon from a treasure hunter Vegas will be doing a special on an anxiety questions yep we both had a lifelong struggle with it and so I know a lot of other people have to that's really pretty that's really pretty imagine this buck sitting on there like big entertainment center uh looking for a big entertainment center with their TV on it that's what I think of all this stuff what that really is very pretty oh this is like what's this called abyss jar that one's called oh what's this called sound of Candida no it's a and I already might be right that's actually a really pretty go that's got a really good shine 200 it was there's a lot of poblanos there's open eye that's on the inside okay that's part of your pattern that's why it looks like that see this is cheaper so you see all the bubbles and crap in that that's just not very quality studio Nova crystal found more unboxing going to the storage being back here oxygen for you and what I really want to do is I really want to go back tanner Danna and it's not no longer by yourself so look there's a lot look there's still a frosted action on the bottom a little dub taking off that's pretty uh we're gonna put these that we're gonna clean these up but these in a photo booth cuz these really [Music] oh that's cool made the same one that's the candles I'm at a cheap base 99 cents but it's on the candle beautiful okay anyway so I have a feeling they're all they're gonna be any more of this look how many more people doing it so we're gonna pour out a lot more pieces in here the stuffs not like really ship really bad [Music] USA art coral do that's pretty is that full story it's a glasses not a big enough market these days for me there's a little edge to base still pretty inclined oh all right so hey this is look like what its gonna be huh no funky more Asian we still got the tool box with everything else so here's what we're gonna do we're gonna take these tubs and I really wanna know if there's anything cool in these dressers so we're gonna take these tests back so we're gonna film that and that'll be the end of this video but then you got to do an unboxing of dressers I'm boxing boxing you got to do a storage unboxing what oh and someone's pulling up so it's perfect time so we'll be right back yeah yeah all right so we're in the back check out this lovely piece of something-something oh you this what is that crap yeah it might be so anyway hey I love going through people's drawers I'll be honest with you that's like my own funnest parts the drawer or like when I go over to like people's houses like I'll sneak off to the bathroom and go through the drawer I'm joking about it like I wonder what they keep in their drawers anyway so hey I want to we're gonna finish this video by going through this one we have that dresser and I think we have something over there then I just want to find out what's in these drawer I love it when people pack stuff like this because hey think about it when you hide set well back in the day I don't know if people still do this because you know things like called slaves but people would hide money and stuff on anything I know someone who does that this is where the mice were living oh we're good people I hope for this one yes it's unbelievable [Music] [Music] are you excuse us furniture you need to get over here I did this in a unit and this one wasn't taped shut cursor room and we'll go through this later because you never know what you'll find seriously you find money I mean yeah just Oh where's that cash make sure you hide anything in the bed no I'm glad you're ready wait Oh Barry why man we're rounding Barry White all of one yeah well this is the stuff we unloaded this morning yeah these are like nicer Jordans and stuff like really clean this whole box is full of them sorry I know y'all don't want to see this again boss telling her about him but this is crazy all right so hey here's the damn deal this video is over make sure you go to all of my featured channels like subscribe check out their videos make sure to subscribe to us if you would like watch our past videos and like I tell you what the commercials run no skipper help the channel out anyway so hey we really appreciate last night's video was our fastest takeoff video in a while so the channel is just growing guys and we're very very very grateful and what I will say I did have a few comments nobody's mad about the city of Garland doing their job what's the thing yesterday and I get it my grass is too tall that's fine my problem was is that they didn't make contact with us and even when I suggested hey maybe y'all should you know that's great that you sent emails supposedly to the owner of the building that doesn't help the actual person paying for the building like a note on the door or something like that mm-hmm an email to us a letter to us to let us know and we would had it done in our food my problem is is that they don't contact the people you know his answer was to that when when I was out there telling him he said he goes well if we put a note on your door ain't that gonna be very embarrassing to you sir I said no not really but hops and city officials showing up here with a search warrant now that's embarrassing and I didn't quite make sense to me that wouldn't have a very good response was anyway I'm kind of over the whole deal but obviously because I'm still talking about it but I just want you know I'm not mad at the guy for doing this job he needs to do his job and we want to be in compliance that's what we want to do and when you be back he was he was nice yeah he was nice but here's the deal is like seriously I asked the guy out I said is this stuff that you drove past is that in violation he said absolutely here's the thing that stuff has been that way for at least six months mmm six months and they drive by it so that's why I felt like it was targeted and actually the picture I looked at was that my neighbor's fence in the report he was he took the picture through their fence so wouldn't even ours to start with so I felt like it was really like they were pushing for something maybe I'm wrong I don't know but anyway hey like subscribe we'll see if the next unit [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 20,904
Rating: 4.8986831 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit guns, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, money making, how to make money
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 25sec (2845 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 20 2019
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