ABANDONED Hydrostatic 3cyl Kubota Diesel in a Jacobsen Reel Mower

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okay so i was on a walk with uh the rest of my family as we always do and we're walking along and we found a lawnmower in a bush and it looks like it's been sitting there a while so track the owners down and made a deal i think i think i got it i think he said if you can get it running you can have it i don't know what that means if i can't get it running i can't have it i don't i don't understand but we got a fresh battery we got um a little cordless compressor and a little socket set i think it's back here somewhere [Music] so she's definitely seen better days and i can see why they got rid of it but there's just so many good little tidbits with this one being who doesn't love a three-cylinder diesel kubota [Music] the rad is yes okay but it also has a giant hydraulic pump because every one of the reels is driven by a hydraulic motor so hydrostat diesel with hydraulic hose reels lots of hydraulic valves and goodies and hoses they stopped using it because a bird built the nest on it and they didn't want to disrupt the bird so then they just parked it that and they said they were sticking wrenching on it blowing hoses doing whatever i'm sure we can harvest it if not fix it let's see if we can get it running anyway so yeah just noticed that nest now but there's actually eggs in it so we'll fire it up we'll see if it works we're not moving it obviously uh we might have to wait a couple weeks until this hatch we'll see here we go so we've had some questions before what do i do when i uh when i want to fire a diesel up that hasn't ran in a number of years i think this one hasn't ran in four or five years for what they told me if it's been four or five years i probably wouldn't be too too worried diesel doesn't go bad like gasoline does it's got lubricity in it and that doesn't disappear over time it takes a good 15 20 years before that that diesel starts getting too bad more than anything it'll probably just end up clogging your fuel filters and not running so a fresh fuel source is uh generally number one with fuel filter change obviously check your engine oil this is hydraulic so we're gonna check our hydraulic oil if you're very worried about the engine you can take out the port on the uh where the oil pressure sensor goes in and then just take any any cylinder anything that can hold 5 to 10 psi of oil pressure fill it up with oil put the thread the oil into the oil gallery and then just pressurize the cylinder it'll just push all the oil into the engine that'll pre-lube all the bearings and and everything so that when you're when you're turning it over for the first time it's not dry the hours on this one uh it's got three thousand thirty three hundred hours if that hour meter still working which is still fairly new if it's low on oil we'll check that we'll definitely do something like that but i'll probably just fire it up because we're here and my investment into this is basically zero right now oil levels all the way up it's not milky oil filter says 2014 so it's been yeah it's been five years since it's been fired or looked at that would be fuel which is full and doesn't smell smells like diesel anybody know online where where the oil reservoir is i don't know i guess if it doesn't squeal it'll be fired up there'll be a little tank here somewhere i'm just gonna throw a battery in it and start it [Music] he's in it oh lights on oil lights on so that's good if that doesn't go out we got problems i don't know if they're glow plugs we'll i'll give her full throttle just give her try grow it some more uh sounds okay oil pressure light went out so we're getting oil pressure i don't think i have maybe i got brake clean in the truck that's the end of my battery all right i'm gonna go home i'm gonna get some brake clean i'm gonna charge up that battery and then we'll be back that's the plan here we go good old craftsman let's see so i got invited to the craftsman relaunch and it was fantastic it was great um but i had a big beef with their tools and i let them know about it their sockets they didn't have the finish going to the inside and they were actually starting to rest so they sent me another kit i hope they took care of it i've used craftsman it was actually my first set that i bought always very happy with them disappointed when sears couldn't make a go of it but i do want quality tools at least at least ones that don't rest so hopefully they got it we'll actually tighten these battery clamps which is not working so well because they're not using the proper nut in the right order but decent fish [Music] [Music] oh [Music] all right we'll put some air in the tires and see if it moves forward and back and then we'll go from there i guess i'll hear any major hissing that's good one down three to go i already broke it my lawnmower was flat and i had it on the deck because it's my walker and i cut the end off the hose the original one you just thread it on and walk away but oh well it takes me a little longer i think that it sees it's great when they put the sticker on the floor and then cover it up with the roll cage because that might be four wheel drive like that that to me is four wheel drive how do you turn the mower on this must be reels turning on it's electric over hydraulic nice that is pto maybe that's fine all right [Music] that's not a good noise so that turns though [Music] hmm well i don't know oil pressure oil in it what else could you want for so we'll uh we'll see when this shows up in the driveway here we go well there she is gonna try and drag it i was gonna put it in my trailer until i realized that it's too tall it wouldn't fit under the door so instead we the line here we turn it and it free wheels and pull it with my tractor down the golf course here we go [Music] [Music] okay so what are we gonna do with this thing reel mowers are basically for fairways they only work really well with um with short black grass i don't mind short grass because then i can wait a little longer before cutting it again and when the sun burns it all because it's too dry then i don't have to cut the grass at all hmm the real mowers are all there other than i'm missing one of these rollers on the right side you probably go back to the golf course probably laying in the weeds or something somewhere so these are the options we either fix it up and use it but it was parked for a reason so there's a couple things wrong with it from what the owner said is that it was just too much trouble every time they used this something broke on it and they were just sick of fixing it so they parked it as far as he knows he goes you probably fired up and cut the grass so the kubota 3-cylinder 28 horse non-turbo fired right up we already know that so now it's to see whether the hydraulics are good or not now this hose was leaking right here this is a pipe can you see that this pipe was rotten so i just took a piece of pipe that fit over top and i just braised this over the rotten piece cheap fix uh didn't take too long to do that um and my budget for this is zero so when you are welding a piece or raising a piece like that because it's a pipe it goes from the one side to the other and then a tee that comes right off the pump right here you basically have to braise it in place because the fittings have to line up 100 so um basically tighten everything cut it stick the pipe over top braise it um we've got videos on brazing it that's not the point i fixed that now it's on to see whether it will move um with the hydrostat it was low on oil so i put a full pail of oil in there that's how much it was low because that was leaking and whether the reels spin or not i'll try and cut my grass not that i'm going to use this as a molar but we can verify that the hydraulic pumps are working um the hydraulic motors are working on the reels and the hydrostat works to make it go forward and back let's see if it will move and start and go from there okay decent battery in there i think this is the switch for the hydrostat so this will lock it out so you can tow it and then when you turn it the other way the other 90 degrees it allows the flow to go and turn the tires so turn the key i'm still just barely enough oil there's a oil here and here oh look at that that works no reverse and to the real spin there we go [Applause] that's better cool so that's probably telling me i'm still low on oil that's ridiculous wow okay so i'm still low on oil i don't think i'm leaking i didn't hear anything squirting so before i put any more money into it i'm still gonna pop tires back on again and see if it moves under its own power and if it's worth throwing another payload oil in there so here we go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] sure right about there let's give her just given her i might have to grab some tape put it over that buzzer that'll fix that [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] so nice all right so here's where we're at we have a mower that moves goes forward in reverse and things spin around it cuts the grass not great but it cuts the grass so the knives need to be sharpened and all that fun stuff but i think it worked so for now i think we're gonna run and grab some more oil and cut my grass i was worried about the hydrostat that's the biggest thing what it is is a it's a little brass plate that slides over a nine piston pump and it has to transfer the oil from the pump to that brass plate as it's spinning and if there's a tiny little groove in that hydrostat it won't move so i think it's just low in oil running it low on oil is also terrible for it you can really scratch that brass plate but i've had a guy in town dm precision they're actually doing some machining on the gto they have like this laser cnc that can measure to like a a tenth of a tenth of a thou and machine that brass plate down again you can make that brass plate skinnier just down to the groove and they've showed this like graph and this was like 10 years ago about yeah 10 years ago i fixed the hydra sat in a little skid steer um couldn't buy the hydrostat for it anymore 75 bucks to machine the thing you don't really need any gaskets or seals so i really like to get into this hydrostat but i'm not going to do it if it's not broken all right so the only thing left to do is i haven't even washed it yet let's go cut some grass i don't really like [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so that got stuck in there probably fell off of this somewhere [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay well it seems to be doing okay i guess i'll give it a pressure wash yeah we'll decide what to do after that here we go okay so here's the thing i have an hour and a half into fixing that pipe i have two pails of oil for 140 bucks into that and that's it oh a battery i got to put a battery in there so uh total cost so far is 150 bucks but there's a catch the owner of the golf course just bought a six liter ford and he says you can have the mower but i might have to fix that 604 at some point so i'll probably sell another cummins at that point for now kind of a dilemma because um everything works but there is some pieces missing well it's kind of a pain and they don't really like long grass or weeds and i'm not going to say that i don't have long grass or weeds because i have both so the walker does a way nicer job but it's a four foot cut this is a nine foot cut so this does it almost more than twice as fast so that's nice it's a lot faster like it moves faster than the walker but it doesn't get as close to the walker so best thing about this thing is this little kubota engine so i think the only practical thing to do is to sell the kubota engine and scrap the rest a lot of these reels are missing pieces and they're rotten so the grass doesn't go the way it's supposed to it doesn't ah the heights are off i was gonna buy new reels and had a guy lined up went back and forth emails and that's the way it goes nothing ever happens with that so i thought maybe i could get five or six riding lawn mower decks and then put the little motors on there and spin it but that's a lot of work for those motors to do too so the amount of work and everything that goes into it i think those cabo little this is a d1105 i thought maybe i could keep this one for my walker but i need a d722 for my walker because i was an idiot and i left too much water in the block and she froze and cracked so we'll use the kubota to pull out the kubota it's already sold took all of 12 hours on the internet for that to go and then uh we'll go use that money for some other projects so it's interesting to note that this machine brand new 20 years ago was 40 000 forty thousand dollars nice still warm from running and there she is all ready for the scrap now i meant to i was almost gonna scrap it a couple times but then the hydraulics are still still worth something i think the the reverse sucks which is partly why we scrapped it kind of a pain getting stuck somewhere and having to yank it backwards just too many issues and to put all that time and effort into that particular hydrostat the rest of the machine just wasn't worth it so um we do have another project we could maybe use it for and want you guys opinion come on shop i'll show you this here is a four-cylinder air-cooled pup engine for a deuce and these were rated pretty low horsepower but with a bigger carburetor and they make some decent power i thought if we pulled the tow rig out of the c10 a motorcycle with a matching patina would look pretty sick so um alex out in billet performance manufacturing can build us an adapter plate to put a transmission on the back of this for a motorcycle we did pick up a harley motorcycle should we build a um all-wheel drive hydrostat air-cooled motorcycle harley with the matching patina for the back of the c10 and then i don't even know what channel that has to go on is that off-road because we're using a lawnmower hydrostat on an on-road motorcycle i don't know anyway stick around we will do something cool with it i won't scrap that thing yet until all the hydraulics are off of it and then you can buy it from vnr anyway thanks for watching guys get out there get filthy here we go
Channel: DGHD
Views: 276,771
Rating: 4.9265018 out of 5
Keywords: deboss garage, hydrostatic, kubota diesel, kubota 3cyl diesel, kubota 3 cylinder diesel, kubota 3 cylinder diesel injection pump, hydrostatic diesel motorcycle, kubota diesel engine, jacobsen, jacobsen reel mower, jacobsen mower, lf128, jacobsen lf 128, jacobsen lawn mower, lawn mower revival, abandoned lawn mower, will it run, will it run lawnmower, will it start, will it start tractor
Id: h6Fy6sXlr38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 59sec (1439 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 17 2020
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