1985 AG-CHEM TerraGator - Dry Fertilizer Conversion [EP1]

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all right check out Kevin's new toy you bought a boat no wonder people so jealous that you bought a boat you bought this thing this is even better yeah that's not a bad shape so plan for this is to take the water or the tank off this is like I used to work for if he's excavating and you'd think that you're climbing into something nice and new but he just painted all his old crop the new new colors still got like fancy buttons and stuff [Applause] yeah best Cousins ever made right I kind of want that turbo that's the nice big look at turbo what is that [Music] you guys were asking for some here we go merge and we do this because you guys asked we made a boss garage key tag that says here we go so these are on pre-order just to kind of gauge interest we have to buy a whole pile of them so as long as we can get enough we will sell these and lots of good stuff coming up so yeah let's get into it [Music] listen everybody box five here max five yeah and we don't know what we're gonna quite do is it if we're gonna put it on in 1803 or we're gonna put it in 1805 of our mortar and turn into a full tank really something like this got floated on an 18-wheeler they pulled this trailer onto an 18-wheeler and had proper permits and everything to pull this off yeah yeah there's there's escorts and wide-load and County it was all good you got a good deal somebody pulled this off because it needs work these beams are alright put my hands in there yeah so that's that's not so good and that's what happens with fertilizer if you counted earlier you could have put a seed around it but not anymore because now the Steel's all bent and twisted so basically this has to come on the guy who bought the tear Gator just needed the engine and transmission so we can buy or I'm gonna try and hunt down the the guy who bought this I did hunt it down ready oh yeah he's some kind of stock go see you so um by the old machine - engine and transmission and then put a decent DT 466 and they yeah that's the dream so dream all of this kind of has to come together but we need to replace these beams - I'm thinking with the beam at the back here we weld another one on the top and make legs and then get get a crane to just pick the whole thing up and stand it on its side and then when we torched and cut and weld all this it's a lot nicer because it's vertical rather than all that stuff falling on I say we just leave it as it is should be it's home yeah [Music] Medus it's not bad that's actually very impressive Kevin look at that Kevin's got all his permits for pulling wide load down the road right so truck also works as a perfect escort vehicle for pickup stolen transfer checks down the road but we would never go on the highway yeah okay so we've got this thing home and it's not as heavy for cliff to pick it up and the back tire is even still touching the ground cuz yeah if I move those engines in that real quick I can park the payloader in there [Music] kits on the ground now I got to figure out how to get at the bottom so Kevin's thinking about rolling it on side I want to tip it on its end because then we only have to do it once so let's pivot so it should come off let me take that off I've got the nut off and the bolt spins free so you should be able to get the boom off and then I think we'll just take the forklift and then just roll it on its side and then block it up and then do one side and then the other side we might be able to do both sides without rolling it over as long as they're in place then you can weld it when it's straight up and down again - yeah all right we'll think about it we're gonna grab something and then probably do it tomorrow so I'll have these tanks for sale on eBay nice stainless because why Kevin it's our phone markers and we don't useful markers anymore now that we've graduated GPS all markers are like plowing the horse so hose hoses for sale - yeah yep just check out the link you know the hydraulic lines disconnected and under oil the machine at the same time and this collar seized so rather than sliding this off of there we're gonna try and slide this up and out Kevin hasn't bought a tape boss yet so I got a measure is that even gonna fit and that's more than a food [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so we're gonna pull up with the maxim but the curtains in the way or the cover so we'll take that off no I had a nice clean clean yard and then [Music] okay you got it kind of skewed still tie it off but this is why we need to get at it I'm telling Kevin he needs to replace these two yeah yeah there you go you're halfway there those are the hard ones to change yeah add torches those ones those ones are fine no no I don't worry about it that one's pain to get out don't worry about close your eyes get darker glasses found one more good use for a sixth-floor power stroke and he just took a six by six that was tight and then strapped it to the frame and then strapped it to the front two corners while it's blocked underneath and this one isn't structural so no comments about that so now what chopping time that's tomorrow okay how'd you do that free rent for a month and then it's 50 bucks a day that it's in my driveway [Laughter] [Music] suicide what do dinner it sounds good yeah so neither one of us has ever driven anything like this before you're moving [Music] [Music] [Music] it's a really good shape like you could tell they take good care of it nice okay so just drive and go brakes and that's it but no Turk did turn signals yeah that's not turn signals I don't think the back lights are working but you'll just follow me right all right let's go [Music] [Laughter] the real GM review and Kevin backup a wagon with a pivot with this track it's real talent there there goes the boat [Music] having refuses to use four-wheel drive for some reason [Music] there she goes keep going one shot it's tight to the wall ish that's good your PIN yeah all right let's roll [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he shuts up with the key that's amazing [Music] [Music] [Music] so what is the plan of this first off what what is it what is it yeah 1985 egg-cam turn here this was putting out liquid fertilizer like we're talking like 40 50 60 gallons an acre when you're spraying with your sprayer are you doing 10 15 right so this is like for a mass fly high volume and the wide tires is for early before things start to grow compaction right yeah why tear up a nice machine the last season it didn't make it to the end line or something Kevin was just like that's it I've had it I'm gonna fulfill here they got back on and I think there's a line underneath this broke a couple more rows like that tank is gonna end up on a way it's a full stainless it looks good I could use a lean-to out back so I can use the trusses on the side yeah yeah twenty-eight percent that's what runs four types a nitrogen that's just like there's a curling right so it just rots and everything everybody's like all these fittings have you tried to get them apart you'd be mad right it's early it's just rusted accorded yeah yeah I should show you it's done you're a brand-new ratchet shop I bought and I had a holding down the pump for the trailer and now it's nice because it's what does that I think those fenders we could put them on that one thing actually yeah yeah why not make more work right and we should get rid of that triple net : DT 466 it you know what no it runs so nice it's so he's a big Cummins guy we haven't had a dt 466 on the channel yet actually it runs really good it started good like oil pressures good I read that these things are gonna have Italy compressing on the pan so I did check it for pickle plug out it was just all oh that's good so we are going from liquid fertilizer - hi fertilizer - that's it because with liquid fertilizer you it's only nitrogen right whereas with the dry I put down potash nitrogen you can blow your clover C down with it and then this tank just on trailer good for something though we used to be all our nitrogen up front I'm coin but now we're splitting so then we come back with liquid with a sprayer and it was really icy there she is made home was it bouncing no not too bad on the back but it's the front tire that does it I think I think just the front three we're bouncing yeah I think once you get some weight in about it and not much in the CD there but three points everybody can each one valve to regulate the pressure alright we're so new project to take over the show I saw that frame like four years ago as well as third in my head so yeah first things first we're gonna leave this thing alone we just have to bring it home but we got a couple frames out of that box we'll see how bad it is when we start cutting it in the next episode so yeah and it is spring so don't expect massive updates right away I'm just gonna lay it out there it's gonna be a little bit rainy days and whatever else but that one's going into the field and I'm still working yeah we're talking like a monsoon Ranger come on the two days so we might might have a race right Duggar it's that time here we go [Music]
Channel: DGHD
Views: 169,657
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: deboss garage, terragator, ag-chem, agchem terragator, fertilizer spreader, dry fertilizer, dry fertilizer spreader, liquid fertilizer spreader, 1985 terragator, big tractors, big machines, manure spreader, agco terragator, agco tractors, agchem tractors
Id: B40c8P7oFIA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 7sec (1147 seconds)
Published: Fri May 22 2020
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