Buying and fixing a dozer : John Deere 450

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it's not bad for being what would it be fifty years old not bad you know it's got no rollover protection but that's not really an issue I can definitely make something up for this he said that the steering clutches are bad on this but I think it's probably just an adjustment he said he didn't have any time to mess with it let's see it's got a lot of play in it I'm prepared to put new steering clutches in it it's about a thousand dollars my thought is if you want to run equipment you gotta learn how to fix it if you can't fix it you gotta buy brand-new equipment yeah I don't know my opinion is probably just not the thing to do for you because even brand-new equipment breaks all the time too so yeah you can bring it in the dealer and you can wait weeks for them to fix it but really if you have basic set of skills you can do you can do this stuff [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] you [Music] you you you and it's so cool so glad I went with this instead of a lowboy you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah that's move yep yeah that moved quite a bit [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yep [Music] and when it goes okay there we go [Music] watch there you go and it's kind of a something that I don't know what he said [Music] [Music] all right okay up and out [Music] Oh Oh you you I got all the parts that I think I need to repair the dozer so I got some new friction discs and I got some more steel plates there's seven of these and eight of these this is the clutch housing and that's fine the drum on the outside is worn down a little bit there's a little bit of a lip on the side that's where the brake liner rubs against to create friction to stop this here's the new pressure plate and the old pressure plate had some Springs that were broken so here's some of the old friction discs and plates you can see they're just just really rusted these I could probably grind them down and reuse them but these friction disks have most likely they have asbestos in them and they also swell up when they get moisture so metal in general creates a lot of moisture so those are obsolete so I got the new friction disks here which are supposed to be much better they also have like a cutting edge on them I kind of like that idea that's like a drilled and slotted rotor but these are like a bimetallic eye these are like an alloy metal they're a little bit more expensive but they're supposed to not lock up just to give you an example of why this thing was froze up the steering clutch is basically if you don't touch them they are tight and then when you pull back the lever your axe releasing the clutches so you're letting him you're letting it spin and it was it's frozen and it's a very common problem on these machines and here's an example of that I tore a lot of these apart already but pretty much every one of them was just like this watches they're just stuck together see and see how hard that was they were really stuck together so imagine all these being stuck together these are an upgrade so hopefully even if you let it sit for a year it'll still not lock up hopefully but I think that's the trick that's what I'm reading from other people that have these machines so this in the middle there and it holds all these discs together and it's very important there's a snap ring that goes on here well it's not really a snap ring but it's a locking ring but this goes on that groove and basically so to start this what I have to do first is put one of these in here and you also want to make sure I sandblasted this whole thing that's why it looks a little bit rusty and then I put some oil on it but then I realized that this surface right here is really a surface that this disc is gonna rub against so I immediately took it off with some brake cleaner took the oil off this surface right here and I left the oil on some of the other surfaces but basically you need to make sure that nothing has oil on it that rubs together so these friction discs they come coated in oil you got to make sure you get that off with brake parts cleaner and the surfaces that it hits so these discs here these plates look too covered in oil gotta make sure you get all that oil off otherwise you'll just wear these out like crazy because you're thinking like well this doesn't really spin that fast it's not going to create that much friction but the and the gears actually makes this spin very fast so hotspots can occur so one important thing to remember is that this goes in here first one of these and then you put the snap ring on this gear here and then you load the rest of them on here so I'm going to do that now so now you just alternate these disks so you got the friction plate there you got the steel plate here another friction plate my plea I see people all the time they say I don't worry about that all on there that I'll just burn that right off yeah well some of it will burn off but some of it when it heats up things become porous and some of its going to go into those little pores as it eats up so then you're just gonna have hot spots so it doesn't make sense to leave this oil on it look how much oil there is here I'm just wiping it down first and then I'm gonna put brake cleaner on it [Music] [Music] and if you did it right hopefully the friction disk should be last and it should be about flush with the edge or the face of this drum so now you're ready to mount the pressure plate when you're first putting this together you got to put this shaft on the bottom and then you put this other shaft on the top and there's a pilot bearing inside of the other shaft and this goes into there and there's this little spacer here don't lose that make sure that snug and tight in there and then you know that all the disks are in the centered spot the best they can be and you want to do that before you put the pressure plate on because once you put the pressure plate on there's pressure on it once you tighten up the bolts and then you can't really move it so it's important to do that before you put this together and then again if you get any residue like oil on the surfaces you need to clean those off I think it's a good idea once you start putting these bolts in before you tighten them up just stick that shaft in there again and recenter it and then once everything is once these bolts are tight then you can take the shafts away it says 21 pounds of torque 21 foot-pounds of torque on these bolts so now it's time to adjust these clutch fingers you have to adjust each one separately to make sure that they're first of all equal with each other and second of all within tolerance of the height that you need so what i did what i first did actually was i printed out this template that i found online that you can go like this figure out where it needs to be this is a JD 2 to 7 part number but it's just a template so you can make it into anything so then i got doing some more research and then i found out that the way that they measure is from the face of this clutch housing to the highest point on this finger here has to be 2.0 1/2 inches so what I did is I made this out of steel and I just made sure that basically this bar is high enough where it's not hitting this for a year there's like three 16s before it hits so then I wanted to make sure that both of them were equal so I think they were two point five nine inches two point five one inches it was from I'm basically there to there so I welded that one major a square and then this one I made sure the same thing 2.5 1 inches square from here to here and that leaves you just above this surface so now if I'm if I'm looking for two point zero one two I just take two point five one and minus two point zero one two and I've come up with point four nine eight inches so now I know that's why I marked it on here point four nine eight and I have the arrows to make sure that this is the down side so now I can just take this and put it on here and I can take a micrometer and I have it locked in well it was locked in it yeah four point nine eight which it's not gonna matter that much it can be four point nine nine two that's fine as long as they're all equal we'll just leave it on that as long as they're all equal it's close enough so now I'm gonna use this side of the micrometer to get the depth which this one needs to go this finger needs to go down a little bit so here let me just check this on I already checked these and one of them looks pretty good so I think it's this one here I'm gonna start on this side and I'm gonna put this in here so this one needs to be raised up quite a bit so there's a bolt on the side here use a half-inch wrench you can tighten or loosen it until it hits I could probably just weld another piece on the back of here at that measurement now then I don't have to even measure anything but for this but for right now I just I'll just go with this it's still free in there so just a little bit more tightening these little tabs here you can't adjust the bolt without taking it out so just pop them off like this kind of spring-loaded so watch out so that's how easy it can be if you let it be so I just found this to be the quickest and you know what I have that other loader that I may have to do some work like this so I don't mind welding up a tool like that there's only a couple tacks well this one I can see right off the bat it's way out of adjustment it's way too high right now you so those tabs just make it so that that bolt can't back out so this clutches already be installed I didn't see any mention of it in the book but I I'm just gonna assume that it would not be the worst thing in the world to put a little bit of oil or grease in these little slots same scenes how these spacer plates need to move inside of that I think at least some lithium grease or something would be nice and then also you want to put some spline lube or maybe even just some grease on the splines here and then this thing should be ready to go now for the brake bands these are really not in terrible shape I'm sure that I could reuse these and get the rest of the life of this machine out of it but just because I don't want to take any chances I'm gonna put some new liners on this so the company I bought this from sent me these so that brake liner should in theory just come right off think the old ones the original ones to this machine were glued on with some sort of adhesive those are a lot harder to get off these ones they're easy you just get the rivets off noticing there's a lot of junk on this so I'm gonna make sure that I wire wheel that off as you can see there's some stuff sticking up pretty good on it a lot of this stuff I'm doing here is just good measures I don't think you really have to do a lot of this stuff so I'm gonna attempt to drill through the backside to give myself the location of these existing rivet holes and if I don't have luck with that I'm just gonna drill new holes but let's just see so to bring you guys up to speed on this these are the old brake bands and I had taken the liner off and then I tried to put on this new liner and I I really didn't understand how hard this would be so to put this liner on you need to first of all line up the old holes and so I drilled through the old holes into the new ones with just like a smaller bit like a pilot bit and then I took a drill bit and I tried to countersink these holes so that they were almost at the end so that the rivets didn't start biting when this break wears down so you got a countersink these holes so that these rivets can go in and be sticking down as far as I can because otherwise you'll rub on those when you break bin liner wears out a little bit so I tried to do that and every time that I try to drill a hole it was really inconsistent and it would like try to bite too much and go down too quick or it wouldn't bite at all and then you'd try to push it down more and it would bite right through it and then I so I ended up going through like three of these and when it went right through the liner so I didn't have any you left the grab on to with the rivets and so that with the fact that I couldn't get the backs of them crimped right that's a terrible job I was trying to make do with like a homemade system that I did for these rivets so I thought it was a great idea to try to realign these because I didn't have any idea how hard it would be but you know I don't give up on many things too often but this was one of those things where I was like you know what I do not want to do this again just because the stupid brake band so let me just order a new one I'll wait another week and I'll do it right because I don't want to if these are countersunk too much it doesn't even hold it at all so the next thing I know this thing will come off and could even destroy something in there and then I'd have to take this whole thing apart again and I don't do that so I just ordered new ones these are like $200 for a new one so here's the new one and these actually have more rivets in them too now that I'm looking at them but it's the same material that's in here which is like this like fiber material that's got some sort of metal in it and here's the new ones that I was trying to put on and this is like not what you would think it would be it's not it's not like drum brakes on a car it's it's it's almost like a cloth material it's really weird but you can see it's got a little strands of metal in it too but anyways so now I got these these are like $200 and it was well worth it the liners were $60 but I had no idea how hard it would be to do that so I just got to put these together real quick I was using this on the backside of these rivets to bend them over and so the rivets like this and then on the backside I hit it like this but it's the right idea but it's not very accurate because this thing can go to the side or get cocked like that a little bit and then it just favors one side more than the other as I'm putting this together I'm gonna try to put some brake lubricant on everything I was gonna use never cease but I don't really know how hot it's supposed to get I think this stuff is good for like 2,500 or 3,000 degrees can you throw out bearing on it for some reason there was a bolt missing on the bottom of this and so I put a new one on here I had to basically take a longer one and cut it down so that the smooth shank is here instead of the threads so I don't know why that one was missing and if you don't have it in there I don't even know how it works so I don't even know how it was ever working and I didn't see any bolts on the bottom of the case so I'm not really sure what's going on with that but in any case there's a bolt in there now so [Music] see that spring puts tension on this and you're supposed to do the same thing on the bottom there's another spring on the bottom but again that bolt wasn't in there so I don't even know how that was even working but you can't even see it but you can feel for it so I just flipped it on there and until you do that you only have half the spring pressure and see now there's a lot of pressure on that because there's two Springs so if you only have the top spring on then that's only half the pressure that's the return pressure for it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] put the shaft through make sure that this end is end that accepts the pilot bearing now let's do the clutch so now I just got to get it into the gear housing there I'm gonna go ahead and put my lower brake pin release spring in now I gotta spin this about I don't know almost 90 degrees it's on the bottom there's a little clip you gotta make sure you clip this thing on there otherwise you won't have any return on these brake bands so then you got this set screw on that shaft you got to make sure that you make it into the groove before you set that so you gotta wiggle it around and look at it before you even set it because you don't want to just set it against just straight up metal there's a groove for it so once that one shaft is in there there's another shaft on the outside you have to put it it's much bigger and that goes to this housing right here there's a pilot bearing that goes right on the end of that shaft [Music] [Music] [Music] now that much assembly is supported because it's got the two shafts going through it that are aligning it right now so now you can take off your support and spin around the brake band all I used for this was just a set of scaffolding that I could just attach this come along to I just didn't have a machine right here that I could use right now so I just set up this and it worked pretty good so I would say it it's pretty important to put that spring on the bottom there and it's something that again you can't see it you gotta feel your way around but if if you do it before this whole assembly on right here then it's easy to do this gets threaded into the brake band on the one side this pin right here holds the other end of this break band so now that break is on there just needs to be adjusted [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] when I took this clutch housing cover off there was no return spring on the top side of the brake band and really all that does is at all times it's pulling back on this brake band which the separation between the brake bands is right there so you're like pulling back on it which is releasing it more that way it doesn't drag from gravity pulling it down on to the drum so naturally it'll stay just a little bit off of it until you put tension on it what I figured was I'm gonna get these covers back on get it all waterproof and then I'm gonna pressure wash this all out get this nice and clean and then I want to paint it things up while I have everything apart I want this thing to look pristine when it's done this one over here had a little bit of brake being applied but only from the foot because the foot was adjusted right but the the lever for the clutch lever the steering lever was not engaging the brake on this side plus obviously it was frozen up too so this side over here I'm hoping will be okay I'm hoping I've never had to tear into it again I did not take the clutch assembly out to inspect it I probably should have but that involves taking the track off involves a bunch of stuff I didn't really want to get involved in and I'm 99% sure that that's not necessary I'm I just needed to make some adjustments it was really out of adjustment this screw right here was about a half an inch away from there where right now it should be snug to there so that's that's the brake adjustment and this is the clutch adjustment and that's just where it engages but then you can also tighten up the brake the whole brake assembly with this bolt here and you can access that from the side so all the adjustments that I can do for this are accessible once I put it back together so I did get it all adjusted the way I want and I'm hoping that everything will work out it seems to when you look at the differences between them they both engage at the same time but just in case they don't for some reason if something is out of adjustment still I have all the accessibility to adjust them as much as I want after the fact and it's not really that hard you just reach from the side see so that cover is off right there so you can adjust that and it's got like a bolt with a nut that has a detent in it and when the detent falls into place then it can't move and you adjust it accordingly to that but you can access it easily even with the tracks on and then this top plate you can also adjust things underneath of that and that's accessible to underneath the seat all you have to do is take the seat off and take those five bolts off and then you can get right to that so it's all ready to be put back together now it's just a matter of cleaning things off painting things making sure I get everything that I can while I'm right here and it's accessible you you [Music] you you [Music] you that's half-inch mild steel [Music] I wasn't having the greatest of luck trying to use a hole saw to get these cut out so I came up with this solution and it seems to be working pretty good it's just a jig that I made up for the plasma cutter so I found out that this is about the same size as a tip of the plasma cutter so these are just bushings and I welded them together and then I put a an adjustable sleeve on here kind of and then I made this little pin so all I had to do is find the center hole and then I put this pin in here drive the pin in a little bit to make it tight and then I can just spin around I made a little starting hole here and then I can start the plasma tip right there and then just spin right around with it and this is adjustable because when I originally put it in it was a little bit too far out and made this circle too big so then I put it in and now I know exactly where to set it and it provides me with a about a three and five-eighths hole because this schedule 43 inch pipe is three and a half inches on the outside so I want a little bit more than that for a wiggle room I kind of wish I could leave these on here for stacks on this thing it looks pretty cool I like that [Music] this is what I got for over here this is half inch half inch this is a three quarter inch bolt and you can still get to it from underneath here so you can take it off really the idea behind this is I'm not trying to rely on the strength of this to save the machine from flipping over because the back here I'm trying to make this much stronger than the factory so that you're really relying on these two back here to do all the work so I was just trying to get everything all mushed up and just tack welded and I think I'm pretty happy with this because you can still take out the pin for the cylinder if you need to now I'm just going to burn all this together and then I can do the same thing on the other side so I got it all assembled then tack welded the frame of it anyways you [Music] all right if you're gonna have to back up just a little bit more more yeah like that I put what I'm gonna call a canopy on this because I don't want anybody to build something from my direction and have something fail and possibly lose a life or something so I'm gonna call this not a rollover cage not rollover protection I'm just gonna call it a canopy but for my own personal self I know this will hold and I didn't really show a lot of it because it's it's not something that everybody should be doing the way that this is normally mounted would be just one bracket here with a couple of gussets going down and that's it so it would use I think it uses two bolts if you do that so the way that I did it here is I was able to use four bolts and go all the way down bring the pipe all the way through and that's I know that's gonna hold the way that I figure this is I made the back extra strong so that that will hold it from rolling over and somebody losing their life on it so the front here I made this bracket here and then I bolted it down to it which I think that would hold if it rolled over but I'm not depending on that at all I'm totally depending on the back here holding it from rolling over so my theory is that because these pipes go through these brackets and then I also have some gussets going in the side here I highly doubt that this could go anywheres and the front is just there to hold everything together it might be strong enough to hold this machine from rolling over but I'm not again I'm not depending on that so I also put these brackets in the front here which will help with falling limbs or a tree possibly if something was to happen it was to push weight right here it would distribute that weight over to here and it would distribute it over to there too so it would be pushing on everything at once I gave this a really quick paint job I was only able to get one gallon of this John Deere paint from the dealer that's all they had and it's like $100 for the gallon too so I did it quickly and I didn't get everything I was gonna paint the the pads too but I just ran out so what I did is I tried to paint everything else except for the track in the chain and then I use the Ferguson grey on the canopy [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] you so I got this spot over here I just want to push this so it's flat I got this pile here because a couple years ago we dug this to put some fish in but now I'm gonna fill this all in so I'm just gonna push this pile into it and I got some other piles over there problem drainage ditches stuff right here I'm just gonna quickly push this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so overall I'm pretty happy with this machine I paid $3,500 for it I've got about 1500 into it and maybe a week if I count like a day each weekend or something so I guess I got 5 grand into it plus my time it's not too bad I've I'm actually quite surprised on how good these hold their value I've seen a lot of them for sale for 15 grand some of them are 10 grand and if they have problems maybe a little less but in good shape which I would consider this almost get in there they're going for about 15 grand I've seen ones that look a lot worse than this for 15 so this is I think it's like a 68 or 69 the first JD the straight 450 is somewhere in the late 60s early 70s so overall and it weighs about 8 tons so overall this is a this is a good experience for me because I've never had a dozer I'm just still learning how to operate it honestly but I think it does pretty well I would have never got it if it had a straight blade on it the only reason I really got it was because I had the six-way blade on it if it wasn't for that I wouldn't even been interested so like I said I didn't really show a lot of this canopy being made because I think it's dangerous for somebody like an average person to try to do this because you're relying on that like if you ever flip over your your life is relying on that so I didn't really want to instruct people of how to do something really dangerous like that but I'll tell you what I got another machine to do this on this is that track loader that I had at the beginning of the video I got him bolt at the same time because they were they were only about 10 miles apart I had to go about 60 miles to get both of these but they were pretty close to each other so I paid well actually I traded my motorcycle for this I had a CBR 600 at 4i and I just traded it for this and I only paid $1,500 for that motorcycle so this guy was asking 2500 for this and this is a 450 B so it's a little bit newer I think it's like a 74 so I'm gonna be doing a canopy for this one too maybe by that point I'll call it rollover protection I'm not sure I was gonna test the canopy that I have that I built and see if I can use this machine to tip that machine kind of on its side but not to the point where it goes like all the way over I just I just want to see if everything is strong enough to at least tip it up on its side and then maybe I'll feel better about telling you guys what I did with it so this one's the mounts on the back are gonna be exactly the same but the mounts on the front are gonna be different because I'm gonna be welding to this arm right here and basically it's just a massive amount of Steel right there I'm not sure if that's completely solid steel right there but if it is it's good it's two two and a half inches thick so I got a attach to that and then on the back it'll be the same and then on the front maybe I'll do the same thing to put those cross praises in I actually think I might have more use for this in the current situation that I'm in with a few jobs then I will the dozer the dozer is good for this property but on the jobs I think this actually could go there first and get more used so I'm gonna get on fixing this [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Jesse Muller
Views: 2,257,621
Rating: 4.7913733 out of 5
Keywords: dozer, jd 450, jd 450 straight, bulldozer, steering clutches, rollover cage, rollover protection, canopy, andrew camarata, excavation, pushing dirt, repair dozer
Id: a5r34ZZAcEI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 57sec (6057 seconds)
Published: Sun May 10 2020
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