What To Look For When Buying a Forklift | Toyota 8FDU30

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all right lots of videos out there on what to look for when you're buying a used car but kevin just bought this forklift and spent more on it than i did my last car and my car put together the saturn your car didn't up the ante a whole lot anyway what to look for when you're buying a used forklift here we go [Music] all right kevin what's going on with the forklift what's going on well so i was in the market for a forklift was using this kit steer for everything and it was getting a little sketchy holding things up crawling out of the other thing and i thought well let's get a little safer and actually get a forklift so we started looking and of course we started with cheap forklifts like what rich has in his property and then we ended up with this one so quite a bit more money but i wanted something that would lift at least six thousand pounds i looked at an eight thousand but it was physically bigger and i wanted to be a little bit handy yet i wanted it to have uh the pneumatic tires on it it's going to be living this life outside a lot on the driveway stuff those tiny little tires yeah they're good on pavement and concrete but that's about it and then when i got looking i found that i could get one of the diesel engine so then that was awesome it's like my barbecue every time i run out of propane my spare tanks are all empty too so i'm like well that's going to be the exact same thing with the forklift so as soon as you need it get it real and i have diesel on the farm so diesel just made sense so you you bought this from friends so we're not worried about trying to find everything that's wrong with it but there is a lot of things to consider when you're buying a fork with one uh what is it being used for and making sure that it fits your needs so tires even people don't think you need mark free tires on right right because the other one i was looking at had the mark free tires on it but that's me i don't know i don't care my forklift smaller tires soon as there's like snow you just sit there and spin you're stuck right this one's got a little bit better ground clearance right we're going over some bumps i kind of wanted side shift uh fork positioners would have been really cool but this one doesn't have it so that was not on the had to have list obviously i was looking at any forklift uh toyota's got a good name i think so does heister and yale are pretty popular and there's some other ones too but yeah i don't really know what's the best out there like what's the uh what's the john deere forklifts i have no idea that could come down to who is your closest dealer and where can you get parts because that is important we've got toyota in hamilton serial number and whatever you've got parts the next day if you're buying one that is going to be harder to get parts for the older that it is keep that in mind too right so where i bought it from they wheel and deal used stuff and they had three or four toyotas sitting there so they they seem to like them they're like oh yeah they're awesome forklift so i took the word for it that they're awesome forklifts and they're the salesman so they're not biased at all when you are looking at a forklift first thing obviously um compare prices as to what you're getting and what is comparative in that market uh if you go to five years or newer if you're into that kind of market you're probably better off to just buy new anyway so we're looking into five years or older and trying to figure out what it's been used for before to make sure that it's still up to par so um first thing physical appearance if it's beat to crap or the paint is really faded then you know it's been used outside if it's been inside a factory you know that it's wore out because they use it all day every day um that being said most of the forklifts i looked on online ninety percent of them have been repainted and that this one's been repainted too i'm pretty sure this one looks like they've done it too this is banged up and not and not rusty or anything shown so this one's been repainted already so that anything being repainted you have no idea what's underneath so you're doing your best guess not that you're worried about things resting through it's it's the um what kind of care it had before right forklift should have some sort of maintenance record at the bare minimum and should have a safety record of being safetied annually is it annually or biannual anyway it should be a record of it's being inspected by a qualified person to make sure that it's still safe and on top of that maintenance records as to how many oil changes and how many uh services and what's been repaired on it over the course of its life once you've established that um start looking for stuff that's going to be expensive right right so this one uh has just over 2 000 hours on it which is very rare for something that's 10 years old because if they're running in uh any sort of a warehouse right they're putting close to 2000 hours a year on so okay now on a newer forklift you can also have different hour meters on it generally when the key is on the hour meter is ticking thumbs also count seat time so it doesn't add up hours unless somebody's in the seat because in the seat doing paperwork or you're taking well no i'm talking about idle hours if there's a lot of getting off and people leave it idling that's hours that that the fork the mast searing is not actually getting used there's also triggers on the throttle like how much has it been off idle just because it has 2000 hours on it doesn't necessarily mean that it's 2 000 hours of it being used as a forklift so the only thing that would get where is the engine not the transmission the mast the forks the hoses all of that stuff next thing once you figure out the hours and the amount of wear the most amount of wear is on the mast and the forks what happens is the bottom of the forks wear down because you're dragging them on the ground as you're picking up a skid the heel is the most crucial part of the fork so if you measure the width here which is not a wearing part making sure that the heel and the bottom at the back is roughly the same thickness as the forks themselves if not it's a safety thing where if you get inspected that's one of the first things they're going to do and that equals a fine here on the farm doesn't really matter nobody gets inspected and he's the only operator right and there might be some holes going on this time shortly yeah you uh as far as i know it might be different in different reasons you can't torch a hole in the fork that weakens the fork even if you put it on the end but if you drill a hole that is legal no drill even a drilled hole it's not legal because you're altering the right these things are engineered to carry so much as soon as you take some metal out of the tip now that now you've put a hole in right you have to weaken that tip and you get the tip could break up right so no holes okay that that's you guys can comment down below as the i thought you could drill and not torch i haven't seen one yet on a farm that does not have a hole the first thing i did i got to move wagons yeah so right after that definitely check out the mast hoses are a clear sign there was a little weather crack a little uh a little soft that might come and nip you eventually you want to check out the chains if it only ever went say to the height of a truck because it unloaded a truck and loaded then um the mast isn't gonna show anywhere but your chains are never gonna get used either so you could have seized links if they didn't lubricate it properly yeah these these so this is the first stage chain they're fine these second stage change here you look at them they're in a few spots here you can see they're a little bit stuck so you see how the chains are going straight and then this one's a little bit crooked meaning that this one is uh tight and that happens when you don't constantly use that chain by putting it in the second and the third stage or you're they're not lubricating it enough you also want to check out these wheels make sure that they're not spread out and that these chains which get all the work the links that go on the pulley at the say between three feet and lower aren't completely worn out because they do all the work constantly a good indication of that is to make sure that chain's not stretched at all that you don't see shiny steel where it's actually so sloppy that it's moving back and forth that you probably see on my forklift and and that the the length of the chain here the gap between the links is no more on a highly used part compared to a part that doesn't get used as much going around the rollers [Music] those cylinders on this one have some hitting on them especially on the main one here you can see it's quite pitted and rusted so uh i didn't know that before i bought it and the price did reflect that they don't leak though because the cylinders they're only oil on the bottom so as long as your piston seals are doing their job you're not going to have oil leaking out of here because there's no oil on the top and that is part of the reason why they pit because they're not getting an oil when they go to get they're always dry someday they will leak and i will have to fix them which is not the end of the world there is lots of companies that rebuild the cylinders well you can get them re-chrome too these hoses here you can see they're in rough shape but that's for the side shift so it's not like they're gonna blow and everything's gonna come falling down so we can live with those for another decade decade i don't know a little while let's be honest another really expensive thing on the forklifts we used to service the ones for uh local businesses and that is the steering that can add up real fast three four thousand dollars in uh and steering drag links and tie rod ends and that goes very quick so back here one a good sign is grease hanging off of everything um that shows that they actually took care of it that was on a regular maintenance schedule jacking up the forklift and wiggling the tires making sure that these bushings are not worn so this is a pin called your kingpin that holds your tire on that has to be tight without the forklift running just do the steering wheel jiggle and make sure that like you see a little bit of play here and then a little bit of play this one's not this one's fine and then any any other ones that are all along the problem is when you have four or five steering joints that are all connected and they all have a tiny bit of wear then you start doing this inspectors don't like that but again perfect unit for something like this because you're only using it say 20 hours a year just for when you need to unload and load things right i also want to check out your pivot back here you don't want that falling over so your back axle is able to go with the contour of the ground jack it up so there's no weight on it and then pry bars and jacks just to make sure there's no play the exact same play that you would see here on this pin it's just the other pin is this way and it and it rotates the axle tires are a huge thing as well you'll see a pile of tires with the split ring called the widowmakers so don't attempt to try and repair your own tire unless you know exactly what you're doing they're called widowmakers for a reason and that's because one ring holds in another ring and if they don't lock properly it becomes kind of a bomb so really blow it up they take out arms legs heads yeah if they don't do that uh the explosion's loud enough to uh do some head damage too um and we've seen uh we've seen a guy in town do with that actually a forklift is basically a triangle you've got two front tires that are solid and then a pivot at the back and the higher that your mast goes the smaller that triangle gets and the more tippy your machine is so this has an sas system yeah so i did a little research on that calling what is that so it's a stability actuator system assist system or something assist system maybe anyway so it has sensors in it so if it starts to go a little off the level or off center center then it'll lock this there's a cylinder down here that'll lock your uh pivot so instead of being a triangle now you're gonna square we don't know how to test that if that works or not maybe maybe run run into the top with uh with a loader tractor and tip it over and see if that thing actually locks up or not but something to uh to look into when you're buying and the other thing it does is if you are tipping your forks forward because that changes your load especially if you're high it slows down if it senses you're not level it'll slow down the rate at what you can tip your forks and that's specific to certain forklifts and i'm sure that implemented after most of the new retailers have it on there so that's just another great electrical nightmare that will probably haunt me in five years yep this one also has a button that puts the mass level in case you're carrying water yeah so if you're tipping it forward you press that button and it'll stop level [Music] okay that's pretty simple yeah other than that if you look at what to look for when you're buying a used diesel make sure there's no smoke coming out of the exhaust when it's warm funny noises and some misses knocks misses and leaks and that's about it yeah so this is a good old just a plain jane diesel mechanical pump no fancy electronics no fancy emissions no egr just the way we like it just the way we like it's uh easy to service air filter fuel filter and the oil filter pretty handy to get at right here i've changed the oil and forklifts before which is kind of like some of these skid steers where you gotta crawl halfway in and be up to your shoulder to get the filter on and off the only catch can for the oil is like a cooking sheet yeah to catch the oil because it's so low um but that that depends on what forklift you have you've got higher carbs so yep transmission so transmission make sure that it smells good uh that it's up to the level uh keeping in mind that it's automatic so you want to check that while it's running radiator make sure that it's not all rotten that you don't all the fins are nice and straight air filter make sure that they're not super dusty if it's in a plant that does uh whatever then you know it's been in really tough working conditions make sure that the air filter is clean and maintained properly so this one had a new filter in it so i have no idea that the engine of the drivetrain is probably as expensive to fix as any other parts on a forklift right one trick somebody told me is grab the side shift lever and see how much play is in it and then check that against the other ones right because this one is going to be like used all the time and this one second and this one rarely right so if this one has the same play as these then you can say well this doesn't have a whole lot of wear in that linkage and you can see it doesn't so that two thousand hours is probably honest yeah you know if it had twenty 000 hours on it this would be pretty sloppy and then one last thing is brakes and the really uh no spongy pedal um anything like that move it and slide them on the brakes make sure they work parking brake as well um probably the most neglected one that seizes up and whatnot especially in our climates or whatever conditions but if you're using if it's coming somewhere where you're uh where they're off and on a lot the parking brake could be used quite a bit right if it was a good operator yeah it's one of those things i'll be right back and if you're safety you need the lights and the rear uh backup alarm which is likely gonna be unhooked here shortly all right guys hopefully you enjoyed that video you learned something new if kevin and i got stuff wrong or we missed something definitely comment down below um share your expertise we don't drive them all day every day we just worked on them here and there and thought we'd share our knowledge so comment what you want to see and i'll try and convince kevin to buy it so we can make a video on it because rich wants more stuff around his yard for another year and a half look look at this look at this terrigator it's in the shop everything's unhooked crane's coming thursday so now it's an actual contest to see whether he gets that done or i get the c10 driving if i can drive the c10 into the driveway he owes me a case of beer and it doesn't have to be on the road and finish he's got to drive it here yeah let's be fit it's finished enough so if i can drive that thing home with the air box on it's oh no okay if the booms open up and everything's hooked up then then it work that's good enough well then your toe rig has to work no my toe rig doesn't have to work he just has to run and drive anyway check out terrigator video we'll be coming up soon and uh check out the c10 builds it's a 64 c10 on the other channel so here we go
Channel: DGHD
Views: 64,977
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: deboss garage, Toyota 8FDU30, toyota forklift, forklift review, how to buy a forklift, used forklift, forklift maintenance, forklift maintenance checklist, buying a forklift guide, forklift how to, forklift how to operate, toyota forklift open hood, toyota 8fgu25
Id: S-uhIjlNyi0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 35sec (995 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2021
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