Parts No Longer Available... Scrapped John Deere Mini-Ex Won't Start

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/420peterpan69 📅︎︎ Dec 11 2019 🗫︎ replies
well that's pretty unique if I've ever seen it all right back DNR's yard got always got some interesting stuff coming in and they just picked this thing up and we know nothing about it but they said you think you can get it running see if we can get it running first things first it's old but it probably still has its uses it's been painted a bunch of times so the stickers are off of it somebody took the stickers off to me first impressions is some young kids and Bish's kid bought this and started making money off of it and it's spare time he thought that he would bling this thing out put checker plating over everything even though the tent itself wasn't even rotten and it's red underneath here yellow spray bombs decent job it might get cut a little bit here and there but like that's not rot and I don't know why he would do that but anyway there's some pieces missing so when we look at the engine no prop rod if you can see this the injectors are missing and the water pump system is taken apart so a water pump and fan shroud a bunch of stuff is taken off it's got a brand-new overflow tank on it which is weird makes me think that it was they thought that this bottle was cracked which is why it was leaking coolant but they changed the tank and it probably still leak coolant then they probably maybe it was wasn't running right and I imagined that they pulled the injectors and ordered new injectors new injectors in here I'm told suspicions confirmed of a young kid owning this check of the checker pleated boom box with the Clarion radio I have that exact same one welcome to the 90s sweet ten millimeter handout thermos uh where's eject oh there's injectors there there they probably ordered the injectors because it wasn't running right and then they pulled the injectors and they probably found coolant and the engine itself and that's probably why they decided to scrap it that's my diagnosis just from a quick walk around I think we're gonna try and throw those injectors in real quick we'll crank it over there's coolant and the injector holes and she's getting chopped up into tiny little bits if there's no coolant will put the injectors in see if we can get it running and then figure out what else is wrong hydraulic leagues drive motors all that fun stuff anyway let's get out but missing a key but every key for John Deere and attach these the same no that should work the older keys have the deer landing the newer ones how I'm jumping we figured but you didn't know that go to John Deere dealership buy key for three dollars and then start any piece of equipment that you made don't tell anybody that's stuff secret a newer ones the old ones three dollars okay so what we have here is a brand new rad hose because the sticker on it doesn't look roll at all I think these injectors are probably refurbished because the paint on the nuts I asked the history was on this thing and they have zero history so I do know that we just came out with these lids not too long ago within the last month or two so this thing was running a month or two ago we got another seat here injectors 520 steel tube brush which are these things to clean up the bore go take a look at the engine cylinder is not King neither that ones is nice and dry which is odd that was seeping a little bit but that's not terrible - brand-new hoses here so that would do the bucket or the pole the engine here which is a little John Deere I don't know what kind the tag is on the side down below there you see it it's John Deere because they have these square filters they did not put these away these are the holders for the injectors I only have three of them the water pump is pulled ahead and hit the rad here a little bit see that I think the cores are okay I think it just it just touched the water pump feels okay I don't feel any slop in there and this gasket is okay enough to start but the one back here is not this gaskets pooched so I can't start this thing because I am missing a beholder so do i order the gasket and a holder the oil is way too full which is odd I can't see that and there's the marks and stuff to both there which is odd too much oil is common for an injector that's fired by oil pressure not the case with these ones it's impossible guess I could take one of these off of each one and hold an injector down just to see if it'll fire batteries are dead get some cobbled up shenanigans here for blow-off why did they replace hoses why did they take the cooling apart why did they take the injectors apart and then decide to scrap it okay probably pretty Derek but this camera is pretty cool thank you see aha there's a holder so I might have to grab a little dowel but I think I'll get started okay back on track the throw the injectors in perhaps the batteries crank her over then we'll talk to the owners okay I had these two nuts machined by the machine shop to a perfect fit see that absolutely perfect surface grinder look a lot like a Milwaukee hand grinder anyway we can put them in I grab the brush I don't really agree with this because all you're basically doing is taking everything and shoving it into the piston buddy bottom and I'd be rude not to use them I mean they're brand new we're gonna make sure that we pop these caps off and put the injector in seems like a good idea okay that's the fresh batteries in there you can't put any bigger batteries in there just a 24 volt system so positive on that side negative gets hooked up to that positive this ground goes to this switch which is your ground one of these is on I'm gonna say that's on but there's also a master disconnect down there see that so that's isolating the positive side because inside the cab I've got nothing but I also see one positive wire coming off of that and that goes to this little guy right here and I see that this fuse is like melted in you and that's definitely blown see that okay anyways blowing I need vise grips to pull that out putting the fuse in there let's see what happens there you go one okay broken one goes in there this one goes on baby let's try it now ah that's good well they lied to me he said that those batteries were good all right so the negative shut off already broke so I hooked that that wire that went to the shutoff I went straight to the battery it was bugger here I make it a pain to put this plastic thing in between so you can't take a screwdriver and jump it across so what you need to do is take two sockets and go around the corner [Music] [Music] how do you shut it up Milwaukee I know how to feel leagues but that's gonna be stupid rubbers I think that one was strep so it runs we always gotta cheat with diesels I don't think I had a little bit of an arc there but I think these this one here is stripped right here this one is stripped this is why I hate these set up because it's just the rubber o-rings the overhangs always go bad and then they leak return lines and injector line should have copper washers and you know you got a good engine that one grip that just coming out of there like there's no tomorrow I think it has a little pick I'm gonna go from there all right so back on our little John Deere water pump off I think we have some gaskets and [Music] okay so we got the wrong parts but basically the machine is too old and I did give the guys this number see that no apparently it doesn't come up in the system anymore because it's too old even though it I think the controls are still electronic I can't see it can't see it being that old but anyway I gotta take the water pump off and send them the t-fitting and then they can just match it up there and then I won't leave without the right part so here we go all right back again Sun still shining and I'm still smiling got the right parts most of them this time I sent the water pump to the guy at North tracks because he said the numbers are too old and they don't have it in the system anymore which is not uncommon actually I know companies like Volvo after 10 years they stopped making parts for machinery like this so same with the man left 10 years or older it's not reliable enough it's not safe enough get rid of it and they don't encourage guys like me or you to fix it but I'm encouraging you to fix stuff like this because it still has some life in it so we had to do was give him the water pump and then they matched up the gasket because the gasket was wrong the parts guy sent me an exploded view and it looked correct the gasket was just off slightly so the guys get behind that plate was correct and the thermostat was correct but the water pump itself was no so what I did was I sent them one of everything that I needed and a lot of these little T fittings were stripped I don't you can see the threads are stripped so I said give me one of each of these in the bag and bring back everything that I sent you but somebody did this to the bag see that and the guy that picked up the parts he lost the dowels or underneath the ejector hold down clamp he put this at the bag for me so no better off my nut that I ground but we'll make it work anyway I did get some new tees which is fantastic so I got new teams new furrows we're good to go basically these ones we're okay we'll put the rest of the t-zone for the water pump back together again and then fire it up here we go these things are fairly flexible so there's really no right and wrong way to put them on just put them on suck them up don't over tighten them if they leak the leak when you give you tighten them a touch more not my favorite design because rubber goes hard and they leak so the copper washers are a much better system but this was lit was you have seen me use this stuff before the spray gasket it's just a nice little coating to put on top of your already gasket just seals up any imperfections no that's it for a couple minutes and put it together here we go okay we need the fan shroud need the finger guard thermostat housing fan fan belts these injectors were bought October 22nd 2018 so almost to the day a year ago it's been sitting almost just almost here while they dragged it over here they popped some hoses loose just to get the boom in and yeah I should fire right up that diesel although I might have to take out all that diesel and swap that over because you know it's been sitting for you new thermostat and gasket I have to put it on this leg because I ripped the whole and not pant climbing up and down that'd be embarrassing I don't want the internet to see that now I can do this to my pants because they're old these pants will be on eBay check the listings always start by adding just water to the radiator that way if there's a leak or the drain is open then we can find that out pretty easy I mean we could look to see if the drain is open but that's a lot of extra work okay it's all kind of back together again we've got everything buttoned up under there unfortunately I do have one little coolant leak from the radiator but we're gonna do is drive it to the front there if it'll start [Music] bring it to the front and then get the hydraulic go check all the levels and so we're we're closer to pool [Music] [Applause] because the dial is wrong or the hole I'll see what they want to do make sure that that rat isn't leaking [Music] it does sound when you rev it up you got enough fuel in there it is running I'm out for a film four cylinders I think it's got some wiring issues the undercarriage is generally placed in pretty good shape so you can see when you're looking at an excavator you want to check to make sure that the teeth aren't super sharp because this is where it's where it'll wear and then you want to make sure that this wheel isn't all the way forward and it's got a it's got a ways to go yet before it's at its end because as the chains wear this wheel will come out so there's a grease fitting you pump it up there's a cylinder in there and it'll push this out to get the right tension on the track so this undercarriage is in decent shape it's not leaking out of these cylinders that one's seeping a little bit but the the top one and the bucket are actually in really good shape so if they can get the leaks figured out on the engine and maybe hook up a mechanical oil gauge and a mechanical temperature gauge in there okay so I did end up finding the right hold down clamps and bolt and dowel but I didn't have my camera with me I had the parts in the truck I swung by I threw them in the issue at this place is I can never find decent batteries it's cold and the other really nice thing about this place is that they have their own mechanic so it's nice working with being in our cuz they call up say hey we got something in the yard you want to take a look at it see if it's worth saving or not we don't charge it much because we enjoy doing this and you guys enjoy watching this hopefully it sucks for them to pay their mechanic to diagnose it without knowing any of the history on it spend a day on it only to realize that the thing is a pile of garbage anyway while there's other good stuff that needs to be fixed this thing was right on the borderline we knew definitely something was taken apart but we don't know why it probably has an overheating issue might have a head gasket issue and the injectors were out so we got it running put the cooling system back together again and realize the hydraulics work it moves so from here we're done we're gonna let Randy take a look at it he's gonna make it so it shuts off he's gonna put the air system back on again and get it running the way it should as an old tired machine that otherwise would have just got scrapped this one's gonna go to the owners cottage I believe it's gonna work a few hours on a Saturday digging a little bit here doing a little bit of that it probably needs another hour of maintenance for every three hours that it has running which is perfect because that's the amount of time it takes to cool down because probably has a cooling issue hopefully you guys enjoy watching these videos we got lots more cool stuff coming up at the other scrapyard got some lots of old cool cars and bulldozers or stuff we're gonna get running but it's cold so I'm gonna go inside because I'm kind of used to buy heated floors now so join our Facebook group we've got a website coming out that we're pretty excited about stick around for that and remember you're not filthy then you're probably driving an easy car here we go [Music]
Views: 548,926
Rating: 4.9479351 out of 5
Keywords: john deere, mini ex, mini excavator, mini excavator john deere, will not start, no start, john deere green, john deere tractors, john deere mini excavator, john deere excavator
Id: eJCx7M3jBes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 42sec (1182 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 11 2019
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